- Securing User Services Overview
- Autosecure
- Configuring RADIUS
- AAA Dead-Server Detection
- ACL Default Direction
- Attribute Screening for Access Requests
- Enable Multilink PPP via RADIUS for Preauthentication User
- Enhanced Test Command
- Framed-Route in RADIUS Accounting
- Offload Server Accounting Enhancement
- RFC-2867 RADIUS Tunnel Accounting
- RADIUS Attribute Screening
- RADIUS Centralized Filter Management
- RADIUS Debug Enhancements
- RADIUS Logical Line ID
- RADIUS NAS-IP-Address Attribute Configurability
- RADIUS Route Download
- RADIUS Support of 56-Bit Acct Session-Id
- RADIUS Tunnel Preference for Load Balancing and Fail-Over
- RADIUS Server Reorder on Failure
- Tunnel Authentication via RADIUS on Tunnel Terminator
- RADIUS Attributes Overview and RADIUS IETF Attributes
- RADIUS Vendor-Proprietary Attributes
- Vendor-Specific Attributes (VSA) and RADIUS Disconnect-Cause Attribute Values
- Connect-Info RADIUS Attribute 77
- Encrypted Vendor Specific Attributes
- Local AAA Server
- Per-User QoS via AAA Policy Name
- RADIUS Attribute 5 (NAS-Port) Format Specified on a Per-Server Group Level
- RADIUS Attribute 8 (Framed-IP-Address) in Access Requests
- RADIUS Attribute 82: Tunnel Assignment ID
- RADIUS Attribute 104
- RADIUS Progress Codes
- RADIUS Timeout Set During Pre-Authentication
- RADIUS Tunnel Attribute Extensions
- V.92 Reporting Using RADIUS Attribute v.92-info
- Cisco IOS Login Enhancements (Login Block)
- Cisco IOS Resilient Configuration
- Image Verification
- IP Source Tracker
- Role-Based CLI Access
- Finding Feature Information
- Contents
- Prerequisites for Secure Shell Version 2 Support
- Restrictions for Secure Shell Version 2 Support
- Information About Secure Shell Version 2 Support
- How to Configure Secure Shell Version 2 Support
- Configuring a Router for SSH Version 2 Using a Hostname and Domain Name
- Configuring a Router for SSH Version 2 Using RSA Key Pairs
- Configuring the Cisco IOS SSH Server to Perform RSA-Based User Authentication
- Configuring the Cisco IOS SSH Client to Perform RSA-Based Server Authentication
- Starting an Encrypted Session with a Remote Device
- Enabling Secure Copy Protocol on the SSH Server
- Verifying the Status of the Secure Shell Connection Using the show ssh Command
- Verifying the Secure Shell Status
- Monitoring and Maintaining Secure Shell Version 2
- Example: Configuring Secure Shell Version 1
- Example: Configuring Secure Shell Version 2
- Example: Configuring Secure Shell Versions 1 and 2
- Example: Starting an Encrypted Session with a Remote Device
- Example: Configuring Server-Side SCP
- Example: Setting an SNMP Trap
- Examples: SSH Keyboard Interactive Authentication
- Client-Side Debugs
- TACACS+ ACS Is the Back-end AAA Server, ChPass Is Enabled, and a Blank Password Change Is Made
- TACACS+ ACS Is the Back-end AAA Server, ChPass Is Enabled, and the Password Is Changed on First Login
- TACACS+ ACS Is the Back-end AAA Server, ChPass Is Enabled, and the Password Expires After Three Logins
- Example: SNMP Debugging
- Examples: SSH Debugging Enhancements
Secure Shell Version 2 Support
The Secure Shell Version 2 Support feature allows you to configure Secure Shell (SSH) Version 2 (SSH Version 1 support was implemented in an earlier Cisco IOS software release). SSH runs on top of a reliable transport layer and provides strong authentication and encryption capabilities. The only reliable transport that is defined for SSH is TCP. SSH provides a means to securely access and securely execute commands on another computer over a network. The Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) feature that is provided with SSH allows for the secure transfer of files.
Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the "Feature Information for Secure Shell Version 2 Support" section.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to http://www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
•Prerequisites for Secure Shell Version 2 Support
•Restrictions for Secure Shell Version 2 Support
•Information About Secure Shell Version 2 Support
•How to Configure Secure Shell Version 2 Support
•Configuration Examples for Secure Shell Version 2 Support
•Feature Information for Secure Shell Version 2 Support
Prerequisites for Secure Shell Version 2 Support
Prior to configuring SSH,ensure that the required image is loaded on your router. The SSH server requires you to have a k9 (Triple Data Encryption Standard [3DES]) software image from Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T, 12.2(25)S, or 12.3(7)JA downloaded on to your router.

Note The SSH Version 2 server is supported in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T, 12.3(2)XE, 12.2(25)S, and 12.3(7)JA; the SSH Version 2 client is supported beginning with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(7)T and is supported in Cisco IOS Release12.3(7)JA. (The SSH client runs both the SSH Version 1 protocol and the Version 2 protocol and is supported in both k8 and k9 images in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.)
