ACI F6* Commands
F606210: fsmFailResConsumerRegister
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when resource consumer registration (used for ID / resource tracking) fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606211: fsmFailResConsumerUnregister
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when resource consumer unregistration (used for ID / resource tracking) fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606212: fsmFailTagInstConfDef
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when a tag reference configuration fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606213: fsmFailTagAliasInstConfAliasDef
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when an alias reference configuration fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606214: fsmFailTagAliasDelInstDelAliasDef
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when alias reference fails to be deleted
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606220: fsmFailIdentSourceRelease
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when an internal identifier fails to be released.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606233: fsmFailDbgexpNodeStatusRemoveFile
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending export file name to correct APIC to remote it, fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606234: fsmFailSvccoreNodeSendCoreInfo
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when task to report core info from node to APIC fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606236: fsmFailAaaUserResetAdminPasswd
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F606242: fsmFailFirmwareSourcePopulateRepo
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs upon failure to update information about a downloaded image
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606243: fsmFailFirmwareDownloadPopulateDownload
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs upon failure to update information about download
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606245: fsmFailDbgexpNodeStatusReportNodeStatus
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when task to report export status from node to APIC fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606253: fsmFailPconsResolverResolve
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when the node (leaf/spine) fails to send the message to controller to resolve all its policies.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606262: fsmFailCompCtrlrAdd
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when FSM for Controller Add operation fails.
- Check if there are repeated failures of any FSM stage
- Perform the suggested actions to correct stage failures
- If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606274: fsmFailTopSystemSendTopSystem
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending top System changes to Topology Manager fails
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606277: fsmFailFirmwareCtrlrFwStatusContSendCtrlrRunning
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending controller firmwareCtrlrRunning object to firmwareFwStatusCont fails
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606278: fsmFailMaintNodeInMaintSendCtrlrUpgradeReq
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when Appliance Element fails to send upgrade request to scheduler
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606279: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareLoadCatalog
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when loading compatibility catalog for the firmware fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606347: fsmFailCompEpPDAddorDelExtPol
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting Portgroupsfor a VMM Controller fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606348: fsmFailCompVNicPDDefVNicUpdate
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating a vNIC profile definition fails. This typically happens if fhe Physical-NICs of the Hosts are not placed in DVS(vDS) managed by APIC
Recommended Action: Please ensure Physical-NICs of host is placed in the DVS(vDS) managed by APIC. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606349: fsmFailHvsExtPolUpdate
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending the external policy information from vShield controller to vCenter controller fails
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606350: fsmFailLacpLagPolDefUpdateLacp
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the LACP Lag Policy at the DVS fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606351: fsmFailCompPolContUpdateCtrlrPol
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the Controller policy container at the DVS fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606352: fsmFailCompStatsPolUpdateStatsPol
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the statistics monitoring policy for the Controller fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606353: fsmFailFvnsVxlanInstDefAddorDelFvnsInst
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a VXLAN Pool definiton for the Controller fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606354: fsmFailFvnsMcastAddrInstDefAddorDel
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a Multicast Address Pool definition for the VMM Controller fails.
Recommended Action: This task is internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606359: fsmFailHvsLNodeAddorDelUplinkPortGroup
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting an uplink Porgroup for the Controller fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606360: fsmFailHvsLNodeAddorDelVtepPortGroup
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a VTEP Porgroup for the Controller fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606361: fsmFailCompHpNicAddorDelVtepNic
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a VTEP NIC fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606365: fsmFailVpcIfUpdatePathEp
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606367: fsmFailCompHpNicUpdateHostVendorConfig
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating host vendor configuration fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606369: fsmFailHvsExtPolSetExtPolInfo
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when setting external policy information for the Controller fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606371: fsmFailCompEpPConnResolveEPgAdj
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when Endpoint Attach/Detach update to Policy Manager fails. This is an internal task.
Recommended Action: This task is retried automatically. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606379: fsmFailCompCtrlrFindCluster
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when Cluster update to VMM Controller fails.
- Validate that one or more of the physical NIC of all the hosts of the cluster are attached to the DVS
- If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606386: fsmFailCompCtrlrHandleObjUpd
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending cluster add message to VMM Controller fails.
Recommended Action: This task is internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606389: fsmFailCompCtrlrPrepareLNode
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when DVS preparation operation for vShield Controller fails.
- Validate that vShield is associated with vCenter and it is reachable from vShield
- If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606391: fsmFailCompHvGetHpNicAdj
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when LLDP/CDP Adjacency information is not found for the physical adapters on the host.
- Validate LLDP configuration on DVS, vCenter and Physical Switch connected to the Host.
- If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606392: fsmFailCompMgmtNicGetMgmtNicIp
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when the IP address for the interface on the host cannot be found.
- Check network connectivity for the host.
- If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC. This failure is automatically retried.
F606395: fsmFailCompRsCtrlrGetAssocCtrlrInfo
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when an error is encountered when obtaining vCenter hyperlink reference from vCloud Director.
- Validate that vCenter is associated with the vCloud Director. If not re-attach the vCenter
- Validate that vCenter hyperlink reference can be obtained using vCloud RestAPI
- If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC. This failure is automatically retried.
F606430: fsmFailMaintNodeInMaintCanIUpgrade
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when token for switch upgrade is rejected. Some of the possible reasons are - 1)Apic upgrade is in progress 2)vpc peer is upgrading3)Node is in locked zone 4)Cluster is not healthy5)Concurrency cap reached 6)Target image is missing on apic 7)Inter-node upgrade delay timer has not expired
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606434: fsmFailLldpIfLldpDiscovery
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when update Adrelay on LLDP discovery fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606435: fsmFailFvVDEpWaitForEpP
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when wait for endpoing profile download fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606436: fsmFailHvsRtNicAdjReportLooseNode
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when LooseNode Report Update to TopoManager fails.
Recommended Action: This failure is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606483: fsmFailSysdebugTechSupportInitiate
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F606484: fsmFailSysdebugTechSupportDeleteTechSupFile
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F606486: fsmFailSysdebugTechSupportDownload
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F606487: fsmFailSysdebugLogControlEpLogControlPersist
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F606565: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodeRemoveSwitch
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when send decommission message to switch fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606566: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodeTopoCleanup
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when remove node request fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606567: fsmFailFabricDecommissionJobPmCleanup
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when send policy cleanup request fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606597: fsmFailDhcpDiscNodeReport
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a DHCP discovered node fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606615: fsmFailVzFilterConfRFltP
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when filter profile fails to be updated
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606616: fsmFailVzFltTaskAggrConfRFltPAggr
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when filter profile fails to be configured for aggregated filters
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606617: fsmFailVzCtrctEPgContCtrctToEpPUpd
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when endpoint profile remote EPG contract fails to be updated
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606640: fsmFailFvCollectionContBringInfoIntoCollectionShard
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when EPG configuration fails to be delivered to contract collection
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606643: fsmFailVzTabooCreateAnyTaboo
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when a taboo entry fails to be delivered to a remote EPG
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606644: fsmFailVzBrCPVzForceConfig
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when a dependent L4-L7 service graph template fails to be updated
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606655: fsmFailDhcpRsProvUpdDhcpProvAddress
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when update DHCP provider address fails
Recommended Action: None set.
