Manage and Run Reports

Report Actions

The following table lists various actions that you can perform from the Reports.


You can open a maximum of ten tabs at a time.

Table 1. Report Actions
Action Description

Report-level actions



Creates a new report in the selected folder.


You cannot create reports inside the Stock folder. You can only import reports into the Stock folder. To edit or customize reports, clone the report and edit the cloned version.


Creates a new Folder. Use this feature to categorize reports.

When you move or save the folders to a different location, the drop-down lists all the folders including the disabled folders. You can navigate to subfolders with WRITE permissions.


You cannot create folders inside the Stock folder.


Imports a report.

To import a report, you need the REPORT DESIGNER role and WRITE permission on the target folder where you want to import these reports.

For more information, see Import Reports.


Applies to all folder levels (root, subcategory, and report).

Toolbar actions


Refreshes the Reports page.

Applies to all folder levels (root, sub folder, and report).


To easily access your reports, you can tag Reports as your Favorites.

Click the star icon beside the Report name to add to Favorites.


Searches for a particular the Report.

Ellipsis(…) actions


Edits the Report details. In the edit mode, you can add, modify, and delete report details, views and thresholds, and filters.

After editing the Report, click Finish.


You cannot edit a Stock report.

Save As

Saves a copy of the report with a different name.

  • By default, the reporting users do not have permission to create a subfolder in the Reports root folder. To get permissions, contact your administrator.

  • You cannot perform the Save As action to move contents (reports or folders) into the Stock folder and its subfolders.

The report description does not support the following special characters:
  • Parentheses (( ))

  • Angle brackets (<,>)

  • Forward slash (/)

  • Question mark (?)

  • Quotes (")

  • Any executable scripts; JavaScript


Renames a folder or a report.


You cannot rename a Stock folder or a Stock report.


Applies to the root-level folder.


Moves Report or Folder from one folder to another.

  • You can move a Report or a Folder only if you have Edit permission on the parent folder of the Report or Folder being moved.

  • You cannot move custom folders or reports from within the Stock folder (and its subfolders) to other locations and the other way.

Add Help

Hosts the help page for Report Templates. For more information, see Add Template Help.


Deletes a report or a folder.

  • You can delete a Report or a Folder only if you have Edit permission on the parent folder of the Report or Folder being deleted.

  • You cannot delete a Stock folder or a Stock report.


Assigns appropriate permissions to access and manage the Report.

Share—Grants View and Edit permissions for the Report within your group.


Displays the Report permalink. For more information, see Permalink for a Report.


You can access permanent hyperlink only from a web browser. You cannot access it from an application such as Microsoft Excel to pull data or display a report.

Add Template Help

You can configure individual help files to each Cisco Unified Intelligence Center report. You can either host the help page separately and point the report to it or create and upload the help page along with the report.

This help content is specific to the report and can contain explanation on:

  • How to use the report

  • Field description

  • Details of the relationship between the fields

  • How to interpret the report data or

  • Any other report related information

You can upload only files in ZIP formats. ZIP files can contain multiple HTML files. The HTML page contents support rich text including images.


Help files does not support videos and other interactive content.

To configure the help page for a report, perform the following steps:


Step 1

From the left navigation pane, click Reports.

Step 2

Click the Ellipsis icon (…) next to the report row for which you want to create the help page and click Add Help.

Step 3

In the Add Help dialog box,

  • If you want to set an external help page as the report help, select the URL option and enter the external URL location.

  • If you want to upload the help file, select the Choose file option and click Browse to upload a ZIP file (with HTML files).

Step 4

After uploading the file, click Save.

When you run the report, click the "?" icon (Template Help) on the Reports toolbar to view the configured help file.

Run Reports


Step 1

In the left pane of the Unified Intelligence Center application, click Reports.

Reports open in a separate tab.
Step 2

In the Reports tab, access one of these reports as required:

  1. For Historical reports, click Stock > Unified CCX Historical.

  2. For Live Data reports, click Stock > Unified CCX Live Data.

Step 3

Click a report category under Unified CCX Historical or Unified CCX Live Data as required.

Step 4

Click the report that you want to generate.

The report opens in a separate tab.
Step 5

Set any filters that you want.

Step 6

Click Run.


Scroll up to see Run.

Step 7

(Optional) If you are generating Live Data reports for the first time an error message appears after approximately 30 seconds, follow the below steps.

  1. Trust the self-signed certificate. See Trust Self-Signed Certificate for Live Data Reports.

  2. Follow Steps 1 to 6 to generate the report again.

The report is displayed in the Report Viewer.

Trust Self-Signed Certificate for Live Data Reports

When you generate Live Data reports for the first time, an error message appears after approximately 30 seconds.


