Quality of Service

Wireless QoS Overview

Quality of Service (QoS), provides the ability to prioritize the traffic by giving preferential treatment to specific traffic over the other traffic types. Without QoS, the device offers best-effort service for each packet, regardless of the packet contents or size. The device sends the packets without any assurance of reliability, delay bounds, or throughput.

A target is the entity where the policy is applied. Wireless QoS policies for SSID and client are applied in the upstream and (or) downstream direction. The flow of traffic from a wired source to a wireless target is known as downstream traffic. The flow of traffic from a wireless source to a wired target is known as upstream traffic.

The following are some of the specific features provided by wireless QoS:

  • SSID and client policies on wireless QoS targets

  • Marking and Policing (also known as Rate Limiting ) of wireless traffic

Wireless QoS Targets

This section describes the various wireless QoS targets available on a device.

SSID Policies

You can create QoS policies on SSID in both the ingress and egress directions. If not configured, there is no SSID policy applied.

The policy is applicable per AP per SSID.

You can configure policing and marking policies on SSID.

Client Policies

Client policies are applicable in the ingress and egress direction. You can configure policing and marking policies on clients. AAA override is also supported.

Supported QoS Features on Wireless Targets

This table describes the various features available on wireless targets.

Table 1. QoS Features Available on Wireless Targets
Target Features Direction Where Policies Are Applicable
  • Set

  • Police

  • Drop

Upstream and downstream
  • Set

  • Police

  • Drop

Upstream and downstream


For Drop support, the Drop action is achieved by the following configuration:
police <rate>
   conform-action drop
   exceed-action drop

Direct action drop is not supported.

Precious Metal Policies for Wireless QoS

The precious metal policies are system-defined policies that are available on the embedded wireless controller. They cannot be removed or changed.

The following policies are available:

  • Platinum—Used for VoIP clients.

  • Gold—Used for video clients.

  • Silver— Used for traffic that can be considered best-effort.

  • Bronze—Used for NRT traffic.

These policies are pre-configured. They cannot be modified.

For client metal policies, they can be pushed using AAA.

Based on the policies applied, the 802.11e (WMM), and DSCP fields in the packets are affected.

For more information about metal policies format see the Metal Policy Format section.

For more information about DSCP to UP mapping, see the Architecture for Voice, Video and Integrated Data (AVVID) table.

Prerequisites for Wireless QoS

Before configuring wireless QoS, you must have a thorough understanding of these items:
  • Wireless concepts and network topologies.

  • Understanding of QoS implementation.

  • Modular QoS CLI (MQC). For more information on Modular QoS, see the MQC guide

  • The types of applications used and the traffic patterns on your network.

  • Bandwidth requirements and speed of the network.

Restrictions for QoS on Wireless Targets

General Restrictions

A target is an entity where a policy is applied. A policy can be applied to a wireless target, which can be an SSID or client target, in the downstream and/or upstream direction. Downstream indicates that traffic is flowing from the controller to the wireless client. Upstream indicates that traffic is flowing from wireless client to the controller.

  • Hierarchical (Parent policy and child policy) QoS is not supported.

  • One policy per target per direction is supported.

  • Only BSSID and client targets are supported, on both directions.

  • The following policy formats are supported:

    • QoS Policy Action

      • Police:
        police [cir | rate] bps [conform-action action] [exceed-action action]

        Policer action types are transmit or drop .

      • Set:
        set dscp  
        	set wlan user-priority 


        set wlan user-priority (downstream only; BSSID only)

    • QoS Policy Classification

      match [not] access-group
      	match [not] dscp
      	match [not] protocol

AP Side Restrictions

  • In Cisco Embedded Wireless Controller, FlexConnect local switching, and SDA deployments, the QoS policies are enforced on the AP. Due to this AP-side restriction, police actions (e.g., rate limiting) are only enforced at a per flow (5-tuple) level and not per client.

Control Plane Rate Limiting and Policing

You need not explicitly configure control plane rate limiting or policing on the controller. The controller has embedded mechanisms (like policers) to protect the CPU by policing control plane traffic directed towards it. If you're migrating from AireOS to IOS-XE, this change is taken care of at the code level.

