Table Of Contents
Cisco IOS Voice Commands:
target carrier-id
target trunk-group-label
tbct clear call
tbct max call-duration
tbct max calls
telephony-service ccm-compatible (H.323 voice-class)
telephony-service ccm-compatible (H.323 voice-service)
test call fallback probe
test call id
test call threshold
test enum
test lmr clear-call
test pots dial
test pots disconnect
test source-group
test translation-rule
test trunkgroup
test voice echo
test voice playout
test voice port detector
test voice port inject-tone
test voice port loopback
test voice port relay
test voice port switch
test voice port thl-sweep
test voice tone
test voice translation-rule
test vrm busyout
test vrm reset
test vrm unbusyout
text relay modulation
text relay protocol
text relay rtp
tgrep address-family
tgrep advertise (dial peer)
tgrep advertise (trunk group)
tgrep local-itad
threshold noise
Cisco IOS Voice Commands:
This chapter contains commands to configure and maintain Cisco IOS voice applications. The commands are presented in alphabetical order. Some commands required for configuring voice may be found in other Cisco IOS command references. Use the master index of commands or search online to find these commands.
For detailed information on how to configure these applications and features, refer to the Cisco IOS Voice Configuration Library.
target carrier-id
To configure debug filtering for the target carrier ID, use the target carrier-id command in call filter match list configuration mode. To disable, use the no form of this command.
target carrier-id string
no target carrier-id string
Syntax Description
Alphanumeric identifier for the carrier ID.
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Call filter match list configuration
Command History
This command was introduced.
The following example shows the voice call debug filter set to match target carrier ID 4321:
call filter match-list 1 voice
Related Commands
call filter match-list voice
Create a call filter match list for debugging voice calls.
debug condition match-list
Run a filtered debug on a voice call.
show call filter match-list
Display call filter match lists.
source carrier-id
Configure debug filtering for the source carrier ID.
source trunk-group-label
Configure debug filtering for a source trunk group.
target trunk-group-label
Configure debug filtering for a target trunk group.
target trunk-group-label
To configure debug filtering for a target trunk group, use the target trunk-group-label command in call filter match list configuration mode. To disable, use the no form of this command.
target trunk-group-label group_number
no target trunk-group-label group_number
Syntax Description
A value from 0 to 23 that identifies the trunk group.
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Call filter match list configuration
Command History
This command was introduced.
The following example shows the voice call debug filter set to match target trunk group 21:
call filter match-list 1 voice
target trunk-group-label 21
Related Commands
call filter match-list voice
Create a call filter match list for debugging voice calls.
debug condition match-list
Run a filtered debug on a voice call.
show call filter match-list
Display call filter match lists.
source carrier-id
Configure debug filtering for the source carrier ID.
source trunk-group-label
Configure debug filtering for a source trunk group.
target carrier-id
Configure debug filtering for the target carrier ID.
tbct clear call
To terminate billing statistics for one or more active Two B-Channel Transfer (TBCT) calls, use the tbct clear call command in privileged EXEC mode.
tbct clear call {all | interface [call-tag]}
Syntax Description
Active TBCT calls on all interfaces.
Active TBCT calls on a specified interface. Range is platform-dependent.
(Optional) A specific active TBCT call on the specified interface, as identified by the unique call tag number. Range is 1 to 4,294,967,295.
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
•Use this command to manually clear a specific active call or a group of active calls, if, for instance, the ISDN switch goes down. You should not have to manually clear calls with this command unless there is a problem with the switch.
•This command terminates billing information that is being sent to the RADIUS server if, for some reason, the gateway did not receive a notify message from the switch that a call has cleared.
•To automatically clear calls after a specified duration, use the tbct max call-duration command.
•To determine the interface and call-tag arguments to use with this command, use the show call active voice redirect command.
The following example clears calls on T1 interface 6/0:
Router# tbct clear call T1-6/0
Related Commands
isdn supp-service tbct
Enables ISDN TBCT on PRI trunks.
show call active voice redirect
Displays information about active calls that are being redirected using RTPvt or TBCT.
tbct max call-duration
Sets the maximum duration allowed for a call that is redirected using TBCT.
tbct max calls
Sets the maximum number of active calls that can use TBCT.
tbct max call-duration
To set the maximum duration allowed for a call that is redirected using Two B-Channel Transfer (TBCT), use the tbct max calls command in global configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.
tbct max call-duration minutes
no tbct max call-duration
Syntax Description
Maximum duration, in minutes, allowed for a single TBCT call. Range is 1 to 9999, in recommended increments of 5 minutes. Default is no limit.
Command Default
No limit
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
•Use this command to automatically clear stale calls, for instance if the PRI trunk goes down. To manually clear calls, use the tbct clear call command.
•Cisco recommends that you set the call duration in increments of 5 minutes.
Note The call duration limit set by this command is not precisely enforced; calls may not be cleared after the exact number of minutes specified by this command.
The following example clears TBCT calls that last longer than 10 minutes:
tbct max call-duration 10
Related Commands
isdn supp-service tbct
Enables ISDN TBCT on PRI trunks.
show call active voice redirect
Displays information about active calls that are being redirected using RTPvt or TBCT.
tbct clear call
Terminates billing statistics for one or more active TBCT calls.
tbct max calls
Sets the maximum number of active calls that can use TBCT.
tbct max calls
To set the maximum number of active calls that can use Two B-Channel Transfer (TBCT), use the tbct max calls command in global configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.
tbct max calls number
no tbct max calls
Syntax Description
Maximum number of currently active calls that can invoke TBCT at any one time. Range is 1 to 1,000,00. Default is no limit.
Command Default
No limit, except as allowed by memory resources
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to control memory resources on the gateway by limiting the amount of memory consumed by TBCT calls.
The following example sets the maximum number of calls using TBCT to 500:
Related Commands
isdn supp-service tbct
Enables ISDN TBCT on PRI trunks.
show call active voice redirect
Displays information about active calls that are being redirected using RTPvt or TBCT.
tbct clear call
Terminates billing statistics for one or more active TBCT calls.
tbct max call-duration
Sets the maximum duration allowed for a call that is redirected using TBCT.
To configure a list of time slots for creating clear channel groups (pass-through) for time-division multiplexing (TDM) cross-connect, use the tdm-group command in controller configuration mode. To delete a clear channel group, use the no form of this command.
tdm-group tdm-group-no timeslot timeslot-list [type {e&m | fxs [loop-start | ground-start] | fxo
[loop-start | ground-start] | fxs-melcas | fxo-melcas | e&m-melcas}]
no tdm-group tdm-group-no timeslot timeslot-list [type {e&m | fxs [loop-start | ground-start] |
fxo [loop-start | ground-start] | fxs-melcas | fxo-melcas | e&m-melcas}]
Syntax Description
TDM group number.
Time-slot number.
Time-slot list. T1 range is 1 to 24. E1 range is 1 to 15 and 17 to 31.
(Optional) (Valid only when the mode cas command is enabled.) Voice signaling type of the voice port. If configuring a TDM group for data traffic only, do not specify the type keyword.
Choose from one of the following options:
•e&m—E&M signaling
•fxs—Foreign Exchange Station signaling (optionally, you can also specify loop-start or ground-start)
•fxo—Foreign Exchange Office signaling (optionally, you can also specify loop-start or ground-start)
•fxs-melcas—Foreign Exchange Station MEL CAS
•fxo-melcas—Foreign Exchange Office MEL CAS
•e&m-melcas—E&M Mercury Exchange Limited Channel-Associated signaling (MEL CAS)
The MELCAS options apply only to E1 lines and are used primarily in the United Kingdom.
Command Default
No TDM group is configured.
Command Modes
Controller configuration
Command History
This command was introduced on Cisco MC38310.
This command was modified to include voice WAN interface cards (VWICs) for Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series.
This command was modified for the OC-3/STM-1 ATM Circuit Emulation Service network module on Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series.
Usage Guidelines
The tdm-group command allows specific timeslots to switch from port 0 to port 1 and vice versa. This command is similar to the channel-group command, but it does not create a serial interface to terminate the specified channels.
Note Channel groups, CAS voice groups, DS0 groups, and TDM groups all use group numbers. All group numbers configured for channel groups, CAS voice groups, DS0 groups, and TDM groups must be unique on the local router. For example, you cannot use the same group number for a channel group and for a TDM group.
The following example configures TDM group 1 to include timeslots 13 through 20:
tdm-group 1 timeslots 13-20
The following example configures TDM group number 20 on controller T1 1 to support Foreign Exchange Office (FXO) ground-start:
tdm-group 20 timeslot 20 type fxs ground-start
Related Commands
Starts passage of data between ports for cross-connect TDM.
To specify that a particular technology prefix be prepended to the destination pattern of a specific dial peer, use the tech-prefix command in dial peer configuration mode. To disable the defined technology prefix for this dial peer, use the no form of this command.
tech-prefix number
no tech-prefix
Syntax Description
Defines the numbers used as the technology prefix. Each technology prefix can contain up to 11 characters. Although not strictly necessary, a pound (#) symbol is frequently used as the last character in a technology prefix. Valid characters are 0 though 9, the pound (#) symbol, and the asterisk (*).
Command Default
No technology prefix is defined.
Command Modes
Dial peer configuration
Command History
This command was introduced on Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T.
Usage Guidelines
Technology prefixes are used to distinguish between gateways that have specific capabilities within a given zone. In the exchange between the gateway and the gatekeeper, the technology prefix is used to select a gateway after the zone has been selected. Use the tech-prefix command to define technology prefixes.
Technology prefixes can be used as a discriminator so that the gateway can tell the gatekeeper that a certain technology is associated with a particular call (for example, 15# could mean a fax transmission), or a technology prefix can be used like an area code for more generic routing. No standard defines what the numbers in a technology prefix mean; by convention, technology prefixes are designated by a pound (#) symbol as the last character.
In most cases, there is a dynamic protocol exchange between the gateway and the gatekeeper that enables the gateway to inform the gatekeeper about technology prefixes and where to forward calls. If, for some reason, that dynamic registry feature is not in effect, you can statically configure the gatekeeper to query the gateway for this information by configuring the gw-type-prefix command on the gatekeeper. Use the show gatekeeper gw-type-prefix command to display how the gatekeeper has mapped the technology prefixes to local gateways.