F606664: fsmFailInfraNodeCfgManageVpcId
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when virtual port channel ID assignment fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606666: fsmFailFabricAProtGEpManageVIP
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when virtual IP address assignment fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606667: fsmFailFabricNodePEpManageProtectionChainIP
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when protection chain IP address assignment fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606668: fsmFailDbgexpExportPSendNodeList
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when send controller and node list fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606669: fsmFailDbgexpTechSupPDeleteTechSupIfcTrackers
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when delete controller tracker list for techsupport collection fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606670: fsmFailDbgexpTechSupOnDDeleteOnDIfcTrackers
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when delete controller tracker list for on-demand collection fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606671: fsmFailFvVDEpEpAttachorDetach
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of an endpoint attach or detach fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606674: fsmFailTagRefDelInst
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when delete tag reference target fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606725: fsmFailVpcIfUpdateVpcProtLink
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notfication of virtual port channel interface info fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606755: fsmFailL3extConsLblEpP
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when configuration of endpoint profile definition (EpP) fails
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606757: fsmFailFvEPgUpdMgmtDeplCont
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when attempt to update inband management epg with device cluster interface fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606758: fsmFailFvRtProvProvDhcpUpd
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when update DHCP provider with relation to current bridge domain fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606761: fsmFailFvAEpDefEndPointUpd
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notify endpoint update fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606764: fsmFailVnsEPpInfoEpPDUpd
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606766: fsmFailInfraEpPDSendDomDefToEpP
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when a configuration update to EPP failed.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606833: fsmFailMgmtInBZoneBringNodeInfoToInBMgmtEppShard
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when send node information from infra to management EPG fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606834: fsmFailMgmtOoBZoneBringNodeInfoToOoBMgmtEppShard
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when send node information from infra to out-of-band management EPGfails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606835: fsmFailMgmtOoBOobEpP
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when send out-of-band endpoint profile update fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606836: fsmFailMgmtCollectionContBringProvInfoIntoCtrct
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when send out-of-band provider information to contract fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606837: fsmFailMgmtCollectionContBringConsInfoIntoCtrct
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when send EPG consumer information to contract fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606840: fsmFailPresResolverResolverRepl
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when handle replication for resolver fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606842: fsmFailSpanSrcReportSpanSrcDef
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a Span source fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606843: fsmFailSpanTaskParamUpdateSpanSrcGrpDef
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a Span source group fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606844: fsmFailFvRtDestEpgSpanEpg
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a Span source group fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606845: fsmFailDbgacEpgSummaryReportODACDef
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a on-demand atomic counter policy fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606871: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateTopSystem
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when system change notification to Topology Manager fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606872: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateFabricNode
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending system information to Topology Manager fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606875: fsmFailDbgRemotePortUpdateRemotePortToDbgrelem
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when update remote port info to debugger-element fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606897: fsmFailTestinfralabFreebiesReportFreebies
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F606899: fsmFailSyntheticContextTest
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F606900: fsmFailSyntheticContextLocalTest
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F606901: fsmFailSyntheticContextTest2
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F606902: fsmFailSyntheticContextTest3
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F606910: fsmFailInfraRsFuncToEpgReportPortsToEpp
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when deploy of EPG on ports associated with Attached Entity Profile fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F606911: fsmFailInfraRsDomPSendAttEntityPToVmmDomP
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending policies associated with attached entity profile to domain fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607041: fsmFailVnsEPgDefLegacyEpP
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised if endpoint profile update for service graph internal EPG fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607045: fsmFailVnsEPpInfoEPpInfo
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph related information could not be deleted from leafs.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607048: fsmFailVnsLDevInstVDevUpdGraphInst
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating virtual device configuration to script handler failed.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607050: fsmFailVzACollectionProcessContract
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when rendering associated service graphs failed.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607450: fsmFailTopSystemControllerChassis
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending top System changes for Chassis to Topology Manager fails
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607451: fsmFailTopSystemSwitchChassis
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when chassis change notification to Topology Manager fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607479: fsmFailPconsResolverResolveAllPolicies
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when forced policy resolution fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607480: fsmFailCallhomeInvPUpdateCallhomeInvP
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when task to update execution status of callhome inventory policy fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607481: fsmFailVnsRsLDevInstVDevUpd
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating device configuration on script handler failed.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607493: fsmFailMgmtInstPInstPEpP
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when send endpoint profile update for management EPG fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607496: fsmFailFabricShardTaskHolderUnsubscribeFromPM
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending Fabric Node subscription removal to Policy Manager fails
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607514: fsmFailDbgacTenantSpaceCmnAcSendDbgProfile
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification for a on-demand atomic counter policy fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607560: fsmFailFabricNodeSend
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending root Fabric Node changes to Appliance Element fails
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607563: fsmFailVnsScriptRTInfoUpdateScriptRTInfo
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating runtime info under service script failed.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607564: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateRunningVer
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when running software version fails to be updated
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607571: fsmFailAaaADomainRefPushDomainRefsToRbacEp
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when configuration distribution of RbacRules fails
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607574: fsmFailPconsResolverContCheckBootStrap
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when ports cannot be brought in service after incomplete policy registration
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607575: fsmFailPconsResolveCompleteRefPolicyDeploymentDone
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify leaf/spine about policy deployment completion fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607588: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareAutoloadCatalog
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when loading firmware compatibility catalog fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607589: fsmFailPconsResolverContCheckBootStrapWorstCaseTask
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when bringing ports in service after bootstrap completion fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607590: fsmFailFvSubnetBDDefContUpdateBDDefWithRouteDef
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when update bridge domain with static route fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607591: fsmFailFvTabooCtxDefContUpdateCtxDefWithTabooDef
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when update private network with taboo configuration fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607592: fsmFailFvCtrctCtxDefContUpdateCtxDefWithEPgDef
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when update private network with EPG summary information fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607603: fsmFailDhcpClientUpdateFnv
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when updating the fabric node vector fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607610: fsmFailFvInBEpPInBUpd
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F607620: fsmFailVnsLDevCtxReRenderGraph
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending message to contract shard failed and graph instance could not be re-rendered.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607623: fsmFailFvSubnetBDDefContUpdateBDHolder
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when update bridge domain container fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607628: fsmFailVzCollectionContBringCollectionIntInfoIntoCtrct
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when contract or bundle interface configuration fails to be delivered to contract or bundle
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607632: fsmFailFabricNodeTaskHolderSubscribeToPM
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending Fabric Node subscription to the Policy Manager via Appliance Element fails
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607660: fsmFailFabricProtGEpVPcRegisterForNotification
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when register for node notification fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607661: fsmFailTagRefUpdateAlias
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when an alias instance update fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607664: fsmFailVnsCMgmtNatCreate
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when NAT entry creation for concrete device management interface failed.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607666: fsmFailLeqptLooseNodeReportPathGrp
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when reporting fabric path group on an external connected node fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607667: fsmFailCallhomeInvTaskSendInventory
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when send callhome inventory fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607670: fsmFailFabricAProtGEpSpineProxyCreate
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notify spine proxy create fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607684: fsmFailVzCtrctEPgContUpdateCtxDefWithAnyREpPCtrct
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when private network configuration fails to be updated with remote contract collection
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607689: fsmFailVnsRsTermToEPgSvcFltUpd
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when security filters required to allow traffic from EPgs to L4-L7 service graph traffic could not be downloaded to leafs.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607690: fsmFailAaaIDomainRefReportDomainRefsToRbacEp
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when the update of security domain configuration to PolicyMgr fails. This is an internal task used by the system.
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607725: fsmFailVnsSDEPpInfoEpPDUpdS
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607726: fsmFailVnsSDEPpInfoEPpInfoS
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph related information could not be configured on leafs.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607727: fsmFailVnsREPpInfoAllocateEncap
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F607728: fsmFailVnsLDevInstAllocateVDevId
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F607729: fsmFailVnsSLDevInstConsRemoveVGrp
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F607730: fsmFailVnsSLDevInstRemoveVDev
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F607746: fsmFailL3extRtOutDefContToOutRoutePeering
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F607750: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateGipoPool
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F607783: fsmFailFabricVpcResourceReleaseVIP
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when virtual IP address assignment fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607846: fsmFailFabricShardTaskHolderSendToTM
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending Fabric Node removal to Topology Manager fails
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607861: fsmFailVmmRsAEPSendPreProv
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when a configuration update to EPP failed.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607874: fsmFailVnsSHEPpInfoEpPDUpdSH
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607875: fsmFailVnsSHSEPpInfoEpPDUpdSHS
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607876: fsmFailVnsEPgDefConsUpdateSHS
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607891: fsmFailFvAEPgEpCPUpd
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when update of critirion information under the container fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607897: fsmFailHvsLNodeAddorDelBlackHolePortGroup
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a Black Hole Porgroup for the Controller fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607905: fsmFailVnsSHEPpInfoValidateEncap
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when system cannot validate vlan encap of this object.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607928: fsmFailFvVipUpdateUpdateCtxDefWithVipDef
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating private network context with the virtual IP fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607940: fsmFailConfigSubJobFetchTree
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F607941: fsmFailConfigSubJobApplyTree
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F607942: fsmFailConfigSubJobPrepareRollback
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F607943: fsmFailAaaPartialRbacRulePushPartialRbacRulesToRbacEp
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when configuration distribution of RbacRules fails
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F607945: fsmFailVnsSvcVipUpdateUpdateCtxDefWithSvcVipDef
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating private network context with the virtual IP fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608054: fsmFailPconsLocationSyncWithQuorum
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608059: fsmFailDlgtDelegateExcutePostponed
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when task fails which is due to one shard being particularly busy.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608065: fsmFailFabricPathEpCleanupShardCleanupPathEpForShard
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when cleanup of path end-points fails.
