Changing the Network Configurations

Revised June 30, 2011

Typically, the Cisco TelePresence Exchange System network configurations are completed only during installation. If, however, you need to make changes to the network configurations after installation, see the following topics:

Changing the IP Address of an Administration or Call Engine Server

Changing the Database VIP Address That Is Configured on a Call Engine or Administration Server

Configuring SIP Load Balancing on the Call Engine Servers

Changing the IMM Interface Configuration

Changing the IP Address of an Administration or Call Engine Server

Typically, the IP addresses of the administration server and call engine server are configured only during installation of the servers. Nevertheless, you may complete this task to change or correct the configuration after installation, for example, if you move the servers into a different network.

Before You Begin

Completing this task causes loss of connectivity to the server and involves restarting the server. Cisco recommends that you complete this task only during a maintenance period.

Access the CLI via the console to avoid losing administrator connectivity to the server.


Step 1 Log in to the CLI of the server.

Step 2 Disable the bond between Ethernet 0 and Ethernet 1 by entering the set network failover dis command.

admin: set network failover dis 
          ***   W A R N I N G   ***
This will cause the system to temporarily lose network connectivity

          Do you want to continue ?

Step 3 Enter yes to confirm that you want to continue with disabling the bond.

Enter "yes" to continue or any other key to abort:

executing ...

Step 4 Change the IP address by entering the following command:

set network ip eth0 IP-address subnet-mask


admin: set network ip eth0 
          ***   W A R N I N G   ***
The system will be rebooted after the change.

Step 5 When prompted, enter y to confirm that you want to continue with changing the IP address.

Continue (y/n)? y 
SIP server listening address has been changed to
Please restart the SIP server using the 'utils service sipserver stop|start' command for 
the change to take effect

Warning: Restart could take up to 5 minutes...
Shutting down Service Manager will take some time.. 
\   Service Manager shutting down services... Please Wait   

Broadcast message from root (Thu Feb 17 23:58:48 2011):

The system is going down for reboot NOW!

Restart has succeeded

Step 6 Log back in to the CLI of the server.

Step 7 If you changed the VLAN of the server, also complete the following steps:

a. Change the default gateway by entering the following command:

set network gateway IP-address


admin: set network gateway 
          ***   W A R N I N G   ***
This will cause the system to temporarily lose network connectivity.

b. When prompted, enter y to confirm that you want to continue with changing the default gateway.

Continue (y/n)? y 

Step 8 Re-enable the bond between Ethernet 0 and Ethernet 1 by entering the set network failover ena command.

admin: set network failover ena 
          ***   W A R N I N G   ***
This will cause the system to temporarily lose network connectivity

          Do you want to continue ?

Step 9 When prompted, enter yes to confirm that you want to continue with enabling the bond.

Enter "yes" to continue or any other key to abort:

executing ...

Step 10 To verify that the new IP address has taken effect, and that Ethernet 0 and Ethernet 1 are bonded together, enter the show network failover command.

admin: show network failover 
Bond 0
DHCP         : disabled           Status     : up
IP Address   :      IP Mask    :
Link Detected: no                 Mode       : Auto disabled, N/A, N/A

Ethernet 0
DHCP         : disabled           Status     : up
IP Address   :                    IP Mask    :
Link Detected: yes                Mode       : Auto enabled, Full, 1000MB/s

Ethernet 1
DHCP         : disabled           Status     : up
IP Address   :                    IP Mask    :
Link Detected: no                 Mode       : Auto enabled, Unknown! (255), 1000MB/s

Primary      :                    Secondary  :
Options      : timeout:5 attempts:2
Domain       : localdomain
Gateway      : on Ethernet bond0

What to Do Next

If you changed the IP address of an administration server, take the following actions:

Update the real server entries on the Cisco Application Control Engine. See the "Configuring Real Servers" section on page 15-7.

Update the firewall and any other network component that needs to be aware of the new IP address.

If you changed the IP address of a call engine server, take the following actions:

Update the following items to reflect the new IP address:

Adjacencies on the Cisco Session Border Controller. See the "Creating Adjacencies" section on page 20-5.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager configuration on the Cisco TelePresence Multipoint Switch. See the "Configuring Unified CM Settings" section on page 16-5.

Real server entries on the Cisco Application Control Engine. See the "Configuring Real Servers" section on page 15-7.

SIP trunk on the Cisco Unified Communications Manager. See the "Creating a SIP Trunk" section on page 18-3.

Update the firewall and any other network component that needs to be aware of the new IP address.

Changing the Database VIP Address That Is Configured on a Call Engine or Administration Server

Complete this task only if you accidentally entered the wrong virtual IP (VIP) address for the database servers while you were installing a call engine or administration server.

Before You Begin

To determine whether you should complete this task, see the "Verifying Data Connectivity Among the Servers" section on page 5-22.


Step 1 Log in to the CLI of the call engine or administration server.

Step 2 Enter the show dbip command.

admin: show dbip 
Database IP:

If the IP address in the command output is not the correct VIP address of the database servers, proceed to the next step.

Step 3 Enter one of the following commands, depending on the server role:

For a call engine server, enter the set sipserver changedbip command.

For an administration server, enter the set adminserver changedbip command.

admin: set adminserver changedbip 
Database server IP address has been changed to
Please restart the Admin server using the 'utils service adminserver stop|start' command
for the change to take effect

Step 4 Enter one of the following commands, depending on the server role:

For a call engine server, enter the utils service sipserver stop command.

For an administration server, enter the utils service adminserver stop command.

admin: utils service adminserver stop 

Step 5 Enter one of the following commands, depending on the server role:

For a call engine server, enter the utils service sipserver start command.

