- clear vstack
- debug vstack
- match (Smart Install group configuration)
- show vstack
- vstack
- vstack attach
- vstack backup
- vstack basic
- vstack config
- vstack dhcp-localserver
- vstack director
- vstack download-config
- vstack download-image
- vstack group built-in
- vstack group custom
- vstack hostname-prefix
- vstack image
- vstack join-window close
- vstack join-window mode auto
- vstack join-window start
- vstack join-window-status index
- vstack on-hold-clients install
- vstack on-hold-clients remove
- vstack script
- vstack startup-vlan
- vstack tar
- vstack untar
- vstack untar / table
- vstack vlan
Cisco Smart Install CLI Commands
- clear vstack
- debug vstack
- match (Smart Install group configuration)
- show vstack
- vstack
- vstack attach
- vstack backup
- vstack basic
- vstack config
- vstack dhcp-localserver
- vstack director
- vstack download-config
- vstack download-image
- vstack group built-in
- vstack group custom
- vstack hostname-prefix
- vstack image
- vstack join-window close
- vstack join-window mode auto
- vstack join-window start
- vstack join-window-status index
- vstack on-hold-clients install
- vstack on-hold-clients remove
- vstack script
- vstack startup-vlan
- vstack tar
- vstack untar
- vstack untar / table
- vstack vlan
clear vstack
To clear the director database or the download list, use the clear vstack privileged EXEC command on the Smart Install director.
clear vstack { director-db [ entry index-number ] | download-list [entry status-number }
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
You can enter this command only on a director.
Use the entry index-number keywords to remove inactive clients from the director database. However, take care not to delete valid (active) entries from the director database. If you enter the client index number of a valid client and configuration backup is enabled, a replacement switch does not get the configuration file. The switch sends a message to alert you of this.
Prior to Cisco IOS Release XE 3.5.0E and Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)SG, the Catalyst 3750 and Catalyst 4500 series switches provided the clear vstack download-status command, which resulted in deleting all the entries in one-shot. With Release Cisco IOS Release XE 3.5.0E and Cisco IOS Release 15.2(1)SG, we provide the clear vstack download-list entry command, which enables you to delete a single entry in the download status table. This table can be viewed with the show vstack download-status command.
This example shows how to clear the director database:
This example shows the message received if you try to delete a valid client from the director database:
This example shows how to delete a single entry in the download status table with an index 1:
Related Commands
Enables the switch or router as the Smart Install director. This command is accepted only if the director IP address is on the switch or router. |
debug vstack
To enable debugging of the Smart Install feature, use the debug vstack privileged EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the no form of this command.
debug vstack { all | backup | cli | director-db | download | emulation | fsm | group | join-window | protocol
no debug vstack { all | backup | cli | director-db | download | emulation | fsm | group | join-window | protocol
Syntax Description
Displays all Smart Install backup management debug messages. |
Displays Smart Install command-line interface (CLI) debug messages. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The undebug vstack command is the same as the no debug vstack command.
This is example output from the debug vstack all command on a client:
Related Commands*
Displays information about the types of debugging that are enabled. |
match (Smart Install group configuration)
To configure the match type for a Smart Install custom group, use the match Smart Install group configuration mode command on the Smart Install director. To return to the default setting, use the no form of this command. The available keyword depends on the type of custom group defined.
match host ip_address interface name
no match host ip_address interface name
match switch_stack_number product_family port_config
no match switch_stack_number product_family port_config
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Smart Install group configuration
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
Although you can enter this command on a client, the configuration does not take effect. Only configuration commands entered on the director are valid. If a client becomes a director at some point, the configuration file entered on it is then valid.
To define the custom group type and enter Smart Install group configuration mode, enter the vstack group custom group_name { connectivity | mac | product-id | stack } global configuration command.
Use the match host ip_address interface name command to define connectivity groups based on the network topology; that is, based on the upstream neighbor to which the client is connected. The upstream neighbor could be the director or an intermediate device. If a client matches more than one group characteristic, a connectivity match takes precedence over product ID or a stack match, but not over a MAC address match.
Use the match mac_address command to define groups based on switch MAC addresses. You can include switches with the same or different product IDs, as long as they use the same image and configuration file. Enter the show vstack neighbors all privileged EXEC command to see the MAC addresses of switches in the Smart Install network.
Use the match product-id command to match any product ID, including those not defined in the vstack group built-in command. These could be supported devices that were not shipping when the software version was released.
Use the match switch_stack _number product_family port_config command to identify switches in a stack. For example, match 3 3750e WS-3750E-24PD matches switch 3 in a Catalyst 3750E stack with a port configuration of 24 PoE ports.
This example shows how to identify a custom group named test based on matching connectivity, to enter Smart Install group configuration mode, to specify that the group includes clients connected to the host with the IP address through interface Gigabit Ethernet 0/1, and to identify the image and configuration files to be obtained through TFTP for the group:
This example creates a custom group named testgroup3 that includes the three switches identified by MAC address and configures the group to use the specified image file and configuration.
