Table Of Contents
show aal2 profile
show atm video-voice address
show auto-config
show backhaul-session-manager group
show backhaul-session-manager session
show backhaul-session-manager set
show call accounting-template voice
show call active fax
show call active media
show call active video
show call active voice
show call application app-level
show call application gateway-level
show call application interface
show call application services registry
show call application session-level
show call application sessions
show call application voice
show call fallback cache
show call fallback config
show call fallback stats
show call filter components
show call filter match-list
show aal2 profile
To display the ATM adaptation layer 2 (AAL2) profiles configured on the system, use the show aal2 profile command in privileged EXEC mode.
show aal2 profile {all {itut profile-number | atmf profile-number | custom profile-number}}
Syntax Description
Displays ITU-T, ATMF, and custom AAL2 profiles configured on the system.
Displays ITU-T profiles configured on the system.
Displays ATMF profiles configured on the system.
Displays custom profiles configured on the system.
AAL2 profile number to display. Choices are as follows:
For ITU-T:
•1 = G.711 u-law
•2 = G.711 u-law with silence insertion descriptor (SID)
•7 = G.711 u-law and G.729ar8
For ATMF: None. ATMF is not supported.
For custom:
•100 = G.711 u-law and G.726r32
•110 = G.711 u-law, G.726r32, and G.729ar8
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco MC3810.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)T.
This command was implemented on the Cisco 7200 series.
Usage Guidelines
This command applies to AAL2 VoATM applications on the Cisco 7200 series routers.
The following command displays all of the configured profiles in the system:
Router# show aal2 profile all
Printing all the Profiles in the system
Profile Type: ITUT Profile Number: 1 SID Support: 0
Red enable: 1 Num entries: 1
Coding type: g711ulaw Packet length: 40 UUI min: 0 UUI max: 15
Profile Type: ITUT Profile Number: 2 SID Support: 1
Red enable: 1 Num entries: 1
Coding type: g711ulaw Packet length: 40 UUI min: 0 UUI max: 15
Profile Type: custom Profile Number: 100 SID Support: 1
Red enable: 1 Num entries: 2
Coding type: g711ulaw Packet length: 40 UUI min: 0 UUI max: 7
Coding type: g726r32 Packet length: 40 UUI min: 8 UUI max: 15
Profile Type: ITUT Profile Number: 7 SID Support: 1
Red enable: 1 Num entries: 2
Coding type: g711ulaw Packet length: 40 UUI min: 0 UUI max: 15
Coding type: g729ar8 Packet length: 10 UUI min: 0 UUI max: 15
Profile Type: custom Profile Number: 110 SID Support: 1
Red enable: 1 Num entries: 3
Coding type: g711ulaw Packet length: 40 UUI min: 0 UUI max: 7
Coding type: g726r32 Packet length: 40 UUI min: 8 UUI max: 15
Coding type: g729ar8 Packet length: 30 UUI min: 8 UUI max: 15
Table 39 describes significant fields shown in this output.
Table 39 show aal2 profile all Field Descriptions
Coding type
Voice compression algorithm.
ITUT Profile Number
Predefined combination of one or more codec types configured for a digital signal processor (DSP).
Num entries
Number of profile elements.
Packet length
Sample size.
Profile Type
Category of codec types configured on DSP. Possible types are ITU-T, ATMF, and custom.
Red enable
Redundancy for type 3 packets.
SID Support
Silence insertion descriptor.
UUI max
Maximum sequence number on the voice packets.
UUI min
Minimum sequence number on the voice packets.
Related Commands
codec aal2-profile
Sets the codec profile for a DSP on a per-call basis.
show atm video-voice address
To display the network service access point (NSAP) address for the ATM interface, enter the show atm video-voice address command in privileged EXEC mode.
show atm video-voice address
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco MC3810.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(7)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to review ATM interface NSAP addresses that have been assigned with the atm video aesa command and to ensure that ATM management is confirmed for those addresses.
The following example displays ATM interface NSAP addresses:
Router# show atm video-voice address
nsap address type ilmi status
47.0091810000000002F26D4901.00107B4832E1.FE VOICE_AAL5 Confirmed
47.0091810000000002F26D4901.00107B4832E1.C8 VIDEO_AAL1 Confirmed
Table 40 describes the significant fields shown in the output.
Table 40 show atm video-voice address Field Descriptions
NSAP address
NSAP address for the ATM interface.
Type of ATM interface.
ILMI status
Integrated Local management Interface (ILMI) protocol status for the ATM interface.
Related Commands
codec aal2-profile
Sets the codec profile for a DSP on a per-call basis.
show auto-config
To display the current status of auto-configuration applications, use the show auto-config command in privileged EXEC mode.
show auto-config [application sccp]
Syntax Description
application sccp
Displays the current status of only the Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP) application.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced on the Communication Media Module.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T.
The following is sample output from show auto-config command:
Router# show auto-config application sccp
auto-config application: sccp
auto-config admin state: ENABLED & ACTIVE
download timeout: no timeout, continuous retry
Configuration Download statistics:
Configuration Attempted : 2
Configuration Successful : 2
Configuration Failed(parsing): 0
Configuration Failed(config) : 0
Configuration Error History:
Table 41 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 41 show auto-config Field Descriptions
Shows auto-config application: SCCP is enabled.
Shows the SCCP application has registered to use auto-configuration.
Shows timeout is set to 0, continuous retry without timeout.
Related Commands
Enables auto-configuration or enters auto-config application configuration mode for the SCCP application.
debug auto-config
Enables debugging for auto-configuration applications.
debug sccp config
Enables SCCP event debugging.
show backhaul-session-manager group
To display the status, statistics, or configuration for a particular session group or all available session groups, use the show backhaul-session-manager group command in privileged EXEC mode.
show backhaul-session-manager group {status | stats | cfg} {all | name group-name}
Syntax Description
Status for available session groups.
Statistics for available session groups.
Configuration for available session groups.
Specified parameters for all session groups.
name group-name
A particular session group.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco AS5300.
This command was implemented on the Cisco 7200 series.
This command was implemented on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco MC3810.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T and was implemented on the Cisco IAD2420 series. Support for the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850 is not included in this release.
This command is supported on the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850 in this release.
The following example displays statistics for all session groups:
Router# show backhaul-session-manager group stats all
Session-Group grp1 statistics
Un-Successful Fail-Over attempts:0
Active Pkts receive count :0
Standby Pkts receive count :0
Total PDUs dispatch err :0
The following example displays the current configuration for all session groups:
Router# show backhaul-session-manager group cfg all
Dest: 8304 Local: 8304 Priority:0
Dest: 8300 Local: 8300 Priority:2
Dest: 8303 Local: 8303 Priority:2
timer cumulative ack :100
timer transfer state :2000
The following example displays the current state of all session groups. The group named "grp1" belongs to the set named "set1".
Router# show backhaul-session-manager group status all
Status :Group-OutOfService
Table 42 describes the significant fields shown in the output.
Table 42 show backhaul-session-manager group Field Descriptions
RUDP Options
Reliable User datagram Protocol (RUDP) options.
One of the following:
•Group-OutOfService—No session in the group has been established.
•Group-Inservice—At least one session in the group has been established.
Status (use)
One of the following:
•Group-Standby—The virtual switch controller (VSC) connected to the other end of this group goes into standby mode.
•Group-Active—The VSC connected to the other end of this group is the active VSC.
•Group-None—The VSC has not yet declared its intent.
Related Commands
show backhaul-session-manager session
Displays status, statistics, or configuration of sessions.
show backhaul-session-manager set
Displays session groups associated with a specific session set or all session sets.
show backhaul-session-manager session
To display various information about a session or sessions, use the show backhaul-session-manager session command in privileged EXEC mode.
show backhaul-session-manager session {all | ip ip-address}
Syntax Description
Information is displayed about all available sessions.
Information is displayed about the session associated with this IP address only.
IP address of the local or remote session.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco AS5300.
This command was implemented on the Cisco 7200 series.
This command was implemented on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco MC3810.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T and was implemented on the Cisco IAD2420 series. Support for the Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850 is not included in this release.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850.
The following command displays information for all available sessions:
Router# show backhaul-session-manager session all
Group:grp1 /*this session belongs to the group named 'grp1' */
Local: , port:8303
Remote: , port:8303
RUDP Option:Client, Conn Id:0x2
Status:OPEN_WAIT, Use-status:OOS, /*see explanation below */
# of unexpected RUDP transitions (total) 0
# of unexpected RUDP transitions (since last reset) 0
Receive pkts - Total:0 , Since Last Reset:0
Recieve failures - Total:0 ,Since Last Reset:0
Transmit pkts - Total:0, Since Last Reset:0
Transmit Failures (PDU Only)
Due to Blocking (Not an Error) - Total:0, Since Last Reset:0
Due to causes other than Blocking - Total:0, Since Last
Transmit Failures (NON-PDU Only)
Due to Blocking(Not an Error) - Total:0, Since Last Reset:0
Due to causes other than Blocking - Total:0, Since Last
Send window full failures:0
Resource unavailble failures:0
Table 43 describes significant fields shown in this output.
Table 43 show backhaul-session-manager session Field Descriptions
Can be any of the following:
•OPEN—The connection is established.
•OPEN_WAIT—The connection is awaiting establishment.
•OPEN_XFER—Session failover is in progress for this session, which is a transient state.
•CLOSE—The session is down, also a transient state.
The session waits a fixed amount of time and then moves to OPEN_WAIT.
Indicates whether PRI signaling traffic is currently being transported over this session. Can be either of the following:
•OOS—The session is not being used to transport signaling traffic. Out of service (OOS) does not indicate if the connection is established.
•IS—The session is being used currently to transport all PRI signaling traffic. In service (IS) indicates that the connection is established.
Related Commands
show backhaul-session-manager group
Displays status, statistics, or configuration of a specific session group or all session groups.
show backhaul-session-manager set
Displays session groups associated with a specific session set or all session sets.
show backhaul-session-manager set
To display session groups associated with a specified session set or all session sets, use the show backhaul-session-manager set command in privileged EXEC mode.
show backhaul-session-manager set {all | name session-set-name}
Syntax Description
All available session sets.
name session-set-name
A specified session set.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco AS5300.
This command was implemented on the Cisco 7200 series.
This command was implemented on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco MC3810.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T and was implemented on the Cisco IAD2420 series. Support for the Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850 is not included in this release.
This command is supported on the Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850 in this release.
The following command displays session groups associated with all session sets:
Router# show backhaul-session-manager set all
Related Commands
show backhaul-session-manager group
Displays status, statistics, or configuration of a specific session group or all session groups.
show backhaul-session-manager session
Displays status, statistics, or configuration of a session or all sessions.
show call accounting-template voice
To display accounting template activity, use the show call accounting-template voice command in privileged EXEC mode.
show call accounting-template voice [acctTempName | master | qdump | summary]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Name of the accounting template.
(Optional) Displays all vendor-specific attributes (VSAs) that are filtered by accounting templates.
(Optional) Displays template activity in the service and free queues.
(Optional) Lists names of all the accounting templates and the number of attributes in each template currently being used.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco 3660, Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, Cisco AS5800, and Cisco AS5850.
Usage Guidelines
•The show call accounting-template voice command displays the status and attributes defined in each template after it is configured.
•The show call accounting-template voice acctTempName command displays the status of a specific template and the attributes (VSAs) that are defined for that template.
•The show call accounting-template voice master command displays all VSAs that can be filtered by accounting templates.
•The show call accounting-template voice qdump command displays template activity in the service (svc) and free queues. It displays the template URL, the number of legs on which a template is active, and the state of a template.
–After an accounting template is defined, it is put in the svc queue to serve new incoming calls. When a running accounting template is undefined or reloaded during an active call, the template is moved from the svc queue to the free queue and can be reused after all the active calls stop referencing it. Templates that are reloaded or undefined and that are referenced during an active call are considered to be in a "dirty" state and are called dirty templates.
–To ensure that start and stop records correspond on an active call that is referencing a dirty template, all dirty templates must be kept alive until all active calls referencing that dirty template are released. After all active calls are released, the reloaded templates are applied to the next call.
•The show call accounting-template voice summary command displays the current status of all the accounting templates that are configured. It shows if the template was loaded and if it is running successfully.