Note Cisco gatekeepers use the asterisk (*) as a reserved character. If you are using Cisco gatekeepers, do not use the asterisk as part of the technology prefix.
The following example defines a technology prefix of 14# for the specified dial peer. In this example, the technology prefix means that the H.323 gateway asks the RAS gatekeeper to direct calls using the technology prefix of 14#.
destination-pattern 14...
Related Commands
Configures a technology prefix in the gatekeeper.
show gatekeeper gw-type-prefix
Displays the gateway technology prefix table.
telephony-service ccm-compatible (H.323 voice-class)
To enable, for an individual dial peer, the detection of a Cisco CallManager system in the network and allow the exchange of calls, use the telephony-service ccm-compatible command in voice-class configuration mode. To disable the detection capability and the exchange of calls on an individual dial peer, use the no form of this command.
telephony-service ccm-compatible
no telephony-service ccm-compatible
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Detection of Cisco CallManager systems is enabled.
Command Modes
Voice-class configuration
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
This command is used with Cisco CallManager Express (Cisco CME) 3.1 or a later version.
When a voice class that contains this command is applied to a dial peer, this command enables detection of and call exchange with Cisco CallManager for all calls from that dial peer. Use the telephony-service ccm-compatible command in H.323 voice-service configuration mode to create a voice class to apply this capability globally. If the capability is specified at both the global and dial-peer level, the dial-peer setting has precedence for that dial peer.
The following example globally enables detection of Cisco CallManager systems in the network, creates voice class 4 to disable the capability on individual dial peers, and applies voice class 4 to dial peer 36. Although the telephony-service ccm-compatible command in H.323 voice-service configuration mode is not required because this condition is the default, the command is shown here for illustration purposes.
Router(config)# voice service voip
Router(config-voi-serv)# h323
Router(conf-serv-h323)# telephony-service ccm-compatible
Router(conf-serv-h323)# exit
Router(config-voi-serv)# exit
Router(config)# voice class h323 4
Router(config-class)# no telephony-service ccm-compatible
Router(config-class)# exit
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 36 voip
Router(config-dial-peer)# destination-pattern 555....
Router(config-dial-peer)# session target ipv4:
Router(config-dial-peer)# voice-class h323 4
Related Commands
telephony-service ccm-compatible (H.323 voice-service)
Globally enables detection of Cisco CallManager in a network for all dial peers.
voice class h323
Creates an H.323 voice class to apply to a dial peer.
voice-class h323
Applies an H.323 voice class to a dial peer.
telephony-service ccm-compatible (H.323 voice-service)
To globally enable the detection of a Cisco CallManager system in the network and allow the exchange of calls, use the telephony-service ccm-compatible command in H.323 voice-service configuration mode. To disable the detection capability and the exchange of calls globally, use the no form of this command.
telephony-service ccm-compatible
no telephony-service ccm-compatible
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Detection of Cisco CallManager systems is enabled.
Command Modes
H.323 voice-service configuration
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
This command is used with Cisco CallManager Express (Cisco CME) 3.1 or a later version.
This command globally enables call exchange with Cisco CallManager for all calls from this router. Use the telephony-service ccm-compatible command in voice-class configuration mode to create a voice class in order to apply this capability to an individual dial peer. If the capability is specified at both the global and dial-peer level, the dial-peer setting has precedence for that dial peer.
The following example globally enables detection of Cisco CallManager systems in the network, creates voice class 4 to disable the capability on individual dial peers, and applies voice class 4 to dial peer 36. Although the telephony-service ccm-compatible command in H.323 voice-service configuration mode is not required because this condition is the default, the command is shown here for illustration purposes.
Router(config)# voice service voip
Router(config-voi-serv)# h323
Router(conf-serv-h323)# telephony-service ccm-compatible
Router(conf-serv-h323)# exit
Router(config-voi-serv)# exit
Router(config)# voice class h323 4
Router(config-class)# no telephony-service ccm-compatible
Router(config-class)# exit
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 36 voip
Router(config-dial-peer)# destination-pattern 555....
Router(config-dial-peer)# session target ipv4:
Router(config-dial-peer)# voice-class h323 4
Related Commands
Enters H.323 voice-service configuration mode.
telephony-service ccm-compatible (H.323 voice-class)
Enables Cisco CallManager detection in a network by individual dial peers.
voice service voip
Enters voice-service configuration mode.
test call fallback probe
To test current network conditions against a particular IP address and to display the Calculated Planning Impairment Factor (ICPIF) Service Assurance Agent (SAA) values, use the test call fallback probe command in EXEC mode.
test call fallback probe ip-address [codec {711 | 729}]
Syntax Description
Target IP address.
(Optional) Codec type to test. The keywords are as follows:
•711—G.711 codec
•729—G.729 codec
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco MC3810.
The call fallback and call fallback reject-cause-code commands were introduced.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.
The PSTN Fallback feature and enhancements were introduced on Cisco 7200 series routers and integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)T.
This command was implemented on Cisco 7500 series routers.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use the test call fallback probe command to get an immediate look at current network conditions in terms of the ICPIF value between your router and a specific destination. This command is used for statistic collection. You may determine that further action needs to be taken upon receiving information.
This command has no impact on the cache.
The following example demonstrates a test probe to IP address and shows that the ICPIF value to is 0. No network congestion currently exists.
Router# test call fallback probe
Running a test SAA probe....
ICPIF value for the test probe is 0
Related Commands
call fallback active
Enables fallback to alternate dial peers in case of network congestion.
call fallback monitor
Enables the monitoring of destinations without fallback to alternate dial peers.
test call id
To manipulate the echo canceller and jitter buffer parameters in real time, use the test call id command in privileged EXEC mode.
test call id call-id {echo-canceller{coverage range-in-ms | erl worst-case {0 | 3 | 6}| h-register
{clear | freeze | thaw}} | playout-delay {fixed | adaptive {nominal-delay min-delay
Syntax Description
The hexadecimal ID of an active voice call. Values can be from 0 to FFFFFFFF.
Tests the echo canceller on an active voice call.
coverage range-in-ms
Tests echo canceller coverage in milliseconds. Valid values are 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, and 128, where 64 is the default value for the extended EC and 8 is the default value for NextPort firmware. Specific default values depend on which echo canceller and firmware you are using:
•Standard echo canceller (Cisco-proprietary G.165 EC)—8 ms
•Extended echo canceller—64 ms
•NextPort firmware—8 ms
See the "Usage Guidelines" section for more information about default values.
erl worst-case {0 | 3 | 6}
Determines worst-case Echo Return Loss (ERL), in decibels (dB). Values can be 0, 3, or 6. Default is 6.
Note The echo-canceller erl worst-case keywords combine to form a tunable parameter available with the extended echo canceller only. The erl option is available only with the extended echo canceller.
Controls the extended echo canceller h-register.
{clear | freeze | thaw}
Clears, freezes, or thaws a call in the extended echo canceller h-register.
Resets the playout buffering on the associated digital signal processors (DSPs) to the requested values. If fixed fixed-delay is selected, the first parameter only is required and used. If all three parameters are used, they are accepted, but the last two are ignored. If adaptive nominal-delay min-delay max-delay is selected, all three values are required and used.
fixed fixed-delay
Tests the fixed playout-delay mode. Jitter buffer size does not adjust during a call; a constant playout delay is added. The fixed-delay argument is nominal delay in ms. Range is from 0 to 1500.
adaptive nominal-delay min-delay max-delay
Tests the adaptive playout-delay mode. Adjusts jitter buffer size and amount of playout delay during a call on the basis of current network conditions. If the adaptive keyword is used, nominal-delay, min-delay, and max-delay are sanity checked for maximum delay being greater than or equal to the nominal delay, which is greater than or equal to the minimum delay.
Nominal delay range is from 0 to 1500 ms. Minimum delay range is from 10 to 80 ms. Maximum delay range is from 40 to 1700 ms.
Note These options cause audible disturbance to the call and should be used with care.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced on all voice platforms with echo cancellation and extended echo cancellation.
Usage Guidelines
The call-id argument value must be obtained by using the show voice call status command. The following is an example of how to obtain the call ID. The first parameter displayed in the output of the show voice call status command is the call ID.
Note You should not use the "0x" prefix in the call-id argument when you enter the resulting call ID in the show voice call status command.
Router# show voice call status
CallID CID ccVdb Port DSP/Ch Called # Codec Dial-peers
0x2 11D1 0x62FE6478 1/0/0 1/1 10001 g711ulaw 1/2
0x3 11D1 0x62FE80F0 1/0/1 2/1 *10001 g711ulaw 2/1
The echo-cancel coverage ranges can differ depending on the platform and DSP code configuration. See Table 235 for the echo canceller coverage ranges.
Some of the options in the Syntax Description table can be used only on specific platforms that are running the extended echo canceller. Table 235 lists the platforms supported with this feature and whether the standard (TI C54x voice-based platforms) or the extended (NextPort/Conexant voice-based platforms) echo canceller is available on that platform. A disabled state is indicated by 0.
Table 235 Echo Canceller Types and Canceller Coverage Ranges
Echo Canceller Type
Echo Canceller Coverage Range
Cisco 827
Standard—0, 8, 16, 24, 32
Cisco 1700 series
Standard—0, 8, 16, 24, 32
Cisco 2600 series
Standard, Extended
Standard—0, 8, 16, 24, 32
Extended—0, 24, 32, 48, 64
Cisco 3600 series
Standard, Extended
Standard—0, 8, 16, 24, 32
Extended—0, 24, 32, 48, 64
Cisco 7200 series
Standard, Extended
Standard—0, 8, 16, 24, 32
Extended—0, 24, 32, 48, 64
Cisco 7750
Standard—0, 8, 16, 24, 32
Cisco AS5300
Standard, Extended
Standard—0, 8, 16, 24, 32
Extended—0, 24, 32, 48, 64
Cisco AS5350
NextPort—0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 64, 128
Cisco AS5400
NextPort—0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 64, 128
Cisco AS5850
NextPort—0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 64, 128
Cisco CVA122
Standard—0, 8, 16, 24, 32
Cisco uBR92x
Standard—0, 8, 16, 24, 32
Note The keywords and arguments in the Syntax Description table requests that the specified parameters be sent to the DSP using the normal DSP control message mechanism expecting an immediate effect. You can expect a short discontinuity and settling period for the voice stream. These parameters have effect only for the duration of the call. Echo-canceller and playout parameters revert to the values defined in the configuration on the next call using that DSP.
