Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow

Prerequisites for Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow

  • A Cisco device and its corresponding operating system that supports the installation of Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow.


    Refer to the corresponding release notes for information about which operating system release supports the features and necessary infrastructure.

  • An open virtual application (OVA) package that is compatible with the device operating system and downloaded from an FTP server connected to the device. The OVA package is available for download in the same location as your system image (.bin) file.

  • A controller installed on a connected server.
    Table 1 Controller Support

    OpenFlow Version

    Supported Controllers

    OpenFlow 1.0

    Extensible Network Controller (XNC) 1.0, POX, Cisco Open SDN Controller, or Ixia controllers .

    OpenFlow 1.3

    Ixia, Cisco Open SDN Controller, or OpenDaylight

  • The required disk storage available on the device for installation and deployment of Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow. The recommended disk space is 360 MB.

  • 2048 TCAM entries are available before you enable OpenFlow.

Restrictions for Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow

  • Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow supports only a subset of OpenFlow 1.3 functions. For more information, see the Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow Feature Support section.

  • You cannot configure more than one Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch. The logical switch ID has a value of 1.

  • OpenFlow hybrid model (ships-in-the-night) is supported. VLANs configured for Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch ports should not overlap with regular device interfaces.

  • Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch ports must not be configured in a mode other than trunk port.

  • You cannot configure a bridge domain, Virtual LANs, virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) or port-channel interfaces on a Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch. You can only configure physical interfaces.

  • You cannot make additional configurations to an interface configured as a port of Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow Logical Switch without removing the configuration as a port of Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow Logical Switch.

  • High availability is not supported. On switchover, all flows are deleted resulting in traffic loss. When the standby RP becomes active, the flows are relearned from the controller and reprogrammed. Until then, traffic loss is experienced.

  • Cisco IOS In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) is not supported for Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow.

  • MIBs and XMLs are not supported.

  • You must not add or remove an interface as a port of a Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow if the Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow is inactive or not running.

  • Cisco Catalyst 3850 switch supports 1000 L2 flows with EtherType, 200 L2 flows without EtherType, and 500 L3 flows.

  • Cisco Catalyst 3650 switch supports 500 L2 flows with EtherType, 100 L2 flows without EtherType type, and 250 L3 flows.

  • A maximum of 48 ports can be assigned for Openflow operation.

  • In general, the maximum sustained flow programming rate from the controller should not exceed 50 (added or deleted) flows per second. For flows that have more than 1 match criteria (more than input port + 1 match), the sustained controller programming rate should not exceed 40 flows per second.

  • The maximum burst flow programming rate from the controller should not exceed 1000 flows, spaced by 30-second time intervals. A minimum of 30-second time interval should be maintained between addition or deletion of flows.

  • The rate of PACKET_IN messages sent to the controller should be rate-limited to 300 packets per second, using configuration.

Information About Cisco Plug-In for Open Flow

About OpenFlow

OpenFlow Switch Specification Version 1.0.1 (Wire Protocol 0x01), referred to as OpenFlow 1.0, and OpenFlow Switch Specification Version 1.3.0 (Wire Protocol 0x04), referred to as OpenFlow 1.3, are based on the concept of an Ethernet switch with an internal flow table and standardized interface to allow traffic flows on a device to be added or removed. OpenFlow 1.3 defines the communication channel between Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow and controllers.

Cisco supports a subset of OpenFlow 1.0 and OpenFlow 1.3 functions.

A controller can be Extensible Network Controller (XNC) 1.0, or any controller compliant with OpenFlow 1.3.

The following figure gives an overview of the OpenFlow network:
Figure 1. OpenFlow Overview

Related concepts include:

Related Information
Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow Feature Support
Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow and Virtual Services Container
OpenFlow Workflow

Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow Operation

Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow creates OpenFlow–based connections to controllers for a Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch. The Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow creates databases for the following:
  • A configured logical switch—Contains all the information needed to connect to a controller.

  • OpenFlow-enabled interfaces—Contains the list of OpenFlow-enabled interfaces associated with a logical switch.

  • Flows—Contains the list of flows on a logical switch and for the interface that is programmed into forwarded traffic.

OpenFlow Controller Operation

OpenFlow controller (referred to as controller) controls the switch and inserts flows with a subset of OpenFlow 1.3 and 1.0 match and action criteria through Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch. Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow rejects all OpenFlow messages with any other action.

Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow and Virtual Services Container

Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow runs in an operating–system–level virtual service container on the device. The Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow virtual service container is delivered in an open virtual application (OVA) file package (.ova). The OVA package is installed and enabled on the device through the CLI.

Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow Feature Support

The following is a subset of OpenFlow 1.3 and OpenFlow 1.0 functions that are supported by Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow.



The OpenFlow hybrid (ships-in-night) model is supported.

OpenFlow-hybrid models where traffic can flow between Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow ports and regular interfaces (integrated) are not supported. Both types of ports can transmit and receive packets.