You can verify the group settings by entering the show vstack group custom privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands
show vstack
To display Smart Install information, use the show vstack privileged EXEC command on the Smart Install director or a client.
show vstack { config | host ip_address | join-window configuration | status [ detail ]}
show vstack { download-status [ detail ]
show vstack client { 1 | client_ ip_address | all | group { built-in product_family port_config chassis_config| custom group_name } client-password { running-config | tech-support | version }
show vstack group { built-in product_family chassis_config {[ port_config] detai l} [configured] } | custom [ group_name ] detail }
show vstack neighbors [ 1 | client_ ip_address | all | group built-in product_family port_config chassis_config
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Note The command with some, but not all, of the keywords are available at the user EXEC level.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The outputs of the show commands are different when entered on the director or on the client. Not all keywords are available on the client.
In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(58)SE and later or Release 15.1(1)SY, the output of the show vstack status command shows whether or not Smart Install is enabled on the director. If enabled, it also includes this additional information about clients:
- Device status (Smart Install capable or not)
- Health status (active or inactive)
- Join-window status (allowed, hold, or denied), and
- Upgrade status for image or configuration (in progress, complete, or failed).
Beginning with Cisco IOS Release 3.6.0E (IOS 15.2(2)E), the output of the show vstack status command remains unchanged, but the meaning of the following fields have changed:
Note These changes are for Catalyst 4500 Series Switch only.
- Product-ID—chassis-id is used as the client’s product ID and is collected from CDP. For an asymmetric chassis, the product ID may be updated dynamically.
- MAC Address —For a Catalyst 4500 standalone IBC, you use the chassis’ MAC address whereas for VSS IBC, you use the virtual MAC selected while configuring VSS.
Note The meaning of the fields Hostname, IP and status are unchanged; they are platform-independent.
If you disable Smart Install on the director by entering the no vstack global configuration command, the output of the show vstack status [ detail ] and show vstack download-status [ detail ] commands shows only Smart Install: DISABLED
. The output of the show vstack config command shows the Smart Install configuration even though it is not in effect.
If the director is a Catalyst 4500 series switch, whether it is a single chassis or a VSS setup, only a single entry of the director appears in the output of the show vstack status detail command. The product ID shown is the chassis sku-id.
Beginning with IOS XE 3.6.0E (or 15.2.(2)E), the following apply:
- All the director entries (multiple, if the director is a stack) will be assigned the value '0,' and all the IBC stack members will have different entries (situation prior to IOS XE 3.6.0E (or 15.2.(2)E)) but they will all have the same device number.
- When you clear a DB entry and that IBC is a stack, the clear vstack dir command will remove all the stack entries from the database.
This is example output from the show vstack config command on a client:
This is example output from the show vstack config command on a director:
These are example outputs from the show vstack download-status command on a director:
This is example output from the show vstack host command:
This is example output from the show vstack join-window configuration command:
This is example output from the show vstack status command:
This is example output from the show vstack status command if you have disabled Smart Install on the director by entering the no vstack global configuration command:
This is example output from the show vstack status detail command:
This is example output from the show vstack host command:
This is example output from the show vstack join-window configuration command:
This is example output from the show vstack status command:
This is example output from the show vstack status command if you have disabled Smart Install on the director by entering the no vstack global configuration command:
This is example output from the show vstack status command:
This is an example output from the show vstack status detail command:
Beginning with IOS XE 3.6.0E (or 15.2(2)E, Supervisor_ID is provided in the output of the show vstack status detail command, because Chassis_ID is displayed in the output of the show vstack status command and you require supervisor engine information to decide on the image type provided to a switch. Supervisor_ID is received through the new CDP APP TLV sent by IBC. IBD gathers this information and updates the director database. For a dual supervisor chassis or a VSS system, the supervisor type across a switch should match; hence, a single CDP APP TLV will suffice.
Note The Supervisor field will display “not applicable” for platforms that do not have the necessary supervisor engines.
The following example illustrates how to configure a built-in group for the Catalyst 4500 switch by selecting the chassis model:
In the following example, we select the supervisor type rather than the chassis model. This displays all the groups for the chassis that support that particular supervisor engine.
This is example output from the show vstack client running-config command for client 1:
This is example output from the show vstack group built-in command:
This is example output from the show vstack group custom detail command:
This is example output from the show vstack group custom detail command:
Director #
show vstack group custom detail
This is example output from the show vstack neighbors command for client 1:
Related Commands
Enables the switch or router to be the Smart Install director. This command is accepted only if the director IP address is on the switch or router. |
To enable the Smart Install feature on a director or client device, use the vstack global configuration command. To disable the Smart Install feature on a director or client device, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
Configuring Smart Install on a director or client switch opens TCP port 4786 on the director and on the client. You can use the no vstack global configuration command on a director or client device to disable Smart Install and shut down the TCP port.
To enable Smart Install after it has been disabled, enter the vstack global configuration command.
When you enter the no vstack command to disable Smart Install on a director or client device, if the Smart Install configuration is already present, it remains in the running configuration but does not take effect. This includes the Smart Install director IP address and other Smart Install configurations, such as group configurations.
If you disable Smart Install on a director and there were Smart Install DHCP IP addresses configured, you need to manually delete them.
When Smart Install is disabled on a device, the vstack director ip_ address and vstack basic global configuration commands are not allowed on the device.