You can use this command with the extended echo canceller, which allows you to configure the voice card in a router individually, or with the standard echo canceller, in which the configuration occurs implicitly on the router. The following two new output messages are possible with the extended echo cancellation feature when either an extended-only or a standard-only echo cancellation function is requested:
Extended echo canceller not active for CallID callID
Basic echo canceller not active for CallID callID
The CLI help strings typically show which version of echo canceller is running and if it is valid for the requested function. For example:
Router# test call id 3 echo-canceller erl worst-case ?
0 worst case extended echo canceller operation at 0 dB ERL
3 worst case extended echo canceller operation at 3 dB ERL
6 worst case extended echo canceller operation at 6 dB ER
Router# test call id 3 echo-canceller coverage ?
16 16 ms echo canceller coverage (basic only)
24 24 ms echo canceller coverage (basic & extended)
32 32 ms echo canceller coverage (basic & extended)
48 48 ms echo canceller coverage (extended only)
64 64 ms echo canceller coverage (extended only)
8 8 ms echo canceller coverage (basic only)
In its section on testing echo cancellers, ITU-T specification G.168 invents a hypothetical device in the EC called an h-register. The h-register stores the impulse response of the echo path and invents actions such as "clear the h-register," "contents of the h-register are frozen," and "thaw" to undo the "freeze." The h-register is the filter within EC used to estimate the echo. If it freezes, its filter coefficients do not adapt to the signal. If there is a significant change in the signal characteristic, such as power level or delay, echo is heard.
The h-register test mode settings allow manual manipulation of the EC h-register for G.168-like tests. Actual G.168 testing is embedded in the digital signal processor (DSP) and does not require explicit Cisco IOS control of the h-register. The call ID must be a valid active telephony call leg ID as displayed by entering the show call active brief command in privileged EXEC mode.
The following example shows how to experiment in real time with the parameters of an active call. In this example, the nominal delay for both the adaptive and fixed options is 5 ms; the minimum delay for the adaptive option is 10 ms; and the maximum delay for the adaptive option is 40 ms.
Router# test call id 99 playout-delay fixed 5
Router# test call id 99 playout-delay adaptive 5 10 40
The following example shows the echo canceller range on the associated DSPs being reset:
Router# test call id 99 echo-canceller coverage 0
The following example show the test call id command clearing the h-register in the extended echo canceller:
Router# test call id 02 echo-canceller h-register clear
Related Commands
show call threshold
Displays enabled triggers, current values for configured triggers, and number of API calls that were made to global and interface resources.
show call treatment
Displays the call treatment configuration and the statistics for handling the calls based upon resource availability.
show voice call
Shows the real-time call status for voice ports on the Cisco router or concentrator.
show call active
Displays active call information for voice calls or fax transmissions in progress.
test call fallback probe
Tests current network conditions to a particular IP address and displays the ICPIFSAA values.
test call threshold
Tests how the core APIs behave on the basis of the resource configuration.
test call threshold
To test how the core application programming interfaces (APIs) behave with respect to the resource configuration, use the test call threshold command in privileged EXEC mode.
test call threshold {enable [busyout | treatment] [global | ipaddress ipaddress] | interface
interface-name interface-number}
Syntax Description
Enables busyout or treatment action. Default is both.
Autobusyouts the T1 or E1 if the resource is not available.
Applies call treatment from session application if the resource is not available.
Test to be on the global resources on gateway.
ipaddress ipaddress
Remote address. Allows users to test how the core behaves.
interface interface-name interface-number
Interface that is configured as a gateway.
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
The command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)T. Support for the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, and Cisco AS5400 is not included in this release.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850 universal gateway.
This command was implemented on Cisco 1750 and Cisco 1751 routers. Support for other Cisco platforms is not included in this release
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T and implemented on Cisco 7200 series routers. Support on the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850 is not included in this release.
This command is supported on the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850 in this release.
The following example tests the global resources.
test call threshold enable global
Related Commands
call spike
Limits the number of calls that can be received from the PSTN in a configured time period.
call threshold poll-interval
Enables a polling interval threshold for CPU or memory.
show call threshold
Displays enabled triggers, current values for configured triggers, and number of API calls that were made to global and interface resources.
show call treatment
Displays the call treatment configuration and statistics for handling calls on the basis of availability.
test enum
To test the functionality of an ENUM match table, use the test enum command in privileged EXEC mode.
test enum table-number input-pattern
Syntax Description
Number of the ENUM match table to be tested. Range is from 1 to 15.
Stream editor (SED) expression to be resolved using the ENUM match table.
Command Default
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
The test enum command emulates an ENUM call with the input pattern as the called number. The contact_list field in the display contains the URLs returned by the ENUM server.
Given the following definition for ENUM match-table 3:
Router# voice enum_match_table 3
rule 1 5 /^9\(1.*\)/ /+\1/ cisco
rule 2 4 /^9011\(.*\)/ /+1408\1/ arpa
rule 10 1 /^(.*)/ /\1/
The following example tests the input string 12345 against ENUM match table 3:
Router# test enum 3 12345
enum_test_command: contact_list 62E4E8A4
Related Commands
rule (ENUM configuration)
Defines the match and replace patterns for the ENUM rule.
show voice enum-match-table
Displays the configuration for voice ENUM match tables.
voice enum-match-table
Initiates the definition of an ENUM match table.
test lmr clear-call
To tear down a Land Mobile Radio (LMR) connection, use the test lmr clear-call command in privileged EXEC mode.
test lmr {slot/subunit/port | slot/port:ds0-group} clear-call
Syntax Description
Voice port that you specify with the slot/subunit/port designation.
•slot specifies a router slot in which a voice network module (NM) is installed. Valid entries are router slot numbers for the particular platform.
•subunit specifies a voice interface card (VIC) in which the voice port is located. Valid entries are 0 and 1.
•port specifies an analog voice port number. Valid entries are 0 and 1.
The slash marks are required.
Voice port that you specify with the slot/port:ds0-group designation.
•slot specifies a router slot in which the packet voice NM is installed. Valid entries are router slot numbers for the particular platform.
•port specifies a T1 or E1 physical port in the voice WAN interface card (VWIC). Valid entries are 0 and 1.
•ds0-group specifies a T1 or E1 logical port number. T1 range is from 0 to 23. E1 range is from 0 to 30.
The colon is required.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(7)T.
Usage Guidelines
Because the LMR signaling protocol cannot terminate a call, the test lmr clear-call command can be used to tear down the call manually. This command tears down all LMR connections on the specified voice port.
In this example, all existing LMR connections on voice port 1/0/0 are torn down:
test lmr 1/0/0 clear-call
test pots dial
To dial a telephone number for the POTS port on the router by using a dial application on your workstation, use the test pots dial command in EXEC mode.
test pots port dial number[#]
Syntax Description
Port number 1 or 2.
Telephone number to dial.
(Optional) Turns off dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) detection from the telephone while sending the enbloc signal. If you do not include the pound-sign character (#) to terminate the number argument, you can use the telephone keypad to complete the call.
Command Modes
Command History
The command test pots port dial was introduced on the Cisco 800 series.
Usage Guidelines
If the telephone is on the hook when you issue the dial command, the router rings the telephone, waits until the telephone is taken off the hook, and then dials the requested number. If the telephone is off the hook and providing a dial tone when you issue the command, the router dials the requested number.
The following POTS dial command dials the telephone number 4085550134:
Router# test pots 1 dial 4085550134#
For an example of the test pots port dial command with debug output, see the debug pots csm command in the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference, Release 12.4.
Related Commands
show pots csm
Displays the current state of calls and the most recent event received by the CSM on the router.
test pots disconnect
Disconnects a telephone call for the POTS port on the router.
test pots disconnect
To disconnect a telephone call for the POTS port on the router, use the test pots disconnect command in EXEC mode.
test pots port disconnect
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco 800 series.
The following POTS disconnect command disconnects a telephone call from POTS port 1:
Router# test pots 1 disconnect
For an example of the test pots port disconnect command with debug output, see the debug pots csm command in the Cisco IOS Debug Command Reference, Release 12.4.
Related Commands
show pots csm
Displays the current state of calls and the most recent event received by the CSM on the router.
test pots dial
Dials a telephone number for the POTS port on the router by using a dial application on your workstation.
test source-group
To test the functionality of a source group, use the test source-group command in privileged EXEC mode.
test source-group {carrier-id source name | h323zone-id name | ip-address ip-address |
trunk-group-label source name}
Syntax Description
carrier-id source name
Source carrier ID of the source group to be tested.
h32zone-id name
Name of the H.323 zone source group to be tested.
ip-address ip-address
IP address of the source group to be tested.
trunk-group-label source name
Trunk group label of the source group to be tested.
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
The following example tests the source group with carrier ID "newyork":
Router# test source-group carrier-id source newyork
A source-group is found with source carrier-id newyork
carrier-id source="newyork",
carrier-id target="dallas",
trunk-group-label source="",
trunk-group-label target="",
The following example tests the source group with H.323 zone ID "sanjose":
Router# test source-group h323zone-id sanjose
A source-group is found with h323zone-id sanjose
trunk-group-label source="",
trunk-group-label target="",
The following example tests the source group using an IP address:
Router# test source-group ip-address
A source-group is found with ip-address=
trunk-group-label source="",
trunk-group-label target="",
The following example tests the source group with the trunk-group label "losangeles":
Router# test source-group trunk-group-label source losangeles
A source-group is found with source trunk-group-label losangeles
trunk-group-label source="losangeles",
trunk-group-label target="chicago",
The following example displays the error message for a nonexistent carrier ID or trunk-group label:
Router# test source-group carrier-id source 1511
No source-group is found with input source carrier-id 1511
Related Commands
show voice source-group
Displays the configuration for voice source IP groups.
voice source-group
Initiates the voice source-group definition.
test translation-rule
To test the execution of the translation rules on a specific name tag, use the test translation-rule command in global configuration mode. To disable the test, use the no form of this command.
test translation-rule name-tag input-number [input-numbering-type]
no test translation-rule name-tag input-number [input-numbering-type]
Syntax Description
The tag number by which the rule set is referenced. This is an arbitrarily chosen number. Range is from 1 to 2147483647.