For more information about downloading a software image, refer to Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide, Release 12.4T and Cisco IOS Network Management Configuration Guide, Release 15.0.
Restrictions for Secure Shell Version 2 Support
•SSH servers and SSH clients are supported in 3DES software images.
•Execution Shell, remote command execution, and SCP are the only applications supported.
•Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman (RSA) key generation is an SSH server-side requirement. Routers that act as SSH clients need not generate RSA keys.
•The RSA key pair size must be greater than or equal to 768.
•The following functionality is not supported:
–Port forwarding
Information About Secure Shell Version 2 Support
•Secure Shell Version 2 Enhancements
•Secure Shell Version 2 Enhancements for RSA Keys
•SSH Keyboard Interactive Authentication
Secure Shell Version 2
The Secure Shell Version 2 Support feature allows you to configure SSH Version 2.
The configuration for the SSH Version 2 server is similar to the configuration for SSH Version 1. The ip ssh version command was introduced so that you may define which version of SSH to configure. If you do not configure this command, SSH by default runs in compatibility mode; that is, both SSH Version 1 and SSH Version 2 connections are honored.

Note SSH Version 1 is a protocol that has never been defined in a standard. If you do not want your router to fall back to the undefined protocol (Version 1), you should use the ip ssh version command and specify Version 2.
The ip ssh rsa keypair-name command was also introduced in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T so that you can enable an SSH connection using the RSA keys that you have configured. Previously, SSH was linked to the first RSA keys that were generated (that is, SSH was enabled when the first RSA key pair was generated). The behavior still exists, but by using the ip ssh rsa keypair-name command, you can overcome that behavior. If you configure the ip ssh rsa keypair-name command with a key pair name, SSH is enabled if the key pair exists, or SSH will be enabled if the key pair is generated later. If you use this command to enable SSH, you are not forced to configure a hostname and a domain name, which was required in SSH Version 1 of the Cisco IOS software.

Note The login banner is supported in SSH Version 2, but it is not supported in Secure Shell Version 1.
Secure Shell Version 2 Enhancements
The SSH Version 2 Enhancements feature includes a number of additional capabilities such as supporting VRF-aware SSH, SSH debug enhancements, and Diffie-Hellman (DH) group exchange support.
The Cisco IOS SSH implementation has traditionally used 768-bit modulus, but with an increasing need for higher key sizes to accommodate DH Group 14 (2048 bits) and Group 16 (4096 bits) cryptographic applications a message exchange between the client and the server to establish the favored DH group becomes necessary. The ip ssh dh min size command was introduced in Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T so that you can configure the modulus size on the SSH server. In addition to this the ssh command was extended to add VRF awareness to the SSH client-side functionality through which the VRF instance name in the client is provided with the IP address to look up the correct routing table and establish a connection.
Debugging was enhanced by modifying SSH debug commands. The debug ip ssh command was extended to allow you to simplify the debugging process. Previously, this command printed all debug messages related to SSH regardless of what was specifically required. The behavior still exists, but if you configure the debug ip ssh command with a keyword messages are limited to information specified by the keyword.
Secure Shell Version 2 Enhancements for RSA Keys
Cisco IOS SSH Version 2 (SSHv2) supports keyboard-interactive and password-based authentication methods. The SSHv2 Enhancements for RSA Keys feature also supports RSA-based public key authentication for the client and the server.
User authentication—RSA-based user authentication uses a private/public key pair associated with each user for authentication. The user must generate a private/public key pair on the client and configure a public key on the Cisco IOS SSH server to complete the authentication.
An SSH user trying to establish the credentials provides an encrypted signature using the private key. The signature and the user's public key are sent to the SSH server for authentication. The SSH server computes a hash over the public key provided by the user. The hash is used to determine if the server has a matching entry. If a match is found, an RSA-based message verification is performed using the public key. Hence, the user is authenticated or denied access based on the encrypted signature.
Server authentication—While establishing an SSH session, the Cisco IOS SSH client authenticates the SSH server by using the server host keys available during the key exchange phase. SSH server keys are used to identify the SSH server. These keys are created at the time of enabling SSH and must be configured on the client.
For server authentication, the Cisco IOS SSH client must assign a host key for each server. When the client tries to establish an SSH session with a server, it receives the signature of the server as part of the key exchange message. If the strict host key checking flag is enabled on the client, the client checks if it has the host key entry corresponding to the server. If a match is found, the client tries to validate the signature using the server host key. If the server is successfully authenticated, the session establishment continues; otherwise it is terminated and displays a "Server Authentication Failed" message.

Note Storing public keys on a server uses memory; therefore, the number of public keys configurable on an SSH server is restricted to ten users, with a maximum of two public keys per user.

Note RSA-based user authentication is supported by the Cisco IOS server, but Cisco IOS clients cannot propose public key as an authentication method. If the Cisco IOS server receives a request from an open SSH client for RSA-based authentication, the server accepts the authentication request.

