
Base Station Web Pages

You can use the base station web pages to configure the base station and to get status and statistics.

All pages are available in the admin view. To access the base station web pages in admin view, see Sign in to the administration web page.

Some pages are available in the user view. To access the base station web pages in user view, see Sign in to the User Web Page.

Unless otherwise specified, web pages display in the admin view only.

Home/Status Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Home/Status web page of the base station. These fields are read-only.

The page displays in admin and user views.

Table 1. Home/Status Web Page Fields



System Information

Identifies if Dual Cell or Multi cell mode is enabled or disabled.

The dual cell information only displays on the 110 Single-Cell Base Station.The multi cell information only displays on the 210 Multi-Cell Base Station.

Phone Type

Identifies the base station hardware version (IPDECT-Vx) and type (DBS-110-3PC or DBS-210-3PC).

System Type

Identifies the protocol enabled.

RF Band

Identifies the radio frequency (RF) band used by the system.

RF bands are specific to the country where the equipment is installed.

Current local time

Identifies the current date and time of the system.

Operation time

Identifies the amount of time (in days, hours, minutes, and seconds) since the last reboot.

RFPI Address

Identifies the Radio Fixed Part Identity (RFPI) of the base station.

MAC Address

Identifies the MAC address of the base station.

IP Address

Identifies the assigned IP address of the base station.

Product Configuration

Reserved for future use.

Firmware Version

Identifies the firmware version and firmware date currently operational on the base station.

Firmware URL

Identifies the firmware update server IP address and the firmware path on the server.


Displays entries for the last 6 reboots, with the date, time, type of reboot, and firmware version.

Type of reboot includes: Normal Reboot, Forced Reboot, Power Loss, Unexpected Reboot

Base Station Status

Identifies the current status:

  • Idle—No active calls

  • In use—One or more active calls

SIP Identity Status on this Base Station

Identifies the extensions configured on the base station and the status of the extension:

  • OK—Handset is OK.

  • SIP Error—Handset has a SIP registration error.

Extensions Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Extensions web page of the base station.

The page displays in admin and user views.

This section is applicable to Firmware Release 4.7 and later. For the page for Firmware Release V450 and V460, see Extensions Web Page Fields for Firmware Release V450 and V460.

Table 2. General Section





4-digit numerical code

Identifies the access code (AC) for the base station.

This field can only be changed in admin view.

Table 3. Extensions Section





This field is read-only.

Identifies the index of the handset.

Extension, Info

This field is read-only.

Indicates the International Portable Equipment Identity (IPEI), the unique DECT identification number for the handset.

This field is a link to further information about the handset in the Terminal page.

Below the IPEI link is the status of the handset and the extension.

  • Status: a colored dot indicates the status:

    • Green: the handset is registered.

      Red: the handset is removed.

  • Extension: the name of the extension

The handset can appear in the list twice if it has 2 lines assigned to it.

Terminal Position

This field is read-only

This field is new for Firmware Release 4.7.

Indicates RPN number and name of the base station.

Terminal State

This field is read-only

Indicates the current status of the handset:

  • Present@RPNxx: Handset is connected to the base station RPNxx.

  • Detached: Handset is not connected (for example, powered off or not registered).

  • Located: Handset is configured to communicate with a specific base station, but can't connect. For example, this displays if the handset is powered on but the base station is powered off.

  • Removed: Handset has not connected to the base station (out of sight) for a specific amount of time, typically one hour.

Terminal Type, FW Info

This field is read-only

Identifies the handset model number and the firmware version.

FWU Progress

This field is read-only

Identifies the firmware update (FWU) state:

  • Off: Identifies that the sw version field is set to 0 in the Firmware Update page.

  • Initializing: Identifies that the update process is starting.

  • X%: Identifies the progress of the download, where X is the amount of progress (0–100).

  • Verifying X%: Identifies that the firmware verification is in progress before it is used.

  • Waiting for charger: Identifies that the firmware download is complete and the handset needs to be put into the charger to install the new firmware.

  • Conn.term.wait: Identifies that the repeater firmware update is complete and the repeater reset is in progress.

  • Complete: Identifies that the firmware update is complete.

  • Error: Identifies that the update was not successful. Possible reasons included:

    • File can't be found.

    • File isn't valid.

Battery Level

This field is read-only

This field is new for Firmware Release 4.7.

Displays a snapshot of the current charge level of the handset battery.

To refresh the Battery Level, RSSI, and Meas. time fields, click Refresh to the left of the IPEI check box.


This field is read-only.

This field is new for Firmware Release 4.7.

Displays a snapshot of the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) for the connected base station or repeater.

To refresh the Battery Level, RSSI, and Meas. time fields, click Refresh to the left of the IPEI check box.

Measurement Time [mm:ss]

This field is read-only

This field is new for Firmware Release 4.7.

Displays the time in minutes and seconds since the battery and RSSI information was captured from the handset.

To refresh the Battery Level, RSSI, and Meas. time fields, click Refresh to the left of the IPEI check box.

Add or Edit Extension Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Add Extension and Edit Extension web pages of the base station.

Table 4. Add Extension Web Page Fields




Line name


Length: 1 to 7 characters

Indicates the name of the line for incoming and outgoing calls.



  • New Terminal

  • Terminal Idx 1

  • Terminal Idx 2

Identifies how to assign the extension.

  • New Terminal—A new handset is being configured.

  • Terminal Idx x—Identifies the index of an existing handset (from the Servers page).

    Used when you assign a second extension to a handset.


Digit string

Identifies the telephone number.

The extension must be configured on the SIP server before the handset can make and receive calls.

The extension displays on the main screen of the handset.

Authentication User Name


Identifies the user name assigned to the handset on the call control system.

In Firmware Release 4.7, the name can be up to 128 characters long.

Authentication Password


Identifies the user's password on the call control system.

In Firmware Release 4.7, the password can be up to 128 characters long.

Display Name


Identifies the name to display for the extension.

This name displays on the main screen immediately under the date and time.

XSI Username


Identifies the username for the BroadSoft XSI phone book.

In Firmware Release 4.7, the name can be up to 128 characters long.

XSI Password


Identifies the password for the BroadSoft XSI phone book.

In Firmware Release 4.7, the password can be up to 128 characters long.

Mailbox Name


Identifies the username for the voicemail system.

Mailbox Number

Digit string

Valid contents are 0–9, *, #

Identifies the number to be dialed to the voicemail system. This number needs to be enabled on the SIP server.


Drop-down list of IP addresses

Identifies the SIP server address of the call control system.

Call waiting feature

Feature status:

  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

Identifies if the call waiting is available on the phone.

BroadWorks Busy Lamp Field List URI

Feature status:

  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Identifies the URL to use for busy lamp field (BLF) information

Only applicable to BroadSoft SIP servers.

BroadWorks Shared Call Appearance

Feature status:

  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Identifies if the line is shared.

Only applicable to BroadSoft SIP servers. Must be enabled on the SIP server.

BroadWorks Feature Event Package

Feature status:

  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Identifies if the BroadWorks package is available. Features include: do not disturb, call forward (all, busy, no answer).

Only applicable to BroadSoft SIP servers. Must be enabled on the SIP server.

Forwarding Unconditional Number

(2 fields)

Digit string:

  • Valid contents are 0–9, *, #

Feature status:

  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled


  • If call forward unconditional is available.

  • What number to dial when an incoming call arrives for the handset.

Applies to all incoming calls.

Forwarding No Answer Number

(3 fields)

Digit string:

  • Valid contents are 0–9, *, #

Feature status:

  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Time in seconds:

  • Range 0 to 255

  • Default 90


  • If call forward no answer is available.

  • What number to dial when an incoming call arrives for the handset and isn’t answered.

  • How long to wait, in seconds, before the call is considered unanswered.

Applies to all unanswered calls.

Forwarding on Busy Number

(2 fields)

  • Valid contents are 0–9, *, #

Feature status:

  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled


  • If call forward busy is available.

  • What number to dial when the handset is busy. A handset is busy when it already has 2 calls (one active and one on hold).

Applies when the handset is on an existing call.

Reject anonymous calls


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates if the handset should reject calls that don't have a caller IC.

Hide Number

  • Off

  • On for next call

  • Always on

Indicates if the handset can make a call without the caller ID.

Do Not Disturb


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates if the user can turn on do not disturb (DND) mode.

Terminal Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Terminal web page of the base station. You click on the IPEI number of the handset in the Extensions page to see this screen.

The page displays in admin and user views. Not all fields are available in user view.

This section is applicable to Firmware Release 4.7. For the page for Firmware Release V450 and V460, see Terminal Web Page Fields for Firmware Release V450 and V460.

Table 5. Terminal Web Page Fields





10 character string

Identifies the International Portable Equipment Identity (IPEI) of the handset. Each handset has a unique IPEI number, and the number is displayed on the label under the handset battery and on the label of the handset box.

If you change this field, the handset deregisters.

Paired Terminal


  • No Paired Terminal

  • Handset ID

Identifies the terminal paired with the handset.


4 digit code

Identifies the access code that was used to register the handset. After the handset registers, this code is not used.



We recommend that you change this from the default when you start to set up your system to increase security.

Alarm Line


  • No Alarm Line Selected

  • Telephone number

Identifies the line to be used for alarm calls.

Alarm Number

Phone number

Identifies the number to be dialed when a user presses and holds the Emergency button on the handset for 3 seconds or more.

Dial Plan ID

Values: 1 to 10

Admin view only

This field is new for Firmware Release 5.1(1).

Identifies the index of the dial plan, configured in Dial Plans Web Page Fields.

HEBU Username

String up to 40 characters

This field is new for Firmware Release 5.1(1).

Indicates the username for the handset registration in HEBU mode.

HEBU Password

String up to 40 characters

This field is new for Firmware Release 5.1(1).

