Remote Destination Profiles

This chapter provides information to use the Bulk Administration menu to format, insert, delete, and export Remote Destination Profiles (RDPs) in batches, rather than performing individual updates through Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.

Remote Destination Profile Templates

You can use BAT remote destination profile templates to define common attributes for remote destinations such as device pool, location, calling search space, presence group, and privacy information.

Find Remote Destination Profile Template

Because you might have several remote destination profile (RDP) templates, Cisco Unified Communications Manager lets you locate specific templates on the basis of specific criteria.


Step 1

Choose Bulk Administration > Mobility > Remote Destination Profiles > Remote Destination Profile Template.

The Find and List Remote Destination Templates window displays. Use the two drop-down list boxes to search for a template.
Step 2

From the first Find UDP Templates where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Device Pool
  • Calling Search Space

From the second Find Remote Destination Template where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:

  • begins with
  • contains
  • ends with
  • is exactly
  • is empty
  • is not empty
Step 3

Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable, and click Find.


To find all remote destination templates that are registered in the database, click Find without entering any search text.

A list of discovered templates displays by:

  • Template Name
  • Description
  • Device Pool
  • Calling Search Space
Step 4

From the list of records, click the template name that matches your search criteria.

The Remote Destination Profile Template Configuration window displays.

Create Remote Destination Profile Template

You can create a template to add remote destination profiles in bulk.


Step 1

Choose Bulk Administration > Mobility > Remote Destination Profiles > Remote Destination Profile Template.

Step 2

Click Add New.

The Remote Destination Template Configuration window displays.
Step 3

Enter configuration details in the fields that display.

See Remote Destination Profile Template Field Descriptions for field descriptions.
Step 4

Click Save.

What to do next

When the status indicates that the transaction has completed, you can add line attributes.

Add or Update Lines in Remote Destination Profile Template

You can add one or more lines to the BAT template or to update existing lines.


Step 1

Find the RDP Template to which you want to add line.

Step 2

In the Remote Destination Profile Template Configuration window, click Line [1] Add a new DN in the Association Information area.

Step 3

Enter or choose the appropriate values for the line settings that are described in Table 1, and click Save.

BAT adds the line to the phone template configuration. All RDPs in this batch will use the settings that you choose for this line.


After you enter or choose the appropriate values, you must return to this page to complete the procedure.

Step 4

Repeat Step 2 through Step 3 to add settings for any additional lines.


If you choose Back to Find/List from the Related Links drop-down list box in the upper, right corner of the Line Template Configuration window, the Find and List Directory Numbers window displays. To find existing line template, enter the appropriate search criteria and click Find. To add a new line template, click Add New on Find and List Line Template window.

Cisco recommends that you use alphanumeric characters for Line Template. This is because, if numbers are given, a chance exists of conflict with an actual directory number. Using this method, you also avoid conflicts with features such as Call Pickup group number, Call Park number, and so on.

Delete Remote Destination Profile Template

You can delete RDP templates when you no longer require them.


Step 1

Find the RDP Template that you want to delete.

Step 2

In the Find and List Remote Destination Profile Templates window, check the check box next to the template that you want to delete and click Delete Selected.

A message displays that asks you to confirm the delete operation.

Step 3

To delete the template, click OK. The template name disappears from the list of templates on the Find and List Remote Destination Profile Templates window.


If you submit a job that uses a particulate RDP template and if you delete the template, the job also gets deleted.

Remote Destination Profile Template Field Descriptions

The following table provides field descriptions for Remote Destination Profile Template.


In the BAT user interface, field names that have an asterisk require an entry. Treat fields that do not have an asterisk as optional.

Table 1. Field Descriptions for Remote Destination Profile Template



Template Name

Enter template name.


Enter a description for the RDP template that you want to create. The description can include up to 50 characters in any language, but it cannot include double-quotes ("), percentage sign (%), ampersand (&), back-slash (\), or angle brackets (<>).

User ID

Provide a Cisco Unified Communications Manager user ID.