Note For server authentication, configure the RSA public key of the server manually and configure the ip ssh stricthostkeycheck command on the Cisco IOS SSH client.
SNMP Trap Generation
Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.4(17), Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps are generated automatically when an SSH session terminates if the traps have been enabled and SNMP debugging has been turned on. For information about enabling SNMP traps, see the "Configuring SNMP Support" module in the Cisco IOS Network Management Configuration Guide, Release 15.0.

Note When you configure the snmp-server host command, the IP address must be the address of the PC that has the SSH (telnet) client and that has IP connectivity to the SSH server. For an example of an SNMP trap generation configuration, see the "Example: Setting an SNMP Trap" section."
You must also turn on SNMP debugging using the debug snmp packet command to display the traps. The trap information includes information such as the number of bytes sent and the protocol that was used for the SSH session. For an example of SNMP debugging, see the "Example: SNMP Debugging" section.
SSH Keyboard Interactive Authentication
The SSH Keyboard Interactive Authentication feature, also known as Generic Message Authentication for SSH, is a method that can be used to implement different types of authentication mechanisms. Basically, any currently supported authentication method that requires only user input can be performed with this feature. The feature is automatically enabled.
The following methods are supported:
•SecurID and hardware tokens printing a number or a string in response to a challenge sent by the server
•Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM)
•S/KEY (and other One-Time-Pads)
For examples of various scenarios in which the SSH Keyboard Interactive Authentication feature has been automatically enabled, see the "Examples: SSH Keyboard Interactive Authentication" section.
How to Configure Secure Shell Version 2 Support
•Configuring a Router for SSH Version 2 Using a Hostname and Domain Name (required)
•Configuring a Router for SSH Version 2 Using RSA Key Pairs (optional)
•Configuring the Cisco IOS SSH Server to Perform RSA-Based User Authentication (optional)
•Configuring the Cisco IOS SSH Client to Perform RSA-Based Server Authentication (optional)
•Starting an Encrypted Session with a Remote Device (optional)
•Enabling Secure Copy Protocol on the SSH Server (optional)
•Verifying the Status of the Secure Shell Connection Using the show ssh Command (optional)
•Verifying the Secure Shell Status (optional)
•Monitoring and Maintaining Secure Shell Version 2 (optional)
Configuring a Router for SSH Version 2 Using a Hostname and Domain Name
Perform this task to configure a router for SSH Version 2 using a hostname and domain name. You may also configure SSH Version 2 by using the RSA key pair configuration (see the "Configuring a Router for SSH Version 2 Using RSA Key Pairs" section).
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. hostname hostname
4. ip domain-name name
5. crypto key generate rsa
6. ip ssh [time-out seconds | authentication-retries integer]
7. ip ssh version [1 | 2]
Configuring a Router for SSH Version 2 Using RSA Key Pairs
Perform this task to enable SSH Version 2 without configuring a hostname or a domain name. SSH Version 2 will be enabled if the key pair that you configure already exists or if it is generated later. You may also configure SSH Version 2 by using the hostname and domain name configuration (see the "Configuring a Router for SSH Version 2 Using a Hostname and Domain Name" section).
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. ip ssh rsa keypair-name keypair-name
4. crypto key generate rsa usage-keys label key-label modulus modulus-size
5. ip ssh [time-out seconds | authentication-retries integer]
6. ip ssh version 2
Configuring the Cisco IOS SSH Server to Perform RSA-Based User Authentication
Perform this task to configure the Cisco IOS SSH server to perform RSA-based user authentication. The user authentication is successful if the RSA public key stored on the server is verified with the public or the private key pair stored on the client.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. hostname name
4. ip domain-name name
5. crypto key generate rsa
6. ip ssh pubkey-chain
7. username username
8. key-string
9. exit
10. key-hash key-type key-name
11. end
Configuring the Cisco IOS SSH Client to Perform RSA-Based Server Authentication
Perform this task to configure the Cisco IOS SSH client to perform RSA-based server authentication.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. hostname name
4. ip domain-name name
5. crypto key generate rsa
6. ip ssh pubkey-chain
7. server server-name
8. key-string
9. exit
10. key-hash key-type key-name
11. end
12. configure terminal
13. ip ssh stricthostkeycheck
Starting an Encrypted Session with a Remote Device
Perform this task to start an encrypted session with a remote networking device, (You need not enable your router. SSH can be run in disabled mode.)

Note The device you want to connect with must support an SSH server that has an encryption algorithm that is supported in Cisco IOS software.
1. ssh [-v {1 | 2}] [-c {3des | aes128-cbc | aes192-cbc | aes256-cbc}] [-m {hmac-md5 | hmac-md5-96 | hmac-sha1 | hmac-sha1-96}] [l userid] [-o numberofpasswordprompts n] [-p port-num] {ip-addr | hostname} [command]
Troubleshooting Tips
The ip ssh version command can be used for troubleshooting your SSH configuration. By changing versions, you can determine which SSH version has a problem.