Indicates the password for the handset registration in the HEBU mode.


VoIP Idx

This field is read-only.

Identifies the index of the handset.


This field is read-only.

Identifies the configured extension name.

The extension must be configured on the SIP server before the handset can make and receive calls.

Admin view only: This field is a link to further information about the handset in the Edit extension page.

Display Name

This field is read-only.

Identifies the telephone number.

This information displays on the main screen of the handset.


This field is read-only.

Identifies the SIP server address of the call control system.

Server Alias

This field is read-only.

Identifies the name of the call control system.


This field is read-only.

Identifies the SIP registration state. If the field is empty, the handset isn't SIP-registered.

Beacon Settings

Receive Mode

Admin view only

Reserved for future use.

Transmit Interval

Admin view only

Reserved for future use.

Alarm Profiles

Profile 0 to 7

Admin view only

Indicates the list of alarms.

Alarm Type

Name of the alarm

Admin view only

Indicates which alarm type is configured for the particular profile. When no alarms are configured, the field displays Not configured.

Alarm Type check box

Check box (default unchecked)

Admin view only

Identifies the alarm type that is active on the handset.

Shared Call Appearance Settings

Idx 1 to 8

Admin view only

Index of the extensions


Extension number

Admin view only

Identifies the handset lines that support Shared Call Appearances. When no lines support the feature, the field displays Not configured.

Import Local Phonebook


Used to upload a local directory from a computer to the phone in comma separated value (CSV) format.

For more information, see Local Contacts Setup.

Export Local Phonebook

Used to export a local directory from a phone to the computer in CSV format.

For more information, see Local Contacts Setup.

Servers Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Servers web page of the base station or on the Add Server web page when you start the setup.
Table 6. Servers Web Page Fields




Server Alias


Identifies the short name for the call control server.

NAT Adaption


  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

Indicates how SIP messages are handled in a SIP-aware router.

  • Enabled—When the system receives a SIP response to a REGISTER request with a Via header that includes the received parameter, the base adapts its contact information to the IP address from the received parameter. For example, “Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=”. The base issues another REGISTER request with the updated contact information.

  • Disabled—The received parameter is ignored.


IP address, DNS address, or URL

Identifies the SIP Server (call control system) proxy server.

The port number in the address is optional.

Outbound Proxy

IP address, DNS address or URL

Identifies the Session Border Controller or SIP server outbound proxy.

Set the outbound proxy to the address and port of the private NAT gateway, so that SIP messages are sent through the NAT gateway.

Enable Conference Server


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Controls the use of the external conference server.

  • Disabled: No external conference server is configured. When the user starts a conference, the handset starts a conference with the internal three-party conference feature.

  • Enabled: An external conference server is configured. When the user starts a conference, the handset starts a conference on the conference server configured in the Conference Server field.

Conference Server

IP address

Identifies the IP address of the service provider's conference server, if available.

Call Log Server

IP address

Indicates the XSI Call Log Server.

When set, the handset logs calls on the call log server. If left blank, the handset uses the local call log.

Reregistration time (s)


Default: 3600

Indicates the time in seconds for a valid SIP registration and represents the maximum time between SIP registrations for the SIP account.



We recommend that you don't set this below 60 seconds.

Registration Retry Interval


Default: 30

Identifies the time in seconds to wait before the handset retries registration after a failed registration. This is used when the registration failure message is Retry Reg RSC.

Registration Retry Interval High Rnd


Default: 30

This field is new in Firmware Release 5.1.

Identifies the high value of random interval to wait before registration retry after failing during the last registration.

If the value of this field is greater than the value in Registration Retry Interval field, a random value between these two values is chosen.

Registration Retry Interval Long


Default: 1200

Identifies the time in seconds to wait before the handset retries registration after a failed registration. This is used when the registration failure message is something other than Retry Reg RSC.

If the field is set to 0, the handset doesn't retry the registration.

This field needs to be a larger interval than the value in Registration Retry Interval.

Registration Retry Long Interval High Rnd


Default: 1200

This field is new in Firmware Release 5.1.

Indicates the high value of random long interval to wait before registration long interval retry. If the value of this field is greater than the value in the field RegistrationRetry Interval Long, a random value between these two values is chosen. If the value in this field is less than or equal to the value in the field Registration Retry Interval Long, the value in the field Registration Retry Interval Long is chosen.

The allowed value is from 1 to 2147483.

Registration Retry RSC

Identifies the Response SIP Code (RSC) that triggers a retry.

You can set up to 4 comma-delimited values and use the wildcard character (?). For example, you could enter 5??,6??.

Deregister After Failback


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

This field is new in Firmware Release 5.0.

Indicates if the failover should start when the time expires and the corresponding SIP transaction fails.

Supported 100rel


  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

This field is new in Firmware Release 5.0.

SIP Session Timers


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates the keep alive mechanism for calls. This specifies the maximum time between session refresh signals. When the phone is on a call and it doesn't send a session refresh signal in the configured time, the call terminates.

If disabled, session timers aren’t used.

Session Timer Value(s)


Default: 1800

Indicates the length of time in seconds for the SIP Session Timer.

SIP Transport


  • UDP (default)

  • TCP

  • TLS

  • Auto

Indicates the protocol for SIP transport.

  • UDP: Enforce the use of SIP over UDP. If an NAPTR lookup succeeds and returns entries, then only SIP/UDP entries are used.

  • TCP: Enforce the use of SIP over TCP. If an NAPTR lookup succeeds and returns entries, then only SIP/TCP entries are used.

  • TLS: Enforce the use of TLS over TCP. If an NAPTR lookup succeeds and returns entries, then only SIPS/TCP entries are used.

  • Auto: A NAPTR lookup must succeed. The order (normally TLS, TCP, UDP) of the entries from the DNS NAPTR lookup is taken into account. TLS, TCP, and UDP are all accepted. SCTP is not accepted.

Signal TCP Source Port


  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

Indicates if the source port needs to be explicitly signaled in the SIP messages.

When SIP Transport is set to TCP or TLS, a connection is established for each SIP extension. The source port of the connection is chosen by the TCP stack, and the local SIP port parameter is not used.

Use One TCP Connection per SIP Extension


  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

Indicates how TCP or TLS connections are used.

When TCP or TLS is used for SIP transport, there are two choices for connections:

  • Disabled—Each base station has a single TCP or TLS connection that the handsets share.

  • Enabled—Each line has an individual TCP or TLS connection.



    You should set this field to Enabled to handle multiple responses to a NAPTR or SRV lookup.

RTP from own base station


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates that the RTP stream is sent.

This field displays only on the Cisco IP DECT 210 Multi-Cell Base Station.

  • Disabled—The RTP stream is sent from the base station associated with the handset.

  • Enabled—The RTP stream is sent from the base station where the SIP registration is located.

Set this field to Enabled for single-base systems.

Keep Alive


  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

Indicates if the port of the relevant NAT-aware router is kept open for 30 seconds.

Show Extension on Handset Idle Screen


  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

Indicates if the handset idle screen displays the extension.

Hold Behaviour


  • RFC 3264

  • RFC 2543 (default)

Indicates the way hold works on the handset.

  • RFC 3264—The connection information part of the SDP contains the IP address of the endpoint, and based on the context the direction attribute is send only, recvonly, or inactive.

  • RFC 2543—The connection information part of the SDP is set to, and based on the context the direction attribute is send only, recvonly, or inactive.

Local Ring Back Tone


  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

Controls whether the ring tone is generated locally by the handset.

  • Disabled—The handset doesn't generate the ringtone.

  • Enabled (default)—The handset generates the ringtone.

Remote Ring Tone Control


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates if the call control system can choose ringtones for the handset.

  • Disabled (default)—The call control system can't choose ringtones.

  • Enabled—The call control system can choose ringtones.

Attended Transfer Behaviour


  • Hold 2nd Call

  • Do Not Hold 2nd Call

Indicates if the second call is put on hold during an attended transfer.

When you have two calls, and one call is on hold, it is possible to perform attended transfer. When you press Transfer softkey, traditionally the active call is on hold before the SIP REFER request is sent. Some PBX systems do not expect that the second call is put on hold, and therefore attended transfer fails.

  • Hold 2nd Call—The second call is put on hold.

  • Do Not Hold 2nd Call—The second call is not put on hold.

Use Own Codec Priority


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates the codec priority for incoming calls.

  • Disabled—Uses the calling party priority.

  • Enabled—Uses the system codec priority.

For example, if enabled and the base has G722 as the top codec and the calling party has Alaw on top and G722 further down the list, the G722 codec is chosen for the call.

DTMF Signalling



  • RFC 2833 (default)

  • RFC 2833 and SIP INFO

Controls how to handle DTMF.

  • SIP INFO—DTMF tones are handled in the same layer as the voice stream.

  • RFC 2833—DTMF tones are sent in data packets in different internet layers from the voice stream.

  • RFC 2833 and SIP INFO—DTMF tones are handled in the same or different layers.

DTMF Payload Type


Default: 101

Indicates the type of DTMF payload when the DTMF Signaling field is set to RFC 2833.

Remote Caller ID Source Priority


  • PAI - FROM (default)

  • FROM


Contains SIP information used for the Caller ID source.

Enable Blind Transfer


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates if you can use direct transfer.

Call Statistics in SIP


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

This field is new in Firmware Release 5.0.

Indicates whether the call quality is sent to the call control system.

Codec Priority

Max number of codecs is 5

Values, one or more of:

  • G711A

  • G711U

  • G722

  • G726

  • G729

  • OPUS

Identifies the code priority that base stations use for audio compression and transmission. You can change the order of the codecs.

To get OPUS to display in the list, click Reset Codecs.



If you change the list in any way, you must press Reset Codecs on this page and Reboot chain on the Multi cell page.

