
“Enterprises are waking up to the fact that they need to better justify their investment in IP technology, and applications that improve core business processes are the way to do so. Enterprises are looking for solutions to this application gap that will enable them to truly leverage the value of their converged network by quickly developing and deploying customized and reliable VoIP applications.”

— Zeus Kerravala
Vice President — Infrastructure
Yankee Group

Metreos VoIP Applications

Metreos offers a number of innovative packaged VoIP applications. Use these applications to add immediate out-of-the-box value to your IP telephony platform, or modify and integrate them as building block components of custom applications to solve problems unique to your specific business.

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Metreos VoIP Application Environment

Unlike applications from other vendors, Metreos applications are not just standalone, one-off applications. They are part of a complete application environment: the Metreos 2400 VoIP application environment.

Download environment brochure

This means that Metreos applications benefit from environment features that improve the reliability and manageability of the applications and protect the integrity of your IP PBX. When you decide to add other applications, you can run them on the same platform and servers, and you will have a common application container for managing scalability, performance, deployment, configuration and security for all your applications — whether you buy packaged applications, build your own or both.

The Metreos 2400 VoIP application environment will also enable your company to quickly and successfully develop its own sophisticated, custom VoIP applications, converging voice with existing enterprise applications and data to transform business processes — even if your developers have little to no telephony experience.