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608066: fsmFailFabricPmPathEpCleanupCleanupPathEp
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when remove path end-points request fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608076: fsmFailVzProvDefClassIdFromSharedPool
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when EPG policy enforcement tag fails to be reallocated from shared service pool
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608078: fsmFailFvcapScopeRegUpdateScopeLimits
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608102: fsmFailConfigSubJobImportIds
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608103: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocRefreshPolicies
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when the node (leaf/spine) fails to send the message to controller to resolve all its policies.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608104: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocSyncConfig
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608107: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileNodeReconcileConfig
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify leaf/spine about policy reconcilation fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608128: fsmFailFvVDEpDetachUnknownEp
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of the detach fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608132: fsmFailOpflexpPolicyConsumerPolicyDemand
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a policy demand message fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608149: fsmFailL3extCtxUpdaterCtxEncapAllocatorUpd
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608154: fsmFailConfigSubJobImportDhcpObjects
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608155: fsmFailConfigSubJobFetchDhcpIds
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608161: fsmFailPkiFabricNodeSSLCertificatePushIFMSSLCertsFromAD
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608162: fsmFailPkiFabricNodeSSLCertificatePushIFMSSLCerts
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608163: fsmFailLldpCtrlrAdjEpHandshakeWithApic
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when handshake between PE and AD fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608167: fsmFailDbgexpTechSupODevDeleteODevIfcTrackers
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when delete controller tracker list for AVS techsupport collection fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608215: fsmFailPresDltNodeRegsNotifyShard
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when the message fails to be sent the destination shard.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608218: fsmFailFvARsToRemoteReleasePolicy
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608240: fsmFailVnsCDevUpdateInfo
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608267: fsmFailThrottlerInProgressContUpdatePM
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when configuration distribution of RbacRules fails
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608269: fsmFailDbgexpExportPResetExportStatus
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when task to reset policy status on policy deletion fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608274: fsmFailFvRtAcExtPolToContextAcExtIpL3Out
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608297: fsmFailHvsIpSetAddorDelUsegIpSet
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding or deleting microsegmentation IP set fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608298: fsmFailHvsMacSetAddorDelUsegMacSet
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding or deleting microsegmentation MAC set fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608301: fsmFailCompRsUsegEpPDResolveUsegMbrs
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when mac/ip address reporting to Policy Manager fails. This is an internal task.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608320: fsmFailRecoveryRecStatusLocalContReportRecoveryProgressStatus
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608321: fsmFailRecoveryRecStatusShardInformReconcileStart
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608322: fsmFailFvAAREpPRequestorAREpPRequest
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when requesting an AREpP fails
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608332: fsmFailFvRtToEpForEpToEpDbgacEpForEpToEp
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608333: fsmFailFvRtToEpForEpgToEpDbgacEpForEpgToEp
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608334: fsmFailFvRtToEpDbgacToEp
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608335: fsmFailFvRtToEpIpForEpToEpDbgacEpIpForEpToEp
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608336: fsmFailFvRtToEpIpForEpgToEpDbgacEpIpForEpgToEp
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608337: fsmFailFvRtToEpIpDbgacToEpIp
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608342: fsmFailCompToEPgAddorDelUsegRule
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting microsegmentation firewall rules fail.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608343: fsmFailCompRFltPAddorDelUsegRfltp
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting microsegmentation filter profiles fail.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608344: fsmFailCompEpCPAddorDelUsegEpCP
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding or deleting microsegmentation end point criteria fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608345: fsmFailHvsMbrMacUpdateUsegMbrMac
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when microsegmentation member MAC update to Policy Manager fails.
Recommended Action: This task is retried automatically. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608395: fsmFailCompPvlanContUpdPvlanMap
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding or deleting PVLAN configuration at the vCenter fails or when clean up of stale PVLAN configuration at vCenter fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608396: fsmFailDhcpClientSpinesQuery
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608397: fsmFailDhcpClientSetFabricRecoveryMode
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608445: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateMcastGipoPool
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608463: fsmFailVnsREPpInfoUpdateRoutes
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608474: fsmFailFvRtToEpgDbgacToEpg
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608475: fsmFailFvRtToEpgForEpgToEpgDbgacEpgForEpgToEpg
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608608: fsmFailRecoveryPdShardRecRecoverFromPm
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608621: fsmFailRecoveryIdRecRecoverFromIdMgr
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608624: fsmFailConfigSubJobFetchPdConfigTree
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608625: fsmFailConfigSubJobApplyPdConfigTree
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608626: fsmFailConfigSubJobPrepareRollbackPd
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608630: fsmFailVnsVGrpPReTrigVDevUpd
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608635: fsmFailCompHvSetConfigIssuesHv
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when both the opflex channels for compHv are down.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect avs-tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608754: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareAddPlugin
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608764: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareUpdateAnalyticsAgentFwP
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608786: fsmFailFvRemoteIdMultisiteUpd
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when multisite mappings fails to be updated
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608795: fsmFailApPluginAppWebtoken
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608815: fsmFailApPluginDockerImageRef
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608861: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodePdCleanupNodePol
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when send policy cleanup request fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608863: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareApPluginFault
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608889: fsmFailRecoveryPmCfgShDistributePdShardToPm
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608890: fsmFailRecoveryIdShContRecoverFromPd
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608904: fsmFailFvSecInheritedBringInheritedEPgInfoIntoCtrct
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when contract or bundle interface configuration fails to be delivered to contract or bundle
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608908: fsmFailRecoveryStStShCheckSteadyState
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608912: fsmFailRecoveryPmCfgShContStartReconcilation
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608924: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocCheckConfig
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F608937: fsmFailKcEntrySyncToSpine
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when update between PE and PE fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608976: fsmFailVnsCtrlrEpUpdateVTap
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when NAT entry creation for controller appliance failed.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608980: fsmFailDot1xVDAEpDAEpAttachorDetach
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of an endpoint attach or detach fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F608989: fsmFailPkiFabricCommunicationEpPushStrictModeState
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609016: fsmFailFvGipoTaskAggrGipo
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when gipo allocation fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609017: fsmFailFvGipoSyncSendLocallyAllocated
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when syncing locally allocated gipo fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609018: fsmFailFvShardSyncedReallocateGipos
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when gipo reallocation fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609026: fsmFailConfigpushTxContPushToPm
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609053: fsmFailCompTenantContValidateEp
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609071: fsmFailConfigDumpPFetchPdConfig
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609086: fsmFailDhcpClientUpdateExtNodeDef
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609093: fsmFailFabricSetupPPodCleanup
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609100: fsmFailFabricShardTaskHolderCleanupPodForShard
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when cleanup of path end-points fails.
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609101: fsmFailCompSvmNicInfoSendSvmUpdate
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending the SVM information from vCenter controller to SVM container
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609128: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocReportCeps
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609141: fsmFailDhcpPoolUpdatePool
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when updating the dhcp pool fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609159: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocCheckerComplete
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609160: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileNodeReportConfig
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609161: fsmFailRecoveryRecStatusShardInformCheckerStart
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609191: fsmFailFabricVmmDecommissionJobVmmCleanup
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when send decommission message to vmmmgr fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609231: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareAddFirmware
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609287: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareAddBasePackage
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609301: fsmFailTelemetryStatsServerPPushStatsServerPolToEm
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609319: fsmFailPoeVDAEpPoeEpAttachOrDetach
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of an endpoint attach or detach fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609324: fsmFailVnsEPgDefSvcQosUpd
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised if endpoint profile update for service graph service EPG fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609328: fsmFailVnsHealthDestGetCtxSeg
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609331: fsmFailCompInstVMCreate
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating a VM Configuration fails. This typically happens if fhe Physical-NICs of the Hosts are not placed in DVS(vDS) managed by APIC
Recommended Action: Please ensure Physical-NICs of host is placed in the DVS(vDS) managed by APIC. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609332: fsmFailCompInstVMDelete
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609333: fsmFailCompInstPrepIsoFile
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609337: fsmFailVnsALDevMgmtEpPDUpd
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609338: fsmFailVnsCDevUpdateInstPol
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609351: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareCreateConfigFileMo
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609352: fsmFailFvRsCtxUpdateAssocBDDefCont
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609367: fsmFailCompInstDeleteIsoFile
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609379: fsmFailVmmCtrlrPConfig
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when a configuration update to the VMM Controller fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609380: fsmFailInfraRtDomDefEpPDUpdList
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609382: fsmFailExtdevNicProfConfigNic
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609384: fsmFailExtdevRsNicProfToDomPConfigNicProfToDomP
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609385: fsmFailExtdevDomainContConfigDomainCont
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609386: fsmFailExtdevUplinkProfConfigUplinkProf
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609393: fsmFailLacpEnhancedLagPolDefUpdateEnhancedLacp
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the Enhanced LACP Lag Policy at the DVS fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609407: fsmFailCompSvmNicInfoSendCloudSvmUpdate
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending the SVM information from vCenter controller to SVM container
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609408: fsmFailHvsLNodeAddorDelOutsideCloudPortGroup
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a Black Hole Porgroup for the Controller fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609409: fsmFailCloudsecSiteRxKeyStUpdateSiteRxKeySt
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609410: fsmFailCloudsecSiteTxKeyStUpdateSiteTxKeySt
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609411: fsmFailCloudsecSpRxKeyStUpdateSpRxKeySt
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609412: fsmFailCloudsecSpTxKeyStUpdateSpTxKeySt
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609423: fsmFailEdmMgrSyncConfigOnMgr
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609424: fsmFailCompCtrlrRemove
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when FSM for Controller Remove operation fails.