Starting in Firmware Release 4.7, only the first five codecs in the list are used.

G729 Annex B


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates if the G729 Annex B is used.

Use ptime


  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

Indicates if the RTP Packet Size parameter is used.

RTP Packet Size


  • 20 ms (default)

  • 40 ms

  • 60 ms

  • 80 ms

Indicates the preferred RTP packet size when the packet size is negotiated.



  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

Indicates if RTCP is used.

Secure RTP


  • Optional

  • Required

  • Auto

Indicates the type of RTP to use.

  • Optional: Indicates that the system can send and receive with SRTP and RTP.

  • Required: Indicates if RTP is encrypted with AES-128 using the key negotiated in the SDP protocol at call setup.

  • Auto: Indicates media security to use RTP or SRTP. If SRTP is in use, RTP is blocked. When system uses SRTP, call capacity reduce. If SIP Transport field is set to Auto, it is recommended to set this field to this option.

    This option is added for Firmware Release 4.8.

Secure RTP Auth


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates if secure RTP uses authentication of RTP packets.



When enabled, a base can support a maximum of 4 concurrent calls.

SRTP Crypto Suites


  • AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32

  • AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80

Indicates the list of supported SRTP Crypto Suites. Each device starts with two suites. You can change the order of the suites.



If you change the list in any way, you must press Reset Crypto Suites on this page.

Media Security


  • Enabled

  • Disabled

This field is new for Firmware Release 4.8.

Controls the media security.

  • Enabled: Client-initiated Mode—The phone initiates media security negotiations.

  • Disabled: Server-initiated Mode—The server initiates media security negotiations. The phone doesn't initiate negotiations, but can handle negotiation requests from the server to establish secure calls.

Media Security only for TLS


  • Enabled

  • Disabled

This field is new for Firmware Release 4.8.

Controls the media security only if the SIP transfer protocol is TLS.

Auth Resync reboot


  • Enabled (default)

  • Disabled

This field is new for Firmware Release 5.0.

Enabled: Indicates that the authentication is required for SIP notification if the event is reset-ipei-for-handset or check-sync and the protocol isn't TLS.

Reversed Auth Realm


Maximum up to 64 characters

This field is new for Firmware Release 5.0.

Indicates the server that the handset extension uses.

Network Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Network Settings web page of the base station.

Table 7. IP Settings Section Fields




DHCP/Static IP


  • DHCP (default)

  • Static

Indicates the method that the device gets the TCP/IP parameters.

  • DHCP—Automatically allocated from a pool of addresses. If DHCP is used, the other IP settings or options can't be set.

  • Static—Manually set.

IP Address

Indicates the IPv4 address of the device.

Can only be changed if DHCP is not enabled.

Subnet Mask

Indicates the 32-bit subnet mask of the device.

Can only be changed if DHCP is not enabled.

Default Gateway

Indicates the IPv4 address of the default network router or gateway.

Can only be changed if DHCP is not enabled.

Via DHCP priority


DNS (Primary)

Indicates the IPv4 address of the main server used for Domain Name System (DNS) queries.

Mandatory when DHCP is not used.

Can only be changed if DHCP is not enabled.

DNS (Secondaries)

Indicated the alternate DNS server.

Can only be changed if DHCP is not enabled.



  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates if Multicast Domain Name System (MDNS) is available.

Can only be changed if DHCP is not enabled.

Table 8. NAT Settings Section Fields




Enable STUN


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates if RFC3489 Session Traversal UDP for NAT (STUN) is used.

STUN Server

IPv4 address or URL

Identifies the location of the STUN server.

STUN Bindtime Determine


  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

Determines if the base station detects the STUN bindtime from the NAT bindings.

  • Disabled: NAT bindings can't be used

  • Enabled: NAT bindings can be used.

STUN Bindtime Guard


Range: 0–65535

Default: 80

Identifies the lifetime of the STUN binding.

Enable RPORT


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates if the RPORT is used in SIP messages.

Keep alive time


Range: 0-65535

Default: 90

Determines the frequency of keep alive messages (in seconds) to the server to maintain NAT bindings

Table 9. VLAN Settings Section Fields






Range: 0–4094

Default: 0

Identifies the 802.1Q VLAN.

User Priority


Range: 0–7

Default: 0

Defines the user priority. These values can be used to prioritize different classes of traffic (voice, video, data).

  • 0—best effort

  • 1—lowest priority

  • 7—highest priority



  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

Indicates if the VLAN ID automatically synchronizes between the base stations in the chain.

This field only displays on the Cisco IP DECT 210 Multi-Cell Base Station.

Table 10. SIP/RTP Settings Section Fields




Use Different SIP Ports


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates SIP signaling ports.

  • Disabled—The Local SIP Port field specifies the source port used for SIP signaling in the system.

  • Enabled—The Local SIP Port field specifies the source port used for the first user agent (UA) instance. Succeeding UAs get successive ports.

Set this field to Enabled for single-base systems.

RTP Collision Detection


  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

  • Disabled—When two sources have the same SSRC, the second source is discarded.

  • Enabled—The device accepts all sources.

Always reboot on check-sync


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates if the base station reboots when a new configuration is loaded.

Outbound Proxy Mode


  • Use Always (default)

  • Only Initial Request

Indicates the outbound proxy use.

  • Use always—All outbound calls as sent to the outbound proxy.

  • Only initial request—Only use the outbound proxy for initial SIP requests.

Failover SIP Timer B


Default: 5

Indicates the time to wait for a response from an INVITE message from the SIP server before failover is triggered.

Failover SIP Timer F


Default: 5

Indicates the time to wait for a response from an non-INVITE message from the SIP server before failover is triggered.

Failover Reconnect Timer


Default: 60

Controls the delay, in seconds, between queries from the base station to locate the primary server during failover.

This field is new for Firmware Release 4.7.

Local SIP port


Range: 0–65535

Default: 5060

Indicates the SIP signaling source port.



Range: 0–65535

Default: 0x68

Indicates the priority of call control signaling traffic, based on the IP layer Type of Service (ToS) byte. ToS is the same as Quality of Serviec (QoS) in packet-based networks.

RTP port


Range: 0–65535

Default: 16384

Indicates the first RTP port to use for RTP audio streaming.

RTP port range


Range: 0–65535

Default: 40

Indicates the number of ports to use for RTP audio streaming.



Range: 0–65535

Default: 0xB8

Indicates the priority of RTP traffic, based on the IP layer ToS byte. For more information. see RFC 1349.

  • Bits 7–5 define precedence

  • Bits 4–2 define ToS

  • Bits 1–0 are ignored.



The cost bit is not supported.

Reject anonymous calls


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates if the call should be rejected if it is made anonymously.

Table 11. DHCP Options Section Fields






  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

Indicates if the base automatically receives PBX IP addresses under DHCP option 66.

Table 12. TCP Options Section Fields




TCP Keep Alive Interval


Range: 0–65535

Default: 75

Identifies the length of time, in seconds, that the client waits before it sends a keep-alive message on a TCP connection.

Table 13. Discovery Section Fields





  • Enabled (default)

  • Disabled

This field is new in Firmware Release 5.0.

Controls the use of Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) on the base.

If enabled, the base station sends 5 LLDP-MED messages after it starts.

LLDP-MED Send Delay



Default: 30

This field is new in Firmware Release 5.0.

Identifies the length of time, in seconds, that the device waits between LLDP-MED messages.



The option LLDP-MED must be enabled to use this option.

CDP Send


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Controls the use of Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) on the base. For more information about CDP, see Network Protocols.

  • Disabled—The base station doesn't send CDP messages.

  • Enabled—The base station sends CDP messages.

CDP Send Delay


Range: 1–255

Default: 60

Identifies the length of time, in seconds, that the device waits between CDP messages.

Management Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Management Settings web page of the base station.

Table 14. Management Settings Web Page Fields




Base Station Name

1-35 characters

Indicates the name of the base station.

Table 15. Settings Section Fields




Management Transfer Protocol


  • TFTP (default)

  • HTTP


Indicates the transfer protocol assigned for the configuration file and central directory.

HTTP Management upload script

folder or path

Indicates the location for the configuration files on the configuration server.

This field must start with slash (/) or backslash (\).

This field is available only when the Management Transfer Protocol is set to HTTP or HTTPS.

HTTP Management username

8-character string

Indicates the user name for access to the configuration server.

This field is available only when the Management Transfer Protocol is set to HTTP or HTTPS.

HTTP Management password

8-character string

Indicates the password for access to the configuration server.

This field is available only when the Management Transfer Protocol is set to HTTP or HTTPS.

Factory reset from button


  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

Indicates if the reset button on the base station can be used. When set to Disabled, nothing happens when the reset button is pressed.

Table 16. Text Messaging Section Fields




Text Messaging


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

  • Enabled Without Server

Indicates if users can send text messages to other devices that support text messages.

  • Disabled: Users can't send text messages.

  • Enabled: Users can send text messages to anyone. This requires the rest of the fields in this area to be set.

  • Enabled Without Server: Users can only send text messages to other members of the system.

Text Messaging & Alarm Server

IP address or URL

Indicates the IP address or URL of the Messaging and Alarm server. Set the address to allow users to exchange text messages with people outside your system.

If you leave this field empty, users can only communicate inside the system.

Text Messaging Port

Default: 1300

Indicates the Messaging and Alarm server port used for messages. Set the port to allow users to exchange text messages with people outside your system. The value of this field depends on the message server.

If you leave this field empty, users can only communicate inside the system.

Text Messaging Keep Alive (m)

Range: 0–65535

Default: 30

Indicates the frequency of keep alive messages in minutes.

Text Messaging Response (s)

Range: 0–65535

Default: 30

Indicates the timeout if the system doesn't receive a response from the message server. This field is in seconds.