Metal Policy Format

Metal Policy Format

Metal Policies are system defined, and you cannot change it or delete it. There are four levels of metal policy - Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze.


Each metal policy defines a DSCP ceiling so that the DSCP or the UP marking does not exceed a certain value.

For Platinum the value is 46, Gold is AF41, Silver is 22, and Bronze is CS1.

Policy Name

Policy-map Format

Class-map Format

policy-map platinum              
 class cm-dscp-34                
  set dscp af41                   
 class cm-dscp-45                
  set dscp 45                    
 class cm-dscp-46                
  set dscp ef                    
 class cm-dscp-47                
  set dscp 47
class-map match-any cm-dscp-34   
 match dscp af41
class-map match-any cm-dscp-45   
 match dscp 45
class-map match-any cm-dscp-46   
 match dscp ef 
class-map match-any cm-dscp-47   
 match dscp 47 
class-map match-any cm-dscp-0    
 match dscp default 
policy-map gold                  
 class cm-dscp-45                
  set dscp af41                  
 class cm-dscp-46                
  set dscp af41                  
 class cm-dscp-47                
          set dscp af41
policy-map silver                
 class cm-dscp-34                
  set dscp default               
 class cm-dscp-45                
  set dscp default               
 class cm-dscp-46                
  set dscp default               
 class cm-dscp-47                
  set dscp default  
policy-map bronze                
 class cm-dscp-0                 
  set dscp cs1                   
 class cm-dscp-34                
  set dscp cs1                   
 class cm-dscp-45                
  set dscp cs1                   
 class cm-dscp-46                
  set dscp cs1                   
 class cm-dscp-47                
  set dscp cs1

Policy Name

Policy-map Format

Class-map Format

policy-map platinum-up           
 class cm-dscp-set1-for-up-4     
  set dscp af41                  
 class cm-dscp-set2-for-up-4     
  set dscp af41                  
 class cm-dscp-for-up-5          
  set dscp af41                  
 class cm-dscp-for-up-6          
  set dscp ef                    
 class cm-dscp-for-up-7          
  set dscp ef         
class-map match-any cm-dscp-for-up-0
  match dscp default
  match dscp cs2
class-map match-any cm-dscp-for-up-1
  match dscp cs1
class-map match-any cm-dscp-set1-for-up-4
  match dscp cs3
  match dscp af31
  match dscp af32
  match dscp af33
class-map match-any cm-dscp-set2-for-up-4 
  match dscp af41
  match dscp af42 
  match dscp af43 
class-map match-any cm-dscp-for-up-5
  match dscp cs4
  match dscp cs5
class-map match-any cm-dscp-for-up-6
  match dscp 44
  match dscp ef
class-map match-any cm-dscp-for-up-7
  match dscp cs6
  match dscp cs7
policy-map gold-up               
 class cm-dscp-for-up-6          
  set dscp af41                  
 class cm-dscp-for-up-7          
  set dscp af41  
policy-map silver-up             
 class cm-dscp-set1-for-up-4     
  set dscp default               
 class cm-dscp-set2-for-up-4     
  set dscp default               
 class cm-dscp-for-up-5          
  set dscp default               
 class cm-dscp-for-up-6          
  set dscp default               
 class cm-dscp-for-up-7          
  set dscp default     
policy-map bronze-up             
 class cm-dscp-for-up-0          
  set dscp cs1                   
 class cm-dscp-for-up-1          
  set dscp cs1                   
 class cm-dscp-set1-for-up-4     
  set dscp cs1                   
 class cm-dscp-set2-for-up-4     
  set dscp cs1                   
 class cm-dscp-for-up-5          
  set dscp cs1                    
 class cm-dscp-for-up-6          
  set dscp cs1                   
 class cm-dscp-for-up-7          
  set dscp cs1     