- Check if there are any FSM stage failures
- Perform the suggested Actions to correct stage failures
- If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609436: fsmFailCompCtrlrAddorDelHealthProvider
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609437: fsmFailHvsRsCompHvAddHvToHealthProvider
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609438: fsmFailCompHealthPolContPostHvHealthUpdate
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609439: fsmFailCompVmPowerOnOrOffVm
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609442: fsmFailCompVmUpdateState
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609478: fsmFailMdpProviderDefUpdatePodConnPDef
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609485: fsmFailFvVNodeAveTimeout
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when reporting AVE timeout fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609502: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodeUpdateCloudsec
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when send policy cleanup request fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609505: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareInstallPlugin
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609512: fsmFailRtdmcACtxPolRequestMcastGipoAddr
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609513: fsmFailRtdmcACtxPolReleaseMcastGipoAddr
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609528: fsmFailFabricGroupRefInformLeqptLooseNodeEdmNodeDn
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609530: fsmFailExtdevRsDomDefConfigDomDef
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609531: fsmFailCompEDMgrProxyUpdateManagedNics
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending the updated set of managed Nics from vmmmgr to edmgr
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609532: fsmFailLeqptRsLsNodeToIfReportEncapsOnLooseNodePath
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609547: fsmFailTelemetryStatsServerPPushStatsServerPolToTm
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609548: fsmFailExtdevSwMgrFlagsConfigSwMgrFlags
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609551: fsmFailHcloudObserverUpdateSyncStats
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609553: fsmFailPconsResolverResolveShardPolicy
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when the node (leaf/spine) fails to send the message to controller to resolve all its policies.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609558: fsmFailHcloudConnectorUpdateSyncCloudOper
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when task to sync cloudEpP fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609576: fsmFailHcloudEventsUpdateSyncFaults
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609635: fsmFailFvRsOtmListMemberSendTrackListReln
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609652: fsmFailVnsCloudSvcEPgDefCloudEpP
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609677: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwarePreUpgradePlugin
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609678: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareUpgradePlugin
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609680: fsmFailFabricShardTaskHolderSendToVMM
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending Fabric Node add to VMM Manager fails
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609684: fsmFailCompHvClusterDefPostHvClusterRules
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609707: fsmFailVnsRsNodeToCloudLDevUpdSvcPolicyToLDev
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when an update for L4-L7 service policy fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609712: fsmFailHcloudAvUpdateAvPoller
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609731: fsmFailCompMigratingVmContVerifyMigratingVms
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609763: fsmFailHcloudHealthUpdateSyncHealth
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609766: fsmFailCompL3ExtAttachPortResolveL3ExtVirtualLIfP
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when Endpoint Attach/Detach update to Policy Manager fails. This is an internal task.
Recommended Action: This task is retried automatically. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609767: fsmFailCompTrigRtdEpPResolveL3ExtEPg
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609770: fsmFailL3extOutUpdateL3ExtInstP
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609797: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwarePreInstallPreRemovePlugin
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609798: fsmFailApPluginRemoveAppliance
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609802: fsmFailCompPolContUpdateCtrlrNoOfUplinksPol
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the statistics monitoring policy for the Controller fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609862: fsmFailEdmSDWanPolContSlaPolConfig
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify PD about SDWan SLA Policies fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609863: fsmFailEdmSDWanVpnContVpnConfig
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify PD about SDWan VPNs fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609864: fsmFailEdmSDWanPrefixListContSyncSlaPrefix
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609866: fsmFailFvModSDWanPrefixTaskAggrUpdPrefix
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify EDMGR about SDWan Prefixes fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609872: fsmFailApPluginPreGenCerts
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609873: fsmFailApPluginGenerateCerts
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609874: fsmFailApPluginGenCertsCompleted
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609882: fsmFailCloudRtCloudAccountSendTnCons
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when task to send tenant account tracking MO fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609887: fsmFailOpflexpPEpRegVaAttach
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a VA attach fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609891: fsmFailFvVNodeIvxlanTEpAttachOrDetach
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of the detach fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F609921: fsmFailApPluginRemovePlugin
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F609970: fsmFailTopSystemSendDefaultApicOobPolicy
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610028: fsmFailHcloudReaderUpdateSyncReader
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610031: fsmFailApPluginPluginInstallation
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610032: fsmFailApPluginPluginUpgrade
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610033: fsmFailInfraRsFuncToVirtualLIfPAttEntPContReportNodesToVirtualLIfP
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610035: fsmFailL3extRsDynPathAttGetAttEntPDn
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610036: fsmFailL3extAttEntPContCreateRsFuncToVirtualLIfPAttEntPCont
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610065: fsmFailLeakRouteFromToContSendRouteFromToContToShard
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when task to send tenant account tracking MO fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F610069: fsmFailApPrepackagedPluginsDefInstallPrepackagedPlugins
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610070: fsmFailApPrepackagedPluginsDefRemovePrepackagedPlugins
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610071: fsmFailApPrepackagedPluginsDefRemovePrepackagedFirmwares
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610118: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateInfraVlan
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610125: fsmFailFvAAREpPRequestorReleaseEpP
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610131: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateApicConfig
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610151: fsmFailApPluginPreRemovePlugin
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610153: fsmFailApPluginPluginCertUpdate
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610154: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodeCleanupPolicy
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when send policy cleanup request to policydist fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F610204: fsmFailTagAliasInstSyncAliasInst
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault occurs when alias reference fails to be deleted
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F610229: fsmFailLldpInvalidAciAdjEpHandshakeWithPeer
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when handshake between PE and PE fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F610294: fsmFailDhcpPoolReconcileShardLocRequestAllocatedPool
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610303: fsmFailDhcpPoolReconcileShardLocReleaseAllocatedPool
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610321: fsmFailVnsRsLIfCtxToInstPUpdateSvcL3Def
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610339: fsmFailFvTenantTagsHolderESgTagsUpdate
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610346: fsmFailInfraFabricRecoveryUpdateAdrelay
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when update Adrelay on fabric recovery fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F610347: fsmFailApPluginPluginValidation
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610361: fsmFailInfraRecoveryNodeTaskTrigger
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when failed to notify the fabric recovery trigger to remote pod and remote leaf
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F610395: fsmFailCompHvAdjTaskContGetBulkHvAdj
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610454: fsmFailFirmwareSourceDeleteFirmwareSource
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610458: fsmFailApPluginPopulatePlugin
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610475: fsmFailCompVmInfoContVerifyVmsInfo
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610534: fsmFailInfraClusterPolUpdateFabricNodeContraints
Severity: major
Explanation: This fault is raised when task to send fvcapRule MO fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F610543: fsmFailInfraSummaryContPortNodeConfigRecreate
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F610548: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareFirmwareSyncStatus
Severity: major
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F671746: fsmFailResConsumerRegister
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when resource consumer registration (used for ID / resource tracking) fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671747: fsmFailResConsumerUnregister
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when resource consumer unregistration (used for ID / resource tracking) fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671748: fsmFailTagInstConfDef
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when a tag reference configuration fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671749: fsmFailTagAliasInstConfAliasDef
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when an alias reference configuration fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671750: fsmFailTagAliasDelInstDelAliasDef
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when alias reference fails to be deleted
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671756: fsmFailIdentSourceRelease
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when an internal identifier fails to be released.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671769: fsmFailDbgexpNodeStatusRemoveFile
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending export file name to correct APIC to remote it, fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671770: fsmFailSvccoreNodeSendCoreInfo
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when task to report core info from node to APIC fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671772: fsmFailAaaUserResetAdminPasswd
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F671778: fsmFailFirmwareSourcePopulateRepo
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs upon failure to update information about a downloaded image
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671779: fsmFailFirmwareDownloadPopulateDownload
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs upon failure to update information about download
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671781: fsmFailDbgexpNodeStatusReportNodeStatus
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when task to report export status from node to APIC fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671789: fsmFailPconsResolverResolve
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when the node (leaf/spine) fails to send the message to controller to resolve all its policies.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671798: fsmFailCompCtrlrAdd
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when FSM for Controller Add operation fails.