Text Messaging TTL

Range: 0–65535

Default: 0

Indicates the text message time to live (TTL) in seconds. If set, the message only displays for the configured amount of time. After that time, the message is automatically deleted.

A default of 0 means the message doesn't expire.

Table 17. Terminal Section Fields




Keep Alive (m)


Default: 0

Indicates the length of time in minutes that the handset waits before sending an automatic emergency notification message to the server.

When set to 0, the handset doesn't send notifications.

Auto Stop Alarm


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates if the handset should stop the automatic emergency notification.

  • Disabled: The handset doesn't stop notification.

  • Enabled: The handset stops the notification after the number of seconds set in Auto Stop Alarm Delay.

Auto Stop Alarm Delay (s)


Default: 30

Indicates the time (in seconds) before the handset stops automatic emergency notification.

Table 18. Configuration Section Fields




Configuration File Download


  • Disabled

  • Base Specific File (default)

  • Multi Cell specific File

  • Base and Multi Cell Specific File

Indicates the type of configuration file for the base station.

  • Disabled: no file expected

  • Base Specific File: base station expects a filename in this format:

    <mac address>.cfg

  • Multi Cell specific File: base station expects a filename in this format:

    <chain id>.cfg

  • Base and Multi Cell Specific File: base station expects a filename in these formats:

    • <mac address>.cfg

    • <chain id>.cfg

Configuration Server Address

Identifies the server or device that provides the configuration file to the base station.



The configuration server and the base-specific file, the multi-cell-specific file or the dual-cell-specific file is the combination of these profile rule. For instance, if the configuration server is and the file specific to Multi Cell is $MA.xml, the result should be <Profile_Rule>$MA.xml</Profile_Rule>. You will be able to view this profile rule in its format if you look at the Configuration tab on the base web UI.

Base Specific File


Identifies the base configuration file name.

Multi Cell Specific File


Identifies the configuration file for the multicell system. The filename is the chain id.

This field only displays on the 210 Multi-Cell Base Station.

Dual Cell Specific File


This field is new in Firmware Release 5.0.

Identifies the configuration file for the dualcell system. The filename is the chain id.

This field only displays on the 110 Single-Cell Base Station.

Auto Resync Polling


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Controls the ability to look for new configuration files for the automatic synchronization.

  • Disable—No automatic sync

  • Enable—Automatic sync enabled.

Auto Resync Time


Default: 00:00

Maximum: 23:59

Indicates the time (24-hour clock) that the base station looks to resync the configuration file.

This field is available when Auto Resync Polling is enabled.

Auto Resync Days

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 364

Indicates the number of days between resync operations.

This field is available when Auto Resync Polling is enabled.

Auto Resync Max Delay (Min)

Default: 15

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 1439

Indicates the time delay, in seconds. Set different delay times for each base station to prevent them from asking for new configuration files at the same time.

This field is available when Auto Resync Polling is enabled.

DHCP Controlled Config Server

Identifies the configuration server.

DHCP option priority

Default: 66, 160, 159, 150, 60

Identifies the priority of the DHCP options.

Table 19. Syslog/SIP Log Section Fields




Upload of SIP Log


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates if low-level SIP debug messages are to be saved to the server. SIP logs are saved in the file format:


Syslog Level


  • Off

  • Normal Operation (default)

  • System Analyze

  • Debug

Identifies the level of system-level log messages to be saved on the syslog server.

  • Off—No messages saved

  • Normal Operation—Normal message for: operational events, incoming calls, outgoing calls, handset registration, DECT location, call lost due to busy, critical system errors, and general system information.

  • System Analyze—Captures logs for handset roaming, handset firmware updates status. The system analyze level also contains the messages from normal operation.

  • Debug—Captures logs for debugging problems



    Don't enable Debug logs during normal operation. These logs can result in system slowdown.

TLS security


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Controls TLS 1.2 security.

  • Disabled: system doesn't use TLS 1.2.

  • Enabled: system uses TLS 1.2.

Syslog Server IP Address

IP address or URL

Indicates the address of the Syslog server.

Syslog Server Port


Default: 514

Indicates the port of the Syslog server.

The Configuration -handset (retrieved on SIP NOTIFY request) section is new in Firmware Release 5.1(1).

Table 20. Handset Settings Fields




Configuration Server and File

String up to 256 characters

Defines the server and the handset settings configuration file to download.

If the protocol isn't specified in the URL, TFTP is used.



  • IPv4

  • IPv6

Indicates the protocol to download the handset settings configuration file.


String up to 40 characters

Indicates the username to access the handset configuration server.


String up to 40 characters

Indicates the password to access the handset configuration server.

The Problem Report Tool section is new in Firmware Release 5.1(1).

Table 21. Problem Report Tool




PRT Upload Server

String up to 127 characters

Specifies the target server to upload the problem report.

You can enter the protocol (optional), server domain, and port (optional) in the field. The default protocol is HTTP. The default port is 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS.

PRT Upload Filename

String up to 63 characters

Specifies the problem report filename. The file extension is tar.gz.

You can use $MAC in the filename which uses the base station's MAC address to generate the filename automatically in the format MAC-%d%m%Y-%H%M%S.tar.gz.

PRT Upload HTTP Header

String up to 63 characters

This field is optional.

Specifies a header for the HTTP upload request.

If you specify the header, you must enter the HTTP header value in the field PRT Upload HTTP Header Value.

PRT Upload HTTP Header Value

String up to 127 characters

Specifies the header field value for HTTP upload request. You must specify the header text to enter this value.

The Promiscuous Mode section is new in Firmware Release 4.8.

Table 22. Promiscuous Mode Section Fields




Enable in (min)


Indicates the time for the base station in promiscuous mode.

Promiscuous mode timeout in

This field is read-only.

Indicates the remaining time to deregister the handsets.

Table 23. Emergency Numbers Section Fields




list of numbers

Indicates the available emergency numbers.

HELD company ID

String up to 48 characters

This field is new for Firmware Release 5.1(1).

Specifies the HELD company account ID.

Primary HELD server

String up to 128 characters

This field is new for Firmware Release 5.1(1).

Specifies the primary server for location token requests.

Secondary HELD server

String up to 128 characters

This field is new for Firmware Release 5.1(1).

Specifies the secondary server for location token requests.

The Assign HS to Ext by Credentials (HEBU) section is new in Firmware Release 5.1(1).

Table 24.




Assign HS to Ext by Credentials (HEBU)

  • Enabled

  • Disabled (default)

Indicates if the HEBU mode is enabled.

The base station can’t be set in promiscuous mode and HEBU mode simultaneously.

The Multiple Paging Group Parameters section is new in Firmware Release 4.8.

Table 25. Multiple Paging Group Parameters




Group 1-3 Paging Script

String up to 128 characters

For more information, see Configure Paging

Firmware Update Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Firmware Update web page of the base station.


We recommend that you update the base station first, then update the handsets after the base station update completes.

Table 26. Firmware Update Web Page Fields




Firmware update server address

IP address or URL

Indicates the location of the update server (TFTP server address).

Firmware path


Indicates the path on the update server where the firmware update files are stored.

For example, set this field to Cisco.

Terminal file path


This field is new in Firmware Release 5.1(1).

Indicates the server settings and name of the language pack file.

Enable legacy firmware naming

Check box

Default: unchecked

This field is new in Firmware release 5.0.

Identifies Firmware downgrade to latest branch of Firmware version 4.8(1) SR1.


Update Base Stations




Indicates the hardware:

Update Base Stations: The Firmware field indicates the firmware version to update the base station.

6823: The Firmware field indicates the firmware version to update the handset. The Language field indicates the language file to update the settings in the handset.

6825: The Firmware field indicates the firmware version to update the handset. The Language field indicates the language file to update the settings in the handset.

RPT-110-3PC: The Firmware field indicates the firmware version to update the repeater.

Required version

8-character string

Indicates the firmware version to be updated. When the field contains zero (0), the firmware upgrade is disabled.

When you update this field, the version number doesn't require the leading zeros. That is, if the version is "v0445", you can input the version as 445.

Required branch

8-character string

Indicates the branch of firmware .

When you update this field, the branch doesn't require the leading zeros. That is, if the branch is "b003", you can input the version as 3.

Country Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Country/Time Settings web page of the base station.

Table 27. Country/Time Settings Web Page Fields




Select country

List of countries

Identifies the country where the base station is located.

State / Region

List of states or regions, based on the country selected.

Identifies the state or region where the base station is located.



Contains notes about the settings.

Select Language

List of languages

Identifies the language for the base station web pages.

Time Service


Displays the defined time service.

Time Server


Identifies the DNS name or the IP address of the network time server.



Only IPv4 addresses are supported

Allow broadcast NTP

Check box

Default: checked

Identifies if the time server should be used for all devices.

Refresh time (h)

Integer (1-24)

Default: 24

Identifies the frequency that the base station syncs its time (in hours) with the time server.

Set timezone by country/region

Check box

Default: checked

Indicates that the base station uses the timezone setting from the country and state/region fields in this screen.

When this box is checked, you can't update some of the other fields in this table.


0 or hh:mm

Indicates the time zone in GMT or UTC format.

Minimum: -12:00

Maximum: +13:00

Set DST by country/region

Check box

Default: checked

Identifies if the daylight savings time (DST) for the state or region can be used.

Daylight Saving Time (DST)


  • Automatic (default)

  • Disabled

  • Enabled

Indicates how DST is configured.

  • Automatic: Uses the settings associated with the country.

  • Enabled: you need to set the rest of the DST fields.

  • Disabled: No DST required.

DST Fixed by Day


  • Use Month and Day of Week

  • Use Month and Date

Identifies how DST is managed:

  • Use Month and Day of Week: DST starts on a particular month and day of the week. Use this if DST starts on a different date every year.

