ACI F6x Messages

ACI F6* Commands

F606210: fsmFailResConsumerRegister

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when resource consumer registration (used for ID / resource tracking) fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606211: fsmFailResConsumerUnregister

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when resource consumer unregistration (used for ID / resource tracking) fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606212: fsmFailTagInstConfDef

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when a tag reference configuration fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606213: fsmFailTagAliasInstConfAliasDef

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when an alias reference configuration fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606214: fsmFailTagAliasDelInstDelAliasDef

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when alias reference fails to be deleted

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606220: fsmFailIdentSourceRelease

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when an internal identifier fails to be released.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606233: fsmFailDbgexpNodeStatusRemoveFile

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending export file name to correct APIC to remote it, fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606234: fsmFailSvccoreNodeSendCoreInfo

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when task to report core info from node to APIC fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606236: fsmFailAaaUserResetAdminPasswd

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F606242: fsmFailFirmwareSourcePopulateRepo

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs upon failure to update information about a downloaded image

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606243: fsmFailFirmwareDownloadPopulateDownload

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs upon failure to update information about download

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606245: fsmFailDbgexpNodeStatusReportNodeStatus

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when task to report export status from node to APIC fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606253: fsmFailPconsResolverResolve

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when the node (leaf/spine) fails to send the message to controller to resolve all its policies.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606262: fsmFailCompCtrlrAdd

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when FSM for Controller Add operation fails.

Recommended Action: If you see this fault, take the following actions:
  1. Check if there are repeated failures of any FSM stage
  2. Perform the suggested actions to correct stage failures
  3. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606274: fsmFailTopSystemSendTopSystem

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending top System changes to Topology Manager fails

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606277: fsmFailFirmwareCtrlrFwStatusContSendCtrlrRunning

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending controller firmwareCtrlrRunning object to firmwareFwStatusCont fails

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606278: fsmFailMaintNodeInMaintSendCtrlrUpgradeReq

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when Appliance Element fails to send upgrade request to scheduler

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606279: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareLoadCatalog

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when loading compatibility catalog for the firmware fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606347: fsmFailCompEpPDAddorDelExtPol

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting Portgroupsfor a VMM Controller fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606348: fsmFailCompVNicPDDefVNicUpdate

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating a vNIC profile definition fails. This typically happens if fhe Physical-NICs of the Hosts are not placed in DVS(vDS) managed by APIC

Recommended Action: Please ensure Physical-NICs of host is placed in the DVS(vDS) managed by APIC. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606349: fsmFailHvsExtPolUpdate

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending the external policy information from vShield controller to vCenter controller fails

Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606350: fsmFailLacpLagPolDefUpdateLacp

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the LACP Lag Policy at the DVS fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606351: fsmFailCompPolContUpdateCtrlrPol

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the Controller policy container at the DVS fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606352: fsmFailCompStatsPolUpdateStatsPol

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the statistics monitoring policy for the Controller fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606353: fsmFailFvnsVxlanInstDefAddorDelFvnsInst

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a VXLAN Pool definiton for the Controller fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606354: fsmFailFvnsMcastAddrInstDefAddorDel

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a Multicast Address Pool definition for the VMM Controller fails.

Recommended Action: This task is internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606359: fsmFailHvsLNodeAddorDelUplinkPortGroup

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting an uplink Porgroup for the Controller fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606360: fsmFailHvsLNodeAddorDelVtepPortGroup

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a VTEP Porgroup for the Controller fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606361: fsmFailCompHpNicAddorDelVtepNic

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a VTEP NIC fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606365: fsmFailVpcIfUpdatePathEp

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606367: fsmFailCompHpNicUpdateHostVendorConfig

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating host vendor configuration fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606369: fsmFailHvsExtPolSetExtPolInfo

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when setting external policy information for the Controller fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606371: fsmFailCompEpPConnResolveEPgAdj

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when Endpoint Attach/Detach update to Policy Manager fails. This is an internal task.

Recommended Action: This task is retried automatically. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606379: fsmFailCompCtrlrFindCluster

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when Cluster update to VMM Controller fails.

Recommended Action: If you see this fault, take the following actions:
  1. Validate that one or more of the physical NIC of all the hosts of the cluster are attached to the DVS
  2. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606386: fsmFailCompCtrlrHandleObjUpd

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending cluster add message to VMM Controller fails.

Recommended Action: This task is internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606389: fsmFailCompCtrlrPrepareLNode

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when DVS preparation operation for vShield Controller fails.

Recommended Action: If you see this fault, take the following actions:
  1. Validate that vShield is associated with vCenter and it is reachable from vShield
  2. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606391: fsmFailCompHvGetHpNicAdj

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when LLDP/CDP Adjacency information is not found for the physical adapters on the host.

Recommended Action: If you see this fault, take the following actions:
  1. Validate LLDP configuration on DVS, vCenter and Physical Switch connected to the Host.
  2. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606392: fsmFailCompMgmtNicGetMgmtNicIp

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when the IP address for the interface on the host cannot be found.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, take the following actions:
  1. Check network connectivity for the host.
  2. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC. This failure is automatically retried.

F606395: fsmFailCompRsCtrlrGetAssocCtrlrInfo

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when an error is encountered when obtaining vCenter hyperlink reference from vCloud Director.

Recommended Action: If you see this fault, take the following actions:
  1. Validate that vCenter is associated with the vCloud Director. If not re-attach the vCenter
  2. Validate that vCenter hyperlink reference can be obtained using vCloud RestAPI
  3. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC. This failure is automatically retried.

F606430: fsmFailMaintNodeInMaintCanIUpgrade

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when token for switch upgrade is rejected. Some of the possible reasons are - 1)Apic upgrade is in progress 2)vpc peer is upgrading3)Node is in locked zone 4)Cluster is not healthy5)Concurrency cap reached 6)Target image is missing on apic 7)Inter-node upgrade delay timer has not expired

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606434: fsmFailLldpIfLldpDiscovery

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when update Adrelay on LLDP discovery fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606435: fsmFailFvVDEpWaitForEpP

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when wait for endpoing profile download fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606436: fsmFailHvsRtNicAdjReportLooseNode

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when LooseNode Report Update to TopoManager fails.

Recommended Action: This failure is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606483: fsmFailSysdebugTechSupportInitiate

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F606484: fsmFailSysdebugTechSupportDeleteTechSupFile

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F606486: fsmFailSysdebugTechSupportDownload

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F606487: fsmFailSysdebugLogControlEpLogControlPersist

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F606565: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodeRemoveSwitch

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when send decommission message to switch fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606566: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodeTopoCleanup

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when remove node request fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606567: fsmFailFabricDecommissionJobPmCleanup

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when send policy cleanup request fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606597: fsmFailDhcpDiscNodeReport

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a DHCP discovered node fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606615: fsmFailVzFilterConfRFltP

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when filter profile fails to be updated

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606616: fsmFailVzFltTaskAggrConfRFltPAggr

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when filter profile fails to be configured for aggregated filters

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606617: fsmFailVzCtrctEPgContCtrctToEpPUpd

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when endpoint profile remote EPG contract fails to be updated

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606640: fsmFailFvCollectionContBringInfoIntoCollectionShard

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when EPG configuration fails to be delivered to contract collection

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606643: fsmFailVzTabooCreateAnyTaboo

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when a taboo entry fails to be delivered to a remote EPG

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606644: fsmFailVzBrCPVzForceConfig

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when a dependent L4-L7 service graph template fails to be updated

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606655: fsmFailDhcpRsProvUpdDhcpProvAddress

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when update DHCP provider address fails

Recommended Action: None set.

