Cisco CleanAir

Configuring Cisco CleanAir on the Controller

Configuring Cisco CleanAir on Cisco WLC (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Wireless > 802.11a/n/ac or 802.11b/g/n > CleanAir to open the 802.11a (or 802.11b) > CleanAir page.

Step 2

Check the CleanAir check box to enable Cisco CleanAir functionality on the 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n network, or uncheck it to prevent the Cisco WLC from detecting spectrum interference. By default, this feature is in disabled state.

Step 3

Check the Report Interferers check box to enable the Cisco CleanAir system to report any detected sources of interference, or uncheck it to prevent the Cisco WLC from reporting interferers. By default, this feature is in enabled state.


Device Security alarms, Event Driven RRM, and the Persistence Device Avoidance algorithm do not work if Report Interferers are disabled.

Step 4

Check the Persistent Device Propagation check box to enable propagation of information about persistent devices that can be detected by CleanAir. Persistent device propagation enables you to propagate information about persistent devices to the neighboring APs connected to the same Cisco WLC. Persistent interferers are present at the location and interfere with the WLAN operations even if they are not detectable at all times.

Step 5

Ensure that any sources of interference that need to be detected and reported by the Cisco CleanAir system appear in the Interferences to Detect box and any that do not need to be detected appear in the Interferences to Ignore box. By default, all interference sources are detected. The possible sources of interference that you can choose are as follows:

  • Bluetooth Paging Inquiry—A Bluetooth discovery (802.11b/g/n only)
  • Bluetooth Sco Acl—A Bluetooth link (802.11b/g/n only)
  • Generic DECT—A digital enhanced cordless communication (DECT)-compatible phone
  • Generic TDD—A time division duplex (TDD) transmitter
  • Generic Waveform—A continuous transmitter
  • Jammer—A jamming device
  • Microwave—A microwave oven (802.11b/g/n only)
  • Canopy—A canopy bridge device
  • Spectrum 802.11 FH—An 802.11 frequency-hopping device (802.11b/g/n only)
  • Spectrum 802.11 inverted—A device using spectrally inverted Wi-Fi signals
  • Spectrum 802.11 non std channel—A device using nonstandard Wi-Fi channels
  • Spectrum 802.11 SuperG—An 802.11 SuperAG device
  • Spectrum 802.15.4—An 802.15.4 device (802.11b/g/n only)
  • Video Camera—An analog video camera
  • WiMAX Fixed—A WiMAX fixed device (802.11a/n/ac only)
  • WiMAX Mobile—A WiMAX mobile device (802.11a/n/ac only)
  • XBox—A Microsoft Xbox (802.11b/g/n only)

When you include BLE Beacon in the Interferences to Detect list, the 2.4GHz serving radio periodically goes off channel for a scan.


APs that are associated to the Cisco WLC send interference reports only for the interferers that appear in the Interferences to Detect box. This functionality allows you to filter out interferers that you do not want as well as any that may be flooding the network and causing performance problems for the Cisco WLC or Prime Infrastructure. Filtering allows the system to resume normal performance levels.

Step 6

Configure Cisco CleanAir alarms as follows:

  1. Check the Enable AQI (Air Quality Index) Trap check box to enable the triggering of air quality alarms, or uncheck the box to disable this feature. By default, this feature is in enabled state.

  2. If you checked the Enable AQI Trap check box in Step a, enter a value between 1 and 100 (inclusive) in the AQI Alarm Threshold field to specify the threshold at which you want the air quality alarm to be triggered. When the air quality falls below the threshold level, the alarm is triggered. A value of 1 represents the worst air quality, and 100 represents the best. The default value is 35.

  3. Enter the AQI Alarm Threshold (1 to 100) that you want to set. An alarm is generated when the air quality reaches a threshold value. The default is 35. Valid range is from 1 and 100.

  4. Check the Enable trap for Unclassified Interferences check box to enable the AQI alarm to be generated upon detection of unclassified interference beyond the severity threshond specified in the AQI Alarm Threshold field. Unclassified interferences are interferences that are detected but do not correspond to any of the identifiable interference types.

  5. Enter the Threshold for Unclassified category trap (1 to 99). Enter a value from 1 and 99. The default is 20. This is the severity index threshold for an unclassified interference category.

  6. Check the Enable Interference Type Trap check box to trigger interferer alarms when the Cisco WLC detects specified device types, or uncheck it to disable this feature. By default, this feature is in enabled state.