  • Use Month and Date: DST starts on a specific month and day. Use this if DST starts on the same day of the month every year.

DST Start Month

List of months

Identifies the month that DST starts.

DST Start Date

Integer 0–31

Identifies the specific day of the month that DST starts. If set to 0, the DST Start Day of Week entry is used.

DST Start Time

Integer 0–23

Identifies the hour that DST starts.

DST Start Day of Week

Days of the week

Identifies the day of the week that DST starts.

DST Start Day of Week Last in Month


  • First in Month

  • Last in Month

  • Second First in Month

  • Second Last in Month

  • Third First in Month

Identifies which day in the month that DST starts.

  • First in Month: DST starts on the first DST Start Day of Week of the month.

  • Last in Month: DST starts on the last DST Start Day of Week of the month.

  • Second First in Month: DST starts on the second DST Start Day of Week of the month.

  • Second Last in Month: DST starts on the second-last DST Start Day of Week of the month.

  • Third First in Month: DST starts on the third DST Start Day of Week of the month.

DST Stop Month

List of months

Identifies the month that DST stops.

DST Stop Date

Integer 0–31

Identifies the specific day of the month that DST starts. If set to 0, the DST Stop Day of Week entry is used.

DST Stop Time

Integer 0–23

Identifies the hour that DST stops.

DST Stop Day of Week

Days of the week

Identifies the day of the week that DST stops.

DST Stop Day of Week Last in Month


  • First in Month

  • Last in Month

  • Second First in Month

  • Second Last in Month

  • Third First in Month

Identifies which day in the month that DST stops.

  • First in Month: DST stops on the first DST Stop Day of Week of the month.

  • Last in Month: DST stops on the last DST Stop Day of Week of the month.

  • Second First in Month: DST stops on the second DST Stop Day of Week of the month.

  • Second Last in Month: DST stops on the second-last DST Stop Day of Week of the month.

  • Third First in Month: DST stops on the third DST Stop Day of Week of the month.

Security Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Security web page of the base station.

Table 28. Device Identity Section Fields





Indicates the index of the certificate.

Issued To


Indicates the name of the Certificate Authority (CA) for the certificate. The name is part of the certificate file.

Issued By


Indicates the organization or company that the certificate is created for. This name is part of the certificate file.

Valid Until

mm/dd hh:mm:ss yyyy

Indicates the date that the certificate expires. This date is part of the certificate file.

Import Device Certificate and Key Pair: Filename


Displays the filename of the imported file.

Table 29. Trusted Server Certificates Section Fields





Indicates the index of the certificate.

Issued To


Indicates the name of the CA for the certificate. The name is part of the certificate file.

Issued By


Indicates the organization or company that the certificate is created for. This name is part of the certificate file.

Valid Until

mm/dd hh:mm:ss yyyy

Indicates the date that the certificate expires. This date is part of the certificate file.

Import Trusted Certificates: Filename

Displays the filename of the imported file.

Table 30. Trusted Root Certificates Section Fields





Indicates the index of the certificate.

Issued To


Indicates the name of the CA for the certificate. The name is part of the certificate file.

Issued By


Indicates the organization or company that the certificate is created for. This name is part of the certificate file.

Valid Until

mm/dd hh:mm:ss yyyy

Indicates the date that the certificate expires. This date is part of the certificate file.

Import Root Certificate: Filename

Indicates the name of the root certificate to import.

Table 31. Strict Certificate Validation Section Fields




Use Only Trusted Certificates


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

  • Disabled: Accepts all the certificates from the server.

  • Enabled: Validates the certification from the server and loads it into the system. When a matching certificate isn’t found, the TLS connection fails.

Table 32. Secure Web Server Section Fields




Secure HTTP


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates the type of security for the web server.

  • Disabled: You can use HTTP or HTTPS.

  • Enabled: You use HTTPS only.

The Web password constraints section is new in Firmware Release 4.8

Table 33. Web password constraints Section Fields




Minimum length (min 1)

Default value: 4

Indicates the minimum length of the password. The minimum length is 1 character and maximum length is 127 characters.

Only ASCII characters

  • Yes

  • No

Defines the usage of ASCII characters in the password.

  • Yes: Password can contain capital letters, small letters, and special characters. For more information, see Supported Characters. Password can’t contain a space character.

  • No: Password can contain unicode characters.

Table 34. Password Section Fields





  • user

  • admin (default)

Indicates username to update the password.

Admin Password

String, up to 128 characters

Input the current administrator password to authorize password changes.

New Password

String, up to 128 characters

Valid characters are:

  • 0–9

  • a–z, A–Z

  • @ / | < > - _ : . ? * + #

Confirm Password

String, up to 128 characters

This field and the previous field must match.

Table 35. Firewall Section Fields





  • Enabled (default)

  • Disabled

Enables stateful firewall and blocks incoming unintended traffic.

If disabled, accepts traffic on all open ports.

No ICMP Ping

Check box

When selected, the firewall blocks for incoming ICMP echo requests (Ping).

No ICMP unreachable

Check box

When selected, firewall prevents base station to send ICMP destination unreachable for UDP ports except (S)RTP port range.

This setting is only relevant when the port is trusted. For untrusted port, the firewall always prevents sending ICMP destination unreachable.

No non-default TFTP

Check box

When selected, firewall blocks TFTP traffic to all other destination ports than default port 69. If not selected, TFTP client uses port range 53240:53245.

Trusted TCP port range

Decimal format.

Supports upto five trusted elements. Each element can be a port or a port range. Blank spaces are not allowed. Multiple settings are separated by comma.

Format: <port> or <port-from>:<port-to> Example: 1000:2000,5000,42000:43000

Specifies trusted TCP port or the range of IPv4 ports defined for incoming connections.

Trusted UDP port range

Decimal format.

Supports upto five trusted elements. Each element can be a port or a port range. Blank spaces are not allowed. Multiple settings are separated by comma.

Format: <port> or <port-from>:<port-to>

Example: 1000:2000,5000,42000:43000

Specifies trusted UDP port or the range of IPv4 ports defined for incoming connections.


If any field is blank, any firewall configurations will be cleared. The firewall will have default settings. For default settings, see Firewall Default Port Settings.

Central Directory Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Central Directory web page of the base station. The Location field determines the rest of the fields displayed.

XSI Central Directory Web Page Fields

Table 36. Broadsoft XSI Server Central Directory Fields




Central Directory Location


  • Broadsoft XSI Server

  • Local

  • LDAP Server

Identifies the type of central directory:

  • Broadsoft XSI Server—Indicates that an XSI central directory is used (for example, a BroadSoft directory). See "XSI Central Directory" below.

  • Local—Indicates that an imported comma separated value (CSV) file is to be used. See "Local Directory" below.

  • LDAP Server—Indicates that an LDAP directory is used. See "LDAP Directory" below.



When you change this field, the screen updates to display different fields, based on the directory type.



Identifies the Broadsoft XSI Server.

Table 37. XSI Central Directory: Directory Names Fields





String and check box

Allows you to change the Enterprise string to another label. For example, if you set this field to "Company", the handset displays "Company" instead of "Enterprise".

When you check the check box, the directory displays on the XSI Central Directory page.


String and check box

Allows you to change the EnterpriseCommon string to another label.

When you check the check box, the directory displays on the XSI Central Directory page.


String and check box

Allows you to change the Group string to another label. For example, if you set this field to "Department", the handset displays "Department" instead of "Group".

When you check the check box, the directory displays on the XSI Central Directory page.


String and check box

Allows you to change the GroupCommon string to another label.

When you check the check box, the directory displays on the XSI Central Directory page.


String and check box

Allows you to change the Personal string to another label. For example, if you set this field to "Home", the handset displays "Home" instead of "Personal".

When you check the check box, the directory displays on the XSI Central Directory page.

Local Directory

Table 38. Local Directory Fields





IP address or URL

Identifies the server that contains the directory.


Identifies the name of the directory file on the server.

Phonebook reload interval (s)


Controls how often the base station refreshes the phonebook contents in seconds. The refresh doesn't happen when the field is set to 0.

Specify a time that is frequent enough for the users but not so frequent that the base station is overloaded.

Table 39. Import Central Directory Section Fields






Displays the name of the imported central directory.

LDAP Directory

Table 40. LDAP Central Directory Fields





IP address or URL

Identifies the server that contains the directory file.

TLS security


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Identifies the TLS 1.2 security.

  • Disabled: The system doesn't use TLS 1.2 when it accesses the LDAP server.

  • Enabled: The system uses TLS 1.2 when it accesses the LDAP server.


Identifies the server port number that is open for LDAP connections


Identifies the search base criteria.

Example: CN=Users, DC=number, DC=loc

LDAP Filter

Identifies the search filter.

Example: if the field is set to (|(givenName=%*)(sn=%*)), the system uses this filter when it requests entries from the LDAP server. % is replaced with the content entered by the user during the search operation. So if a user enters "J" for the search criteria, the string sent to the server is (|(givenName=J*)(sn=J*)) and server sends the matches for given names or surnames that start with the letter "J".


Identifies the user name that is used when the phone connects to the server.


Contains the LDAP Server password.

Virtual List


  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

Controls if virtual list search is possible.

  • Disabled: All search results are loaded.

  • Enabled: Only 25 contacts are loaded at a time.

Table 41. Terminal Identity






  • cn

  • sn+givenName

Indicates whether the common name or surname with the given name returns in the LDAP search results.


Default: telephoneNumber

Indicates LDAP work number attribute which is mapped to the handset work number.


Default: homePhone

Indicates LDAP home number attribute which is mapped to the handset home number.


Default: mobile

Indicates LDAP mobile number attribute which is mapped to the handset mobile number.

Dual Cell Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Dual Cell web page of the base station.

This page only displays on the 110 Single-Cell Base Station.

