Secure Firewall Threat Defense Device Metrics Collected by the Secure Firewall Management Center Health Monitor
The device health monitor includes an array of key threat defense device metrics that serve to predict and respond to system events. The health of any threat defense device can be determined by these reported metrics. This document provides a list of all the health monitor dashboards and the reported metrics.
CPU Group Metrics
The health monitor tracks statistics related to the CPU utilization, including the CPU usage by process and by physical cores.
Metric |
Description |
Format |
Control Plane |
The average CPU utilization for the control plane, for the last one minute. |
percentage |
Data Plane |
The average CPU utilization for the data plane, for the last one minute. |
percentage |
Snort |
The average CPU utilization for the Snort process, for the last one minute. |
percentage |
System |
The average CPU utilization for the system processes, for the last one minute. |
percentage |
Physical cores |
The average CPU utilization for all the cores, for the last one minute. |
percent |
Memory Group Metrics
The health monitor tracks statistics related to the device memory utilization, including data plane and Snort memory usage.
Metric |
Description |
Format |
Buffer cache |
The buffer cache. |
bytes |
Free |
The total free memory. |
bytes |
Maximum Data Plane |
The maximum memory used by the data plane. |
bytes |
Maximum Snort |
The maximum memory used by the Snort process. |
bytes |
Maximum Swap for Snort |
The maximum swap memory used by the Snort process. |
bytes |
Remaining Memory Block (1550) |
The free memory in a 1550 byte block. |
number |
Remaining Memory Block (256) |
The free memory in a 256 byte block. |
number |
System Used |
The total memory used by the system. |
bytes |
Total |
The total memory available. |
bytes |
Total Swap |
The total memory available for swap. |
bytes |
Data Plane |
The total memory used by the data plane. |
bytes |
Percent Used by Data Plane |
The percent of memory used by the data plane. |
percent |
Percent Used by Snort |
The percent of memory used by the Snort process. |
percent |
Percent Used for Swap |
The percent of memory used for swap. |
percent |
Percent Used by System |
The percent of memory used by the system. |
percent |
Percent Used by System and Swap |
The percent of memory used by the system and swap combined. |
percent |
Snort |
The total memory used by the Snort process. |
bytes |
Used Swap |
The total memory used for swap. |
bytes |
Used Swap by Snort |
The total swap memory used by the Snort process. |
bytes |
Interface Group Metrics
The health monitor tracks statistics related to the device interfaces, including the interface status and aggregate traffic statistics.
Metric |
Description |
Format |
Drop Packets |
The number of packets dropped. |
number |
Average Input Packet Size |
The average size of incoming packets. |
bytes |
Input Rate |
The total incoming bytes. |
bytes |
Input Packets |
The total incoming packets. |
number |
Average Output Packet Size |
The average size of outgoing packets. |
bytes |
Output Rate |
The total outgoing bytes. |
bytes |
Output Packets |
The total outgoing packets. |
number |
Status |
The status of an interface; 1 for up and 0 for down. |
1 or 0 |
CRC Errors |
Total number of packets received with CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) errors. |
number |
Input Error |
Number of input errors. |
number |
Output Error |
Number of output errors. |
number |
Overrun Errors |
Number packets dropped due to input rate exceeded the receiver's capability to handle the incoming data. |
number |
Underrun Errors |
Number packet dropped due to the transmitter is running faster than the router can handle. |
number |
L2 Decode Drops |
Number of packets dropped due to name is not configured (nameif command) or a frame with an invalid VLAN id is received. |
number |
Jitter |
Variation in latency of packet flow. |
microseconds |
Mean Opinion Score (MOS) |
The measure of the quality of a connection, ranges from 0 to 5, where 5 is the best. |
0 to 5 |
Packet Loss |
Percentage of the transmitted packets not reaching the destination. |
percentage |
Round Trip Time |
Average duration between ICMP echo request and response. |
microseconds |
Connection Group Metrics
The health monitor tracks statistics related to the connections and NAT translation counts.
Metric |
Description |
Format |
Active Elephant Flows |
Shows the number of active elephant flows. Elephant flows are connections that are large enough to affect overall system performance. By default, elephant flows are those larger than 1GB/10 seconds. You can adjust the byte and time thresholds for identifying elephant flows in the threat defense CLI using the system support elephant-flow-detection command.
number |
Active connections |
Shows the number of active connections. |
number |
Peak Connections |
Shows the maximum number of simultaneous connections. |
number |
Total Connections per second |
The connections-per-second for all connection types. |
number |
TCP Connections per second |
The connections-per-second for TCP connection types. |
number |
UDP Connections per second |
The connections-per-second for UDP connection types. |
number |
Preserve Connections Enabled |
Preserves existing TCP/UDP connections on routed and transparent interfaces in case the Snort process goes down. |
number |
Connections Preserved |
Connections for which preserve-connection is currently enabled. |
number |
Preserve Connections Most Enabled |
The most number of connections ever preserved. |
number |
Peak Connections Preserved |
The most number of peak connections ever preserved. |
number |
NAT Translations |
Displays the translation count. |
number |
Peak NAT Translations |
Displays the historic maximum of concurrent translations at a time. |
number |
Snort Group Metrics
The health monitor tracks statistics related to the Snort process.