No warning message is generated when you disable Smart Install.
To reenable Smart Install on a device, enter the vstack global configuration command.
To see if Smart Install is enabled on a device, enter the show vstack status privileged EXEC command.
If you disable Smart Install on the director by entering the no vstack global configuration command, the output of the show vstack status [ detail ] and show vstack download-status [ detail ] commands shows only Smart Install: DISABLED
. The output of the show vstack config command shows the Smart Install configuration even though it is not in effect.
This example shows how to disable Smart Install on the device:
Related Commands
vstack attach
To connect to a client from the director, use the vstack attach privileged EXEC command on the director.
vstack attach { client - index | client IP address }
Syntax Description
Client index number from the list of active clients within the Smart Install network. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to connect to the client user interface from the director. This command is a wrapper for the telnet command. Select the client either by choosing from a list that shows the active clients that are available within the Smart Install network or by entering the client IP address.
The client-index list is dynamically generated in the Cisco IOS help text. If the director device is not rebooted, then the same client-index numbers can be used in additional configurations.
If you are running Supervisor Engine 7-E, Supervisor Engine 7L-E, or Supervisor Engine 8-E on a Catalyst 4500 IBC, ensure that HTTP is enabled; by default, it is disabled.
This example shows how to use the client ID with the vstack attach command to connect to a client from the director.
This example shows how to use the client IP address with the vstack attach command:
vstack backup
To enable the backup feature and allow client configurations to be saved in the director’s repository, use the vstack backup global configuration command. Use the no vstack backup command to disable the backup feature.
vstack backup [ file-server url ]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies the registry used for backup:
If no registry is specified, the local repository flash :/vstack is used. |
Command Default
Backup is enabled. The local repository flash:/vstack is used. It is created if it does not exist. If the directory cannot be created, the flash :/ directory is used.
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
From the director, enter this command to enable the backup feature and allow clients’ configurations to be saved in the director repository. You must enable this feature so that zero-touch replacement occurs when a client is replaced by another client with the same product ID.
You can enter the file-server keyword to specify a repository to be used for the backup. Do not include the director IP address as part of the file-server URL. If the director IP address is part of the URL, the command is not rejected, but it does not work as expected.
Note This command works on both the director and the client. However, it is only meaningful when the device is the director.
This example shows how to enable the backup feature:
This example shows where you can specify the repository:
vstack basic
To enable a switch or router as the Smart Install director, use the vstack basic global configuration command. This command is accepted only if the director IP address matches one of the device IP addresses. To disable the Smart Install director function on the switch or router, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
There can be only one director managing a number of clients in a Smart Install network.
The director must be running a Smart Install-capable image.
If you have disabled Smart Install on the device by entering the no vstack global configuration command, this command is not allowed. You can reenable Smart Install by entering the vstack global configuration command.
For zero-touch upgrade, all DHCP transactions in the Smart Install network between the DHCP server and the clients must run through the director.
If you enter the vstack basic command on a device that does not have the director IP address (either assigned by the DHCP server or configured by entering the vstack director ip-address global configuration command), the command is not accepted. If the device is a switch, it must be a client.
If you enter the vstack basic command before a director IP address has been assigned or configured, the command is rejected with a message that the director is not configured.
When you enable the director by entering this command, these operation occur:
- DHCP snooping is enabled on the director for VLAN 1 and any other configured Smart Install VLANs. You can, however, use the vstack startup-vlan global configuration command to specify another default VLAN.
- The director starts building a director database of neighboring devices.
If you enter the no vstack basic command to disable director functionality on the device, Smart Install configurations are not deleted but do not take effect until the device is again enabled as a director. When you enter no vstack basic , DHCP snooping is disabled, and the director database is no longer valid.
If the director IP address is configured on an interface, and you shut down or delete the interface or change the interface IP address, the switch becomes a client and must find another director IP address.
This example shows how to enable the switch or router as a director when the director IP address is on the device:
This example shows the error message that appears if you enter the command on a device when no director IP address has been configured or assigned by DHCP:
This example shows the error message that appears if you enter the command on a device configured with a director IP address that is not owned by the switch or router:
You can verify Smart Install director settings by entering the show vstack config privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands
vstack config
To identify the default configuration file for the clients, use the vstack config global configuration command on the Smart Install director. To remove the configuration file as the default, use the no form of this command.
vstack config location config_filename
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
The vstack config configuration command is used to identify the configuration file for application to the smart install client. It is needed for all vstack groups whose clients must have a configuration file automatically applied.
Prior to Release IOS XE 3.6.0E and IOS 15.2(2)E, the vstack config command was mandatory for custom and built-in vstack groups. With Release IOS XE 3.6.0E and IOS 15.2(2)E, configuring the group for configuration is optional.
Because the default group is optional, all commands to this group are also optional. If you are using the default group, however, you should always configure a default configuration, which is used when the client could not be matched to either a built-in group or custom group (i.e., when the configuration file for a client is outside of a built-in or custom group).
Although you can enter this command on any device running a Smart Install image, the configuration does not take affect if the switch is not the director. Only configuration commands entered on a director are valid. If the client switch becomes the director, the entered configuration is then valid.