- Check if there are repeated failures of any FSM stage
- Perform the suggested actions to correct stage failures
- If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671810: fsmFailTopSystemSendTopSystem
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending top System changes to Topology Manager fails
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671813: fsmFailFirmwareCtrlrFwStatusContSendCtrlrRunning
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending controller firmwareCtrlrRunning object to firmwareFwStatusCont fails
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671814: fsmFailMaintNodeInMaintSendCtrlrUpgradeReq
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when Appliance Element fails to send upgrade request to scheduler
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671815: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareLoadCatalog
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when loading compatibility catalog for the firmware fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671883: fsmFailCompEpPDAddorDelExtPol
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting Portgroupsfor a VMM Controller fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671884: fsmFailCompVNicPDDefVNicUpdate
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating a vNIC profile definition fails. This typically happens if fhe Physical-NICs of the Hosts are not placed in DVS(vDS) managed by APIC
Recommended Action: Please ensure Physical-NICs of host is placed in the DVS(vDS) managed by APIC. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671885: fsmFailHvsExtPolUpdate
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending the external policy information from vShield controller to vCenter controller fails
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671886: fsmFailLacpLagPolDefUpdateLacp
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the LACP Lag Policy at the DVS fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671887: fsmFailCompPolContUpdateCtrlrPol
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the Controller policy container at the DVS fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671888: fsmFailCompStatsPolUpdateStatsPol
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the statistics monitoring policy for the Controller fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671889: fsmFailFvnsVxlanInstDefAddorDelFvnsInst
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a VXLAN Pool definiton for the Controller fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671890: fsmFailFvnsMcastAddrInstDefAddorDel
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a Multicast Address Pool definition for the VMM Controller fails.
Recommended Action: This task is internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671895: fsmFailHvsLNodeAddorDelUplinkPortGroup
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting an uplink Porgroup for the Controller fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671896: fsmFailHvsLNodeAddorDelVtepPortGroup
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a VTEP Porgroup for the Controller fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671897: fsmFailCompHpNicAddorDelVtepNic
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a VTEP NIC fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671901: fsmFailVpcIfUpdatePathEp
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671903: fsmFailCompHpNicUpdateHostVendorConfig
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating host vendor configuration fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671905: fsmFailHvsExtPolSetExtPolInfo
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when setting external policy information for the Controller fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671907: fsmFailCompEpPConnResolveEPgAdj
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when Endpoint Attach/Detach update to Policy Manager fails. This is an internal task.
Recommended Action: This task is retried automatically. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671915: fsmFailCompCtrlrFindCluster
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when Cluster update to VMM Controller fails.
- Validate that one or more of the physical NIC of all the hosts of the cluster are attached to the DVS
- If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671922: fsmFailCompCtrlrHandleObjUpd
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending cluster add message to VMM Controller fails.
Recommended Action: This task is internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671925: fsmFailCompCtrlrPrepareLNode
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when DVS preparation operation for vShield Controller fails.
- Validate that vShield is associated with vCenter and it is reachable from vShield
- If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671927: fsmFailCompHvGetHpNicAdj
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when LLDP/CDP Adjacency information is not found for the physical adapters on the host.
- Validate LLDP configuration on DVS, vCenter and Physical Switch connected to the Host.
- If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671928: fsmFailCompMgmtNicGetMgmtNicIp
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when the IP address for the interface on the host cannot be found.
- Check network connectivity for the host.
- If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC. This failure is automatically retried.
F671931: fsmFailCompRsCtrlrGetAssocCtrlrInfo
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when an error is encountered when obtaining vCenter hyperlink reference from vCloud Director.
- Validate that vCenter is associated with the vCloud Director. If not re-attach the vCenter
- Validate that vCenter hyperlink reference can be obtained using vCloud RestAPI
- If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC. This failure is automatically retried.
F671966: fsmFailMaintNodeInMaintCanIUpgrade
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when token for switch upgrade is rejected. Some of the possible reasons are - 1)Apic upgrade is in progress 2)vpc peer is upgrading3)Node is in locked zone 4)Cluster is not healthy5)Concurrency cap reached 6)Target image is missing on apic 7)Inter-node upgrade delay timer has not expired
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671970: fsmFailLldpIfLldpDiscovery
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when update Adrelay on LLDP discovery fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671971: fsmFailFvVDEpWaitForEpP
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when wait for endpoing profile download fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F671972: fsmFailHvsRtNicAdjReportLooseNode
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when LooseNode Report Update to TopoManager fails.
Recommended Action: This failure is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672019: fsmFailSysdebugTechSupportInitiate
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F672020: fsmFailSysdebugTechSupportDeleteTechSupFile
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F672022: fsmFailSysdebugTechSupportDownload
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F672023: fsmFailSysdebugLogControlEpLogControlPersist
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F672101: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodeRemoveSwitch
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when send decommission message to switch fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672102: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodeTopoCleanup
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when remove node request fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672103: fsmFailFabricDecommissionJobPmCleanup
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when send policy cleanup request fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672133: fsmFailDhcpDiscNodeReport
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a DHCP discovered node fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672151: fsmFailVzFilterConfRFltP
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when filter profile fails to be updated
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672152: fsmFailVzFltTaskAggrConfRFltPAggr
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when filter profile fails to be configured for aggregated filters
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672153: fsmFailVzCtrctEPgContCtrctToEpPUpd
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when endpoint profile remote EPG contract fails to be updated
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672176: fsmFailFvCollectionContBringInfoIntoCollectionShard
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when EPG configuration fails to be delivered to contract collection
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672179: fsmFailVzTabooCreateAnyTaboo
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when a taboo entry fails to be delivered to a remote EPG
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672180: fsmFailVzBrCPVzForceConfig
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when a dependent L4-L7 service graph template fails to be updated
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672191: fsmFailDhcpRsProvUpdDhcpProvAddress
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when update DHCP provider address fails
Recommended Action: None set.