Device Pool

Choose a device pool for this group of RDPs.

Calling Search Space

Choose the calling search space for this group of RDPs.

A calling search space specifies the collection of Route Partitions that are searched to determine how a dialed number should be routed.

Media Resource List

Choose the media resource group list (MRGL) for this group of RDPs.

An MRGL specifies a list of prioritized media resource groups. An application can choose required media resources from the available ones according to the order that is defined in the MRGL.

User Hold Audio Source

Choose the user hold audio source for this group of RDPs.

The user hold audio source identifies the audio source from which music is played when a user places a call on hold.

Network Hold MOH Audio Source

Choose the music on hold audio source to be played when the system places a call on hold while the user transfers a call or initiates a conference or call park.


Choose the appropriate location for this group of RDPs.

The location specifies the total bandwidth that is available for calls to and from this location. A location setting of None means that the locations feature does not keep track of the bandwidth that this device consumes.

User Locale

From the drop-down list box, choose the locale that is associated with the phone user interface. The user locale identifies a set of detailed information to support users, including language and font.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager makes this field available only for phone models that support localization.


If no user locale is specified, Cisco Unified Communications Manager uses the user locale that is associated with the device pool.


If the users require that information be displayed (on the phone) in any language other than English, verify that the locale installer is installed before configuring user locale. Refer to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Locale Installer documentation.


Choose On, Off, or Default in the Privacy drop-down list box.

Presence Group

If you want the RDP to receive the status of the presence entity, choose a Presence Group that is allowed to view the status of the Presence Group that is applied to the directory number, as indicated in the Presence Group Configuration window.

Rerouting Calling Search Space

From the drop-down list box, choose a calling search space to use for rerouting.

The rerouting calling search space of the referer gets used to find the route to the refer-to target. When the Refer operation fails due to rerouting of the calling search space, the Refer Primitive rejects the request with the "405 Method Not Allowed" message.

The redirection (3xx) primitive and transfer feature also uses the rerouting calling search space to find the redirect-to or transfer-to target.

Ignore Presentation Indicators (internal calls only)

Check this check box to enable Cisco Unified Communications Manager to ignore any presentation restriction that is received for internal calls.

Remote Destination Profile File Format

You can configuring file formats for CSV data files that are created using a text editor.

CSV Data File Creation for Remote Destination Using Text Editor

You can create the CSV data file by using lines of ASCII text with values separated by commas. The comma separated values (CSV) file provides textual information in tabular form.

You cannot modify or delete the Default Remote Destination file format.


When you use the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Bulk Administration (BAT) spreadsheet to create the CSV data file, you can create the file format within the spreadsheet. When you use a text editor to create the CSV data file, you need to create a file format or use the default file format. You enter the values in the text-based file in the same order as specified in the file format.

Find Remote Destination File Format

You can find a remote destination file format using BAT.


Step 1

Choose Bulk Administration > Mobility > Remote Destination Profile > Remote Destination Profile File Format > Create File Format.

The Create Remote Destination Profile File Format Configuration window displays.
Step 2

From the Related Links drop-down list box on the top, right corner of the window, choose Back to Find/List and click Go.

Step 3

From the Find Remote Destination File Format where Format Name drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:

  • begins with
  • contains
  • ends with
  • is exactly
  • is empty
  • is not empty
Step 4

Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable, and click Find.


To find all Remote Destination Profile formats, click Find without entering any search text.

Step 5

To further define your query and to add multiple filters, check the Search Within Results check box and choose AND or OR from the drop-down box, and repeat Step 3 and Step 4.

Step 6

From the list of records, click the file format name that matches your search criteria.

The Remote Destination File Format Configuration window displays.

Remote Destination Profile File Format Configuration

You can create, find, copy, modify, or delete a Remote Destination Profile file format using BAT.

Create Remote Destination Profile File Format

You can create your file format for the text-based CSV data file.


Step 1

Choose Bulk Administration > Mobility > Remote Destination Profile > Remote Destination Profile File Format > Create File Format.