A smart install client sends an error message if it cannot download the configuration file This could stem from one of the following:
This is an example of Smart Install default configuration when there is only one type of product ID (24-port Catalyst 2960) in the network, the director is the TFTP server, and the configuration file is in the director flash memory:
This is an example of Smart Install default configuration when there is only one type of product ID (24-port Catalyst 2960) in the network and the configuration file is not in the director flash memory:
You can verify Smart Install settings by entering the show vstack config privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands
vstack dhcp-localserver
To configure the Smart Install integrated director as the Smart Install DHCP server, use the vstack dhcp-localserver global configuration command on the director. To delete the Smart Install DHCP pool, use the no form of this command.
vstack dhcp-localserver poolname
no vstack dhcp-localserver poolname
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
When the Smart Install DHCP server is the director or another device running Cisco IOS, if the network reloads, the server could assign other IP addresses to participating devices. If the director IP address changes, it is no longer the Smart Install director, which could break the director and client relationships. You must then reassociate the clients and the director. To ensure that this does not occur, you should enter the ip dhcp remember global configuration command to configure the DHCP pool to remember the IP bindings. If the network or device reloads, the DHCP server issues the same IP address to a client that it had before the reload.
Enter this command only on the director. Do not enter it on a client. The command creates a Smart Install DHCP pool and enters Smart Install DHCP configuration mode.
These configuration commands are available in Smart Install DHCP configuration mode:
- address-pool ip-address { network_mask | / prefix-length }—Configures the IP address and network mask or prefix-length for the DHCP pool. The prefix length is the number of bits that comprise the address prefix and is another way to specify the network mask. Enter it as a number preceded by a forward slash ( / nn).
- default-router ip-address —Configures the DHCP default router IP address for the pool.
- exit —Exits Smart Install DHCP configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.
- file-server ip-address —Configures a default TFTP server IP address. This is the same parameter configured by entering the option 150 ip-address keyword in DHCP pool configuration mode.
- no —Negates a command or sets its default.
This example shows how to configure a Smart Install DHCP pool named smart_install1 by entering Smart Install DHCP configuration mode and assigning a network address and default router for the pool and a TFTP server:
You can verify Smart Install DHCP server settings by entering the show dhcp server or show ip dhcp pool privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands
Enables the switch or router to be the Smart Install director. This command is accepted only if the director IP address is on the device. |
vstack director
To manually configure the IP address of the director, use the vstack director global configuration command on the Smart Install director or client. To remove the director IP address configuration, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
The IP address of the switch or an interface on the switch or router intended to be the Smart Install director. |
No director IP address is configured unless it was assigned by the DHCP server.
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
For a switch or router to be the director, the director IP address must be the IP address of a Layer 3 interface on the device. A Layer 2 switch cannot be the director.
If you have disabled Smart Install on the device by entering the no vstack global configuration command, this command is not allowed. You can re-enable Smart Install by entering the vstack global configuration command.
This command is not mandatory if the director IP address is configured by DHCP. For DHCP to assign the director IP address, you must configure the DHCP server with options 125 and 16.
If the director IP address is not assigned by DHCP, you must enter the vstack director ip-address command on the director and on the other Smart Install switches.
When the director IP address has been configured by entering this command or it is assigned by a DHCP server, enable the Smart Install director by entering the vstack basic command on the switch or router.
There can be only one director for a set of clients and there is no way to configure a backup director. If the director fails, the switch must restart before you can resume plug and play operation.
The director must be the device in the network through which all DHCP transactions between the client switches and the DHCP server pass. The director must be running a Smart Install capable image.
If you enter the vstack director ip-address command on a client with an IP address that does not match the director IP address assigned by the DHCP server, the client cannot participate in a session with the director listed by the server.
If you enter the v stack director ip-address command on a client and change the IP address from that of the director, the client attempts to contact the new director. If the new IP address is on the client, that device becomes the director.
A director changes roles and becomes a client if you shut down or delete the interface on which the director IP address is configured or if you change the interface IP address.
This example shows how to configure the director IP address on a switch or router and then enable it as the director:
You can verify Smart Install settings by entering the show vstack config privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands
Enables the switch or router as the Smart Install director. This command is accepted only if the director IP address is on the device. |
vstack download-config
To start an on-demand configuration download for clients, use the vstack download-config privileged EXEC command on the Smart Install director. This command is visible only on the director.
vstack download-config { ip_address | index name| built-in product_family port_config chassis_config } remote_switch_password startup [ reload [ in time ]]
Note A no form for this command does not exist.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
You can enter this command only on the director.
When you enter the built-in product_family port_config keywords for an on-demand configuration download, you must have first identified the configuration for the specified built-in group. Enter the config location config_filename Smart Install group configuration command.
remote_switch_password is required only for switches that are not Smart Install-capable. It is not required for switches already in the Smart Install network.
Selecting a Catalyst “4k” group is similar to configuring a Catalyst “4k” group.
Note You must select similar parameters (product type, sup type, and chassis type) as you did while configuring the group.
