- show bgp
- show bgp community
- show bgp community-list
- show bgp extcommunity
- show bgp extcommunity-list
- show bgp neighbors
- show bgp sessions
- show bgp statistics
- show ip bgp
- show ip bgp all
- show ip bgp community
- show ip bgp community exact-match
- show ip bgp community-list
- show ip bgp dampening
- show ip bgp extcommunity
- show ip bgp extcommunity-list
- show ip bgp filter-list
- show ip bgp flap-statistics
- show ip bgp neighbors
- show ip bgp nexthop
- show ip bgp nexthop-database
- show ip bgp paths
- show ip bgp peer-policy
- show ip bgp peer-session
- show ip bgp peer-template
- show ip bgp prefix-list
- show ip bgp received-paths
- show ip bgp route-map
- show ip bgp summary
- show ip community-list
- show ip prefix-list
- show mac-list
- show vrf
- show vrf detail
- show vrf interface
Show Commands
This chapter describes the Cisco NX-OS Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) show commands.
show bgp
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes, use the show bgp command.
show bgp {all | ipv4 {unicast | multicast} [addr | prefix [longer-prefixes]] [vrf vrf-name | all]}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Use the show bgp command to display information about BGP.
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display an entry in the BGP table:
switch# show bgp ipv4 multicast
BGP routing table information for VRF default, address family IPv4 Multicast
BGP table version is 5, local router ID is
Status: s-suppressed, x-deleted, S-stale, d-dampened, h-history, *-valid, >-best
Path type: i-internal, e-external, c-confed, l-local, a-aggregate, r-redist
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete, | - multipath
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
l92.168.1.3 100 32768 i
Related Commands
clear bgp |
Clears entries in the BGP table. |
show bgp community
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that match a community, use the show bgp community command.
show bgp {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast}} community [as-number] [no-advertise] [no-export] [no-export-subconfed] [exact-match]} [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the routes that match a community:
show bgp ip multicast community no-advertise
Related Commands
ip community-list |
Creates a community list. |
show bgp community-list
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that match a community list, use the show bgp community-list command.
show bgp {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast}} community-list commlist-name [exact-match] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the routes that match a community list:
show bgp ip unicast community-list test1
Related Commands
ip community-list |
Creates a community list. |
show bgp extcommunity
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that match an extended community, use the show bgp extcommunity command.
show bgp {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast}} extcommunity 4byteas-generic {non-transitive | transitive} [as4-number] [exact-match] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the routes that match an extended community:
show bgp ip unicast extcommunity 4byteas-generic transitive 1.3:30
Related Commands
ip extcommunity-list |
Creates an extended community list. |
show bgp extcommunity-list
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that match an extended community list, use the show bgp extcommunity-list command.
show bgp {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast}} extcommunity-list commlist-name [exact-match] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the routes that match a community list:
show bgp ipv4 unicast extcommunity-list test1
Related Commands
ip extcommunity-list |
Creates an extended community list. |
show bgp neighbors
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) neighbors, use the show bgp neighbors command.
show bgp {ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} neighbors [addr [advertised-routes | flap-statistics | paths | received-routes | routes [advertised | dampened | received]]] [vrf {all | vrf-name}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP neighbors:
show bgp ip unicast neighbors
Related Commands
show ip bgp neighbors |
Displays the IPv4 BGP information. |
show bgp sessions
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) sessions, use the show bgp sessions command.
show bgp sessions [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
vrf vrf-name |
(Optional) Specifies the virtual router context (VRF) name. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 32 characters. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP sessions:
show bgp sessions
Total peers 2, established peers 0
ASN 102
VRF default, local ASN 102
peers 2, established peers 0, local router-id
State: I-Idle, A-Active, O-Open, E-Established, C-Closing, S-Shutdown
Neighbor ASN Flaps LastUpDn|LastRead|LastWrit St Port(L/R) Notif(S/R) 64497 0 01:31:58|never |never I 0/0 0/0 0 0 00:03:25|never |never I 0/0 0/0
Related Commands
clear bgp |
Clears BGP sessions. |
show bgp statistics
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) traffic statistics, use the show bgp statistics command.