Policy Name

Policy-map Format

Class-map Format

policy-map clwmm-platinum        
 class voice-plat                
  set dscp ef                    
 class video-plat                
  set dscp af41                  
 class class-default             
  set dscp default
class-map match-any voice-plat
   match dscp ef
class-map match-any video-plat
  match dscp af41
class-map match-any voice-gold
  match dscp ef
class-map match-any video-gold
  match dscp af41
policy-map clwmm-gold             
 class voice-gold                
  set dscp af41                  
 class video-gold                
  set dscp af41                  
 class class-default             
  set dscp default 
policy-map clnon-wmm-platinum    
 class class-default             
  set dscp ef 
policy-map clnon-wmm-gold        
 class class-default             
  set dscp af41
policy-map clsilver               
 class class-default             
  set dscp default  
policy-map clbronze              
 class class-default             
  set dscp cs1 

Auto QoS Policy Format

Policy Name

Policy-map Format

Class-map Format

policy-map AutoQos-4.0-wlan-ET-SSID-Input-AVC-Policy
 class AutoQos-4.0-wlan-Voip-Data-Class
  set dscp ef
 class AutoQos-4.0-wlan-Voip-Signal-Class
  set dscp cs3
 class AutoQos-4.0-wlan-Multimedia-Conf-Class
  set dscp af41
 class AutoQos-4.0-wlan-Transaction-Class
  set dscp af21
 class AutoQos-4.0-wlan-Bulk-Data-Class
  set dscp af11
 class AutoQos-4.0-wlan-Scavanger-Class
  set dscp cs1
 class class-default
  set dscp default
policy-map AutoQos-4.0-wlan-ET-SSID-Output-Policy
class AutoQos-4.0-RT1-Class
set dscp ef
class AutoQos-4.0-RT2-Class
set dscp af31
class class-default
class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-wlan-Voip-Data-Class
  match dscp ef
class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-wlan-Voip-Signal-Class
 match protocol skinny
 match protocol cisco-jabber-control
 match protocol sip
 match protocol sip-tls
class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-wlan-Multimedia-Conf-Class
 match protocol cisco-phone-video
 match protocol cisco-jabber-video
 match protocol ms-lync-video
 match protocol webex-media 
class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-wlan-Transaction-Class
 match protocol cisco-jabber-im
 match protocol ms-office-web-apps
 match protocol salesforce
 match protocol sap 
class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-wlan-Bulk-Data-Class
 match protocol ftp
 match protocol ftp-data
 match protocol ftps-data
 match protocol cifs
class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-wlan-Scavanger-Class
 match protocol netflix
 match protocol youtube
 match protocol skype
 match protocol bittorrent
class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-RT1-Class
match dscp ef
match dscp cs6
class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-RT2-Class
match dscp cs4
match dscp cs3
match dscp af41
policy-map platinum-up
class dscp-for-up-4
set dscp 34
class dscp-for-up-5
set dscp 34
class dscp-for-up-6
set dscp 46
class dscp-for-up-7
set dscp 46
policy-map platinum
class cm-dscp-34
set dscp 34
class cm-dscp-46
set dscp 46
Policy Map AutoQos-4.0-wlan-GT-SSID-Output-Policy
Class class-default
set dscp default  
Policy Map AutoQos-4.0-wlan-GT-SSID-Input-Policy
Class class-default
set dscp default

(only applies to Local Mode)

policy-map AutoQos-4.0-wlan-Port-Output-Policy
 class AutoQos-4.0-Output-CAPWAP-C-Class
  priority level 1
 class AutoQos-4.0-Output-Voice-Class
  priority level 2
 class class-default
ip access-list extended AutoQos-4.0-Output-Acl-CAPWAP-C
 permit udp any eq 5246 16666 any
class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-Output-CAPWAP-C-Class
 match access-group name AutoQos-4.0-Output-Acl-CAPWAP-C
class-map match-any AutoQos-4.0-Output-Voice-Class
 match dscp ef

Architecture for Voice, Video and Integrated Data (AVVID)

IETF DiffServ Service Class


IEEE 802.11e

User Priority Access Category

Network Control

















Multimedia Conferencing






Real-Time Interactive




Multimedia Streaming






Broadcast Video




Low-Latency Data










High-Throughput Data










Low-Priority Data







How to apply Bi-Directional Rate Limiting

Information about Bi-Directional Rate Limiting

Bi-Directional Rate Limiting (BDRL) feature defines rate limits on both upstream and downstream traffic. These rate limits are individually configured. The rate limits can be configured on WLAN directly instead of QoS profiles, which will override QoS profile values. The WLAN rate limiting will always supersede Global QoS setting for controller and clients.