F606664: fsmFailInfraNodeCfgManageVpcId

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when virtual port channel ID assignment fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606666: fsmFailFabricAProtGEpManageVIP

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when virtual IP address assignment fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606667: fsmFailFabricNodePEpManageProtectionChainIP

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when protection chain IP address assignment fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606668: fsmFailDbgexpExportPSendNodeList

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when send controller and node list fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606669: fsmFailDbgexpTechSupPDeleteTechSupIfcTrackers

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when delete controller tracker list for techsupport collection fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606670: fsmFailDbgexpTechSupOnDDeleteOnDIfcTrackers

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when delete controller tracker list for on-demand collection fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606671: fsmFailFvVDEpEpAttachorDetach

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of an endpoint attach or detach fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606674: fsmFailTagRefDelInst

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when delete tag reference target fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606725: fsmFailVpcIfUpdateVpcProtLink

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notfication of virtual port channel interface info fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606755: fsmFailL3extConsLblEpP

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when configuration of endpoint profile definition (EpP) fails

Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606757: fsmFailFvEPgUpdMgmtDeplCont

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when attempt to update inband management epg with device cluster interface fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606758: fsmFailFvRtProvProvDhcpUpd

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when update DHCP provider with relation to current bridge domain fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606761: fsmFailFvAEpDefEndPointUpd

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notify endpoint update fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606764: fsmFailVnsEPpInfoEpPDUpd

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606766: fsmFailInfraEpPDSendDomDefToEpP

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when a configuration update to EPP failed.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606833: fsmFailMgmtInBZoneBringNodeInfoToInBMgmtEppShard

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when send node information from infra to management EPG fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606834: fsmFailMgmtOoBZoneBringNodeInfoToOoBMgmtEppShard

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when send node information from infra to out-of-band management EPGfails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606835: fsmFailMgmtOoBOobEpP

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when send out-of-band endpoint profile update fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606836: fsmFailMgmtCollectionContBringProvInfoIntoCtrct

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when send out-of-band provider information to contract fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606837: fsmFailMgmtCollectionContBringConsInfoIntoCtrct

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when send EPG consumer information to contract fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606840: fsmFailPresResolverResolverRepl

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when handle replication for resolver fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606842: fsmFailSpanSrcReportSpanSrcDef

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a Span source fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606843: fsmFailSpanTaskParamUpdateSpanSrcGrpDef

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a Span source group fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606844: fsmFailFvRtDestEpgSpanEpg

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a Span source group fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606845: fsmFailDbgacEpgSummaryReportODACDef

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a on-demand atomic counter policy fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606871: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateTopSystem

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when system change notification to Topology Manager fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606872: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateFabricNode

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending system information to Topology Manager fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606875: fsmFailDbgRemotePortUpdateRemotePortToDbgrelem

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when update remote port info to debugger-element fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606897: fsmFailTestinfralabFreebiesReportFreebies

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F606899: fsmFailSyntheticContextTest

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F606900: fsmFailSyntheticContextLocalTest

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F606901: fsmFailSyntheticContextTest2

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F606902: fsmFailSyntheticContextTest3

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F606910: fsmFailInfraRsFuncToEpgReportPortsToEpp

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when deploy of EPG on ports associated with Attached Entity Profile fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F606911: fsmFailInfraRsDomPSendAttEntityPToVmmDomP

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending policies associated with attached entity profile to domain fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607041: fsmFailVnsEPgDefLegacyEpP

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised if endpoint profile update for service graph internal EPG fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607045: fsmFailVnsEPpInfoEPpInfo

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph related information could not be deleted from leafs.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607048: fsmFailVnsLDevInstVDevUpdGraphInst

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating virtual device configuration to script handler failed.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607050: fsmFailVzACollectionProcessContract

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when rendering associated service graphs failed.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607450: fsmFailTopSystemControllerChassis

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending top System changes for Chassis to Topology Manager fails

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607451: fsmFailTopSystemSwitchChassis

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when chassis change notification to Topology Manager fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607479: fsmFailPconsResolverResolveAllPolicies

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when forced policy resolution fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607480: fsmFailCallhomeInvPUpdateCallhomeInvP

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when task to update execution status of callhome inventory policy fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607481: fsmFailVnsRsLDevInstVDevUpd

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating device configuration on script handler failed.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607493: fsmFailMgmtInstPInstPEpP

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when send endpoint profile update for management EPG fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607496: fsmFailFabricShardTaskHolderUnsubscribeFromPM

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending Fabric Node subscription removal to Policy Manager fails

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607514: fsmFailDbgacTenantSpaceCmnAcSendDbgProfile

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification for a on-demand atomic counter policy fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607560: fsmFailFabricNodeSend

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending root Fabric Node changes to Appliance Element fails

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607563: fsmFailVnsScriptRTInfoUpdateScriptRTInfo

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating runtime info under service script failed.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607564: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateRunningVer

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when running software version fails to be updated

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607571: fsmFailAaaADomainRefPushDomainRefsToRbacEp

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when configuration distribution of RbacRules fails

Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607574: fsmFailPconsResolverContCheckBootStrap

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when ports cannot be brought in service after incomplete policy registration

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607575: fsmFailPconsResolveCompleteRefPolicyDeploymentDone

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify leaf/spine about policy deployment completion fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607588: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareAutoloadCatalog

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when loading firmware compatibility catalog fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607589: fsmFailPconsResolverContCheckBootStrapWorstCaseTask

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when bringing ports in service after bootstrap completion fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607590: fsmFailFvSubnetBDDefContUpdateBDDefWithRouteDef

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when update bridge domain with static route fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607591: fsmFailFvTabooCtxDefContUpdateCtxDefWithTabooDef

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when update private network with taboo configuration fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607592: fsmFailFvCtrctCtxDefContUpdateCtxDefWithEPgDef

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when update private network with EPG summary information fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607603: fsmFailDhcpClientUpdateFnv

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when updating the fabric node vector fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607610: fsmFailFvInBEpPInBUpd

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F607620: fsmFailVnsLDevCtxReRenderGraph

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending message to contract shard failed and graph instance could not be re-rendered.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607623: fsmFailFvSubnetBDDefContUpdateBDHolder

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when update bridge domain container fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607628: fsmFailVzCollectionContBringCollectionIntInfoIntoCtrct

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when contract or bundle interface configuration fails to be delivered to contract or bundle

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607632: fsmFailFabricNodeTaskHolderSubscribeToPM

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending Fabric Node subscription to the Policy Manager via Appliance Element fails

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607660: fsmFailFabricProtGEpVPcRegisterForNotification

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when register for node notification fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607661: fsmFailTagRefUpdateAlias

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when an alias instance update fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607664: fsmFailVnsCMgmtNatCreate

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when NAT entry creation for concrete device management interface failed.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607666: fsmFailLeqptLooseNodeReportPathGrp

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when reporting fabric path group on an external connected node fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607667: fsmFailCallhomeInvTaskSendInventory

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when send callhome inventory fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607670: fsmFailFabricAProtGEpSpineProxyCreate

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notify spine proxy create fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607684: fsmFailVzCtrctEPgContUpdateCtxDefWithAnyREpPCtrct

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when private network configuration fails to be updated with remote contract collection

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607689: fsmFailVnsRsTermToEPgSvcFltUpd

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when security filters required to allow traffic from EPgs to L4-L7 service graph traffic could not be downloaded to leafs.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607690: fsmFailAaaIDomainRefReportDomainRefsToRbacEp

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when the update of security domain configuration to PolicyMgr fails. This is an internal task used by the system.

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607725: fsmFailVnsSDEPpInfoEpPDUpdS

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607726: fsmFailVnsSDEPpInfoEPpInfoS

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph related information could not be configured on leafs.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607727: fsmFailVnsREPpInfoAllocateEncap

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F607728: fsmFailVnsLDevInstAllocateVDevId

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F607729: fsmFailVnsSLDevInstConsRemoveVGrp

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F607730: fsmFailVnsSLDevInstRemoveVDev

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F607746: fsmFailL3extRtOutDefContToOutRoutePeering

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F607750: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateGipoPool

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F607783: fsmFailFabricVpcResourceReleaseVIP

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when virtual IP address assignment fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607846: fsmFailFabricShardTaskHolderSendToTM

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending Fabric Node removal to Topology Manager fails

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607861: fsmFailVmmRsAEPSendPreProv

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when a configuration update to EPP failed.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607874: fsmFailVnsSHEPpInfoEpPDUpdSH

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607875: fsmFailVnsSHSEPpInfoEpPDUpdSHS

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607876: fsmFailVnsEPgDefConsUpdateSHS

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607891: fsmFailFvAEPgEpCPUpd

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when update of critirion information under the container fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607897: fsmFailHvsLNodeAddorDelBlackHolePortGroup

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a Black Hole Porgroup for the Controller fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607905: fsmFailVnsSHEPpInfoValidateEncap

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when system cannot validate vlan encap of this object.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607928: fsmFailFvVipUpdateUpdateCtxDefWithVipDef

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating private network context with the virtual IP fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607940: fsmFailConfigSubJobFetchTree

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F607941: fsmFailConfigSubJobApplyTree

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F607942: fsmFailConfigSubJobPrepareRollback

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F607943: fsmFailAaaPartialRbacRulePushPartialRbacRulesToRbacEp

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when configuration distribution of RbacRules fails

Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F607945: fsmFailVnsSvcVipUpdateUpdateCtxDefWithSvcVipDef

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating private network context with the virtual IP fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608054: fsmFailPconsLocationSyncWithQuorum

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608059: fsmFailDlgtDelegateExcutePostponed

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when task fails which is due to one shard being particularly busy.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608065: fsmFailFabricPathEpCleanupShardCleanupPathEpForShard

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when cleanup of path end-points fails.