This example shows how to start an on-demand image download of the configuration file for a Catalyst 2960 24-port switch on a client switch with the password mypassword. The download occurs when the switch starts in 10 hours:
To see the configuration files for built-in or custom groups, enter the show vstack group { built-in | custom } privileged EXEC command. To verify the download, enter the show vstack download-status privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands
Displays Smart Install download status. The show vstack download-status detail display includes detailed reasons for download failures. |
vstack download-image
To configure an on-demand tar image download for clients, use the vstack download-image privileged EXEC command on the Smart Install director. This command is visible only on the director.
vstack download-image tar image_URL { ip_address | index name } remote_switch_password [ override ] reload [ in time ]
vstack download-image built-in product_family port_config chassis_config remote_switch_password [override] [issu [allow-reload]] [reload] [in time ]
Note For releases prior to12.2(55)SE, you must create an image list: vstack download-image {imagelist_file URL ip_address | built-in product_family port_config} remote_switch_password [override] reload [in time]
Note A no form for this command does not exist.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release XE 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
You can enter this command only on the director.
The image file must be a tar and not a bin file.
When you enter the built-in product_family port_config chassis_config keywords for an on-demand image download, you must have first identified the image for the specified built-in group by entering the image location image_name Smart Install group configuration command.
The remote_switch_password is required only for switches that are not Smart Install-capable. It is not required for switches already in the Smart Install network.
When you use the index name keyword to upgrade multiple clients, all clients must have the same password, or must have no password configured.
When you use the index name keyword to upgrade multiple clients, if a client is not compatible with the specified image, the upgrade fails.
This example shows how to start an on-demand image download of the configured image file for a Catalyst 2960 24-port client switch with the password mypassword. The switch is set to reload in 10 hours:
This example shows how to reload the IBCs that fall under the built-in group of 4500:
This command reloads the IBCs that fall under this group.
The following example shows how to start an on-demand image download of the configured image file for clients 1 through 3 and 4 in the director database and to reload in 10 hours:
Director# vstack download-image tar tftp:// index 1-3, 4 mypassword reload in 10:00
To see the images in the director database, enter the show vstack status detail privileged EXEC command. To see images configured for built-in or custom groups, enter the show vstack group { built-in | custom } privileged EXEC command. To verify the download, enter the show vstack download-status privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands
Displays Smart Install download status. Entering show vstack download-status detail includes detailed reasons for download failures. |
vstack group built-in
To identify a built-in Smart Install group and to enter Smart Install group configuration mode for the group, use the vstack group built-in global configuration command on the Smart Install director. To remove the configuration for the built-in group, use the no form of this command.
vstack group built-in product_family port_config chassis_config
no vstack group built-in product_family port_config chassis_config
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
Although you can enter this command on any device running a Smart Install image, the configuration does not take effect if the device is not the director. Only configuration commands entered on the director are valid. If the client becomes the director, the entered configurations are then valid.
Use this command to define the configuration file (or post install file) for a group when multiple product IDs (PIDs) exist in the network. If all switches in the network have the same PID, you would use the vstack config location config_filename (or vstack script location post_install_filename) global configuration command to configure a default configuration file for all switches.
The built-in groups are shipping products that are present in the CLI.
You can use the vstack group built-in ? command to display a list of the product IDs built into the configuration. You can use the vstack group built-in product_family ? command to display a list of the port configurations for a product family.
Note To configure Catalyst 4500 “modular” series switches, set product_family to 4500.
If a client does not match any custom group, the switch is configured with a built-in group configuration and image. If a switch does not match any group, the default image and configuration are used.
Note Image files are specific to a product family. Configuration files are specific to a port configuration.
A client sends an error message if it cannot download an image or configuration file due to misconfiguration, if the image or configuration file is not available, or if a join window is configured and the DHCP acknowledgment occurs outside the configured time frame.
These configuration commands are available in Smart Install group configuration mode for built-in groups:
- config —Identifies the configuration file for the group.
- exit —Exits Smart Install group configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.
- image —Identifies the image for the group, for example, c3560-ipservices-mz.122-52.SE.tar. This image must be a tar and not a bin file.
- script—Identifies the post install file for the group.
- no —Negates a command or sets its default.
To identify the group post install file name (script), configuration file name (config), and the group image file name, enter tftp: followed by the filename.
Note Although visible in the command-line help, these keywords are not supported: flash1:, flash:, ftp:, http:, https:, null:, nvram:, rcp:, scp:, system:, tmpsys:
This example shows how to identify a group as Catalyst 3560 8-port Power over Ethernet (PoE) switches and to enter Smart Install group configuration mode. It identifies the image to be obtained through TFTP for the group as c3560-ipbase-mz.122-52.SE.tar, which contains the 3560 IP base image for Release12.2(52)SE, identifies the post install file as the 3560 IP Base image, and identifies the configuration file as the 3560 IP Base image.
You can verify group settings by entering the show vstack group built-in privileged EXEC command.
The following example uses the chassis type to display the configurations for a built-in group of “4k” with “sup8-e” in a 4503 chassis:
In the following example, we select the supervisor type rather than the chassis type. This displays all the groups for the chassis that support that particular supervisor engine.
