Configuring Collaboration Services

Revised June 30, 2011

The following sections describe how to configure collaboration services:

Configuring Service Numbers

Configuring IVR Prompts

Scheduling Meetings

Scheduling Standing Meetings

Configuring Service Numbers

The service number is the string of digits that users dial to reach the associated service. You can create custom service numbers (with associated custom IVR prompts) for each service provider.

The following sections describe how to configure service numbers:

Adding Service Numbers

Editing Service Numbers

Deleting Service Numbers

Service Number Fields

Adding Service Numbers

Before You Begin

Configure the service provider and IVR resources that are associated with the service number.


To add a new service number, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From the navigation pane, choose Collaboration Services > Service Numbers.

The Service Numbers window is displayed.

Step 2 From the toolbar, click Add A New Service Number.

Step 3 Enter the settings as appropriate.

Table 13-1 describes the fields.

Step 4 To save your changes, click Save.

Editing Service Numbers


To edit a service number, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From the navigation pane, choose Collaboration Services > Service Numbers.

The Service Numbers window is displayed.

Step 2 In the item table, click the applicable entry.

Step 3 From the toolbar, click Edit This Service Number.

The details for the service number is displayed. Fields contain the currently-configured values.

Step 4 Modify field entries as appropriate.

Table 13-1 describes the fields.

Step 5 To save your changes, click Save.

Deleting Service Numbers


To delete a service number, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From the navigation pane, choose Collaboration Services > Service Numbers.

The Service Numbers window is displayed.

Step 2 Do the following sub-steps, depending on your Cisco TelePresence Exchange System version.

Cisco TelePresence Exchange System Release 1.0(3)

a. In the item table, check the check box next to the entry that you want to delete. You can delete multiple service numbers at one time by checking the check box next to each entry that you want to delete.

b. Click Delete.

c. In the Deletion Confirmation dialog box, click Delete to confirm the deletion.

Cisco TelePresence Exchange System Release 1.0(2) and earlier

a. In the item table, check the check box next to the entry you want to delete.

b. From the drop-down list that appears, choose Delete.

c. Click Go.

d. In the panel that is displayed to confirm the deletion, click OK.

Tip If you prefer to view the details of a service number prior to deleting it, in the Service Numbers window, you can click the applicable Service Number to go to the Service Number page. After verifying that you have chosen the correct service number to delete, click Delete This Service Number, and then in the Deletion Confirmation dialog box, click Delete to confirm the deletion.

Service Number Fields

Table 13-1 Service Number Field Descriptions 



The string of digits that users dial to reach this service. You can enter up to 32 characters (which can include dashes, underscores, and parentheses after the first character).


Text string describing this service number.

See the "Common Field Properties" section on page 2-4.


Drop-down list of the available services. Choose the service that you want to associate with this service number.

Service Provider

Drop-down list of the available service providers. Choose the service provider that you want to associate with this service number.

See the "Adding Service Providers" section on page 10-1.

IVR Prompt

Drop-down list of the available sets of IVR prompts. For example, you can define a set of IVR prompts such as a welcome message and a help desk message for an organization. Choose the IVR prompt set that you want to associate with this service number.

See the "Adding IVR Prompts" section.

Configuring IVR Prompts

Cisco routers store voice files that provide interactive voice response (IVR) prompts to users in response to certain activities. For example, you can define IVR prompts to welcome users to a call, to request a meeting ID when a user calls in, to indicate that the meeting has not yet started, or to direct users to the help desk.

Service Providers can configure custom IVR prompts for different organizations or for different languages or they can employ the default Cisco IVR prompts.

The following sections describe how to configure service numbers:

Adding IVR Prompts

Editing IVR Prompts

Deleting IVR Prompts

IVR Prompt Fields

Adding IVR Prompts

Before You Begin

Install and configure the Cisco router.


To add a new IVR prompt or set of IVR prompts, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From the navigation pane, choose Collaboration Services > IVR Prompts.

The IVR Prompts window is displayed.

Step 2 From the tool bar, click Add A New IVR Prompt.

Step 3 Enter the settings as appropriate.

Table 13-2 describes the fields.

Step 4 To save your changes, click Save.

Related Topics

To configure prompts on the Cisco router, see the "Configuring the Cisco Router with IVR" chapter.

Editing IVR Prompts


To edit the IVR prompts, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From the navigation pane, choose Collaboration Services > IVR Prompts.

The IVR Prompts window is displayed.

Step 2 In the item table, click the applicable entry.

The IVR Prompt Overview window for the IVR prompt is displayed.

Step 3 From the toolbar, click Edit This IVR Prompt.

The Edit IVR Prompts window is displayed. You can click Play to hear the existing recording for each prompt.