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608066: fsmFailFabricPmPathEpCleanupCleanupPathEp

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when remove path end-points request fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608076: fsmFailVzProvDefClassIdFromSharedPool

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when EPG policy enforcement tag fails to be reallocated from shared service pool

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608078: fsmFailFvcapScopeRegUpdateScopeLimits

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608102: fsmFailConfigSubJobImportIds

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608103: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocRefreshPolicies

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when the node (leaf/spine) fails to send the message to controller to resolve all its policies.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608104: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocSyncConfig

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608107: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileNodeReconcileConfig

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify leaf/spine about policy reconcilation fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608128: fsmFailFvVDEpDetachUnknownEp

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of the detach fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608132: fsmFailOpflexpPolicyConsumerPolicyDemand

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a policy demand message fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608149: fsmFailL3extCtxUpdaterCtxEncapAllocatorUpd

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608154: fsmFailConfigSubJobImportDhcpObjects

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608155: fsmFailConfigSubJobFetchDhcpIds

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608161: fsmFailPkiFabricNodeSSLCertificatePushIFMSSLCertsFromAD

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608162: fsmFailPkiFabricNodeSSLCertificatePushIFMSSLCerts

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608163: fsmFailLldpCtrlrAdjEpHandshakeWithApic

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when handshake between PE and AD fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608167: fsmFailDbgexpTechSupODevDeleteODevIfcTrackers

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when delete controller tracker list for AVS techsupport collection fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608215: fsmFailPresDltNodeRegsNotifyShard

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when the message fails to be sent the destination shard.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608218: fsmFailFvARsToRemoteReleasePolicy

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608240: fsmFailVnsCDevUpdateInfo

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608267: fsmFailThrottlerInProgressContUpdatePM

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when configuration distribution of RbacRules fails

Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608269: fsmFailDbgexpExportPResetExportStatus

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when task to reset policy status on policy deletion fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608274: fsmFailFvRtAcExtPolToContextAcExtIpL3Out

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608297: fsmFailHvsIpSetAddorDelUsegIpSet

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding or deleting microsegmentation IP set fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608298: fsmFailHvsMacSetAddorDelUsegMacSet

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding or deleting microsegmentation MAC set fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608301: fsmFailCompRsUsegEpPDResolveUsegMbrs

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when mac/ip address reporting to Policy Manager fails. This is an internal task.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608320: fsmFailRecoveryRecStatusLocalContReportRecoveryProgressStatus

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608321: fsmFailRecoveryRecStatusShardInformReconcileStart

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608322: fsmFailFvAAREpPRequestorAREpPRequest

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when requesting an AREpP fails

Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608332: fsmFailFvRtToEpForEpToEpDbgacEpForEpToEp

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608333: fsmFailFvRtToEpForEpgToEpDbgacEpForEpgToEp

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608334: fsmFailFvRtToEpDbgacToEp

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608335: fsmFailFvRtToEpIpForEpToEpDbgacEpIpForEpToEp

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608336: fsmFailFvRtToEpIpForEpgToEpDbgacEpIpForEpgToEp

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608337: fsmFailFvRtToEpIpDbgacToEpIp

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608342: fsmFailCompToEPgAddorDelUsegRule

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting microsegmentation firewall rules fail.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608343: fsmFailCompRFltPAddorDelUsegRfltp

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting microsegmentation filter profiles fail.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608344: fsmFailCompEpCPAddorDelUsegEpCP

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding or deleting microsegmentation end point criteria fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608345: fsmFailHvsMbrMacUpdateUsegMbrMac

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when microsegmentation member MAC update to Policy Manager fails.

Recommended Action: This task is retried automatically. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608395: fsmFailCompPvlanContUpdPvlanMap

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding or deleting PVLAN configuration at the vCenter fails or when clean up of stale PVLAN configuration at vCenter fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608396: fsmFailDhcpClientSpinesQuery

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608397: fsmFailDhcpClientSetFabricRecoveryMode

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608445: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateMcastGipoPool

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608463: fsmFailVnsREPpInfoUpdateRoutes

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608474: fsmFailFvRtToEpgDbgacToEpg

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608475: fsmFailFvRtToEpgForEpgToEpgDbgacEpgForEpgToEpg

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608608: fsmFailRecoveryPdShardRecRecoverFromPm

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608621: fsmFailRecoveryIdRecRecoverFromIdMgr

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608624: fsmFailConfigSubJobFetchPdConfigTree

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608625: fsmFailConfigSubJobApplyPdConfigTree

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608626: fsmFailConfigSubJobPrepareRollbackPd

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608630: fsmFailVnsVGrpPReTrigVDevUpd

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608635: fsmFailCompHvSetConfigIssuesHv

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when both the opflex channels for compHv are down.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect avs-tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608754: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareAddPlugin

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608764: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareUpdateAnalyticsAgentFwP

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608786: fsmFailFvRemoteIdMultisiteUpd

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when multisite mappings fails to be updated

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608795: fsmFailApPluginAppWebtoken

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608815: fsmFailApPluginDockerImageRef

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608861: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodePdCleanupNodePol

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when send policy cleanup request fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608863: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareApPluginFault

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608889: fsmFailRecoveryPmCfgShDistributePdShardToPm

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608890: fsmFailRecoveryIdShContRecoverFromPd

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608904: fsmFailFvSecInheritedBringInheritedEPgInfoIntoCtrct

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when contract or bundle interface configuration fails to be delivered to contract or bundle

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608908: fsmFailRecoveryStStShCheckSteadyState

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608912: fsmFailRecoveryPmCfgShContStartReconcilation

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608924: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocCheckConfig

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F608937: fsmFailKcEntrySyncToSpine

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when update between PE and PE fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608976: fsmFailVnsCtrlrEpUpdateVTap

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when NAT entry creation for controller appliance failed.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608980: fsmFailDot1xVDAEpDAEpAttachorDetach

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of an endpoint attach or detach fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F608989: fsmFailPkiFabricCommunicationEpPushStrictModeState

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609016: fsmFailFvGipoTaskAggrGipo

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when gipo allocation fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609017: fsmFailFvGipoSyncSendLocallyAllocated

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when syncing locally allocated gipo fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609018: fsmFailFvShardSyncedReallocateGipos

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when gipo reallocation fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609026: fsmFailConfigpushTxContPushToPm

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609053: fsmFailCompTenantContValidateEp

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609071: fsmFailConfigDumpPFetchPdConfig

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609086: fsmFailDhcpClientUpdateExtNodeDef

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609093: fsmFailFabricSetupPPodCleanup

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609100: fsmFailFabricShardTaskHolderCleanupPodForShard

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when cleanup of path end-points fails.

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609101: fsmFailCompSvmNicInfoSendSvmUpdate

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending the SVM information from vCenter controller to SVM container

Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609128: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocReportCeps

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609141: fsmFailDhcpPoolUpdatePool

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when updating the dhcp pool fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609159: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocCheckerComplete

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609160: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileNodeReportConfig

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609161: fsmFailRecoveryRecStatusShardInformCheckerStart

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609191: fsmFailFabricVmmDecommissionJobVmmCleanup

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when send decommission message to vmmmgr fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609231: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareAddFirmware

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609287: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareAddBasePackage

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609301: fsmFailTelemetryStatsServerPPushStatsServerPolToEm

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609319: fsmFailPoeVDAEpPoeEpAttachOrDetach

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of an endpoint attach or detach fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609324: fsmFailVnsEPgDefSvcQosUpd

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised if endpoint profile update for service graph service EPG fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609328: fsmFailVnsHealthDestGetCtxSeg

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609331: fsmFailCompInstVMCreate

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating a VM Configuration fails. This typically happens if fhe Physical-NICs of the Hosts are not placed in DVS(vDS) managed by APIC

Recommended Action: Please ensure Physical-NICs of host is placed in the DVS(vDS) managed by APIC. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609332: fsmFailCompInstVMDelete

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609333: fsmFailCompInstPrepIsoFile