Related Commands
vstack group custom
To configure a user-defined Smart Install group and to enter Smart Install group configuration mode for the group, use the vstack group custom global configuration command on the Smart Install director. To return to the default setting or to remove the group, use the no form of this command.
vstack group custom group_name { connectivity | mac | product-id | stack }
no vstack group custom group_name
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
Although you can enter this command on any switch or router running a Smart Install image, the configuration does not take effect if the device is not the director. Only configuration commands entered on the director are valid. If the client switch becomes the director, the entered configurations are then valid.
When you enter Smart Install group configuration mode, use the match command to identify the group characteristics.
All members of a custom group must be able to run the same image, post install file, and configuration file. For example, only Catalyst 3560 switches can run the image c3560-ipbase-tar.122-52.SE.tar, and each 3560 port configuration would run a different configuration and post install file.
A custom group takes precedence over a built-in group. If a switch does not match any custom group, the switch is configured with the built-in group configuration. If a switch does not match any group, the default configuration, post install file and image are used.
Among custom groups, a group matched by MAC address takes precedence over other matches. A connectivity match takes precedence over one matched by product ID or stack, and a stack match takes precedence over product ID.
A client sends an error message if it cannot download an image or configuration file or post install file due to misconfiguration, if the image, configuration or post install file is unavailable, or if a join window is configured and the DHCP acknowledgment occurs outside the configured time frame.
These configuration commands are available in Smart Install group configuration mode for custom groups:
- config —Identifies the configuration file for the group.
- exit —Exits Smart Install group configuration mode and returns to global configuration mode.
- image —Identifies the image for the group, for example c3750-ipservices-mz.122-52.SE.tar. This image must be a tar and not a bin file.
- match —Configures the match type for the group. See the match (Smart Install group configuration) command for more information about defining criteria for the custom group.
- script—Identifies the post install file for the group.
- no : Negates a command or sets its default.
To identify the group configuration file name ( config) and the group image file name, enter tftp: config followed by the filename.
Note Although visible in the command-line help, these keywords are not supported: flash1:, flash:, ftp:, http:, https:, null:, nvram:, rcp:, scp:, system:, tmpsys:
This example shows how to identify a custom group named test based on matching connectivity and to enter Smart Install group configuration mode. It specifies that the group includes clients connected to the host with the IP address with an interface name of finance, and identifies the image, post install file and configuration to be obtained through TFTP for the group:
You can verify the group settings by entering the show vstack group custom privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands
vstack hostname-prefix
To specify a prefix for the hostname for a client, use the vstack hostname-prefix global configuration command on the Smart Install director. To remove the prefix name setting, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
Although you can enter this command on any device running a Smart Install image, the configuration does not take effect if the device is not the director. Only configuration commands entered on the director are valid. If the nondirector becomes the director, the entered configurations are then valid.
When a DHCP request is snooped through the director and this command is entered, the switch hostname includes the configured hostname followed by the last 3 bytes of the switch MAC address.
This example shows how to configure the hostname Cisco for a client that has been DHCP-snooped:
If you then telnet to that switch from the director, the display shows the resulting switch hostname assignment:
*Mar 1 17:21:43.281: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
*Mar 1 17:21:52.399: %DHCP-6-ADDRESS_ASSIGN: Interface Vlan1 assigned DHCP address, mask, hostname
You can verify the hostname prefix by entering the show vstack config privileged EXEC command on the director.
Related Commands
vstack image
To configure the default image filename for all clients in a Smart Install topology, use the vstack image global configuration command on the Smart Install director. To remove the default image, use the no form of this command.
vstack image location image_name . tar
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
The vstack image configuration command is used to identify the ios image that applies to the smart install client. It is needed for all vstack groups whose clients need to have the correct ios image automatically applied.
Prior to Release IOS XE 3.6.0E and IOS 15.2(2)E, the vstack image command was mandatory for custom and built-in vstack groups. With Release IOS XE 3.6.0E and IOS 15.2(2)E, configuring the group for image is optional.
Because the default group is optional, all commands to this group are also optional. If you are using the default group, however, you should always configure a default image, which is used when the client could not be matched to either a built-in group or custom group (i.e., when the image for a client is outside of a built-in or custom group).
Although you can enter this command on any device running a Smart Install image, the configuration does not take effect if the device is not the director. Only configuration commands entered on the director are valid. If the client becomes the director, the entered commands are then valid.
The image name is the image that you want to download, for example, c3750-ipservices-mz.122-52.SE.tar. This image must be a tar and not a bin file.
Because the default group is optional, all commands to this group are also optional. If you are using the default image, however, you should always configure a default image, which is used when the client could not be matched to either a built-in group or custom group (i.e., when the configuration file for a client is outside of a built-in or custom group).
A smart install client sends an error message if it cannot download the image. This could stem from one of the following:
This is an example of Smart Install default configuration when there is only one type of product ID (24-port Catalyst 2960) in the network, the director is the TFTP server, and the image file is stored in the director flash memory:
You can verify group settings by entering the show vstack config privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands
vstack join-window close
To completely close the join window, use the vstack join-window close global configuration command on the Smart Install director. To open the join window, use the no vstack join-window close command.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
From the director, use the vstack join-window close command in global configuration mode to close the join window. The join window is a time frame during which a client that is coming up and joining the Smart Install network can be upgraded with a new image and configuration.