Step 4 To replace an existing IVR file, click Upload for the entry and browse for the replacement file.

Table 13-2 describes each field.

Step 5 To save your changes, click Save.

Deleting IVR Prompts


To delete IVR prompts, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From the navigation pane, choose Collaboration Services > IVR Prompts.

The IVR Prompts window is displayed.

Step 2 Do the following sub-steps, depending on your Cisco TelePresence Exchange System version.

Cisco TelePresence Exchange System Release 1.0(3)

a. In the item table, check the check box next to the entry that you want to delete. You can delete multiple IVR prompts at one time by checking the check box next to each entry that you want to delete.

b. Click Delete.

c. In the Deletion Confirmation dialog box, click Delete to confirm the deletion.

Cisco TelePresence Exchange System Release 1.0(2) and earlier

a. In the item table, check the check box next to the entry you want to delete.

b. From the drop-down list that appears, choose Delete.

c. Click Go.

d. In the panel that is displayed to confirm the deletion, click OK.

Tip If you prefer to view the details of an IVR prompt prior to deleting it, in the IVR Prompts window, you can click the applicable IVR Prompt to go to the IVR Prompt page. After verifying that you have chosen the correct IVR prompt to delete, click Delete This IVR Prompt, and then in the Deletion Confirmation dialog box, click Delete to confirm the deletion.

IVR Prompt Fields


Table 13-2 IVR Prompt Field Descriptions 



Text string identifying the group of IVR prompts.

See the "Common Field Properties" section on page 2-4.


Text string describing the group of IVR prompts.

See the "Common Field Properties" section on page 2-4.

Welcome Prompt

Text string indicating the location of the voice file for the Welcome prompt.

Invalid Meeting Prompt

Text string indicating the location of the voice file for the Invalid Meeting prompt.

Helpdesk Prompt

Text string indicating the location of the voice file for the Helpdesk prompt.

Max Participants Prompt

Text string indicating the location of the voice file for the Maximum Participants prompt.

Meeting Not Started Prompt

Text string indicating the location of the voice file for the Meeting Not Started prompt.

Request Id Prompt

Text string indicating the location of the voice file for the Request Id prompt.

Timeout Prompt

Text string indicating the location of the voice file for the Timeout prompt.

Unauthorized Prompt

Text string indicating the location of the voice file for the Unauthorized prompt.

Valid Meeting Prompt

Text string indicating the location of the voice file for the Valid Meeting prompt.

GoodBye Prompt

Text string indicating the location of the voice file for the GoodBye prompt.

No Conference Resource Available Prompt

Applicable only to Cisco TelePresence Exchange System Release 1.0(3) and later.

Text string indicating the location of the voice file for the No Conference Resource Available prompt.

Scheduling Meetings

You can view the scheduled meetings on this Cisco TelePresence Exchange System, and you can schedule meetings.

The following sections describe how to schedule meetings and how to view existing meetings:

Viewing Meetings

Scheduling Meetings

Schedule Meeting Fields

For information on meeting diagnostics, see the "Meeting Diagnostics" chapter.

Viewing Meetings


To view the meetings scheduled on this Cisco TelePresence Exchange System, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From the navigation pane, choose Collaboration Services > Meetings.

The Meetings window is displayed.

Step 2 For instructions on viewing additional information about scheduled and complete meetings, see the applicable section:

Viewing Meeting Diagnostics (Cisco TelePresence Exchange System Release 1.0(3) and Later Only), page 24-2

Viewing Meeting Diagnostics (Cisco TelePresence Exchange System Release 1.0(2) and Earlier Only), page 24-5

Scheduling Meetings


To schedule a new meeting, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From the navigation pane, choose Collaboration Services > Meetings.

The Meetings window is displayed.

Step 2 To schedule a meeting, click Add A New Meeting.

Step 3 Enter the settings for the meeting.

Table 13-3 describes the meeting fields.

Step 4 To save your changes, click Schedule.

Schedule Meeting Fields

Table 13-3 Schedule Meeting Field Descriptions 


Meeting Type

Radio buttons provide a choice of MeetMe, Remote, or Two Party Direct.

MeetMe meeting—System reserves media resources for the meeting. The meeting can include provisioned endpoints, unprovisioned endpoints, and remote endpoints. By default, One-Button-to-Push (OBTP) information is displayed at locally provisioned endpoints unless you uncheck the Push OBTP check box.

Remote meeting—System does not reserve media resources for the meeting (the remote Cisco TelePresence Exchange System provides the media resources). OBTP information is displayed at locally provisioned endpoints. A remote meeting involves an inter-service provider participant.

