- Cisco Unity Express Features
- Overview of Cisco Unity Express Voice Mail and Auto Attendant
- Entering and Exiting the Command Environment
- Configuration Tasks
- Configuring System Components
- Configuring Users and Groups
- Configuring Voice Mail
- Configure Smart Licensing
- Configuring Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting
- Configuring the Administration via Telephone Application
- Configuring Auto Attendants
- Configuring Message Notification
- Configuring VoiceView Express
- Networking Cisco Unity Express
- Configuring Distribution Lists
- Configuring Security
- Backing Up and Restoring Data
- Language Support
- Configuring Advanced Voice Mail
- Advanced Configuration
- Monitoring the System
- Configuring SNMP Monitoring
- Registering Cisco Unity Express Endpoints to Cisco Unified Messaging Gateway
- Configuring Your Cisco IOS Gateway for T.37 On-Ramp and Off-Ramp Fax Support
- Troubleshooting
Configuring Users and Groups
All configuration and administration functions for Cisco Unity Express are available through the graphical user interface (GUI). However, you may find using the command-line interface (CLI) is more efficient than using the GUI. For example, you may want to create a script to configure a large number of subscribers for a specific system. In this case, the CLI can be more efficient.
This chapter describes the commands for the following tasks and contains the following sections:
Verify that the telephones and extensions connected to the Cisco Unified CME router or Cisco Unified Communications Manager server are configured. If you have not completed the configuration, see your Cisco Unified Communications Manager administrator guide or Cisco Unified CME administrator guide for the procedures.
Adding and Modifying a User
Users, or subscribers, configured in Cisco Unified CME or Cisco Unified Communications Manager can be imported to the Cisco Unity Express database.
- Cisco Unity Express does not automatically synchronize its database with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database. If a subscriber defined in Cisco Unity Express must be in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database, go back to Cisco Unified Communications Manager later and define the subscriber there.
Note If you change a Cisco Unified CME user’s password on Cisco Unity Express with Configure --> Users, the password for that user is updated on Cisco Unified CME. However, the reverse is not true: a user password changed on Cisco Unified CME will not be updated to Cisco Unity Express.
- To synchronize the Cisco Unity Express and Cisco Unified CME databases, use the Cisco Unity Express GUI option Administration > Synchronize Information.
The procedure described in this section allows you to create a new user in the system. Use the same procedures to modify an existing user’s properties.
Cisco Unity Express supports twice as many users as mailboxes. Some subscribers, such as system administrators, might not be assigned a voice mailbox. The maximum number of users is determined by the license of the module. See Recording a Prompt File for the maximum number of users permitted for your module.
Required Data for This Procedure
The following information is required for adding or modifying a user:
- Username—The user ID. The username must be at least 3 and no more than 32 characters. Cisco Unity Express allows only letters, numbers, underscore (_), dot (.), and dash (-) in user IDs. User IDs must start with a letter. Do not use spaces in the username.
- (Optional) Full name—First and last name of the subscriber. It must start and end with quotation marks (“ ”).
- (Optional) Group—Name of an existing group in which this subscriber is a member.
- (Optional) Password—Password for logging into the Cisco Unity Express GUI. The password must include a minimum length ranging from 8 through 64 characters. There is no limit on the maximum number of characters. Spaces are not allowed. A valid password should have at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and a symbol.
- (Optional) PIN—Personal identification number for logging into the TUI. The PIN must be at least 3 and no more than 16 digits.
Note To configure PINless voice mail, see Configuring PINless Mailbox Access.