BDRL feature defines throughput limits for clients on their wireless networks and allows setting a priority service to a particular set of clients.

The following four QoS profiles are available to configure the rate limits:

  • Gold

  • Platinum

  • Silver

  • Bronze

The QoS profile is applied to all clients on the associated SSID. Therefore all clients connected to the same SSID will have the same rate limits.

To configure BDRL, select the QoS profile and configure the various rate limiting parameters. When rate limiting parameters are set to 0, the rate limiting feature is not functional. Each WLAN has a QoS profile associated with it in addition to the configuration in the QoS profile.


BDRL in a mobility Anchor-Foreign setup must be configured both on Anchor and Foreign controller. As a best practice, it is recommended to perform identical configuration on both the controllers to avoid breakage of any feature.

BDRL is is supported on Guest anchor scenarios. The feature is supported on IRCM guest scenarios with AireOS as Guest anchor or Guest Foreign. Cisco Catalyst 9800 Series Wireless Controller uses Policing option to rate limit the traffic.

To apply metal policy with BDRL, perform the following tasks:

Prerequisites for Bi-Directional Rate Limiting

  • Client metal policy is applied through AAA-override.

  • You must specify the metal policy on ISE server.

  • AAA-override must be enabled on policy profile.

Configure Metal Policy on SSID


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

wireless profile policy policy-profile-name


Device(config)# wireless profile policy policy-profile1

Configures WLAN policy profile and enters wireless policy configuration mode.

Step 3

description description


Device(config-wireless-policy)# description policy-profile1

Adds a user defined description to the new wireless policy.

Step 4

service-policy input input-policy


Device(config-wireless-policy)# service-policy input platinum-up

Sets platinum policy for input.

Step 5

service-policy output output-policy


Device(config-wireless-policy)# service-policy output platinum

Sets platinum policy for output.

Configure Metal Policy on Client


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

wireless profile policy policy-profile-name


Device(config)# wireless profile policy policy-profile1

Configures WLAN policy profile and enters wireless policy configuration mode.

Step 3

description description


Device(config-wireless-policy)# description profile with aaa override

Adds a user defined description to the new wireless policy.

Step 4



Device(config-wireless-policy)# aaa-override

Enables AAA override on the WLAN.



After AAA-override is enabled and ISE server starts sending policy, client policy defined in service-policy client will not take effect.

Configure Bi-Directional Rate Limiting for All Traffic

Use the police action in the policy-map to configure BDRL.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

policy-map policy-map


Device(config)# policy-map policy-sample 1

Creates a named object representing a set of policies that are to be applied to a set of traffic classes. Policy-map names can contain alphabetic, hyphen, or underscore characters, are case sensitive, and can be up to 40 characters.

Step 3

class class-map-name


Device(config-pmap)# class class-default

Associates a class map with the policy map, and enters policy-map class configuration mode.

Step 4

police rate


Device(config-pmap-c)# police 500000

Configures traffic policing (average rate, in bits per second). Valid values are 8000 to 200000000.

Configure Bi-Directional Rate Limiting Based on Traffic Classification


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

policy-map policy-map


Device(config)# policy-map policy-sample2

Creates a named object representing a set of policies that are to be applied to a set of traffic classes. Policy-map names can contain alphabetic, hyphen, or underscore characters, are case sensitive, and can be up to 40 characters.

Step 3

class class-map-name


Device(config-pmap)# class class-sample-youtube

Associates a class map with the policy map, and enters policy-map class configuration mode.

Step 4

police rate


Device(config-pmap-c)# police 1000000

Configures traffic policing (average rate, in bits per second). Valid values are 8000 to 200000000.

Step 5

conform-action drop


Device(config-pmap-c-police)# conform-action drop

Specifies the drop action to take on packets that conform to the rate limit.