The input string of digits for which a pattern matching is performed.
(Optional) The keyword choices for this field are international, national, subscriber, abbreviated, unknown, and any.
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
This command was introduced for VoIP on Cisco AS5300.
This command was implemented for the following voice technologies on the following platforms:
•VoIP (Cisco 2600, Cisco 3600, and Cisco MC3810)
•Voice over Frame Relay (Cisco 2600, Cisco 3600, and Cisco MC3810)
•Voice over ATM (Cisco 3600 and Cisco MC3810)
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1)T for the following voice technology on the following platforms:
•VoIP (Cisco 1750, Cisco 2600, Cisco 3600, Cisco AS5300, Cisco 7200, and Cisco 7500)
This command was implemented on the T train for the following voice technologies on the following platforms:
•VoIP (Cisco MC3810)
•Voice over Frame Relay (Cisco 2600, Cisco 3600, and Cisco MC3810)
•Voice over ATM (Cisco 3600 and Cisco MC3810)
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T.
The following example shows output from the test translation-rule command:
Router# translation-rule 21
Rule 1 555.% 1408555 subscriber international
Rule 2 8.% 1408555 abbreviated international
Router# test translation-rule 21 45678 abbreviated
*Jan 19 16:39:14.578:The replace number 45614085558
Related Commands
Specifies number type for the VoIP or POTS dial peer.
Applies a translation rule to a calling party number or a called party number for both incoming and outgoing calls.
show translation-rule
Displays the contents of all the rules that have been configured for a specific translation name.
Applies a translation rule to a calling party number or a called party number for incoming calls.
Applies a translation rule to a calling party number or a called party number for outgoing calls.
Creates a translation name and enters translation-rule configuration mode.
voip-incoming translation-rule
Captures calls that originate from H.323-compatible clients.
test trunkgroup
To place specific CIC or DS0s of a trunk group in test mode, use the test trunkgroup command in Privileged EXEC mode. This command does not have a no form.
test trunkgroup tg-label [set-tgCic | reset-tgCic] cic-number [cpc test-cps-value]
Syntax Description
The name for the test group created by this command.
(Optional) Sets the test mode so that the DS0 or CIC number specified will not be selected for calls.
Resets the DS0 or CIC number out of test mode.
The CIC number.
Command Default
If this command is not configured, no DS0 or CICs are set aside for test mode.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to define specified DS0/CICs as being in test mode. When this is done, the normal circuit selection algorithm would not select the specified DS0/CIC number for nontest calls.
The following example configures trunk group 1 for test mode:
Router# test trunkgroup 1 set-tgCic 48
The following output from the show trunk group command maps the timeslots to consecutive CIC numbers:
Router# show trunk group 1 cic
The following output from the show trunk group command show statistics for trunk group 1:
gateway# show trunk group
Translation profile (Incoming):
Translation profile (Outgoing):
Hunt Scheme is least-used
Max Calls (Incoming): NOT-SET (Any) 50 (Voice) NOT-SET (Data)
Max Calls (Outgoing): NOT-SET (Any) 50 (Voice) NOT-SET (Data)
Trunk Se3/0:23 Preference DEFAULT
Total channels available : 12
Data = 0, Voice = 0, Modem = 0, Pending = 0, Free = 12
Trunk Se5/1:23 Preference DEFAULT
Total channels available : 23
Data = 0, Voice = 0, Modem = 0, Pending = 0, Free = 23
Testmode Timeslot(s) : 19
Total calls for trunk group: Data = 0, Voice = 0, Modem = 0
advertise_flag 0x00000040, capacity timer 25 sec tripl_config_mask 0x00000000
AC_curr 35, FD_curr 0, SD_curr 0
succ_report 7 tot_report 7
changed 1 replacement position 0
Related Commands
show trunk group
Displays one or more trunk groups.
test voice echo
To check echo cancellation on a port, use the test voice echo command in global configuration mode.
Cisco Modular Access Routers with Analog Voice Ports
test voice echo slot/subunit/port echo-encapsulation-bit-mask
Cisco Modular Access Routers with Digital Voice Ports
test voice echo slot/port:ds0-group echo-encapsulation-bit-mask
Syntax Description
For Cisco Modular Access Routers with Analog Voice Ports:
Voice port that you specify with the slot/subunit/port designation.
•slot—Router slot in which a voice network module (NM) is installed. Valid entries are router slot numbers for the specific platform.
•subunit—Voice interface card (VIC) in which the voice port is located. Valid entries are 0 and 1.
•port—Analog voice port number. Valid entries are 0 and 1.
For Cisco Modular Access Routers with Digital Voice Ports:
Voice port that you specify with the slot/port:ds0-group designation.
•slot—Router slot in which the packet voice trunk network module (NM) is installed. Valid entries are router slot numbers for the specific platform.
•port—T1 or E1 physical port in the voice WAN interface card (VWIC). Valid entries are 0 and 1.
•ds0-group—T1 or E1 logical port number. T1 range is from 0 to 23. E1 range is from 0 to 30.
All Platforms:
DSP firmware echo canceller control. This is a 16-bit hex string. Valid ranges are from 0 to 0x0FFF. See Table 236 for valid bit settings.
Table 236 echo_encapsulation_bit_mask Bit Settings
DSPWare Version
Echo canceller disable control:
0=enable (default)
Disables echo cancellation.
When the echo canceller is disabled, the echo filter and all its internal state is kept but not updated. The input signal does not get processed by the echo canceller filter when disabled.
echo canceller freeze control:
0=echo filter update enable (default)
1=freeze echo filter (disable update)
Freezes the echo canceller filter.
While the echo canceller is frozen, the echo canceller filter and all other internal adaptive states are not updated.
NLP disable control:
0=enable NLP (default)
1=disable NLP
Disables the nonlinear processor (NLP).
The NLP is used to suppress residual echo (either replacing the residual echo with silence or with background noise). If disabled, residual echo is not suppressed. The NLP, if enabled, can be configured to replace the suppressed residual echo with either silence or comfort noise using the cn_disable subparameter. If comfort noise is disabled, the NLP replaces suppressed residual with silence. The NLP activation threshold can be modified using the threshold optional parameter. The activation threshold is used in determining at what level of residual echo (relative to the far end signal) the NLP activates. The NLP activation has a significant affect on the subjective quality of the echo canceller in double-talk, high background noise, or high tail length situations. If threshold is not sent in the echo_encapsulation_bit_mask argument, a value of -21 dB is used. Threshold only applies to the standard echo canceller. The extended echo canceller does not have a configurable NLP threshold.
Echo canceller reset control:
0=no reset
1=reset echo canceller filter (default)
Resets the echo canceller filter and all internal adaptive state of the echo canceller.
If the echo suppressor is enabled, it is also reset and activate for the configured coverage time. ec_reset subparameter differs from the other subparameters in that it is a trigger flag. The internal state of ec_reset is set to zero (0) after the echo reset.
High-pass filter disable control:
0= enable (default)
Disables the high-pass filter.
The echo canceller is preceded by a high-pass filter that operates on the input (near-end) signal. High-pass filtering is required for proper operation of the adaptive echo canceller algorithm. The high-pass filter should not be disabled while the echo canceller filter is operating; this can result in instability of the echo canceller filter updates. For channels that do not want the echo canceller to modify the input signal in any way (e.g. clear-channel applications), both the echo canceller and the high-pass filter should be disabled.
NLP comfort noise disable:
0=enable (default)
Controls the application of comfort noise.
Worst-case ERL configuration:
0=6 dB (default)
1=3 dB
2=0 dB
Configures the lowest amount of echo-return loss (ERL) that the echo canceller needs to operate properly.
If the extended echo canceller is selected, the worst_erl subparameter is used. If the standard echo canceller is selected, worst_erl is not used and must be set to zero (0). For ERLs lower than worst_erl, the echo canceller does not converge properly. The worst_erl setting does impact the performance of the double-talk detector that is used for much of the operation of the echo canceller, so for best performance it should not be set lower than is required.
4.1 and later
Echo tail length
0=24 ms
1=32 ms
2=48 ms
3=64 ms (default)
4=80 ms
5=96 ms
6=112 ms
7=128 ms
Configures the maximum tail length for the extended echo canceller.
If the extended echo canceller is selected, the tail_length subparameter is used. If the standard echo canceller is selected, the tail_length is not used and must be set to zero (0). The tail length of the standard echo canceller is not configured in the echo_encapsulation_bit_mask argument. Many DSP firmware builds limit the maximum tail length less than 128 ms. If the maximum tail length is limited by the DSP builds, configured values greater than that supported is set to the maximum supported by the build.
4.1 and later
Select active echo canceller type:
0= standard (default)
Selects (for those DSP firmware releases that support both standard and extended echo cancellers) the type of echo canceller to use.
Only a single type of echo canceller can be used for all channels in the DSP. If the nondefault echo canceller type is desired, an echo_encapsulation_bit_mask argument with the ecan_type set to the nondefault echo canceller type must be sent to a voice channel before any voice channel is place in a nonIDLE mode. All echo_encapsulation_bit_mask arguments sent to the DSP must have the identical setting of ecan_type. There is no changing the echo canceller type in the DSP. Switching between echo canceller types requires a reset of the DSP.
4.1 and later
Echo suppressor enable control:
0=disable (default)
Enables an echo suppressor.
In addition to the echo canceller, an echo suppressor is implemented in the DSP channel. If enabled through the sup_enable subparameter, the echo suppressor is activated when the echo canceller is reset, either due to a mode change (for example, from IDLE to VOICE), because of a bearer channel detects an echo suppression enable, or because of a echo canceller reset initiated by an echo_encapsulation_bit_mask argument. The echo suppressor remains enabled for 7 seconds. The echo suppressor is available only when running the standard echo canceller. All configuration information for the echo suppressor is ignored when running the extended echo canceller.