  7. Ensure that any sources of interference that need to trigger interferer alarms appear in the Trap on These Types box and any that do not need to trigger interferer alarms appear in the Do Not Trap on These Types box. By default, all interference sources trigger interferer alarms.

    For example, if you want the Cisco WLC to send an alarm when it detects a jamming device, check the Enable Interference Type Trap check box and move the jamming device to the Trap on These Types box.

Step 7

Click Apply.

Step 8

Trigger spectrum event-driven radio resource management (RRM) to run when a Cisco CleanAir-enabled AP detects a significant level of interference as follows:

  1. Look at the EDRRM field to see the current status of spectrum event-driven RRM and, if enabled, the Sensitivity Threshold field to see the threshold level at which event-driven RRM is invoked.

  2. If you want to change the current status of event-driven RRM or the sensitivity level, click Change Settings. The 802.11a (or 802.11b) > RRM > Dynamic Channel Assignment (DCA) page is displayed.

  3. Check the EDRRM check box to trigger RRM to run when an AP detects a certain level of interference, or uncheck it to disable this feature. By default, this feature is in enabled state.

  4. If you checked the EDRRM check box in Step c, choose Low, Medium, High, or Custom from the Sensitivity Threshold drop-down list to specify the threshold at which you want RRM to be triggered. When the interference for the AP rises above the threshold level, RRM initiates a local dynamic channel assignment (DCA) run and changes the channel of the affected AP radio if possible to improve network performance. Low represents a decreased sensitivity to changes in the environment while High represents an increased sensitivity.

    If you selected the EDRRM sensitivity threshold as custom, you must set a threshold value in the Custom Sensitivity Threshold field. The default sensitivity is 35.

    The EDRRM AQ threshold value for low sensitivity is 35, medium sensitivity is 50, and high sensitivity is 60.

  5. Save the configuration.

Configuring Cisco CleanAir on Cisco WLC (CLI)


Step 1

Configure Cisco CleanAir functionality on the 802.11 network by entering this command:

config {802.11a | 802.11b} cleanair {enable | disable} all

If you disable this feature, the Cisco WLC does not receive any spectrum data. By default, this feature is in disabled state.

Step 2

Enable CleanAir on all associated access points in a network:

config {802.11a | 802.11b} cleanair enable network

You can enable CleanAir on a 5-GHz radio of mesh access points.

Step 3

Configure interference detection and specify sources of interference that need to be detected by the Cisco CleanAir system by entering this command:

config {802.11a | 802.11b} cleanair device {enable | disable} type

where you choose the type as one of the following:

  • 802.11-fh—An 802.11 frequency-hopping device (802.11b/g/n only)

  • 802.11-inv—A device using spectrally inverted Wi-Fi signals
  • 802.11-nonstd—A device using nonstandard Wi-Fi channels
  • 802.15.4—An 802.15.4 device (802.11b/g/n only)
  • all—All interference device types (this is the default value)
  • bt-discovery—A bluetooth discovery (802.11b/g/n only)
  • bt-link—A bluetooth link (802.11b/g/n only)
  • canopy—A canopy device
  • cont-tx—A continuous transmitter
  • dect-like—A digital enhanced cordless communication (DECT)-compatible phone
  • jammer—A jamming device
  • mw-oven—A microwave oven (802.11b/g/n only)
  • superag—An 802.11 SuperAG device
  • tdd-tx—A time division duplex (TDD) transmitter
  • video camera—An analog video camera
  • wimax-fixed—A WiMAX fixed device
  • wimax-mobile—A WiMAX mobile device
  • xbox—A Microsoft Xbox (802.11b/g/n only)

Access points that are associated to the Cisco WLC send interference reports only for the interference types specified in this command. This functionality allows you to filter out interferers that may be flooding the network and causing performance problems for the Cisco WLC or Prime Infrastructure. Filtering allows the system to resume normal performance levels.

Step 4

Configure the triggering of air quality alarms by entering this command:

config {802.11a | 802.11b} cleanair alarm air-quality {enable | disable}

The default value is enabled.

Step 5

Specify the threshold at which you want the air quality alarm to be triggered by entering this command:

config {802.11a | 802.11b} cleanair alarm air-quality threshold threshold

where threshold is a value between 1 and 100 (inclusive). When the air quality falls below the threshold level, the alarm is triggered. A value of 1 represents the worst air quality, and 100 represents the best. The default value is 35.

Step 6

Enable the triggering of interferer alarms by entering this command:

config {802.11a | 802.11b} cleanair alarm device {enable | disable}

The default value is enable.