show bgp statistics
Syntax Description
This command has no argument or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP traffic statistics:
show bgp statistics
Neighbor aggregated statistics (sent/received)
Msgs Bytes Opens Updates
0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0
Keepalives Notifications Route-refresh Capabilities
0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0
BGP I/O Information
Active Open attempts : 0
Passive Open attempts : 0
BGP I/O Open loops : 117
BGP I/O Open calls : 0
BGP I/O Open recv calls : 0
BGP I/O Send calls : 0
BGP I/O Recv calls : 0
BGP I/O Write calls : 0
BGP I/O Write loops : 1
BGP I/O Write loop yields : 0
BGP I/O Read calls : 0
BGP I/O Read loops : 117
BGP I/O Read loop yields : 0
BGP I/O process nlri yields : 0
BGP I/O process withdraw yields : 0
BGP Read time exceeded : 0
BGP Update send pending : 0
BGP Update buffer not available : 0
BGP Update walk suspended : 0
BGP Yielded in updates : 0
BGP Yielded in packing : 0
BGP No sendbuf for peer : 0
BGP No withdraw buf for peer : 0
BGP Yields in update peer loop : 0
No updates pending or no buffers : 1
No data to write : 1
Msg queue recv errors : 0
Sockets create/accept/close : 2/0/0
Sockets create retries/failures : 0/0
Related Commands
clear bgp |
Clears BGP sessions. |
show ip bgp
To display entries in the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) table, use the show ip bgp command.
show ip bgp [ip-addr | ip-prefix [longer-prefixes]] [received-paths] [regexp expression] [route-map map-name] [summary] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP route table:
switch(config-router)# show ip bgp
Related Commands
clear ip bgp |
Clears entries in the BGP route table. |
show ip bgp all
To display the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) entries for all address families, use the show ip bgp all command.
show ip bgp all [ip-addr | ip-prefix [longer-prefixes]] [filter-list list-name] [community-list commlist-name [exact-match]] [flap-statistics] [nexthop-database] [received-paths] [regexp expression][route-map map-name] [summary] [vrf {vrf-name | all}]
show ip bgp all community [comm-name] [{{internet | no-advertise | no-export | no-export-subconfed} | exact-match}] [vrf {vrf-name | all}]
show ip bgp all extcommunity 4byteas-generic {non-transitive | transitive} [as4-number] [exact-match] [vrf {vrf-name | all}]
show ip bgp all dampening {dampened-paths [regexp expression] | flap-statistics | history-paths [regexp expression] | parameters} [vrf {vrf-name | all}]
show ip bgp all neighbors [ip-addr [advertised-routes | flap-statistics | paths | received-routes | routes [advertised | dampened | received]]] [vrf {vrf-name | all}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP entries for all address families:
switch# show ip bgp all
BGP routing table information for VRF default, address family IPv4 Multicast
BGP table version is 5, local router ID is
Status: s-suppressed, x-deleted, S-stale, d-dampened, h-history, *-valid, >-best
Path type: i-internal, e-external, c-confed, l-local, a-aggregate, r-redist
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete, | - multipath
Network Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Path
l92.168.1.3/2 100 32768 i
This example shows how to display a summary of the state of the BGP route table:
switch# show ip bgp all summary
BGP summary information for VRF default, address family IPv4 Multicast
BGP router identifier, local AS number 102
BGP table version is 5, IPv4 Multicast config peers 2, capable peers 0
1 network entries and 1 paths using 104 bytes of memory
BGP attribute entries [1/124], BGP AS path entries [0/0]
BGP community entries [0/0], BGP clusterlist entries [0/0]
Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 4 64497 0 0 0 0 0 03:20:10 Idle 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 01:51:38 Idle
Related Commands
clear ip bgp |
Clears entries in the BGP route table. |
show ip bgp community
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that match a community list, use the show ip bgp community command.
show ip bgp community {community-number] [{internet | no-advertise | no-export | no-export-subconfed}} [vrf {vrf-name | all}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the routes that are part of the 201 BGP community:
switch# show ip bgp community 201
This example shows how to display the routes that are part of the no-advertise BGP community and all VRF:
switch# show ip bgp community no-advertise
Related Commands
show ip bgp community exact-match
To display routes that matches a specific Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) community, use the show ip bgp community exact-match command.
show ip bgp community community-number exact-match [vrf {all | vrf-name}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the routes that have exactly the same specified BGP communities:
switch# show ip bgp community 201 exact-match
Related Commands
show ip bgp community-list
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that are permitted by the BGP community list, use the show ip bgp community-list command.
show ip bgp [ipv4 {unicast | multicast} | all] community-list commlist-name [exact-match]} [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display routes that match a community list:
show ip bgp community-list test1
Related Commands
ip community-list |
Creates a community list. |
show ip bgp dampening
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) dampening information, use the show ip bgp dampening command.