Enabling Secure Copy Protocol on the SSH Server
Perform this task to enable secure copy protocol on the SSH server. This task configures server-side functionality for SCP. This example shows a typical configuration that allows the router to securely copy files from a remote workstation.
SCP relies on AAA authentication and authorization to function correctly. Therefore AAA must be configured on the router.
1. enable
2. configure terminal
3. aaa new-model
4. aaa authentication login default local
5. aaa authorization exec default local
6. username name privilege privilege-level password password
7. ip ssh time-out seconds
8. ip ssh authentication-retries integer
9. ip scp server enable
Troubleshooting Tips
To troubleshoot SCP authentication problems, use the debug ip scp command.
Verifying the Status of the Secure Shell Connection Using the show ssh Command
To display the status of the SSH connection on your router, use the show ssh command.
1. enable
2. show ssh
Step 1 |
enable Router> enable |
Enables privileged EXEC mode. • |
Step 2 |
show ssh Router# show ssh |
Displays the status of SSH server connections. |
The following sample output from the show ssh command displays the status about various SSH Version 1 and Version 2 connections:
Version 1 and Version 2 Connections
Router# show ssh
Connection Version Encryption State Username
0 1.5 3DES Session started lab
Connection Version Mode Encryption Hmac State
1 2.0 IN aes128-cbc hmac-md5 Session started lab
1 2.0 OUT aes128-cbc hmac-md5 Session started lab
Version 2 Connection with No Version 1
Router# show ssh
Connection Version Mode Encryption Hmac State
1 2.0 IN aes128-cbc hmac-md5 Session started lab
1 2.0 OUT aes128-cbc hmac-md5 Session started lab
%No SSHv1 server connections running.
Version 1 Connection with No Version 2
Router# show ssh
Connection Version Encryption State Username
0 1.5 3DES Session started lab
%No SSHv2 server connections running.
Verifying the Secure Shell Status
Perform this task to verify your SSH configuration.
1. enable
2. show ip ssh
The following sample output from the show ip ssh command displays the version of SSH that is enabled, the authentication timeout values, and the number of authentication retries:
Version 1 and Version 2 Connections
Router# show ip ssh
SSH Enabled - version 1.99
Authentication timeout: 120 secs; Authentication retries: 3
Version 2 Connection with No Version 1
Router# show ip ssh
SSH Enabled - version 2.0
Authentication timeout: 120 secs; Authentication retries: 3
Version 1 Connection with No Version 2
Router# show ip ssh
3d06h: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
SSH Enabled - version 1.5
Authentication timeout: 120 secs; Authentication retries: 3
Monitoring and Maintaining Secure Shell Version 2
To display debug messages about the SSH connections, use the debug ip ssh command and the debug snmp packet command.
1. enable
2. debug ip ssh
3. debug snmp packet
The following sample output from the debug ip ssh command shows that the digit 2 keyword has been assigned, signifying that it is an SSH Version 2 connection:
Router# debug ip ssh
00:33:55: SSH1: starting SSH control process
00:33:55: SSH1: sent protocol version id SSH-1.99-Cisco-1.25
00:33:55: SSH1: protocol version id is - SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_2.5.2p2
00:33:55: SSH2 1: send: len 280 (includes padlen 4)
00:33:55: SSH2 1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent
00:33:55: SSH2 1: ssh_receive: 536 bytes received
00:33:55: SSH2 1: input: packet len 632
00:33:55: SSH2 1: partial packet 8, need 624, maclen 0
00:33:55: SSH2 1: ssh_receive: 96 bytes received
00:33:55: SSH2 1: partial packet 8, need 624, maclen 0
00:33:55: SSH2 1: input: padlen 11
00:33:55: SSH2 1: received packet type 20
00:33:55: SSH2 1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT received
00:33:55: SSH2: kex: client->server aes128-cbc hmac-md5 none
00:33:55: SSH2: kex: server->client aes128-cbc hmac-md5 none
00:33:55: SSH2 1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_INIT
00:33:55: SSH2 1: ssh_receive: 144 bytes received
00:33:55: SSH2 1: input: packet len 144
00:33:55: SSH2 1: partial packet 8, need 136, maclen 0
00:33:55: SSH2 1: input: padlen 5
00:33:55: SSH2 1: received packet type 30
00:33:55: SSH2 1: SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_INIT received
00:33:55: SSH2 1: signature length 111
00:33:55: SSH2 1: send: len 384 (includes padlen 7)
00:33:55: SSH2: kex_derive_keys complete
00:33:55: SSH2 1: send: len 16 (includes padlen 10)
00:33:55: SSH2 1: newkeys: mode 1
00:33:55: SSH2 1: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS sent
00:33:55: SSH2 1: waiting for SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS
00:33:55: SSH2 1: ssh_receive: 16 bytes received
00:33:55: SSH2 1: input: packet len 16
00:33:55: SSH2 1: partial packet 8, need 8, maclen 0
00:33:55: SSH2 1: input: padlen 10
00:33:55: SSH2 1: newkeys: mode 0
00:33:55: SSH2 1: received packet type 2100:33:55: SSH2 1: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS received
00:33:56: SSH2 1: ssh_receive: 48 bytes received
00:33:56: SSH2 1: input: packet len 32
00:33:56: SSH2 1: partial packet 16, need 16, maclen 16
00:33:56: SSH2 1: MAC #3 ok
00:33:56: SSH2 1: input: padlen 10
00:33:56: SSH2 1: received packet type 5
00:33:56: SSH2 1: send: len 32 (includes padlen 10)
00:33:56: SSH2 1: done calc MAC out #3
00:33:56: SSH2 1: ssh_receive: 64 bytes received
00:33:56: SSH2 1: input: packet len 48
00:33:56: SSH2 1: partial packet 16, need 32, maclen 16
00:33:56: SSH2 1: MAC #4 ok
00:33:56: SSH2 1: input: padlen 9
00:33:56: SSH2 1: received packet type 50
00:33:56: SSH2 1: send: len 32 (includes padlen 13)
00:33:56: SSH2 1: done calc MAC out #4
00:34:04: SSH2 1: ssh_receive: 160 bytes received
00:34:04: SSH2 1: input: packet len 64
00:34:04: SSH2 1: partial packet 16, need 48, maclen 16
00:34:04: SSH2 1: MAC #5 ok
00:34:04: SSH2 1: input: padlen 13
00:34:04: SSH2 1: received packet type 50
00:34:04: SSH2 1: send: len 16 (includes padlen 10)
00:34:04: SSH2 1: done calc MAC out #5
00:34:04: SSH2 1: authentication successful for lab
00:34:04: SSH2 1: input: packet len 64
00:34:04: SSH2 1: partial packet 16, need 48, maclen 16
00:34:04: SSH2 1: MAC #6 ok
00:34:04: SSH2 1: input: padlen 6
00:34:04: SSH2 1: received packet type 2
00:34:04: SSH2 1: ssh_receive: 64 bytes received
00:34:04: SSH2 1: input: packet len 48
00:34:04: SSH2 1: partial packet 16, need 32, maclen 16
00:34:04: SSH2 1: MAC #7 ok
00:34:04: SSH2 1: input: padlen 19
00:34:04: SSH2 1: received packet type 90
00:34:04: SSH2 1: channel open request
00:34:04: SSH2 1: send: len 32 (includes padlen 10)
00:34:04: SSH2 1: done calc MAC out #6
00:34:04: SSH2 1: ssh_receive: 192 bytes received
00:34:04: SSH2 1: input: packet len 64
00:34:04: SSH2 1: partial packet 16, need 48, maclen 16
00:34:04: SSH2 1: MAC #8 ok
00:34:04: SSH2 1: input: padlen 13
00:34:04: SSH2 1: received packet type 98
00:34:04: SSH2 1: pty-req request
00:34:04: SSH2 1: setting TTY - requested: height 24, width 80; set: height 24,
width 80
00:34:04: SSH2 1: input: packet len 96
00:34:04: SSH2 1: partial packet 16, need 80, maclen 16
00:34:04: SSH2 1: MAC #9 ok
00:34:04: SSH2 1: input: padlen 11
00:34:04: SSH2 1: received packet type 98
00:34:04: SSH2 1: x11-req request
00:34:04: SSH2 1: ssh_receive: 48 bytes received
00:34:04: SSH2 1: input: packet len 32
00:34:04: SSH2 1: partial packet 16, need 16, maclen 16
00:34:04: SSH2 1: MAC #10 ok
00:34:04: SSH2 1: input: padlen 12
00:34:04: SSH2 1: received packet type 98
00:34:04: SSH2 1: shell request
00:34:04: SSH2 1: shell message received
00:34:04: SSH2 1: starting shell for vty
00:34:04: SSH2 1: send: len 48 (includes padlen 18)
00:34:04: SSH2 1: done calc MAC out #7
00:34:07: SSH2 1: ssh_receive: 48 bytes received
00:34:07: SSH2 1: input: packet len 32
00:34:07: SSH2 1: partial packet 16, need 16, maclen 16
00:34:07: SSH2 1: MAC #11 ok
00:34:07: SSH2 1: input: padlen 17
00:34:07: SSH2 1: received packet type 94
00:34:07: SSH2 1: send: len 32 (includes padlen 17)
00:34:07: SSH2 1: done calc MAC out #8
00:34:07: SSH2 1: ssh_receive: 48 bytes received
00:34:07: SSH2 1: input: packet len 32
00:34:07: SSH2 1: partial packet 16, need 16, maclen 16
00:34:07: SSH2 1: MAC #12 ok
00:34:07: SSH2 1: input: padlen 17
00:34:07: SSH2 1: received packet type 94
00:34:07: SSH2 1: send: len 32 (includes padlen 17)
00:34:07: SSH2 1: done calc MAC out #9
00:34:07: SSH2 1: ssh_receive: 48 bytes received
00:34:07: SSH2 1: input: packet len 32
00:34:07: SSH2 1: partial packet 16, need 16, maclen 16
00:34:07: SSH2 1: MAC #13 ok
00:34:07: SSH2 1: input: padlen 17
00:34:07: SSH2 1: received packet type 94
00:34:07: SSH2 1: send: len 32 (includes padlen 17)
00:34:07: SSH2 1: done calc MAC out #10
00:34:08: SSH2 1: ssh_receive: 48 bytes received
00:34:08: SSH2 1: input: packet len 32
00:34:08: SSH2 1: partial packet 16, need 16, maclen 16
00:34:08: SSH2 1: MAC #14 ok
00:34:08: SSH2 1: input: padlen 17
00:34:08: SSH2 1: received packet type 94
00:34:08: SSH2 1: send: len 32 (includes padlen 17)
00:34:08: SSH2 1: done calc MAC out #11
00:34:08: SSH2 1: ssh_receive: 48 bytes received
00:34:08: SSH2 1: input: packet len 32
00:34:08: SSH2 1: partial packet 16, need 16, maclen 16
00:34:08: SSH2 1: MAC #15 ok
00:34:08: SSH2 1: input: padlen 17
00:34:08: SSH2 1: received packet type 94
00:34:08: SSH2 1: send: len 32 (includes padlen 16)