Step 7

Specify sources of interference that trigger alarms by entering this command:

config {802.11a | 802.11b} cleanair alarm device type {enable | disable}
where you choose the type as one of the following:
  • 802.11-fh—An 802.11 frequency-hopping device (802.11b/g/n only)

  • 802.11-inv—A device using spectrally inverted Wi-Fi signals

  • 802.11-nonstd—A device using nonstandard Wi-Fi channels
  • 802.15.4—An 802.15.4 device (802.11b/g/n only)

  • all—All interference device types (this is the default value)

  • bt-discovery—A Bluetooth discovery (802.11b/g/n only)

  • bt-link—A Bluetooth link (802.11b/g/n only)

  • canopy—A canopy device

  • cont-tx—A continuous transmitter

  • dect-like—A digital enhanced cordless communication (DECT)-compatible phone

  • jammer—A jamming device

  • mw-oven—A microwave oven (802.11b/g/n only)

  • superag—An 802.11 SuperAG device

  • tdd-tx—A time division duplex (TDD) transmitter

  • video camera—An analog video camera

  • wimax-fixed—A WiMAX fixed device

  • wimax-mobile—A WiMAX mobile device

  • xbox—A Microsoft Xbox (802.11b/g/n only)

Step 8

Configure the triggering of air quality alarms for unclassified devices by entering this command:

config {802.11a | 802.11b} cleanair alarm unclassified {enable | disable}

Step 9

Specify the threshold at which you want the air quality alarm to be triggered for unclassified devices by entering this command:

config {802.11a | 802.11b} cleanair alarm unclassified threshold threshold

where threshold is a value from 1 and 99 (inclusive). When the air quality falls below the threshold level, the alarm is triggered. A value of 1 represents the worst air quality, and 100 represents the best. The default value is 35.

Step 10

Trigger spectrum event-driven radio resource management (RRM) to run when a Cisco CleanAir-enabled access point detects a significant level of interference by entering these commands:

config advanced {802.11a | 802.11b} channel cleanair-event {enable | disable} —Enables or disables spectrum event-driven RRM. The default value is disabled.

config advanced {802.11a | 802.11b} channel cleanair-event sensitivity {low | medium | high | custom} —Specifies the threshold at which you want RRM to be triggered. When the interference level for the access point rises above the threshold level, RRM initiates a local dynamic channel assignment (DCA) run and changes the channel of the affected access point radio if possible to improve network performance. Low represents a decreased sensitivity to changes in the environment while high represents an increased sensitivity. You can also set the sensitivity to a custom level of your choice. The default value is medium.

config advanced {802.11a | 802.11b} channel cleanair-event sensitivity threshold thresholdvalue —If you set the threshold sensitivity as custom, you must set a custom threshold value. The default is 35.

Step 11

Enable persistent devices propagation by entering this command:

config advanced {802.11a | 802.11b} channel pda-prop {enable | disable}

Step 12

Save your changes by entering this command:

save config

Step 13

See the Cisco CleanAir configuration for the 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n network by entering this command:

show {802.11a | 802.11b} cleanair config

Information similar to the following appears:

(Cisco Controller) >show 802.11a cleanair config

Clean Air Solution............................... Disabled
Air Quality Settings:
    Air Quality Reporting........................ Enabled
    Air Quality Reporting Period (min)........... 15
    Air Quality Alarms........................... Enabled
      Air Quality Alarm Threshold................ 35
      Unclassified Interference.................. Disabled
      Unclassified Severity Threshold............ 20
Interference Device Settings:
    Interference Device Reporting................ Enabled
    Interference Device Types:
        TDD Transmitter.......................... Enabled
        Jammer................................... Enabled
        Continuous Transmitter................... Enabled
        DECT-like Phone.......................... Enabled
        Video Camera............................. Enabled
        WiFi Inverted............................ Enabled
        WiFi Invalid Channel..................... Enabled
        SuperAG.................................. Enabled
        Canopy................................... Enabled
        WiMax Mobile............................. Enabled
		WiMax Fixed.............................. Enabled
Interference Device Alarms................... Enabled
    Interference Device Types Triggering Alarms:
        TDD Transmitter.......................... Disabled
        Jammer................................... Enabled
        Continuous Transmitter................... Disabled
        DECT-like Phone.......................... Disabled
        Video Camera............................. Disabled
        WiFi Inverted............................ Enabled
        WiFi Invalid Channel..................... Enabled
        SuperAG.................................. Disabled
        Canopy................................... Disabled
        WiMax Mobile............................. Disabled
        WiMax Fixed.............................. Disabled
Additional Clean Air Settings:
    CleanAir ED-RRM State........................ Disabled
    CleanAir ED-RRM Sensitivity.................. Medium
    CleanAir ED-RRM Custom Threshold............. 50
    CleanAir Persistent Devices state............ Disabled
    CleanAir Persistent Device Propagation....... Enabled
Step 14