Two Party Direct—System does not reserve media resources, because this type of meeting is direct-dialed. However, you can specify the service provider, scheduler, and meeting details (start time and duration).

Note Beginning with Cisco TelePresence Exchange System release 1.0(3), you can set up a two party direct meeting for two separate organizations, as long as both organizations are on the same Cisco TelePresence Manager.


Check box.

Check the Test check box to allow test meetings to be run.

For information about configuring test units, see the "Configuring CTMS Resources" section on page 9-6.

Test meetings do not generate billing records.

Note Test meetings are allocated exclusively on Cisco TelePresence Multipoint Switch test units and are an option only for Meet-Me meetings.

Note The Test check box is displayed only when scheduling a Meet-Me meeting.

Note When you check this check box, the only resources shown in the Resource drop-down list are those that you have designated for test purposes. If the Resource drop-down list is empty, you must first add a test resource, making sure to check the Test check box on the Resource page to designate it for test purposes.

Service Provider

Drop-down list of service providers. Choose the service provider that will host this meeting.


Text description of the meeting.


Email address of the contact person for the meeting. When you enter this information, it is displayed on the telepresence IP phone during the meeting. This is useful if there is an issue with the meeting.

Conference ID

Text field. Enter a unique, eight-digit conference ID for users to dial to reach this meeting.

Note This field is displayed only on the Remote Meetings configuration window.

Access Number

Number that the participant must call to reach the meeting.

Note This field is displayed only on the Remote Meetings configuration window.

Start Time

Date, start time, and time zone of the meeting.

Text field or calendar to specify the date.
Text field to specify the hour.
Drop-down list to choose AM or PM.
Drop-down list to choose the time zone.


Duration of the meeting in minutes.


Check box. Check the check box if you want the system to send One-Button-to-Push (OBTP) information to the IP phones in the rooms that are associated with the provisioned endpoints.

Note This field is displayed only when scheduling a Meet-Me meeting.


Drop-down list of regions. Choose the region where the meeting will be hosted. The system reserves media resources at a media POP in this region.

Note This field is displayed only when scheduling a Meet-Me meeting.

Request Specific Resource

Applicable only to Cisco TelePresence Exchange System Release 1.0(3) and later.

Check box. Check the check box if you want the system to display a drop-down list of available resources. When this check box is checked, you must select a resource from the Resource list.

Note The Request Specific Resource check box is available only when a Region is selected.


Applicable only to Cisco TelePresence Exchange System Release 1.0(3) and later.

A drop-down list of available resources, filtered by region. When the Request Specific Resource check box is checked, you must select a resource from this list.

When you specify a resource in this field, then only that resource can be used for this meeting. If the selected resource is offline at the time of the meeting, the meeting will fail.

Note The Resource list is available only when the Request Specific Resource check box is checked.

Note When you check the Test check box, the only resources shown in this drop-down list will be resources that are designated for test purposes.

Additional Bridge Capabilities

Sets the required bridge capabilities for unprovisioned endpoints in the meeting. You can select more than one bridge option.

Note For provisioned endpoints, the system automatically detects the bridging capabilities.

TelePresence Endpoints—Select this option if a TIP-based Cisco TelePresence System is in the meeting.

Single-screen Interop Endpoints—Select this option if any single-screen, standards-based (H323, ISDN) endpoint is in the meeting.

Multi-screen Interop Endpoints—Select this option if a three-screen Cisco TelePresence T3 is in the meeting.

Note This field is displayed only when scheduling a Meet-Me meeting.

Additional Capacity

Number of additional ports/segments that the system needs to reserve for the meeting. The value must be multiples of 4.

For planning purposes, each three-screen endpoint requires 4 ports, and each single-screen endpoint requires 2 ports.

Note This field is displayed only when scheduling a Meet-Me meeting.

Provisioned Endpoints

Provisioned meetings are Meet-Me or Two Party Direct calls that you provision on the Cisco TelePresence Exchange System.

The system is aware of all details about the meeting (such as number of screens, and organization). The provisioned meeting might or might not have a connection to a Cisco TelePresence Manager for OBTP support.

Click Add Provisioned Endpoints to display a drop-down list of provisioned endpoints, and choose an endpoint to include in this meeting.

Ports is the number of ports/segments that the endpoint requires. By default, the system reserves four ports/segments of capacity for each provisioned endpoint.

To add an additional endpoint, click Add Provisioned Endpoints again.

Note The Remote Endpoints button is not an option for Remote meetings.

Unprovisioned Endpoints

Unprovisioned meetings reserve ports for an unknown endpoint for a specific organization.

Click Add Unprovisioned Endpoints to display a drop-down list of organization names, and choose an organization to include in this meeting.

Ports is the number of segments that the endpoint requires. The default value is zero.