Perform the following steps to trust the self-signed certificate:

Option Description

If you use Internet Explorer:

  1. When you click Run the following message appears:

    Internet Explorer blocked this website from displaying content with security certificate errors.
  2. Click Show content.

If you use Firefox:

  1. When you click Run the following message appears:

    Cannot connect to the notification service. Click OK to be 
    redirected to a page where you can add a security exception for 
    the certificates issued by the CUIC server, after which the 
    current page will be reloaded. If the condition persists, 
    contact your administrator.
  2. Click OK.

    A page appears that states this connection is untrusted.

  3. Click I Understand the Risks, and then click Add Exception.

    The Add Security Exception dialog box appears.

  4. On the Add Security Exception dialog box, ensure the Permanently store this exception check box is checked.

  5. Click Confirm Security Exception.

    The page that states this connection is untrusted automatically closes.

Save an Existing Stock Report


Contact administrator to assign permissions to the saved report.


Step 1

From the Actions column, click the Ellipsis (...) icon and select Save As.

Step 2

In the Save As window, enter a name for the report in the Name field.

Step 3

Enter a brief description of the report in the Description field.

Step 4

Drill down and select a report category in the Report Category field.

Step 5

Assign permissions in the Permissions section.

Step 6

Click OK.

Step 7

You can customize the report as required and click Save.

Import Reports

You can import a report (XML) and the associated template help file (ZIP format) into Cisco Unified Intelligence Center.

The following directory structure illustrates an imported report sample for storing the report and help content.

Figure 1. Directory Structure of the Report ZIP File

Each report help folder has a size limit of 3MB. If the folder size exceeds this limit, the system does not load the help content.

You can import the following:

  • Report

  • Report Definition

  • Value Lists

  • Views

  • Report Editor values

  • Thresholds

  • Drilldowns

  • Permissions

  • Template Help


You cannot import the Report Filters and Collections.

To import a report, perform the following steps:


Step 1

From the left navigation pane, click Reports.

Step 2

On the Reports toolbar, click New > Import.

You will be redirected to the legacy interface.
Step 3

Navigate to the folder where you want to import the report.


If you are importing a stock report bundle from, it must be placed at the Reports folder level.

Step 4

Click Import Report.

Step 5

In the File Name (XML or ZIP file) field, click Choose File.

Step 6

Browse to and select the XML or the compressed report file, and click Open.

Step 7

From the Data source for ReportDefinition drop-down list, select a data source used by the report definition.


This field appears only if the Report Definition for the report being imported is not currently defined in Unified Intelligence Center.

Step 8

From the Data Source for ValueList drop-down list, select the data source used by the value lists defined in the report definition.


You have to select a data source for the value list only if it does not use the same data source as the Report Definition. For Report Definitions of Real Time Streaming, it is mandatory to select a data source for the Value Lists.

Step 9

In the Save To field, browse to the folder where you want to place the imported report. Use the arrow keys to expand the folders.

Step 10

Click Import.


Importing a report to a different version of Unified Intelligence Center is not supported. However, when you upgrade Unified Intelligence Center, report templates continue to work in the upgraded version.

Export Reports, Report Definitions, and Folders

You can export any custom report, report definition, or report folders from legacy interface. Reports and report folders are exported in a ZIP format and report definitions are exported as an individual XML file.

When you export a folder, the reports in the folder are grouped together as ZIP files. The grouping is based on the data source used by the report definition as well as the value lists.


  • For customized reports, you must update the version numbers of the value list and report definition before you export the report. Else, the export will not overwrite the existing default reports.

  • When you export a report to an Excel file format, to read the exported report, the client system’s locale must match with the browser’s locale (where you had exported the report).

  • While exporting report definitions or folders, ensure that all the Value Lists in the report defnitions or folders point to the same data source respectively.


Do not modify the exported report (XML file) for customization purposes. However, if required, you can modify only the EntityVersion of the Report, Report Definition, and ValueList.

When you export a report, the following data associated with the report are exported:
  • Report

  • Report Definition

  • Value Lists

  • Views

  • Preferences defined in the Report Editor

  • Thresholds

  • Permissions

  • Online Help (if not bundled, an empty folder is created in the zip file)


Report Filters and Collections are not exported along with the report.

To export a report/report definition/folder, perform the following steps:


For illustration, exporting a report is documented in the following steps. Perform the same steps to export report definition and folder.


Step 1

From the left navigation panel, click Report Definitions.

You will be redirected to the legacy interface.
Step 2

Click the Reports drawer and browse to the report that you want to export.

Step 3

Right-click the report and select Export.


If required, you can rename the report. Do not change the file extension (Reports: zip and Report Definitions: XML).

Step 4

Click OK.

The exported file is downloaded into your Downloads folder.