Visual Customizations


Stock reports are the reports that are pre-bundled and supported by Cisco. The stock reports can be copied and these copied versions can be edited to visually customize them. Save a copy of the report with a different name.


Reporting users do not have permission by default to create a subcategory under Reports. An Administrator should create a subcategory and grant access, so you can create a subcategory within the new subcategory.

Create a Grid View

Grids are tabular presentations of the data in rows and columns. By default, all Cisco stock reports have a grid view. For custom reports, a default grid is created from the SQL query in the Report Definition.


Grouping and font size is not supported in Live Data reports.

You can create a Grid View while creating or editing a report.

To create a Grid View, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Create or edit a report.

Step 2

Enter the report details in the Basic Information screen and click Next.

The Manage Views and Thresholds screen appears with a default grid view.

You can access Report permalinks only after completing the report creation. Report permalinks allow you to share your report with other users and view reports of other users. For more information, see Permalink for a Report.

Step 3

You can edit the default view (Actions column > Edit View) or click Create New > Grid view to create a new grid view.

The Edit Grid View or the New Grid View screen appears depending on your selection for edit or create.

Step 4

Enter the Name and Description in the respective fields.


Maximum length allowed for the grid view Name: 50 characters.

Step 5

From the Font selection box, you can select the font size from the list to display the grid data.

Step 6

Use the arrow buttons to select fields from the Available value list box to move to the Selected field list.

Step 7

You can use the following features to improve grid view display:

  • Header—Use this feature to add (+) or delete (-) a header for the selected fields. This helps in categorizing the field set.


    You cannot save the view with empty headers.

    Post upgrade to Cisco Unified Intelligence Center 11.6, any empty headers that exist in the report views in prior releases are not migrated.

  • Edit icon—In the Selected value list box, click the Edit icon (hover on the field value) if you want to edit the Display Name and Column Width for the selected field and click Done.


    For Header fields, you can only edit the Display Name.

  • Sort Grid by Field—Select the Sort Grid by Field check box to sort the selected report columns in either Ascending or Descending order. Selecting this check box enables the drop-down list to be populated with the values from the Selected value list box. You can select only one value for sorting.

Step 8

Click Save.

The Report Views screen appears.
Step 9

Click Finish.

Create a Chart View

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center supports the following chart types:

  • Bar—Bar charts display discontinuous events and show the differences between events rather than trends. Bar charts are oriented vertically and can be stacked horizontally or clustered one below the other.

  • Pie/Donut—Pie charts display quantities as proportions of a whole. The circle (pie) represents 100% of the data, with each quantity represented as a wedge of the appropriate size. Pie charts take decimal or numeric fields only. A pie chart cannot have more than 50 wedges. An error occurs if your data set and chart editor selections generate a pie chart with more than 50 wedges.

    A doughnut chart is another display representation of a pie chart.

  • Column—Column charts display discontinuous events and show the differences between events rather than trends. Column charts are oriented horizontally and can be stacked vertically or clustered side by side.

  • Dial Gauge/Numeric—A gauge chart displays the dial representation of the report results as per the defined threshold.

    The Numeric chart displays the report results in a number format highlighted as per the defined threshold.

  • Line charts—Line charts display continuous quantities over time against a common scale. Use the Line charts to show trends.


  • Live Data reports do not support chart view.

  • In the vertically oriented charts, for Cyrillic characters, the data labels in the Horizontal Axis field may be hidden or garbled. This is a known limitation. Hence, for Cyrillic characters, use the horizontally oriented charts.

To create a Chart View, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Create or edit a report.

Step 2

Enter the report details in the Basic Information screen and click Next.

The Manage Views and Thresholds screen appears with a default grid view.

You can access Report permalinks only after completing the report creation. Report permalinks allow you to share your report with other users and view reports of other users. For more information, see Permalink for a Report.

Step 3

Click Create New > Chart view.

Step 4

In the Create New Chart View screen, click the required chart type. For more information, see Chart Types.

Step 5

Enter the Chart Information; Name, Description and click Next.


Maximum length allowed for the chart view Name: 50 characters.

For Cartesian type charts (Bar, Column, and Line), select the Group Data check box to group data:

  • By a field—Select this option to create a chart view where the vertical axis shows fields with footer formula configured for line or column chart and horizontal axis with footer formula for bar chart.

  • By label field—Select this option to create a chart view where the vertical axis shows fields of decimal data type for Line or Column chart. In Bar chart, the horizontal axis shows fields of decimal type.


For Pie charts, you can only Group Data by Label Field.

Step 6

In the Add Data Fields screen, select the Label Field from the drop-down list and Data Fields from the list box and click Next.

Step 7

In the Preview and Format screen, enter or select appropriate information based on the selected chart type.

For more information, see Chart Types.

For the following Data Fields, the Column Type (Stacked and Grouped) feature is unavailable.
  • Date and Time

  • Boolean

Step 8

Click Save.

Chart Types

Chart Type

Chart Information

Add Data Fields

Preview and Format
















To configure a Gauge chart, Report Definition must have at least one decimal field with footer configured.


You can select Dial Gauge or Numeric view for this report.