Step 6

exceed-action drop


Device(config-pmap-c-police)# exceed-action drop

Specifies the drop action to take on packets that exceeds the rate limit.

Step 7



Device(config-pmap-c-police)# exit

Exits the policy-map class configuration mode.

Step 8

set dscp default


Device(config-pmap-c)# set dscp default

Sets the DSCP value to default.

Step 9

police rate


Device(config-pmap-c)# police 500000

Configures traffic policing (average rate, in bits per second). Valid values are 8000 to 200000000.

Step 10



Device(config-pmap-c)# exit

Exits the policy-map class configuration mode.

Step 11



Device(config-pmap)# exit

Exits the policy-map configuration mode.

Step 12

class-map match-any class-map-name


Device(config)# class-map match-any class-sample-youtube

Selects a class map.

Step 13

match protocol protocol


Device(config-cmap)# match protocol youtube

Configures the match criteria for a class map on the basis of the specified protocol.

Apply Bi-Directional Rate Limiting Policy Map to Policy Profile


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

wireless profile policy policy-profile-name


Device(config)# wireless profile policy policy-profile3

Configures WLAN policy profile and enters wireless policy configuration mode.

Step 3

description description


Device(config-wireless-policy)# description policy-profile3

Adds a user defined description to the new wireless policy.

Step 4

service-policy client input input-policy


Device(config-wireless-policy)# service-policy client input platinum-up

Sets the input client service policy as platinum.

Step 5

service-policy client output output-policy


Device(config-wireless-policy)# service-policy client output platinum

Sets the output client service policy as platinum.

Step 6

service-policy input input-policy


Device(config-wireless-policy)# service-policy input platinum-up

Sets the input service policy as platinum.

Step 7

service-policy output output-policy


Device(config-wireless-policy)# service-policy output platinum

Sets the output service policy as platinum.

Apply Metal Policy with Bi-Directional Rate Limiting


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

wireless profile policy policy-profile-name


Device(config)# wireless profile policy policy-profile3

Configures WLAN policy profile and enters wireless policy configuration mode.

Step 3

description description


Device(config-wireless-policy)# description policy-profile3

Adds a user defined description to the new wireless policy.

Step 4

service-policy client input input-policy


Device(config-wireless-policy)# service-policy client input platinum-up

Sets the input client service policy as platinum.

Step 5

service-policy client output output-policy


Device(config-wireless-policy)# service-policy client output platinum

Sets the output client service policy as platinum.

Step 6

service-policy input input-policy


Device(config-wireless-policy)# service-policy input platinum-up

Sets the input service policy as platinum.

Step 7

service-policy output output-policy


Device(config-wireless-policy)# service-policy output platinum

Sets the output service policy as platinum.

Step 8



Device(config-wireless-policy)# exit

Exits the policy configuration mode.

Step 9

policy-map policy-map


Device(config)# policy-map policy-sample 1

Creates a named object representing a set of policies that are to be applied to a set of traffic classes. Policy map names can contain alphabetic, hyphen, or underscore characters, are case sensitive, and can be up to 40 characters.

Step 10

class class-map-name


Device(config-pmap)# class class-default

Associates a class map with the policy map, and enters configuration mode for the specified system class.

Step 11

police rate


Device(config-pmap-c)# police 500000

Configures traffic policing (average rate, in bits per second). Valid values are 8000 to 200000000.

How to apply Per Client Bi-Directional Rate Limiting

Information About Per Client Bi-Directional Rate Limiting

The Per Client Bi-Directional Rate Limiting feature adds bi-directional rate limiting for each wireless clients on 802.11ac Wave 2 APs in a Flex local switching configuration. Earlier, the Wave 2 APs supported only per-flow rate limiting for a wireless client. When wireless client starts multiple streams of traffic, the client-based rate limiting does not work as expected. This limitation is addressed by this feature.

For instance, if the controller is configured with QoS policy and you expect each client to have a rate limiting cap of 1000 kbps. Due to per-flow rate limiting on the AP, if the wireless client starts a Youtube stream and FTP stream, each of them will be rate limited at 1000 Kbps, therefore the client will be 2000 Kbps rates. This is not desirable.

