Phone Exports

This chapter provides information about using the export utility to merge records from multiple Cisco Unified Communications Manager servers onto one Cisco Unified Communications Manager server.

Phone Record Exports

Use the phone record export option to move records from one Unified Communications Manager server to another. Only export the records that you are interested in moving. You can export the following:
  • phone records

  • user records

  • user device profile records

Optionally, you can edit the CSV file with a text editor. The record format must follow the format that is specified for that file format. For example, records for phones need to follow the phone file format.


Use extreme care when editing the CSV file. Phones might not work if you insert records that are in the wrong format.

You can choose between two file format options when you export phone records:

  • Specific Details—For phones that have similar configurations

  • All Details—For phones that have different line configurations, such as multiple partitions or calling search spaces

When you are ready to insert the exported records, the order in which the records are inserted is important. You must insert user records first to ensure that devices properly associate with existing users.

  1. Upload the CSV file to Unified Communications Manager server.

  2. Insert User Records.

  3. Insert Phone Records.

  4. Insert User Device Profile Records.

  5. Check the log files for errors.

Exported Phone Record Fields

Default Phone File Format Exported Fields

The export Default Phone file format option is useful when you want to export phone file formats for phones that have similar configurations. Default phone records are exported using a defined query.

The following table lists the fields that are exported when you choose the Default Phone file format.

Table 1. Exported Fields in the Default Phone File Format

Field types

Exported fields

Device Fields

MAC Address, Description, Location

Line Fields

Directory Number, Display, Line Text Label, Forward Busy External, Forward Busy Internal, Forward No Answer Internal, Forward No Answer External, Forward No Coverage Internal, Forward No Coverage External, Call Pickup Group

All Phone Details File Format Exported Fields

When you export phone records using All Phone Details option, you export phone records for a particular model of phone along with all the device field information, different line attributes, and services that are associated with the phone, or you can export all phone models in a single file. To export all phone types to a single file, you can choose All Phone Types from the Select the Device Type drop-down list box. You cannot use the query to limit the number of records.

The following table lists the fields that are exported when you choose the All Phone Details file format.


The device name, not the MAC Address, gets saved when you choose to export by using the All Phone Details file format.

Table 2. Exported Fields in the All Phone Details File Format

Field types

Exported fields

Device Fields

Device Name, Description, Owner User ID, Device Pool, CSS, AAR CSS, Media Resource Group List, User Hold Audio Source, Network Hold Audio Source, Location, User Locale, Network Locale, Phone Button Template, Expansion Module type I, Expansion Module type II, Softkey Template, Phone Load Name, Module 1 Load Name, Module 2 Load Name, Login user ID, Built in Bridge, MLPP Indication, MLPP Preemption, MLPP Domain, Retry Video call as Audio, Privacy, Security Mode, Ignore Presentation Indicators, Single Packet Capture mode, Packet Capture Duration, Certificate Operation, Authentication Mode, Authentication String, Key Size (bits), Operation Completes By

Model Specific Device Fields

Information, Directory, Messages, Services, Authentication Server, Proxy Server, Idle, Idle Timer, Enable Extension Mobility, Logout Profile, Login User ID, Login Time, Logout Time, Product Specific XML

Line Fields

Directory Number, Partition, Voice Mail Profile, Line CSS, AAR Group, Line User Hold Audio Source, Line Network Hold Audio Source, Auto Answer, Forward All to Voice Mail, Forward All Destination, Forward All CSS, Forward Busy External to Voice Mail, Forward Busy External Destination, Forward Busy External CSS, Forward No Answer External to Voice Mail, Forward No Answer External Destination, Forward No Answer External CSS, Forward On Failure to Voice Mail, Forward On Failure Destination, Forward on Failure CSS, Call pickup group, Forward Busy Internal to Voice Mail, Forward Busy Internal Destination, Forward Busy Internal CSS, Forward No Answer Internal to Voice Mail, Forward No Answer Internal Destination, Forward No Answer Internal CSS, Forward No Call Coverage External to Voice Mail, Forward No Call Coverage External Destination, Forward No Call Coverage External CSS, Forward No Call Coverage Internal to Voice Mail, Forward No Call Coverage Internal Destination, Forward No Call Coverage Internal CSS, Display, External Phone Number Mask, Message Waiting Lamp Policy, Ring Setting When Idle, Line Text Label, Ring Setting When Active, No Answer Ring Duration, MLPP Target Destination, MLPP Calling Search Space, MLPP No Answer Ring Duration, Max Num Calls, Busy Trigger, Call Info Display Mask, Alerting Name

User Fields

User ID

Speed Dials

Speed Dial Number, Speed Dial Label


Service Name, Subscribed Service Name, Parameter Name, Parameter Value

Export Phone Records

You can export phone records from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database. After the phone records are exported, you can search and download the exported file using the Upload/Download Files option in the Bulk Administration menu.


Step 1

Choose one of the following options:

  • Bulk Administration > Phones > Export Phones > Specific Details. The Export Phones Query window displays.
  • Bulk Administration > Phones > Export Phones > All Details. The Export Phone Configuration window displays.
Step 2

For All Details option, choose the type of device or specific model in the Device Type drop-down list box. Skip to Step 4.

See Table 1 for the list of exported fields in this format.
Step 3

For Specific Details, you can customize the export file by choosing which set of phones to export, but you cannot configure the phone details.

  1. From the first Find Phone where, drop-down list box, choose from the following options:

    • Device Name
    • Description
    • Directory Number
    • Calling Search Space
    • Device Pool
    • Call Pickup Group
    • LSC Status
    • Authentication String
    • Security Profile
    • Last Registered

    • Last Active

  2. In the second drop-down list box, choose from the following options:

    • begins with
    • contains
    • is exactly
    • ends with
    • is empty
    • is not empty
  3. In the search field/list box, either choose or enter the value that you want to locate, such as a device name.

  4. You can click the Search Within Results check box and choose AND or OR to add multiple filters and repeat 3.a through 3.c to further define your query.

  5. Click Find.

    The search results display.
  6. Click Next.

    The Export Phones Configuration window displays.
  7. From the File Format drop-down list box, choose a Phone file format.

Step 4

Enter the export file name in the File Name text box.

Step 5

In the Job Information area, enter the Job description.

Step 6

Choose an export method. Do one of the following:

  1. Click Run Immediately to export phone records immediately.

  2. Click Run Later to export at a later time.

Step 7

To create a job for exporting phone records, click Submit.

To schedule and/or activate this job, use the Job Scheduler option in the Bulk Administration main menu.

Multiple User Phones to Export or Import

The exported file name gets suffixed with the timestamp. If a recurring job is scheduled for export phones, the information gets exported with same filename but different timestamps.

When you import the exported file that has phones with multiple users, all users get exported in the same record.