Alert text: The download of the Repeat Clickers list from the Cisco Secure Awareness cloud service failed. $reason.
Alert level: WARNING.
Description: Alert is sent when the download of the Repeat Clickers list from the Cisco Secure Awareness cloud service fails.
Parameters: reason
reason - Reason for the failure to download repeat clickers list from Cisco Secure Awareness cloud service.
For example: ‘invalid token,’ ‘reached the maximum number of attempts,’ and so on.
Alert text: The downloaded Repeat Clickers list is empty.
Alert level: INFO.
Description: Alert is sent when the downloaded Repeat Clickers list is empty. This alert indicates that there are no Repeat
Clickers listed in the Cisco Secure Awareness cloud service.
Alert text: The Cisco Secure Awareness feature license expires on $expiry. You must contact your Cisco Account Manager to
renew the license.
Region: $region
Server: $server
Alert level: INFO
Description: Alert is sent on 7 days prior to expiry, 3 days prior to expiry and 1 day prior to expiry.
Parameters: expiry, region, server
expiry – The date on which the Cisco Secure Awareness license is expiring.
region – The region of the Cisco Secure Awareness license which is expiring. The region can be AMERICAS, EUROPE, and so on.
server – The name of the server URL, for example,
Alert text: The Cisco Secure Awareness feature license has expired, and the feature is disabled on your email gateway. Contact
your Cisco Account Manager to renew the license.
Region: $region
Server: $server
Alert Level: Critical
Description: Alert is sent on expiry of the Cisco Secure Awareness license.
Parameters: region, server
region – Region of the Cisco Secure Awareness license which has expired. The region can be AMERICAS, EUROPE, and so on.
server – Name of the server URL, for example,
Alert text: The retrieval of the license expiry details from the Cisco Secure Awareness cloud service failed $reason
Alert level: WARNING
Description: Alert is sent on failure to retrieve license expiry details from Cisco Secure Awareness cloud service for three
consecutive times. Every day one attempt is made to retrieve the license expiry details until the license expiry details are
retrieved successfully.
Parameters: reason
reason – Reason for the failure to retrieve the license expiry details from the Cisco Secure Awareness cloud service.
For example: ‘invalid token’, and ‘reached the maximum number of attempts.’