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609337: fsmFailVnsALDevMgmtEpPDUpd

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609338: fsmFailVnsCDevUpdateInstPol

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609351: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareCreateConfigFileMo

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609352: fsmFailFvRsCtxUpdateAssocBDDefCont

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609367: fsmFailCompInstDeleteIsoFile

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609379: fsmFailVmmCtrlrPConfig

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when a configuration update to the VMM Controller fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609380: fsmFailInfraRtDomDefEpPDUpdList

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609382: fsmFailExtdevNicProfConfigNic

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609384: fsmFailExtdevRsNicProfToDomPConfigNicProfToDomP

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609385: fsmFailExtdevDomainContConfigDomainCont

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609386: fsmFailExtdevUplinkProfConfigUplinkProf

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609393: fsmFailLacpEnhancedLagPolDefUpdateEnhancedLacp

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the Enhanced LACP Lag Policy at the DVS fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609407: fsmFailCompSvmNicInfoSendCloudSvmUpdate

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending the SVM information from vCenter controller to SVM container

Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609408: fsmFailHvsLNodeAddorDelOutsideCloudPortGroup

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a Black Hole Porgroup for the Controller fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609409: fsmFailCloudsecSiteRxKeyStUpdateSiteRxKeySt

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609410: fsmFailCloudsecSiteTxKeyStUpdateSiteTxKeySt

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609411: fsmFailCloudsecSpRxKeyStUpdateSpRxKeySt

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609412: fsmFailCloudsecSpTxKeyStUpdateSpTxKeySt

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609423: fsmFailEdmMgrSyncConfigOnMgr

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609424: fsmFailCompCtrlrRemove

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when FSM for Controller Remove operation fails.

Recommended Action: If you see this fault, take the following actions:
  1. Check if there are any FSM stage failures
  2. Perform the suggested Actions to correct stage failures
  3. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609436: fsmFailCompCtrlrAddorDelHealthProvider

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609437: fsmFailHvsRsCompHvAddHvToHealthProvider

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609438: fsmFailCompHealthPolContPostHvHealthUpdate

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609439: fsmFailCompVmPowerOnOrOffVm

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609442: fsmFailCompVmUpdateState

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609478: fsmFailMdpProviderDefUpdatePodConnPDef

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609485: fsmFailFvVNodeAveTimeout

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when reporting AVE timeout fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609502: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodeUpdateCloudsec

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when send policy cleanup request fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609505: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareInstallPlugin

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609512: fsmFailRtdmcACtxPolRequestMcastGipoAddr

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609513: fsmFailRtdmcACtxPolReleaseMcastGipoAddr

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609528: fsmFailFabricGroupRefInformLeqptLooseNodeEdmNodeDn

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609530: fsmFailExtdevRsDomDefConfigDomDef

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609531: fsmFailCompEDMgrProxyUpdateManagedNics

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending the updated set of managed Nics from vmmmgr to edmgr

Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609532: fsmFailLeqptRsLsNodeToIfReportEncapsOnLooseNodePath

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609547: fsmFailTelemetryStatsServerPPushStatsServerPolToTm

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609548: fsmFailExtdevSwMgrFlagsConfigSwMgrFlags

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609551: fsmFailHcloudObserverUpdateSyncStats

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609553: fsmFailPconsResolverResolveShardPolicy

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when the node (leaf/spine) fails to send the message to controller to resolve all its policies.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609558: fsmFailHcloudConnectorUpdateSyncCloudOper

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when task to sync cloudEpP fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609576: fsmFailHcloudEventsUpdateSyncFaults

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609635: fsmFailFvRsOtmListMemberSendTrackListReln

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609652: fsmFailVnsCloudSvcEPgDefCloudEpP

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609677: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwarePreUpgradePlugin

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609678: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareUpgradePlugin

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609680: fsmFailFabricShardTaskHolderSendToVMM

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending Fabric Node add to VMM Manager fails

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609684: fsmFailCompHvClusterDefPostHvClusterRules

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609707: fsmFailVnsRsNodeToCloudLDevUpdSvcPolicyToLDev

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when an update for L4-L7 service policy fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609712: fsmFailHcloudAvUpdateAvPoller

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609731: fsmFailCompMigratingVmContVerifyMigratingVms

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609763: fsmFailHcloudHealthUpdateSyncHealth

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609766: fsmFailCompL3ExtAttachPortResolveL3ExtVirtualLIfP

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when Endpoint Attach/Detach update to Policy Manager fails. This is an internal task.

Recommended Action: This task is retried automatically. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609767: fsmFailCompTrigRtdEpPResolveL3ExtEPg

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609770: fsmFailL3extOutUpdateL3ExtInstP

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609797: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwarePreInstallPreRemovePlugin

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609798: fsmFailApPluginRemoveAppliance

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609802: fsmFailCompPolContUpdateCtrlrNoOfUplinksPol

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the statistics monitoring policy for the Controller fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609862: fsmFailEdmSDWanPolContSlaPolConfig

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify PD about SDWan SLA Policies fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609863: fsmFailEdmSDWanVpnContVpnConfig

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify PD about SDWan VPNs fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609864: fsmFailEdmSDWanPrefixListContSyncSlaPrefix

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609866: fsmFailFvModSDWanPrefixTaskAggrUpdPrefix

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify EDMGR about SDWan Prefixes fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609872: fsmFailApPluginPreGenCerts

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609873: fsmFailApPluginGenerateCerts

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609874: fsmFailApPluginGenCertsCompleted

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609882: fsmFailCloudRtCloudAccountSendTnCons

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when task to send tenant account tracking MO fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609887: fsmFailOpflexpPEpRegVaAttach

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a VA attach fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609891: fsmFailFvVNodeIvxlanTEpAttachOrDetach

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of the detach fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F609921: fsmFailApPluginRemovePlugin

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F609970: fsmFailTopSystemSendDefaultApicOobPolicy

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610028: fsmFailHcloudReaderUpdateSyncReader

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610031: fsmFailApPluginPluginInstallation

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610032: fsmFailApPluginPluginUpgrade

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610033: fsmFailInfraRsFuncToVirtualLIfPAttEntPContReportNodesToVirtualLIfP

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610035: fsmFailL3extRsDynPathAttGetAttEntPDn

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610036: fsmFailL3extAttEntPContCreateRsFuncToVirtualLIfPAttEntPCont

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610065: fsmFailLeakRouteFromToContSendRouteFromToContToShard

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when task to send tenant account tracking MO fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F610069: fsmFailApPrepackagedPluginsDefInstallPrepackagedPlugins

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610070: fsmFailApPrepackagedPluginsDefRemovePrepackagedPlugins

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610071: fsmFailApPrepackagedPluginsDefRemovePrepackagedFirmwares

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610118: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateInfraVlan

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610125: fsmFailFvAAREpPRequestorReleaseEpP

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610131: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateApicConfig

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610151: fsmFailApPluginPreRemovePlugin

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610153: fsmFailApPluginPluginCertUpdate

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610154: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodeCleanupPolicy

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when send policy cleanup request to policydist fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F610204: fsmFailTagAliasInstSyncAliasInst

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault occurs when alias reference fails to be deleted

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F610229: fsmFailLldpInvalidAciAdjEpHandshakeWithPeer

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when handshake between PE and PE fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F610294: fsmFailDhcpPoolReconcileShardLocRequestAllocatedPool

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610303: fsmFailDhcpPoolReconcileShardLocReleaseAllocatedPool

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610321: fsmFailVnsRsLIfCtxToInstPUpdateSvcL3Def

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610339: fsmFailFvTenantTagsHolderESgTagsUpdate

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610346: fsmFailInfraFabricRecoveryUpdateAdrelay

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when update Adrelay on fabric recovery fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F610347: fsmFailApPluginPluginValidation

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610361: fsmFailInfraRecoveryNodeTaskTrigger

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when failed to notify the fabric recovery trigger to remote pod and remote leaf

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F610395: fsmFailCompHvAdjTaskContGetBulkHvAdj

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610454: fsmFailFirmwareSourceDeleteFirmwareSource

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610458: fsmFailApPluginPopulatePlugin

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610475: fsmFailCompVmInfoContVerifyVmsInfo

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610534: fsmFailInfraClusterPolUpdateFabricNodeContraints

Severity: major

Explanation: This fault is raised when task to send fvcapRule MO fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F610543: fsmFailInfraSummaryContPortNodeConfigRecreate

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F610548: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareFirmwareSyncStatus

Severity: major

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F671746: fsmFailResConsumerRegister

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when resource consumer registration (used for ID / resource tracking) fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671747: fsmFailResConsumerUnregister

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when resource consumer unregistration (used for ID / resource tracking) fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671748: fsmFailTagInstConfDef

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when a tag reference configuration fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671749: fsmFailTagAliasInstConfAliasDef

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when an alias reference configuration fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671750: fsmFailTagAliasDelInstDelAliasDef

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when alias reference fails to be deleted

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671756: fsmFailIdentSourceRelease

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when an internal identifier fails to be released.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671769: fsmFailDbgexpNodeStatusRemoveFile

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending export file name to correct APIC to remote it, fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671770: fsmFailSvccoreNodeSendCoreInfo

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when task to report core info from node to APIC fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671772: fsmFailAaaUserResetAdminPasswd

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F671778: fsmFailFirmwareSourcePopulateRepo

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs upon failure to update information about a downloaded image

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671779: fsmFailFirmwareDownloadPopulateDownload

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs upon failure to update information about download

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671781: fsmFailDbgexpNodeStatusReportNodeStatus

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when task to report export status from node to APIC fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671789: fsmFailPconsResolverResolve

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when the node (leaf/spine) fails to send the message to controller to resolve all its policies.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671798: fsmFailCompCtrlrAdd

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when FSM for Controller Add operation fails.

Recommended Action: If you see this fault, take the following actions:
  1. Check if there are repeated failures of any FSM stage
  2. Perform the suggested actions to correct stage failures
  3. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671810: fsmFailTopSystemSendTopSystem

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending top System changes to Topology Manager fails

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671813: fsmFailFirmwareCtrlrFwStatusContSendCtrlrRunning

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending controller firmwareCtrlrRunning object to firmwareFwStatusCont fails

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671814: fsmFailMaintNodeInMaintSendCtrlrUpgradeReq

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when Appliance Element fails to send upgrade request to scheduler

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671815: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareLoadCatalog

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when loading compatibility catalog for the firmware fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671883: fsmFailCompEpPDAddorDelExtPol

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting Portgroupsfor a VMM Controller fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671884: fsmFailCompVNicPDDefVNicUpdate

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating a vNIC profile definition fails. This typically happens if fhe Physical-NICs of the Hosts are not placed in DVS(vDS) managed by APIC

Recommended Action: Please ensure Physical-NICs of host is placed in the DVS(vDS) managed by APIC. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671885: fsmFailHvsExtPolUpdate

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending the external policy information from vShield controller to vCenter controller fails

Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671886: fsmFailLacpLagPolDefUpdateLacp

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the LACP Lag Policy at the DVS fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671887: fsmFailCompPolContUpdateCtrlrPol

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the Controller policy container at the DVS fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671888: fsmFailCompStatsPolUpdateStatsPol

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the statistics monitoring policy for the Controller fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671889: fsmFailFvnsVxlanInstDefAddorDelFvnsInst

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a VXLAN Pool definiton for the Controller fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671890: fsmFailFvnsMcastAddrInstDefAddorDel

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a Multicast Address Pool definition for the VMM Controller fails.

Recommended Action: This task is internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671895: fsmFailHvsLNodeAddorDelUplinkPortGroup

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting an uplink Porgroup for the Controller fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671896: fsmFailHvsLNodeAddorDelVtepPortGroup

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a VTEP Porgroup for the Controller fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671897: fsmFailCompHpNicAddorDelVtepNic

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a VTEP NIC fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671901: fsmFailVpcIfUpdatePathEp

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671903: fsmFailCompHpNicUpdateHostVendorConfig

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating host vendor configuration fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671905: fsmFailHvsExtPolSetExtPolInfo

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when setting external policy information for the Controller fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671907: fsmFailCompEpPConnResolveEPgAdj

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when Endpoint Attach/Detach update to Policy Manager fails. This is an internal task.

Recommended Action: This task is retried automatically. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671915: fsmFailCompCtrlrFindCluster

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when Cluster update to VMM Controller fails.

Recommended Action: If you see this fault, take the following actions:
  1. Validate that one or more of the physical NIC of all the hosts of the cluster are attached to the DVS
  2. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671922: fsmFailCompCtrlrHandleObjUpd

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending cluster add message to VMM Controller fails.

Recommended Action: This task is internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671925: fsmFailCompCtrlrPrepareLNode

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when DVS preparation operation for vShield Controller fails.

Recommended Action: If you see this fault, take the following actions:
  1. Validate that vShield is associated with vCenter and it is reachable from vShield
  2. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671927: fsmFailCompHvGetHpNicAdj

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when LLDP/CDP Adjacency information is not found for the physical adapters on the host.

Recommended Action: If you see this fault, take the following actions:
  1. Validate LLDP configuration on DVS, vCenter and Physical Switch connected to the Host.
  2. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671928: fsmFailCompMgmtNicGetMgmtNicIp

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when the IP address for the interface on the host cannot be found.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, take the following actions:
  1. Check network connectivity for the host.
  2. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC. This failure is automatically retried.

F671931: fsmFailCompRsCtrlrGetAssocCtrlrInfo

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when an error is encountered when obtaining vCenter hyperlink reference from vCloud Director.

Recommended Action: If you see this fault, take the following actions:
  1. Validate that vCenter is associated with the vCloud Director. If not re-attach the vCenter
  2. Validate that vCenter hyperlink reference can be obtained using vCloud RestAPI
  3. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC. This failure is automatically retried.

F671966: fsmFailMaintNodeInMaintCanIUpgrade

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when token for switch upgrade is rejected. Some of the possible reasons are - 1)Apic upgrade is in progress 2)vpc peer is upgrading3)Node is in locked zone 4)Cluster is not healthy5)Concurrency cap reached 6)Target image is missing on apic 7)Inter-node upgrade delay timer has not expired

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671970: fsmFailLldpIfLldpDiscovery

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when update Adrelay on LLDP discovery fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671971: fsmFailFvVDEpWaitForEpP

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when wait for endpoing profile download fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F671972: fsmFailHvsRtNicAdjReportLooseNode

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when LooseNode Report Update to TopoManager fails.

Recommended Action: This failure is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672019: fsmFailSysdebugTechSupportInitiate

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F672020: fsmFailSysdebugTechSupportDeleteTechSupFile

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F672022: fsmFailSysdebugTechSupportDownload

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F672023: fsmFailSysdebugLogControlEpLogControlPersist

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F672101: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodeRemoveSwitch

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when send decommission message to switch fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672102: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodeTopoCleanup

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when remove node request fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672103: fsmFailFabricDecommissionJobPmCleanup

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when send policy cleanup request fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672133: fsmFailDhcpDiscNodeReport

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a DHCP discovered node fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672151: fsmFailVzFilterConfRFltP

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when filter profile fails to be updated

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672152: fsmFailVzFltTaskAggrConfRFltPAggr

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when filter profile fails to be configured for aggregated filters

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672153: fsmFailVzCtrctEPgContCtrctToEpPUpd

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when endpoint profile remote EPG contract fails to be updated

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672176: fsmFailFvCollectionContBringInfoIntoCollectionShard

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when EPG configuration fails to be delivered to contract collection

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672179: fsmFailVzTabooCreateAnyTaboo

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when a taboo entry fails to be delivered to a remote EPG

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672180: fsmFailVzBrCPVzForceConfig

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when a dependent L4-L7 service graph template fails to be updated

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672191: fsmFailDhcpRsProvUpdDhcpProvAddress

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when update DHCP provider address fails

Recommended Action: None set.