See the spectrum event-driven RRM configuration for the 802.11a/n/ac or 802.11b/g/n network by entering this command:

show advanced {802.11a | 802.11b} channel

Information similar to the following appears:

Automatic Channel Assignment
  Channel Assignment Mode........................ AUTO
  Channel Update Interval........................ 600 seconds [startup]
  Anchor time (Hour of the day).................. 0
  Channel Update Contribution.................... SNI
  CleanAir Event-driven RRM option.............. Enabled
CleanAir Event-driven RRM sensitivity...... Medium

Configuring Cisco CleanAir on an Access Point

Configuring Cisco CleanAir on an Access Point (GUI)


Step 1

Choose Wireless > Access Points > Radios > 802.11a/n/ac or 802.11b/g/n to open the 802.11a/n/ac (or 802.11b/g/n) Radios page.

Step 2

Hover your cursor over the blue drop-down arrow for the desired access point and click Configure. The 802.11a/n/ac (or 802.11b/g/n) Cisco APs > Configure page appears.

The CleanAir Capable field shows whether this access point can support CleanAir functionality. If it can, go to the next step to enable or disable CleanAir for this access point. If the access point cannot support CleanAir functionality, you cannot enable CleanAir for this access point.


By default, the Cisco CleanAir functionality is enabled on the radios.

Step 3

Enable Cisco CleanAir functionality for this access point by choosing Enable from the CleanAir Status drop-down list. To disable CleanAir functionality for this access point, choose Disable. The default value is Enable. This setting overrides the global CleanAir configuration for this access point.

The Number of Spectrum Expert Connections text box shows the number of Spectrum Expert applications that are currently connected to the access point radio. Up to three active connections are possible.

Step 4

Click Apply.

Step 5

Click Save Configuration.

Step 6

Click Back to return to the 802.11a/n/ac (or 802.11b/g/n) Radios page.

Step 7

View the Cisco CleanAir status for each access point radio by looking at the CleanAir Status text box on the 802.11a/n/ac (or 802.11b/g/n) Radios page.

The Cisco CleanAir status is one of the following:

  • UP—The spectrum sensor for the access point radio is currently operational (error code 0).
  • DOWN—The spectrum sensor for the access point radio is currently not operational because an error has occurred. The most likely reason for the error is that the access point radio is disabled (error code 8). To correct this error, enable the radio.
  • ERROR—The spectrum sensor for the access point radio has crashed (error code 128), making CleanAir monitoring nonoperational for this radio. If this error occurs, reboot the access point. If the error continues to appear, you might want to disable Cisco CleanAir functionality on the radio.
  • N/A—This access point radio is not capable of supporting Cisco CleanAir functionality.

You can create a filter to make the 802.11a/n/ac Radios page or the 802.11b/g/n Radios page show only access point radios that have a specific Cisco CleanAir status (such as UP, DOWN, ERROR, or N/A). This feature is especially useful if your list of access point radios spans multiple pages, preventing you from viewing them all at once. To create a filter, click Change Filter to open the Search AP dialog box, select one or more of the CleanAir Status check boxes, and click Find. Only the access point radios that match your search criteria appear on the 802.11a/n/ac Radios page or the 802.11b/g/n Radios page, and the Current Filter parameter at the top of the page specifies the filter used to generate the list (for example, CleanAir Status: UP).

Configuring Cisco CleanAir on an Access Point (CLI)


Step 1

Configure Cisco CleanAir functionality for a specific access point by entering this command:

config {802.11a | 802.11b} cleanair {enable | disable}Cisco_AP

Step 2

Save your changes by entering this command:

save config

Step 3

See the Cisco CleanAir configuration for a specific access point on the 802.11a/n/ac/ac or 802.11b/g/n/ac network by entering this command:

show ap config {802.11a | 802.11b} Cisco_AP

Information similar to the following appears:

Cisco AP Identifier.............................. 0
Cisco AP Name.................................... CISCO_AP3500
Spectrum Management Information
        Spectrum Management Capable.............. Yes
        Spectrum Management Admin State.......... Enabled
        Spectrum Management Operation State...... Up
        Rapid Update Mode........................ Disabled
        Spectrum Expert connection............... Disabled
	 	Spectrum Sensor State................. Configured (Error code = 0)