
Change History

This table lists changes made to this guide. Most recent changes appear at the top.




Added note for saving agent competence level in the Contact Service Queues

Digital Channels > Task Flow to Enable Digital Channels > Contact Service Queues 22 December 2022

Added details about using License Control

System Menu>License Management>Smart License Management

System Menu>License Management>Register with Cisco Smart Software Manager

July 2020

Introduced FIPS and added commands to use FIPS

Command Line Interface>Utils Commands>utils fips

Introduced Specific License Reservation Commands

Command Line Interface>Specific License Reservation Commands

Added Finesse failover mechanisms.

Cisco Finesse>>Cisco Finesse Administration Console >> Cisco Finesse Failover Mechanisms

June 2020

Added Content Security Policy details.

Command Line Interface>>Cisco Finesse Commands>>Supported Content Security Policy Directives

Updated Document for Release 12.5(1) SU1 EFT1

May 2020

Updated the option Enable Cisco Webex Experience Management post-call survey to enable Experience Management SMS/Email post-call survey.

Cisco Applications Configuration >> About Unified CCX Applications > > Add New Cisco Script Application

Added new DTMF desktop behaviour CLI.

Command Line Interface>>Cisco Finesse Commands>>Desktop Properties

Added new service property configuration CLI for port 5223.

Command Line Interface>>Cisco Finesse Commands>>Service Properties

Added Smart License Reservation Commands

Command Line Interface>>Smart License Reservation Commands

Command Line Interface>>Smart License Reservation Commands>>license smart reservation enable

Command Line Interface>>Smart License Reservation Commands>>license smart reservation request

Command Line Interface>>Smart License Reservation Commands>>license smart reservation install

Command Line Interface>>Smart License Reservation Commands>>license smart reservation return

Command Line Interface>>Smart License Reservation Commands>>license smart reservation return-authorization

Command Line Interface>>Smart License Reservation Commands>>license smart reservation cancel

Command Line Interface>>Smart License Reservation Commands>>license smart reservation disable

Initial Release of Document for Release 12.5(1)

January 2020

Cisco SocialMiner (SM) has been renamed as Customer Collaboration Platform (CCP).

Subsystems Menu>>Customer Collaboration Platform Configuration.

Subsystems Menu>>Delete Customer Collaboration Platform Configuration.

From this release, Context Service is not supported.


Added Cloud Connect server settings.

Cisco Finesse>>Cisco Finesse Administration Console >> Manage System Settings>>Cloud Connect Server Settings

Added keyboard shortcuts.

Cisco Finesse>>Cisco Finesse Administration Console>>Manage System Settings>>Keyboard Shortcuts

Added edit call variables.

Cisco Finesse>>Cisco Finesse Administration Console>>Manage Call Variables Layouts>>Call Variables>>Edit Call Variables

Added text and XML editors for Desktop Layout.

Cisco Finesse>>Cisco Finesse Administration Console>>Manage Desktop Layout>>Finesse Desktop Layout XML

Added desktop property customization.

Cisco Finesse>>Cisco Finesse Administration Console>>Manage Desktop Layout>>Customize Desktop Properties

Changed the phone book limits.

Cisco Finesse>>Cisco Finesse Administration Console>>Manage Phone Books>>Phone Books and Contacts

Added text and XML editors for Team Resources.

Cisco Finesse>>Cisco Finesse Administration Console>>Manage Team Resources>>Assign Custom Desktop Layout to Team

Added desktop properties customization at team level.

Cisco Finesse>>Cisco Finesse Administration Console>>Manage Team Resources>>Assign Custom Desktop Layout to Team>>Customize Desktop Properties at Team Level

Added security enhancements.

Cisco Finesse>>Cisco Finesse Administration Console>>Manage Security>>Security Enhancements

Added Finesse IP Phone agent certificate management.

Cisco Finesse>>Cisco Finesse Administration Console>>Manage Finesse IP Phone Agent>>Finesse IP Phone Agent Certificate Management

Added new desktop property configuration CLIs.

Command Line Interface>>Cisco Finesse Commands>>Desktop Properties

Added new service property configuration CLIs.

Command Line Interface>>Cisco Finesse Commands>>Service Properties

Added a new section about recording a prompt.

Management of Prompts, Grammars, Documents, and Custom Files>>Upload of Prompt Files>>Record a Prompt

Added a new section for CORS.

Cisco Finesse>>Manage Security>>Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Added new commands for showing ASR and TTS sessions.

Command Line Interface>>Show commands>>show uccx asr sessions

Command Line Interface>>Show commands>>show uccx tts sessions

Added new sections about licensing, which details about Classic Licensing and Smart Licensing.

System Menu>>License Information

Introduced SRTP and added information about enabling SRTP.