Reserved bits (must be set to zero)
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
A call must be in progress in order for this command to work.
The echo_encapsulation_bit_mask argument selects the type of echo canceller to use (standard or extended) and provides control for the voice channel's selected echo canceller. The echo canceller control information is kept statically in the voice channel for all modes. When the voice channel transitions from a mode that does not use the echo canceller (such as fax) to a mode that uses the echo canceller (such as voice), the static echo control information is used. The static echo control information is modified by using the echo_encapsulation_bit_mask argument..
Related Commands
echo-cancel coverage
Specifies the amount of coverage for echo cancellation.
echo-cancel enable
Enables echo cancellation on a voice port.
echo suppressor
Enables echo suppression to reduce initial echo before the echo canceller converges.
Enables nonlinear processing in the echo canceller.
test voice playout
To test the playout buffer that accommodates packet jitter caused by switches in the WAN, use the test voice playout command in privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco Modular Access Routers with Analog Voice Ports
test voice playout {adaptive | fixed | nots} initial-size minimum-size maximum-size
fax-nominal-size slot/subunit/port
Cisco Modular Access Routers with Digital Voice Ports
test voice playout {adaptive | fixed | nots} initial-size minimum-size maximum-size
fax-nominal-size slot/port:ds0-group
Syntax Description
All Platforms
Adaptive playout buffer. Jitter buffer size and amount of playout delay are adjusted during a call, on the basis of current network conditions.
Fixed playout buffer. Jitter buffer size does not adjust during a call; a constant playout delay is added.
Fixed playout buffer with no timestamps.
Initial playout buffer size. Range is 0 to 65535.
Minimum playout buffer size. Range is 0 to 65535.
Maximum playout buffer size. Range is 0 to 65535.
Fax nominal playout buffer size. Range is 0 to 65535.
For Cisco Modular Access Routers with Analog Voice Ports:
Voice port that you specify with the slot/subunit/port designation.
•slot—Router slot in which a voice network module (NM) is installed. Valid entries are router slot numbers for the specific platform.
•subunit—Voice interface card (VIC) in which the voice port is located. Valid entries are 0 and 1.
•port—Analog voice port number. Valid entries are 0 and 1.
For Cisco Modular Access Routers with Digital Voice Ports:
Voice port that you specify with the slot/port:ds0-group designation.
•slot—Router slot in which the packet voice trunk network module (NM) is installed. Valid entries are router slot numbers for the specific platform.
•port—T1 or E1 physical port in the voice WAN interface card (VWIC). Valid entries are 0 and 1.
•ds0-group—T1 or E1 logical port number. T1 range is from 0 to 23. E1 range is from 0 to 30.
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
A call must be in progress in order for this command to work.
Related Commands
playout-delay (dial peer)
Tunes the playout buffer on DSPs to accommodate packet jitter caused by switches in the WAN.
playout-delay (voice-port)
Tunes the playout buffer to accommodate packet jitter caused by switches in the WAN.
playout-delay mode
Selects fixed or adaptive mode for the jitter buffer on DSPs.
show call active voice
Displays active call information for voice calls.
test voice port detector
To test detector-related functions on a voice port, use the test voice port detector command in privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series with Analog Voice Ports
test voice port slot/subunit/port detector {m-lead | battery-reversal | ring | tip-ground |
ring-ground | ring-trip} {on | off | disable}
Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series with Digital Voice Ports
test voice port slot/port:ds0-group detector {m-lead | battery-reversal | ring | tip-ground |
ring-ground | ring-trip} {on | off | disable}
Syntax DescriptionDescription
For the Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series Routers with Analog Voice Ports:
Tests the voice port that you specify with the slot/subunit/port designation.
•slot specifies a router slot in which a voice network module (NM) is installed. Valid entries are router slot numbers for the particular platform.
•subunit specifies a voice interface card (VIC) in which the voice port is located. Valid entries are 0 and 1.
•port specifies an analog voice port number. Valid entries are 0 and 1.
For the Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series Routers with Digital Voice Ports:
Tests the voice port that you specify with the slot/port:ds0-group designation.
•slot specifies a router slot in which the packet voice trunk network module (NM) is installed. Valid entries are router slot numbers for the particular platform.
•port specifies a T1 or E1 physical port in the voice WAN interface card (VWIC). Valid entries are 0 and 1.
•ds0-group specifies a T1 or E1 logical port number. T1 range is from 0 to 23. E1 range is from 0 to 30.
For All Platforms:
Forces the E&M m-lead detector to the specified state.
Forces the Foreign Exchange Office (FXO) loop detector to the specified state.
Forces the FXO battery-reversal detector to the specified state.
Forces the FXO ringing detector to the specified state.
Forces the FXO tip-ground detector to the specified state.
Forces the Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) ring-ground detector to the specified state.
Forces the FXS ring-trip detector to the specified state.
Forces the selected item to the on state.
Forces the selected item to the off state.
Ends the forced state for the selected item.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced on Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco MC3810.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use the test voice port detector privileged EXEC command to force a detector into specific states for testing. For each signaling type (E&M, FXO, FXS), only the applicable keywords are displayed. When you are finished testing, be sure to enter the command with the disable keyword to end the forced state. The disable keyword is available only if a test condition is already activated.
The following example forces the ring-trip detector to the on state on an FXS port (0/0/1) and should start a call:
Router# test voice port 0/0/1 detector ring-trip on
The following example ends the forced on state on an FXS port (0/0/1):
Router# test voice port 0/0/1 detector ring-trip disable
Related Commands
test voice port inject-tone
Injects a test tone into a voice port.
test voice port loopback
Performs loopback testing on a voice port.
test voice port relay
Tests relay-related functions on a voice port.
test voice port switch
Forces a voice port into fax or voice mode.
test voice port inject-tone
To inject a test tone into a voice port, use the test voice port inject-tone command in privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series with Analog Voice Ports
test voice port slot/subunit/port inject-tone {local | network} {1000hz | 2000hz | 200hz | 3000hz
| 300hz | 3200hz | 3400hz | 500hz | quiet | disable}
Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series with Digital Voice Ports
test voice port slot/port:ds0-group inject-tone {local | network} {1000hz | 2000hz | 200hz |
3000hz | 300hz | 3200hz | 3400hz | 500hz | quiet | disable}
Syntax Description
For the Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series with Analog Voice Ports:
Tests the voice port that you specify with the slot/subunit/port designation.
•slot specifies a router slot in which a voice network module (NM) is installed. Valid entries are router slot numbers for the particular platform.
•subunit specifies a voice interface card (VIC) in which the voice port is located. Valid entries are 0 and 1.
•port specifies an analog voice port number. Valid entries are 0 and 1.
For the Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series with Digital Voice Ports:
Tests the voice port that you specify with the slot/port:ds0-group designation.
•slot specifies a router slot in which the packet voice trunk network module (NM) is installed. Valid entries are router slot numbers for the particular platform.
•port specifies a T1 or E1 physical port in the voice WAN interface card (VWIC). Valid entries are 0 and 1.
•ds0-group specifies a T1 or E1 logical port number. T1 range is from 0 to 23. E1 range is from 0 to 30.
For All platforms:
Directs the injected tone toward the local interface (near end).
Directs the injected tone toward the network (far end).
Injects a 1-kilohertz test tone.
Injects a 2-kilohertz test tone.
Injects a 200-hertz test tone.
Injects a 3-kilohertz test tone.
Injects a 300-hertz test tone.
Injects a 3.2-kilohertz test tone.
Injects a 3.4-kilohertz test tone.
Injects a 500-hertz test tone.
Injects a quiet tone.
Ends the test tone.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced on Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco MC3810.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use the test voice port inject-tone privileged EXEC command to inject a test tone or to end a test tone. A call must be established on the voice port under test. When you are finished testing, be sure to enter the disable keyword to end the test tone. The disable keyword is available only if a test condition is already activated.
When you enter the disable keyword, you must enter a direction (either network or local); however, you can enter either direction, regardless of which direction you entered to inject the test tone.
The following example removes the test tone from port 0/0/1:
Router# test voice port 0/0/1 inject-tone network disable
Router# test voice port 0/0/1 inject-tone local disable
Related Commands
test voice port detector
Tests detector-related functions on a voice port.
test voice port loopback
Performs loopback testing on a voice port.
test voice port relay
Tests relay-related functions on a voice port.
test voice port switch
Forces a voice port into fax or voice mode.
test voice port loopback
To perform loopback testing on a voice port, use the test voice port loopback command in privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series with Analog Voice Ports
test voice port slot/subunit/port loopback {local | network | disable}
Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series with Digital Voice Ports
test voice port slot/port:ds0-group loopback {local | network | disable}
Syntax Description
For the Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series with Analog Voice Ports:
Tests the voice port that you specify with the slot/subunit/port designation.
•slot specifies a router slot in which a voice network module (NM) is installed. Valid entries are router slot numbers for the particular platform.
•subunit specifies a voice interface card (VIC) in which the voice port is located. Valid entries are 0 and 1.
•port specifies an analog voice port number. Valid entries are 0 and 1.
For the Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series with Digital Voice Ports:
Tests the voice port that you specify with the slot/port:ds0-group designation.
•slot specifies a router slot in which the packet voice trunk network module (NM) is installed. Valid entries are router slot numbers for the particular platform.
•port specifies a T1 or E1 physical port in the voice WAN interface card (VWIC). Valid entries are 0 and 1.
•ds0-group specifies a T1 or E1 logical port number. T1 range is from 0 to 23. E1 range is from 0 to 30.
All Platforms:
Forces a loopback at the voice port toward the customer premises equipment (CPE).
Forces a loopback at the voice port toward network.
Ends the forced loopback.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced on Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco MC3810.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use the test voice port loopback privileged EXEC command to initiate or end a loopback at a voice port. A call must be established on the voice port under test. When you are finished testing, be sure to enter the disable keyword to end the forced loopback. The disable keyword is available only if a test condition is already activated.