Table 42. Dual Cell Status



System Information

Indicates the status of the base station in the dualcell configuration.

Last packet received from IP

Indicates the IP address of the last communicator to the base station.

Table 43. Settings for this unit




Dual cell system

  • Enabled (default)

  • Disabled

Indicates if the base station is part of a dualcell configuration.

If you change this field, you must press Save and Reboot.

System chain ID

Up to 10 digits

Identifies the dualcell chain. The chain ID is generated automatically and can't be modified. Each base station in the chain uses the same ID.

Data Sync

  • Multicast (default)

  • Peer-to-peer

Indicates the type of data synchronization.
  • Multicast—Requires Multicast/IGMP to be enabled on the call control system.

    • The multicast port range and IP addresses used is calculated from the chain ID.

    • The multicast feature uses the port range: 49200 to 49999.

    • The multicast feature IP range: to

    • Multicast uses UDP.

  • Peer-to-peer—Use this mode when the network doesn't allow Multicast.

For multicast operation, enable the Multicast/IGMP on your switches. Otherwise, use Peer-to-peer mode.

Primary Data Sync IP

IP address

Indicates the base station data synchronization IP address.

When Data Sync is set to multicast, this base IP is selected automatically.

The data sync feature uses the port range of 49200 to 49999.

When Data Sync is set to Peer-to-peer, you must define the IP of the base used for the data sync source.

Base Replacement Timeout (15-255 Min)

Default: 60 minutes

Indicates the timeout to replace a base station.

Dual cell debug

  • None

  • Data Sync

  • Auto Tree

  • Both (default)

Indicates the level of the dualcell system debugging information stored in the logs.
  • None (default)—No debugging information.

  • Data Sync—Writes header information for all packets received and sent to be used to debug any special issues.



    This setting generates many logs, so use it for a short period when you debug the issues.

  • Auto Tree—Writes states and data related to the Auto Tree Configuration feature.

  • Both—Both Data Sync and Auto Tree are enabled.



    This setting generates many logs, so use it for a short period when you debug the issues.

After you set the Dual cell system field to Enabled, and reboot the base station, a message displays on the page.

Multi Cell Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Multi Cell web page of the base station.

This page only displays on the 210 Multi-Cell Base Station.

Table 44. Multi Cell Status Section Fields



System Information

Indicates the current status of the base station in the multi cell configuration.

Last packed received from IP

Indicates the IP address of the last communicator to the base station.

Table 45. Settings for this Unit Section Fields




Multi cell system


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates if the base station is part of a multicell configuration.

If you change this field, you must press Save and Reboot.

System chain ID

512 (default)

Up to 5 digits

Identifies the multi cell chain. Each base station in the chain uses the same ID.



We recommend that you do not use a chain ID that is similar to an extension number.

Synchronization time (s)


  • 30

  • 60 (default)

  • 90

  • 120

  • 150

  • 180

  • 240

  • 270

  • 300

Indicated the period in seconds between synchronization requests by the base stations in the chain.

Data Sync


  • Multicast (default)

  • Peer-to-peer

Indicates the type of data synchronization.

  • Multicast—requires Multicast/IGMP to be enabled on the call control system.

    • The multicast port range and IP addresses used is calculated from the chain id.

    • The multicast feature uses the port range: 49200 to 49999

    • The multicast feature IP range: to

    • Multicast uses UDP.

  • Peer-to-peer—Use this mode when the network doesn't allow Multicast. See LAN Sync Web Page Fields.

Primary Data Sync IP

IP address

Indicates the base station data synchronization IP address.

Using multicast, this base IP is selected automatically.

The data sync feature uses the port range 49200 to 49999



Using Peer to Peer mode, the IP of the base used for data sync source MUST be defined.



Using Peer to Peer mode with version below V306 limits the system automatic recovery feature. There is no automatic recovery of the data sync source in Peer to Peer mode.

Multi cell debug


  • None (default)
  • Data Sync

  • Auto Tree

  • Both

Indicates the level of multicell debugging information is stored in the logs.

  • None (default)—No d
  • Data Sync—Writes header information for all packets received and sent to be used to debug any special issues.



    This setting generates many logs, so use it for a short period of time when debugging.

  • Auto Tree—Writes states and data related to the Auto Tree Configuration feature.

  • Both—Both Data Sync and Auto Tree are enabled.



    This setting generates many logs, so use it for a short period of time when debugging.

After you set the Multi cell system field to Enabled, and reboot the base station, a message displays on the page.

Table 46. DECT system settings




RFPI System

Displays the radio identity that all the base stations use for the multicell system.

Auto configure DECT sync source tree


  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

Controls the ability to synchronize the multicell system.

  • Disabled: If the original primary base station can't be reached, the system continues without a primary to sync to.

  • Enabled: If the original primary base station can't be reached, another base station takes over as the primary base station.

Allow multi primary


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Allows the setup of systems in multiple locations.

Auto create multi primary


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Table 47. Base station settings




Number of SIP accounts before distributed load

SIP Server support for multiple registrations per account


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

System combination (Number of base stations/Repeaters per base station

Table 48. Base Station Group





A read-only index number.


Indicates the Radio Fixed Part Number (RPN) of the base station. Each base station RPN is unique.


Indicates the firmware version.

MAC Address

Contains the base station MAC address.

IP Address

Contains the base station IP address.

IP Status


  • Connected

  • Connection Loss

  • This Unit

Indicates the base station status.

  • Connected: the base station is online.

  • Connection Loss: the base station is not on the network

  • This Unit: the base station that you are viewing information about.

DECT sync source

Contains information about the multicell chain.

DECT property


  • Primary

  • Locked

  • Searching

  • Free Running

  • Unknown

  • Assisted lock

  • Sync. Lost

Indicates the status of the base station.

  • Primary: The base station is the primary base station and that all other base stations synchronize to this base station.

  • Locked: The base station is synchronized with the primary base station.

  • Searching: The base station is trying to synchronize with the primary base station.

  • Free Running: The base station has lost its synchronization with the primary base station.

  • Unknown: There is no connection information.

  • Assisted lock: The base station can't sync with the primary base station using DECT, and that it is using the Ethernet to sync.

  • Sync. Lost: Indicates that the base station has lost synchronization, but there is an active call on an associated handset. When the call completes, the base will attempt to sync.

Base Station Name

Indicates the base station name assigned in the Management page.

The DECT Chain section displays the hierarchy of base stations in a graphical form.

LAN Sync Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the LAN Sync web page of the base station.

This page only displays on the 210 Multi-Cell Base Station.

Table 49. IEEE1588 LAN Synchronization Settings





  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Enabled: Indicates the use of LAN synchronization. The following are the network requirements for LAN synchronization:
  • The Sync Master and Sync Slave base stations support a maximum of 3 cascaded Ethernet switches.
  • We recommend and support only the switches which meet the IEEE1588 Ethernet synchronization requirements.

  • All base stations must connect to a dedicated DECT VLAN.

  • The DECT VLAN in all the switches which connect to the DECT infrastructure must be configured to the highest priority.

  • The backbone network load should not exceed 50 percent of the total link capacity.

  • The Ethernet switch must use DSCP as QoS parameter.

  • The network must support multicast datagrams from IEEE1588.

Star Codes Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Star Codes web page of the base station.

Table 50. Star Codes Web Page Fields




Call Return

Default: 69

Dial this star code to return a call.

Blind Transfer

Default: 88

Dial this star code to transfer a call without consultation.

Call Forward All Activate

Default: 72

Dial this star code to forward all calls.

Call Forward All Deactivate

Default: 73

Dial this star code to stop make calls ring on the phone again.

Call Wait Activate

Default: 56

Dial this star code to enable the call waiting tone.

Call Wait Deactivate

Default: 57

Dial this star code to disable the call waiting tone.

Block Caller Id On Outgoing Calls Activate

Default: 67

Dial this star code to not send the caller ID on an outgoing call.

Block Caller ID On Outgoing Calls Deactivate

Default: 68

Dial this star code to send the caller ID on an outgoing call.

Block Anonymous Incoming Calls Activate

Default: 77

Dial this star code to block calls that don't have a caller ID.

Block Anonymous Incoming Calls Deactivate

Default: 87

Dial this star code to all the phone to receive calls that don't have a caller ID.

Do Not Disturb Activate

Default: 78

Dial this star code to stop calls ringing on the phone.

Do Not Disturb Deactivate

Default: 79

Dial this star code to allow calls to ring on the phone.

Call Progress Tones Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Call Progress Tones web page of the base station.

Standard call progress tones differ by region. When you set the country for your system, this page displays the default tones for your country.

Table 51. Call Progress Tones Section Fields



Dial Tone

Prompts the user to enter a phone number.

Outside Dial Tone

Alternative to the Dial Tone. It prompts the user to enter an external phone number, as opposed to an internal extension. It is triggered by a comma (,) character encountered in the dial plan.

Prompt Tone

Prompts the user to enter a call forwarding phone number.

Busy Tone

Played when a 486 RSC is received for an outbound call.

Reorder Tone

Played when an outbound call has failed or after the far end hangs up during an established call. Reorder Tone is played automatically when Dial Tone or any of its alternatives times out.

Off Hook Warning Tone

Played when the phone receiver has been off hook after a period of time.

Ring Back Tone

Played during an outbound call when the far end is ringing.

Call Waiting Tone

Played when a call is waiting.

Confirm Tone

Brief tone to notify the user that the last input value has been accepted.

Holding Tone

Informs the local caller that the far end has placed the call on hold.

Conference Tone

Played to all parties when a three-way conference call is in progress.

Page Tone

This field is new for Firmware Release 4.8.

Played to all handsets when the base station receive a page.

Cadence Ring Tone

This field is new for Firmware Release 5.1.3

Played a distinctive tone when configured for incoming calls, charger alert tone, and charging tone.