00:34:08: SSH2 1: done calc MAC out #12
00:34:08: SSH2 1: send: len 48 (includes padlen 18)
00:34:08: SSH2 1: done calc MAC out #13
00:34:08: SSH2 1: send: len 16 (includes padlen 6)
00:34:08: SSH2 1: done calc MAC out #14
00:34:08: SSH2 1: send: len 16 (includes padlen 6)
00:34:08: SSH2 1: done calc MAC out #15
00:34:08: SSH1: Session terminated normally
Configuration Examples for Secure Shell Version 2 Support
•Example: Configuring Secure Shell Version 1
•Example: Configuring Secure Shell Version 2
•Example: Configuring Secure Shell Versions 1 and 2
•Example: Starting an Encrypted Session with a Remote Device
•Example: Configuring Server-Side SCP
•Example: Setting an SNMP Trap
•Examples: SSH Keyboard Interactive Authentication
•Examples: SSH Debugging Enhancements
Example: Configuring Secure Shell Version 1
The following example shows how to configure SSH Version 1:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# ip ssh version 1
Router(config)# end
Example: Configuring Secure Shell Version 2
The following example shows how to configure SSH Version 2:
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# ip ssh version 2
Router(config)# end
Example: Configuring Secure Shell Versions 1 and 2
The following example shows how to configure both SSH Version 1 and SSH Version 2:
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# no ip ssh version
Router(config)# end
Example: Starting an Encrypted Session with a Remote Device
The following example shows how to start an encrypted session with a remote device:
Router# ssh -v 2 -c aes256-cbc -m hmac-sha1-160 -l shaship
Example: Configuring Server-Side SCP
Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# aaa new-model
Router(config)# aaa authentication login default local
Router(config)# aaa authorization exec default local
Router(config)# username samplename privilege 15 password password1
Router(config)# ip ssh time-out 120
Router(config)# ip ssh authentication-retries 3
Router(config)# ip scp server enable
Router(config)# end
Example: Setting an SNMP Trap
The following example shows that an SNMP trap has been set. The trap notification is generated automatically when the SSH session terminates. In the example, a.b.c.d is the IP address of the SSH client. For an example of SNMP trap debug output, see the section "Example: SNMP Debugging" section."
snmp-server host a.b.c.d public tty
Examples: SSH Keyboard Interactive Authentication
The following are examples of various scenarios in which the SSH Keyboard Interactive Authentication feature has been automatically deployed.
Client-Side Debugs
In the following example, client-side debugs are turned on and the maximum number of prompts = six, (three for the SSH Keyboard Interactive Authentication method and for the password method of authentication).
Password: cisco123
Last login: Tue Dec 6 13:15:21 2005 from
user1@courier:~> exit
[Connection to closed by foreign host]
Router1# debug ip ssh client
SSH Client debugging is on
Router1# ssh -l lab
*Nov 17 12:50:53.199: SSH0: sent protocol version id SSH-1.99-Cisco-1.25
*Nov 17 12:50:53.199: SSH CLIENT0: protocol version id is - SSH-1.99-Cisco-1.25
*Nov 17 12:50:53.199: SSH CLIENT0: sent protocol version id SSH-1.99-Cisco-1.25
*Nov 17 12:50:53.199: SSH CLIENT0: protocol version exchange successful
*Nov 17 12:50:53.203: SSH0: protocol version id is - SSH-1.99-Cisco-1.25
*Nov 17 12:50:53.335: SSH CLIENT0: key exchange successful and encryption on
*Nov 17 12:50:53.335: SSH2 CLIENT 0: using method keyboard-interactive
*Nov 17 12:51:01.887: SSH2 CLIENT 0: using method password authentication
Password: lab
*Nov 17 12:51:11.407: SSH2 CLIENT 0: SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS message received
*Nov 17 12:51:11.407: SSH CLIENT0: user authenticated
*Nov 17 12:51:11.407: SSH2 CLIENT 0: pty-req request sent
*Nov 17 12:51:11.411: SSH2 CLIENT 0: shell request sent
*Nov 17 12:51:11.411: SSH CLIENT0: session open
TACACS+ ACS Is the Back-end AAA Server, ChPass Is Enabled, and a Blank Password Change Is Made
In the following example, a TACACS+ access control server (ACS) is the back-end AAA server; the ChPass feature is enabled, and a blank password change is accomplished using the SSH Keyboard Interactive Authentication method:
Router1# ssh -l cisco
Old Password: cisco
New Password: cisco123
Re-enter New password: cisco123
Router2> exit
[Connection to closed by foreign host]
TACACS+ ACS Is the Back-end AAA Server, ChPass Is Enabled, and the Password Is Changed on First Login
In the following example, a TACACS+ ACS is the back-end server, and the ChPass feature is enabled. The password is changed on the first login using the SSH Keyboard Interactive Authentication method.