The following example forces a loopback toward the CPE on voice port 1/1/0:
Router# test voice port 1/1/0 loopback local
The following example ends a forced loopback on port 0/0/1:
Router# test voice port 0/0/1 loopback disable
Related Commands
test voice port detector
Tests detector-related functions on a voice port.
test voice port inject-tone
Injects a test tone into a voice port.
test voice port relay
Tests relay-related functions on a voice port.
test voice port switch
Forces a voice port into fax or voice mode.
test voice port relay
To test relay-related functions on a voice port, use the test voice port relay command in privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series with Analog Voice Ports
test voice port slot/subunit/port relay {e-lead | loop | ring-ground | battery-reversal |
power-denial | ring | tip-ground} {on | off | disable}
Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series with Digital Voice Ports
test voice port slot/port:ds0-group relay {e-lead | loop | ring-ground | battery-reversal |
power-denial | ring | tip-ground} {on | off | disable}
Syntax Description
For the Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series with Analog Voice Ports:
Tests the voice port that you specify with the slot/subunit/port designation.
•slot specifies a router slot in which a voice network module (NM) is installed. Valid entries are router slot numbers for the particular platform.
•subunit specifies a voice interface card (VIC) in which the voice port is located. Valid entries are 0 and 1.
•port specifies an analog voice port number. Valid entries are 0 and 1.
For the Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series with Digital Voice Ports:
Tests the voice port that you specify with the slot/port:ds0-group designation.
•slot specifies a router slot in which the packet voice trunk network module (NM) is installed. Valid entries are router slot numbers for the particular platform.
•port specifies a T1 or E1 physical port in the voice WAN interface card (VWIC). Valid entries are 0 and 1.
•ds0-group specifies a T1 or E1 logical port number. T1 range is from 0 to 23. E1 range is from 0 to 30.
All Platforms:
Forces the E&M e-lead relay to the specified state.
Forces theForeign Exchange Office (FXO) loop relay to the specified state.
Forces the FXO ring-ground relay to the specified state.
Forces the FXO battery-reversal relay to the specified state.
Forces the Foreign Exchange Station (FXS) power-denial relay to the specified state.
Forces the FXS ringing relay to the specified state.
Forces the FXS tip-ground relay to the specified state.
Forces the selected item to the on state.
Forces the selected item to the off state.
Ends the forced state for the selected item.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced on Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco MC3810.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use the test voice port relay privileged EXEC command to force a relay into specific states for testing. For each signaling type (E&M, FXO, FXS), only the applicable keywords are displayed. When you are finished testing, be sure to enter the disable keyword to end the forced state. The disable keyword is available only if a test condition is already activated.
The following example forces the E&M e-lead relay to the on state on port 0/0/1:
Router# test voice port 0/0/1 relay e-lead on
The following example ends a forced actuation of the battery-reversal relay on an FXS port (0/0/1):
Router# test voice port 0/0/1 relay battery-reversal disable
Related Commands
test voice port detector
Tests detector-related functions on a voice port.
test voice port inject-tone
Injects a test tone into a voice port.
test voice port switch
Forces a voice port into fax or voice mode.
test voice port switch
To force a voice port into fax mode, use the test voice port switch command in privileged EXEC mode.
Cisco 2600 and 3600 Series with Analog Voice Ports
test voice port slot/subunit/port switch {fax | disable}
Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series with Digital Voice Ports
test voice port slot/port:ds0-group switch {fax | disable}
Syntax Description
For the Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series with Analog Voice Ports:
Tests the voice port that you specify with the slot/subunit/port designation.
•slot specifies a router slot in which a voice network module (NM) is installed. Valid entries are router slot numbers for the particular platform.
•subunit specifies a voice interface card (VIC) in which the voice port is located. Valid entries are 0 and 1.
•port specifies an analog voice port number. Valid entries are 0 and 1.
For the Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 Series with Digital Voice Ports:
Tests the voice port that you specify with the slot/port:ds0-group designation.
•slot specifies a router slot in which the packet voice trunk network module (NM) is installed. Valid entries are router slot numbers for the particular platform.
•port specifies a T1 or E1 physical port in the voice WAN interface card (VWIC). Valid entries are 0 and 1.
•ds0-group specifies a T1 or E1 logical port number. T1 range is from 0 to 23. E1 range is from 0 to 30.
For All Platforms:
Forces a switch to fax mode.
Ends fax mode; switches back to voice mode.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced on Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco MC3810.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use the test voice port switch privileged EXEC command to force a voice port into fax mode for testing. If no fax data is detected by the voice port, the voice port remains in fax mode for 30 seconds and then reverts automatically to voice mode. After you enter the test voice port switch fax command, you can use the show voice call or show voice call summary command to check whether the voice port is able to operate in fax mode.
The disable keyword ends the forced mode switch; however, the fax mode ends automatically after 30 seconds. The disable keyword is available only while the voice port is in fax mode.
The following example forces voice port 1/3/0 into fax mode:
Router# test voice port 1/3/0 switch fax
The following example returns voice port 0/0/1 to voice mode:
Router# test voice port 0/0/1 switch disable
Related Commands
show voice call
Displays the call processing and protocol state-machine information for a voice port.
show voice call summary
Displays a summary of the call processing and protocol state-machine information for a voice port.
test voice port thl-sweep
To determine the optimum impedance value for a voice port, use the test voice port thl-sweep command in privileged EXEC mode.
test voice port port thl-sweep [verbose]
Syntax Description
Voice port on which to run the test.
Note Port syntax is platform-dependent; type ? to determine.
(Optional) Lists detailed information including frequency, ERL value, and transmit and receive power level for each impedance setting.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
This command injects tones on the specified voice port to determine the recommended impedance value that provides sufficient echo return loss (ERL). Before using this command, place an outbound call to a quiet termination point from the voice port under test. If that is not possible, call an IP phone and mute it.
Use the verbose keyword to list detailed information about the test.
The following example injects test tones on port 1/0/1. The results indicate that the recommended impedance setting is impedance complex5.
Router# test voice port 1/0/1 thl-sweep
test complete for 600r ERL = 22
test complete for 600c ERL = 22
test complete for complex5 ERL = 29
test complete for complex6 ERL = 16
The following example shows output using the verbose keyword:
Router# test voice port 1/0/1 thl-sweep verbose
Freq (hz), ERL (dB), TX Power (dBm), RX Power (dBm)
test complete for 600r ERL = 22
Freq (hz), ERL (dB), TX Power (dBm), RX Power (dBm)
test complete for 600c ERL = 22
Freq (hz), ERL (dB), TX Power (dBm), RX Power (dBm)
test complete for complex5 ERL = 29
Freq (hz), ERL (dB), TX Power (dBm), RX Power (dBm)
test complete for complex6 ERL = 16
Related Commands
echo-cancel coverage
Adjusts the size of the echo canceller.
Sets the terminating impedance for a voice port.
show call active voice
Displays information about active voice calls including input and output levels for a call and the ERL value.
test voice port inject-tone
Injects a test tone into a voice port.
test voice tone
To test a variety of telephony tones, use the test voice tone command in privileged EXEC mode.
For Tone Testing
test voice tone locale {busy | congestion | dialtone | number_unavailable | offhook_alert |
ring_back} frequency-number 1st-frequency 2nd-frequency 1st-amplitude-fxs
1st-amplitude-fxo 1st-amplitude-e&m 2nd-amplitude-fxs 2nd-amplitude-fxo
2nd-amplitude-e&m 1st-on 1st-off 2nd-on 2nd-off 3rd-on 3rd-off 4th-on 4th-off
For DTMF Testing
test voice tone locale dtmf r0 r1 r2 r3 c0 c1 c2 c3 a1 a2
For Pulse Ratio Testing
test voice tone locale pulse percent
To Show Test Details
test voice tone locale show
Syntax Description
All Tests
Identifies the country with a two-letter ISO-3166 country code shown in Table 237.
For Tone Testing
Specifies testing of the busy tone.
Specifies testing of the congestion tone.
Specifies testing of the dial tone.
Specifies testing of the tone that occurs when a number is unavailable.
Specifies testing of the offhook alert tone.
Specifies testing of the ring-back tone.
Identifies the number of frequencies to be tested. Valid entries are 1 or 2.
Frequency of the first component in Hz. Range is 0 to 65535.
Frequency of the second component in Hz. Range is 0 to 65535.
(optional) Amplitude of the first component for FXS signaling in tenths of a decibel (dB). Range is -300 to 0.
(optional) Amplitude of the first component for FXO signaling in tenths of a decibel (dB). Range is -300 to 0.
(optional) Amplitude of the first component for E&M signaling in tenths of a decibel (dB). Range is -300 to 0.
(optional) Amplitude of the second component for FXS signaling in tenths of a decibel (dB). Range is -300 to 0.
(optional) Amplitude of the second component for FXO signaling in tenths of a decibel (dB). Range is -300 to 0.
(optional) Amplitude of the second component for E&M signaling in tenths of a decibel (dB). Range is -300 to 0.
On time for the first component in milliseconds (ms). Range is 0 to 65535.
Off time for the first component in milliseconds (ms). Range is 0 to 65535.
On time for the second component in milliseconds (ms). Range is 0 to 65535.
Off time for the second component in milliseconds (ms). Range is 0 to 65535.
On time for the third component in milliseconds (ms). Range is 0 to 65535.
Off time for the third component in milliseconds (ms). Range is 0 to 65535.
On time for the fourth component in milliseconds (ms). Range is 0 to 65535.
Off time for the fourth component in milliseconds (ms). Range is 0 to 65535.
For DTMF Testing
Specifies DTMF tone testing.
Frequency of the DTMF tone in row 0. Range is 0 to 65535. Typical DTMF setting is shown in Table 238.
Frequency of the DTMF tone in row 1. Range is 0 to 65535. Typical DTMF setting is shown in Table 238.
Frequency of the DTMF tone in row 2. Range is 0 to 65535. Typical DTMF setting is shown in Table 238.
Frequency of the DTMF tone in row 3. Range is 0 to 65535. Typical DTMF setting is shown in Table 238.
Frequency of the DTMF tone in column 0. Range is 0 to 65535. Typical DTMF setting is shown in Table 238.