Metric |
Description |
Format |
Blocked list flows |
The number of flows from policy configuration that were dropped by Snort. |
number |
Blocked packets |
The number of blocked packets. |
number |
Denied flows |
The number of denied flow events. The data plane sends denied flow events to Snort when it decides to drop a flow before sending it to Snort. |
number |
End of flows |
The data plane sends end-of-flow events to Snort when a fast path flow ends. |
number |
Fast forwarded flows |
The number of flows that were fast forwarded by policy, and thus not inspected. |
number |
Dropped frames forwarded from the data plane |
The number of dropped frames forwarded from the data plane. |
number |
Injected packets dropped |
The number of packets that Snort added to the traffic stream that were dropped. |
number |
Injected packets |
The number of packets Snort created and added to the traffic stream. For example, if you configure a block with reset action, Snort generates packets to reset the connection. |
number |
Instances |
The number of snort instances (processes). |
number |
Packet receiving queue utilization percentage |
The queue utilization rate for the data plane receive queue. |
percent |
Packets bypassed due to Snort busy |
The number of packets that bypassed inspection when Snort was too busy to handle the packets. |
number |
Packets bypassed due to Snort down |
The number of packets that bypassed inspection when Snort was down. |
number |
Packets bypassed due to RX queue full |
The number of packets bypassed due to a receive queue full. |
number |
Packets bypassed due to TX queue full |
The number of packets bypassed due to a transmit queue full. |
number |
Passed packets |
The number of packets sent to Snort from the data plane. |
number |
Start of flows |
The number of start-of-flow events. These events help Snort keep track of the connections and report the connection events. |
number |
ASP Drop Metrics
The health monitor tracks statistics related to the the accelerated security path (ASP) dropped packets or connections.
Metric |
Description |
Format |
Connection limit exceeded |
Counts the number of flows closed when the connection limit has been exceeded. |
number |
Connection limit reached |
Counts the number of dropped packets when the connection limit or host connection limit has been exceeded. |
number |
L2 rule drop |
Counts the number of denied packets due to a Layer 2 ACL. |
number |
L2 rule VXLAN drop |
Counts the number of denied packets due to a failure to locate a VXLAN out_tag when applying Layer 2 ACL checks. |
number |
NAT reverse path failed |
Counts the number of rejected attempts to connect to a translated host using the translated host's real address. |
number |
NAT failed |
Counts the number of failed attempts to create an xlate to translate an IP or transport header. |
number |
No valid v4 adjacency |
Counts the number of dropped packets when the security appliance has tried to obtain an adjacency and could not obtain mac-address for next hop (IPv4). |
number |
No valid v6 adjacency |
Counts the number of dropped packets when the security appliance has tried to obtain an adjacency and could not obtain mac-address for next hop (IPv6). |
number |
Packet blocklisted by Snort; Packet blocked by Snort |
Counts the number of packets dropped as requested by the Snort module. |
number |
Frame drops – Snort busy; Frame drops – Snort down; Frame drops – Snort drop |
Counts the number of frames dropped as the Snort module is busy and unable to handle the frame; the Snort module is down; the Snort module requests the drop. |
number |
Dispatch queue limit reached |
Counts the number of times a device's load balance ASP dispatcher reaches its queue limit. When more packets are attempted, tail drop occurs and this counter is incremented. |
number |
Destination MAC L2 lookup failed |
Counts the number of Layer 2 destination MAC address lookups which fail. Upon the lookup failure, the appliance will begin the destination MAC discovery process and attempt to find the location of the host via ARP and/or ICMP messages. |
number |
Inspection failure |
Counts the number of times the appliance fails to enable protocol inspection carried out by the network processor for the connection. The cause could be memory allocation failure, or for ICMP error message, the appliance not being able to find any established connection related to the frame embedded in the ICMP error message. |
number |
NAT no xlate to pat pool |
Counts no pre-existing xlate found for a connection with a destination matching a mapped address in a PAT pool. |
number |
No routes to host |
Counts the number of times the security appliance tries to send a packet out of an interface and does not find a route for it in routing table. |
number |
Packet dropped as number of packet queued |
Counts the number of packets dropped when the appliance receives a retransmitted data packet that is already in the out of order packet queue. |
number |
Number of segments queued to an inspection reached limit |
For a flow, the number of packets queued to the inspector has reached the limit, thus terminating the flow. |
number |
Blocked or blocklisted by Snort |
Counts the number of times a packet is dropped as requested by the Snort module. |
number |
Packet drop silently by Snort |
Counts the number of times a packet is dropped silently as requested by the Snort module. |
number |
Un-synced first TCP packet |
Counts the number of times a non SYN packet is received as the first packet of a non intercepted and non nailed connection. |
number |
Hardware/Environment Status Metrics
The Hardware / Environment health monitor tracks statistics and collects metric values that are related to the threat defense hardware entities.