Router1# ssh -l cisco
Password: cisco
Your password has expired.
Enter a new one now.
New Password: cisco123
Re-enter New password: cisco123
Router2> exit
[Connection to closed by foreign host]
Router1# ssh -l cisco
Your password has expired.
Enter a new one now.
New Password: cisco
Re-enter New password: cisco12
The New and Re-entered passwords have to be the same.
Try again.
New Password: cisco
Re-enter New password: cisco
TACACS+ ACS Is the Back-end AAA Server, ChPass Is Enabled, and the Password Expires After Three Logins
In the following example, a TACACS+ ACS is the back-end AAA server, and the ChPass feature is enabled. The password expires after three logins using the SSH Keyboard Interactive Authentication method.
Router# ssh -l cisco.
Password: cisco
Router2> exit
[Connection to closed by foreign host]
Router1# ssh -l cisco
Password: cisco
Router2> exit
Router1# ssh -l cisco
Password: cisco
Router2> exit
[Connection to closed by foreign host]
Router1# ssh -l cisco
Password: cisco
Your password has expired.
Enter a new one now.
New Password: cisco123
Re-enter New password: cisco123
Example: SNMP Debugging
The following is sample output from the debug snmp packet command. The output provides SNMP trap information for an SSH session.
Router1# debug snmp packet
SNMP packet debugging is on
Router1# ssh -l lab
Router2# exit
[Connection to closed by foreign host]
*Jul 18 10:18:42.619: SNMP: Queuing packet to
*Jul 18 10:18:42.619: SNMP: V1 Trap, ent cisco, addr, gentrap 6, spectrap 1
local. = 6
tcpConnEntry. = 4
ltcpConnEntry. = 1015
ltcpConnEntry. = 1056
ltcpConnEntry. = 1392
local. = lab
*Jul 18 10:18:42.879: SNMP: Packet sent via UDP to
Examples: SSH Debugging Enhancements
The following is sample output from the debug ip ssh detail command. The output provides debugging information about the SSH protocol and channel requests.
Router# debug ip ssh detail
00:04:22: SSH0: starting SSH control process
00:04:22: SSH0: sent protocol version id SSH-1.99-Cisco-1.25
00:04:22: SSH0: protocol version id is - SSH-1.99-Cisco-1.25
00:04:22: SSH2 0: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent
00:04:22: SSH2 0: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT received
00:04:22: SSH2:kex: client->server enc:aes128-cbc mac:hmac-sha1
00:04:22: SSH2:kex: server->client enc:aes128-cbc mac:hmac-sha1
00:04:22: SSH2 0: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_INIT
00:04:22: SSH2 0: SSH2_MSG_KEXDH_INIT received
00:04:22: SSH2: kex_derive_keys complete
00:04:22: SSH2 0: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS sent
00:04:22: SSH2 0: waiting for SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS
00:04:22: SSH2 0: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS received
00:04:24: SSH2 0: authentication successful for lab
00:04:24: SSH2 0: channel open request
00:04:24: SSH2 0: pty-req request
00:04:24: SSH2 0: setting TTY - requested: height 24, width 80; set: height 24, width 80
00:04:24: SSH2 0: shell request
00:04:24: SSH2 0: shell message received
00:04:24: SSH2 0: starting shell for vty
00:04:38: SSH0: Session terminated normally
The following is sample output from the debug ip ssh packet command. The output provides debugging information about the SSH packet.