To allow the endpoint to receive guest dial-out calls, check the Guest Dial Out check box.

Enter the number that the system must dial to reach the guest endpoint.

From the Endpoint Protocol drop-down list, choose the signaling protocol for the endpoint (ISDN, SIP, H323).

To add an additional endpoint, click Add Unprovisioned Endpoints again.

Note The Unprovisioned Endpoints button is not an option for Two-Party Direct meetings.

Remote Endpoints

Reserves capacity for a remote endpoint for an inter-service provider participant. No additional data is visible or configurable for this type of endpoint.

To reserve capacity for a remote endpoint, click Add Remote Endpoints. A Remote Endpoint entry is displayed on the window.

No additional configuration is possible.

Note The Add Remote Endpoints button is displayed only when you select the Meet-Me radio button.

Scheduling Standing Meetings

Scheduling a standing meeting allows you to verify the operation of the system or to establish a demonstration meeting. For example, you can provision an endpoint and then call in to the standing meeting to verify connectivity to the Cisco TelePresence Exchange System without involving other endpoints or participants.

A standing meeting is a permanent meeting that you configure on a Cisco TelePresence Multipoint Switch and that you name as a test resource. You cannot configure a standing meeting in a region that does not have a Cisco TelePresence Multipoint Switch test resource.

The following sections describe how to add, change, and delete standing meetings:

Adding Standing Meetings

Editing Standing Meetings

Deleting Standing Meetings

Standing Meeting Fields

Adding Standing Meetings

Note On the Cisco TelePresence MSE 8000 Series, standing meetings are known as permanent meetings. On the Cisco TelePresence Multipoint Switch, standing meetings are known as static meetings.

Before You Begin

Configure the service provider and region.


To add a new standing meeting, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From the navigation pane, choose Collaboration Services > Standing Meetings.

The Standing Meetings window is displayed.

Step 2 Click Add A New Standing Meeting.

Step 3 Enter the settings as indicated in Table 13-4 to configure the standing meeting.

Step 4 To save your changes, click Save.

Editing Standing Meetings


To edit a standing meeting, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From the navigation pane, choose Collaboration Services > Standing Meetings.

The Standing Meetings window is displayed.

Step 2 In the item table, click the applicable entry.

The Standing Meeting Details window is displayed.

Step 3 From the toolbar, click Edit This Standing Meeting.

The Edit Standing Meeting window is displayed. Fields contain the currently-configured values.

Step 4 Modify field entries as required.

Fields are described in Table 13-4.

Step 5 To save your changes, click Save.

The Standing Meeting Details window is displayed. Modified fields display the new values.

Deleting Standing Meetings


To delete a standing meeting, do the following procedure:

Step 1 From the navigation pane, choose Collaboration Services > Standing Meetings.

The Standing Meetings window is displayed.

Step 2 Do the following sub-steps, depending on your Cisco TelePresence Exchange System version.

Cisco TelePresence Exchange System Release 1.0(3)

a. In the item table, check the check box next to the entry that you want to delete. You can delete multiple standing meetings at one time by checking the check box next to each entry that you want to delete.

b. Click Delete.

c. In the Deletion Confirmation dialog box, click Delete to confirm the deletion.

Cisco TelePresence Exchange System Release 1.0(2) and earlier

a. In the item table, check the check box next to the entry you want to delete.

b. From the drop-down list that appears, choose Delete.

c. Click Go.

d. In the panel that is displayed to confirm the deletion, click OK.

Tip If you prefer to view the details of a standing meeting prior to deleting it, in the Standing Meetings window, you can click the applicable Standing Meeting to go to the Standing Meeting page. After verifying that you have chosen the correct standing meeting to delete, click Delete This Standing Meeting, and then in the Deletion Confirmation dialog box, click Delete to confirm the deletion.

Standing Meeting Fields

Table 13-4 Standing Meeting Field Descriptions 



Text string that identifies the standing meeting.

See the "Common Field Properties" section on page 2-4.


Text string describing this meeting.

See the "Common Field Properties" section on page 2-4.


Drop-down list of the available regions.

See the "Adding Regions" section on page 10-4.

Conference ID

Text field. Enter a unique, eight-digit conference ID for users to dial to reach this meeting.


Numeric field. The units are ports and segments. For each three-screen endpoint, plan for four ports (segments), and for each single-screen endpoint, plan for two ports (segments).

Schedule Time

The resources for the meeting are re-established every 24 hours at the scheduled time. The standing meeting is unavailable for approximately one minute during this operation.

Text field to specify the hour.
Drop-down list to select AM or PM.
Drop-down list to choose the time zone.


Check box. Check the Active check box to activate the standing meeting.