Metric |
Description |
Format |
Fan Speed |
Speed of chassis fan(s). |
Inlet Temperature |
Temperature of the inlet sensor. |
Celsius |
Internal Temperature |
Temperature of the internal sensor. |
Celsius |
Outlet Temperature |
Temperature of the outlet sensor(s). |
Celsius |
Power Supply Unit Temperature |
Temperature of the Power Supply Unit(s). |
Celsius |
Power Supply Unit Fan Speed |
Speed of Power Supply Unit fan(s). |
Power Supply Unit Input Current |
Input current of the Power Supply Unit(s). |
Ampere |
Power Supply Unit Input Voltage |
Input voltage of the Power Supply Unit(s). |
Volt |
Power Supply Unit Input Power |
Input power of the Power Supply Unit(s). |
Watt |
Power Supply Unit Input Status |
Input status of the Power Supply Unit(s). |
Boolean |
Power Supply Unit Output Power |
Output power of the Power Supply Unit(s). |
Watt |
Power Supply Unit Temperature |
Temperature of the Power Supply Unit(s). |
Celsius |
Power Supply Unit Fan Speed |
Speed of the Power Supply Unit fans(s). |
Power Supply Unit Fan Status |
Status of the Power Supply Unit fans(s). |
Boolean |
SSD1 |
Status of SSD1. |
number |
System Uptime |
Duration for which the system is active. |
seconds |
Thermal Status |
Power supply status of the device, where 1 represents up-state and 0 represents down-state. |
1 or 0 |
The availability of Hardware / Environment status metrics can vary depending on the model of the threat defense device. The following table describes the metrics available for each device model.
Metric |
1000 Series |
2100 Series |
3100 Series |
4100 Series |
4200 Series |
9300 Series |
System Uptime |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Fan Speed |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Power Supply Unit Temperature |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Power Supply Unit Fan Speed |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Power Supply Unit Fan Status |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Power Supply Unit Input Current |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Power Supply Unit Input Voltage |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Power Supply Unit Input Power |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Power Supply Unit Input Status |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Power Supply Unit Output Power |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Internal Temperature |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Inlet Temperature |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Outlet Temperature |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
SSD1 Status |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Thermal Status |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Deployed Configuration Group Metrics
The health monitor tracks statistics related to the deployed configuration, such as the number of IPS rules and the number of ACEs.
Metric |
Description |
Format |
Number of ACEs |
The number of access control entries (ACE), or rules. An access control list (ACL) is composed of one or more ACEs. |
number |
Number of rules |
The number of rules in an intrusion policy. |
number |
Disk Group Metrics
The health monitor tracks statistics related to the device disk usage, including the disk size and disk utilization per partition.
Metric |
Description |
Format |
Total |
The total size of the device disk. |
bytes |
Used |
The total space used on the device disk. |
bytes |
Used Percentage by /ngfw |
The percent of disk space used by the /ngfw partition. |
percentage |
Used Percentage by /ngfw/Volume |
The percent of disk space used by the /ngfw/Volume partition. |
percentage |
Used Percentage by /dev/cgroups |
The percent of disk space used by the /dev/cgroups partition. |
percentage |
Used Percentage by /mnt/disk0 |
The percent of disk space used by the /mnt/disk0 partition. |
percentage |
Used Percentage by /var/volatile |
The percent of disk space used by the /var/volatile partition. |
percentage |
Critical Process Group Metrics
The health monitor tracks statistics related to process restarts for managed processes. In addition, for each critical process, the health monitor tracks CPU utilization, memory utilization, uptime, and status.
Metric |
Description |
Format |
CPU utilization |
The CPU utilization for the process since the start of the process. |
percent |
Restart count |
Number of times the process has restarted since the threat defense device boot up. Note that if the process restarts too frequently, the restart count metric may not reflect the exact number as this metric runs for every minute. |
number |
Unexpected Restart Count |
Number of time the process has restarted unexpectedly, since the threat defensedevice boot up. |
number |
Status |
Status of the process. |
One of the following:
Uptime |
Duration for which the process is running. |
seconds |
Memory used |
RSS memory used by the process. |
bytes |
Cluster Metrics
The cluster health monitor tracks statistics that are related to a cluster and its nodes, and aggregate of load distribution, performance, and CCL traffic statistics.