F672200: fsmFailInfraNodeCfgManageVpcId

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when virtual port channel ID assignment fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672202: fsmFailFabricAProtGEpManageVIP

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when virtual IP address assignment fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672203: fsmFailFabricNodePEpManageProtectionChainIP

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when protection chain IP address assignment fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672204: fsmFailDbgexpExportPSendNodeList

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when send controller and node list fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672205: fsmFailDbgexpTechSupPDeleteTechSupIfcTrackers

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when delete controller tracker list for techsupport collection fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672206: fsmFailDbgexpTechSupOnDDeleteOnDIfcTrackers

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when delete controller tracker list for on-demand collection fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672207: fsmFailFvVDEpEpAttachorDetach

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of an endpoint attach or detach fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672210: fsmFailTagRefDelInst

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when delete tag reference target fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672261: fsmFailVpcIfUpdateVpcProtLink

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notfication of virtual port channel interface info fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672291: fsmFailL3extConsLblEpP

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when configuration of endpoint profile definition (EpP) fails

Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672293: fsmFailFvEPgUpdMgmtDeplCont

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when attempt to update inband management epg with device cluster interface fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672294: fsmFailFvRtProvProvDhcpUpd

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when update DHCP provider with relation to current bridge domain fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672297: fsmFailFvAEpDefEndPointUpd

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notify endpoint update fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672300: fsmFailVnsEPpInfoEpPDUpd

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672302: fsmFailInfraEpPDSendDomDefToEpP

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when a configuration update to EPP failed.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672369: fsmFailMgmtInBZoneBringNodeInfoToInBMgmtEppShard

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when send node information from infra to management EPG fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672370: fsmFailMgmtOoBZoneBringNodeInfoToOoBMgmtEppShard

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when send node information from infra to out-of-band management EPGfails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672371: fsmFailMgmtOoBOobEpP

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when send out-of-band endpoint profile update fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672372: fsmFailMgmtCollectionContBringProvInfoIntoCtrct

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when send out-of-band provider information to contract fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672373: fsmFailMgmtCollectionContBringConsInfoIntoCtrct

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when send EPG consumer information to contract fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672376: fsmFailPresResolverResolverRepl

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when handle replication for resolver fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672378: fsmFailSpanSrcReportSpanSrcDef

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a Span source fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672379: fsmFailSpanTaskParamUpdateSpanSrcGrpDef

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a Span source group fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672380: fsmFailFvRtDestEpgSpanEpg

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a Span source group fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672381: fsmFailDbgacEpgSummaryReportODACDef

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a on-demand atomic counter policy fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672407: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateTopSystem

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when system change notification to Topology Manager fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672408: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateFabricNode

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending system information to Topology Manager fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672411: fsmFailDbgRemotePortUpdateRemotePortToDbgrelem

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when update remote port info to debugger-element fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672433: fsmFailTestinfralabFreebiesReportFreebies

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F672435: fsmFailSyntheticContextTest

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F672436: fsmFailSyntheticContextLocalTest

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F672437: fsmFailSyntheticContextTest2

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F672438: fsmFailSyntheticContextTest3

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F672446: fsmFailInfraRsFuncToEpgReportPortsToEpp

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when deploy of EPG on ports associated with Attached Entity Profile fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672447: fsmFailInfraRsDomPSendAttEntityPToVmmDomP

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending policies associated with attached entity profile to domain fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672577: fsmFailVnsEPgDefLegacyEpP

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised if endpoint profile update for service graph internal EPG fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672581: fsmFailVnsEPpInfoEPpInfo

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph related information could not be deleted from leafs.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672584: fsmFailVnsLDevInstVDevUpdGraphInst

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating virtual device configuration to script handler failed.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672586: fsmFailVzACollectionProcessContract

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when rendering associated service graphs failed.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672986: fsmFailTopSystemControllerChassis

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending top System changes for Chassis to Topology Manager fails

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F672987: fsmFailTopSystemSwitchChassis

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when chassis change notification to Topology Manager fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673015: fsmFailPconsResolverResolveAllPolicies

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when forced policy resolution fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673016: fsmFailCallhomeInvPUpdateCallhomeInvP

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when task to update execution status of callhome inventory policy fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673017: fsmFailVnsRsLDevInstVDevUpd

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating device configuration on script handler failed.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673029: fsmFailMgmtInstPInstPEpP

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when send endpoint profile update for management EPG fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673032: fsmFailFabricShardTaskHolderUnsubscribeFromPM

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending Fabric Node subscription removal to Policy Manager fails

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673050: fsmFailDbgacTenantSpaceCmnAcSendDbgProfile

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification for a on-demand atomic counter policy fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673096: fsmFailFabricNodeSend

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending root Fabric Node changes to Appliance Element fails

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673099: fsmFailVnsScriptRTInfoUpdateScriptRTInfo

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating runtime info under service script failed.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673100: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateRunningVer

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when running software version fails to be updated

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673107: fsmFailAaaADomainRefPushDomainRefsToRbacEp

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when configuration distribution of RbacRules fails

Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673110: fsmFailPconsResolverContCheckBootStrap

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when ports cannot be brought in service after incomplete policy registration

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673111: fsmFailPconsResolveCompleteRefPolicyDeploymentDone

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify leaf/spine about policy deployment completion fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673124: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareAutoloadCatalog

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when loading firmware compatibility catalog fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673125: fsmFailPconsResolverContCheckBootStrapWorstCaseTask

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when bringing ports in service after bootstrap completion fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673126: fsmFailFvSubnetBDDefContUpdateBDDefWithRouteDef

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when update bridge domain with static route fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673127: fsmFailFvTabooCtxDefContUpdateCtxDefWithTabooDef

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when update private network with taboo configuration fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673128: fsmFailFvCtrctCtxDefContUpdateCtxDefWithEPgDef

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when update private network with EPG summary information fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673139: fsmFailDhcpClientUpdateFnv

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when updating the fabric node vector fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673146: fsmFailFvInBEpPInBUpd

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673156: fsmFailVnsLDevCtxReRenderGraph

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending message to contract shard failed and graph instance could not be re-rendered.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673159: fsmFailFvSubnetBDDefContUpdateBDHolder

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when update bridge domain container fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673164: fsmFailVzCollectionContBringCollectionIntInfoIntoCtrct

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when contract or bundle interface configuration fails to be delivered to contract or bundle

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673168: fsmFailFabricNodeTaskHolderSubscribeToPM

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending Fabric Node subscription to the Policy Manager via Appliance Element fails

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673196: fsmFailFabricProtGEpVPcRegisterForNotification

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when register for node notification fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673197: fsmFailTagRefUpdateAlias

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when an alias instance update fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673200: fsmFailVnsCMgmtNatCreate

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when NAT entry creation for concrete device management interface failed.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673202: fsmFailLeqptLooseNodeReportPathGrp

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when reporting fabric path group on an external connected node fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673203: fsmFailCallhomeInvTaskSendInventory

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when send callhome inventory fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673206: fsmFailFabricAProtGEpSpineProxyCreate

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notify spine proxy create fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673220: fsmFailVzCtrctEPgContUpdateCtxDefWithAnyREpPCtrct

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when private network configuration fails to be updated with remote contract collection

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673225: fsmFailVnsRsTermToEPgSvcFltUpd

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when security filters required to allow traffic from EPgs to L4-L7 service graph traffic could not be downloaded to leafs.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673226: fsmFailAaaIDomainRefReportDomainRefsToRbacEp

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when the update of security domain configuration to PolicyMgr fails. This is an internal task used by the system.

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673261: fsmFailVnsSDEPpInfoEpPDUpdS

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673262: fsmFailVnsSDEPpInfoEPpInfoS

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph related information could not be configured on leafs.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673263: fsmFailVnsREPpInfoAllocateEncap

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673264: fsmFailVnsLDevInstAllocateVDevId

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673265: fsmFailVnsSLDevInstConsRemoveVGrp

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673266: fsmFailVnsSLDevInstRemoveVDev

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673282: fsmFailL3extRtOutDefContToOutRoutePeering

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673286: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateGipoPool

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673319: fsmFailFabricVpcResourceReleaseVIP

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when virtual IP address assignment fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673382: fsmFailFabricShardTaskHolderSendToTM

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending Fabric Node removal to Topology Manager fails

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673397: fsmFailVmmRsAEPSendPreProv

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when a configuration update to EPP failed.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673410: fsmFailVnsSHEPpInfoEpPDUpdSH

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673411: fsmFailVnsSHSEPpInfoEpPDUpdSHS

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673412: fsmFailVnsEPgDefConsUpdateSHS

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673427: fsmFailFvAEPgEpCPUpd

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when update of critirion information under the container fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673433: fsmFailHvsLNodeAddorDelBlackHolePortGroup

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a Black Hole Porgroup for the Controller fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673441: fsmFailVnsSHEPpInfoValidateEncap

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when system cannot validate vlan encap of this object.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673464: fsmFailFvVipUpdateUpdateCtxDefWithVipDef

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating private network context with the virtual IP fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673476: fsmFailConfigSubJobFetchTree

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673477: fsmFailConfigSubJobApplyTree

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673478: fsmFailConfigSubJobPrepareRollback

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673479: fsmFailAaaPartialRbacRulePushPartialRbacRulesToRbacEp

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when configuration distribution of RbacRules fails

Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673481: fsmFailVnsSvcVipUpdateUpdateCtxDefWithSvcVipDef

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating private network context with the virtual IP fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673590: fsmFailPconsLocationSyncWithQuorum

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673595: fsmFailDlgtDelegateExcutePostponed

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when task fails which is due to one shard being particularly busy.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673601: fsmFailFabricPathEpCleanupShardCleanupPathEpForShard

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when cleanup of path end-points fails.