Provision Unified CM for Unified CCX>>Unified Communications Manager for Unified CCX Configuration>>Guidelines for Agent Phone Configuration

System Menu>>System Parameters

MRCPv2 is now available for selection and the default port numbers for MRCP are updated.

System Menu>>System Parameters

Telephony and Media Provision>>ASR and TTS in Unified CCX>>Provision of MRCP ASR Subsystem>>Provision MRCP ASR Servers

Telephony and Media Provision>>ASR and TTS in Unified CCX>>MRCP TTS Subsystem>>Provision MRCP TTS Servers

Bubble chat can be launched on any device and the display adapts to the screen size of the device used.

Appendix C>>Bubble Chat Experience

Administrators can use the Unified CCX Health Check Utility to check the overall health of the Unified CCX system.

Appendix A>>Command Line Interface

Customer Collaboration Platform configuration can now be deleted using the Unified CCX Administration interface.

Subsystems Menu>>Delete Customer Collaboration Platform

Mange classic Licensing and Smart Licensing.

System Menu>>License Management

Cisco Smart Licensing helps to procure, deploy, and manage licenses easily, and report license consumption.

System Menu>>Smart Licensing

When secure RTP is enabled, the signaling channel (JTAPI) between Unified CCX and Unified CM is also secured and encrypted.

Provision Unified CM for Unified CCX>>Modify AXL Information

Only TLS 1.2 is supported.

Tools Menu>>Real-Time Reporting Tool

Command Line Interface>>show tls server min-version

Command Line Interface>>show tls client min-version

Command Line Interface>>set tls server min-version

Command Line Interface>>set tls client min-version

Introduced Webex Experience Management (WXM) Post-Call Survey.

Cisco Applications Configuration>>Add New Cisco Script Application

You can assign prompts to applications.

Tools Menu>>Assign Prompts

Introduced Docker Engine and Cisco Cloud Connect Container Manager.

Command Line Interface>>utils service

About This Guide

Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (Unified CCX), a member of the Cisco Unified Communications family of products, manages customer voice contact centers for departments, branches, or small to medium-size companies planning to deploy an entry-level or mid-market contact center solution.

The Cisco Unified CCX Administration Guide provides instructions for using the Administration web interface to provision the subsystems of the Unified CCX package and to configure Unified CCX applications.

This guide shows you how to implement the following two systems that integrate with the Unified CCX:

  • Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (Unified CCX)

  • Cisco Unified IP IVR

This guide also includes a reference section that describes all the menus and menu options of the Unified CCXAdministration web interface.

This guide will help you to:

  • Perform initial configuration tasks

  • Administer applications such as the Unified CCXEngine and other components of the CiscoUnified Communications family of products

  • Familiarize yourself with the menus and menu options of the Unified CCXAdministration web interface


The Cisco Unified CCX Administration Guide is written for business analysts and application designers who have the domain-specific knowledge required to create multimedia and telephony customer response applications. Experience or training with Java is not required but is useful for making best use of the capabilities of the Cisco Unified Communications family of products.


This manual uses the following conventions.



boldface font

Boldface font is used to indicate commands, such as user entries, keys, buttons, and folder and submenu names. For example:

  • Choose Edit > Find

  • Click Finish.

italic font

Italic font is used to indicate the following:

  • To introduce a new term. Example: A skill group is a collection of agents who share similar skills.

  • For emphasis. Example: Do not use the numerical naming convention.

  • An argument for which you must supply values.


    IF (condition, true-value, false-value)

  • A book title. Example:

    See the Cisco Unified Contact Center Express Installation Guide.

window font

Window font, such as Courier, is used for the following:

  • Text as it appears in code or information that the system displays. Example:

    <html><title> Cisco Systems,Inc. </title></html>

  • File names. Example:

  • Directory paths. Example:

    C:\Program Files\Adobe


Nonquoted sets of characters (strings) appear in regular font. Do not use quotation marks around a string or the string will include the quotation marks.

[ ]

Optional elements appear in square brackets.

{ x | y | z }

Alternative keywords are grouped in braces and separated by vertical bars.

[ x | y | z ]

Optional alternative keywords are grouped in brackets and separated by vertical bars.

< >

Angle brackets are used to indicate the following:

  • For arguments where the context does not allow italic, such as ASCII output.

  • A character string that the user enters but that does not appear on the window such as a password.


The key labeled Control is represented in screen displays by the symbol ^. For example, the screen instruction to hold down the Control key while you press the D key appears as ^D.

Related Documents

Document or Resource


Cisco Unified Contact Center Express Documentation Guide

Cisco Unified CCX documentation

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center documentation

Cisco Finesse documentation

Cisco Customer Collaboration Platform documentation


From Unified CCX Release 12.5(1), CCP documents are available in the Cisco Unified CCX documentation folder.

Cisco Unified CCX Virtualization Information

Cisco Unified CCX Compatibility Information