Use Cases

The following are the use cases supported by the Per Client Bi-Directional Rate Limiting feature:

Use Case -1

Configuring only default class map

If policy map is configured only with default class map and mapped only to QoS client policy, AP does a per client rate limit to the client connected to AP.

Use Case-2

Changing from per client rate limit to per flow rate limit

If policy map is configured with another different class map along with a default class map and mapped to QoS client policy, AP performs per flow rate limit to client. As policy map has different class map along with the default class map. The per client rate limit values are cleared, if the AP has previously configured per client rate limit.

If the policy map has more than one class map, then additional class map is configured along with the default class map. So, the rate limit is applied from per client to per flow. The per client rate limit value is deleted from the rate info token bucket.

Use Case-3

Changing from per flow rate limit to per client limit

If different class map is removed from policy map and policy map has only one default class map, AP performs a per client rate limit to client.

The following covers the high-level steps for Per Client Bi-Directional Rate Limiting feature:

  1. Configure a policy map to WLAN through policy profile.

  2. Map the QoS related policy map to WLAN.

  3. Configure policy map with the default class map.

  4. Configure different police rate value for class Default map.


    If policy map has class Default with valid police rate value, AP applies that rate limit to the overall client data traffic flow.

  5. Apply the policy map with class Default to QoS client policy in WLAN policy profile.

Prerequisites for Per Client Bi-Directional Rate Limiting

  • This feature is exclusive to QoS client policy, that is, the policy profile must have only QoS Policy or policy target as client.

  • If policy map has class default with valid police rate value, AP applies that rate limit value to the overall client data traffic flow.

Restrictions on Per Client Bi-Directional Rate Limiting

  • If policy map has class map other than the class Default map, the per client rate limit does not work in AP.

Configuring Per Client Bi-Directional Rate Limiting (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Tags & Profiles > Policy.

Step 2

Click the Policy Profile Name.

The Edit Policy Profile window is displayed.



The Edit Policy Profile window is displayed and configured in default class map only.

Step 3

Choose the QOS And AVC tab.

Step 4

In the QoS Client Policy settings, choose the policies from the Egress and Ingress drop-down lists.



You need to apply the default policy map to the QoS Client Policy.

Step 5

Click Update & Apply to Device.

Verifying Per Client Bi-Directional Rate Limiting

To verify whether per client is applied in AP, use the following command:

Device# show rate-limit client
              mac vap rt_rate_out rt_rate_in rt_burst_out rt_burst_in nrt_rate_out nrt_rate_in nrt_burst_out nrt_burst_in
A0:D3:7A:12:6C:5E   0           0          0            0           0            0           0             0            0
            name     up down
        Unshaped      0    0
  Client RT pass 697610 8200
 Client NRT pass      0    0
 Client RT drops      0    0
Client NRT drops      0   16
               9    180    0
Per client rate limit:
              mac vap rate_out rate_in            policy
A0:D3:7A:12:6C:5E   0       88      23 per_client_rate_2

Configuring BDRL Using AAA Override


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

wireless profile policy profile-name


Device (config)# wireless profile policy default-policy-profile

Configures the WLAN policy profile and enters wireless policy configuration mode.

Step 3



Device(config-wireless-policy)# aaa

Configures AAA override to apply policies coming from the AAA server or ISE the Cisco Identify Services Engine (ISE) server.

The following attributes are available in the RADIUS server:

  • Airespace-Data-Bandwidth-Average-Contract: 8001

  • Airespace-Real-Time-Bandwidth-Average-Contract: 8002

  • Airespace-Data-Bandwidth-Burst-Contract: 8003

  • Airespace-Real-Time-Bandwidth-Burst-Contract: 8004

  • Airespace-Data-Bandwidth-Average-Contract-Upstream: 8005

  • Airespace-Real-Time-Bandwidth-Average-Contract-Upstream: 8006

  • Airespace-Data-Bandwidth-Burst-Contract-Upstream: 8007

  • Airespace-Real-Time-Bandwidth-Burst-Contract-Upstream: 8008



8001, 8002, 8003, 8004, 8005, 8006, 8007, and 8008 are the desired rate-limit values configured as an example.