For example, when you enter the following sequence for the cadence tone, you can hear this loud ringer melody:


Dial Plans Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Dial Plans web page of the base station.

Table 52. Dial Plans Fields




Indicates the index number of the dial plan (used in the Terminal Web Page Fields page).

Dial Plan

Contains the definition of a dial plan.


This field is new for Firmware Release 5.1(1).

Indicates the index number of the caller ID.

Call Id Map

This field is new for Firmware Release 5.1(1).

Contains the definition of a caller ID.

Local Call Groups

These are the fields displayed to add or edit local call groups.

This web page is new for Firmware Release 5.1(1)

Table 53. Local Call Groups Web Page Fields




Line name


Length: 1 to 7 characters

Indicates the name of the line for incoming and outgoing calls.


Digit string

Identifies the telephone number.

The extension must be configured on the SIP server before the handset can make and receive calls.

The extension displays on the main screen of the handset.

Authentication User Name


Identifies the user name assigned to the handset on the call control system. The name can be up to 128 characters long.

Authentication Password


Identifies the user's password on the call control system. The password can be up to 128 characters long.

Display Name


Identifies the name to display for the extension.

This name displays on the main screen immediately under the date and time.

XSI Username


Identifies the username for the BroadSoft XSI phone book. The name can be up to 128 characters long.

XSI Password


Identifies the password for the BroadSoft XSI phone book. The password can be up to 128 characters long.

Mailbox Name


Identifies the username for the voicemail system.

Mailbox Number

Digit string

Valid contents are 0–9, *, #

Identifies the number to be dialed to the voicemail system. This number needs to be enabled on the SIP server.


Drop-down list of IP addresses

Identifies the SIP server address of the call control system.

Call waiting feature

Feature status:

  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

Identifies if the call waiting is available on the phone.

BroadWorks Shared Call Appearance

Feature status:

  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Identifies if the line is shared.

Only applicable to BroadSoft SIP servers. Must be enabled on the SIP server.

BroadWorks Feature Event Package

Feature status:

  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Identifies if the BroadWorks package is available. Features include: do not disturb (DND), call forward (all, busy, and no answer).

Only applicable to BroadSoft SIP servers. Must be enabled on the SIP server.

Forwarding Unconditional Number

(2 fields)

Digit string:

  • Valid contents are 0–9, *, #

Feature status:

  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled


  • If call forward unconditional is available.

  • What number to dial when an incoming call arrives for the handset.

Applies to all incoming calls.

Forwarding No Answer Number

(3 fields)

Digit string:

  • Valid contents are 0–9, *, #

Feature status:

  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Time in seconds:

  • Range 0 to 255

  • Default 90


  • If call forward no answer is available.

  • What number to dial when an incoming call arrives for the handset and isn’t answered.

  • How long to wait, in seconds, before the call is considered unanswered.

Applies to all unanswered calls.

Forwarding on Busy Number

(2 fields)

  • Valid contents are 0–9, *, #

Feature status:

  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled


  • If call forward busy is available.

  • What number to dial when the handset is busy. A handset is busy when it already has 2 calls (one active and one on hold).

Applies when the handset is on an existing call.

Reject anonymous calls


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates if the handset should reject calls that don't have a caller ID.

Hide Number

  • Off

  • On for next call

  • Always on

Indicates if the handset can make a call without the caller ID.

Do Not Disturb


  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates if the user can turn on do not disturb mode.

Repeaters Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Repeaters web page of the base station.

Table 54. Repeaters Web Page Fields





This field is read-only

Identifies the index of the repeater


This field is read-only

Identifies the repeater number.


This field is read-only

Indicates the configured name and IPEI of the repeater.

DECT sync source

This field is read-only

Indicates the base station the repeater communicates with.

DECT sync mode

This field is read-only

Indicates the type of synchronisation with the base station.


This field is read-only

Indicates the state of the repeater.

  • Disabled: The repeater isn't configured to communicate with the base.

  • Enabled: The repeater is configured to communicate with the base.

Type/FW Info

This field is read-only

Indicates the firmware version of the repeater.

FWU Progress

This field is read-only

Identifies the firmware update (FWU) state:

  • Off—Identifies that the sw version field is set to 0 in the Firmware Update page.

  • Initializing—Identifies that the update process is starting.

  • X%—Identifies the progress of the update, where X is the amount of progress (0–100)

  • Verifying X%—Identifies that the firmware verification is in progress before it is used.

  • Conn.term.wait—Identifies that the repeater firmware update is complete and the repeater reset is in progress.

  • Complete—Identifies that the firmware update is complete.

  • Error—Identifies that the update was not successful. Possible reasons included:

    • File can't be found.

    • File isn't valid.

Add or Edit Repeaters Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Repeater web page of the base station. This page displays when you add or change the configuration of a repeater.

Table 55. Repeater Web Page Fields






Identifies the repeater name. You might want to set the name to a location

DECT Sync mode


  • Manual

  • Local Automatic

Indicated the registration type for the repeater.

  • Manual: You need to manually assign parameters.

  • Local Automatic: The repeater detects the base signal and automatically configures.




  • RPNxx

Indicates the RPN for the repeater

  • ERROR: The repeater selects the first available base station slot.

  • RPNxx: The repeater selects the configured base station slot.

DECT sync source

List of RPNs available

Identifies the RPNs that are available on the base stations.

Alarm Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Alarm web page of the base station.

Table 56. Alarm Web Page Fields






Indicates the index number of the alarm.

Profile Alias


Identifies the name of the alarm.

Alarm Type


  • Alarm Button

  • Disabled (default)

Identifies the type of alarm from the Emergency button.

Alarm Signal


  • Message

  • Call

  • Beacon Message

Indicates how the alarm signals when the handset activates the alarm (Emergency) button.

  • Message—A text message is sent to the alarm server.

  • Call—An outgoing call is placed to the specified emergency number.

Stop Alarm from Handset


  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

Identifies if the handset can cancel the alarm.

Trigger Delay

Digit 0–255

Identifies the delay in seconds before the handset displays a pre-alarm warning.

  • 0—No pre-alarm warning; the alarm is sent immediately.

  • Other—The amount of time that the pre-alarm warning displays. When the number of seconds passes, the alarm is sent. It may take a few seconds for the alarm to be sent to the configured location.

Stop Pre-Alarm from Handset


  • Disabled

  • Enabled (default)

Identifies if the user can stop an alarm.

Pre-Alarm Delay

Digit 0–255

Indicates the delay between the time the pre-alarm is displayed and the time that the alarm is signalled.



  • Disabled (default)

  • Enabled

Indicates if the handset should start the howling signal. If disabled, only the call or message signal is sent.

Statistics Web Page Fields

The Statistics web page has a number of statistics views:

  • System

  • Calls

  • Repeater (not used)

Each page has information to help you understand how your system is being used and helps you identify problems early.

System Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the System link of the Statistics web page of the base station.

Table 57. Statistics: System Web Page Fields



Base Station Name

Contains the base IP address and name. The last row of the table contains the sum of all the preceding rows in the table. If there’s only one base station in the system, then only the summary (Sum) row displays.



Displays the time since the last reboot and the cumulative up-time since the last reset of statistics or the last firmware upgrade.

DECT Operation


Identifies the time that the DECT protocol was active.


Contains the number of times that the base was busy (can't handle more active calls).

Busy Duration


Displays the cumulative time that the base was busy.

SIP Failed

Displays the number of times that a SIP registration failed.

Terminal Removed

Displays the number of times that a handset was marked as removed.


Displays the number of times that the base was searching for its sync source.

This field only displays on the 210 Multi-Cell Base Station.

Free Running

Displays the number of times that a base hasn’t synchronized its data from the sync source.

If this state is triggered often, you may need to make changes to your base station configuration. For more information, see Base Station States.

This field only displays on the 210 Multi-Cell Base Station.

Source Changed

Displays the number of times that the base changed its sync source.

This field only displays on the 210 Multi-Cell Base Station.

Calls Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Calls link of the Statistics web page of the base station.

Table 58. Calls Web Page Fields



Base Station Name

Contains the base IP address and name. The last row of the table contains the sum of all the preceding rows in the table. If there’s only one base station in the system, then only the summary (Sum) row displays.



Displays the time since the last reboot and the cumulative up-time since the last reset of statistics or the last firmware upgrade.


Displays the number of calls handled on the base.


Displays the number of active calls that were dropped. Each dropped call results in a syslog entry.

An example of a dropped call is when a user is on an active call and then walks out of range of the base station.

Emergency calls

Displays the total number of emergency calls.

This field is new for Firmware Release 4.7.

Call drops due to emergency call

Displays the number of calls dropped due to emergency calls.

This field is new for Firmware Release 4.7.

Emergency calls rejected

Displays the number of rejected emergency calls.

This field is new for Firmware Release 4.7.

No Response

Displays the number of calls that didn’t respond to an incoming call because of hardware issues. Each calls results in a syslog entry.

An example of a no response calls is if an external user tries to call a handset that isn’t in range of the base station.



Displays the total time that calls were active on the base.


Displays the number of handsets that are active on the base at the present time.

Max Active

Displays the maximum number of calls that were active at the same time.



Displays the number of times each codec was used in the calls.

Handover Attempt Success

Displays the number of successful handovers.

This field only displays on the 210 Multi-Cell Base Station.

Handover Attempt aborted

Displays the number of failed handovers.

This field only displays on the 210 Multi-Cell Base Station.

Audio Not Detected

Displays the number of times that an audio connection was not established.

Repeater Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Repeater link of the Statistics web page of the base station.

Table 59. Repeater Web Page Fields




Contains the repeater index and name. The last row of the table contains the sum of all the preceding rows in the table. If there is only one repeater in the system, then only the summary (Sum) row displays.



