802.11ax AireOS-CAPWAP AP or 802.11ax Catalyst CAPWAP AP or 802.11ax embedded wireless controller capable AP
To bring in an 802.11ax AP from an AireOS-CAPWAP network, or, a CAPWAP network, or, from another embedded wireless controller network into an existing embedded wireless controller network, to add one more AP to the existing network.
Yes, automatic conversion takes place.
This is automatically taken care through the AP Join image download process.
If the AP type is explicitly set to CAPWAP, then the AP continues to act as a CAPWAP AP unless it is converted back again
to embedded wireless controller AP using the AP command, Controller command, or the WebUI.
The following command is used for conversion as well as AP image download: ap-type {capwap | ewc-ap}
[<sftp/tftp>://<server ip>/<AP imagepath>
<sftp/tftp>://<server ip>Controller ImagePath>] The following command is used to convert a specific AP to CAPWAP or embedded wireless controller:wireless ewc-ap ap ap-type
ap-name {capwap | ewc-ap}