The Remote Destination Profile File Format Configuration window displays.
Step 2

In the Format Name field, enter a name for this custom format.

Step 3

Under Device Fields, choose the device field names that you want to define for each Remote Destination Profile. In the Device Field box, click a device field name and click the arrow to move the field to the Selected Device Fields box.

A CSV data file must include Remote Destination Profile Name and Description; therefore, these fields always remain selected.


You can select several random field names in the list by holding down the Ctrl key and then clicking the arrow to select them together. You can select a range of items by using the Shift key.

Step 4

Click line field names in the Line Field box and click the arrow to move the fields to the Selected Line Fields box.


You can change the order of the items in the Selected Line Fields and Selected Device Fields Order boxes. Select an item and then use the up arrow to move the item closer to the beginning of the list or the down arrow to move it to the end of the list.

Step 5

In the IP Phone Services Maximums area, enter the maximum value in the Maximum Number of Lines field.

Step 6

To save your custom file format, click Save. The name of the file format displays in the File Format Names list in the Find and List Remote Destination Profile File Formats window.

Copy Remote Destination Profile File Format

You can copy an existing format for the CSV data file using BAT.


Step 1

Find the Remote Destination Profile file format that you want to copy.

Step 2

In the Search Results area, choose a file format that you want to copy.

The Remote Destination Profile File Format Configuration window displays.
Step 3

To make a copy of the chosen file format, click Copy.


To copy the file format, you can also click the corresponding Copy icon in the Find and List Remote Destination Profile File Formats window.

Step 4

In the Format Name field, enter a new name for the copied format.

Step 5

Modify the copied format using any of these methods:

  • Add new fields by choosing them from the Device Fields or Line Fields box and then clicking the arrow to move the chosen fields into the Selected Device Field or Selected Line Fields Order box.
  • Remove selected fields by choosing them from the Selected Device Fields or Selected Line Fields Order box and then clicking the arrow to move the chosen fields into the Device Fields or Line Fields box.
  • Change the order of the fields by choosing a field name in the Selected Device Fields or Selected Line Fields Order box and using the up or down arrow to change its location.
Step 6

After making your changes, click Save to save the copied file format with changes in the list.

Modify Remote Destination Profile File Format

You can modify an existing file format for the CSV data file using BAT. You can modify custom formats only.


Step 1

Find the Remote Destination Profile file format that you want to modify.

Step 2

In the Search Results area, choose a file format that you want to modify.

The Remote Destination Profile File Format Configuration window displays.
Step 3

Modify the copied format using any of these methods:

  • Add new fields by choosing them from the Device Fields or Line Fields box and then clicking the arrow to move the chosen fields into the Selected Device Field or Selected Line Fields Order box.
  • Remove selected fields by choosing them from the Selected Device Fields or Selected Line Fields Order box and then clicking the arrow to move the chosen fields into the Device Fields or Line Fields box.

    You cannot remove the required fields: Remote Destination Profile Name, and Description.

  • Change the order of the fields by choosing a field name in the Selected Device Fields Order or Selected Line Fields Order box and using the up or down arrow to change its location.
Step 4

After making your changes, click Save to save the changes to the file format.

Delete Remote Destination Profile File Format

You can delete an existing file format for the CSV data file. You can delete only custom formats.


Step 1

Find the Remote Destination Profile file format that you want to delete.

Step 2

In the Search Results area, verify that this is the file(s) that you want to delete and check the check box to select the format(s).

Step 3

To remove the file format(s) from the list, click Delete Selected. A message asks you to confirm that you want to delete the file format(s). Click OK to continue.


Make sure to browse the entire list of displayed results before clicking Delete Selected.

The system removes the file format(s) name from the list.

Associate Remote Destination File Format with CSV Data File

You can add the file format with the text-based CSV data file. When you used a text editor to create the CSV data file, you created a file format for entering values in the text-based file. You entered values in the text file in the order that the file format specified

After the CSV data file is completed, you need to associate the file format with the text-based CSV data file. After associating the file format with the CSV file, the names for each field display as the first record in the CSV data file. You can use this information to verify that you entered the values for each field in the correct order.