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673602: fsmFailFabricPmPathEpCleanupCleanupPathEp

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when remove path end-points request fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673612: fsmFailVzProvDefClassIdFromSharedPool

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when EPG policy enforcement tag fails to be reallocated from shared service pool

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673614: fsmFailFvcapScopeRegUpdateScopeLimits

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673638: fsmFailConfigSubJobImportIds

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673639: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocRefreshPolicies

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when the node (leaf/spine) fails to send the message to controller to resolve all its policies.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673640: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocSyncConfig

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673643: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileNodeReconcileConfig

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify leaf/spine about policy reconcilation fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673664: fsmFailFvVDEpDetachUnknownEp

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of the detach fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673668: fsmFailOpflexpPolicyConsumerPolicyDemand

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a policy demand message fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673685: fsmFailL3extCtxUpdaterCtxEncapAllocatorUpd

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673690: fsmFailConfigSubJobImportDhcpObjects

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673691: fsmFailConfigSubJobFetchDhcpIds

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673697: fsmFailPkiFabricNodeSSLCertificatePushIFMSSLCertsFromAD

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673698: fsmFailPkiFabricNodeSSLCertificatePushIFMSSLCerts

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673699: fsmFailLldpCtrlrAdjEpHandshakeWithApic

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when handshake between PE and AD fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673703: fsmFailDbgexpTechSupODevDeleteODevIfcTrackers

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when delete controller tracker list for AVS techsupport collection fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673751: fsmFailPresDltNodeRegsNotifyShard

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when the message fails to be sent the destination shard.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673754: fsmFailFvARsToRemoteReleasePolicy

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673776: fsmFailVnsCDevUpdateInfo

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673803: fsmFailThrottlerInProgressContUpdatePM

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when configuration distribution of RbacRules fails

Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673805: fsmFailDbgexpExportPResetExportStatus

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when task to reset policy status on policy deletion fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673810: fsmFailFvRtAcExtPolToContextAcExtIpL3Out

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673833: fsmFailHvsIpSetAddorDelUsegIpSet

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding or deleting microsegmentation IP set fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673834: fsmFailHvsMacSetAddorDelUsegMacSet

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding or deleting microsegmentation MAC set fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673837: fsmFailCompRsUsegEpPDResolveUsegMbrs

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when mac/ip address reporting to Policy Manager fails. This is an internal task.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673856: fsmFailRecoveryRecStatusLocalContReportRecoveryProgressStatus

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673857: fsmFailRecoveryRecStatusShardInformReconcileStart

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673858: fsmFailFvAAREpPRequestorAREpPRequest

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when requesting an AREpP fails

Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673868: fsmFailFvRtToEpForEpToEpDbgacEpForEpToEp

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673869: fsmFailFvRtToEpForEpgToEpDbgacEpForEpgToEp

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673870: fsmFailFvRtToEpDbgacToEp

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673871: fsmFailFvRtToEpIpForEpToEpDbgacEpIpForEpToEp

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673872: fsmFailFvRtToEpIpForEpgToEpDbgacEpIpForEpgToEp

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673873: fsmFailFvRtToEpIpDbgacToEpIp

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673878: fsmFailCompToEPgAddorDelUsegRule

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting microsegmentation firewall rules fail.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673879: fsmFailCompRFltPAddorDelUsegRfltp

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting microsegmentation filter profiles fail.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673880: fsmFailCompEpCPAddorDelUsegEpCP

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding or deleting microsegmentation end point criteria fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673881: fsmFailHvsMbrMacUpdateUsegMbrMac

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when microsegmentation member MAC update to Policy Manager fails.

Recommended Action: This task is retried automatically. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673931: fsmFailCompPvlanContUpdPvlanMap

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding or deleting PVLAN configuration at the vCenter fails or when clean up of stale PVLAN configuration at vCenter fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F673932: fsmFailDhcpClientSpinesQuery

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673933: fsmFailDhcpClientSetFabricRecoveryMode

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673981: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateMcastGipoPool

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F673999: fsmFailVnsREPpInfoUpdateRoutes

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674010: fsmFailFvRtToEpgDbgacToEpg

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674011: fsmFailFvRtToEpgForEpgToEpgDbgacEpgForEpgToEpg

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674144: fsmFailRecoveryPdShardRecRecoverFromPm

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674157: fsmFailRecoveryIdRecRecoverFromIdMgr

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674160: fsmFailConfigSubJobFetchPdConfigTree

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674161: fsmFailConfigSubJobApplyPdConfigTree

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674162: fsmFailConfigSubJobPrepareRollbackPd

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674166: fsmFailVnsVGrpPReTrigVDevUpd

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674171: fsmFailCompHvSetConfigIssuesHv

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when both the opflex channels for compHv are down.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect avs-tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674290: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareAddPlugin

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674300: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareUpdateAnalyticsAgentFwP

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674322: fsmFailFvRemoteIdMultisiteUpd

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when multisite mappings fails to be updated

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674331: fsmFailApPluginAppWebtoken

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674351: fsmFailApPluginDockerImageRef

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674397: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodePdCleanupNodePol

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when send policy cleanup request fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674399: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareApPluginFault

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674425: fsmFailRecoveryPmCfgShDistributePdShardToPm

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674426: fsmFailRecoveryIdShContRecoverFromPd

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674440: fsmFailFvSecInheritedBringInheritedEPgInfoIntoCtrct

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when contract or bundle interface configuration fails to be delivered to contract or bundle

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674444: fsmFailRecoveryStStShCheckSteadyState

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674448: fsmFailRecoveryPmCfgShContStartReconcilation

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674460: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocCheckConfig

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674473: fsmFailKcEntrySyncToSpine

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when update between PE and PE fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674512: fsmFailVnsCtrlrEpUpdateVTap

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when NAT entry creation for controller appliance failed.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674516: fsmFailDot1xVDAEpDAEpAttachorDetach

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of an endpoint attach or detach fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674525: fsmFailPkiFabricCommunicationEpPushStrictModeState

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674552: fsmFailFvGipoTaskAggrGipo

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when gipo allocation fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674553: fsmFailFvGipoSyncSendLocallyAllocated

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when syncing locally allocated gipo fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674554: fsmFailFvShardSyncedReallocateGipos

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when gipo reallocation fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674562: fsmFailConfigpushTxContPushToPm

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674589: fsmFailCompTenantContValidateEp

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674607: fsmFailConfigDumpPFetchPdConfig

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674622: fsmFailDhcpClientUpdateExtNodeDef

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674629: fsmFailFabricSetupPPodCleanup

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674636: fsmFailFabricShardTaskHolderCleanupPodForShard

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when cleanup of path end-points fails.

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674637: fsmFailCompSvmNicInfoSendSvmUpdate

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending the SVM information from vCenter controller to SVM container

Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674664: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocReportCeps

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674677: fsmFailDhcpPoolUpdatePool

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when updating the dhcp pool fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674695: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocCheckerComplete

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674696: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileNodeReportConfig

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674697: fsmFailRecoveryRecStatusShardInformCheckerStart

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674727: fsmFailFabricVmmDecommissionJobVmmCleanup

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when send decommission message to vmmmgr fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674767: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareAddFirmware

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674823: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareAddBasePackage

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674837: fsmFailTelemetryStatsServerPPushStatsServerPolToEm

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674855: fsmFailPoeVDAEpPoeEpAttachOrDetach

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of an endpoint attach or detach fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674860: fsmFailVnsEPgDefSvcQosUpd

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised if endpoint profile update for service graph service EPG fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674864: fsmFailVnsHealthDestGetCtxSeg

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674867: fsmFailCompInstVMCreate

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating a VM Configuration fails. This typically happens if fhe Physical-NICs of the Hosts are not placed in DVS(vDS) managed by APIC

Recommended Action: Please ensure Physical-NICs of host is placed in the DVS(vDS) managed by APIC. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674868: fsmFailCompInstVMDelete

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674869: fsmFailCompInstPrepIsoFile

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674873: fsmFailVnsALDevMgmtEpPDUpd