The following example displays details about two templates named "cdr1" and "cdr2".
Router# show call accounting-template voice
CDR template cdr1 is running
url: tftp://sanjoe/santa/abc/Templates/cdr1.cdr
The last load was successful.
attr: h323-call-origin (56)
attr: h323-call-type (57)
attr: out-portgrp-id (81)
CDR template cdr2 is running
url: tftp://sanjoe/santa/abc/Templates/cdr2.cdr
The last load was successful.
attr: h323-call-origin (56)
attr: h323-call-type (57)
attr: h323-connect-time (59)
attr: h323-disconnect-time (64)
attr: h323-setup-time (76)
attr: h323-voice-quality (78)
The following example displays details about the template named "cdr1" only.
Router# show call accounting-template voice cdr1
CDR template cdr1 is running
url: tftp://sanjoe/santa/abc/Templates/cdr1.cdr
The last load was successful.
attr: h323-call-origin (56)
attr: h323-call-type (57)
attr: out-portgrp-id (81)
The following example displays all 64 attributes that can be filtered by a template.
Router# show call accounting-template voice master
Totally 64 attributes are filterable.
The following example displays template activity in the service queue. Initially, no templates are in the dirty state.
Router# show call accounting-template voice qdump
name url is_dirty no_of_legs
cdr1 tftp://sanjoe/santa/abc 0
cdr2 tftp://sanjoe/santa/abc 0
cdr3 tftp://sanjoe/santa/abc 0
After the templates are reloaded during active calls, the display below shows the templates named "cdr1" and "cdr2" to be in a dirty state.
cdr1 tftp://sanjoe/santa/abc dirty 1
cdr2 tftp://sanjoe/santa/abc dirty 1
The following example displays a summary of all configured accounting templates. The template named "cdr3" is not in running mode, either because it has been rejected or because it does not exist at the given URL.
Router# show call accounting-template voice summary
name url last_load is_running
cdr1 tftp://sanjoe/santa/abc success is running
cdr2 tftp://sanjoe/santa/abc success is running
cdr3 tftp://sanjoe/santa/abc fail is not running
Table 44 describes the fields shown in the show call accounting-template voice display.
Table 44 show call accounting-template voice Field Descriptions
Name of the accounting template.
Location of the accounting template.
Describes if the accounting template was successfully or unsuccessfully loaded from its location.
Describes if the accounting template was activated after it was successfully loaded from its location.
Shows that the accounting template was reloaded during an active call.
Number of call legs.
Vendor-specific attributes (VSAs) defined in an accounting template.
Related Commands
gw-accounting aaa
Configures a new accounting template.
show call active fax
To display call information for T.37 store-and-forward fax transmissions in progress, use the show call active fax command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show call active fax [brief [id identifier] | compact [duration {less seconds | more seconds}]
| id identifier]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Displays a truncated version of fax call information.
id identifier
(Optional) Displays only the call with the specified identifier. Range is a hex value from 1 to FFFF.
(Optional) Displays a compact version of the fax call information.
(Optional) Displays active calls that are longer or shorter than a specified seconds. The arguments and keywords are as follows:
•less—Displays calls shorter than the seconds value.
•more—Displays calls longer than the seconds value.
•seconds—Elapsed time, in seconds. Range is from 1 to 2147483647. There is no default value.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series.
Support for voice over frame relay (VoFR) was added.
This command was implemented for store-and-forward fax on the Cisco AS5300.
This command was implemented on the Cisco 7200 series.
This command was implemented on the Cisco MC3810.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)T.
This command was implemented for modem pass-through over VoIP on the Cisco AS5300.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5800.
The command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T. Support is not included for the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850.
Support was added for the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850.
T.38 fax relay call statistics were made available to Call Detail Records (CDRs) through vendor-specific attributes (VSAs) and added to the call log.
The LocalHostname display field was added to the VoIP call leg record.
12.4(16); 12.4(15)T
The Port and BearerChannel display fields were added to the TELE call leg record of the command output.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display the contents of the active call table. This command displays information about call times, dial peers, connections, quality of service, and other status and statistical information for T.37 store-and-forward fax calls currently connected through the router. This command applies to both on-ramp and off-ramp store-and-forward fax functions.
To display information about fax relay calls in progress, use the show call active voice command.
The following is sample output from the show call active fax command:
Router# show call active fax
ConnectionId[0x37EC7F41 0xB0110001 0x0 0x35C34]
ConnectionId=[0x37EC7F41 0xB0110001 0x0 0x35C34]
Table 45 provides an alphabetical listing of the fields displayed in the output of the show call active fax command and a description of each field.
Table 45 show call active fax Field Descriptions
ACOM Level
Current ACOM level for this call. ACOM is the combined loss achieved by the echo canceler, which is the sum of the Echo Return Loss, Echo Return Loss Enhancement, and nonlinear processing loss for the call.
Identification of the bearer channel carrying the call.
Buffer Drain Events
Total number of jitter buffer drain events.
Buffer Fill Events
Total number of jitter buffer fill events.
Length of the call, in hours, minutes, and seconds, hh:mm:ss.
Call origin: answer or originate.
Current state of the call.
Total number of charging units that apply to this peer since system startup. The unit of measure for this field is hundredths of second.
Payload size, in bytes, for the codec used.
Negotiated coder rate. This value specifies the send rate of voice or fax compression to its associated call leg for this call.
Global call identifier for this gateway call.
Time, in milliseconds, at which the call was connected.
Consecutive-packets-lost Events
Total number of consecutive (two or more) packet-loss events.
Corrected packet-loss Events
Total number of packet-loss events that were corrected using the RFC 2198 method.
Tag of the dial peer sending this call.
The location of the largest reflector, in milliseconds. The reflector size does not exceed the configured echo path capacity. For example, if 32 ms is configured, the reflector does not report beyond 32 ms.
Current echo return loss (ERL) level for this call.
Duration of fax transmission from this peer to the voice gateway for this call. You can derive the Fax Utilization Rate by dividing the FaxTxDuration value by the TxDuration value.
Duration of a voice signal played out with a signal synthesized from parameters, or samples of data preceding and following in time because voice data was lost or not received in time from the voice gateway for this call.
Duration of a voice signal played out with a signal synthesized from available redundancy parameters because voice data was lost or not received in time from the voice gateway for this call.
Duration of the voice signal played out with signal synthesized from parameters, or samples of data preceding in time, because voice data was lost or not received in time from the voice gateway for this call. Examples of such pullout are frame-eraser and frame-concealment strategies in G.729 and G.723.1 compression algorithms.
Duration of a voice signal replaced with silence because voice data was lost or not received in time for this call.
Generic or common parameters, that is, parameters that are common for VoIP and telephony call legs.
H323 call-legs
Total H.323 call legs for which call records are available.
High-water-mark Voice Playout FIFO Delay during this call, in ms.
Dial peer identification number.
Active information transfer activity state for this call.
Information type for this call; for example, voice or fax.
Active input signal level from the telephony interface used by this call.
Last Buffer Drain/Fill Event
Elapsed time since the last jitter buffer drain or fill event, in seconds.
Local hostnames used for locally generated gateway URLs.
Index number of the logical interface for this call.
Low-water-mark Voice Playout FIFO Delay during this call, in ms.
Physical lower interface information. Appears only if the medium is ATM, FR, or HDLC.
Medium over which the call is carried. If the call is carried over the (telephone) access side, the entry is TELE. If the call is carried over the voice network side, the entry is either ATM, FR (for Frame Relay), or HDLC (for High-Level Data Link Control).
Modem passthrough signaling method in use
Indicates that this is a modem pass-through call and that named service events (NSEs)—a Cisco-proprietary version of named telephone events in RFC 2833—are used for signaling codec upspeed. The upspeed method is the method used to dynamically change the codec type and speed to meet network conditions. This means that you might move to a faster codec when you have both voice and data calls and then slow down when there is only voice traffic.
Active noise level for this call.
Duration of voice playout from data received on time for this call. Derive the Total Voice Playout Duration for Active Voice by adding the OnTimeRvPlayout value to the GapFill values.
Active output signal level to the telephony interface used by this call.
Destination pattern or number associated with this peer.
ID value of the peer table entry to which this call was made.
Voice port index number for this peer. For ISDN media, this would be the index number of the B channel used for this call.
Subaddress when this call is connected.
Percent Packet Loss
Total percent packet loss.
Identification of the TDM voice port carrying the call.
Number of bytes received by the peer during this call.
Average Playout FIFO Delay plus the Decoder Delay during this voice call, in ms.
Number of packets received by this peer during this call.
Number value of the release source.
Remote system IP address for the VoIP call.
Remote system User Datagram Protocol (UDP) listener port to which voice packets are sent.
Voice packet round-trip delay between the local and remote systems on the IP backbone for this call.
Selected Resourse Reservation Protocol (RSVP) quality of service (QoS) for this call.
Session protocol used for an Internet call between the local and remote routers through the IP backbone.
Session target of the peer used for this call.
Value of the system UpTime, in milliseconds, when the call associated with this entry was started.
Signaling type for this call; for example, channel-associated signaling (CAS) or common channel signaling (CCS).
SIP call-legs
Total session initiation protocol (SIP) call legs for which call records are available.
Telephony call-legs
Total telephony call legs for which call records are available.
Time between Buffer Drain/Fills
Minimum and maximum durations between jitter buffer drain or fill events, in seconds.
Number of bytes sent by this peer during this call.
Number of packets sent by this peer during this call.
The length of the call. Appears only if the medium is TELE.
Whether voice activation detection (VAD) was enabled for this call.
Duration of voice transmission from this peer to the voice gateway for this call, in ms. Derive the Voice Utilization Rate by dividing the VoiceTxDuration value by the TxDuration value.
The following is sample output from the show call active fax brief command:
Router# show call active fax brief
<ID>: <start>hs.<index> +<connect> pid:<peer_id> <dir> <addr> <state> \
tx:<packets>/<bytes> rx:<packets>/<bytes> <state>
IP <ip>:<udp> rtt:<time>ms pl:<play>/<gap>ms lost:<lost>/<early>/<late>
delay:<last>/<min>/<max>ms <codec>
FR <protocol> [int dlci cid] vad:<y/n> dtmf:<y/n> seq:<y/n>
sig:<on/off> <codec> (payload size)
Tele <int>: tx:<tot>/<v>/<fax>ms <codec> noise:<l> acom:<l> i/o:<l>/<l> dBm
1 : 22021hs.1 +2263 pid:0 Answer wook song active
IP AcceptedMime:2 DiscardedMime:1
1 : 23193hs.1 +1091 pid:3469 Originate 527.... active
Tele : tx:31200/10910/20290ms noise:-1 acom:-1 i/0:0/0 dBm
The following is sample output from the show call active fax command displaying T.38 fax relay statistics:
Router# show call active fax
CallDuration=00:00:44 sec
ConnectionId=[0x6B241E98 0xA78111D8 0x8002000A 0xF4107CA0]
IncomingConnectionId=[0x6B241E98 0xA78111D8 0x8002000A 0xF4107CA0]
FaxRelayMaxJitBufDepth 346
FaxRelayJitterBufOverflow 0
Initial HS Modulation is V.17/long/14400
Recent HS modulation is V.17/short/14400
Direction of transmission is Transmit
Num of Packets TX'ed/RX'ed 932/52
Encapsulation protocol is T.38 (UDPTL)
Table 46 provides an alphabetical listing of the fields displayed in the output of the show call active fax command for T.38 fax relay statistics and a description of each field.
Table 46 show call active fax Field Descriptions for significant T.38 Fax Relay Statistics
Current ACOM level estimate in 0.1 dB increments. The term ACOM is used in G.165, General Characteristics of International Telephone Connections and International Telephone Circuits: Echo Cancellers. ACOM is the combined loss achieved by the echo canceller, which is the sum of the ERL, ERL enhancement, and nonlinear processing loss for the call.
Identification of the bearer channel carrying the call.
Current Echo Return Loss (ERL) level estimate in 0.1 dB increments.
Fax transmission rate from this peer to the specified dial peer, in bps.
Fax relay jitter buffer overflow, in ms.
Fax relay maximum jitter buffer depth, in ms.