F672200: fsmFailInfraNodeCfgManageVpcId
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when virtual port channel ID assignment fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672202: fsmFailFabricAProtGEpManageVIP
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when virtual IP address assignment fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672203: fsmFailFabricNodePEpManageProtectionChainIP
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when protection chain IP address assignment fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672204: fsmFailDbgexpExportPSendNodeList
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when send controller and node list fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672205: fsmFailDbgexpTechSupPDeleteTechSupIfcTrackers
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when delete controller tracker list for techsupport collection fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672206: fsmFailDbgexpTechSupOnDDeleteOnDIfcTrackers
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when delete controller tracker list for on-demand collection fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672207: fsmFailFvVDEpEpAttachorDetach
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of an endpoint attach or detach fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672210: fsmFailTagRefDelInst
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when delete tag reference target fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672261: fsmFailVpcIfUpdateVpcProtLink
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notfication of virtual port channel interface info fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672291: fsmFailL3extConsLblEpP
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when configuration of endpoint profile definition (EpP) fails
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672293: fsmFailFvEPgUpdMgmtDeplCont
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when attempt to update inband management epg with device cluster interface fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672294: fsmFailFvRtProvProvDhcpUpd
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when update DHCP provider with relation to current bridge domain fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672297: fsmFailFvAEpDefEndPointUpd
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notify endpoint update fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672300: fsmFailVnsEPpInfoEpPDUpd
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672302: fsmFailInfraEpPDSendDomDefToEpP
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when a configuration update to EPP failed.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672369: fsmFailMgmtInBZoneBringNodeInfoToInBMgmtEppShard
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when send node information from infra to management EPG fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672370: fsmFailMgmtOoBZoneBringNodeInfoToOoBMgmtEppShard
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when send node information from infra to out-of-band management EPGfails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672371: fsmFailMgmtOoBOobEpP
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when send out-of-band endpoint profile update fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672372: fsmFailMgmtCollectionContBringProvInfoIntoCtrct
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when send out-of-band provider information to contract fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672373: fsmFailMgmtCollectionContBringConsInfoIntoCtrct
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when send EPG consumer information to contract fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672376: fsmFailPresResolverResolverRepl
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when handle replication for resolver fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672378: fsmFailSpanSrcReportSpanSrcDef
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a Span source fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672379: fsmFailSpanTaskParamUpdateSpanSrcGrpDef
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a Span source group fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672380: fsmFailFvRtDestEpgSpanEpg
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a Span source group fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672381: fsmFailDbgacEpgSummaryReportODACDef
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a on-demand atomic counter policy fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672407: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateTopSystem
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when system change notification to Topology Manager fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672408: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateFabricNode
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending system information to Topology Manager fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672411: fsmFailDbgRemotePortUpdateRemotePortToDbgrelem
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when update remote port info to debugger-element fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672433: fsmFailTestinfralabFreebiesReportFreebies
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F672435: fsmFailSyntheticContextTest
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F672436: fsmFailSyntheticContextLocalTest
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F672437: fsmFailSyntheticContextTest2
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F672438: fsmFailSyntheticContextTest3
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F672446: fsmFailInfraRsFuncToEpgReportPortsToEpp
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when deploy of EPG on ports associated with Attached Entity Profile fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672447: fsmFailInfraRsDomPSendAttEntityPToVmmDomP
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending policies associated with attached entity profile to domain fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672577: fsmFailVnsEPgDefLegacyEpP
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised if endpoint profile update for service graph internal EPG fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672581: fsmFailVnsEPpInfoEPpInfo
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph related information could not be deleted from leafs.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672584: fsmFailVnsLDevInstVDevUpdGraphInst
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating virtual device configuration to script handler failed.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672586: fsmFailVzACollectionProcessContract
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when rendering associated service graphs failed.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672986: fsmFailTopSystemControllerChassis
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending top System changes for Chassis to Topology Manager fails
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F672987: fsmFailTopSystemSwitchChassis
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when chassis change notification to Topology Manager fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673015: fsmFailPconsResolverResolveAllPolicies
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when forced policy resolution fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673016: fsmFailCallhomeInvPUpdateCallhomeInvP
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when task to update execution status of callhome inventory policy fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673017: fsmFailVnsRsLDevInstVDevUpd
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating device configuration on script handler failed.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673029: fsmFailMgmtInstPInstPEpP
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when send endpoint profile update for management EPG fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673032: fsmFailFabricShardTaskHolderUnsubscribeFromPM
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending Fabric Node subscription removal to Policy Manager fails
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673050: fsmFailDbgacTenantSpaceCmnAcSendDbgProfile
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification for a on-demand atomic counter policy fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673096: fsmFailFabricNodeSend
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending root Fabric Node changes to Appliance Element fails
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673099: fsmFailVnsScriptRTInfoUpdateScriptRTInfo
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating runtime info under service script failed.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673100: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateRunningVer
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when running software version fails to be updated
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673107: fsmFailAaaADomainRefPushDomainRefsToRbacEp
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when configuration distribution of RbacRules fails
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673110: fsmFailPconsResolverContCheckBootStrap
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when ports cannot be brought in service after incomplete policy registration
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673111: fsmFailPconsResolveCompleteRefPolicyDeploymentDone
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify leaf/spine about policy deployment completion fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673124: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareAutoloadCatalog
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when loading firmware compatibility catalog fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673125: fsmFailPconsResolverContCheckBootStrapWorstCaseTask
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when bringing ports in service after bootstrap completion fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673126: fsmFailFvSubnetBDDefContUpdateBDDefWithRouteDef
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when update bridge domain with static route fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673127: fsmFailFvTabooCtxDefContUpdateCtxDefWithTabooDef
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when update private network with taboo configuration fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673128: fsmFailFvCtrctCtxDefContUpdateCtxDefWithEPgDef
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when update private network with EPG summary information fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673139: fsmFailDhcpClientUpdateFnv
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when updating the fabric node vector fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673146: fsmFailFvInBEpPInBUpd
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673156: fsmFailVnsLDevCtxReRenderGraph
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending message to contract shard failed and graph instance could not be re-rendered.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673159: fsmFailFvSubnetBDDefContUpdateBDHolder
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when update bridge domain container fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673164: fsmFailVzCollectionContBringCollectionIntInfoIntoCtrct
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when contract or bundle interface configuration fails to be delivered to contract or bundle
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673168: fsmFailFabricNodeTaskHolderSubscribeToPM
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending Fabric Node subscription to the Policy Manager via Appliance Element fails
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673196: fsmFailFabricProtGEpVPcRegisterForNotification
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when register for node notification fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673197: fsmFailTagRefUpdateAlias
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when an alias instance update fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673200: fsmFailVnsCMgmtNatCreate
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when NAT entry creation for concrete device management interface failed.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673202: fsmFailLeqptLooseNodeReportPathGrp
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when reporting fabric path group on an external connected node fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673203: fsmFailCallhomeInvTaskSendInventory
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when send callhome inventory fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673206: fsmFailFabricAProtGEpSpineProxyCreate
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notify spine proxy create fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673220: fsmFailVzCtrctEPgContUpdateCtxDefWithAnyREpPCtrct
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when private network configuration fails to be updated with remote contract collection
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673225: fsmFailVnsRsTermToEPgSvcFltUpd
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when security filters required to allow traffic from EPgs to L4-L7 service graph traffic could not be downloaded to leafs.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673226: fsmFailAaaIDomainRefReportDomainRefsToRbacEp
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when the update of security domain configuration to PolicyMgr fails. This is an internal task used by the system.
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673261: fsmFailVnsSDEPpInfoEpPDUpdS
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673262: fsmFailVnsSDEPpInfoEPpInfoS
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph related information could not be configured on leafs.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673263: fsmFailVnsREPpInfoAllocateEncap
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673264: fsmFailVnsLDevInstAllocateVDevId
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673265: fsmFailVnsSLDevInstConsRemoveVGrp
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673266: fsmFailVnsSLDevInstRemoveVDev
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673282: fsmFailL3extRtOutDefContToOutRoutePeering
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673286: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateGipoPool
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673319: fsmFailFabricVpcResourceReleaseVIP
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when virtual IP address assignment fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673382: fsmFailFabricShardTaskHolderSendToTM
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending Fabric Node removal to Topology Manager fails
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673397: fsmFailVmmRsAEPSendPreProv
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when a configuration update to EPP failed.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673410: fsmFailVnsSHEPpInfoEpPDUpdSH
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673411: fsmFailVnsSHSEPpInfoEpPDUpdSHS
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673412: fsmFailVnsEPgDefConsUpdateSHS
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when L4-L7 service graph could not create port groups on VCenter required for directing service graph traffic to service VMs.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673427: fsmFailFvAEPgEpCPUpd
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when update of critirion information under the container fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673433: fsmFailHvsLNodeAddorDelBlackHolePortGroup
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a Black Hole Porgroup for the Controller fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673441: fsmFailVnsSHEPpInfoValidateEncap
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when system cannot validate vlan encap of this object.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673464: fsmFailFvVipUpdateUpdateCtxDefWithVipDef
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating private network context with the virtual IP fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673476: fsmFailConfigSubJobFetchTree
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673477: fsmFailConfigSubJobApplyTree
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673478: fsmFailConfigSubJobPrepareRollback
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673479: fsmFailAaaPartialRbacRulePushPartialRbacRulesToRbacEp
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when configuration distribution of RbacRules fails
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673481: fsmFailVnsSvcVipUpdateUpdateCtxDefWithSvcVipDef
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating private network context with the virtual IP fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673590: fsmFailPconsLocationSyncWithQuorum
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673595: fsmFailDlgtDelegateExcutePostponed
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when task fails which is due to one shard being particularly busy.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673601: fsmFailFabricPathEpCleanupShardCleanupPathEpForShard
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when cleanup of path end-points fails.