Displays the time since the last reset of statistics or the last firmware upgrade.


Displays the number of times that the repeater was busy.

Busy Duration


Displays the time that the repeater was busy.

Max Active

Displays the maximum number of calls that were active at the same time.


Displays the number of times that the repeater searched for the sync source.


Displays the number of times that the repeater couldn't connect to its sync source and synced to a different base or repeater.

Source Changed

Displays the number of times the repeater changed its sync source.

Wide Band

Displays the number of wide band calls.

Narrow Band

Displays the number of narrow band calls.

Generic Statistics Web Page Fields

These are the fields displayed on the Generic Statistics web page of the base station.

Each row gives a value and a graph of the data for the last 24 hours.

Table 60. DECT Statistics Fields



Total number of DLC instances

The life time total count of instantiated Data Link Control (DLC) instances.

Max concurrent DLC instances

The life time highest concurrent count of instantiated DLC instances.

Current number of DLC instances

The current count of instantiate DLC instances.

Total number of times in max DLC instances in use

The number of times we reach the currently highest count of DLC instances.

Total Time spend in max DLC instances in use (H:M:S)

The time spent in the highest concurrent number of instantiated DLC instances.

Average frequency x usage this hour (max 100 per slot)

(where x is 0 to 9)

The average use of the frequency number x. The value is 100 if the frequency is used fully by a slot in the measured time frame.

Average even slot usage this hour (max 100 per slot)

The average use of the even-numbered slots.

Average odd slot usage this hour (max 100 per slot)

The average use of the odd-numbered slots.

Percentage time of x slots used this hour

(where x is 0 to 12)

The percentage time usage of the x number of DECT slots for the current hour.

The percentual time that X number of dect slots are used during the given hour (compared to other slot counts).

Total Codec usage (G.711A, G.711U, G.726, G.729)

This shows what codec, that have been used. The number of times we instantiate RTP stream using either codec.

This field isn’t available for Firmware Release 4.7.

Total CHO success

The number of times the connection handover is successful.

Total number of forced PP moves

The life time total count that this base forces PP moves.

The DECT Synchronization Statistics only display on the 210 Multi-Cell Base Station.

Table 61. DECT Synchronization Statistics Fields



Current synchronization state

The current DECT sync state. For example, Master, Searching, Free Running, and so on.

Current synchronization chain

The current DECT sync source Fp Id of this base.

Timestamp for last changed synchronization chain

Timestamp of the last time the DECT sync source changed for this base.

Hourly number of synchronization chain changes

The number of times the DECT sync source changed for this base in the current hour.

Total number of synchronization chain changes

The life time total count of times this base changed DECT sync source.

Total time in sync state: Master (H:M:S)

The time in the current hour when the base station's sync state was Master.

Total time in sync state: Locked (H:M:S)

The time in the current hour when the base station's sync state was Locked.

Total time in sync state: Free Running (H:M:S)

The time in the current hour when the base station's sync state was Alien Free Running.

Total time in sync state: Locked Assisted

The time in the current hour when the base station's sync state was Lock Assisted.

Total time in sync state: Sync Lost (H:M:S)

The time in the current hour when the base station's sync state was lost.

Total time in sync state: Searching (H:M:S)

The time in the current hour when the base station was searching for the source.

Total time in sync state: Unknown (H:M:S)

The time in the current hour when the base station's sync state wasn't Unknown.

Last reported sync information to this base

The time when the system last received the base station's sync information.

Table 62. RTP Statistics Fields



Total RTP connections (including connection type information, e.g. external, relay, recording)

The life time total count of instantiated RTP streams.

Max concurrent RTP connections (including connection type information, e.g. external, relay, recording)

The life time highest concurrent count of instantiated RTP streams.

Total Time spent in max RTP connections in use (H:M:S)

The time we have spent in the highest concurrent count of instantiated RTP streams.

Current RTP connections (including connection type information, e.g. external, relay, recording)

The current count of instantiated RTP streams.

Current local RTP connections

This field is new in Firmware Release 5.0.

Indicates the use of number of active local RTP streams.

Current local relay RTP connections

This field is new in Firmware Release 5.0.

Indicates the use of number of active local RTP relay streams.

Current remote relay RTP connections

This field is new in Firmware Release 5.0.

Indicates the use of number of active remote RTP relay streams.

Current recording RTP connections

This field is new in Firmware Release 5.0.

Indicates the current count of RTP recording streams.

Current Blackfin DSP status

This field is new in Firmware Release 5.0.

This field only displays on the 210 Multi-Cell Base Station.

Total number of Blackfin DSP restarts

This field is new in Firmware Release 5.0.

This field only displays on the 210 Multi-Cell Base Station.

Table 63. IP - Stack Statistics Fields



Total connections open

The life time total count of used sockets.

Max concurrent connections open

The life time highest concurrent count of used sockets.

Current connections open

The current count of the used sockets.

Total number of tx messages

The life time total count of transmitted IP packets.

Total number of rx messages

The life time total count of received IP packets.

Total number of tx errors

The life time total count of errors occurred during IP packet transmission.

Table 64. System Statistics Fields



Up time (H:M:S)

The time the base has been running consecutively.

Current CPU load

The current load percentage of the CPU. This information refreshes every 5 seconds.

Current Heap usage

The current use of heap in bytes.

Max Heap usage (%)

The peak usage of heap in percentage.

Mail queue ROS_SYSLOG

The size of the internal mail queue for syslogs.

Mail queue ROS_x

(where x is 0 to 5)

The size of the internal mail queue.

Diagnostics Web Page Fields

The Diagnostics web page has these views:

  • Base stations

  • Extensions

  • Logging

Each page has information to help you understand how your system is being used and helps you identify problems early.

Base Station

These are the fields displayed on the Base stations link of the Diagnostics web page of the base station.

Table 65. Base Stations Web Page Fields



Base Station Name

Indicates the IP address and name of the base station from the management settings. The last row of the table contains the sum of all the preceding rows in the table. If there is only one base station in the system, then only the summary (Sum) row displays.

Active DECT Ext


Indicates the number of active connections to extensions in the base station.

  • Mm—Mobility Management

  • Ciss—Call Independent Supplementary Service

  • CcOut—Call Control Out

  • CcIn—Call Control In

Active DECT Rep


Indicates the number of connections to repeaters in the base station.

  • Mm—Mobility Management

  • Ciss—Call Independent Supplementary Service

  • CcOut—Call Control Out

  • CcIn—Call Control In

Active RTP

(Lcl/Rx BC)

Indicates the number of active RTP streams in use.

  • Lcl—local RTP stream

  • Rx BC—broadcast receive RTP stream

Active Relay RTP


Indicates the number of active relay streams.

  • Lcl—Local RTP relay stream

  • Remote—remove RTP relay stream

Latency [ms]


Indicates the latency of ping between the base station.

  • Avg.Min—average minimum delay

  • Average—average delay

  • Avg.Max—average maximum delay


These are the fields displayed on the Extension view of the Diagnostics web page.

Table 66. Extensions Web Page Fields




Indicates the extension index number

No of HS restarts

Indicates the number of times that the handset has restarted.

Last HS restart(dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss)

Indicates the date and time of the last handset restart.


These are the fields displayed on the Logging view of the Diagnostics web page.

Table 67. Logging Web Page Fields



RSX internal tracing

Indicates if internal tracing is Disabled or Enabled

PCAP internal tracing

Trace packets to/from this base (except Audio)

Trace audio packets to/from this base

Trace received broadcast packets

Trace received IPv4 multicast packets

Trace received packet with destination MAC between (compare between each byte)

6 pairs

Trace received Ethertype

3 fields

Trace received IPv4 protocol

3 fields

Trace received TCP/UDP port

3 fields


This field is new in Firmware release 5.0.

This field is read only. This field displays The traces are stored in ring buffers, so please download the traces immediately after the incident has happened.

Download traces from

Click the All Basestations or Current Basestations button.

Configuration Web Page Fields

The Configuration web page of the base station displays a read-only version of the base station configuration file. The file is stored in the /Config folder TFTP server. Each base station has a unique configuration file, based on the MAC address.

You can make changes to a file in these ways:

  • [Recommended method] Change the settings in the base station web pages and export the file for a backup.

  • Export the file, make changes, and then upload the file.


If you choose to make manual changes, you must ensure that you retain all formatting. Otherwise, the phone may not be set up correctly.

Syslog Web Page Fields

The Syslog web page displays a live feed of system-level messages of the current base station. The Syslog level field in the Management web page controls the messages that are logged.


When the base station reboots, a new syslog starts and the previous information is lost. If you have a problem and plan to reboot, save the syslog file to your computer before you do the reboot.

If the Syslog level field is set for debug logs, additional information is written to the syslog. You should only capture debug logs for a short amount of time to minimize system congestion.


You will see frequent messages like this:

Sent to at mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss (4 bytes), where is the IP address and port, mm/dd/yyyy is the date, and hh:mm:ss is the time.

These are the keep alive messages and you can ignore them.

SIP Log Web Page Fields

The SIP Log web page displays a live feed of SIP server messages of the system (single cell, dualcell or multicell). The information is also saved as a file on the TFTP server. Logs are saved in 2 blocks of 17 KB, and when one block is full, the other one is used (it will overwrite previous content).

Filename: <MAC_address><time_stamp>SIP.log

Web Pages for Previous Firmware Releases

Extensions Web Page Fields for Firmware Release V450 and V460

These are the fields displayed on the Extensions web page of the base station.

The page displays in admin and user views. Not all fields are available in user view.

This section is applicable to Firmware Release V450 and V460. For Firmware Release 4.7, see Extensions Web Page Fields.

Table 68. General Section





4-digit numerical code

Identifies the access code (AC) for the base station.

Table 69. Extensions Section





This field is read-only.