1. username userid [ create | delete | fullname [ first “ first-name ” | last “ last-name ” |
display “ full-name ” ] | group group-name | language “ language ” | password “ password ” | pin number ]
2. show users
show user detail username userid
3. copy running-config startup-config
2. username userid [ create | phonenumber phone-number | phonenumberE164 full-number ]
username userid [ create | delete | se-10-0-0-0# username user1 create se-10-0-0-0# username user2 fullname display “User 2” se-10-0-0-0# username user2 group sales se-10-0-0-0# username user2 password “green” |
Creates the subscriber with the specified user ID. The optional parameters configure more information for the subscriber:
show user detail username userid |
Displays a list of user IDs for all subscribers configured on the system. Displays the detailed information configured for the specified subscriber. |
copy running-config startup-config |
Copies the configuration changes to the startup configuration. |
The following output illustrates the show users and show user detail username commands:
The following example illustrates configuring a subscriber and the output from the show commands:
Adding and Modifying a Group
A group is a collection of subscribers, usually with a common function or purpose, such as sales, main office, customer service, or technicians. A group has the following characteristics:
- Members of the group can be individual subscribers or other groups.
- The group is assigned an extension.
- The group can have a mailbox assigned to it.
- A group can have zero or more subscribers as owners. An owner of a group can add and delete members. Additionally, an owner can add and delete other owners to the group.
- Members can belong to more than one group.
- Members can be added to the group using the configuration mode groupname command or using the EXEC mode username command. See Adding and Modifying a User for details about the username command.
Note Subscribers must exist before being added to a group. See Adding and Modifying a User to configure the subscriber’s detailed information.
- Only members have access to the messages in a group’s voice mailbox. The owner is not considered a member of the group. If the owner needs to access the group’s mailbox, add the owner as a member of the group. (The owner’s name appears twice in the group, once as a member and once as the owner.)
- A group can be assigned a privilege level. The privilege level permits the members of the group to access all or a restricted set of administrative functions. Use the show privileges command to display the privilege levels installed on your system. Use the show groups privileges command to display the privileges assigned to each group. See Configuring Privileges for more information about privilege levels.
See Recording a Prompt File for the maximum number of groups, owners, and members permitted on your system.
The following procedure allows you to create a new group in the system.
Required Data for This Procedure
The following information is required to define a group:
– (Optional) Description of group
– (Optional) Full name of group
– (Optional) One or more existing user or group IDs to be added as members
– (Optional) One or more existing user IDs to be added as owners
– (Optional) Extension or telephone number of the group
1. groupname userid [ create | delete | description “description” | fullname “full-name” ]
2. show groups
show group detail groupname groupid
3. copy running-config startup-config
2. groupname groupid [ member username | owner ownername | phonenumber phone-number | phonenumberE164 full-number | privilege privilege-id ]
The following example creates a group and displays the output of the show commands:
The following example adds an owner and two members to the group sales and assigns sales a phone number:
Configuring Privileges
Cisco Unity Express software recognizes these privileges for subscribers:
- Superuser—The superuser privilege permits subscribers to log in to the Cisco Unity Express GUI as an administrator. Additionally, it permits subscribers to record spoken names for remote subscribers and locations through the Administration via Telephone (AvT).
- ManagePrompts—The prompt management subscriber has access to the AvT but not to any other administrative functions.
- broadcast—The broadcast privilege permits the subscriber to send broadcast messages across the network.
- local-broadcast—The local-broadcast privilege permits subscribers to send broadcast messages only to subscribers on the local network.
- ManagePublicList—The ManagePublicList privilege permits the subscriber to create and modify public distribution lists.
- ViewPrivateList—The ViewPrivateList privilege allows the subscriber to view another subscriber’s private distribution lists. The subscriber cannot modify or delete the private lists.
- ViewRealTimeReports—The ViewRealTimeReports privilege permits the subscriber to view Real Time Reports.
- ViewHistorical Reports—The
- ViewHistoricalReports privilege permits the subscriber to view Historical Reports.
- vm-imap—The vm-imap privilege gives subscribers access to the IMAP feature.
These privilege levels are assigned to a group, and any member of the group is granted the privilege rights. The software initialization process created an Administrator group from the imported subscribers designated as administrators. Other groups can be created with these privileges. Assign subscribers to an existing group using the CLI commands or the GUI option Configure> Users.
To display a list of privileges, use the show privileges command in Cisco Unity Express EXEC mode.
To configure a group with a privilege level, see Adding and Modifying a Group.