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673602: fsmFailFabricPmPathEpCleanupCleanupPathEp
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when remove path end-points request fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673612: fsmFailVzProvDefClassIdFromSharedPool
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when EPG policy enforcement tag fails to be reallocated from shared service pool
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673614: fsmFailFvcapScopeRegUpdateScopeLimits
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673638: fsmFailConfigSubJobImportIds
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673639: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocRefreshPolicies
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when the node (leaf/spine) fails to send the message to controller to resolve all its policies.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673640: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocSyncConfig
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673643: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileNodeReconcileConfig
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify leaf/spine about policy reconcilation fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673664: fsmFailFvVDEpDetachUnknownEp
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of the detach fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673668: fsmFailOpflexpPolicyConsumerPolicyDemand
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a policy demand message fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673685: fsmFailL3extCtxUpdaterCtxEncapAllocatorUpd
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673690: fsmFailConfigSubJobImportDhcpObjects
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673691: fsmFailConfigSubJobFetchDhcpIds
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673697: fsmFailPkiFabricNodeSSLCertificatePushIFMSSLCertsFromAD
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673698: fsmFailPkiFabricNodeSSLCertificatePushIFMSSLCerts
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673699: fsmFailLldpCtrlrAdjEpHandshakeWithApic
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when handshake between PE and AD fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673703: fsmFailDbgexpTechSupODevDeleteODevIfcTrackers
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when delete controller tracker list for AVS techsupport collection fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673751: fsmFailPresDltNodeRegsNotifyShard
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when the message fails to be sent the destination shard.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673754: fsmFailFvARsToRemoteReleasePolicy
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673776: fsmFailVnsCDevUpdateInfo
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673803: fsmFailThrottlerInProgressContUpdatePM
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when configuration distribution of RbacRules fails
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673805: fsmFailDbgexpExportPResetExportStatus
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when task to reset policy status on policy deletion fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673810: fsmFailFvRtAcExtPolToContextAcExtIpL3Out
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673833: fsmFailHvsIpSetAddorDelUsegIpSet
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding or deleting microsegmentation IP set fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673834: fsmFailHvsMacSetAddorDelUsegMacSet
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding or deleting microsegmentation MAC set fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673837: fsmFailCompRsUsegEpPDResolveUsegMbrs
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when mac/ip address reporting to Policy Manager fails. This is an internal task.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673856: fsmFailRecoveryRecStatusLocalContReportRecoveryProgressStatus
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673857: fsmFailRecoveryRecStatusShardInformReconcileStart
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673858: fsmFailFvAAREpPRequestorAREpPRequest
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when requesting an AREpP fails
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673868: fsmFailFvRtToEpForEpToEpDbgacEpForEpToEp
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673869: fsmFailFvRtToEpForEpgToEpDbgacEpForEpgToEp
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673870: fsmFailFvRtToEpDbgacToEp
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673871: fsmFailFvRtToEpIpForEpToEpDbgacEpIpForEpToEp
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673872: fsmFailFvRtToEpIpForEpgToEpDbgacEpIpForEpgToEp
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673873: fsmFailFvRtToEpIpDbgacToEpIp
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673878: fsmFailCompToEPgAddorDelUsegRule
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting microsegmentation firewall rules fail.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673879: fsmFailCompRFltPAddorDelUsegRfltp
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting microsegmentation filter profiles fail.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673880: fsmFailCompEpCPAddorDelUsegEpCP
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding or deleting microsegmentation end point criteria fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673881: fsmFailHvsMbrMacUpdateUsegMbrMac
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when microsegmentation member MAC update to Policy Manager fails.
Recommended Action: This task is retried automatically. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673931: fsmFailCompPvlanContUpdPvlanMap
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding or deleting PVLAN configuration at the vCenter fails or when clean up of stale PVLAN configuration at vCenter fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F673932: fsmFailDhcpClientSpinesQuery
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673933: fsmFailDhcpClientSetFabricRecoveryMode
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673981: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateMcastGipoPool
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F673999: fsmFailVnsREPpInfoUpdateRoutes
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674010: fsmFailFvRtToEpgDbgacToEpg
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674011: fsmFailFvRtToEpgForEpgToEpgDbgacEpgForEpgToEpg
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674144: fsmFailRecoveryPdShardRecRecoverFromPm
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674157: fsmFailRecoveryIdRecRecoverFromIdMgr
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674160: fsmFailConfigSubJobFetchPdConfigTree
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674161: fsmFailConfigSubJobApplyPdConfigTree
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674162: fsmFailConfigSubJobPrepareRollbackPd
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674166: fsmFailVnsVGrpPReTrigVDevUpd
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674171: fsmFailCompHvSetConfigIssuesHv
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when both the opflex channels for compHv are down.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect avs-tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674290: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareAddPlugin
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674300: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareUpdateAnalyticsAgentFwP
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674322: fsmFailFvRemoteIdMultisiteUpd
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when multisite mappings fails to be updated
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674331: fsmFailApPluginAppWebtoken
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674351: fsmFailApPluginDockerImageRef
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674397: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodePdCleanupNodePol
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when send policy cleanup request fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674399: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareApPluginFault
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674425: fsmFailRecoveryPmCfgShDistributePdShardToPm
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674426: fsmFailRecoveryIdShContRecoverFromPd
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674440: fsmFailFvSecInheritedBringInheritedEPgInfoIntoCtrct
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when contract or bundle interface configuration fails to be delivered to contract or bundle
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674444: fsmFailRecoveryStStShCheckSteadyState
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674448: fsmFailRecoveryPmCfgShContStartReconcilation
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674460: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocCheckConfig
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674473: fsmFailKcEntrySyncToSpine
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when update between PE and PE fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674512: fsmFailVnsCtrlrEpUpdateVTap
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when NAT entry creation for controller appliance failed.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674516: fsmFailDot1xVDAEpDAEpAttachorDetach
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of an endpoint attach or detach fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674525: fsmFailPkiFabricCommunicationEpPushStrictModeState
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674552: fsmFailFvGipoTaskAggrGipo
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when gipo allocation fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674553: fsmFailFvGipoSyncSendLocallyAllocated
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when syncing locally allocated gipo fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674554: fsmFailFvShardSyncedReallocateGipos
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when gipo reallocation fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674562: fsmFailConfigpushTxContPushToPm
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674589: fsmFailCompTenantContValidateEp
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674607: fsmFailConfigDumpPFetchPdConfig
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674622: fsmFailDhcpClientUpdateExtNodeDef
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674629: fsmFailFabricSetupPPodCleanup
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674636: fsmFailFabricShardTaskHolderCleanupPodForShard
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when cleanup of path end-points fails.
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674637: fsmFailCompSvmNicInfoSendSvmUpdate
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending the SVM information from vCenter controller to SVM container
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674664: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocReportCeps
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674677: fsmFailDhcpPoolUpdatePool
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when updating the dhcp pool fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674695: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileLocCheckerComplete
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674696: fsmFailRecoveryReconcileNodeReportConfig
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674697: fsmFailRecoveryRecStatusShardInformCheckerStart
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674727: fsmFailFabricVmmDecommissionJobVmmCleanup
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when send decommission message to vmmmgr fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674767: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareAddFirmware
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674823: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareAddBasePackage
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674837: fsmFailTelemetryStatsServerPPushStatsServerPolToEm
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674855: fsmFailPoeVDAEpPoeEpAttachOrDetach
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of an endpoint attach or detach fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674860: fsmFailVnsEPgDefSvcQosUpd
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised if endpoint profile update for service graph service EPG fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674864: fsmFailVnsHealthDestGetCtxSeg
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674867: fsmFailCompInstVMCreate
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating a VM Configuration fails. This typically happens if fhe Physical-NICs of the Hosts are not placed in DVS(vDS) managed by APIC
Recommended Action: Please ensure Physical-NICs of host is placed in the DVS(vDS) managed by APIC. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674868: fsmFailCompInstVMDelete
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674869: fsmFailCompInstPrepIsoFile
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674873: fsmFailVnsALDevMgmtEpPDUpd
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674874: fsmFailVnsCDevUpdateInstPol
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674887: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareCreateConfigFileMo
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674888: fsmFailFvRsCtxUpdateAssocBDDefCont
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification about a destination ep fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674903: fsmFailCompInstDeleteIsoFile
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674915: fsmFailVmmCtrlrPConfig
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when a configuration update to the VMM Controller fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674916: fsmFailInfraRtDomDefEpPDUpdList
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674918: fsmFailExtdevNicProfConfigNic
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674920: fsmFailExtdevRsNicProfToDomPConfigNicProfToDomP
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674921: fsmFailExtdevDomainContConfigDomainCont
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674922: fsmFailExtdevUplinkProfConfigUplinkProf
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674929: fsmFailLacpEnhancedLagPolDefUpdateEnhancedLacp
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the Enhanced LACP Lag Policy at the DVS fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674943: fsmFailCompSvmNicInfoSendCloudSvmUpdate
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending the SVM information from vCenter controller to SVM container
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674944: fsmFailHvsLNodeAddorDelOutsideCloudPortGroup
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when adding/deleting a Black Hole Porgroup for the Controller fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674945: fsmFailCloudsecSiteRxKeyStUpdateSiteRxKeySt
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674946: fsmFailCloudsecSiteTxKeyStUpdateSiteTxKeySt
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674947: fsmFailCloudsecSpRxKeyStUpdateSpRxKeySt
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674948: fsmFailCloudsecSpTxKeyStUpdateSpTxKeySt
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a network path endpoint update fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674959: fsmFailEdmMgrSyncConfigOnMgr
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674960: fsmFailCompCtrlrRemove
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when FSM for Controller Remove operation fails.