To set the chart view for Dial Gauge/Numeric, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter the Range (min and max). Default: 0-100

  2. Define the zones.

    When the chart value is within any of the defined thresholds,

    • The gauge pointer points to the corresponding color set in the threshold.

    • The Numeric text is displayed in the corresponding color set in the threshold.

  3. Click Save.




To configure a Pie chart, Report Definition must have at least one decimal field configured.


You can select Pie or Donut as the display type for this report.

Group By

For an executed report, use the Group By option to add/remove/update grouping configurations for the current view. Cisco Unified Intelligence Center grid reports support up to three levels of grouping.

If you are grouping the column with Date or Date Time data type, you can group records on a Daily/Weekly/Monthly basis.


Live data reports do not support grouping.

To group the report data, perform the following steps:


Step 1

From an executed report, click the Report options icon and select the Group By option.

Step 2

In the Group By dialog box, specify the Number of Levels you want to group the report.

Depending on the number of levels selected, the Level, Grouped By, Sub Group, and Show Expanded columns are activated.

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center grid reports support up to three levels of grouping.

Step 3

To group the report data by values in a particular column, select the required column name from the Grouped By list.

If you select a date or date and time value from the list, you can select any one of the following from the Sub Group column:
  • None—The report data is grouped by the absolute date or date time values.

  • Daily—The report data is grouped by day.

  • Weekly—The report data is grouped by week.

  • Monthly—The report data is grouped by month.

By default, the Show Expanded option is selected and you can uncheck the option if necessary. The Show Expanded column allows you to view the executed reports with the group expanded.

Enable the Show Summary Only toggle button to display only the summary row in the report.

For example, if you group by Agent Team and enable the Show Summary Only toggle button, only the summary data row for each team is displayed.

If any of the fields have a footer formula defined in the report definition, then a group level summary is also displayed for such fields using that formula.
Step 4

Click Save.

  • For the grouped view, the Only Thresholds check box is disabled.

  • You cannot perform a drill-down from a report with grouped fields.

Report Thresholds

You can set a threshold indicator for a field to display if the field value meets the threshold condition. There are nine colors instead of the color palette for the threshold color selection in this release. Threshold indicators can be set only for view type Grid and Chart > Gauge.

For setting field threshold indicators for a Chart > Gauge view, see Create a Chart View.

For setting field threshold indicators for a Grid view, perform the following steps:


Step 1

From the Manage Views and Thresholds wizard, after adding the report views, click Next.

The Thresholds screen appears.
Step 2

Select a view to which you want to set the threshold and select the field name from the Create new threshold list.

The screen refreshes with a new panel for the selected field name.
Step 3

Select a field operator and set a condition from the Operator list.




The Matches operator accepts Regular Expressions.

Note that the Regular Expressions does not support:

  • Flags (i, g, m, n, y), OR/AND any combinations of these flags.

  • Leading and trailing forward slash (/).


  • Valid Pattern → \w+\s

  • Invalid Pattern → /\w+\s/g

    (As it contains leading and trailing forward slash (/) and a "g" flag.)

String fields; Always, Equal, Not Equal

Decimal fields; Always, Equal, Not Equal, Greater Than, Less Than, Greater Than Equal To, Less Than or Equal To, Between

In Report Definition, if the %format is defined for any field, then while setting the thresholds for that field, ensure to enter the decimal format of the percentage to render the condition in the report.

For example:

In Report Definition, if %format is defined for the field "SL" (Service Level) and you want to apply thresholds to this field to indicate "Red" if SL is less than 60%, set the following:

  1. Define the threshold for the SL field.

  2. Set the Operator to Less Than.

  3. Enter the percentage value as 0.60.

  4. Select “Red” in the No Fill drop-down.

  5. Click Done.

Step 4

Choose the options from No Fill and edit the threshold fields.


You can set conditions on the same or different fields:

  • condition on same field: threshold and condition on the same field.

  • condition on different field: threshold for a field, based on the condition on the different field.

  • multi conditions on same field: apply threshold for a field based on the condition on different fields.


When you upgrade to Unified Intelligence Center version 11.6 or later, all the threshold colors are retained for reports that are created in the earlier versions. But, when you modify the threshold, all the old threshold color selection are lost within the report. Hence, you must reconfigure the threshold color selection for that report.

For existing reports, perform the above mentioned steps to add more thresholds.

Threshold configuration supports upto 30 thresholds for a field.

To edit an existing threshold from an executed report, click Report options and select Manage Thresholds.

Step 5

Format the text in the field to appear when it matches the threshold condition. Use the following options:

  • Text Bold—Select this check box to highlight the report field in bold.

  • Text/Background Color—Select a color from the drop-down for the text/background color in the field.

  • Text Substitute—Enter a new string if you want the text in the field to be replaced with it when it matches the threshold condition.

    • Syntax to add an html hyperlink as text substitute: <a href= target=_blank>cisco</a>

    • Syntax to add an empty space as text substitute: &nbsp;

  • Image Location—Enter the URL path of the image if you want the text to be replaced with an image.

Step 6

Click Done.

Step 7

Click Finish.