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674874: fsmFailVnsCDevUpdateInstPol

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674887: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareCreateConfigFileMo

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674888: fsmFailFvRsCtxUpdateAssocBDDefCont

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674903: fsmFailCompInstDeleteIsoFile

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674915: fsmFailVmmCtrlrPConfig

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when a configuration update to the VMM Controller fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674916: fsmFailInfraRtDomDefEpPDUpdList

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674918: fsmFailExtdevNicProfConfigNic

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674920: fsmFailExtdevRsNicProfToDomPConfigNicProfToDomP

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674921: fsmFailExtdevDomainContConfigDomainCont

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674922: fsmFailExtdevUplinkProfConfigUplinkProf

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674929: fsmFailLacpEnhancedLagPolDefUpdateEnhancedLacp

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the Enhanced LACP Lag Policy at the DVS fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674943: fsmFailCompSvmNicInfoSendCloudSvmUpdate

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending the SVM information from vCenter controller to SVM container

Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674944: fsmFailHvsLNodeAddorDelOutsideCloudPortGroup

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a Black Hole Porgroup for the Controller fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674945: fsmFailCloudsecSiteRxKeyStUpdateSiteRxKeySt

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674946: fsmFailCloudsecSiteTxKeyStUpdateSiteTxKeySt

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674947: fsmFailCloudsecSpRxKeyStUpdateSpRxKeySt

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674948: fsmFailCloudsecSpTxKeyStUpdateSpTxKeySt

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674959: fsmFailEdmMgrSyncConfigOnMgr

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674960: fsmFailCompCtrlrRemove

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when FSM for Controller Remove operation fails.

Recommended Action: If you see this fault, take the following actions:
  1. Check if there are any FSM stage failures
  2. Perform the suggested Actions to correct stage failures
  3. If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F674972: fsmFailCompCtrlrAddorDelHealthProvider

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674973: fsmFailHvsRsCompHvAddHvToHealthProvider

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674974: fsmFailCompHealthPolContPostHvHealthUpdate

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674975: fsmFailCompVmPowerOnOrOffVm

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F674978: fsmFailCompVmUpdateState

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675014: fsmFailMdpProviderDefUpdatePodConnPDef

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675021: fsmFailFvVNodeAveTimeout

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when reporting AVE timeout fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675038: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodeUpdateCloudsec

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when send policy cleanup request fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675041: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareInstallPlugin

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675048: fsmFailRtdmcACtxPolRequestMcastGipoAddr

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675049: fsmFailRtdmcACtxPolReleaseMcastGipoAddr

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675064: fsmFailFabricGroupRefInformLeqptLooseNodeEdmNodeDn

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675066: fsmFailExtdevRsDomDefConfigDomDef

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675067: fsmFailCompEDMgrProxyUpdateManagedNics

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending the updated set of managed Nics from vmmmgr to edmgr

Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675068: fsmFailLeqptRsLsNodeToIfReportEncapsOnLooseNodePath

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675083: fsmFailTelemetryStatsServerPPushStatsServerPolToTm

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675084: fsmFailExtdevSwMgrFlagsConfigSwMgrFlags

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675087: fsmFailHcloudObserverUpdateSyncStats

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675089: fsmFailPconsResolverResolveShardPolicy

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when the node (leaf/spine) fails to send the message to controller to resolve all its policies.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675094: fsmFailHcloudConnectorUpdateSyncCloudOper

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when task to sync cloudEpP fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675112: fsmFailHcloudEventsUpdateSyncFaults

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675171: fsmFailFvRsOtmListMemberSendTrackListReln

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675188: fsmFailVnsCloudSvcEPgDefCloudEpP

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675213: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwarePreUpgradePlugin

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675214: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareUpgradePlugin

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675216: fsmFailFabricShardTaskHolderSendToVMM

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when sending Fabric Node add to VMM Manager fails

Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675220: fsmFailCompHvClusterDefPostHvClusterRules

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675243: fsmFailVnsRsNodeToCloudLDevUpdSvcPolicyToLDev

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when an update for L4-L7 service policy fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675248: fsmFailHcloudAvUpdateAvPoller

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675267: fsmFailCompMigratingVmContVerifyMigratingVms

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675299: fsmFailHcloudHealthUpdateSyncHealth

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675302: fsmFailCompL3ExtAttachPortResolveL3ExtVirtualLIfP

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when Endpoint Attach/Detach update to Policy Manager fails. This is an internal task.

Recommended Action: This task is retried automatically. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675303: fsmFailCompTrigRtdEpPResolveL3ExtEPg

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675306: fsmFailL3extOutUpdateL3ExtInstP

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675333: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwarePreInstallPreRemovePlugin

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675334: fsmFailApPluginRemoveAppliance

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675338: fsmFailCompPolContUpdateCtrlrNoOfUplinksPol

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the statistics monitoring policy for the Controller fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675398: fsmFailEdmSDWanPolContSlaPolConfig

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify PD about SDWan SLA Policies fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675399: fsmFailEdmSDWanVpnContVpnConfig

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify PD about SDWan VPNs fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675400: fsmFailEdmSDWanPrefixListContSyncSlaPrefix

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675402: fsmFailFvModSDWanPrefixTaskAggrUpdPrefix

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify EDMGR about SDWan Prefixes fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675408: fsmFailApPluginPreGenCerts

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675409: fsmFailApPluginGenerateCerts

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675410: fsmFailApPluginGenCertsCompleted

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675418: fsmFailCloudRtCloudAccountSendTnCons

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when task to send tenant account tracking MO fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675423: fsmFailOpflexpPEpRegVaAttach

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a VA attach fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675427: fsmFailFvVNodeIvxlanTEpAttachOrDetach

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of the detach fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675457: fsmFailApPluginRemovePlugin

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675506: fsmFailTopSystemSendDefaultApicOobPolicy

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675564: fsmFailHcloudReaderUpdateSyncReader

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675567: fsmFailApPluginPluginInstallation

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675568: fsmFailApPluginPluginUpgrade

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675569: fsmFailInfraRsFuncToVirtualLIfPAttEntPContReportNodesToVirtualLIfP

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675571: fsmFailL3extRsDynPathAttGetAttEntPDn

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675572: fsmFailL3extAttEntPContCreateRsFuncToVirtualLIfPAttEntPCont

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675601: fsmFailLeakRouteFromToContSendRouteFromToContToShard

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when task to send tenant account tracking MO fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675605: fsmFailApPrepackagedPluginsDefInstallPrepackagedPlugins

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675606: fsmFailApPrepackagedPluginsDefRemovePrepackagedPlugins

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675607: fsmFailApPrepackagedPluginsDefRemovePrepackagedFirmwares

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675654: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateInfraVlan

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675661: fsmFailFvAAREpPRequestorReleaseEpP

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675667: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateApicConfig

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675687: fsmFailApPluginPreRemovePlugin

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675689: fsmFailApPluginPluginCertUpdate

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675690: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodeCleanupPolicy

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when send policy cleanup request to policydist fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675740: fsmFailTagAliasInstSyncAliasInst

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault occurs when alias reference fails to be deleted

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675765: fsmFailLldpInvalidAciAdjEpHandshakeWithPeer

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when handshake between PE and PE fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675830: fsmFailDhcpPoolReconcileShardLocRequestAllocatedPool

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675839: fsmFailDhcpPoolReconcileShardLocReleaseAllocatedPool

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675857: fsmFailVnsRsLIfCtxToInstPUpdateSvcL3Def

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675875: fsmFailFvTenantTagsHolderESgTagsUpdate

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675882: fsmFailInfraFabricRecoveryUpdateAdrelay

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when update Adrelay on fabric recovery fails

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675883: fsmFailApPluginPluginValidation

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675897: fsmFailInfraRecoveryNodeTaskTrigger

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when failed to notify the fabric recovery trigger to remote pod and remote leaf

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F675931: fsmFailCompHvAdjTaskContGetBulkHvAdj

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675990: fsmFailFirmwareSourceDeleteFirmwareSource

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F675994: fsmFailApPluginPopulatePlugin

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F676011: fsmFailCompVmInfoContVerifyVmsInfo

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F676070: fsmFailInfraClusterPolUpdateFabricNodeContraints

Severity: critical

Explanation: This fault is raised when task to send fvcapRule MO fails.

Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

F676079: fsmFailInfraSummaryContPortNodeConfigRecreate

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.

F676084: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareFirmwareSyncStatus

Severity: critical

Explanation: None set.

Recommended Action: None set.