Verifying Bi-Directional Rate-Limit

To verify the bi-directional rate limit, use the following command:

Device# show wireless client mac-address E8-8E-00-00-00-71 detailClient MAC Address : e88e.0000.0071
Client MAC Type     : Universally Administered Address
Client IPv4 Address :
Client Username     : e88e00000071
AP MAC Address      : 0a0b.0c00.0200
AP Name             : AP6B8B4567-0002
AP slot             : 0
Client State        : Associated
Policy Profile      : dnas_qos_profile_policy
Flex Profile        : N/A
Wireless LAN Id     : 10
WLAN Profile Name   : QoS_wlan
Wireless LAN Network Name (SSID): QoS_wlan
BSSID : 0a0b.0c00.0200
Connected For       : 28 seconds
Protocol            : 802.11n - 2.4 GHz
Channel             : 1
Client IIF-ID       : 0xa0000034
Association Id      : 10
Authentication Algorithm : Open System
Idle state timeout  : N/A
Session Timeout     : 1800 sec (Remaining time: 1777 sec)
Session Warning Time : Timer not running
Input Policy Name    : None
Input Policy State   : None
Input Policy Source  : None
Output Policy Name   : None
Output Policy State  : None
Output Policy Source : None
WMM Support          : Enabled
U-APSD Support       : Disabled
Fastlane Support     : Disabled
Client Active State  : In-Active
Power Save           : OFF
Supported Rates : 1.0,2.0,5.5,6.0,9.0,11.0,12.0,18.0,24.0,36.0,48.0,54.0
AAA QoS Rate Limit Parameters:
  QoS Average Data Rate Upstream             : 8005 (kbps)
  QoS Realtime Average Data Rate Upstream    : 8006 (kbps)
  QoS Burst Data Rate Upstream               : 8007 (kbps)
  QoS Realtime Burst Data Rate Upstream      : 8008 (kbps)
  QoS Average Data Rate Downstream           : 8001 (kbps)
  QoS Realtime Average Data Rate Downstream  : 8002 (kbps)
  QoS Burst Data Rate Downstream             : 80300 (kbps)
  QoS Realtime Burst Data Rate Downstream    : 8004 (kbps)

To verify the rate-limit details from the AP terminal, use the following command

Device# show rate-limit client
mac vap rt_rate_out rt_rate_in rt_burst_out rt_burst_in nrt_rate_out nrt_rate_in nrt_burst_out nrt_burst_in
00:1C:F1:09:85:E7 0 8001 8002 8003 8004 8005 8006 8007 8008
name up down
Unshaped 0 0
Client RT pass 0 0
Client NRT pass 0 0
Client RT drops 0 0
Client NRT drops 0 0
Per client rate limit:
mac vap rate_out rate_in policy

How to Configure Wireless QoS

Configuring a Policy Map with Class Map (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Services > QoS.

Step 2

Click Add to view the Add QoS window.

Step 3

In the text box next to the Policy Name, enter the name of the new policy map that is being added.

Step 4

Click Add Class-Maps.

Step 5

Configure AVC based policies or User Defined policies. To enable AVC based policies, and configure the following:

  1. Choose either Match Any or Match All.

  2. Choose the required Mark Type. If you choose DSCP or User Priority, you must specify the appropriate Mark Value.

  3. Check the Drop check box to drop traffic from specific sources.



    When Drop is enabled, the Mark Type and Police(kbps) options are disabled.

  4. Based on the chosen Match Type, select the required protocols from the Available Protocol(s) list and move them to the Selected Protocol(s) list. These selected protocols are the ones from which traffic is dropped.

  5. Click Save.



To add more Class Maps, repeat steps 4 and 5.

Step 6

To enable User-Defined QoS policy, and the configure the following:

  1. Choose either Match Any or Match All.

  2. Choose either ACL or DSCP as the Match Type from the drop-down list, and then specify the appropriate Match Value.

  3. Choose the required Mark Type to associate with the mark label. If you choose DSCP, you must specify an appropriate Mark Value.