Duration of fax transmission from this peer to the voice gateway for this call, in ms.
GwReceivedCalledNumber, GwReceivedCalledOctet3
Call information received at the gateway.
H323 call-legs
Type of call: H.323.
Initial HS Modulation
Initial high speed modulation used.
Index number of the logical interface for this call.
MGCP call-legs
Type of call: Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP).
Multicast call-legs
Type of call: Multicast.
OriginalCallingNumber, OriginalCalling Octet, OriginalCalledNumber, OriginalCalledOctet, OriginalRedirectCalledNumber, OriginalRedirectCalledOctet
Original call information regarding calling, called, and redirect numbers, and octet-3s. Octet-3s are information elements (IEs) of Q.931 that include type of number, numbering plan indicator, presentation indicator, and redirect reason information.
Voice port index number for this peer. For ISDN media, this would be the index number of the B channel used for this call.
Identification of the TDM voice port carrying the call.
Recent HS Modulation
Most recent high-speed modulation used.
SIP call-legs
Type of call: Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
Telephony call-legs
Type of call: Telephony.
Total call-legs
Total calls.
TranslatedCallingNumber, TranslatedCallingOctet, TranslatedCalledNumber, TranslatedCalledOctet, TranslatedRedirectCalledNumber, TranslatedRedirectCalledOctet
Translated call information.
Duration of transmit path open from this peer to the voice gateway for this call, in ms.
Duration of voice transmission from this peer to the voice gateway for this call, in ms.
Related Commands
show call active voice
Displays call information for voice calls that are in progress.
show call history
Displays the call history table.
show call-router routes
Displays the dynamic routes in the cache of the BE.
show call-router status
Displays the Annex G BE status.
show voice port
Displays configuration information about a specific voice port.
show call active media
To display call information for media calls in progress, use the show call active media command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show call active media [brief | compact | id identifier]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Displays a truncated version of call information.
(Optional) Displays a compact version of call information.
id identifier
(Optional) Displays only the call with the specified identifier. Range is a hexadecimal value from 1 to FFFF.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display the contents of the active call table. This command displays information about call times, dial peers, connections, quality of service, and other status and statistical information for media calls currently connected through the router.
When a media call is no longer active, its record is stored. You can display the record by using the show call history media command.
The following is sample output from the show call active media command:
Router# show call active media
Call agent controlled call-legs: 0
CallDuration=00:00:01 sec
ConnectionId[0x6B02FC0C 0xC3511DB 0x8006000B 0x5FDA0EF4]
IncomingConnectionId[0x6B02FC0C 0xC3511DB 0x8006000B 0x5FDA0EF4]
Separate H245 Connection=FALSE
GapFillWithPrediction=0 ms
GapFillWithInterpolation=0 ms
GapFillWithRedundancy=0 ms
Media Setting=flow-through
CallDuration=00:00:03 sec
ConnectionId[0x6B02FC0C 0xC3511DB 0x8006000B 0x5FDA0EF4]
IncomingConnectionId[0x6B02FC0C 0xC3511DB 0x8006000B 0x5FDA0EF4]
Separate H245 Connection=FALSE
GapFillWithPrediction=0 ms
GapFillWithInterpolation=1495 ms
GapFillWithRedundancy=0 ms
HiWaterPlayoutDelay=100 ms
LoWaterPlayoutDelay=95 ms
Media Setting=flow-through
Call agent controlled call-legs: 0
Table 45 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 47 show call active media Field Descriptions
ACOM Level
Current ACOM level for this call. ACOM is the combined loss achieved by the echo canceler, which is the sum of the Echo Return Loss, Echo Return Loss Enhancement, and nonlinear processing loss for the call.
Buffer Drain Events
Total number of jitter buffer drain events.
Buffer Fill Events
Total number of jitter buffer fill events.
Length of the call, in hours, minutes, and seconds, hh:mm:ss.
Call origin: answer or originate.
Current state of the call.
Total number of charging units that apply to this peer since system startup. The unit of measure for this field is hundredths of second.
Payload size, in bytes, for the codec used.
Negotiated coder rate. This value specifies the send rate of voice or fax compression to its associated call leg for this call.
Global call identifier for this gateway call.
Time, in milliseconds, at which the call was connected.
Consecutive-packets-lost Events
Total number of consecutive (two or more) packet-loss events.
Corrected packet-loss Events
Total number of packet-loss events that were corrected using the RFC 2198 method.
Tag of the dial peer sending this call.
The location of the largest reflector, in milliseconds. The reflector size does not exceed the configured echo path capacity. For example, if 32 ms is configured, the reflector does not report beyond 32 ms.
Current echo return loss (ERL) level for this call.
Duration of fax transmission from this peer to the voice gateway for this call. You can derive the Fax Utilization Rate by dividing the FaxTxDuration value by the TxDuration value.
Duration of a voice signal played out with a signal synthesized from parameters, or samples of data preceding and following in time because voice data was lost or not received in time from the voice gateway for this call.
Duration of a voice signal played out with a signal synthesized from available redundancy parameters because voice data was lost or not received in time from the voice gateway for this call.
Duration of the voice signal played out with signal synthesized from parameters, or samples of data preceding in time, because voice data was lost or not received in time from the voice gateway for this call. Examples of such pullout are frame-eraser and frame-concealment strategies in G.729 and G.723.1 compression algorithms.
Duration of a voice signal replaced with silence because voice data was lost or not received in time for this call.
Generic or common parameters, that is, parameters that are common for VoIP and telephony call legs.
H323 call-legs
Total H.323 call legs for which call records are available.
High-water-mark Voice Playout FIFO Delay during this call, in ms.
Dial peer identification number.
Active information transfer activity state for this call.
Information type for this call; for example, voice or fax.
Active input signal level from the telephony interface used by this call.
Last Buffer Drain/Fill Event
Elapsed time since the last jitter buffer drain or fill event, in seconds.
Local hostnames used for locally generated gateway URLs.
Index number of the logical interface for this call.
Low-water-mark Voice Playout FIFO Delay during this call, in ms.
Physical lower interface information. Appears only if the medium is ATM, FR, or HDLC.
Medium over which the call is carried. If the call is carried over the (telephone) access side, the entry is TELE. If the call is carried over the voice network side, the entry is either ATM, FR (for Frame Relay), or HDLC (for High-Level Data Link Control).
Modem passthrough signaling method in use
Indicates that this is a modem pass-through call and that named service events (NSEs)—a Cisco-proprietary version of named telephone events in RFC 2833—are used for signaling codec upspeed. The upspeed method is the method used to dynamically change the codec type and speed to meet network conditions. This means that you might move to a faster codec when you have both voice and data calls and then slow down when there is only voice traffic.
Active noise level for this call.
Duration of voice playout from data received on time for this call. Derive the Total Voice Playout Duration for Active Voice by adding the OnTimeRvPlayout value to the GapFill values.
Active output signal level to the telephony interface used by this call.
Destination pattern or number associated with this peer.
ID value of the peer table entry to which this call was made.
Voice port index number for this peer. For ISDN media, this would be the index number of the B channel used for this call.
Subaddress when this call is connected.
Percent Packet Loss
Total percent packet loss.
Number of bytes received by the peer during this call.
Average Playout FIFO Delay plus the Decoder Delay during this voice call, in ms.
Number of packets received by this peer during this call.
Number value of the release source.
Remote system IP address for the VoIP call.
Remote system User Datagram Protocol (UDP) listener port to which voice packets are sent.
Voice packet round-trip delay between the local and remote systems on the IP backbone for this call.
Selected Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) quality of service (QoS) for this call.
Session protocol used for an Internet call between the local and remote routers through the IP backbone.
Session target of the peer used for this call.
Value of the system UpTime, in milliseconds, when the call associated with this entry was started.
Signaling type for this call; for example, channel-associated signaling (CAS) or common channel signaling (CCS).
SIP call-legs
Total session initiation protocol (SIP) call legs for which call records are available.
Telephony call-legs
Total telephony call legs for which call records are available.
Time between Buffer Drain/Fills
Minimum and maximum durations between jitter buffer drain or fill events, in seconds.
Number of bytes sent by this peer during this call.
Number of packets sent by this peer during this call.
The length of the call. Appears only if the medium is TELE.
Whether voice activation detection (VAD) was enabled for this call.
Duration of voice transmission from this peer to the voice gateway for this call, in ms. Derive the Voice Utilization Rate by dividing the VoiceTxDuration value by the TxDuration value.
Related Commands
show call history media
Displays the call history table.
show call active video
To display call information for Signaling Connection Control Protocol (SCCP), Session Initiation Protocol, (SIP), and H.323 video calls in progress, use the show call active video command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show call active video [brief | compact | echo-canceller call-id | id identifier]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Displays a truncated version of active video call information.
(Optional) Displays a compact version of active video call information.
echo-canceller call-id
(Optional) Displays information about the state of the extended echo canceller (EC). To query the echo state, you need to know the hexidecimal ID in advance. To find the hexidecimal ID, enter the show call active video brief command. Range is from 0 to FFFFFFFF.
id identifier
(Optional) Displays only the video call with the specified identifier. Range is a hexidecimal value from 1 to FFFF.
Command Default
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
Cisco IOS Release
Cisco Product
Cisco Unified CME 4.0
This command was introduced.
Cisco Unified CME 4.0
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(9)T.
Support was added for SIP and H.323 calls.
12.4(16); 12.4(15)T
The Port and BearerChannel display fields were added to the TELE call leg record of the command output.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display the contents of the active video call table.
The following is sample output from the show call active video brief command:
Router # show call active video brief
<ID>: <CallID> <start>hs.<index> +<connect> pid:<peer_id> <dir> <addr> <state>
dur hh:mm:ss tx:<packets>/<bytes> rx:<packets>/<bytes>
IP <ip>:<udp> rtt:<time>ms pl:<play>/<gap>ms lost:<lost>/<early>/<late>
delay:<last>/<min>/<max>ms <codec>
media inactive detected:<y/n> media cntrl rcvd:<y/n> timestamp:<time>
long duration call detected:<y/n> long duration call duration :<sec> timestamp:<time>
MODEMPASS <method> buf:<fills>/<drains> loss <overall%> <multipkt>/<corrected>
last <buf event time>s dur:<Min>/<Max>s
FR <protocol> [int dlci cid] vad:<y/n> dtmf:<y/n> seq:<y/n>
ATM <protocol> [int vpi/vci cid] vad:<y/n> dtmf:<y/n> seq:<y/n>
Tele <int> (callID) [channel_id] tx:<tot>/<v>/<fax>ms <codec> noise:<l> acom:<l>
i/o:<l>/<l> dBm
video: h320:<type> tx:<video codec> <video pkts>/<video bytes> rx:<video codec> <video
pkts>/<video bytes>
MODEMRELAY info:<rcvd>/<sent>/<resent> xid:<rcvd>/<sent> total:<rcvd>/<sent>/<drops>
speeds(bps): local <rx>/<tx> remote <rx>/<tx>
Proxy <ip>:<audio udp>,<video udp>,<tcp0>,<tcp1>,<tcp2>,<tcp3> endpt: <type>/<manf>
bw: <req>/<act> codec: <audio>/<video>
tx: <audio pkts>/<audio bytes>,<video pkts>/<video bytes>,<t120 pkts>/<t120 bytes>
rx: <audio pkts>/<audio bytes>,<video pkts>/<video bytes>,<t120 pkts>/<t120 bytes>
Call agent controlled call-legs: 0
141D : 83 165385200ms.1 +3180 pid:6 Answer 2004 active
dur 00:00:36 tx:1602/1232038768 rx:3237/1192797
IP SRTP: off rtt:0ms pl:27980/0ms lost:0/0/0 delay:0/0/0ms g711ulaw
TextRelay: off
media inactive detected:n media contrl rcvd:n/a timestamp:n/a
long duration call detected:n long duration call duration:n/a timestamp:n/a
141D : 84 165385200ms.2 +3170 pid:20008 Originate 1008 active
dur 00:00:36 tx:1698/271680 rx:1796/287360
Tele 50/0/8 (84) [50/0/8.0] tx:33960/33960/0ms g711ulaw noise:0 acom:0 i/0:0/0 dBm
Call agent controlled call-legs: 0
The following is sample output from the show call active video command:
Router# show call active video
Call agent controlled call-legs: 0
CallDuration=00:00:55 sec
ConnectionId[0x572497 0xD128D11D 0x3002302 0xE303A7D]
IncomingConnectionId[0x572497 0xD128D11D 0x3002302 0xE303A7D]
Separate H245 Connection=TRUE
GapFillWithPrediction=0 ms
GapFillWithInterpolation=0 ms
GapFillWithRedundancy=0 ms
PlayDelayJitter=-1837054839 ms
Incoming Channel Number = 2
SelectedQos = best-effort
Incoming Channel Number = 1
SelectedQos = best-effort
Media Setting=flow-through
CallDuration=00:00:59 sec
ConnectionId=[0x572497 0xD128D11D 0x3002302 0xE303A7D]
IncomingConnectionId=[0x572497 0xD128D11D 0x3002302 0xE303A7D]
AlertTimepoint=165385210 ms
Call agent controlled call-legs: 0
Table 48 describes significant fields shown in this output.
Table 48 show call active video Field Descriptions
Codec for the active video call.
Video format for the active video call.
Number of early packets for a video call.
Number of late packets in a video call.
Number of lost packets in a video call.
Number of channels used for a video call.
Bandwidth, in kbps, used for a video call.
Related Commands
show call history video
Displays call history information for SCCP video calls.
show call active voice
To display call information for voice calls in progress, use the show call active voice command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show call active voice [brief [called-number number | calling-number number]] | compact
[duration {less seconds | more seconds}] | echo-canceller call-id | id identifier |
media-inactive [called-number number | calling-number number] | [long-dur-call] |
[redirect {rtpvt | tbct}] | [stats]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Displays a truncated version of call information.
called-number number
(Optional) Displays a specific called number pattern.
calling-number number
(Optional) Displays a specific calling number pattern.
(Optional) Displays a compact version of call information.
(Optional) Displays active calls that are longer or shorter than a specified seconds value. The argument and keywords are as follows:
•less—Displays calls shorter than the seconds value.
•more—Displays calls longer than the seconds value.
•seconds—Elapsed time, in seconds. Range is from 1 to 2147483647. There is no default value.
echo-canceller call-id
(Optional) Displays information about the state of the extended echo canceller (EC). To query the echo state, you need to know the hex ID in advance. To find the hex ID, enter the show call active voice brief command or use the show voice call status command. Range is from 0 to FFFFFFFF.
id identifier
(Optional) Displays only the call with the specified identifier. Range is a hex value from 1 to FFFF.
(Optional) Displays information about inactive media that have been detected.
(Optional) Displays information only for calls with long_duration detected and notified.
(Optional) Displays information about active calls that are being redirected using Release-to-Pivot (RTPvt) or Two B-Channel Transfer (TBCT). The keywords are as follows:
•rtpvt—Displays information about RTPvt calls.
•tbct—Displays information about TBCT calls.
(Optional) Displays informationabout DSP voice quality metrics.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series and Cisco 3600 series.
Support for VoFR was added.
This command was implemented for store-and-forward fax on the Cisco AS5300.
This command was implemented on the Cisco 7200 series.
This command was implemented on the Cisco MC3810.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)T.
This command was implemented for modem pass-through over VoIP on the Cisco AS5300.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5800.
The command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(8)T. Support is not included for the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850.
Support was added for the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850.
The echo-canceller keyword was added. The command output was modified with an extra reflector location when the extended EC is present; the largest reflector location is shown.
The redirect keyword was added.
The called-number, calling-number, and media-inactive keywords were added.
New output relating to Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP), SCCP Telephony Control Application (STCAPP), and modem pass-through traffic was added.
The LocalHostname display field was added to the VoIP call leg record and command ouput was enhanced to display modem relay physical layer and error correction protocols.
The long-dur-call keyword was added to generate show command output that displays only calls with long_duration detected and notified.
The stats keyword was added.
12.4(16); 12.4(15)T
The Port and BearerChannel display fields were added to the TELE call leg record of the command output.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to display the contents of the active call table. This command displays information about call times, dial peers, connections, quality of service, and other status and statistical information for voice calls currently connected through the router.
When the extended EC is present, the show call active voice command displays the contents of the Ditech EC_CHAN_CTRL structure. Table 49 contains names and descriptions of the fields in the EC_CHAN_CTRL structure. Table 49 also provides a listing of the information types associated with this command.
Table 49 EC_CHAN_CTRL Field Descriptions
Channel bypass
1 = Transparent bypass; EC is disabled.
0 = Cancel; EC is enabled.
Max tail
0 = 24 milliseconds.
1 = 32 milliseconds.
2 = 48 milliseconds.
3 = 64 milliseconds.
Note This field should be set just greater than the anticipated worst round-trip tail delay.
Residual echo control
0 = Cancel only; echo is the result of linear processing; no nonlinear processing is applied.
1 = Suppress residual; residual echo is zeroed; simple nonlinear processing is applied (you might experience "dead air" when talking).
2 = Reserved.
3 = Generate comfort noise (default).
h-register hold
1 = Freezes h-register; used for testing.
h-register clear
Sending the channel command with this bit set clears the h-register.
Modem tone disable
0 = Ignore 2100 Hz modem answer tone.
1 = G.164 mode (bypass canceller if 2100 Hz tone).
2 = R.
3 = G.165 mode (bypass canceller for phase reversing tone only).
Echo return loss
0 = 6 decibel (dB).
1 = 3 dB.
2 = 0 dB.
3 = R. Worst echo return loss (ERL) situation in which canceller still works.
High level compensation
0 = No attenuation.
1 = 6 dB if clipped. On loud circuits, the received direction can be attenuated 6 dB if clipping is observed.
Must be set to 0 to ensure compatibility with future releases.
Use the show call active voice redirect command to monitor any active calls that implement RTPvt or TBCT.
When a call is no longer active, its record is stored. You can display the record by using the show call history voice command.
The following is sample output from the show call active voice command for modem relay traffic:
Router# show call active voice
Modem Relay Local Rx Speed=0 bps
Modem Relay Local Tx Speed=0 bps
Modem Relay Remote Rx Speed=0 bps
Modem Relay Remote Tx Speed=0 bps
Modem Relay Phy Layer Protocol=v34
Modem Relay Ec Layer Protocol=v14
The following is sample output from the show call active voice command:
Router# show call active voice
Call agent controlled call-legs: 0
CallDuration=00:00:51 sec
ConnectionId[0xE28B6D1D 0x3D9011D6 0x800400D0 0xBA0D97A1]
IncomingConnectionId[0xE28B6D1D 0x3D9011D6 0x800400D0 0xBA0D97A1]
Separate H245 Connection=FALSE
GapFillWithPrediction=0 ms
GapFillWithInterpolation=0 ms
GapFillWithRedundancy=0 ms
HiWaterPlayoutDelay=70 ms
LoWaterPlayoutDelay=60 ms
Media Setting=flow-through
CallDuration=00:00:53 sec
ConnectionId=[0xE28B6D1D 0x3D9011D6 0x800400D0 0xBA0D97A1]
IncomingConnectionId=[0xE28B6D1D 0x3D9011D6 0x800400D0 0xBA0D97A1]
AlertTimepoint=1073340 ms
Call agent controlled call-legs: 0
Table 49 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
The following is sample output from the show call active voice command for voice traffic over call-agent controlled call legs. Note that call legs for SCCP telephony endpoints, that is, phones controlled by STCAPP, are displayed under the "Call agent controlled call-legs." ("SCCP call-legs" displays call legs for devices that are not telephony endpoints, for example, transcoding and conferencing).
Router# show call active voice
Call agent controlled call-legs: 2
CallDuration=00:01:01 sec
ConnectionId=[0x11B1860C 0x22D711D7 0x8014E4D4 0x8FD15327]
IncomingConnectionId=[0x11B1860C 0x22D711D7 0x8014E4D4 0x8FD15327]
CallDuration=00:01:03 sec
ConnectionId=[0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0]
IncomingConnectionId=[0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0]
AlertTimepoint=1559430 ms
CallDuration=00:00:00 sec
ConnectionId[0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0]
IncomingConnectionId[0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0]
Separate H245 Connection=FALSE
GapFillWithPrediction=0 ms
GapFillWithInterpolation=0 ms
GapFillWithRedundancy=0 ms
HiWaterPlayoutDelay=105 ms
LoWaterPlayoutDelay=105 ms
Media Setting=flow-around
Modem passthrough signaling method is nse:
Consecutive-packets-lost Events = 0
Corrected packet-loss Events = 0
Last Buffer Drain/Fill Event = 0sec
Time between Buffer Drain/Fills = Min 0sec Max 0sec
CallDuration=00:00:00 sec
ConnectionId[0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0]
IncomingConnectionId[0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0]
Separate H245 Connection=FALSE
GapFillWithPrediction=0 ms
GapFillWithInterpolation=0 ms
GapFillWithRedundancy=0 ms
HiWaterPlayoutDelay=105 ms
LoWaterPlayoutDelay=105 ms
Media Setting=flow-around
Modem passthrough signaling method is nse:
Consecutive-packets-lost Events = 0
Corrected packet-loss Events = 0
Last Buffer Drain/Fill Event = 0sec
Time between Buffer Drain/Fills = Min 0sec Max 0sec
Call agent controlled call-legs: 2
The following is sample output from the show call active voice command for fax-relay traffic:
Router# show call active voice
ConnectionId[0xEB630F4B 0x9F5E11D7 0x8008CF18 0xB9C3632]
IncomingConnectionId[0xEB630F4B 0x9F5E11D7 0x8008CF18 0xB9C3632]
Separate H245 Connection=FALSE
GapFillWithPrediction=0 ms
GapFillWithInterpolation=0 ms
GapFillWithRedundancy=0 ms
HiWaterPlayoutDelay=110 ms
LoWaterPlayoutDelay=70 ms
Media Setting=flow-through
FaxRelayMaxJitterBufDepth = 0 ms
FaxRelayJitterBufOverFlow = 0
FaxRelayNumberOfPages = 0
Note Table 49 and Table 50 describe fields in the display.
The following is sample output from the show call active voice brief command:
Router# show call active voice brief
<ID>: <CallID> <start>hs.<index> +<connect> pid:<peer_id> <dir> <addr> <state>
dur hh:mm:ss tx:<packets>/<bytes> rx:<packets>/<bytes>
IP <ip>:<udp> rtt:<time>ms pl:<play>/<gap>ms lost:<lost>/<early>/<late>
delay:<last>/<min>/<max>ms <codec>
media inactive detected:<y/n> media cntrl rcvd:<y/n> timestamp:<time>
long_duration_call_detected:<y/n> long duration call duration:n/a timestamp:n/a
MODEMPASS <method> buf:<fills>/<drains> loss <overall%> <multipkt>/<corrected>
last <buf event time>s dur:<Min>/<Max>s
FR <protocol> [int dlci cid] vad:<y/n> dtmf:<y/n> seq:<y/n>
ATM <protocol> [int vpi/vci cid] vad:<y/n> dtmf:<y/n> seq:<y/n>
Tele <int> (callID) [channel_id] tx:<tot>/<v>/<fax>ms <codec> noise:<l> acom:<l>
i/o:<l>/<l> dBm
MODEMRELAY info:<rcvd>/<sent>/<resent> xid:<rcvd>/<sent> total:<rcvd>/<sent>/<drops>
speeds(bps): local <rx>/<tx> remote <rx>/<tx>
Proxy <ip>:<audio udp>,<video udp>,<tcp0>,<tcp1>,<tcp2>,<tcp3> endpt: <type>/<manf>
bw: <req>/<act> codec: <audio>/<video>
tx: <audio pkts>/<audio bytes>,<video pkts>/<video bytes>,<t120 pkts>/<t120 bytes>
rx: <audio pkts>/<audio bytes>,<video pkts>/<video bytes>,<t120 pkts>/<t120 bytes>
1269 :7587246hs.1 +260 pid:0 Answer active
dur 00:07:14 tx:590/11550 rx:21721/434420
IP rtt:3ms pl:431850/0ms lost:0/0/0 dela
1269 :7587246hs.2 +259 pid:133001 Originate 133001 active
dur 00:07:14 tx:21717/434340 rx:590/11550
Tele 1/0:1 (2):tx:434350/11640/0ms g729r8 noise:-44 acom:-19
The following is an example of the show call active voice command using the echo-canceller keyword. The number 9 represents the hexadecimal ID of an active voice call.
Router# show call active voice echo-canceller 9
Echo canceller control words=6C 0
Bypass=OFF Tail=64 Residual ecan=Comfort noise
Freeze=OFF Modem tone disable=Ignore 2100Hz tone
Worst ERL=6 High level compensation=OFF
Max amplitude reflector (in msec)=5
The following is sample output from the show call active voice echo-canceller command for a call with a hexadecimal ID of 10:
Router# show call active voice echo-canceller 10
Echo canceller control words=6C 0
Bypass=OFF Tail=64 Residual ecan=Comfort noise
Freeze=OFF Modem tone disable=Ignore 2100Hz tone
Worst ERL=6 High level compensation=OFF
Max amplitude reflector (in msec)=64
The call ID number (which is 10 in the previous example) changes with every new active call. When an active call is up, you must enter the show call active voice brief command to obtain the call ID number. The call ID must be converted to hex if you want to use the show call active voice echo-canceller x command (x = call ID converted to hex).
The following are call ID examples converted to hex (generally incremented by 2):
Alternatively, you can use the show voice call status command to obtain the call ID. The call ID output is already in hex form when you use this command:
Router# show voice call status
CallID CID ccVdb Port DSP/Ch Called # Codec Dial-peers
0x1 11CE 0x02407B20 1:0.1 1/1 1000 g711ulaw 2000/1000
The following is sample output from the show call active voice redirect command using the tbct keyword:
Router# show call active voice redirect tbct
Maximum no. of TBCT calls allowed:No limit
Maximum TBCT call duration:No limit
Total number TBCT calls currently being monitored = 1
ctrl name=T1-2/0, tag=13, call-ids=(7, 8), start_time=*00:12:25.985 UTC Mon Mar 1 1993
Table 50 describes the significant fields shown in the show call active voice redirect display.
Table 50 show call active voice redirect Field Descriptions
Maximum no. of TBCT calls allowed
Maximum number of calls that can use TBCT as defined by the tbct max calls command.
Maximum TBCT call duration
Maximum length allowed for a TBCT call as defined by the tbct max call-duration command.
Total number TBCT calls currently being monitored
Total number of active TBCT calls.
ctrl name
Name of the T1 controller where the call originated.
Call tag number that identifies the call.
Numbers that uniquely identify the call legs.
Time, in hours, minutes, and seconds, when the redirected call began.
Related Commands
show call active fax
Displays call information for fax transmissions that are in progress.
show call history
Displays the call history table.
show call-router routes
Displays the dynamic routes in the cache of the BE.
show call-router status
Displays the Annex G BE status.
show dial-peer voice
Displays configuration information for dial peers.
show num-exp
Displays how the number expansions are configured in VoIP.
show voice call status
Displays the call status for voice ports on the Cisco router or concentrator.
show voice port
Displays configuration information about a specific voice port.
show call application app-level
To display application-level statistics for voice applications, use the show call application app-level command in privileged EXEC mode.
show call application {active | history} app-level [app-tag application-name | summary]
Syntax Description
Displays statistics for active application instances.
Displays statistics for terminated application instances.
app-tag application-name
Name of a specific voice application. Output displays statistics for that voice application.
Displays a summary for each application.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
•To display statistics with this command, you must enable statistics collection with the call application stats command.
•This command displays gauges and counters that are aggregated per application. The values represent all instances of a particular voice application running on the gateway while statistics collection is enabled.
•To reset application-level counters to zero and subtract the counters from the gateway-level statistics in history, use the clear call application stats command. Statistic counters continue accumulating in history until you use the clear call application stats command or the gateway reloads.
Note Statistics for an application are automatically cleared if the application is deleted with the no call application voice command or its script is reloaded with the call application voice load command.
The following is sample output from the show call application app-level command using different keywords:
Router# show call application active app-level summary
Application level active Info:
fax_on_vfc_onramp_app 0 0
Router# show call application active app-level app-tag generic
Application level active Info:
Application Name: generic
url: tftp://
Currently connected incoming PSTN legs: 1
Currently connected outgoing PSTN legs: 0
Currently connected incoming VoIP legs: 0
Currently connected outgoing VoIP legs: 0
Pending ASNL subscriptions: 0
Pending ASNL unsubscriptions: 0
Prompts playing (non-TTS): 0
For a description of the fields shown in the display above, see Table 38 on page 1363.
Router# show call application history app-level summary
Application level history Info:
App Name Stats w/ Stats Total Errors Time
clid_authen_collect N 0 0 0
clid_authen_col_npw N 0 0 0
fax_on_vfc_onramp_app N 0 0 0
ram_record_replay N 0 0 0
generic Y 2 2 4 *Jul 3 15:49:28
Table 51 describes the fields shown in the display.
Table 51 show call application history app-level Field Descriptions
App Name
Name of the voice application.
Whether statistics is enabled for this application.
Note If statistics is enabled, this field displays N until there is at least one active instance of the application.
Sessions w/ stats
Number of terminated application instances that the gauges represent.
Total number of instances of the application.
Total number of errors for all instances of the application.
Last Reset Time
Time at which the statistics were last cleared with the clear call application stats command, or the gateway was restarted.
Router# show call application history app-level app-tag generic
Application level history Info:
Application name: generic
URL: tftp://
Last reset time: *Jul 3 15:49:28 PST
Subscriber Service - Call
Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing
Total legs connected: 2 0 0 0
Legs handed in returned back: 0 0 0 0
Legs handed out came back: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected normally: 2 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for user error: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for system error: 0 0 0 0
Subscriber Service - Media
Total media duration (in seconds): 3 0 0
Application Internal Service - Handoff
Bridged handoffs returned: 0 0
Application Internal Service - Placecall/transfer
Application Internal Service - Document Read-Write
Application Internal Service - Downloaded Script
Application Internal Service - ASNL
Subscription Unsubscription
Subscriber Interaction - DTMF
Subscriber Interaction - ASR
Subscriber Interaction - AAA
Authentication Authorization
Related Commands
call application event-log
Enables event logging for voice application instances.
call application stats
Enables statistics collection for voice applications.
call application voice event-log
Enables event logging for a specific voice application.
clear call application stats
Clears application-level statistics in history and subtracts the statistics from the gateway-level statistics.
show call application gateway-level
Displays gateway-level statistics for voice application instances.
show call application session-level
Displays event logs and statistics for voice application instances.
show call application gateway-level
To display gateway-level statistics for voice application instances, use the show call application gateway-level command in privileged EXEC mode.
show call application {active | history} gateway-level
Syntax Description
Displays statistics for active application instances.
Displays statistics for terminated application instances.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
•To display statistics with this command, you must enable statistics collection with the call application stats command.
•This command displays gauges and counters that are aggregated per gateway. The values represent all instances of all voice applications running on the gateway while statistics collection is enabled.
•To reset application-level counters to zero and subtract the counters from the gateway-level statistics in history, use the clear call application stats command. Statistic counters continue accumulating in history until you use the clear call application stats command or the gateway reloads.
Note Statistics for an application are automatically cleared if the application is deleted with the no call application voice command or its script is reloaded with the call application voice load command.
The following is sample output from the show call application gateway-level command using different keywords:
Router# show call application active gateway-level
Gateway level statistics for active application sessions:
Currently connected incoming PSTN legs: 1
Currently connected outgoing PSTN legs: 0
Currently connected incoming VoIP legs: 0
Currently connected outgoing VoIP legs: 0
Pending ASNL subscriptions: 0
Pending ASNL unsubscriptions: 0
Prompts playing (non-TTS): 0
Table 52 describes the fields shown in the display.
Table 52 show call application active gateway-level Field Descriptions
Sessions w/ stats
Number of active application instances that the gauges represent.
Currently connected incoming PSTN legs
Number of active call legs that are incoming from the PSTN.
Currently connected outgoing PSTN legs
Number of active call legs that are outgoing to the PSTN.
Currently connected incoming VoIP legs
Number of active call legs that are incoming from the IP network.
Currently connected outgoing VoIP legs
Number of active call legs that are outgoing to the IP network.
Placecalls in transit
Number of outgoing calls in progress for all active application instances. The value is decremented by one after the call is either set up or the setup fails.
Handouts in transit
Number of handoffs in progress for all active application instances. The value is decremented by one after the receiving application either hands back the application or rejects the handoff.
Pending ASNL subscriptions
Number of Application Subscribe Notify Layer (ASNL) subscription requests that are in progress for all active application instances.
Pending ASNL unsubscriptions
Number of ASNL unsubscription requests that are in progress for all active application instances.
Prompts playing (non-TTS)
Number of recorded prompts being played in all active application instances.
Number of recordings being made in all active application instances.
TTS prompts playing
Number of text-to-speech (TTS) prompts playing in all active application instances.
Router# show call application history gateway-level
Gateway level statistics for history application sessions:
Last reset time: *Jul 3 15:49:28 PST
Subscriber Service - Call
Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing
Total legs connected: 2 0 0 0
Legs handed in returned back: 0 0 0 0
Legs handed out came back: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected normally: 2 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for user error: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for system error: 0 0 0 0
Subscriber Service - Media
Total media duration (in seconds): 3 0 0
Subscriber Interaction - DTMF
For a description of the fields shown with the history keyword.
Related Commands
call application stats
Enables statistics collection for voice applications.
clear call application stats
Clears application-level statistics in history and subtracts the statistics from the gateway-level statistics.
show call application app-level
Displays application-level statistics for voice applications.
show call application session-level
Displays event logs and statistics for voice application instances.
show call application interface
To display event logs and statistics for application interfaces, use the show call application interface command in privileged EXEC mode.
show call application interface [summary | {aaa | asr | flash | http | ram | rtsp | smtp | tftp | tts}
[server server] [event-log | info | summary]]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Displays a short summary of all interface types or the selected interface.
Authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) interface type.
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) interface type.
Flash memory of the Cisco gateway.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) interface type.
Memory of the Cisco gateway.
Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) interface type.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) interface type.
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) interface type.
Text-to-speech (TTS) interface type.
server server
(Optional) Displays event logs or statistics for the specified server.
(Optional) Displays event logs for the selected interface type or server.
(Optional) Displays statistics for the selected interface type or server.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
If you use the server keyword, only statistics or event logs for that server display. To display event logs or statistics with this command, you must enable statistics and event logging with the call application interface event-log and call application interface stats command, respectively. To reset statistic counters to zero and clear the event logs in history, use the clear call application interface command.
The following is sample output from the show call application interface command using different keywords:
Router# show call application interface summary
Aggregated statistics for http service:
Stats last reset time *Jul 3 15:24:48 PST
Aggregated statistics for tts service:
Stats last reset time *Jul 3 15:24:48 PST
Aggregated statistics for asr service:
Stats last reset time *Jul 3 15:24:48 PST
Aggregated statistics for tftp service:
Stats last reset time *Jul 3 15:24:48 PST
Router# show call application interface tftp summary
Aggregated statistics for tftp service:
Stats last reset time *Jul 3 15:24:48 PST
Server Name Stats Error Count Event Log
Router# show call application interface tftp
Server name:
Last reset time *Jul 3 16:08:13 PST
Last reset time *Jul 3 16:08:13 PST
buf_size=50K, log_lvl=INFO
<ctx_id>:<timestamp>:<seq_no>:<severity>:<msg_body> ID = 6549D9E0: Read requested for URL =
tftp:// ID = 6549D9E0: Streamed read transaction Successful URL
= tftp:// ID = 649A0320: Streamed read transaction Successful URL
= tftp:// ID = 650922A8: Read request aborted for URL =
Router# show call application interface tftp event-log
Server name:
Last reset time *Jul 3 16:08:13 PST
buf_size=50K, log_lvl=INFO
<ctx_id>:<timestamp>:<seq_no>:<severity>:<msg_body> ID = 6549D9E0: Read requested for URL =
tftp:// ID = 6549D9E0: Streamed read transaction Successful URL
= tftp:// ID = 649A0320: Streamed read transaction Successful URL
= tftp:// ID = 650922A8: Read request aborted for URL =
Router# show call application interface tftp info
Server name:
Last reset time *Jul 3 16:08:13 PST
Table 53 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 53 show call application interface Field Descriptions
Last reset time
Time at which the statistics were last cleared with the clear call application interface command, or the gateway was restarted.
Read requests
Total number of read requests from applications to this interface type.
Read successes
Number of successful read requests from applications to this interface type.
Read failures
Number of failed read requests from applications to this interface type.
Read aborts
Number of aborted read requests from applications to this interface type.
Total bytes read
Total number of bytes that the application read from this interface type.
Server name
Name of the specific server.
Whether statistics are enabled for this server.
Error Count
Total number of errors for this server.
Event Log
Whether event logging is enabled for this server.
Related Commands
call application interface event-log
Enables event logging for external interfaces used by voice applications.
call application interface stats
Enables statistics collection for application interfaces.
clear call application interface
Clears application interface statistics and event logs.
show call application services registry
To display a one-line summary of all TCL IVR 2.0 application sessions that have registered as a service, use the show call application services registry command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show call application services registry
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
•The services registry is a database that keeps track of every TCL IVR 2.0 application instance that registers as a service. Other TCL applications can then find and communicate with any registered application.
•A TCL session is not registered as a service through a Cisco IOS command. A running instance of a TCL IVR 2.0 application registers itself as a service with the TCL service register command. For information about the service register command, refer to the TCL IVR API Version 2.0 Programmer's Guide.
The following is sample output for this command:
Router# show call application services registry
There are 1 Registered Services
Service Name Session ID Session Name
Table 54 describes significant fields in the display.
Table 54 show call application services registry Field Descriptions
Service Name
Name specified by the TCL service register command.
Session ID
ID of the session that registered as this service. You can use this ID in the show call application sessions id command to view details about this session.
Session Name
Name configured by the call application session start command, if the session was started on the gateway rather than by an incoming call.
Related Commands
call application session start (global configuration)
Starts a new instance (session) of a TCL application from global configuration mode.
call application session start (privileged EXEC)
Starts a new instance (session) of a TCL application from privileged EXEC mode.
call application session stop
Stops a voice application session that is running.
show call application sessions
Displays summary or detailed information about voice application sessions.
show call application session-level
To display event logs and statistics for individual voice application instances, use the show call application session-level command in privileged EXEC mode.
show call application {active | history} session-level [summary | [app-tag application-name |
last [number] | session-id session-id] [event-log | info]]
Syntax Description
Displays event logs or statistics for active application instances.
Displays event logs or statistics for inactive application instances in the history table.
Displays a summary of each application instance.
app-tag application-name
Name of a specific voice application. Output displays event logs or statistics for that voice application.
(Optional) Displays event logs or statistics for the most recent instance.
(Optional) Displays event logs or statistics for this number of most recent previous instances.
session-id session-id
Identifies a specific application instance. Output displays event logs or statistics for that instance.
(Optional) Displays event logs for application instances.
(Optional) Displays statistics for application instances.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
•To display event logs or statistics with this command, you must enable event logging and statistics with the call application event-log and call application stats command, respectively.
•This command displays gauges and counters that are aggregated per application instance. The values represent an individual instance running on the gateway while statistics collection is enabled.
•The number of records that are included when using the history keyword depends on the settings of the call application history session max-records and call application history session retain-timer commands.
The following is sample output from the show call application session-level command using different keywords and arguments:
Router# show call application active session-level summary
SID Application Name Stat Err Cnt Log Start Time
5 generic Y 6 Y *Jul 3 15:19:4
6 generic Y 3 Y *Jul 3 15:19:5
Router# show call application active session-level last
Application name: generic
Application URL: tftp://demo/scripts/master/generic.vxml
Start time: *Jul 3 15:19:53 PST
Subscriber Service - Call
Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing
Total legs connected: 1 0 0 0
Legs currently connected: 1 0 0 0
Legs handed in returned back: 0 0 0 0
Legs handed out came back: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected normally: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for user error: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for system error: 0 0 0 0
Subscriber Service - Media
Total media duration (in seconds): 0 0 0
Subscriber Interaction - DTMF
buf_size=25K, log_lvl=INFO
6:1057274393:472:INFO: Session started for App-type = generic, URL =
6:1057274393:473:INFO: Incoming Telephony call received, LegID = 10
6:1057274393:474:INFO: LegID = 10: Calling = 4084644753, called = 52927, dial peer = 1
6:1057274393:475:INFO: LegID = 10: Leg State = LEG_INCCONNECTED
6:1057274393:478:INFO: Playing prompt #1:
6:1057274408:517:INFO: Script received event = "error.badfetch"
Router# show call application active session-level info
Application name: generic
Application URL: tftp://demo/scripts/master/generic.vxml
Start time: *Jul 3 15:19:44 PST
Subscriber Service - Call
Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing
Total legs connected: 1 0 0 0
Legs currently connected: 1 0 0 0
Legs handed in returned back: 0 0 0 0
Legs handed out came back: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected normally: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for user error: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for system error: 0 0 0 0
Subscriber Service - Media
Total media duration (in seconds): 0 0 0
Subscriber Interaction - DTMF
Application name: generic
Application URL: tftp://demo/scripts/master/generic.vxml
Start time: *Jul 3 15:19:53 PST
Subscriber Service - Call
Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing
Total legs connected: 3 0 0 0
Legs currently connected: 1 0 0 0
Legs handed in returned back: 0 0 0 0
Legs handed out came back: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected normally: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for user error: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for system error: 0 0 0 0
Subscriber Service - Media
Media duration (in seconds): 0 0 0
Application Internal Service - Handoff
Bridged handoffs returned: 0 0
Application Internal Service - Placecall/transfer
Application Internal Service - Document Read-Write
Application Internal Service - Downloaded Script
Application Internal Service - ASNL
Subscription Unsubscription
Subscriber Interaction - DTMF
Subscriber Interaction - ASR
Subscriber Interaction - AAA
Authentication Authorization
Router# show call application active session-level event-log
buf_size=25K, log_lvl=INFO
5:1057274384:454:INFO: Session started for App-type = generic, URL =
5:1057274384:455:INFO: Incoming Telephony call received, LegID = D
5:1057274384:456:INFO: LegID = D: Calling = 4085550198, called = 52927, dial peer = 1
5:1057274384:457:INFO: LegID = D: Leg State = LEG_INCCONNECTED
5:1057274384:460:INFO: Playing prompt #1:
5:1057274384:462:ERR : Prompt play setup failure.
5:1057274384:463:INFO: Script received event = "error.badfetch"
5:1057274389:464:INFO: Timed out waiting for user DTMF digits, no user input.
5:1057274389:465:INFO: Script received event = "noinput"
buf_size=25K, log_lvl=INFO
6:1057274393:472:INFO: Session started for App-type = generic, URL =
6:1057274393:473:INFO: Incoming Telephony call received, LegID = 10
6:1057274393:474:INFO: LegID = 10: Calling = 4084644753, called = 52927, dial peer = 1
6:1057274393:475:INFO: LegID = 10: Leg State = LEG_INCCONNECTED
6:1057274393:478:INFO: Playing prompt #1:
6:1057274393:480:ERR : Prompt play setup failure.
6:1057274393:481:INFO: Script received event = "error.badfetch"
6:1057274398:488:INFO: Timed out waiting for user DTMF digits, no user input.
6:1057274398:489:INFO: Script received event = "noinput"
6:1057274398:490:INFO: Playing prompt #1:
Router# show call application active session-level app-tag generic
Application name: generic
Application URL: tftp://demo/scripts/master/generic.vxml
Start time: *Jul 3 15:19:44 PST
Subscriber Service - Call
Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing
Total legs connected: 1 0 0 0
Legs currently connected: 1 0 0 0
Legs handed in returned back: 0 0 0 0
Legs handed out came back: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected normally: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for user error: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for system error: 0 0 0 0
Subscriber Service - Media
Total media duration (in seconds): 0 0 0
Subscriber Interaction - DTMF
buf_size=25K, log_lvl=INFO
5:1057274384:454:INFO: Session started for App-type = generic, URL =
5:1057274384:455:INFO: Incoming Telephony call received, LegID = D
5:1057274384:456:INFO: LegID = D: Calling = 4085550198, called = 52927, dial peer = 1
5:1057274384:457:INFO: LegID = D: Leg State = LEG_INCCONNECTED
5:1057274384:460:INFO: Playing prompt #1:
5:1057274384:462:ERR : Prompt play setup failure.
5:1057274384:463:INFO: Script received event = "error.badfetch"
5:1057274389:464:INFO: Timed out waiting for user DTMF digits, no user input.
5:1057274389:465:INFO: Script received event = "noinput"
5:1057274389:466:INFO: Playing prompt #1:
Router# show call application active session-level session-id 7
Application name: generic
Application URL: tftp://demo/scripts/master/generic.vxml
Start time: *Jul 3 15:21:26 PST
Subscriber Service - Call
Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing
Total legs connected: 1 0 0 0
Legs currently connected: 1 0 0 0
Legs handed in returned back: 0 0 0 0
Legs handed out came back: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected normally: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for user error: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for system error: 0 0 0 0
Subscriber Service - Media
Total media duration (in seconds): 0 0 0
Subscriber Interaction - DTMF
buf_size=25K, log_lvl=INFO
7:1057274486:662:INFO: Session started for App-type = generic, URL =
7:1057274486:663:INFO: Incoming Telephony call received, LegID = 13
7:1057274486:664:INFO: LegID = 13: Calling = 4085550198, called = 52927, dial peer = 1
7:1057274486:665:INFO: LegID = 13: Leg State = LEG_INCCONNECTED
7:1057274486:668:INFO: Playing prompt #1:
Router# show call application history session-level summary
SID Application Name Stat Err Cnt Log Stop Time Duration
1 generic Y 3 Y *Jul 3 15:49:2 00:00:11
2 generic Y 1 Y *Jul 3 15:49:3 00:00:03
Router# show call application history session-level last
Application name: generic
Application URL: tftp://demo/scripts/master/generic.vxml
Start time: *Jul 3 15:49:29 PST
Stop time: *Jul 3 15:49:33 PST
Subscriber Service - Call
Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing
Total legs connected: 1 0 0 0
Legs handed in returned back: 0 0 0 0
Legs handed out came back: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected normally: 1 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for user error: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for system error: 0 0 0 0
Subscriber Service - Media
Total media duration (in seconds): 0 0 0
buf_size=25K, log_lvl=INFO
2:1057276169:28:INFO: Session started for App-type = generic, URL =
2:1057276169:29:INFO: Incoming Telephony call received, LegID = 4
2:1057276169:30:INFO: LegID = 4: Calling = 4085550198, called = 52927, dial peer = 1
2:1057276169:31:INFO: LegID = 4: Leg State = LEG_INCCONNECTED
2:1057276169:34:INFO: Playing prompt #1:
2:1057276169:36:ERR : Prompt play setup failure.
2:1057276169:37:INFO: Script received event = "error.badfetch"
2:1057276173:39:INFO: Script received event = "telephone.disconnect.hangup"
2:1057276173:40:INFO: LegID = 4: Call disconnected, cause = normal call clearing (16)
2:1057276173:43:INFO: Session done, terminating cause =
Router# show call application history session-level event-log
buf_size=25K, log_lvl=INFO
1:1057276157:3:INFO: Session started for App-type = generic, URL =
1:1057276157:4:INFO: Incoming Telephony call received, LegID = 1
1:1057276157:5:INFO: LegID = 1: Calling = 4085550198, called = 52927, dial peer = 1
1:1057276157:6:INFO: LegID = 1: Leg State = LEG_INCCONNECTED
1:1057276157:9:INFO: Playing prompt #1:
1:1057276160:12:ERR : Prompt play setup failure.
1:1057276160:13:INFO: Script received event = "error.badfetch"
1:1057276165:14:INFO: Timed out waiting for user DTMF digits, no user input.
1:1057276165:15:INFO: Script received event = "noinput"
1:1057276165:16:INFO: Playing prompt #1:
1:1057276165:18:ERR : Prompt play setup failure.
1:1057276165:19:INFO: Script received event = "error.badfetch"
1:1057276168:21:INFO: Script received event = "telephone.disconnect.hangup"
1:1057276168:22:INFO: LegID = 1: Call disconnected, cause = normal call clearing (16)
1:1057276168:25:INFO: Session done, terminating cause =
buf_size=25K, log_lvl=INFO
2:1057276169:28:INFO: Session started for App-type = generic, URL =
2:1057276169:29:INFO: Incoming Telephony call received, LegID = 4
2:1057276169:30:INFO: LegID = 4: Calling = 4085550198, called = 52927, dial peer = 1
2:1057276169:31:INFO: LegID = 4: Leg State = LEG_INCCONNECTED
2:1057276169:34:INFO: Playing prompt #1:
2:1057276169:36:ERR : Prompt play setup failure.
2:1057276169:37:INFO: Script received event = "error.badfetch"
2:1057276173:39:INFO: Script received event = "telephone.disconnect.hangup"
2:1057276173:40:INFO: LegID = 4: Call disconnected, cause = normal call clearing (16)
2:1057276173:43:INFO: Session done, terminating cause =
Router# show call application history session-level info
Application name: generic
Application URL: tftp://demo/scripts/master/generic.vxml
Start time: *Jul 3 15:49:17 PST
Stop time: *Jul 3 15:49:28 PST
Subscriber Service - Call
Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing
Total legs connected: 1 0 0 0
Legs handed in returned back: 0 0 0 0
Legs handed out came back: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected normally: 1 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for user error: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for system error: 0 0 0 0
Subscriber Service - Media
Total media duration (in seconds): 3 0 0
Subscriber Interaction - DTMF
Application name: generic
Application URL: tftp://demo/scripts/master/generic.vxml
Start time: *Jul 3 15:49:29 PST
Stop time: *Jul 3 15:49:33 PST
Subscriber Service - Call
Incoming Outgoing Incoming Outgoing
Total legs connected: 1 0 0 0
Legs handed in returned back: 0 0 0 0
Legs handed out came back: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected normally: 1 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for user error: 0 0 0 0
Legs disconnected for system error: 0 0 0 0
Subscriber Service - Media
Total media duration (in seconds): 0 0 0
Table 55 describes significant fields in the displays.
Note These fields display for the show call application session-level, show call application app-level, and show call application gateway-level commands. At the session level, the fields apply to a single application instance. At the application level, the fields apply to all instances of an application. At the gateway level, the fields apply to all instances of all applications.
Table 55 show call application active session-level info Field Descriptions
Session id
Session ID assigned to the instance when it became active.
Session name
Name of the session defined with the call application session start command.
Application name
Name of the application defined with the call application voice command.
Application URL
Location of the application script defined with the call application voice command.
Start time
Time at which the session started.
Subscriber Service — Call
Legs setup
Number of calls setup (indications and requests) by an application instance.
Total legs connected
Number of calls connected by an application instance.
Legs currently connected
Number of calls currently connected by an application instance at any moment.
Legs handed in
Number of call legs received as an incoming handoff from another application.
Legs handed in returned back
Number of call legs received as an incoming handoff from another application that were returned to the other application.
Legs handed out
Number of call legs handed off to another application.
Legs handed out came back
Number of call legs handed off to another application that were returned by the other application.
Legs disconnected normally
Number of incoming and outgoing calls disconnected for normal causes.
Legs disconnected for user error
Number of incoming calls disconnected for call failure reasons, such as no answer or busy.
Legs disconnected for system error
Number of incoming calls disconnected for system failure reasons, such as no resources.
Subscriber Service — Media
Media attempts
Number of prompt playouts, recordings, and text-to-speech (TTS) attempts on call legs in this application instance.
Media actives,
Number of prompt playouts, recordings, and TTS prompts currently active on call legs in an application instance.
Media successes
Number of prompt playouts, recordings, and TTS prompts that were successful on call legs in an application instance.
Media aborts
Number of prompt playouts, recordings, and TTS prompts that were aborted by the caller on call legs in an application instance.
Media failures
Number of prompt playouts, recording, and TTS attempts that failed on call legs in an application instance.
Total media duration
Total duration, in seconds, of prompt playing, recording, or TTS.
Application Internal Service — Handoff
Bridged handoffs, incoming
Number of handoffs received with callback (bridged transfers) in an application instance.
Bridged handoffs, outgoing
Number of handoffs placed with callback (bridged transfers) by an application instance.
Bridged handoffs returned, incoming
Number of incoming bridged handoffs that were returned by an application instance.
Bridged handoffs returned, outgoing
Number of outgoing bridged handoffs that were returned to an application instance.
Blind handoffs, incoming
Number of handoffs received with no callback (blind transfers) in an application instance.
Blind handoffs, outgoing
Number of handoffs placed with no callback (blind transfers) by an application instance.
Handoffs in transit1
Number of handoffs in progress for an application instance. The value is decremented by one after the receiving application either hands back the application or rejects the handoff.
Handoffs failed
Number of handoffs that failed (bridged and blind) in an application instance.
Application Internal Service — Placecall/transfer
Placecall requests
Number of outgoing call setup requests made by an application instance.
Placecall successes
Number of outgoing calls placed by an application instance.
Placecall failures
Number of outgoing call setup requests that failed for an application instance.
Placecalls in transit1
Number of outgoing calls in progress for an application. The value is decremented by one after the call is either set up or the setup fails.
Application Internal Service — Document Read-Write
Doc requests
Number of document fetch and submit requests.
Doc successes
Number of successful document fetches and submits.
Doc failures
Number of document fetch and submit failures.
Application Internal Service — Downloaded Script
Script parse errors
Number of semantic errors seen by an application instance.
Application Internal Service — ASNL
ASNL notifications
Number of Application Subscribe Notify Layer (ASNL) notifications received from servers.
ASNL requests
Number of subscribe or unsubscribe requests made by an application instance.
ASNL successes
Number of subscribe or unsubscribe requests that succeeded for an application instance.
ANSL failures
Number of subscribe or unsubscribe requests that failed for an application instance.
Subscriber Interaction -— DTMF
DTMFs not matched
Number of DTMF patterns input by a caller that were not matched in an application instance.
DTMFs matched
Number of DTMF patterns input by a caller that were matched in an application instance.
DTMFs no input
Number of "no input" notifications received (includes DTMF timeouts).
DTMFs long pound
Number of long-pound interrupts from a caller seen by an application instance.
Subscriber Interaction — ASR
ASR not matched
Number of automatic speech recognition (ASR) phrases from a caller that were not matched in an application instance.
ASR matched
Number of automatic speech recognition (ASR) phrases from a caller that were matched in an application instance.
ASR no inputs
Number of "no input" notifications received from ASR servers.
Subscriber Interaction — AAA Authentication
AAA authentication successes
Number of AAA authentication successes.
AAA authentication failures
Number of AAA authentication failures because of invalid passwords.
Subscriber Interaction — AAA Authorizations
AAA authorization successes
Number of AAA authorization successes.
AAA authorization failures
Number of AAA authorization failures.
Related Commands
call application event-log
Enables event logging for voice application instances.
call application history session max-records
Sets the maximum number of application instance records saved in history.
call application history session retain-timer
Sets the maximum number of minutes for which application instance records are saved in history.
call application stats
Enables statistics collection for voice applications.
call application voice event-log
Enables event logging for a specific voice application.
show call application app-level
Displays application-level statistics for voice applications.
show call application gateway-level
Displays gateway-level statistics for voice application instances.
show call application sessions
To display summary or detailed information about all running or stopped voice application sessions, use the show call application sessions command in user EXEC or privileged EXEC mode.
show call application sessions [callid call-id | id session-id | name instance-name]
Syntax Description
callid call-id
(Optional) Call-leg ID of an active call that is being controlled by the session.
id session-id
(Optional) Session ID for the specific application instance.
name instance-name
(Optional) Name assigned to the instance with the call application session start command.
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
Usage Guidelines
•A specific application session is identified by one of three different methods: call ID, session ID, or instance name.
•If a specific session is identified by a callid, id, or name keyword, this command displays information about that specific session only. If you do not use a keyword, this command displays a one-line summary of all sessions, not just those sessions that are started by the call application session start command.
•This command lists all running TCL IVR 2.0 and VoiceXML application sessions and TCL sessions that are stopped. A session displays a state of "stopped" if you intentionally stop it with the call application session stop or no call application session start command, or because there is a syntax error that prevents the script from running. This is the case only if the session is started with the call application session start command through global configuration mode.
Note If a session is started with the call application session start command in privileged EXEC mode, it is not tracked by the system and is therefore not shown as stopped in the output of the show call application sessions command.
The following is sample output from this command:
Router# show call application sessions
There are 1 active TCL sessions
SID Name Called Calling App Name Legs
Instance Name App Name State
my_instance1 sample stopped
Table 56 describes significant fields in the display.
Table 56 show call application sessions Field Descriptions
Session identifier for active sessions.
Session name that was configured with the call application session start command.
Called number for active calls that are using the session.
Calling number for active calls that are using the session.
App Name
Name of the application for which the instance was created.
Any active call legs that are controlled by the session.
Shows "stopped" for any session that is no longer running, provided that the session is started with the call application session start command in global configuration mode.
The following is sample output for a session named serv1:
Router# show call application sessions name serv1
Session named serv1 is in the start list in state running
It is configured to start on GW reboot
The application it runs is sample_service
Handle is TCL_HAND*1653710732*0*3193204
URL: tftp://dev/demo/scripts/sample_service.tcl
Session handle: TCL_HAND*1653710732*0*3193204
ID for 'show call active voice id' display: 0
Table 57 describes significant fields in the display.
Table 57 show call application sessions name Field Descriptions
Name of the application for which the instance was created.
Location of the script used for the application as specified with the call application voice command.
Session name
Session name that was configured with the call application session start command.
Session handle
Handle that is returned from the TCL mod_handle infotag. A session handle is used in a TCL script on a Cisco gateway to send messages to other sessions.
FSM State
Current state in the TCL IVR 2.0 finite-state machine, as specified with the TCL fsm setstate command in the script.
ID for `show call active voice id' display:
Call identifier.
Any active call legs that are controlled by this session.
Service name for the session if it registered as a service with the TCL service register command in the script. You can display a list of all registered services with the show call application services registry command.
Related Commands
call application session start (global configuration)
Starts a new instance (session) of a TCL application from global configuration mode.
call application session start (privileged EXEC)
Starts a new instance of a TCL application from privileged EXEC mode.
call application session stop
Stops a voice application session that is running.
show call application services registry
Displays a one-line summary of all registered services.
show call application voice
To display information about voice applications, use the show call application voice command in EXEC mode.
show call application voice [name | summary]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Name of the desired voice application. Output displays information about that application.
(Optional) Output displays a one-line summary of each voice application.
Command Default
If both the name argument and summary keyword are omitted, command output displays detailed information about all interactive voice response (IVR) applications.
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0(3)T.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5800.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400.
This command was modified to support VoiceXML applications.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.
This command was implemented on the Cisco 1750 and Cisco 1751. This command was not supported on any other platforms in this release.
This command was implemented on the Cisco 1751, Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, Cisco 3725, Cisco 3745, and Cisco 7200.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T for VoiceXML applications. This command is supported on the Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, and Cisco AS5850 in this release.
New output was added relating to the SCCP Telephony Control Application (STCAPP).
Usage Guidelines
The show call application voice command displays a detailed description of each configured application.
If the name of a specific application is entered, the command displays detailed information about only that application.
If the summary keyword is entered, the command displays a one-line summary about each application.
If STCAPP is enabled, the summary command displays STCAPP as an available call application.
If an asterisk is displayed next to the application name when the summary keyword is used, the application is configured, but not running. Normally this is because the application was not successfully loaded, for example:
*vapptest2 flash:helloworld.vxml
TCL scripts and VoiceXML documents can be stored in any of the following locations: TFTP, FTP, or HTTP servers; Flash memory of the gateway; or the removable disks of the Cisco 3600 series. The audio files that they use can be stored in any of these locations and on RTSP servers.