show ip bgp [ipv4 {unicast | multicast} | all] dampening {dampened-paths [regexp expression] | flap-statistics | history-paths [regexp expression] | parameters} [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the dampening information:
show ip bgp dampening dampened-paths
Related Commands
address-family (BGP router) |
Configures BGP parameters. |
dampening (BGP) |
Configures the route flap dampening. |
show ip bgp extcommunity
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that match an extended community, use the show ip bgp extcommunity command.
show ip bgp extcommunity generic {non-transitive | transitive} [as4-number] [exact-match] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display routes that match an extended community:
show ip bgp extcommunity generic transitive 1.3:30
Related Commands
ip extcommunity-list |
Creates an extended community list. |
show ip bgp extcommunity-list
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that match an extended community list, use the show ip bgp extcommunity-list command.
show ip bgp extcommunity-list commlist-name [exact-match] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display routes that match a community list:
show ip bgp extcommunity-list test1
Related Commands
ip extcommunity-list |
Creates an extended community list. |
show ip bgp filter-list
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that match a filter list, use the show ip bgp filter-list command.
show ip bgp filter-list list-name [exact-match] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display routes that match a filter list:
show ip bgp filter-list test1
Related Commands
filter-list |
Assigns an autonomous system (AS) path filter to a BGP peer. |
show ip bgp all |
Displays the BGP entries for all address families. |
show ip bgp flap-statistics
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) flap statistics, use the show ip bgp flap-statistics command.
show ip bgp flap-statistics [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
vrf vrf-name |
(Optional) Specifies the virtual router context (VRF) name. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 32 characters. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the flap statistics:
show ip bgp flap-statistics
Related Commands
clear bgp flap-statistics |
Clears BGP route flap statistics. |
show ip bgp neighbors
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) neighbors, use the show ip bgp neighbors command.
show ip bgp neighbors [addr [advertised-routes | flap-statistics | paths | received-routes | routes [advertised | dampened | received]]] [vrf {all | vrf-name}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP neighbors:
show ip bgp neighbors
Related Commands
neighbor |
Configures BGP neighbors. |
show ip bgp nexthop
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) next-hop information, use the show ip bgp nexthop command.
show ip bgp nexthop addr [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
addr |
IPv4 address. The format is x.x.x.x |
vrf vrf-name |
(Optional) Specifies the virtual router context (VRF) name. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 32 characters. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP next-hop information:
show ip bgp nexthop
Related Commands
show ip bgp neighbors |
Displays BGP neighbor information. |
show ip bgp nexthop-database
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) next-hop database, use the show ip bgp nexthop-database command.
show ip bgp nexthop-database [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
vrf vrf-name |
(Optional) Specifies the virtual router context (VRF) name. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 32 characters. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP next-hop database:
show ip bgp nexthop-database
Related Commands
show ip bgp neighbors |
Displays BGP neighbor information. |
show ip bgp paths
To display all the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) paths in the database, use the show ip bgp paths command.
show ip bgp paths
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP paths in the database:
show ip bgp paths
Address Hash Refcount Metric Path
0x5a5e46bc 2001 1 0 i
Related Commands
show ip bgp peer-policy
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peer policy template information, use the show ip bgp peer-policy command.
show ip bgp peer-policy name
Syntax Description
name |
Name of a BGP template. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 63 characters. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP peer policy:
show ip bgp peer-policy test1
Related Commands
inherit peer-policy |
Inherits a peer policy template for a neighbor. |
template peer-policy |
Configures a peer policy template. |
show ip bgp peer-session
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peer session template information, use the show ip bgp peer-session command.
show ip bgp peer-session name
Syntax Description
name |
Name of a BGP template. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 63 characters. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP peer session:
show ip bgp peer-session test1
Related Commands
inherit peer-session |
Inherits a peer session template for a neighbor. |
template peer-session |
Configures a peer session template. |
show ip bgp peer-template
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peer template information, use the show ip bgp peer-template command.
show ip bgp peer-template name
Syntax Description
name |
Name of a BGP template. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 63 characters. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP peer template:
show ip bgp peer-template peer1
Related Commands
inherit peer-template |
Inherits a peer template for a neighbor. |
template peer |
Configures a peer template. |
show ip bgp prefix-list
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that match a prefix list, use the show ip bgp prefix-list command.
show ip bgp prefix-list list-name [exact-match] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display routes that match a prefix list:
show ip bgp prefix-list test1
Related Commands
maximum-prefix |
Controls the number of prefixes that can be received from a BGP neighbor. |
show ip bgp received-paths
To display the routes received from a Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peer, use the show ip bgp received-paths command.