Step 1

Choose Bulk Administration > Mobility > Remote Destination Profile > Remote Destination Profile File Format > Add File Format.

Add File Format window displays.
Step 2

In the File Name field, choose the text-based CSV file that you created for this transaction.

Step 3

In the File Format Name field, choose the file format that you created for this type of bulk transaction.

Step 4

To create a job for associating the matching file format with the CSV data file, click Submit.

Step 5

Use the Job Scheduler option in the Bulk Administration main menu to schedule and/or activate this job.

Remote Destination Profile Insertions

You can use the Bulk Administration menu to insert Remote Destination Profiles (RDPs) in batches, rather than performing individual updates through Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.

Insert Remote Destination Profiles in Cisco Unified Communications Manager

You can insert Remote Destination Profiles into Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

Before you begin

  • You must have a Cisco Unified Communications Manager Bulk Administration (BAT) Remote Destination Profile template for the devices that you are adding.

  • You must have a data file in comma separated value (CSV) format that contains the unique details for the Remote Destination Profiles.

  • Upload the data files by choosing the relevant target and function for the transaction.


Step 1

Choose Bulk Administration > Mobility > Remote Destination Profile > Remote Destination Profile Insert.

The Insert Remote Destination Profile Configuration window displays.
Step 2

In the File Name drop-down list box, choose the CSV data file that you created for this specific bulk transaction.

Step 3

In the Remote Destination Profile Template Name drop-down list box, choose the BAT Remote Destination Profile template that you created for this type of bulk transaction.


Remote Destination Profile template is optional while inserting Remote Destination Profiles. Ensure that the CSV data file has a 'Desk Phone Name' when a Remote Destination Profile template is not selected.

Step 4

Check the Override the existing configuration check box to overwrite the existing Remote Destination Profile settings with the information that is contained in the file that you want to insert.

Step 5

In the Job Information area, enter the Job description.

Step 6

Choose an insert method. Do one of the following:

  1. Click Run Immediately to insert the Remote Destination Profile records immediately.

  2. Click Run Later to insert the Remote Destination Profile records at a later time.

Step 7

To create a job for inserting the Remote Destination Profile records, click Submit.

Step 8

To create a job for inserting the gateways, click Submit.

Use the Job Scheduler option in the Bulk Administration main menu to schedule and/or activate this job.

Remote Destination Profile Deletions

You can use the Bulk Administration menu to delete and export Remote Destination Profiles (RDPs) in batches, rather than performing individual updates through Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.

Delete Remote Destination Profiles Using Custom File

Use a text editor to create a custom file of Remote Destination Profiles that you want to delete. You can have MAC addresses and device names in the same custom file, but you cannot have directory numbers in the same file. You need to create separate files—one file that contains the device names and MAC addresses and another file that contains the directory numbers.

Before you begin

  1. Create a text file that lists one of these details for the RDPs that you want to delete:
    • Name

    • Description

    • Device Pool

    • Calling Search Space

  2. Put each item on a separate line in the text file.
  3. Upload the custom file to Cisco Unified CallManager server. For more details on uploading files, see the Upload File to Server.


Step 1

Choose Bulk Administration > Mobility > Remote Destination Profile > Remote Destination Profile Delete.

The Delete Remote Destination Profile Configuration window displays.
Step 2

In the Delete Remote Destination Profile where drop-down list box, choose the type of custom file that you have created from one of the following criteria:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Device Pool
  • Calling Search Space
Step 3

In the list of custom files, choose the filename of the custom file for this delete.

Step 4

Click Find. A list of RDPs matching your search criteria displays.

Step 5

In the Job Information area, enter the Job description.

Step 6

Choose a delete method. Do one of the following:

  1. Click Run Immediately to delete RDP records immediately.

  2. Click Run Later to delete RDP records at a later time.

Step 7

Click Submit to create a job for deleting the RDP records.