Router# debug ip ssh packet
00:05:43: SSH2 0: send:packet of length 280 (length also includes padlen of 4)
00:05:43: SSH2 0: ssh_receive: 64 bytes received
00:05:43: SSH2 0: input: total packet length of 280 bytes
00:05:43: SSH2 0: partial packet length(block size)8 bytes,needed 272 bytes, maclen 0
00:05:43: SSH2 0: ssh_receive: 64 bytes received
00:05:43: SSH2 0: partial packet length(block size)8 bytes,needed 272 bytes, maclen 0
00:05:43: SSH2 0: ssh_receive: 64 bytes received
00:05:43: SSH2 0: partial packet length(block size)8 bytes,needed 272 bytes, maclen 0
00:05:43: SSH2 0: ssh_receive: 64 bytes received
00:05:43: SSH2 0: partial packet length(block size)8 bytes,needed 272 bytes, maclen 0
00:05:43: SSH2 0: ssh_receive: 24 bytes received
00:05:43: SSH2 0: partial packet length(block size)8 bytes,needed 272 bytes, maclen 0
00:05:43: SSH2 0: input: padlength 4 bytes
00:05:43: SSH2 0: ssh_receive: 64 bytes received
00:05:43: SSH2 0: input: total packet length of 144 bytes
00:05:43: SSH2 0: partial packet length(block size)8 bytes,needed 136 bytes, maclen 0
00:05:43: SSH2 0: ssh_receive: 64 bytes received
00:05:43: SSH2 0: partial packet length(block size)8 bytes,needed 136 bytes, maclen 0
00:05:43: SSH2 0: ssh_receive: 16 bytes received
00:05:43: SSH2 0: partial packet length(block size)8 bytes,needed 136 bytes, maclen 0
00:05:43: SSH2 0: input: padlength 6 bytes
00:05:43: SSH2 0: signature length 143
00:05:43: SSH2 0: send:packet of length 448 (length also includes padlen of 7)
00:05:43: SSH2 0: send:packet of length 16 (length also includes padlen of 10)
00:05:43: SSH2 0: newkeys: mode 1
00:05:43: SSH2 0: ssh_receive: 16 bytes received
00:05:43: SSH2 0: input: total packet length of 16 bytes
00:05:43: SSH2 0: partial packet length(block size)8 bytes,needed 8 bytes, maclen 0
00:05:43: SSH2 0: input: padlength 10 bytes
00:05:43: SSH2 0: newkeys: mode 0
00:05:43: SSH2 0: ssh_receive: 52 bytes received
00:05:43: SSH2 0: input: total packet length of 32 bytes
00:05:43: SSH2 0: partial packet length(block size)16 bytes,needed 16 bytes, maclen 20
00:05:43: SSH2 0: MAC compared for #3 :ok
Where to Go Next
You have to use a SSH remote device that supports SSH Version 2, and you have to connect to a Cisco IOS router.
Additional References
Related Documents
Cisco IOS commands |
Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide: Securing User Services |
• • |
"Configuring Secure Shell" module in the Cisco IOS Security Configuration Guide: Securing User Services. |
Debugging commands |
Downloading a Cisco software image |
Cisco IOS Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide |
Cisco IOS configuration fundamentals |
IPSec |
Security commands |
SNMP, configuring traps |
"Configuring SNMP Support" module in the Cisco IOS Network Management Configuration Guide |
IETF Secure Shell Version 2 Draft Standards |
No new or modified RFCs are supported and support for existing RFCs has not been modified. |
— |
Technical Assistance
Feature Information for Secure Shell Version 2 Support
Table 1 lists the features in this module and provides links to specific configuration information.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and software image support. Cisco Feature Navigator enables you to determine which software images support a specific software release, feature set, or platform. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to http://www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.

Note Table 1 lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Secure Shell Version 2 Support |
12.2(25)S |
The Secure Shell Version 2 Support feature allows you to configure Secure Shell (SSH) Version 2 (SSH Version 1 support was implemented in an earlier Cisco IOS software release). SSH runs on top of a reliable transport layer and provides strong authentication and encryption capabilities. In 12.3(11)T, support was added for the Cisco 10000 series router. The following sections provide information about this feature: • • The following commands were introduced or modified: debug ip ssh, ip ssh min dh size, ip ssh rsa keypair-name, ip ssh version, ssh. |
Secure Shell Version 2 Client and Server Support |
12.0(32)SY |
The Cisco IOS image was updated to provide for the automatic generation of SNMP traps when an SSH session terminates. The following sections provide information about this feature: |
SSH Keyboard Interactive Authentication |
12.4(18) |
This feature, also known as Generic Message Authentication for SSH, is a method that can be used to implement different types of authentication mechanisms. Basically, any currently supported authentication method that requires only user input can be performed with this feature. The following sections provide information about this feature: • |
Secure Shell Version 2 Enhancements |
12.4(20)T |
The Secure Shell Version 2 Enhancements feature includes a number of additional capabilities such as support for VRF aware SSH, SSH debug enhancements, and DH Group 14 and Group 16 exchange support. In Cisco IOS 15.1(2)S, support was added for the Cisco 7600 series router. The following sections provide information about this feature: • • The following commands were introduced or modified: debug ip ssh, ip ssh dh min size. |
Secure Shell Version 2 Enhancements for RSA Keys. |
15.0(1)M |
The Secure Shell Version 2 Enhancements for RSA Keys feature includes a number of additional capabilities to support RSA key-based user authentication for SSH and SSH server host key storage and verification. The following sections provide information about this feature: • • The following commands were introduced or modified: ip ssh pubkey-chain, ip ssh stricthostkeycheck. |