Manage Scheduled Jobs

This chapter provides information about activating BPS and scheduling jobs.

You can schedule bulk transactions and specify a time when they need to start these transactions. All jobs that are submitted through the Bulk Administration menu in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration, queue up on the Bulk Provisioning Service (BPS). Depending on the start time specified for a job, the transaction starts running. If no start time is mentioned, the transactions execute in the order that they are received.

Activate Bulk Provisioning Service

Before submitting a job for execution, the Bulk Provisioning Service (BPS) should be activated.

BPS starts automatically after it is activated. Every time that the service is started, BPS synchronizes with Cisco Unified Communications Manager database.


Step 1

From Cisco Unified Communications Manager Serviceability window, choose Tools > Service Activation.

The Service Activation window displays.
Step 2

From the Server drop-down list box, choose the server that is running Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

Step 3

In the Database and Admin Services area, check the check box corresponding to Cisco Bulk Provisioning Service.


If the service is already activated, the Activation Status will display as Activated.

Step 4

Click Update.

The window refreshes and the Activation Status corresponding to Bulk Provisioning Service displays Activated.

Start, Stop and Restart BPS

You can manually stop or restart the Bulk Provisioning Service (BPS).


The BPS starts automatically after it is activated using Cisco Unified Communications Manager Serviceability.


Step 1

In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Serviceability, choose Tools > Control Center - Feature Services.

The Control Center–Feature Services window displays.

Step 2

Choose the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server from the Servers drop-down list box.

Cisco Bulk Provisioning Service displays in list under Service Name column, in the Database and Admin Services area.


If BPS is already activated, the Activation Status will display as Activated.

Step 3

Check the check box corresponding to BPS and do one of the following:

  1. To restart BPS, click Restart.

    The service restarts, and the message, Service Successfully Restarted, displays.
  2. To stop BPS, click Stop.

    The service stops, and the message, Service Successfully Stopped, displays.
  3. To start the stopped BPS, click Start.

    The service starts, and the message, Service Successfully Started, displays.

Deactivate BPS and Log Out

After you deactivate BPS you can log out of the tool when you no longer need to use itl.


Step 1

In Cisco Unified Communications Manager Serviceability, choose ToolsService Activation.

The Service Activation window displays.
Step 2

Choose the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server from the Servers drop-down list box.

Cisco Bulk Provisioning Service displays in the list under Service Name column in the Database and Admin Services area.

Step 3

Uncheck the check box corresponding to the Cisco Bulk Provisioning Service and click Update.

The service deactivates and the Status column displays the status as Deactivated.

Find Jobs Submitted to BPS

You can find jobs that are already submitted to BPS through the Bulk Administration menu on Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration.


Step 1

Choose Bulk Administration > Job Scheduler. The Find and List Job window displays.

Step 2

From the first Find Job where drop-down list box, choose one of the following options.

  • User
  • Status
  • Job ID
  • Description
  • Scheduled Date Time

When searching for jobs, use epoch time and not human readable date. For example, search with 1438171 rather than July 2015.

Step 3

From the second Find Job where drop-down list box, choose one of the following options.

  • begins with
  • contains
  • is exactly
  • ends with
  • is empty
  • is not empty
Step 4

From the third drop-down list box, choose Show to display completed jobs.

Step 5

Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable, and click Find.

To further define your query, you can choose AND or OR to add multiple filters and repeat Step 2 through Step 5.


To find all jobs that are registered in the database, click Find without entering any search text.

A list of discovered jobs displays by:
  • Job Id
  • Scheduled Date Time
  • Submit Date Time
  • Sequence
  • Description
  • Status
  • Last User

    The Status displays Hold if Run Later radio button was selected while scheduling the job. The Status displays Pending if Run Immediately radio button was selected. The Status displays Completed for completed jobs and it displays Incomplete for jobs that had an error and could not be completed.

Step 6

Click the Job ID for the job in process or on hold, that you want to schedule and/or activate.

The Job Configuration window displays.

Schedule Submitted Jobs

You can schedule submitted jobs.


Step 1

Find the job you want to schedule.

Step 2

In the Job Configuration window, enter the settings for scheduling and activating the job.

See the following table.

Table 1. Job Configuration Settings



Job Id

Displays the job ID that is created when the job is submitted.

Job Status

Displays the status of the job from one of the following options:

  • Hold

  • Pending

  • Completed

  • Incomplete

Scheduled Date Time

Choose the month, date, year from the drop-down list boxes. Enter the time when you want the job to be scheduled.

Submit Date Time

Displays the date and time when the job was submitted.


Choose from the drop-down list box, the sequence in which the job should be run. You can choose a number between 1 and 20.


If the scheduled date and time is same for two or more jobs, then the jobs are queued in BPS according the sequence number. If the scheduled date and time, and Sequence is same, then the jobs are queued depending on the submitted date and time.

Job Description

Displays the description you entered when the job was created. This description can be edited to include up to 50 characters in any language, but it cannot include double-quotes ("), percentage sign (%), ampersand (&), back-slash (\), or angle brackets (<>).


Choose from the following options, the frequency of the transaction:

  • Once

  • Monthly

  • Weekly

  • Daily

  • Hourly

For example, if you choose Daily, the transaction will be repeated daily at the time entered in the Schedule Time and Date field.

Job End Time

Displays the end time for recurring (frequency) job.

Last Modified By

Displays the user ID of the administrator who last modified this job.

Step 3

Click Activate job to activate the job at the scheduled time or click Save to save the configuration settings to activate the job at a later time.

The Find and List Jobs window displays.


If a Job is saved, but not activated then status of the job will be displayed as Hold. These jobs will not be processed by BPS unless they are activated.

Step 4

Click the job ID for the job you have activated. In the Job Configuration window, the following information displays in the Job Results area, for all jobs that are complete, incomplete, stop requested, or processing.

  • Job Launched Date Time
  • Job Result Status
  • Number of records Processed
  • Number of Records Failed
  • Total Number of Records
  • Log File Name

    Click on the link in the Log File Name column to view the log file for this transaction.

What to do next

To go back to the list of jobs, choose Back to Find/List from the Related Links drop-down list box and click Go.