Configure System Scripts Using Editor Express

View List of Scripts

Use this procedure to view a list of scripts. For more information on Cisco Unity Express scripts, see the Cisco Unity Express Maintain and Operate Guides at the following URL:


Step 1

Choose System > Scripts. The window displays a list of non-system scripts, showing the following fields:

  • Script Name—Filename of the script. To sort the table by script name, click Script Name.

  • Type—AA or IVR.

  • Creation Date—Date on which the script file was created. This information is read from the script file properties. To sort the table by creation date, click Creation Date.

  • Last Modified Date—Date on which the script was last modified. This information is read from the script file properties. To sort the table by the date last modified, click Last Modified Date.

  • Size (Bytes)—Size of the script. This information is read from the script file properties. To sort the table by size in bytes, click Size (Bytes).

To increase the number of rows shown on the page, click Rows per Page and choose the number you want to show.

Step 2

Click on Show system scripts to display the system scripts.

System scripts are indicated with an asterisk and cannot be modified or deleted. Scripts that you create do not have an asterisk and can be edited. See for more information.
Step 3

Click on Hide system scripts to hide the system scripts.

Create a New Script with Editor Express

Configure Settings for a New Script

Use this procedure to configure settings for a new script.


Step 1

Choose System > Scripts > New. The Editor Express window opens with an untitled.aef (unsaved) script.

Step 2

Configure the new script settings by selecting any combination of the following options:

  1. Click the box to allow dial-by-extension at any time during the main menu.

  2. Click the box to allow menu options to overlap with the extension dial-plan.

  3. Enter the desired extension length.

  4. Click the box to allow external transfers.

  5. If your system supports multiple languages, click the box to enable the Language selection menu. If selected, the language selection menu displays in the Call Flow window.

  6. Click the box to enable an alternate main menu for business closed hours. If selected, the Business Closed Menu options display in the Call Flow window.

Step 3

Click Save. A pop-up window appears prompting you to enter a script name.

Step 4

Enter a script name and save the file (an .aef extension is automatically added if you save the file).

Step 5

Click Ok to save your settings or click Cancel.

Proceed to the next section for Configure the Call Flow for a Script .

Configure the Call Flow for a Script

Use this procedure to configure the call flow from the Editor Express window.


Step 1

Choose System > Scripts > New or select an existing script by clicking the Edit button. The Editor Express window opens.

Step 2

Click the box to play the alternate (emergency) greeting.

Step 3

Choose an audio prompt file from the drop-down menu for the following prompts:

  • Welcome prompt

  • Language Menu prompt

    Select the prompt from the drop-down menu and click Add/ Remove Choice >>>. In the Add Language Choice window, select the key and assign it to a language. Click Ok. Repeat for each key to be assigned a language. To remove the language from a key, select the key and select Clear choice and click Ok.

    The maximum number of languages allowed is three. Only installed languages are displayed.
  • Holiday prompt

  • Business schedule: select a Business Schedule name from the drop-down menu.

    • Business open prompt

    • Business closed prompt

Step 4

Configure the actions for the following menus:

  • Main Menu

  • Business Closed Menu

    1. Select the prompt to be used for each menu.

    2. Assign additional keys and menu actions by clicking Add Action. The Add Menu Action window appears.

    3. Select the Key from the drop-down list to assign a Key to an Action. You can choose the numbers 0-9, the “*” symbol, or the “#” symbol.

    4. Select the action from the drop-down list to assign an action to the key. You can choose from one of the following actions:

      • Play message

      • Dial-by-name

      • Dial-by-extension

      • Transfer to extension

      • Transfer to mail box number

      • Sub-menu. You can add another action from this level.

      • Disconnect call

      Click Ok to save your settings or Cancel. The action is added to the script. Configure the additional settings for each action. See Table 1 for more information.

      Continue to add menu actions by clicking the Add Action button and repeating this step. To remove an action from the menu, click Delete.

Step 5

Configure the Good-bye prompt.

  1. Select the Good bye prompt name from the drop-down menu.

  2. Click Add action. The Add Good-bye Action window appears.

  3. Select the action from the drop-down list. You can choose one of the following actions:

    • Transfer to extension

    • Transfer to mail box number

    See Table 1 for more information.

  4. Click Ok to save your settings or Cancel. The action is added.

Step 6

Click Save to save your script.

Table 1 lists the Main Menu prompt and Goodbye prompt actions.

Table 1. Main Menu Prompt and Goodbye Prompt Actions


Supported for:

Instructions for Setting Action

Play Prompt

Main Menu prompt

  1. Select the prompt audio file from the drop-down menu.


  1. Select one of the following options:

  • Repeat Main Menu

  • Disconnect Call

Dial By Name

Main Menu prompt

Select the search style:

  • First - Last Name

  • Last - First Name

Dial By Extension

Main Menu prompt


Transfer to Extension

Main Men>

Main Menu prompt

Goodbye prompt

Enter the mailbox number subscribers will be transferred to.


Main Menu prompt

  1. Select the prompt audio file from the drop-down menu.

  2. Add actions for the sub-menu.

Disconnect Call

Main Menu prompt


Upload a New Prompt

Use this procedure to upload a new prompt from the Editor Express window.


Step 1

Choose System > Scripts > New. The Editor Express window appears.

Step 2

Click Upload Prompt. The Upload window appears.

Step 3

In the Upload dialog box, perform the following tasks:

  1. Choose the language.

  2. Enter the source filename, or path to the file you want to upload. Click the Browse button to help you find the directory with the file you want to upload.

  3. Enter the destination filename (required). Enter the same filename as shown in the Source Filename field or a new filename for the prompt.

  4. Click the box to overwrite the destination file, if desired, if the file already exists.

Step 4

Click Upload to save your changes.

Show/Hide Settings

You can choose to show or hide the Call Flow window by clicking on Show/Hide Settings.

Close Editor Express

To close the Editor Express window, click Close.

Upload a New Script

Use this procedure to upload a new script.


Step 1

Choose System > Scripts. The System Scripts window appears.

Step 2

Click Upload. The Upload window appears.

Step 3

In the Upload dialog box, perform the following tasks:

  1. Enter the source filename, or path to the file you want to upload. Click the Browse button to help you find the directory with the file you want to upload.

  2. Enter the destination filename (required). Enter the same filename as shown in the Source Filename field or a new filename for the script.

  3. Click the box to overwrite the destination file, if the file already exists.

Step 4

ClickUpload to save your changes.

Edit Scripts

Only scripts that are created with Editor Express may be edited using the Web GUI interface in the browser window. These scripts appear in the System Scripts table with an Edit button next to the script name. Scripts created with the windows Cisco Unity Express editor are only editable on the windows editor and do not have an Edit button next to the script name.

Use this procedure to edit scripts.


Step 1

Choose System > Scripts. The System Scripts window appears.

Step 2

In the Script Name field, edit an existing script (the Edit button is present) by clicking the Edit button. The Editor Express window appears.

Step 3

Follow the procedures to configure Editor Express in Create a New Script with Editor Express.

Step 4

Click Save to save your settings.

Delete Scripts

Use this procedure to delete a script.


Step 1

Choose System > Scripts. The System Scripts window appears.

Step 2

Select at least one entry to delete from the Script Name table.

Step 3

Click Delete.

Step 4

Click Ok or Cancel to complete the task.

Download Scripts

Use this procedure to download new scripts.


Step 1

Choose System > Scripts. The System Scripts window appears.

Step 2

Select the script that you want to download from list and click Download. Your system download window appears. You can save the file to disk or download the file using the default application.