Frequency of the DTMF tone in column 1. Range is 0 to 65535. Typical DTMF setting is shown in Table 238.
Frequency of the DTMF tone in column 2. Range is 0 to 65535. Typical DTMF setting is shown in Table 238.
Frequency of the DTMF tone in column 3. Range is 0 to 65535. Typical DTMF setting is shown in Table 238.
Frequency for the low frequency level. Range is 0 to 65535.
Frequency for the high frequency level. Range is 0 to 65535.
For Pulse Ratio Testing
Specifies pulse ratio testing.
Percentage of the break period for a dialing pulse. Valid entries are numbers from 1 to 99.
To Show Test Details
Displays the test voice tone parameters.
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
The two-letter country code used in the locale argument is based on the ISO-3166 standard. The codes used for this keyword are shown in Table 237.
Table 237 Valid Command Entries for locale Argument
locale Argument Value
locale Argument Value
New Zealand
Czech Republic
Russian Federation
Great Britain
Saudi Arabia1
Hong Kong
South Africa
United States
Korea Republic
Table 238 shows typical DTMF frequencies and the keypad entries to which they correspond.
Table 238 Typical DTMF Frequencies
Row ID
Column ID
The following example shows the output for the test voice tone us show command. This command shows the current settings for the tones for a specified locale.
Router# test voice tone us show
Code:US Country:United States
DTMF freq.(Hz) Row / col: 697, 770, 852, 941 / 1209, 1336, 1477, 1633
Pulse dial:normal, Percent make:40%, DTMF low Amp. = 65446, high Amp. = 65467, Pcm:u-Law
BUSY 2 480 620 -170 -170 -240 -170 -170 -240 500 500 0 0 0
0 0 0
RING_BACK 2 440 480 -160 -160 -190 -160 -160 -190 2000 4000 0 0 0
0 0 0
CONGESTION 2 480 620 -170 -170 -190 -170 -170 -240 250 250 0 0 0
0 0 0
NUM_UNOBTAINAB 2 480 620 -170 -170 -190 -170 -170 -240 250 250 0 0 0
0 0 0
DIALTONE 2 350 440 -165 -165 -185 -165 -165 -185 65535 0 0 0 0
0 0 0
DIAL_TONE2 2 350 440 -165 -165 -185 -165 -165 -185 65535 0 0 0 0
0 0 0
OUT_OF_SERVICE 1 950 0 -150 -150 -185 0 0 0 330 330 0 0 0
0 0 0
ADDR_ACK 1 600 0 -240 -240 -240 0 0 0 125 125 125 65535 0
0 0 0
DISCONNECT 1 600 0 -150 -150 -185 0 0 0 330 330 330 65535 0
0 0 0
OFFHOOK_NOTICE 2 1400 2040 -240 -240 -240 -240 -240 -240 100 100 0 0 0
0 0 0
OFFHOOK_ALERT 2 1400 2040 -150 -150 -185 -150 -150 -185 100 100 0 0 0
0 0 0
Related Commands
Specifies a regional analog tone, ring, and cadence setting
test voice translation-rule
To test the functionality of a translation rule, use the test voice translation-rule command in privileged EXEC mode.
test voice translation-rule number input-test-string [type match-type [plan match-type] ]
Syntax Description
Specifies the number of the translation rule to be tested. Range is from 1 to 2147483647.
String to be tested by the translation rule.
type match-type
(Optional) Number type of the call. Valid values for the match-type argument are as follows:
•abbreviated—Abbreviated representation of the complete number as supported by this network.
•any—Any type of called number.
•international—Number called to reach a subscriber in another country.
•national—Number called to reach a subscriber in the same country, but outside the local network.
•network—Administrative or service number specific to the serving network.
•reserved—Reserved for extension.
•subscriber—Number called to reach a subscriber in the same local network.
•unknown—Number of a type that is unknown to the network.
plan match-type
(Optional) Numbering plan of the call. Valid values for the match-type argument are as follows:
•any—Any type of called number.
•data—Number called for data calls.
•ermes—European Radio Message standard numbering plan.
•isdn—Called number for an ISDN network.
•national—Number called to reach a subscriber in the same country, but outside the local network.
•private—Number called for a private network.
•reserved—Reserved for extension.
•telex—Numbering plan for Telex equipment.
•unknown—Number of a type that is unknown to the network.
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
The number type and calling plan are optional parameters defined in a translation rule. If either parameter is defined, the call must match the match pattern and the type or plan value in order to be selected for translation.
The following example tests the functionality of translation rule 5 with string 2015550101.
Router(config)# voice translation-rule 5
Router(cfg-translation-rule)# rule 1 /201/ /102/
Router(cfg-translation-rule)# exit
Router# test voice translation-rule 5 2015550101
Original number:2015550101 Translated number:1025550101
Original number type: none Translated number type: none
Original number plan: none Translated number plan: none
The following examples display the error messages for a nonexistent rule or match pattern:
Router# test voice translation-rule 6 2015550101
Error: Ruleset 6 not found
Router# test voice translation-rule 5 2125550101
2125550101 Didn't match with any rules
Related Commands
rule (voice translation-rule)
Defines the translation-rule criteria.
show voice translation-rule
Displays the configuration for voice translation rules.
voice translation-rule
Initiates the translation-rule definition.
test vrm busyout
To busy out a specific digital signal processor (DSP) or channels on a specific DSP, use the test vrm busyout command in privileged EXEC mode.
test vrm busyout slot-number {first-dsp-number {last-dsp-number | channel number} | all}
Syntax Description
Slot in which the voice feature card (VFC) is installed. Range is from 0 to 11. There is no default value.
First DSP in a range to be busied out. Each VFC holds 96 DSPs, so the range is from 1 to 96. There is no default value.
Last DSP in a range to be busied out. Each VFC holds 96 DSPs, so the range is from 1 to 96. There is no default value.
A certain channel on the specified DSPs is to be busied out.
Channel to be busied out. Values are 1 or 2. There is no default value.
All 96 DSPs on the VFC installed in the defined slot are to be busied out.
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced on Cisco AS5800.
Usage Guidelines
Use the test vrm busyout command to busy out either one specific DSP or a range of DSPs on a specific VFC. In addition, you can use this command to busy out a particular channel on a specified DSP or range of DSPs. To restore the activity of the busied-out DSPs, use the test vrm unbusyout command.
The following example busies out all of the DSPs and associated channels for the VFC located in slot 4:
Router# test vrm busyout 4 all
The following example busies out all of the channels from DSP1 to DSP3 for the VFC located in slot 4:
Router# test vrm busyout 4 1 3
The following example busies out only channel 2 of DSP1 for the VFC located in slot 4:
Router# test vrm busyout 4 1 channel 2
Related Commands
test vrm unbusyout
Restores activity to a busied-out DSP or busied-out channels on a DSP.
test vrm reset
To reset a particular digital signal processor (DSP), use the test vrm reset command in privileged EXEC mode.
test vrm reset slot-number dsp-number
Syntax Description
Number that identifies the slot in which the voice feature card (VFC) is installed.
Number that identifies the DSP to be reset.
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced on Cisco AS5300.
Usage Guidelines
Use the test vrm reset command to send a hard reset command to an identified DSP. When this command is used, any active calls on all channels associated with this DSP are dropped. Under most circumstances, you need never use this command.
The following example resets DSP 4 on the VFC installed in slot 2:
Router# test vrm reset 2 4
Resetting voice device may terminate active calls [confirm}
Reset command sent to voice card 4 for voice device 2.
test vrm unbusyout
To restore activity to a busied-out digital signal processor (DSP) or busied-out channels on a DSP, use the test vrm unbusyout command in privileged EXEC mode.
test vrm unbusyout slot-number {first-dsp-number {last-dsp-number | channel number} | all }
Syntax Description
Number that identifies the slot in which the voice feature card (VFC) is installed. Range is from 0 to 11. There is no default value.
First DSP in a range to be restored. Each VFC holds 96 DSPs. Range is from 1 to 96. There is no default value.
Last DSP in a range to be restored. Each VFC holds 96 DSPs. Range is 1 to 96. There is no default value.
A certain channel on the specified DSPs is to be restored.
Channel to be restored. Values are 1 or 2. There is no default value.
All 96 DSPs on the VFC installed in the defined slot are to be restored.
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced on Cisco AS5300.
Usage Guidelines
Use the test vrm unbusyout command to restore either one specific DSP or a range of DSPs on a specific VFC. In addition, you can use this command to restore a particular channel on a specified DSP or range of DSPs. To busy out a DSP (or range of DSPs) or to busy out a particular channel, use the test vrm busyout command.
The following example restores the activity of all DSPs and associated channels for the VFC located in slot 4:
Router# test vrm unbusyout 4 all
The following example restores the activity of all channels on the DSP from DSP1 to DSP3 for the VFC located in slot 4:
Router# test vrm unbusyout 4 1 3
The following example restores the activity of only channel 2 of DSP1 for the VFC located in slot 4:
Router# test vrm unbusyout 4 1 channel 2
Related Commands
test vrm busyout
Busy outs a specific DSP or channels on a specific DSP.
text relay modulation
To configure the TTY modulation used on the gateway for Cisco text relay for Baudot text phones, use the text relay modulation command in dial peer configuration mode or voice-service configuration mode. To disable text relay modulation, use the no form of this command.
text relay modulation {baudot45.45 | baudot50} {autobaud-on | autobaud-off}
no text relay modulation
Syntax Description
Configures baudot 45.45 TTY modulation. This is the default baud rate.
Configures baudot 50 TTY modulation.
Enables the digital signal processors (DSPs) to autodetect the baud rate. This is the default autobaud setting.
Disables the DSP capability to autodetect the baud rate.
Command Default
The TTY modulation is baudot45.45 autobaud-on.
Command Modes
Dial peer configuration
Voice-service configuration
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
You must select a baud rate and enable or disable the autobaud functionality on the DSP.
•Use this command in voice-service configuration mode to set the TTY modulation globally. A global configuration is the system-wide configuration that is applied to any VoIP call on the gateway.
•Use this command in dial peer configuration mode to set the TTY modulation for calls that match a specific dial peer. The dial peer configuration takes precedence over the global configuration.