VLANs must be configured such that the VLANs on the Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow do not overlap with those on the regular device interfaces.

Configuration of physical interfaces as Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch ports

Bridge domain, Virtual LANs and Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF), and port-channel interfaces are not supported.

Only L2 interfaces can be Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch ports.

Supported OpenFlow message types

  • Controller to switch:
    • Handshake

    • Switch Configuration

    • Modify State (Port Modification message is not supported)

    • Read State

    • Packet-Out

    • Barrier

  • Asynchronous messages:
    • Packet-In

    • Flow Removed

    • Port Status

    • Error

  • Symmetric messages:
    • Hello

    • Echo Request

    • Echo Reply

    • Vendor

Connection to controllers

You can connect up to eight controllers.

Connection to the controller through a management interface or a switched virtual interface (SVI) is supported.

Connection via TCP and TLS is supported.

Multiple actions

If multiple actions are associated with a flow, they are processed in the order specified. The output action should be the last action in the action list. Any action after the output action is not supported, and can cause the flow to fail and return an error to the controller.

Flows defined on the controller must follow the these guidelines:
  • The flow can have only one output action.

  • Some action combinations which are not supported may be rejected at flow programming time.

  • The flow should not have an output–to–controller action in combination with other rewrite actions.

Supported OpenFlow counters

Per Table—Active entries, packet lookups, and packet matches.

Per Flow—Received Packets, Received bytes, Duration (seconds), Duration (milliseconds).

Per Port—Received or transmitted packets, and bytes.

Per Controller— Flow addition, modification, deletion, error messages, echo requests or replies, barrier requests or replies, connection attempts, successful connections, packet in or packet out.

Default forwarding rule

All packets that cannot be matched to programmed flows are dropped by default. You can configure sending unmatched packets to the controller. You can modify the default action taken on unmatched packets either using the default-miss command or by the controller.

Idle timeout

A minimum Idle timeout of 14 seconds is supported for 700 flows and 48 ports.

The statistics collection interval influences the minimum idle timeout. When the interval is set to 7 seconds, the timeout is a minimum of 14 seconds. 700 flows are supported with the 14-second idle timeout.

When using an idle timeout of less than 25 seconds, the number of L3 flows should be limited to 700.

Supported Match and Actions and Pipelines



Pipelines for Cisco Plugin for OpenFlow Logical Switch

Pipelines are mandatory for logical switch. The logical switch supports only pipeline 1.

The logical switch supports only table 1.

Forwarding Table

Match Criteria:
  • Input Port

  • Ethernet type

  • Source Mac Address

  • Dest Mac Address

  • VLAN priority


  • IP TOS (DSCP bits)

  • IP Protocol (except for lower 8 bits of ARP code)

  • IPv4 Source Address

  • IPv4 Destination Address

  • Layer 4 Source Port

  • Layer 4 Destination Port

  • IPv6 Source Address

  • IPv6 Destination Address

Action Criteria:

  • Forward: Controller

  • Forward: Port

  • Forward: Drop

  • Forward: to Queue

  • Forward: Controller + Port

  • Set VLAN ID

  • New VLAN ID

  • Replace VLAN ID

  • Set VLAN Priority

  • Strip VLAN Header

  • Modify Source MAC

  • Modify Destination MAC

  • Modify IPv4 Source Address

  • Modify IPv4 Destination Address

  • Modify IPv4 TOS bits

  • Modify L4 source port

  • Modify L4 destination port

  • Decrement TTL

Number of flows

Flow type

TCAM entries for each flow

Scale (c3850)

Scale (c3650)

L2 with EtherType








L2 without EtherType




Configuration of VLANs for each port of the Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch

VLAN range is from 1 to 4094.

How to Configure Cisco Plug-In for Open Flow

OpenFlow Workflow

The following figure describes the overall process of installing and activating the Cisco Plug-In for Open Flow.
Figure 2. OpenFlow WorkFlow

Specifying a Route to a Controller

The following tasks are used to specify a route from the device to a controller. This can be done using a physical interface (Front Panel) or a management interface.

Related Information
Specifying a Route to a Controller Using a Physical Interface
Specifying a Route to a Controller Using a Management Interface

Specifying a Route to a Controller Using a Physical Interface


    1.    enable

    2.    configure terminal

    3.    interface type number

    4.    no switchport

    5.    ip address ip-address mask

    6.    exit

    7.    ip route next-hop

    8.    exit

    9.    copy running-config startup-config

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1 enable

    Switch> enable

    Enables privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password if prompted.


    Step 2configure terminal

    Switch# configure terminal

    Enters the global configuration mode.

    Step 3 interface type number

    Switch(config)# interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

    Enters the physical interface. The interface used here should not be an Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow ports.

    Step 4 no switchport

    Switch(config-if)# no switchport

    Configures a specified interface as a Layer 3 interface and deletes any interface configuration specific to Layer 2.

    Step 5 ip address ip-address mask

    Switch(config-if)# ip-address

    Configures an IP address for a specified interface.