Metric |
Description |
Format |
Average of CPU metrics on the nodes of a cluster (individually for data plane and snort). |
percentage |
Memory |
Average of memory metrics on the nodes of a cluster (individually for data plane and snort). |
percentage |
Data Throughput |
Incoming and outgoing data traffic statistics for a cluster. |
bytes |
CCL Throughput |
Incoming and outgoing CCL traffic statistics for a cluster. |
bytes |
Connections |
Count of active connections in a cluster. |
number |
NAT Translations |
Count of NAT translations for a cluster. |
number |
Distribution |
Connection distribution count in the cluster for every second. |
number |
Packets |
Packet distribution count in the cluster for every second. |
number |
NTP server group metric
The health monitor tracks statistics related the NTP clock synchronization status of the managed device.
Metric |
Description |
Format |
Delay |
Delay in reaching the NTP server. |
milliseconds |
Jitter |
Network latency between the device and the NTP server. |
milliseconds |
Last polled |
Time since the device's last poll to the NTP server. |
seconds |
Offset |
Time difference between the local clock and the NTP server's clock. |
seconds |
Reach |
Most recent eight NTP updates in octal number. For example, eight successful attempts is represented by 377. |
number |
Flow Offload Statistics Group Metrics
Health monitoring tracks the hardware flow offload statistics on the Threat Defense 9300 and 4100 platforms.
Metric |
Description |
Format |
In Use |
Number of flows that are offloaded at the moment. |
number |
Most Used |
Maximum number of offloaded flows seen up to now. |
number |
Number of Collision Flows |
Number of multiple flows matching the same hardware offload location at the same time. |
number |
Offload Percentage |
Percentage of total flows offloaded to the hardware at the moment. |
percentage |
Route Statistics Group Metrics
Health monitor tracks both the IPv4 and IPv6 route information from the threat defense device.
Metric |
Description |
Format |
Current IPv4 and IPv6 routes |
Count of current IPv4 and IPv6 routes. |
number |
Global IPv4 routes |
Global IPv4 routes. |
number |
Global IPv6 routes |
Global IPv6 routes. |
number |
Peak IPv4 and IPv6 routes |
Peak route count for IPv4 and IPv6. |
number |
Per VRF Total IPv4 routes |
Total number of IPv4 routes per VRF. |
number |
Per VRF Total IPv6 routes |
Total number of IPv6 routes per VRF. |
number |
VPN Group Metrics
Health monitoring tracks site-to-site and remote access VPN tunnel statistics.
Metric |
Description |
Format |
Active RA VPN Tunnels |
Number of active remote access VPN tunnels. |
number |
Active S2S VPN Tunnels |
Number of active site-to-site VPN tunnels. |
number |
Cumulative RA VPN Sessions |
Total number of remote access VPN tunnels which were active until now. |
number |
Cumulative S2S VPN Sessions |
Total number of site-to-site VPN tunnels which were active until now. |
number |
Inactive RA VPN Tunnels |
Number of inactive remote access VPN tunnels. |
number |
Peak Concurrent RA VPN Tunnels |
Peak number of remote access VPN tunnels which were simultaneously active until now. |
number |
Peak Concurrent S2S VPN Tunnels |
Peak number of site-to-site VPN tunnels which were simultaneously active until now. |
number |
AMP Connectivity Group Metrics
Health monitoring tracks the AMP cloud connectivity status from the threat defense device.
Metric |
Description |
Format |
Connection Status |
AMP cloud connection status. |
number ranging from 0 to 5 where:
AMP Threat Grid Connectivity Group Metrics
Health monitoring tracks the AMP Threat Grid cloud connectivity status from the threat defense device.
Metric |
Description |
Format |
Connection Status |
AMP Threat Grid cloud connection status. |
number ranging from 0 to 5 where:
History for Device Health Metrics
Feature |
Version |
Details |
New cluster health monitor dashboard |
7.3 |
A new dashboard to view the cluster health monitor metrics was introduced with the following components:
New/modified screens: . |
New hardware and environment status metrics to monitor power supply units (PSU) |
7.3 |
The custom metric group, Hardware / Environment Status now includes metrics to monitor the power supply units. The new metrics included PSU fan speed, PSU fan status, PSU temperature, and PSU input and output metrics.
New/modified screens: . |
Elephant Flow Detection |
7.1 |
The health monitor includes the following enhancements:
New health modules |
7.0 |
We added the following health modules:
New health modules |
6.7 |
The following metrics are added to track CPU usage:
The following metric groups are added to track device health statistics:
The following metrics are added to track memory usage: