Cisco IOS Voice Command Reference
Commands:cac master through call application stats

Table Of Contents

Cisco IOS Voice Commands:

cac master


cache (neighbor BE)

cache reload time (global application configuration mode)






call accounting-template

call accounting-template voice

call accounting-template voice reload


call application alternate

call application cache reload time

call application dump event-log

call application event-log

call application event-log dump ftp

call application event-log error-only

call application event-log max-buffer-size

call application global

call application history session event-log save-exception-only

call application history session max-records

call application history session retain-timer

call application interface dump event-log

call application interface event-log

call application interface event-log dump ftp

call application interface event-log error-only

call application interface event-log max-buffer-size

call application interface max-server-records

call application interface stats

call application session start (global)

call application session start (privileged EXEC)

call application session stop

call application stats

Cisco IOS Voice Commands:

This chapter contains commands to configure and maintain Cisco IOS voice applications. The commands are presented in alphabetical order. Some commands required for configuring voice may be found in other Cisco IOS command references. Use the command reference master index or search online to find these commands.

For detailed information on how to configure these applications and features, refer to the Cisco IOS Voice Configuration Library.

cac master

To configure the call admission control (CAC) operation as master, enter the cac master command in voice-service configuration mode. To restore CAC operation to slave, use the no form of this command.

cac master

no cac master

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


CAC operation is slave

Command Modes

Voice-service configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco MC3810.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(2)T.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 7200 series.

Usage Guidelines

You should configure the router at opposite ends of an ATM adaptation layer 2 (AAL2) trunk for the opposite CAC operation—master at one end and slave at the other end.

A router configured as a master always performs CAC during fax and modem upspeed. A router configured as a slave sends a request for CAC to the CAC master.


The following example shows configuration of the CAC operation of a router as master:

voice service voatm
 session protocol aal2
 cac master

The following example shows configuration of these entities being returned to slave status:

voice service voatm
 session protocol aal2
 no cac master


To disable connection admission control (CAC), use the cac_off command in interface-ATM-VC configuration mode. To enable CAC, use the no form of this command.


no cac_off

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default

Call admission control is enabled.

Command Modes

Interface-ATM-VC configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(7)T.

Usage Guidelines

Connection admission control (CAC) is a set of actions taken by each ATM switch during connection setup to determine whether the requested quality of service (QoS) will violate the QoS guarantees for established connections. CAC reserves bandwidth for voice calls, however, the bandwidth required when the lossless compression codec (LLCC) is used is dynamic and usually less than what is generally reserved by CAC. Disabling CAC can help in better utilization of bandwidth when LLCC is used.


The following example disables call admission control on a PVC:

interface ATM0/IMA1.1 point-to-point
 pvc test1 15/135

cache (neighbor BE)

To configure the local border element (BE) to cache the descriptors received from its neighbors, use the cache command in neighbor BE configuration mode. To disable caching, use the no form of this command.


no cache

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Caching is not enabled

Command Modes

Neighbor BE configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)T. Support for the Cisco AS5300 universal access server, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400 is not included in this release.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5850.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the local BE to cache the descriptors received from its neighbor. If caching is enabled, the neighbors are queried at the specified interval for their descriptors.


The following example shows the border element enabled to cache the descriptors from its neighbors.

Router(config-annexg-neigh)# id neighbor-id

Router(config-annexg-neigh)# cache

Related Commands



Configures the local ID of the neighboring BE.


Configures the neighbor's port number that is used for exchanging Annex G messages.


Configures the interval at which the local BE queries the neighboring BE.

cache reload time (global application configuration mode)

To configure the router to reload scripts from cache on a regular interval, use the cache reload time command in global application configuration mode. To set the value to the default, use the no form of this command.

cache reload time bg-minutes

no cache reload time

Syntax Description


Number of minutes after which the background process is awakened. This background process checks the time elapsed since the script was last used and whether the script is current:

If the script has not been used in the last "unload time," it unloads the script and quits. The unload time is not configurable.

If the script has been used, the background process loads the script from the URL. It compares the scripts, and if they do not match, it begins using the new script for new calls.

Command Default

30 minutes

Command Modes

Global application configuration

Command History



The call application cache reload time command was moved to global application configuration mode and changed to cache reload time.


The following example displays the cache reload time command configured to specify 15 minutes before a background process is awakened:

Enter application configuration mode to configure applications and services:


Enter global application configuration mode:


Configure the cache reload time:

cache reload time 15

Related Commands


call application cache reload time

Configures the router to reload the MGCP scripts from cache on a regular interval.

show call application voice

Displays all Tcl or MGCP scripts that are loaded.


To define the tone-on and tone-off durations for a call-progress tone, use the cadence command in call-progress dualtone configuration mode. To restore the default cadence, use the no form of this command.

cadence {cycle-1-on-time cycle-1-off-time [cycle-2-on-time cycle-2-off-time] [cycle-3-on-time cycle-3-off-time] [cycle-4-on-time cycle-4-off-time]} | continuous

no cadence

Syntax Description


Tone-on duration for the first cycle of the cadence pattern, in milliseconds (ms). Range is from 0 to 1000. The default is 0.


Tone-off duration for the first cycle of the cadence pattern, in milliseconds. Range is from 0 to 1000. The default is 0.


(Optional) Tone-on duration for the second cycle of the cadence pattern, in milliseconds. Range is from 0 to 1000. The default is 0.


(Optional) Tone-off duration for the second cycle of the cadence pattern, in milliseconds. Range is from 0 to 1000. The default is 0.


(Optional) Tone-on duration for the third cycle of the cadence pattern, in milliseconds. Range is from 0 to 1000. The default is 0.


(Optional) Tone-off duration for the third cycle of the cadence pattern, in milliseconds. Range is from 0 to 1000. The default is 0.


(Optional) Tone-on duration for the fourth cycle of the cadence pattern, in milliseconds. Range is from 0 to 1000. The default is 0.


(Optional) Tone-off duration for the fourth cycle of the cadence pattern, in milliseconds. Range is from 0 to 1000. The default is 0.


Continuous call-progress tone is detected.

Command Default


Command Modes

Call-progress dualtone configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and the Cisco MC3810.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 1750 and integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T.

Usage Guidelines

This command specifies the cadence for a class of custom call-progress tones.

You must define each cadence that you want a voice port to detect. Reenter the command for each additional cadence to be detected.

You must associate the class of custom call-progress tones with a voice port for this command to affect tone detection.


The following example defines a cadence for a busy tone in the custom-cptone voice class with the name "country-x." This example defines 500 ms tone on and 500 ms tone off.

voice class custom-cptone country-x
 dualtone busy
 cadence 500 500

The following example configures detection of the default frequency and cadence values for the busy tone in the custom-cptone voice class with the name "country-x". The default frequency is a 300 Hz tone, and the default cadence is continuous.

voice class custom-cptone country-x
 dualtone busy
 no cadence
 no frequency

Related Commands


supervisory custom-cptone

Associates a class of custom call-progress tones with a voice port.

voice class custom-cptone

Creates a voice class for defining custom call-progress tones.

voice class dualtone-detect-params

Modifies the boundaries and limits for custom call-progress tones defined by the voice class custom-cptone command.


To specify a tone cadence pattern to be detected, use the cadence-list command in voice-class configuration mode. To delete a cadence pattern, use the no form of this command.

cadence-list cadence-id cycle-1-on-time cycle-1-off-time [cycle-2-on-time cycle-2-off-time] [cycle-3-on-time cycle-3-off-time] [cycle-4-on-time cycle-4-off-time]

no cadence-list cadence-id

Syntax Description


A tag to identify this cadence list. The range is from 1 to 10.


The tone duration for the first cycle of the cadence pattern. Range is from 0 to 1000 (0 milliseconds to 100 seconds). The default is 0.


The silence duration for the first cycle of the cadence pattern. Range is from 0 to 1000 (0 milliseconds to 100 seconds). The default is 0.


(Optional) The tone duration for the second cycle of the cadence pattern. Range is from 0 to 1000 (0 milliseconds to 100 seconds). The default is 0.


(Optional) The silence duration for the second cycle of the cadence pattern. Range is from 0 to 1000 (0 milliseconds to 100 seconds). The default is 0.


(Optional) The tone duration for the third cycle of the cadence pattern. Range is from 0 to 1000 (0 milliseconds to 100 seconds). The default is 0.


(Optional) The silence duration for the third cycle of the cadence pattern. Range is from 0 to 1000 (0 milliseconds to 100 seconds). The default is 0.


(Optional) The tone duration for the fourth cycle of the cadence pattern. Range is from 0 to 1000 (0 milliseconds to 100 seconds). The default is 0.


(Optional) The silence duration for the fourth cycle of the cadence pattern. Range is from 0 to 1000 (0 milliseconds to 100 seconds). The default is 0.

Command Default

No cadence pattern is configured.

Command Modes

Voice-class configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, the Cisco MC3810.

Usage Guidelines

A cadence list enables the router to match a complex tone pattern from a PBX or public switched telephone network (PSTN). A tone is detected if it matches any configured cadence list. You can create up to ten cadence lists, enabling the router to detect up to ten different tone patterns. If the tone to be detected consists of only one on-off cycle, you can configure this in either of two ways:

Create a cadence list using only the cycle-1-on-time and cycle-1-off-time variables.

Use the cadence-max-off-time and cadence-min-on-time commands.

You must also configure the times of the cadence-max-off-time and cadence-min-on-time commands to be compatible with the on and off times specified by the cadence-list command. The time of the cadence-max-off-time must be equal to or greater than the longest off-time in the cadence list; the cadence-min-on-time must be equal to or less than the shortest on-time in the cadence list.


The following example shows configuration of cadence list 1 with three on/off cycles and cadence list 2 with two on/off cycles for voice class 100:

voice class dualtone 100
 cadence-list 1 100 100 300 300 100 200
 cadence-list 2 100 200 100 400

Related Commands



Specifies the maximum off duration for detection of a tone.


Specifies the minimum on duration for detection of a tone.

voice class dualtone

Creates a voice class for FXO tone detection parameters.


To specify the maximum time that a tone can be off and still detected as part of a cadence, use the cadence-max-off-time command in voice-class configuration mode. To restore the default, use the no form of this command.

cadence-max-off-time time

no cadence-max-off- time

Syntax Description


The maximum off time of a tone that can be detected, in 10-millisecond increments. Range is from 0 to 5000 (0 milliseconds to 50 seconds). The default is 0.

Command Default

0 (no off time)

Command Modes

Voice-class configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series and the Cisco MC3810.

Usage Guidelines

Specify a time value greater than the off time of the tone to be detected, and use a time value greater than 0 to enable detection of a cadenced tone. With the default (0), the router detects only a continuous tone.


The following example shows configuration of a maximum off duration of 20 seconds for voice class 100:

voice class dualtone 100
 cadence-max-off-time 2000

Related Commands



Specifies the minimum on duration for detection of a tone.


Specifies the cadence variation time allowed for detection of a tone.

voice class dualtone

Creates a voice class for FXO tone detection parameters.


To specify the minimum time that a tone can be on and still detected as part of a cadence, use the cadence-min-on-time command in voice-class configuration mode. To restore the default, use the no form of this command.

cadence-min-on-time time

no cadence-min-on-time

Syntax Description


The minimum on time of a tone that can be detected, in 10-millisecond increments. Range is from 0 to 100 (0 milliseconds to 1 seconds). The default is 0.

Command Default

0 (no minimum on time)

Command Modes

Voice-class configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series and the Cisco MC3810.

Usage Guidelines

Specify a time value shorter than the on time of the tone to be detected. With the default (0), a tone of any length is detected.


The following example shows configuration of a minimum on duration of 30 milliseconds (three 10-ms time intervals) for voice class 100:

voice class dualtone 100
 cadence-min-on-time 3

Related Commands



Specifies the maximum off duration for detection of a tone.


Specifies the cadence variation time allowed for detection of a tone.

voice class dualtone

Creates a voice class for FXO tone detection parameters.


To specify the cadence variation time allowed for detection of a tone, use the cadence-variation command in voice-class configuration mode. To restore the default cadence variation time, use the no form of this command.

cadence-variation time

no cadence-variation

Syntax Description


The maximum time by which the tone onset can vary from the specified onset time and still be detected, in 10-millisecond increments. Range is from 0 to 200 (0 milliseconds to 2 seconds). The default is 0.

Command Default

0 milliseconds

Command Modes

Voice-class configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and the Cisco MC3810.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 3600 series, and the Cisco MC3810.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T and implemented on the Cisco 1750 router.

Usage Guidelines

Specify a time value greater than the cadence variation of the tone to be detected. With the default of 0, only those tones that match the configured cadence are detected.

This command creates a detection limit for one parameter within a voice class. You can apply the detection limit to any voice port.


The following example specifies a cadence variation time of 30 milliseconds for voice class 100:

voice class dualtone 100
 cadence-variation 3

The following example specifies 80 ms (eight 10-ms time intervals) as the maximum allowable cadence variation in voice class 70:

voice class dualtone-detect-params 70
 cadence-variation 8

Related Commands



Specifies the maximum off duration for detection of a tone.


Specifies the minimum on duration for detection of a tone.

supervisory answer dualtone

Enables answer supervision on a voice port.

supervisory dualtone-detect-params

Assigns the boundary and detection tolerance parameters defined by the voice class dualtone-detect-params command to a voice port.

call accounting-template

To select an accounting template at a specific location, use the call accounting-template command in global configuration or application configuration mode. To deselect a specific accounting template, use the no form of this command.

call accounting-template acctTempName url

no call accounting-template acctTempName url

Syntax Description


Template name.


Location of the template.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Global configuration
Application configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the following platforms: Cisco 3660, Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, Cisco AS5800, and Cisco AS5850.


This command was added to the application configuration mode to replace the call application voice accounting-template command.

Usage Guidelines

For call detail records, the template name must have a .cdr extension. To select call records based on your accounting needs and to specify the location of an accounting template that defines the applicable vendor-specific attributes (VSAs) for generating those selected call records, use the call accounting-template command in global configuration mode.

The acctTempName argument refers to a specific accounting template file that you want to send to the RADIUS server. This template file defines only specific VSAs selected by you to control your call records based on your accounting needs.


The example below shows the accounting template cdr1 selected from a specific TFTP address.

call accounting-template temp-ivr tftp://kyer/sample/cdr/cdr1.cdr 

Related Commands


call application voice accounting-template

Configures T.37 fax accounting with VoIP AAA nonblocking API.

show call accounting-template voice

Selects an accounting template at a specific location.

call accounting-template voice

To select an accounting template at a specific location, use the call accounting-template voice command in global configuration mode. To remove a specific accounting template, use the no form of this command.

call accounting-template voice acctTempName url

no call accounting-template voice acctTempName url

Syntax Description


Template name.


Location of the template.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the following platforms: Cisco 3660, Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, Cisco AS5800, and Cisco AS5850.


The call accounting-template voice command is replaced by the call accounting-template command in application configuration mode. See the call accounting-template command for more information.

Usage Guidelines

The template name must have a .cdr extension.

To select call records based on your accounting needs and to specify the location of an accounting template that defines the applicable vendor-specific attributes (VSAs) for generating those selected call records, use the call accounting-template voice command in global configuration mode.

The acctTempName argument refers to a specific accounting template file that you want to send to the RADIUS server. This template file defines only specific VSAs selected by you to control your call records based on your accounting needs.


The example below shows the accounting template cdr1 selected from a specific TFTP address.

call accounting-template voice temp-ivr tftp://kyer/sample/cdr/cdr1.cdr 

Related Commands


call accounting-template voice reload

Reloads the accounting template.

show call accounting-template voice

Selects an accounting template at a specific location.

call accounting-template voice reload

To reload the accounting template, use the call accounting-template voice reload command in privileged EXEC mode.

call accounting-template voice reload acctTempName

Syntax Description


Reloads the accounting template from the address (for example, a tftp address) where the template is stored.


Name of the accounting template.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced on the following platforms: Cisco 3660, Cisco AS5300, Cisco AS5350, Cisco AS5400, Cisco AS5800, and Cisco AS5850.

Usage Guidelines

Use the call accounting-template voice reload command to reload the template from the URL defined in the call accounting-template voice command. After bootup, if the template file fails to load from the TFTP server, the system tries to automatically reload the file at 5-minute intervals.


The example below shows how to reload accounting template cdr2:

call accounting-template voice reload cdr2 

Related Commands


call accounting-template voice

Selects an accounting template at a specific location

gw-accounting aaa

Defines and loads the template file at the location defined by the URL.

show call accounting-template voice

Displays the VSAs that are contained in the accounting template.


To define the call agent for a Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) profile, use the call-agent command in MGCP profile configuration mode. To return to the default values, use the no form of this command.

call-agent {dns-name | ip-address} [port] [service-type type] [version protocol-version]

no call-agent

Syntax Description


Fully qualified domain name (including host portion) for the call agent. For example, "".


IP address of the call agent.


(Optional) User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port number over which the gateway sends messages to the call agent. Range is from 1025 to 65535.

The default call-agent UDP port is 2727 for MGCP 1.0, Network-based Call Signaling (NCS) 1.0, and Trunking Gateway Control Protocol (TGCP) 1.0.

The default call-agent UDP port is 2427 for MGCP 0.1 and Simple Gateway Control Protocol (SGCP).

service-type type

(Optional) Protocol service type valid values for the type argument are mgcp, ncs, sgcp, and tgcp. The default service type is mgcp.

version protocol-version

(Optional) Version number of the protocol. Valid values follow:

Service-type MGCP—0.1, 1.0

Service-type NCS—1.0

Service-type SGCP—1.1, 1.5

Service-type TGCP—1.0

The default service type and version are mgcp and 0.1.

Command Default

The default call-agent UDP port is 2727 for MGCP 1.0, Network-based Call Signaling (NCS) 1.0, and Trunking Gateway Control Protocol (TGCP) 1.0.
The default call-agent UDP port is 2427 for MGCP 0.1 and Simple Gateway Control Protocol (SGCP).
The default service type and version are MGCP 0.1.

Command Modes

MGCP profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(4)T.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5300 and Cisco AS5850.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used when values for a MGCP profile are configured.

Call-agent configuration for an MGCP profile (with this command) and global call-agent configuration (with the mgcp call-agent command) are mutually exclusive; the first to be configured on an endpoint blocks configuration of the other on the same endpoint.

Identifying call agents by Domain Name System (DNS) name rather than by IP address in the call-agent command provides call-agent redundancy, because a DNS name can have more than one IP address associated with it. If a call agent is identified by a DNS name and a message from the gateway fails to reach the call agent, the max1 lookup and max2 lookup commands enable a search from the DNS lookup table for a backup call agent at a different IP address.

The port argument configures the call agent port number (the UDP port over which the gateway sends messages to the call agent). The reverse, or the gateway port number (the UDP port over which the gateway receives messages from the call agent), is configured by specifying a port number in the mgcp command.

The service type mgcp supports the Restart In Progress (RSIP) error messages sent by the gateway if the mgcp sgcp restart notify command is enabled. The service type sgcp ignores the RSIP messages.


The following example defines a call agent for the MGCP profile named "tgcp_trunk":

Router(config)# mgcp profile tgcp_trunk
Router(config-mgcp-profile)# call-agent 2500 service-type tgcp version 1.0

Related Commands


max1 lookup

Enables DNS lookup of the MGCP call agent address when the suspicion threshold value is reached.

max2 lookup

Enables DNS lookup of the MGCP call agent address when the disconnect threshold value is reached.


Starts and allocates resources for the MGCP daemon.

mgcp call-agent

Configures the address of the call agent (media gateway controller).

mgcp profile

Initiates MGCP profile mode to create and configure a named MGCP profile associated with one or more endpoints or to configure the default profile.

call application alternate

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application alternate command is replaced by the service command in global application configuration mode. See the service command for more information.

To specify an alternate application to use if the application that is configured in the dial peer fails, use the call application alternate command in global configuration mode. To return to the default behavior, use the no form of this command.

call application alternate [application-name]

no call application alternate

Syntax Description


(Optional) Name of the specific voice application to use if the application in the dial peer fails. If a specific application name is not entered, the gateway uses the DEFAULT application.

Command Default

The call is rejected if the application in the dial peer fails.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was replaced by the service command in global application configuration mode.

Usage Guidelines

If this command is not configured, calls are rejected when the dial peer that matches the call does not specify a valid voice application.

In releases before Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T, the default application (DEFAULT) was automatically triggered if no application was configured in the dial peer or if the configured application failed. The default application is no longer automatically executed unless the call application alternate command is configured.

The application named DEFAULT is a simple application that outputs dial tone, collects digits, and places a call to the dialed number. This application is included in Cisco IOS software; you do not have to download it or configure it by using the call application voice command.

The call application alternate command specifies that if the application that is configured in the dial peer fails, the default voice application is executed. If the name of a specific application is entered, that application is triggered if the application configured in the dial peer fails. If the alternate application also fails, the call is rejected.

If an application name is entered, that application must first be configured on the gateway by using the call application voice command.


The following example configures the DEFAULT application as the alternate:

call application alternate

The following example configures the application session as the alternate:

call application alternate session

Related Commands



Enables a voice application on a dial peer.

call application voice

Defines the name of a voice application and specifies the location of the Tcl or VoiceXML document to load for this application.


Loads and configures a specific, standalone application on a dial peer.

show call application voice

Displays information about voice applications.

call application cache reload time

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application cache reload time command is replaced by the cache reload time command in application configuration global mode. See the cache reload time command for more information.

To configure the router to reload the Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) scripts from cache on a regular interval, use the call application cache reload time command in global configuration mode. To set the value to the default, use the no form of this command.

call application cache reload time bg-minutes

no call application cache reload time

Syntax Description


Specifies the number of minutes after which the background process is awakened. This background process checks the time elapsed since the script was last used and whether the script is current:

If the script has not been used in the last "unload time," it unloads the script and quits. The unload time is not configurable.

If the script has been used, the background process loads the script from the URL. It compares the scripts, and if they do not match, it begins using the new script for new calls.

Command Default

30 minutes

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco AS5300.


This command was replaced by the cache reload time command in application configuration global mode.


The following example displays the call application cache reload time command configured to specify 30 minutes before a background process is awakened:

call application cache reload time 30

Related Commands


cache reload time

Configures the router to reload scripts from cache on a regular interval.

call application voice load

Allows reload of an application that was loaded via the MGCP scripting package.

show call application voice

Displays all Tcl or MGCP scripts that are loaded.

call application dump event-log

To flush the event log buffer for application instances to an external file, use the call application dump event-log command in privileged EXEC mode.

call application dump event-log

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command immediately writes the event log buffer to the external file whose location is defined with the call application event-log dump ftp command in global configuration mode.

Note The call application dump event-log command and the call application event-log dump ftp command are two different commands.


The following example flushes the application event log buffer:

Router# call application dump event-log

Related Commands


call application event-log

Enables event logging for voice application instances.

call application event-log dump ftp

Enables the gateway to write the contents of the application event log buffer to an external file.

call application event-log max-buffer-size

Sets the maximum size of the event log buffer for each application instance.

show call application session-level

Displays event logs and statistics for voice application instances.

call application event-log

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application event-log command is replaced by the event-log command in application configuration monitor mode. See the event-log command for more information.

To enable event logging for all voice application instances, use the call application event-log command in global configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

call application event-log

no call application event-log

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Event logging for voice applications is disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was replaced by the event-log command in application configuration monitor mode.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables event logging globally for all voice application instances. To enable or disable event logging for a specific application, use the call application voice event-log command.

Note To prevent event logging from adversely impacting system resources for production traffic, the gateway uses a throttling mechanism. When free processor memory drops below 20%, the gateway automatically disables all event logging. It resumes event logging when free memory rises above 30%. While throttling is occurring, the gateway does not capture any new event logs even if event logging is enabled. You should monitor free memory and enable event logging only when necessary for isolating faults.


The following example enables event logging for all application instances:

call application event-log

Related Commands


call application event-log error-only

Restricts event logging to error events only for application instances.

call application event-log max-buffer-size

Sets the maximum size of the event log buffer for each application instance.

call application interface event-log

Enables event logging for external interfaces used by voice applications.

call application stats

Enables statistics collection for voice applications.

call application voice event-log

Enables event logging for a specific voice application.

call leg event-log

Enables event logging for voice, fax, and modem call legs.


Enables event logging for applications.

monitor call application event-log

Displays the event log for an active application instance in real-time.

show call application session-level

Displays event logs and statistics for voice application instances.

call application event-log dump ftp

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application event-log dump ftp command is replaced by the event-log dump ftp command in application configuration monitor mode. See the event-log dump ftp command for more information.

To enable the gateway to write the contents of the application event log buffer to an external file, use the call application event-log dump ftp command in global configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

call application event-log dump ftp server[:port]/file username username password [encryption-type] password

no call application event-log dump ftp

Syntax Description


Name or IP address of FTP server where file is located.


(Optional) Specific port number on server.


Name and path of file.


Username required to access file.


(Optional) The Cisco proprietary algorithm used to encrypt the password. Values are 0 or 7. To disable encryption enter 0; to enable encryption enter 7. If you specify 7, you must enter an encrypted password (a password already encrypted by a Cisco router).


Password required to access file.

Command Default

No default behavior or values

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was replaced by the event-log dump ftp command in application configuration monitor mode.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables the gateway to automatically write the event log buffer to the named file either after an active application instance terminates or when the event log buffer becomes full. The default buffer size is 4 KB. To modify the size of the buffer, use the call application event-log max-buffer-size command. To manually flush the event log buffer, use the call application dump event-log command in privileged EXEC mode.

Note The call application dump event-log command and the call application event-log dump ftp command are two different commands.

Note Enabling the gateway to write event logs to FTP could adversely impact gateway memory resources in some scenarios, for example, when:

The gateway is consuming high processor resources and FTP does not have enough processor resources to flush the logged buffers to the FTP server.

The designated FTP server is not powerful enough to perform FTP transfers quickly

Bandwidth on the link between the gateway and the FTP server is not large enough

The gateway is receiving a high volume of short-duration calls or calls that are failing

You should enable FTP dumping only when necessary and not enable it in situations where it might adversely impact system performance.


The following example enables the gateway to write application event logs to an external file named app_elogs.log on a server named ftp-server:

call application event-log dump ftp ftp-server/:elogs/app-elogs.log username myname 
password 0 mypass

The following example specifies that application event logs are written to an external file named app_elogs.log on a server with the IP address of

call application event-log dump ftp username myname 
password 0 mypass

Related Commands


call application dump event-log

Flushes the event log buffer for application instances to an external file.

call application event-log

Enables event logging for voice application instances.

call application event-log max-buffer-size

Sets the maximum size of the event log buffer for each application instance.

event-log dump ftp

Enables the gateway to write the contents of the application event log buffer to an external file.

show call application session-level

Displays event logs and statistics for voice application instances.

call application event-log error-only

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application event-log error-only command is replaced by the event-log error-only command in application configuration monitor mode. See the event-log error-only command for more information.

To restrict event logging to error events only for application instances, use the call application event-log error-only command in global configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

call application event-log error-only

no call application event-log error-only

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

All application events are logged.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was replaced by the event-log error-only command in application configuration monitor mode.

Usage Guidelines

This command limits new event logging to error events only; it does not enable logging. You must use this command with either the call application event-log command, which enables event logging for all voice applications, or with the call application voice event-log command, which enables event logging for a specific application. Any events logged before this command is issued are not affected.


The following example enables event logging for error events only:

call application event-log
call application event-log error-only

Related Commands


call application event-log

Enables event logging for voice application instances.

call application history session event-log save-exception-only

Saves in history only the event logs for application instances that have at least one error.

call application voice event-log

Enables event logging for a specific voice application.

event-log error-only

Restricts event logging to error events only for application instances.

show call application app-level

Displays application-level statistics for voice applications.

show call application session-level

Displays event logs and statistics for voice application instances.

call application event-log max-buffer-size

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application event-log max-buffer-size command is replaced by the event-log max-buffer-size command in application configuration monitor mode. See the event-log max-buffer-size command for more information.

To set the maximum size of the event log buffer for each application instance, use the call application event-log max-buffer-size command in global configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

call application event-log max-buffer-size kilobytes

no call application event-log max-buffer-size

Syntax Description


Maximum buffer size, in kilobytes. Range is 1 to 50. Default is 4.

Command Default

4 kilobytes

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was replaced by the event-log max-buffer-size command in application configuration monitor mode.

Usage Guidelines

If the event log buffer reaches the limit set by this command, the gateway allocates a second buffer of equal size. The contents of both buffers is displayed when you use the show call application session-level command. When the first event log buffer becomes full, the gateway automatically appends its contents to an external FTP location if the call application event-log dump ftp command is used.

A maximum of two buffers are allocated for an event log. If both buffers are filled, the first buffer is deleted and another buffer is allocated for new events (buffer wraps around). If the call application event-log dump ftp command is configured and the second buffer becomes full before the first buffer is dumped, event messages are dropped and are not recorded in the buffer.

Note Do not set the maximum buffer size to more than you need for a typical application session. After an active session terminates, the amount of memory used by the buffer is allocated to the history table and is maintained for the length of time set by the call application history session retain-timer command. Also consider that most fatal errors are captured at the end of an event log.

To conserve memory resources, write the event log buffer to FTP by using the call application event-log dump ftp command.


The following example sets the application event log buffer to 8 kilobytes:

call application event-log
call application event-log max-buffer-size 8

Related Commands


call application dump event-log

Flushes the event log buffer for application instances to an external file.

call application event-log

Enables event logging for voice application instances.

call application event-log dump ftp

Enables the gateway to write the contents of the application event log buffer to an external file.

event-log max-buffer-size

Sets the maximum size of the event log buffer for each application instance.

show call application session-level

Displays event logs and statistics for voice application instances.

call application global

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application global command is replaced by the global command in application configuration mode. See the global command for more information.

To configure an application to use for incoming calls whose incoming dial peer does not have an explicit application configured, use the call application global command in global configuration mode. To remove the application, use the no form of this command.

call application global application-name

no call application global application-name

Syntax Description


Character string that defines the name of the application.

Command Default

The default application is default for all dial peers.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T.


This command was replaced by the global command in application configuration mode.

Usage Guidelines

The application defined in the dial peer always takes precedence over the global application configured with the call application global command. The application configured with this command executes only when a dial peer has no application configured.

The application you configure with this command can be an application other than the default session application, but it must be included with the Cisco IOS software or be loaded onto the gateway with the call application voice command before using this command. If the application does not exist in Cisco IOS software or has not been loaded onto the gateway, this command will have no effect.

Note In Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T and later releases, the application-name default refers to the applicationCall Admission Control Based on CPU Utilization that supports Open Settlement Protocol (OSP), call transfer, and call forwarding. The default session application in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T and earlier releases has been renamed default.old.c and can still be configured for specific dial peers through the application command or globally configured for all inbound dial peers through the call application global command.


In the following example, the clid_authen_collect application is configured as the global application for all inbound dial peers that do not have a specific application configured:

call application global clid_authen_collect

Related Commands



Enables a specific IVR application on a dial peer.

call application voice

Defines the name to be used for an application and indicates the location of the appropriate IVR script to be used with this application.


Enters application configuration mode.

call application history session event-log save-exception-only

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application history session event-log save-exception-only command is replaced by the history session event-log save-exception-only command in application configuration monitor mode. See the history session event-log save-exception-only command for more information.

To save in history only the event logs for application sessions that have at least one error, use the call application history session event-log save-exception-only command in global configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

call application history session event-log save-exception-only

no call application history session event-log save-exception-only

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

All event logs for sessions are saved to history.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was replaced by the history session event-log save-exception-only command in application configuration monitor mode.

Usage Guidelines

Application event logs move from active to history after an instance terminates. If you use this command, the voice gateway saves event logs only for instances that had one or more errors. Event logs for normal instances that do not contain any errors are not saved to history.

Note This command does not affect records saved to an FTP server by using the call application dump event-log command.


The following example saves an event log in history only if the instance had an error:

call application history session event-log save-exception-only

Related Commands


call application event-log

Enables event logging for voice application instances.

call application event-log error-only

Restricts event logging to error events only for application instances.

call application event-log max-buffer-size

Sets the maximum size of the event log buffer for each application instance.

call application history session max-records

Sets the maximum number of application instance records saved in history.

call application history session retain-timer

Sets the maximum number of minutes for which application instance records are saved in history.

history session event-log save-exception-only

Saves in history only the event logs for application sessions that have at least one error.

call application history session max-records

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application history session max-records command is replaced by the history session max-records command in application configuration monitor mode. See the history session max-records command for more information.

To set the maximum number of application instance records saved in history, use the call application history session max-records command in global configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

call application history session max-records number

no call application history session max-records

Syntax Description


Maximum number of records to save in history. Range is 0 to 2000. Default is 360.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was replaced by the history session max-records command in application configuration monitor mode.

Usage Guidelines

This command affects the number of records that display when you use the show call application history session-level command.


The following example sets the maximum record limit to 500:

call application history session max-records 500

Related Commands


call application event-log

Enables event logging for voice application instances.

call application history session event-log save-exception-only

Saves in history only the event logs for application instances that have at least one error.

call application history session retain-timer

Sets the maximum number of minutes that application instance records are saved in history.

history session max-records

Sets the maximum number of application instance records saved in history.

show call application session-level

Displays event logs and statistics for voice application instances.

call application history session retain-timer

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application history session retain-timer command is replaced by the history session retain-timer command in application configuration monitor mode. See the history session retain-timer command for more information.

To set the maximum number of minutes for which application instance records are saved in history, use the call application history session retain-timer command in global configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

call application history session retain-timer minutes

no call application history session retain-timer

Syntax Description


Maximum time, in minutes, for which history records are saved. Range is 0 to 4294,967,295. Default is 15.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was replaced by the history session retain-timer command in application configuration monitor mode.

Usage Guidelines

This command affects the number of records that display when you use the show call application history session-level command.


The following example sets the maximum time to save history records to 1 hour:

call application history session retain-timer 60

Related Commands


call application event-log

Enables event logging for voice application instances.

call application history session event-log save-exception-only

Saves in history only the event logs for application instances that have at least one error.

call application history session max-records

Sets the maximum number of application instance records saved in history.

history session retain-timer

Sets the maximum number of minutes for which application instance records are saved in history.

show call application session-level

Displays event logs and statistics for voice application instances.

call application interface dump event-log

To flush the event log buffer for application interfaces to an external file, use the call application interface dump event-log command in privileged EXEC mode.

call application interface dump event-log

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command immediately writes the event log buffer to the external file whose location is defined with the call application interface event-log dump ftp command in global configuration mode.

Note The call application interface dump event-log command and the call application interface event-log dump ftp command are two different commands.


The following example writes the event log buffer to the external file named int_elogs:

Router(config)# call application interface event-log dump ftp ftp-server/int_elogs.log 
username myname password 0 mypass
Router(config)# exit
Router# call application interface dump event-log

Related Commands


call application interface event-log

Enables event logging for external interfaces used by voice applications.

call application interface event-log dump ftp

Enables the voice gateway to write the contents of the interface event log buffer to an external file.

call application interface event-log max-buffer-size

Sets the maximum size of the event log buffer for each application interface.

show call application interface

Displays event logs and statistics for application interfaces.

call application interface event-log

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application interface event-log command is replaced by the interface event-log command in application configuration monitor mode. See the interface event-log command for more information.

To enable event logging for interfaces that provide services to voice applications, use the call application interface event-log command in global configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

call application interface event-log [{aaa | asr | flash | http | ram | rtsp | smtp | tftp | tts} [server server] [disable]]

no call application interface event-log [{aaa | asr | flash | http | ram | rtsp | smtp | tftp | tts} [server server] [disable]]

Syntax Description


Authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) interface type.


Automatic speech recognition (ASR) interface type.


Flash memory of the Cisco gateway.


Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) interface type.


Memory of the Cisco gateway.


Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) interface type.


Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) interface type.


Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) interface type.


Text-to-speech (TTS) interface type.

server server

(Optional) Server name or IP address.


(Optional) Disables event logging for the specified interface type or server.

Command Default

Event logging for application interfaces is disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was replaced by the interface event-log command in application configuration monitor mode.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables event logging globally for all interface types and servers unless you select a specific interface type or server. Specifying an interface type takes precedence over the global command for a specific interface type. Specifying an individual server takes precedence over the interface type.

Note To prevent event logging from adversely impacting system resources for production traffic, the gateway uses a throttling mechanism. When free processor memory drops below 20%, the gateway automatically disables all event logging. It resumes event logging when free memory rises above 30%. While throttling is occurring, the gateway does not capture any new event logs even if event logging is enabled. You should monitor free memory and enable event logging only when necessary for isolating faults.


The following example enables event logging for all interfaces:

call application interface event-log

The following example enables event logging for HTTP interfaces only:

call application interface event-log http

The following example enables event logging for all interfaces except HTTP:

call application interface event-log
call application interface event-log http disable

The following example enables event logging for all HTTP servers except the server with the IP address of

call application interface event-log http
call application interface event-log http server disable

Related Commands


call application interface event-log dump ftp

Enables the gateway to write the contents of the interface event log buffer to an external file.

call application interface event-log error-only

Restricts event logging to error events only for application interfaces.

call application interface event-log max-buffer-size

Sets the maximum size of the event log buffer for each application interface.

call application interface max-server-records

Sets the maximum number of application interface records that are saved.

call application interface stats

Enables statistics collection for application interfaces.

interface event-log

Enables event logging for interfaces providing services to voice applications.

show call application interface

Displays event logs and statistics for application interfaces.

call application interface event-log dump ftp

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application interface event-log dump ftp command is replaced by the interface event-log dump ftp command in application configuration monitor mode. See the interface event-log dump ftp command for more information.

To enable the gateway to write the contents of the interface event log buffer to an external file, use the call application interface event-log dump ftp command in global configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

call application interface event-log dump ftp server[:port]/file username username password [encryption-type] password

no call application interface event-log dump ftp

Syntax Description


Name or IP address of FTP server where the file is located.


(Optional) Specific port number on server.


Name and path of file.

username username

Username required to access file.


(Optional) Cisco proprietary algorithm used to encrypt the password. Values are 0 or 7. To disable encryption enter 0; to enable encryption enter 7. If you specify 7, you must enter an encrypted password (a password already encrypted by a Cisco router).

password password

Password required to access file.

Command Default

Interface event log buffer is not written to an external file.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was replaced by the interface event-log dump ftp command in application configuration monitor mode.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables the gateway to automatically write the interface event log buffer to the named file when the buffer becomes full. The default buffer size is 4 KB. To modify the size of the buffer, use the call application interface event-log max-buffer-size command. To manually flush the event log buffer, use the call application interface dump event-log command in privileged EXEC mode.

NoteThe call application interface dump event-log command and the call application interface event-log dump ftp command are two different commands.

Enabling the gateway to write event logs to FTP can adversely impact gateway-memory resources in scenarios such as the following:

The gateway is consuming high processor resources and FTP does not have enough processor resources to flush the logged buffers to the FTP server.

The designated FTP server is not powerful enough to perform FTP transfers quickly

Bandwidth on the link between the gateway and the FTP server is not large enough

The gateway is receiving a high volume of short-duration calls or calls that are failing

You should enable FTP dumping only when necessary and not enable it in situations where it might adversely impact system performance.


The following example specifies that interface event log are written to an external file named int_elogs.log on a server named ftp-server:

call application interface event-log dump ftp ftp-server/elogs/int_elogs.log username 
myname password 0 mypass

The following example specifies that application event logs are written to an external file named int_elogs.log on a server with the IP address of

call application interface event-log dump ftp username 
myname password 0 mypass

Related Commands


call application interface dump event-log

Flushes the event log buffer for application interfaces to an external file.

call application interface event-log

Enables event logging for external interfaces used by voice applications.

call application interface event-log max-buffer-size

Sets the maximum size of the event log buffer for each application interface.

call application interface max-server-records

Sets the maximum number of application interface records that are saved.

interface event-log dump ftp

Enables the gateway to write the contents of the interface event log buffer to an external file.

show call application interface

Displays event logs and statistics for application interfaces.

call application interface event-log error-only

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application interface event-log error-only command is replaced by the interface event-log error only command in application configuration monitor mode. See the interface event-log error only command for more information.

To restrict event logging to error events only for application interfaces, use the call application interface event-log error-only command in global configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

call application interface event-log error-only

no call application interface event-log error-only

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

All events are logged.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was replaced by the interface event-log error only command in application configuration monitor mode.

Usage Guidelines

This command limits the severity level of the events that are logged; it does not enable logging. You must use this command with the call application interface event-log command, which enables event logging for all application interfaces.


The following example enables event logging for error events only:

call application interface event-log error-only

Related Commands


call application interface event-log

Enables event logging for external interfaces used by voice applications.

call application interface event-log max-buffer-size

Sets the maximum size of the event log buffer for each application interface.

call application interface max-server-records

Sets the maximum number of application interface records that are saved.

interface event-log error-only

Restricts event logging to error events only for application interfaces.

show call application interface

Displays event logs and statistics for application interfaces.

call application interface event-log max-buffer-size

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application interface event-log max-buffer-size command is replaced by the interface event-log max-buffer-size command in application configuration monitor mode. See the interface event-log max-buffer-size command for more information.

To set the maximum size of the event log buffer for each application interface, use the call application interface event-log max-buffer-size command in global configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

call application interface event-log max-buffer-size kilobytes

no call application interface event-log max-buffer-size

Syntax Description


Maximum buffer size, in kilobytes. Range is 1 to 10. Default is 4.

Command Default

4 kilobytes

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was replaced by the interface event-log max-buffer-size command in application configuration monitor mode.

Usage Guidelines

If the event log buffer reaches the limit set by this command, the gateway allocates a second buffer of equal size. The contents of both buffers is displayed when you use the show call application interface command. When the first event log buffer becomes full, the gateway automatically appends its contents to an external FTP location if the call application interface event-log dump ftp command is used.

A maximum of two buffers are allocated for an event log. If both buffers are filled, the first buffer is deleted and another buffer is allocated for new events (buffer wraps around). If the call application interface event-log dump ftp command is configured and the second buffer becomes full before the first buffer is dumped, event messages are dropped and are not recorded in the buffer.


The following example sets the maximum buffer size to 8 kilobytes:

call application interface event-log max-buffer-size 8

Related Commands


call application interface dump event-log

Flushes the event log buffer for application interfaces to an external file.

call application interface event-log dump ftp

Enables the gateway to write the contents of the interface event log buffer to an external file.

call application interface max-server-records

Sets the maximum number of application interface records that are saved.

interface event-log max-buffer-size

Sets the maximum size of the event log buffer for each application interface.

show call application interface

Displays event logs and statistics for application interfaces.

call application interface max-server-records

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application interface max-server-records command is replaced by the interface max-server-records command in application configuration monitor mode. See the interface max-server-records command for more information.

To set the maximum number of application interface records that are saved, use the call application interface max-server-records command in global configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

call application interface max-server-records number

no call application interface max-server-records

Syntax Description


Maximum number of records to save. Range is 1 to 100. Default is 10.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was replaced by the interface max-server-records command in application configuration monitor mode.

Usage Guidelines

Only the specified number of records from the most recently accessed servers are kept.


The following example sets the maximum saved records to 50:

call application interface max-server-records 50

Related Commands


call application interface event-log

Enables event logging for external interfaces used by voice applications.

call application interface event-log max-buffer-size

Sets the maximum size of the event log buffer for each application interface.

interface max-server-records

Sets the maximum number of application interface records that are saved.

show call application interface

Displays event logs and statistics for application interfaces.

call application interface stats

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application interface stats command is replaced by the interface stats command in application configuration monitor mode. See the interface stats command for more information.

To enable statistics collection for application interfaces, use the call application interface stats command in global configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

call application interface stats

no call application interface stats

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Statistics collection is disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was replaced by the interface stats command in application configuration monitor mode.

Usage Guidelines

To display the interface statistics enabled by this command, use the show call application interface command. To reset the interface counters to zero, use the clear call application interface command.


The following example enables statistics collection for application interfaces:

call application interface stats

Related Commands


call application interface event-log

Enables event logging for external interfaces used by voice applications.

clear call application interface

Clears application interface statistics or event logs.

interface stats

Enables statistics collection for application interfaces.

show call application interface

Displays event logs and statistics for application interfaces.


Enables statistics collection for voice applications.

call application session start (global)

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application session start (global) command is replaced by the the session start command in application configuration mode. See the session start command for more information.

To start a new instance (session) of a Tcl IVR 2.0 application, use the call application session start command in global configuration mode. To stop the session and remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

call application session start instance-name application-name

no call application session start instance-name

Syntax Description


Alphanumeric label that uniquely identifies this application instance.


Name of the Tcl application. This is the name of the application that was assigned with the call application voice command.

Command Default

This command has no default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The call application session start (global configuration) command was replaced by the session start command in application configuration mode.

Usage Guidelines

This command starts a new session, or instance, of a Tcl IVR 2.0 application. It cannot start a session for a VoiceXML application because Cisco IOS software cannot start a VoiceXML application without an active call leg.

You can start an application instance only after the Tcl application is loaded onto the gateway with the call application voice command.

If this command is used, the session restarts if the gateway reboots.

The no call application session start command stops the Tcl session and removes the configuration from the gateway. You can stop an application session without removing the configuration by using the call application session stop command.

VoiceXML sessions cannot be stopped with the no call application session start command because VoiceXML sessions cannot be started with Cisco IOS commands.

If the application session stops running, it does not restart unless the gateway reboots. A Tcl script might intentionally stop running by executing a "call close" command for example, or it might fail because of a script error.

You can start multiple instances of the same application by using different instance names.


The following example starts a session named my_instance for the application named demo:

call application session start my_instance demo

The following example starts another session for the application named demo:

call application session start my_instance2 demo

Related Commands


call application session start (privileged EXEC)

Starts a new instance (session) of a Tcl application from privileged EXEC mode.

call application session stop

Stops a voice application session that is running.

debug voip ivr

Displays debug messages for VoIP IVR interactions.

session start

Starts a new instance (session) of a Tcl IVR 2.0 application.

show call application services registry

Displays a one-line summary of all registered services.

show call application sessions

Displays summary or detailed information about voice application sessions.

call application session start (privileged EXEC)

To start a new instance (session) of a Tcl IVR 2.0 application, use the call application session start command in privileged EXEC mode.

call application session start instance-name [application-name]

Syntax Description


Alphanumeric label that uniquely identifies this application instance.


(Optional) Name of the Tcl application. This is the name of the application that was assigned with the call application voice command.

Note This argument is optional if the application instance was previously started and stopped.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command starts a new session, or instance, of a Tcl IVR 2.0 application. It cannot start a session for a VoiceXML application because Cisco IOS software cannot start a VoiceXML application without an active call leg.

You can start an application instance only after the Tcl application is loaded onto the gateway with the call application voice command.

Using this command does not restart the session if the gateway reboots. To automatically restart the session if the gateway reboots, use the call application session start command in global configuration mode.

To stop an application session once it starts running, use the call application session stop command.

If the application session stops running, it does not restart unless the gateway reboots and the call application session start command is used in global configuration mode. A Tcl script might intentionally stop running by executing a "call close" command for example, or it might fail due to a script error.

You can start multiple instances of the same application by using different instance names.


The following example restarts an application session called my_instance:

call application session start my_instance

Related Commands


call application session start (global configuration)

Starts a new instance (session) of a Tcl application in global configuration mode.

call application session stop

Stops a voice application session that is running.

show call application services registry

Displays a one-line summary of all registered services.

show call application sessions

Displays summary or detailed information about voice application sessions.

call application session stop

To stop a voice application session that is running, use the call application session stop command in privileged EXEC mode.

call application session stop {callid call-id | handle handle | id session-id | name instance-name}

Syntax Description

callid call-id

Call-leg ID that can be displayed in the output from the debug voip ivr script command if the Tcl script uses puts commands.

handle handle

Handle of a session from the Tcl mod_handle infotag.

id session-id

Session ID that can be displayed with the show call application sessions command.

name instance-name

Instance name that was configured with the call application session start command.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command stops a Tcl IVR 2.0 or VoiceXML application session that is identified by one of four different methods: call ID, handle, session ID, or instance name. To see a list of currently running applications, use the show call application sessions command.

A Tcl session that is stopped with this command receives a session terminate event. The session is expected to close all call legs and stop. If a session does not close itself after a 10-second timer, it is forcibly stopped and all call legs that it controls disconnect.

Using this command to stop a VoiceXML session immediately stops the document interpretation and disconnects the call leg. No VoiceXML events are thrown.

If you stop a Tcl session that is configured to start with the call application session start command in global configuration mode, you must remove the session by using the no call application session start command before you can restart it.

To see a list of stopped sessions, use the show call application sessions command. Only stopped sessions that are configured to start with the call application session start command in global configuration mode are displayed. If a session was started with the call application session start command in privileged EXEC mode, it is not tracked by the system and it is not shown as stopped in the output of the show call application sessions command.


The following example stops an application session called my_instance:

call application session stop name my_instance

Related Commands


call application session start (global configuration)

Starts a new instance (session) of a Tcl application from global configuration mode.

show call application services registry

Displays a one-line summary of all registered services.

show call application sessions

Displays summary or detailed information about voice application sessions.

call application stats

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, the call application stats command is replaced by the stats command in application configuration monitor mode. See the stats command for more information.

To enable statistics collection for voice applications, use the call application stats command in global configuration mode. To reset to the default, use the no form of this command.

call application stats

no call application stats

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Statistics collection is disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was replaced by the stats command in application configuration monitor mode.

Usage Guidelines

To display the application statistics, use the show call application session-level, show call application app-level, or show call application gateway-level command. To reset the application counters in history to zero, use the clear call application stats command.


The following example enables statistics collection for voice applications:

call application stats

Related Commands


call application event-log

Enables event logging for voice application instances.

call application interface stats

Enables statistics collection for application interfaces.

clear call application stats

Clears application-level statistics in history and subtracts the statistics from the gateway-level statistics.

show call application app-level

Displays application-level statistics for voice applications.

show call application gateway-level

Displays gateway-level statistics for voice application instances.

show call application session-level

Displays event logs and statistics for voice application instances.


Enables statistics collection for voice applications.