Configure Supervisors

View List of Supervisors

Use this procedure to > view a list of configured Supervisors.


Step 1

Choose Configure > Supervisors.

The Configure Supervisors window appears with a list of configured Supervisors that shows their user IDs.

Step 2

To configure Supervisors, you can either:

  • Edit the list of primary and secondary reports for a Supervisor by clicking on the link for user ID.

  • To add a new Supervisor, click Designate.

  • To delete a Supervisor, click Undesignate.

Add Supervisors

Use this procedure to add a new Supervisor.


Step 1

Enter the user ID of the user that you want to be a Supervisor or click the search icon to the right of the field and click Find to display a list of users.

Step 2

Click Designate to save your settings.

Edit Supervisors

Use this procedure to edit the configuration of an existing Supervisor.


Step 1

Choose the tab for Primary reports or Secondary reports.

Step 2

Click Add Employee.

Step 3

Enter the user ID of the user that you want to add or click the search icon to the right of the field and click Find to display a list of users.

Step 4

Click Add Employee to save your changes.

Step 5

Repeat Steps 3, 4, and 5 as many times as necessary to add all of reports that you want.

Step 6

If needed, change the display name or the user ID of the user that you want to be a Supervisor or click the search icon to the right of the field and click Find to display a list of users.

Step 7

Click Designate to save your settings.