Note This command works on both the director and the client. However, it is only meaningful when the device is the director.
This example shows how to close the join window.
Related Commands
Configures the time interval during which the director sends configuration and image files to clients. |
vstack join-window mode auto
To configure the join window mode, use the vstack join-window mode auto global configuration command on the Smart Install director.
no vstack join-window mode auto
Clients are automatically upgraded when the join window is open.
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
Entering the vstack join-window mode auto global configuration command automatically allows clients to be upgraded to the latest image and configuration after they join the Smart Install network as long as the join window is open. This is the default.
Entering the no vstack join-window mode global configuration command puts clients in a hold state when they join the network. You must enter the vstack on-hold-clients install privileged EXEC comma nd for the immediate upgrade of clients in the hold state.
Note You can enter this command on both the director and the client, but it is only meaningful when the device is the director.
This example shows how to configure the join-window manual mode on the director.
Related Commands
Configures the time interval during which the director sends configuration and image files to clients. |
Installs configuration and images files on a specified client. |
vstack join-window start
To configure the time interval during which the director sends configuration and image files to clients, use the vstack join-window start global configuration command on the Smart Install director. To remove the join-window configuration, use the no form of this command.
vstack join-window start [ date ] hh:mm [ interval ] [ end date ] [ recurring ]}
Syntax Description
No director time interval is configured. When configured, if no dates or intervals are set, the start time is recurring.
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
Although you can enter this command on any device running a Smart Install image, the configuration does not take effect if the device is not the director. Only configuration commands entered on the director are valid. If the client becomes the director, the entered configurations are then valid.
Note Before configuring a join window, you should verify that the director time is correct.
When a join window is configured and clients are detected outside the join window, the director does not send files to the client until the next configured join window. The auto-install process occurs on the client as if it were not a Smart Install client.
During the join window, clients cannot upgrade the image or configuration files except with files received from the director. Within the join window, the director passes the names and locations of the image and configuration files to the client, which then upgrades these files.
When a join window is configured, if the DHCP acknowledgment occurs outside the configured time frame, a client sends an error message that it cannot download an image or configuration file due to misconfiguration.
This example shows how to configure the director to insert DHCP options, starting at 10 a.m. and recurring every day at this time.
This example shows how to configure the join window to start on July 4, 2009, and remain on (no end date).
This example shows how to configure the join window to start on July 4, 2009, and end on July 5, 2009.
This example shows how to configure the join window to start on July 4, 2009, at 10 a.m. and to continue for 4 hours:.
This example shows how to configure the join window to start on July 7, 2009 at 10 a.m., operate for 4 hours, recur daily at that time until July 10, when the join window ends and remains shut.
You can verify join-window settings by entering the show vstack config privileged EXEC command on the director.
Related Commands
vstack join-window-status index
To move a client from the join-window deny state to the held or active state, use the vstack join-window-status index privileged EXEC command on the Smart Install director.
vstack join-window-status index client-id { allowed | held }
Syntax Description
The join window state for all clients is determined by the vstack join-window mode global configuration command.
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to move a client or multiple clients out of the join-window deny state.
After you enter the command, you are asked to confirm the client state change.
You can see the current client states by entering the show vstack status privileged EXEC command.
This example shows how to manually change the join window state of clients 1 to 4 to active.
Related Commands
Displays Smart Install status, including the join window state for clients. |
vstack on-hold-clients install
To authorize an immediate image and configuration upgrade to an on-hold client or to all on-hold clients, use the vstack on-hold-clients install privileged EXEC command on the Smart Install director.
vstack on-hold-clients install { all | client-id client index | ipaddr ip-address | mac mac address } [ override ]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
This command is required only when you configure no vstack join-window mode. When the mode is auto (the default), clients joining the Smart Install network are automatically updated when the join window is open.
When you set the join window mode to manual by entering the no vstack join-window mode command, clients joining the Smart Install network are put in a hold state. Entering the vstack on-hold-clients install privileged EXEC command authorizes the director to immediately upgrade an on-hold client. Specify a client for upgrade by entering one of the keywords, or enter all to select all client devices for upgrade.
This example shows how to select all on-hold client devices for upgrade:
This example shows how to specify the on-hold client for upgrade by IP address:
Related Commands
Removes a specified client from the on-hold client allowed list. |
vstack on-hold-clients remove
To remove a specified client or all clients from the hold state, use the vstack on-hold-clients remove privileged EXEC command on the director.
vstack on-hold-clients remove { all | client-id client index | ipaddr ip-address | mac mac address }
Syntax Description
Removes the client with the specified client ID. The client ID range is 0 to 255. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
When you set the join window mode to manual by entering the no vstack join-window mode command, new clients joining the Smart Install network are put in a hold state. They remain in this state until you enter the vstack on-hold clients install privileged EXEC command to start an upgrade on the client or until you remove them from the on-hold state.
Enter the vstack on-hold-clients remove privileged EXEC command on the director to remove a specified client or all clients from the list of clients in the hold state. When a client has been removed from the on-hold list and you enter the vstack on-hold clients install privileged EXEC command for the client, the request is denied.
When you remove a client from the on-hold list, you must restart the client for an upgrade to occur.