  4. Check the Drop check box to drop traffic from specific sources.



    When Drop is enabled, the Mark Type and Police(kbps) options are disabled.

  5. Click Save.



To define actions for all the remaining traffic, in the Class Default, choose Mark and/or Police(kbps) accordingly.

Step 7

Click Save & Apply to Device.

Configuring a Class Map (CLI)

Follow the procedure given below to configure class maps for voice and video traffic:


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

class-map class-map-name


Device(config)# class-map test

Creates a class map.

Step 3

match dscp dscp-value


Device(config-cmap)# match dscp 46

Matches the DSCP value in the IPv4 and IPv6 packets.



By default for the class map the value is match-all.

Step 4



Device(config-cmap)# end

Exits the class map configuration and returns to the privileged EXEC mode.

Step 5

show class-map class-map-name


Device# show class-map class_map_name

Verifies the class map details.

Configuring Policy Profile to Apply QoS Policy (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Tags & Profiles > Policy.

Step 2

On the Policy Profile page, click the name of the policy profile.

Step 3

In the Edit Policy Profile window, click the QoS and AVC tab.

Step 4

Under QoS SSID Policy, choose the appropriate Ingress and Egress policies for WLANs.


The ingress policies can be differentiated from the egress policies by the suffix -up. For example, the Platinum ingress policy is named platinum-up.

Step 5

Under QoS Client Policy, choose the appropriate Ingress and Egress policies for clients.

Step 6

Click Update & Apply to Device.



Only custom policies are displayed under QoS Client Policy. AutoQoS policies are auto generated and not displayed for user selection.

Configuring Policy Profile to Apply QoS Policy (CLI)


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

wireless profile policy profile-policy


Device(config)# wireless profile policy qostest

Configures WLAN policy profile and enters the wireless policy configuration mode.

Step 3

service-policy client { input | output} policy-name


Device(config-wireless-policy)# service-policy client input policy-map-client

Applies the policy. The following options are available.

  • input—Assigns the client policy for ingress direction on the policy profile.

  • output—Assigns the client policy for egress direction on the policy profile.

Step 4

service-policy { input | output} policy-name


Device(config-wireless-policy)# service-policy input policy-map-ssid

Applies the policy to the BSSID. The following options are available.

  • input—Assigns the policy-map to all clients in WLAN.

  • output—Assigns the policy-map to all clients in WLAN.

Step 5

no shutdown


Device(config-wireless-policy)# no shutdown

Enables the wireless policy profile.

Applying Policy Profile to Policy Tag (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Configuration > Tags & Profiles > Tags.

Step 2

On the Manage Tags page in the Policy tab, click Add.

Step 3

In the Add Policy Tag window that is displayed, enter a name and description for the policy tag.

Step 4

Map the required WLAN IDs and WLAN profiles with appropriate policy profiles.

Step 5

Click Update & Apply to Device.

Applying Policy Profile to Policy Tag (CLI)


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

wireless tag policy policy-tag-name


Device(config-policy-tag)# wireless tag policy qostag

Configures policy tag and enters the policy tag configuration mode.

Step 3

wlan wlan-name policy profile-policy-name


Device(config-policy-tag)# wlan test policy qostest

Maps a policy profile to a WLAN profile.

Step 4



Device(config-policy-tag)# end

Saves the configuration and exits the configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Step 5

show wireless tag policy summary


Device# show wireless tag policy summary

Displays the configured policy tags.



To view the detailed information of a policy tag, use the show wireless tag policy detailed policy-tag-name command.

Attaching Policy Tag to an AP


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2

ap mac-address


Device(config)# ap F866.F267.7DFB 

Configures Cisco APs and enters the ap profile configuration mode.

Step 3

policy-tag policy-tag-name


Device(config-ap-tag)# policy-tag qostag

Maps a Policy tag to the AP.

Step 4



Device(config-ap-tag)# end

Saves the configuration and exits the configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Step 5

show ap tag summary


Device# show ap tag summary  

Displays the ap details and tags associated to it.