- Check if there are any FSM stage failures
- Perform the suggested Actions to correct stage failures
- If the above actions did not resolve the issue, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F674972: fsmFailCompCtrlrAddorDelHealthProvider
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674973: fsmFailHvsRsCompHvAddHvToHealthProvider
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674974: fsmFailCompHealthPolContPostHvHealthUpdate
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674975: fsmFailCompVmPowerOnOrOffVm
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F674978: fsmFailCompVmUpdateState
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675014: fsmFailMdpProviderDefUpdatePodConnPDef
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675021: fsmFailFvVNodeAveTimeout
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when reporting AVE timeout fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675038: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodeUpdateCloudsec
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when send policy cleanup request fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675041: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareInstallPlugin
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675048: fsmFailRtdmcACtxPolRequestMcastGipoAddr
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675049: fsmFailRtdmcACtxPolReleaseMcastGipoAddr
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675064: fsmFailFabricGroupRefInformLeqptLooseNodeEdmNodeDn
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675066: fsmFailExtdevRsDomDefConfigDomDef
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675067: fsmFailCompEDMgrProxyUpdateManagedNics
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending the updated set of managed Nics from vmmmgr to edmgr
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675068: fsmFailLeqptRsLsNodeToIfReportEncapsOnLooseNodePath
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675083: fsmFailTelemetryStatsServerPPushStatsServerPolToTm
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675084: fsmFailExtdevSwMgrFlagsConfigSwMgrFlags
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675087: fsmFailHcloudObserverUpdateSyncStats
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675089: fsmFailPconsResolverResolveShardPolicy
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when the node (leaf/spine) fails to send the message to controller to resolve all its policies.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675094: fsmFailHcloudConnectorUpdateSyncCloudOper
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when task to sync cloudEpP fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675112: fsmFailHcloudEventsUpdateSyncFaults
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675171: fsmFailFvRsOtmListMemberSendTrackListReln
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675188: fsmFailVnsCloudSvcEPgDefCloudEpP
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675213: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwarePreUpgradePlugin
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675214: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareUpgradePlugin
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675216: fsmFailFabricShardTaskHolderSendToVMM
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when sending Fabric Node add to VMM Manager fails
Recommended Action: Collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675220: fsmFailCompHvClusterDefPostHvClusterRules
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675243: fsmFailVnsRsNodeToCloudLDevUpdSvcPolicyToLDev
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when an update for L4-L7 service policy fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675248: fsmFailHcloudAvUpdateAvPoller
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675267: fsmFailCompMigratingVmContVerifyMigratingVms
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675299: fsmFailHcloudHealthUpdateSyncHealth
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675302: fsmFailCompL3ExtAttachPortResolveL3ExtVirtualLIfP
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when Endpoint Attach/Detach update to Policy Manager fails. This is an internal task.
Recommended Action: This task is retried automatically. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675303: fsmFailCompTrigRtdEpPResolveL3ExtEPg
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675306: fsmFailL3extOutUpdateL3ExtInstP
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675333: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwarePreInstallPreRemovePlugin
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675334: fsmFailApPluginRemoveAppliance
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675338: fsmFailCompPolContUpdateCtrlrNoOfUplinksPol
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when updating the statistics monitoring policy for the Controller fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675398: fsmFailEdmSDWanPolContSlaPolConfig
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify PD about SDWan SLA Policies fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675399: fsmFailEdmSDWanVpnContVpnConfig
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify PD about SDWan VPNs fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675400: fsmFailEdmSDWanPrefixListContSyncSlaPrefix
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675402: fsmFailFvModSDWanPrefixTaskAggrUpdPrefix
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when the message to notify EDMGR about SDWan Prefixes fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675408: fsmFailApPluginPreGenCerts
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675409: fsmFailApPluginGenerateCerts
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675410: fsmFailApPluginGenCertsCompleted
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675418: fsmFailCloudRtCloudAccountSendTnCons
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when task to send tenant account tracking MO fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675423: fsmFailOpflexpPEpRegVaAttach
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of a VA attach fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675427: fsmFailFvVNodeIvxlanTEpAttachOrDetach
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when notification of the detach fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675457: fsmFailApPluginRemovePlugin
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675506: fsmFailTopSystemSendDefaultApicOobPolicy
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675564: fsmFailHcloudReaderUpdateSyncReader
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675567: fsmFailApPluginPluginInstallation
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675568: fsmFailApPluginPluginUpgrade
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675569: fsmFailInfraRsFuncToVirtualLIfPAttEntPContReportNodesToVirtualLIfP
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675571: fsmFailL3extRsDynPathAttGetAttEntPDn
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675572: fsmFailL3extAttEntPContCreateRsFuncToVirtualLIfPAttEntPCont
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675601: fsmFailLeakRouteFromToContSendRouteFromToContToShard
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when task to send tenant account tracking MO fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675605: fsmFailApPrepackagedPluginsDefInstallPrepackagedPlugins
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675606: fsmFailApPrepackagedPluginsDefRemovePrepackagedPlugins
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675607: fsmFailApPrepackagedPluginsDefRemovePrepackagedFirmwares
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675654: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateInfraVlan
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675661: fsmFailFvAAREpPRequestorReleaseEpP
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675667: fsmFailTopSystemUpdateApicConfig
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675687: fsmFailApPluginPreRemovePlugin
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675689: fsmFailApPluginPluginCertUpdate
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675690: fsmFailFabricRsDecommissionNodeCleanupPolicy
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when send policy cleanup request to policydist fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675740: fsmFailTagAliasInstSyncAliasInst
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault occurs when alias reference fails to be deleted
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675765: fsmFailLldpInvalidAciAdjEpHandshakeWithPeer
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when handshake between PE and PE fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675830: fsmFailDhcpPoolReconcileShardLocRequestAllocatedPool
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675839: fsmFailDhcpPoolReconcileShardLocReleaseAllocatedPool
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675857: fsmFailVnsRsLIfCtxToInstPUpdateSvcL3Def
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675875: fsmFailFvTenantTagsHolderESgTagsUpdate
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675882: fsmFailInfraFabricRecoveryUpdateAdrelay
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when update Adrelay on fabric recovery fails
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675883: fsmFailApPluginPluginValidation
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675897: fsmFailInfraRecoveryNodeTaskTrigger
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when failed to notify the fabric recovery trigger to remote pod and remote leaf
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F675931: fsmFailCompHvAdjTaskContGetBulkHvAdj
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675990: fsmFailFirmwareSourceDeleteFirmwareSource
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F675994: fsmFailApPluginPopulatePlugin
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F676011: fsmFailCompVmInfoContVerifyVmsInfo
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F676070: fsmFailInfraClusterPolUpdateFabricNodeContraints
Severity: critical
Explanation: This fault is raised when task to send fvcapRule MO fails.
Recommended Action: This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
F676079: fsmFailInfraSummaryContPortNodeConfigRecreate
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.
F676084: fsmFailFirmwareFirmwareFirmwareSyncStatus
Severity: critical
Explanation: None set.
Recommended Action: None set.