When the mode is auto (the default), clients joining the Smart Install network are automatically upgraded when the join window is open.
This example shows how to remove all on-hold client devices from the hold list:
This example shows how to specify the on-hold client for removal by IP address:
Related Commands
Authorizes the director to grant an immediate upgrade to an on-hold client. |
vstack script
To identify the default post install file for the clients, use the vstack script global configuration command on the Smart Install director. To remove the configuration file as the default, use the no form of this command.
Note This command is available only on switches. This command is not available when a router is the Smart Install Director.
vstack script location post_install_filename
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Prior to Release IOS XE 3.6.0E and IOS 15.2(2)E, the vstack script command was mandatory for custom and built-in vstack groups. With Release IOS XE 3.6.0E and IOS 15.2(2)E, configuring the group for script is optional.
Because the default group is optional, all commands to this group are also optional. If you are using the default group, however, you should always configure a default script, which is used when the client could not be matched to either a built-in group or custom group (i.e., when the script for a client is outside of a built-in or custom group).You can decide not to configure post install in conjunction with image, configuration, or both.
When you configure the default configuration, that default post install file is used by the client when the client’s post install file is not configured in any group (built-in or custom).
Although you can enter this command on any device running a Smart Install image, the configuration does not take affect if the switch is not the director. Only configuration commands entered on a director are valid. If the client switch becomes the director, the entered configuration becomes valid.
Use this command to define the post install script when all switches in the network have the same product ID (PID). The post install file is a text file that contains the post install command to be downloaded to the client.
A smart install client sends an error message if it cannot download the script. This could stem from one of the following:
- a misconfiguration on the director
- the unavailability of the script
- a join window is configured and the client attempts to join the group outside the join window
Note This statement is relevant only for default mode. SMI offers two types of customization: group (MAC, stack, and connectivity; and product-id based) and built-in. Post install is configurable in three modes: default, custom group, and built-in.
This is an example of Smart Install default configuration when only one type of product ID (24-port Catalyst 2960) exists in the network, the director is the TFTP server, and the post install file is in the director flash memory:
This is an example of Smart Install default configuration when only one type of product ID (24-port Catalyst 2960) exists in the network and the post install file is not in the director flash memory:
You can verify Smart Install settings by entering the show vstack config privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands
vstack startup-vlan
To specify the default VLAN that the director should use for Smart Install management, use the vstack startup-vlan global configuration command.
vstack startup-vlan vlan_value
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to specify the default VLAN that the director should use for Smart Install operations. Depending on the VLAN that is specified in the command, DHCP snooping is enabled on that VLAN so that the director can identify new switches that are connected to the network. If this command is not entered, however, VLAN 1 is used as default.
This example shows how to specify VLAN 7 as the default VLAN for Smart Install:
vstack tar
To archive files into a tar file, use the vstack tar privileged EXEC command on the director.
vstack tar destination-url [ source-url ]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
Use the vstack tar command in privileged EXEC mode on the director to create a tar file into which to write files. Specify the destination URL for the local or network file system and the name of the tar file to be created. Specify the source URL (optional).
Note If you do not specify a source URL, the local repository is archived. Specify the local repository with the vstack backup file-server global configuration command.
This example shows how to create an archive tar file ( archive.tar) in flash memory and archive files from the repository into mytar directory in flash.
Related Commands
vstack untar
To extract archived tar files into a directory, use the vstack untar privileged EXEC command on the director.
vstack untar source-url [ destination-url ]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
Use the vstack untar command in privileged EXEC mode on the director to extract files from a tar file. Specify the source URL for the local or network file system and the name of the tar file. Specify the destination URL (optional).
Note When you do not specify a destination URL, the local repository is used. Specify the local repository with the vstack backup file-server command in global configuration mode.
This example shows how to extract the tar file archive.tar from flash memory into the local repository.
Related Commands
vstack untar / table
To list the contents of a tar file, use the vstack untar/ table privileged EXEC command on the director.
Syntax Description
The source URL alias for the local or network file system and the name of the tar file. These options are supported: |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
Use the vstack untar/table command in privileged EXEC mode on the director to archive tar files. Specify the source URL for the local or network file system and the name of the tar file.
This example shows how to display the contents of the tar file myconfig.tar that is in flash memory.
Related CommandsI
vstack vlan
To configure Smart Install VLANs for DHCP snooping, use the vstack vlan global configuration command on the Smart Install director. To remove a Smart Install management VLAN, use the no form of this command.
Note This command is not valid when the director is a router.
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 3.2(0)SE. |
Usage Guidelines
Although you can enter this command on any device running a Smart Install image, the configuration does not take effect if the device is not the director. Only configuration commands entered on the director are valid. If the client becomes the director, the entered configurations are then valid.
When Smart Install is enabled on the director, DHCP snooping is automatically enabled on VLAN 1. You can, however, use the vstack startup-vlan global configuration command to specify another default VLAN instead of VLAN 1.
There is no limit to the number of Smart Install VLANs that you can configure.
This example shows how to configure VLAN 10 as a Smart Install VLAN:
This example shows how to configure multiple Smart Install VLANs:
You can verify Smart Install settings by entering the show vstack config privileged EXEC command.
Related Commands