For an administration server, enter the utils service adminserver start command.

admin: utils service adminserver start 
adminserver.................Started - PID <23338>

Step 6 Enter one of the following commands, depending on the server role:

For a call engine server, enter the utils service sipserver status command.

For an administration server, enter the utils service adminserver status command.

You may need to wait for a few minutes and repeat the command entry to see the status change to running.

admin: utils service adminserver status 
adminserver.................Starting - PID <23338>
admin: utils service adminserver status 
adminserver.................Running - PID <23338>

Related Topics

Command Reference, page C-1

Configuring SIP Load Balancing on the Call Engine Servers

The Cisco Application Control Engine (ACE) is the SIP load balancer for the Cisco TelePresence Exchange System. Typically, the virtual IP (VIP) address and port of the SIP load balancer are configured only during the installation of the call engine servers. Nevertheless, you may use the following tasks to change the configuration after installation:

Configuring the Virtual IP Address and Port for the SIP Load Balancer

Displaying the Virtual IP Address and Port for the SIP Load Balancer

Disabling SIP Load Balancing

Configuring the Virtual IP Address and Port for the SIP Load Balancer

Complete this procedure on the call engine servers to configure the SIP load balancer VIP address and port.

Before You Begin

Completing this task requires that you restart the call engine server.


Step 1 Log in to the CLI of the call engine server.

Step 2 Enter the following command, specifying the SIP load balancer VIP. If you want to use a port other than the default 5060, then also specify the port:

set sipserver siplb ena ip-address [port]

admin: set sipserver siplb ena 
SIP Loadbalancing is not configured on this engine. 
SIP Load Balancer address has been changed to 
SIP Load Balancer port has been changed to 5060
Please restart the SIP server using the 'utils service sipserver stop|start' command for 
the change to take effect

If the system reports that SIP load balancing is already enabled, first complete the procedure in the "Configuring the Virtual IP Address and Port for the SIP Load Balancer" section, and then retry this step.

Step 3 Restart the call engine server by completing the following actions:

a. Stop the call engine server by entering the utils service sipserver stop command.

admin: utils service sipserver stop 

b. Start the call engine server by entering the utils service sipserver start command.

admin: utils service sipserver start 
sipserver.............................Starting - PID <32367>

c. Verify that the call engine server is running by entering the utils service sipserver status command.

admin: utils service sipserver status 
sipserver.............................Starting - PID <32367>
admin: utils service sipserver status 
sipserver.............................Running - PID <32367>

Step 4 Repeat this procedure on the redundant call engine server.


Complete the procedure in the "Displaying the Virtual IP Address and Port for the SIP Load Balancer" section.

Displaying the Virtual IP Address and Port for the SIP Load Balancer

Complete this procedure on the call engine servers to display the configured SIP load balancer VIP address and port. If not configured, then SIP load balancing is disabled on the Cisco TelePresence Exchange System.


Step 1 Log in to the CLI of the call engine server.

Step 2 Enter the show siplb command.

In the following example, SIP load balancing is enabled on the server:

admin: show siplb 
SIP Loadbalancer Host:
SIP Loadbalancer Port: 5060

In the following example, SIP load balancing is disabled on the server:

admin: show siplb 
SIP Loadbalancer is not enabled/configured on this server.

Disabling SIP Load Balancing

Complete this procedure on the call engine servers to disable SIP load balancing for the Cisco TelePresence Exchange System. Doing so removes the SIP load balancer VIP address and port configuration on the call engine servers.

Before You Begin

Completing this task requires that you restart the call engine server.


Step 1 Log in to the CLI of the call engine server.

Step 2 Enter the set sipserver siplb dis command.

admin: set sipserver siplb dis 
SIP Loadbalancing has been disabled.
Please restart the SIP server using the 'utils service sipserver stop|start' command for 
the change to take effect

Step 3 Restart the call engine server by completing the following actions:

a. Stop the call engine server by entering the utils service sipserver stop command.

admin: utils service sipserver stop 

b. Start the call engine server by entering the utils service sipserver start command.

admin: utils service sipserver start 
sipserver.............................Starting - PID <32367>

c. Verify that the call engine server is running by entering the utils service sipserver status command.

admin: utils service sipserver status 
sipserver.............................Starting - PID <32367>
admin: utils service sipserver status 
sipserver.............................Running - PID <32367>

Step 4 Repeat this procedure on the redundant call engine server.


Complete the procedure in the "Displaying the Virtual IP Address and Port for the SIP Load Balancer" section.

Related Topics

Configuring the Virtual IP Address and Port for the SIP Load Balancer

Changing the IMM Interface Configuration

Complete this task only if you want to change the IP address or network configuration for the integrated management module (IMM) of a Cisco TelePresence Exchange System server, for example, if you move the server into a difference subnet or otherwise need to change the IP address.

Before You Begin

This task applies only if you had previously set up the IMM interface on the server. See the "Setting Up the IMM" section on page 4-7.

Complete this task by using one of the following web browsers:

Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or later with the latest Service Pack

Mozilla Firefox version 1.5 or later

Make sure that the browser allows popup windows from the IMM.


Step 1 Log in to the IMM web interface.

Step 2 Select System > IMM Control > Network Interfaces.

Step 3 Confirm the following field settings:


DHCP—Disabled - Use static IP configuration

Step 4 Enter the new IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway IP address for the IMM interface.

Step 5 Click Save.

Step 6 Click OK.

Step 7 Select System > IMM Control > Restart IMM.

Step 8 Click Restart.

Step 9 Click OK.