show ip bgp received-paths [vrf vrf-name | all]
Syntax Description
vrf vrf-name |
(Optional) Specifies the virtual router context (VRF) name. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 32 characters. |
all |
(Optional) Specifies all VRF. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the received routes from a BGP peer:
show ip bgp received-paths
Related Commands
show ip bgp neighbors |
Displays BGP neighbor information. |
show ip bgp route-map
To display the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) route maps from the BGP table, use the show ip bgp route-map command.
show ip bgp route-map route-map-name [vrf vrf-name | all]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP route maps from the BGP table:
show ip bgp route-map
Related Commands
route-map |
Creates route maps. |
clear ip bgp |
Clear BGP routes from the BGP table. |
show ip bgp summary
To display the status of all Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) connections, use the show ip bgp summary command.
show ip bgp summary [vrf vrf-name | all]
Syntax Description
vrf vrf-name |
(Optional) Specifies the virtual router context (VRF) name. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 32 characters. |
all |
(Optional) Specifies all VRF. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the status of BGP connections:
show ip bgp summary
Related Commands
maximum-prefix |
Controls the number of prefixes that can be received from a BGP neighbor. |
router bgp |
Assigns an autonomous system (AS) number to a router. |
show ip community-list
To display community lists for the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), use the show ip community-list command.
show ip community-list [name]
Syntax Description
name |
(Optional) Name of the community list. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 63 characters. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
show ip prefix-list
To display prefix lists for the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), use the show ip prefix-list command.
show ip prefix-list [name]
Syntax Description
name |
(Optional) Name of community list. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 63 characters. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the prefix lists:
switch(config)# show ip prefix-list
Related Commands
ip prefix-list |
Configures a BGP prefix list. |
show mac-list
To display the entries in a MAC list, use the show mac-list command.
show mac-list [name]
Syntax Description
name |
(Optional) MAC list name. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 32 characters. |
Command Default
No match values are defined.
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise license.
This example shows how to display information about the Red MAC list:
switch(config)# show mac-list Red
Related Commands
mac-list |
Creates a MAC list. |
match mac-list |
Matches a MAC address in a MAC list. |
show vrf
To display the virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instances, use the show vrf command.
show vrf
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command does not require a license.
This example shows how to display the VRF instances configured on the switch:
switch# show vrf
VRF-Name VRF-ID State Reason
default 1 Up --
management 2 Up --
Related Commands
vrf |
Configures a VRF instance. |
vrf context |
Creates a VRF instance. |
vrf member |
Adds an interface to a VRF. |
show vrf detail
To display the detailed information of virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instances, use the show vrf detail command.
show vrf detail
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
By default, this command displays the detailed information of the default VRF and management VRF.
This command does not require a license.
This example shows how to display the detailed information of VRF instances configured on the switch:
switch# show vrf detail
VRF-Name: default, VRF-ID: 1, State: Up
Table-ID: 0x80000001, AF: IPv6, Fwd-ID: 0x80000001, State: Up
Table-ID: 0x00000001, AF: IPv4, Fwd-ID: 0x00000001, State: Up
VRF-Name: management, VRF-ID: 2, State: Up
Table-ID: 0x80000002, AF: IPv6, Fwd-ID: 0x80000002, State: Up
Table-ID: 0x00000002, AF: IPv4, Fwd-ID: 0x00000002, State: Up
Related Commands
vrf |
Configures a VRF instance. |
vrf context |
Creates a VRF instance. |
vrf member |
Adds an interface to a VRF. |
show vrf interface
To display the virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) information for interfaces, use the show vrf interface command.
show vrf interface [mgmt mgmt-number | vlan vlan-ID]
Syntax Description
Command Default
All interfaces
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
6.0(2)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command does not require a license.
This example shows how to display the VRF information for all configured interfaces:
switch# show vrf interface
Interface VRF-Name VRF-ID
Vlan1 default 1
Vlan5 default 1
loopback1 default 1
mgmt0 management 2
This example shows how to display the VRF information for management interfaces:
switch# show vrf interface mgmt 0
Interface VRF-Name VRF-ID
mgmt0 management 2
This example shows how to display the VRF information for VLAN interfaces:
switch# show vrf interface vlan 1
Interface VRF-Name VRF-ID
Vlan1 default 1
Related Commands
vrf member |
Adds an interface to a VRF. |