- IGMP Profile Configuration Mode Commands
- IKEv2 Security Association Configuration Mode Commands
- IMEI Profile Configuration Mode
- IMEI-TAC-Group Configuration Mode Commands
- IMS Authorization Service Configuration Mode Commands
- IMS Sh Service Configuration Mode Commands
- IPMS Client Configuration Mode Commands
- IPNE Endpoint Configuration Mode Commands
- IPNE Service Configuration Mode Commands
- IPSec Transform Set Configuration Mode Commands
- IPSG RADIUS Snoop Configuration Mode Commands
- IPSG RADIUS Server Configuration Mode Commands
- IPSP Configuration Mode Commands
- IPv6 ACL Configuration Mode Commands
- IPv6 to IPv4 Tunnel Interface Configuration Mode Commands
- IP VRF Context Configuration Mode Commands
- ISAKMP Configuration Mode Commands
- IuPS Service Configuration Mode Commands
- LAC Service Configuration Mode Commands
- Line Configuration Mode Commands
- Link Configuration Mode Commands
- Linkset Configuration Mode Commands
- LMA Service Configuration Mode Commands
- LNS Service Configuration Mode Commands
- Local Policy Actiondef Configuration Mode Commands
- Local Policy Eventbase Configuration Mode Commands
- Local Policy Ruledef Configuration Mode Commands
- Local Policy Service Configuration Mode Commands
- Location Service Configuration Mode Commands
- Logical eNode Configuration Mode Commands
- Loopback Interface Configuration Mode Commands
- LTE Custom TAI List Configuration Mode Commands
- LTE Emergency Profile Configuration Mode Commands
- LTE Forbidden Location Area Configuration Mode Commands
- LTE Forbidden Tracking Area Configuration Mode Commands
- LTE Foreign PLMN GUTI Management Database Configuration Mode Commands
- LTE HeNBGW MME Pool Configuration Mode Commands
- LTE Handover Restriction List Configuration Mode Commands
- LTE MME HeNB-GW Management Database Configuration Mode Commands
- LTE Network Global MME ID Management Database Configuration Mode Commands
- LTE Paging Map Configuration Mode Commands
- LTE Paging Profile Configuration Mode Commands
- LTE Peer Map Configuration Mode Commands
- LTE Policy Configuration Mode Commands
- LTE Subscriber Map Configuration Mode Commands
- LTE TAI Management Database Configuration Mode Commands
- LTE TAI Management Object Configuration Mode Commands
- MAG Service Configuration Mode Commands
- MAP Service Configuration Mode Commands
- MIP HA Assignment Table Configuration Mode Commands
- MPLS-LDP Configuration Mode Commands
- MIPv6 HA Service Configuration Mode Commands
- MME-eMBMS Service Configuration Mode Commands
- MME LAC Pool Area Configuration Mode Commands
- MME MSC Pool Area Configuration Mode
- MME SGs Service Configuration Mode Commands
- MME Service Configuration Mode Commands
- MPLS-IP Configuration Mode Commands
- MRME Service Configuration Mode Commands
- Network Service Entity- IP Local Configuration Mode Commands
- Network Service Entity - Peer NSEI Configuration Mode Commands
- Network Service Virtual Connection Configuration Mode Commands
- Network Service Virtual Link Configuration Mode Commands
- NTP Configuration Mode Commands
- NTSR Pool Configuration Mode Commands
- Operator Policy Configuration Mode
- ORBEM Configuration Mode Commands
- OSPF Configuration Mode Commands
- OSPFv3 Configuration Mode Commands
- OSPF VRF Configuration Mode Commands
- Out-Address Configuration Mode Commands
- P2P Advertisement Server Group Configuration Mode Commands
- PCC-Action-Set Configuration Mode Commands
- PCC-AF-Service Configuration Mode Commands
- PCC-Condition-Group Configuration Mode Commands
- PCC-Data-Service Configuration Mode Commands
- PCC-Event-Notification-Interface-Endpoint Configuration Mode Commands
- PCC-Policy-Service Configuration Mode Commands
- PCC-Service-Profile Configuration Mode Commands
- PCC-QoS-Profile Configuration Mode Commands
- PCC-Quota Service Configuration Mode Commands
- PCC-Sp-Endpoint Configuration Mode Commands
- PCC-Service Addon Configuration Mode Commands
- PCC-TimeDef Configuration Mode Commands
- PCP Configuration Mode Commands
- PCP Policy Control Configuration Mode Commands
- PDIF Service Configuration Mode Commands
- PDG Service Configuration Mode Commands
- PDSN Service Configuration Mode Commands
- PDSN Service RoHC Configuration Mode Commands
- Peer List Configuration Mode Commands
- Peer Profile Configuration Mode Commands
- Peer-Server Configuration Mode Commands
- P-GW Service Configuration Mode Commands
- Policy Control Configuration Mode Commands
- Plugin Configuration Mode Commands
- PVC Configuration Mode Commands
- PVC Interface Configuration Mode Commands
- QCI - QoS Mapping Configuration Mode Commands
- QCI - RAN ID Mapping Configuration Mode Commands
- QoS L2 Mapping Configuration Mode Commands
- QoS Profile Configuration Mode Commands
- Index
P2P Advertisement
Server Group Configuration Mode Commands
The P2P Advertisement Server Group Configuration Mode is used to configure the P2P ad-server group and the application(s) to which advertisements need to be matched. The type of advertisement flow will be configured per application.
Exec > ACS Configuration > P2P Advertisement Server Group Configuration
active-charging service service_name > p2p-ads-group ads_group_name
Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:
The commands or keywords/variables that are available are dependent on platform type, product version, and installed license(s).
This command allows to configure the P2P advertisement source that can be a HTTP host or SSL server.
Security Administrator, Administrator
Exec > ACS Configuration > P2P Advertisement Server Group Configuration
active-charging service service_name > p2p-ads-group ads_group_name
Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:
Syntax Description
[ no ] ad-source operator http_host_name/ssl_server_name
If previously configured, disables the configured ad-source.
Specifies how to match.
operator must be one of the following:
Specifies the name of the HTTP host or SSL server to match and must be an alphanumeric string of 1 through 127 characters. SSL supports the Server Name indication (SNI) field.
Usage Guidelines
This command allows to configure the P2P advertisement source that can be a HTTP host or SSL server when the user runs an active application session. The ad-source can be server name indication for HTTPS flows and host name for HTTP-based ad flows.
The maximum number of ad-source lines that can be configured is 32.
ad-source ends-with admob.com
Exits the current configuration mode and returns to the Exec mode.
Security Administrator, Administrator
Syntax Description
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to return to the Exec mode.
Exits the current mode and returns to the parent configuration mode.
Security Administrator, Administrator
Syntax Description
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to return to the parent configuration mode.
This command allows to configure the P2P advertisement application that will map the advertisement group to the corresponding application/protocol.
Security Administrator, Administrator
Exec > ACS Configuration > P2P Advertisement Server Group Configuration
active-charging service service_name > p2p-ads-group ads_group_name
Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:
Syntax Description
[ no ] map-to-application { p2p_list } +
If previously configured, disables the application/protocol mapping.
Specifies the list of protocols/applications supported in the P2P plugin.
More than one protocol/application supported in the P2P plugin can be entered within a single command.
Usage Guidelines
This command allows to configure the P2P advertisement application that will map the advertisement group to the application protocol.
The maximum number of map-to-application rule lines that can be configured is equal to the number of the applications present in p2p_list supported by P2P plugin.
map-to-application slacker-radio