The following example shows how to globally set the text relay TTY modulation to Baudot 50:
Router(config)# voice service voip
Router(config-voi-serv)# text relay modulation baudot50 autobaud-off
The following example shows how to set the text relay TTY modulation to Baudot 50 for calls that match a specific dial peer:
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 2000 voip
Router(config-dial-peer)# text relay modulation baudot50 autobaud-off
Related Commands
text relay protocol
Configures the system-wide protocol type for text packets transmitted between gateways.
text relay rtp
Configures the RTP payload type and redundancy level.
text relay protocol
To enable Cisco text relay for Baudot text phones, use the text relay protocol command in dial peer configuration mode or voice-service configuration mode. To disable text relay capabilities, use the no form of this command.
text relay protocol [cisco | system]
no text relay protocol
Syntax Description
(Optional) Uses the Cisco proprietary text relay protocol.
(Optional; dial peer configuration only) Uses the global configuration settings.
Command Default
The text relay protocol is disabled.
Command Modes
Dial peer configuration
Voice-service configuration
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
•Use this command in voice-service configuration mode to enable text relay globally for H.323, SIP, and MGCP. A global configuration is the system-wide configuration that is applied to any VoIP call on the gateway.
•Use this command in dial peer configuration mode to enable text relay for calls that match a specific dial peer. The dial peer configuration takes precedence over the global configuration.
The following example shows how to enable text relay for all VoIP calls on the gateway:
Router(config)# voice service voip
Router(config-voi-serv)# text relay protocol cisco
The following example shows how to enable text relay for calls that match a specific dial peer:
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 2000 voip
Router(config-dial-peer)# text relay protocol cisco
Related Commands
text relay modulation
Configures the TTY modulation on the gateway.
text relay rtp
Configures the RTP payload type and redundancy level.
text relay rtp
To configure the Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) payload type and redundancy level for Cisco text relay for Baudot text phones, use the text relay rtp command in dial peer configuration mode or voice-service configuration mode. To disable the text relay RTP payload type and redundancy level, use the no form of this command.
text relay rtp {payload-type {value | default} {redundancy level}
no text relay rtp
Syntax Description
payload-type {value | default}
The RTP payload is the data transported by RTP in a packet.
•The value range is 98 to 117 for dynamic RTP payload types.
•The default value is 119, which is a static payload type.
redundancy level
Use the redundancy option to repeat data for redundancy and to lower the risk of packet loss. The redundancy level is the number of redundant text packets sent across the VoIP network. The range is 1 to 3. The default value is 2.
Command Default
Text relay RTP is disabled.
Command Modes
Dial peer configuration
Voice-service configuration
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
When using the text relay rtp command, you can either configure the payload-type, or the redundancy level, or both.
•Use this command in voice-service configuration mode to set the RTP payload type and redundancy level globally for H.323, SIP, and MGCP. A global configuration is the system-wide configuration that is applied to any VoIP call on the gateway.
•Use this command in dial peer configuration mode to set the RTP payload type and redundancy level for calls that match a specific dial peer. The dial peer configuration takes precedence over the global configuration.
The following example shows how to globally configure text relay RTP payload type 117 and redundancy level 2:
Router(config)# voice service voip
Router(config-voi-serv)# text relay rtp payload-type 117 redundancy 2
The following example shows how to configure the default text relay RTP payload type and redundancy level 1 for calls that match a specific dial peer:
Router(config)# dial-peer voice 2000 voip
Router(config-dial-peer)# text relay rtp payload-type default redundancy 1
Related Commands
text relay modulation
Configures the TTY modulation on the gateway.
text relay protocol
Configures the system-wide protocol type for text packets transmitted between gateways.
tgrep address-family
To set the address family to be used on a local dial peer, use the tgrep address-family command in dial peer configuration mode. To return to the global setting, use the no form of this command.
tgrep address family {e164 | decimal | penta-decimal}
no tgrep address family {e164 | decimal | penta-decimal}
Syntax Description
E.164 address family.
Decimal address family
Penta-decimal address family
Command Default
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Dial peer configuration
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
The E. 164 address family is used if the telephony network is a public telephony network. Decimal and pentadecimal options can be used to advertise private dial plans. For example if a company wants to use TRIP in within their enterprise telephony network using 5-digit extensions, then the gateway would advertise the beginning digits of their private numbers as a decimal address family. These calls cannot be sent out of the company's private telephony network because they are not E.164-compliant.
The pentadecimal family allows numbers 0 through 9 and alphabetic characters A through E and can be used in countries where letters are also carried in the called number.
The following example shows that POTS dial peer 10 has the address family set for E.164 addresses:
Router(config)# dial-peer voice pots 10
Router(config-dial-peer)# tgrep address family e164
Related Commands
dial-peer voice
Enters dial peer configuration mode and specifies the method of voice-related encapsulation.
tgrep advertise (dial peer)
To set the attributes for advertisement of the prefix on this dial peer or to disable advertisement on this dial peer altogether, use the tgrep advertise command in dial peer configuration mode. To return to using the global setting, use the no form of this command.
tgrep advertise [csr] [ac] [tc] [carrier | trunk-group] [disable]
no tgrep advertise [csr] [ac] [tc] [carrier | trunk-group] [disable]
Syntax Description
Call success rate
Available circuits
Total circuits
Carrier code address family
Trunk group address family
Disables advertisement of this dial peer
Command Default
Prefix advertisement is not sent.
Command Modes
Dial peer configuration
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
When only tgrep advertise is entered, the dial peer is advertised without any other attribute.
When no tgrep advertise is used on the dial peer, the dial peer inherits the attributes set in the global advertise command.
When the global no advertise command is used, it forbids advertisement of that particular address family altogether. The tgrep advertise command has no effect until the advertisement of the address family is enabled globally.
The following example shows a TGREP advertisement that sends call success rate, available circuits, total circuits, and carrier address family attribute information:
Router(config)# dial-peer voice pots 10
Router(config-dial-peer)# tgrep advertise csr ac tc carrier
Related Commands
dial-peer voice
Enters dial peer configuration mode and specifies the method of voice-related encapsulation.
tgrep advertise (trunk group)
To turn on the advertisement of this trunk group for resource availability and other carrier information, use the tgrep advertise command in trunk group configuration mode. To turn off local trunk group advertisement and use the global setting, use the no form of this command.
tgrep advertise [csr] [ac] [tc] [disable]
no tgrep advertise [csr] [ac] [tc] [disable]
Syntax Description
Call success rate.
Available circuits.
Total circuits.
Disables advertisement on the trunk group.
Command Default
Trunk group advertisement is not sent
Command Modes
Trunk group configuration
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
When only tgrep advertise is entered, the trunk group is advertised without any other attribute. When no tgrep advertise is used, the trunk group uses the global setting configured with the advertise command in TGREP configuration mode. To turn off advertisement of this trunk group, the disable keyword should be used.
There is a subtle difference between the no form of this command and the no form of the global advertise command. When no tgrep advertise is used on the trunk group, the trunk group inherits the attributes set in the global advertise command.
When the global no advertise command is used, it forbids advertisement of that particular address family altogether. The tgrep advertise command has no effect until the advertisement of the address family is enabled globally.
When the carrier keyword is used, the carrier defined under the trunk group assumes the configuration. Because multiple trunk groups can have the same carrier defined, the same configuration will show up under all trunk groups that have the same carrier defined. When the no tgrep advertise carrier command is used to revert to the global carrier configuration for the carrier under this trunk group, the same will happen to all the trunk groups who have the same carrier defined under them.
Note This command overrides the attributes set for advertisement using the global advertise (tgrep) command.
The following example shows that trunk group 101 has been configured to send a TGREP advertisement that sends call success rate, available circuits, total circuits, and prefix attribute information:
Router(config)# trunk group 101
Router(config-dial-peer)# tgrep advertise csr ac tc carrier
Related Commands
advertise (tgrep)
Turns on reporting for a specified address family.
trunk group
Defines the trunk group and enters trunk group configuration mode.
tgrep local-itad
To enable TGREP on the gateway and enter TGREP configuration mode, use the tgrep local-itad command in global configuration mode. To disable TRIP on the gateway, use the no form of this command.
tgrep local-itad itad_number
no tgrep local-itad itad_number
Syntax Description
ITAD number associated with the gateway. The value can be from 1 to 4294967295.
Command Default
TGREP is not enabled on the gateway.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
This command was introduced.
The following example shows TGREP being enabled for ITAD number 1234:
Router(config)# tgrep local-itad 1234
Related Commands
Sets the global address family to be used on all dial peers.
advertise (tgrep)
Turns on reporting for a specified address family.
Creates a TGREP session with another device.
threshold noise
To configure a noise threshold for incoming calls, use the threshold noise command in voice-port configuration mode. To restore the default, use the no form of this command.
threshold noise {value}
no threshold noise {value}
Syntax Description
Number that establishes a noise threshold. Valid values are from -30 to -90 decibels (dBs). The default is -62 dB.
Command Default
-62 dB
Command Modes
Voice-port configuration
Command History
This command was introduced on the following platforms: Cisco 1700 Cisco 1751, Cisco 2600 (with and without the NM-HDA), Cisco 3600 (with and without the NM-HDA), Cisco 7200 (with and without the NM-HDA), Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5800, and Cisco MC3810.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(16).
Usage Guidelines
Cisco voice activity detection (VAD) has two layers: application programming interface (API) layer and processing layer. There are 3 states that the processing layer classifies incoming signals: speech, unknown, and silence. The state of the incoming signals is determined by the noise threshold.
In earlier Cisco IOS releases, the noise threshold is fixed between -62 dB and -78 dB. If the voice level is below the noise threshold, then the signal is classified as silence. If the incoming signal cannot be classified, the variable thresholds that are computed with the statistics of speech and noise that VAD gathers is used to make a determination. If the signal still cannot be classified, then it is marked as unknown. The final decision is made by the API. For applications such as hoot-n-holler, you could have the noise create unwanted spurious packets (for example, a voice stream) taking up bandwidth.
With Cisco IOS Release 12.2(16), the noise threshold is configurable using the threshold noise command.
The following sample configuration shows a noise threshold level of -50 dB: