Conference Now Overview
The Conference Now feature allows both external and internal callers to join a conference by dialing a Conference Now IVR Directory Number, which is a centralized conference assistant number. An IVR application guides the caller to join the conference by playing announcements.
A conference is established using a Meeting Number, which is the same as the Self-Service User ID. The meeting number is configured by the administrator in the end user's window. The Self-Service User ID is usually same as the user's primary extension number.
The host (End User) provides the Meeting Number, Time slot, and Attendees Access Code to all the participants. The host requires a PIN to join the conference, but the participants do not require it. If a participant dials into the meeting before the host, the participant hears Music on Hold (MOH).
After the host enters both Meeting Number and PIN correctly, a conference bridge is allocated based on the MRGL (Media Resource Group List) of the host. Participants who join before the start of the meeting are redirected to the same conference bridge.
The host can set the Attendees Access Code for a secure conference call. For more information, see topics related to Set the Access Code for Conference Now in the Cisco Unified Communications Self Care Portal Guide.