The following example shows the output for the session Toolkit Command Language (TCL) script:
Router# show call application voice session
The script is compiled into the image
Interpreted by infrastructure version 2.0
# August 1999, Saravanan Shanmugham
# Copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 by cisco Systems, Inc.
# This tcl script mimics the default SESSION app
# If DID is configured, just place the call to the dnis
# Otherwise, output dial-tone and collect digits from the
# caller against the dial-plan.
# Then place the call. If successful, connect it up, otherwise
# the caller should hear a busy or congested signal.
# The main routine just establishes the statemachine and then exits.
# From then on the system drives the statemachine depending on the
# events it recieves and calls the appropriate tcl procedure
set param(interruptPrompt) true
set param(terminationKey) #
if { [infotag get leg_isdid] } {
set dest [infotag get leg_dnis]
leg proceeding leg_incoming
leg setup $dest callInfo leg_incoming
leg setupack leg_incoming
playtone leg_incoming tn_dial
leg collectdigits leg_incoming param
set status [infotag get evt_status]
if { $status == "cd_004" } {
set dest [infotag get evt_dcdigits]
leg proceeding leg_incoming
leg setup $dest callInfo leg_incoming
puts "\nCall [infotag get con_all] got event $status collecting destina"
proc act_CallSetupDone { } {
set status [infotag get evt_status]
if { $status == "ls_000"} {
set creditTimeLeft [infotag get leg_settlement_time leg_all]
if { ($creditTimeLeft == "unlimited") ||
($creditTimeLeft == "uninitialized") } {
# start the timer for ...
if { $creditTimeLeft < 10 } {
set delay $creditTimeLeft
set delay [expr $creditTimeLeft - 10]
timer start leg_timer $delay leg_incoming
puts "Call [infotag get con_all] got event $status collecting destinati"
set incoming [infotag get leg_incoming]
set outgoing [infotag get leg_outgoing]
#insert a beep the caller
connection destroy con_all
connection destroy con_all
media play leg_incoming
media play leg_incoming
connection create $incoming $outgoing
proc act_ConnectedAgain { } {
timer start leg_timer 10 leg_incoming
set fsm(any_state,ev_disconnected) "act_Cleanup same_state"
set fsm(CALL_INIT,ev_setup_indication) "act_Setup GETDEST"
set fsm(GETDEST,ev_collectdigits_done) "act_GotDest PLACECALL"
set fsm(PLACECALL,ev_setup_done) "act_CallSetupDone CALLACTIVE"
set fsm(CALLACTIVE,ev_leg_timer) "act_Timer INSERTBEEP"
set fsm(INSERTBEEP,ev_destroy_done) "act_Destroy same_state"
set fsm(INSERTBEEP,ev_media_done) "act_Beeped same_state"
set fsm(INSERTBEEP,ev_create_done) "act_ConnectedAgain CALLACTIVE"
set fsm(LASTWARN,ev_destroy_done) "act_LastWarn CALLDISCONNECT"
set fsm(CALLACTIVE,ev_disconnected) "act_Cleanup CALLDISCONNECT"
set fsm(CALLDISCONNECT,ev_disconnected) "act_Cleanup same_state"
set fsm(CALLDISCONNECT,ev_media_done) "act_Cleanup same_state"
set fsm(CALLDISCONNECT,ev_disconnect_done) "act_Cleanup same_state"
set fsm(CALLDISCONNECT,ev_leg_timer) "act_Cleanup same_state"
The following is sample output for the summary keyword:
Router# show call application voice summary
session Basic app to do DID, or supply dialtone.
fax_hop_on Script to talk to a fax redialer
clid_authen Authenticate with (ani, dnis)
clid_authen_collect Authenticate with (ani, dnis), collect if that fails
clid_authen_npw Authenticate with (ani, NULL)
clid_authen_col_npw Authenticate with (ani, NULL), collect if that fails
clid_col_npw_3 Authenticate with (ani, NULL), and 3 tries collecting
clid_col_npw_npw Authenticate with (ani, NULL) and 3 tries without pw
DEFAULT Default system session application
lib_off_app Libretto Offramp
TCL Script Version 2.0 supported.
TCL Script Version 1.1 supported.
Voice Browser Version 2.0 for VoiceXML 1.0 & 2.0 supported.
The following is sample output for the summary keyword when STCAPP is enabled:
Router# show call application voice summary
SERVICES (standalone applications):
ipsla-responder Tcl Script builtin:app_test_rcvr_script.tcl
clid_authen Tcl Script builtin:app_clid_authen_script.tcl
clid_col_npw_npw Tcl Script builtin:app_clid_col_npw_npw_script.tcl
DEFAULT C Script builtin:Session_Service.C
CTAPP C Script builtin:CallTreatment_Service.C
clid_authen_col_npw Tcl Script builtin:app_clid_authen_col_npw_script.tcl
fax_hop_on Tcl Script builtin:app_fax_hop_on_script.tcl
ipsla-testcall Tcl Script builtin:app_test_place_script.tcl
clid_authen_npw Tcl Script builtin:app_clid_authen_npw_script.tcl
session Tcl Script builtin:app_session_script.tcl
clid_authen_collect Tcl Script builtin:app_clid_authen_collect_script.tcl
clid_col_npw_3 Tcl Script builtin:app_clid_col_npw_3_script.tcl
lib_off_app CCAPI Libretto Offramp
DEFAULT.C.OLD CCAPI Obsolete system session application
stcapp CCAPI SCCP Call Control Application
The following is sample output for the stcapp keyword when the STCAPP is enabled:
Router# show call application voice stcapp
Total Calls in Progress: 0
Total Call Legs in Use: 0
The following is sample output from the show call application voice command for a VoiceXML application named vapptest1:
Router# show call application voice vapptest1
VXML Application vapptest1
0 call transfers initiated
0 pages loaded, 0 successful
Interpreted by Voice Browser Version 2.0 for VoiceXML 1.0 & 2.0.
<audio src=""/>
Table 58 describes the fields shown in the show call application voice display:
Table 58 show call application voice Field Descriptions
Location of the document used by the application.
It has: n calls active.
Number of calls that are using this application.
incoming calls
Number of incoming public switched telephone network (PSTN) or IP calls that invoked this application.
calls handed off to it
Number of calls that were handed off to this application by another TCL or VoiceXML application.
call transfers initiated
Number of call transfers that were initiated by this application.
pages loaded
Number of VoiceXML pages that were loaded by the application.
Number of VoiceXML pages that were completed.
prompts played
Number of audio prompts that were played by the application.
recorded messages
Number of audio recordings made by the VoiceXML application.
Interpreted by
Programming language used by the application.
The TCL or VoiceXML Script is
Content of the VoiceXML document or TCL script.
Related Commands
call application voice
Defines the name to be used for an application and indicates the location of the appropriate IVR script to be used with the application.
call application voice load
Reloads the designated TCL script or VoiceXML document.
show call fallback cache
To display the current Calculated Planning Impairment Factor (ICPIF) estimates for all IP addresses in cache, use the show call fallback cache command in EXEC mode.
show call fallback cache [ip-address]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specific IP address.
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco MC3810.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T.
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to clear all entries in the cache.
The following example displays output from this command:
Router# show call fallback cache
Probe IP Address Codec Delay Loss ICPIF Reject Accept
----- ---------- ----- ----- ---- ----- ------ ------
1 g729r8 40 0 0 0 9
2 g729r8 148 10 5 1 4
IP Address IP Address to which the probe is sent
Codec Codec Type of the probe
Delay Delay in milliseconds that the probe incurred
Loss Loss in % that the probe incurred
ICPIF Computed ICPIF value for the probe
Reject Number of times that calls of Codec Type <Codec>
were rejected to the IP Address
Accept Number of times that calls of Codec Type <Codec>
were accepted to the IP Address
active probes Number of destinations being probed
Router# show call fallback cache
Probe IP Address Codec ICPIF Reject Accept
----- ---------- ----- ----- ------ ------
1 g729r8 0 0 2
Field descriptions should be self-explanatory.
Related Commands
show call fallback stats
Displays call fallback statistics.
show call fallback config
To display the call fallback configuration, use the show call fallback config command in EXEC mode.
show call fallback config
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and Cisco MC3810.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T.
The following example displays output from the show call fallback config command:
Router# show call fallback config
ICPIF value timeout:20 seconds
Number of packets in a probe:20
IP precedence of probe packets:2
Fallback cache size:2 entries
Fallback cache timeout:240 seconds
Instantaneous value weight:65
Table 59 describes the fields shown in the show call fallback config display
Table 59 show call fallback config Field Descriptions
Fallback is
Lists enabled/disabled state of call fallback.
Using ICPIF threshold
ICPIF is configured to determine network traffic.
ICPIF value timeout
Lists probe timeout for collecting ICPIF information.
ICPIF threshold
Lists configured ICPIF threshold.
Number of packets in a probe
Lists number of configured packets per probe.
IP precedence of probe packets
Lists configured IP precedence for probes.
Fallback cache size
Number of allowed entries in call fallback cache.
Fallback cache timeout
Length of cache timeout, in seconds.
Instantaneous value weight
Lists weight configured for calculating cache entry based on new probe and last entry.
MD5 Keychain
MD5 authentication has been configured with a keychain of secret.
Related Commands
call fallback monitor
Enables the monitoring of destinations without fallback to alternate dial peers.
show voice trunk-conditioning signaling
Enables fallback to alternate dial peers in case of network congestion.
show call fallback stats
To display the call fallback statistics, use the show call fallback stats command in EXEC mode.
show call fallback stats
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600, Cisco 3600, and Cisco MC3810.
This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T.
Usage Guidelines
To remove all values, use the clear call fallback stats command.
The following example displays output from the show call fallback stats command:
Router# show call fallback stats
Total accepted calls Number of times that calls were successful over IP.
Total rejected calls Number of times that calls were rejected over IP.
Total cache overflows Number of times that the fallback cache overflowed and required
Table 60 describes the fields shown in the show call fallback stats display
Table 60 show call fallback stats Fields with Descriptions
Total accepted calls
Number of times that calls were successful over IP.
Total rejected calls
Number of times that calls were rejected over IP.
Total cache overflows
Number of times that the fallback cache overflowed and required pruning.
Related Commands
clear call fallback stats
Clears the call fallback statistics.
show call fallback cache
Displays the current ICPIF estimates for all IP addresses in the cache.
show call filter components
To display the components used for filtering calls, use the show call filter components command in privileged EXEC mode.
show call filter components
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
The following example shows the output from running the show call filter components command. The GCFM is the generic call filter module, which is the internal module that controls which components are filtered:
Router# show call filter components
The following components registered in GCFM:
Table 61 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 61 show call filter components Field Descriptions
The following components registered in GCFM:
Shows which components are filtered in the generic call filter module.
Related Commands
call filter match-list voice
Create a call filter match list for debugging voice calls.
debug call filter inout
Display the debug trace inside the GCFM.
debug condition match-list
Run a filtered debug on a voice call.
outgoing port
Configure debug filtering for the outgoing port.
show call filter match-list
Display call filter match lists.
show call filter match-list
To display call filter match lists, use the show call filter match-list command in privileged EXEC mode.
show call filter match-list tag
Syntax Description
Numeric label that uniquely identifies the match list.
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
The following example shows an output from the show call filter match-list command:
Router# show call filter match-list
call filter match-list 9 voice
incoming calling-number 50200
incoming called-number 50201
incoming signal local ipv4
incoming signal remote ipv4
incoming media local ipv4
incoming media remote ipv4
outgoing calling-number 50200
outgoing called-number 50201
debug condition match-list is set to EXACT_MATCH
call filter match-list 10 voice
incoming calling-number 50300
incoming called-number 50301
incoming signal local ipv4
incoming signal remote ipv4
incoming media local ipv4
incoming media remote ipv4
outgoing calling-number 50300
outgoing called-number 50301
debug condition match-list is set to EXACT_MATCH
Table 62 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 62 show call filter match-list Field Descriptions
call filter match-list 9 voice
Shows which match list is being displayed.
debug condition match-list is set to EXACT_MATCH
Shows whether the debug condition is set for exact match or partial match.
Related Commands
call filter match-list voice
Create a call filter match list for debugging voice calls.
debug call filter inout
Display the debug trace inside the GCFM.
debug condition match-list
Run a filtered debug on a voice call.
show call filter components
Display the components used for filtering calls.