Step 8

To create a job for inserting the gateways, click Submit.

Use the Job Scheduler option in the Bulk Administration main menu to schedule and/or activate this job.

Remote Destination Profile Exports Using Export Utility

You can use the export utility to merge records from multiple Cisco Unified CallManager servers onto one Cisco Unified CallManager server. Use this procedure to move records from one Cisco Unified CallManager server to another.

Export Remote Destination Profile Using Export Utility

You can export remote destination profile details.


If you are accessing help from the second Export Remote Destination Profile Configuration window after selecting the remote destination profile for export, skip to Step 7.


Step 1

Choose Bulk Administration > Mobility > Remote Destination Profile > Remote Destination Profile Export.

The Export Remote Destination Profile Configuration window displays.
Step 2

From the first Find Remote Destination Profile where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Device Pool
  • Calling Search Space

From the second Find Remote Destination Profile where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:

  • begins with
  • contains
  • ends with
  • is exactly
  • is empty
  • is not empty
Step 3

Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable.


To find all Remote Destination Profiles that are registered in the database, click Find without entering any search text.

Step 4

To further define your query and to add multiple filters, check the Search Within Results check box, choose AND or OR from the drop-down box, repeat Step 2 and Step 3.

Step 5

Click Find.

A list of discovered Remote Destination Profiles displays by:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Device Pool
  • Calling Search Space

    Make sure to browse the entire list of displayed results before submitting the job.

Step 6

Click Next.

The next Export Remote Destination Profile Configuration window displays.

Step 7

Enter an export file name in the File Name field.

Step 8

Choose a file format from the File Format drop-down list box.

Step 9

In the Job Information area, enter the Job description. Delete Remote Destination Profiles is the default description.

Step 10

Choose an export method. Do one of the following:

  1. Click Run Immediately to export Remote Destination Profile records immediately.

  2. Click Run Later to export Remote Destination Profile records at a later time.

Step 11

Click Submit to create a job for deleting the Remote Destination Profile records.

Step 12

To schedule and/or activate this job, use the Job Scheduler option in the Bulk Administration main menu.

Default Remote Destination Profile File Format

When you export Remote Destination Profile records by using Default Remote Destination Profile file format option, you export Remote Destination Profile records along different line attributes that are associated with the Remote Destination Profile. You cannot use the query to limit the number of records.

The following table lists the fields that are exported when you choose the Default Remote Destination Profile Format file format.

Table 2. Exported Fields in the Default Remote Destination Profile File Format

Field Types

Exported Fields

Device Fields

Remote Destination Profile Name, Description, User ID, Device Pool, CSS, AAR CSS, Media Resource List, User Hold Audio Source, Location, Privacy, Device Presence Group, Rerouting CSS

Line Fields

Directory Number, Partition, Voice Mail Profile, Line CSS, AAR Group(Line), Line User Hold Audio Source, Line Network Hold Audio Source, Forward All Destination, Forward All CSS, Forward Busy Internal Destination, Forward Busy Internal CSS, Forward Busy External Destination, Forward Busy External CSS, Forward No Answer Internal Destination, Forward No Answer Internal CSS, Forward No Answer External Destination, Forward No Answer External CSS, Forward No Coverage Internal Destination, Forward No Coverage Internal CSS, Forward No Coverage External Destination, Forward No Coverage External CSS, Forward No Answer Ring Duration, Call Pickup Group, MLPP Target, MLPP CSS, MLPP No Answer Ring Duration, External Phone Number Mask, Maximum Number Of Calls, Busy Trigger, Alerting Name, Alerting Name ASCII, Display, Line Description, Line Presence Group, Secondary CSS For Forward All, ASCII Display, Forward On CTI Failure Destination, Forward On CTI Failure CSS, AAR Destination Mask, Forward Unregistered Internal Destination, Forward Unregistered Internal CSS, Forward Unregistered External Destination, Forward Unregistered External CSS, Hold Reversion Ring Duration, Hold Reversion Notification Interval