Using Reports

Understanding Reports

Cisco Unity Connection Serviceability lets you gather information about system configuration and call handlers into reports.

Table 6-1 describes the reports that you can generate in Cisco Unity Connection Serviceability.

Table 1. Reports Available in Cisco Unity Connection Serviceability

Report Name

Description of Output

Phone Interface Failed Logon

Includes the following information for every failed attempt to sign in to Unity Connection by phone:

  • Name of user, alias, caller ID, and extension of user who failed to sign in.

  • Date and time the failed logon occurred.

  • Whether the maximum number of failed sign-ins has been reached for the user.


Includes the following information for each user:

  • Last name, first name, and alias.

  • Information that identifies the Unity Connection or Cisco Business Edition server associated with the user.

  • Billing ID, class of service, and extension.

  • Whether the account is locked.

  • Whether the user has enabled personal call transfer rules.

Message Traffic

Includes totals for the following traffic categories:

  • Voice.

  • Fax.

  • Email.

  • Non-delivery receipt (NDR).

  • Delivery receipt.

  • Read receipt.

  • Hourly totals.

  • Daily totals.

Port Activity

Includes the following information for voice messaging ports:

  • Name.

  • Number of inbound calls handled.

  • Number of outbound MWI calls handled.

  • Number of outbound AMIS calls handled.

  • Number of outbound notification calls handled.

  • Number of outbound TRaP calls handled.

  • Total number of calls handled.

Mailbox Store

Includes the following information about the specified mailbox stores:

  • Mail database name.

  • Display name.

  • Server name.

  • Whether access is enabled.

  • Mailbox store size.

  • Last error.

  • Status.

  • Whether the mail database can be deleted.

Dial Plan

Includes a list of the search spaces configured on the Unity Connection or Cisco Business Edition server, with an ordered list of partitions assigned to each search space.

If the server is part of a Digital Network, also lists the search spaces and associated partition membership on every other Unity Connection location on the network.

Dial Search Scope

Includes a list of all users and their extensions in the specified partition that is configured in the Unity Connection directory. If a partition is not specified, lists all users and their extensions for all partitions that are configured in the directory.

User Phone Login and MWI

Includes the following information about phone logins, MWI activity, and message notifications to phone devices per user:

  • Name, extension, and class of service.

  • Date and time for each activity.

  • The source of each activity.

  • Action completed (for example, Login, MWI On or Off, and Phone Dialout).

  • Dial out number and results (applicable only for message notifications to phone devices).

  • The number of new messages for a user at time of login.

User Message

Includes the following information about messages sent and received, per user:

  • Name, extension, and class of service.

  • Date and time for each message.

  • Type of message.

  • Action completed (for example, new message, message saved, and so on).

  • Information on the message sender.

Distribution Lists

Includes the following information:

  • Name and display name of the list.

  • Date and time the list was created. (Date and time are given in Greenwich Mean Time.)

  • A count of the number of users included in the list.

  • If the Include List Members check box is checked, a listing of the alias of each user who is a member of the list.

User Lockout

Includes user alias, the number of failed logon attempts for the user, credential type (a result of “4” indicates a logon attempt from the Unity Connection conversation; a result of “3” indicates a logon attempt from a web application), and the date and time that the account was locked.

(Date and time are given in Greenwich Mean Time.)

Unused Voicemail

Includes user alias and display name, and the date and time that the user account was created.

(Date and time are given in Greenwich Mean Time.)

Transfer Call Billing

Includes the following information for each call:

  • Name, extension, and billing ID of the user.

  • Date and time that the call occurred.

  • The phone number dialed.

  • The result of the transfer (connected, ring-no-answer (RNA), busy, or unknown).

Outcall Billing

Includes the following information, arranged by day and by the extension of the user who placed the call:

  • Name, extension, and billing ID.

  • Date and time the call was placed.

  • The phone number called.

  • The result of the call (connected, ring-no-answer (RNA), busy, or unknown).

  • The duration of the call in seconds.

Outcall Billing

Arranged by date and according to the name, extension, and billing ID of the user who placed the call, and is a listing of the 24 hours of the day, with a dialout time in seconds specified for each hour span.

Call Handler 

Includes the following information for each call handler, in rows for each hour of a day:

  • Total number of calls.

  • Number of times each key on the phone keypad was pressed.

  • Extension.

  • Invalid extension.

  • Number of times the after greeting action occurred.

  • Number of times the caller hung up.

System Configuration

Includes detailed information about all aspects of the configuration of the Unity Connection system.

SpeechView Activity Report By User

Includes the total number of transcribed messages, failed transcriptions, and truncated transcriptions for a given user during a given time period. If the report is run for all users, then the output is broken out by user.

SpeechView Activity Summary Report

Includes the total number of transcribed messages, failed transcriptions, and truncated transcriptions for the entire system during a given time period. When messages are sent to multiple recipients, the message is transcribed only once, so the transcription activity is counted only once.

HTTPS Networking Sync Error Report

(Applicable only for HTTPS Networking) Includes the following information associated with the directory objects that does not synchronize during directory synchronization:

  • Creation Date

  • Failed ObjectId

  • USN

  • Object Type

  • Location Display Name

  • HTTP(S) Link

  • Error Message

Setting Report Configuration Parameters

Cisco Unity Connection is automatically set to gather and store data from which you can generate reports. The parameters listed in this section can be adjusted, depending on the report output that you want to generate. All report parameter settings are found on the System Settings > Advanced > Reports page in Cisco Unity Connection Administration.

Reports data is gradually written over, depending on the parameters you set for retention of data. We recommend that if you want to keep reports for historical purposes, you develop a schedule for regularly generating reports, and save them in a location separate from the Unity Connection or Cisco Business Edition server.

  • Milliseconds Between Data Collection Cycles—Set by default to 30 minutes (1,800,000 milliseconds). This setting controls the amount of time Unity Connection waits between cycles of gathering report data.

  • Days to Keep Data in Reports Database—Set by default to 180 days. Note that even if you specify more than this number of days in the time range for the report you are generating, the number of days of data is limited by what you set here.

  • Maximum Records in Report Output—Set by default to 25,000 records. The maximum value allowed for this field is 30,000 records. If the report you want to generate exceeds the maximum number of records allowed, you can generate the report in pieces (for example by reducing the date range or number of user accounts included in each iteration).


    The Maximum Records in Report Output setting for the User Message Activity Report has been restricted to 15,000 records—rather than the default of 25,000 records—because of the size of the report.

  • Minimum Records Needed to Display Progress Indicator—Set by default to 2,500 records. The maximum value allowed for this field is 10,000 records. The purpose of the progress indicator is to warn you if the report you request is large and likely to take a long time to complete. In Unity Connection, reports are generated from within a browser, and the browser session must be kept open while the report is being generated. Depending on the size of the database, and the type of report being generated, a report can take a long time to generate; meanwhile, you are unable to use the browser, and must keep the Connection Administration session open.

Generating and Viewing Reports

When you generate a report, you can specify some or all of the following:

  • The objects (for example, user accounts or call handlers) to include in the report.

  • The date and time range to include.

  • The sort order for the data in the report.

You can select one of the following file formats for the report:

Web page

HTML file. Report output appears in your web browser.

Select this format to quickly view a small report.

For archiving purposes, we recommend that you generate PDF reports.

Comma-delimited file

Text file (also known as a comma-separated, or CSV, file). Report output appears as a string of data, separated by commas.

Select this format if you want to view or print the information in another application, for example, a spreadsheet application.

PDF file

Report output appears as a PDF that can be printed and saved.

We recommend that you select this format if you plan to archive reports.


A "Checksum (SHA512) for Generated PDF or CSV Report" link appears at the end of the page. After clicking the link, the SHA-512 checksum value is displayed for the report to check the integrity of the file.

The best time to generate reports is when the system is not busy: after regular business hours when Unity Connection is not processing many calls, or when there are no other processes running (for example, before or after a full backup). Requests to generate reports are queued. If multiple reports are generated at one time (from separate browsers), the reports wait in line and only one is processed at a time.


Generating large reports when the system is busy uses system resources and could potentially result in slower response time for system users.

Note that reports cannot be scheduled in advance. If you shut down the Unity Connection or Cisco Business Edition server, or close the Connection Administration browser session while reports are being generated, the report generation is canceled.

Generating and View a Report


Step 1

In Cisco Unity Connection Serviceability, select Tools  > Reports.

Step 2

On the Serviceability Reports page, select the name of the report that you want to generate.

Step 3

Select the applicable file format for the report output.

Step 4

If the fields are available, set a date range by selecting the beginning and ending month, day, year, and time.

Step 5

Set other parameters, as applicable.

Step 6

Select Generate Report.

Step 7

View the report output, depending on the file format you select in Step 3:

Web Page

Output appears in your browser window.

Comma-delimited File

File download dialog box opens, asking if you want to open or save the file.

PDF File

File download dialog box opens, asking if you want to open or save the file.