    Step 6 exit

    Switch(config-if)# exit

    Exits interface configuration mode and enters global configuration mode.

    Step 7 ip route next-hop

    Switch(config)# ip route

    Configures a default route for packet addresses not listed in the routing table. Packets are directed to a controller.

    Step 8 exit

    Switch(config)# exit

    Exits global configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.

    Step 9copy running-config startup-config

    Switch# copy running-config startup-config 

    (Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file.

    What to Do Next

    Configure interfaces for the Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch.

    Specifying a Route to a Controller Using a Management Interface


      1.    enable

      2.    configure terminal

      3.    interface type number

      4.    ip address ip-address mask

      5.    exit

      6.    ip route vrf vrf-name next-hop

      7.    exit

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 enable

      Switch> enable

      Enables privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password if prompted.


      Step 2configure terminal

      Switch# configure terminal

      Enters the global configuration mode.

      Step 3 interface type number

      Switch(config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/0

      Enters the management interface. The interface used here should not be an Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow ports.

      Step 4 ip address ip-address mask

      Switch(config-if)# ip-address

      Configures an IP address for the specified interface.

      Step 5 exit

      Switch(config-if)# exit

      Exits interface configuration mode and enters global configuration mode.

      Step 6 ip route vrf vrf-name next-hop

      Switch(config)# ip route vrf mgmtVrf

      Configures an IP address for the specified interface.

      Step 7 exit

      Switch(config)# exit

      Exits global configuration mode and enters privileged EXEC mode.

      What to Do Next

      Configure interfaces for the Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch.

      Configuring OneP

      To enable the internal OneP infrastructure required to support the OpenFlow Plug-in, perform this task


        1.    enable

        2.    configure terminal

        3.    onep

        4.    end

        5.    copy running-config startup-config

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1 enable

        Switch> enable

        Enables privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password if prompted.


        Step 2configure terminal

        Switch# configure terminal

        Enters the global configuration mode.

        Step 3onep

        Switch(config)# onep

        Enters OneP configuration mode.

        Step 4end

        Switch(config-onep)# end

        Returns to privileged EXEC mode.

        Step 5copy running-config startup-config

        Switch# copy running-config startup-config 

        (Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file.


        Configuring a Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow Logical Switch

        To configure a Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch and the IP address of a controller, perform this task:


          1.    enable

          2.    configure terminal

          3.    openflow

          4.    switch logical-switch-id

          5.    pipeline pipeline-id

          6.    of-port interface interface-name

          7.    protocol-version version-info

          8.    controller ipv4 ip-address [ port tcp-port ][ vrf vrf-name ] security{ none | tls }

          9.    default-miss action-for-unmatched-flows

          10.    datapath-id datapath-id

          11.    (Optional) tls trust-point local local-trust-point remote remote-trust-point

          12.    (Optional) logging flow-mod

          13.    (Optional) probe-interval probe-interval

          14.    (Optional) rate-limit packet_in controllet-packet-rate burst maximum-packets-to-controller

          15.    (Optional) max-backoff backoff-timer

          16.    statistics collection-interval interval

          17.    end

          18.    copy running-config startup-config

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1 enable

          Switch> enable

          Enables privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password if prompted.


          Step 2configure terminal

          Switch# configure terminal

          Enters the global configuration mode.

          Step 3openflow

          Switch(config)# openflow

          Enters Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow mode.

          Step 4switch logical-switch-id

          Switch(config-ofa-switch)# switch 1

          Specifies an ID for a logical switch that is used for OpenFlow switching and enters logical switch configuration mode.

          The only logical switch ID supported is 1.

          Step 5pipeline pipeline-id

          Switch(config-ofa-switch)# pipeline 1

          Configures a pipeline .

          This step is mandatory for a logical switch configuration. The only pipeline ID supported is 1.

          Step 6of-port interface interface-name

          Switch(config-ofa-switch)# of-port interface GigabitEthernet1/0/23

          Switch(config-ofa-switch)# of-port interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/2
          Configures an Ethernet interface as a port of a Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch. Observe these guidelines:
          • Do not abbreviate the interface type. Ensure that the interface type is spelled out completely and is as shown in the examples. If the keyword is abbreviated, the interface is not configured.

          • The interface must be designated for the Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch only.

          • The onep application openflow exclusive configuration is added to an interface when an interface is configured as a port of Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow. To add or remove an interface as a port of Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow, ensure that the Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow is activated and running to ensure the proper automatic addition and removal of the onep application openflow exclusive configuration. To remove an interface as a port of Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow, use the no form of this command.

          Repeat this step to configure additional interfaces.

          Step 7protocol-version version-info

          Switch(config-ofa-switch)# protocol-version negotiate
          Configures the protocol version. Supported values are:
          • 1.0—Configures device to connect to 1.0 controllers only.

          • 1.3—Configures device to connect to 1.3 controllers only.

          • negotiate—Negotiates the protocol version with the controller. Device uses 1.3 for negotiation.

          The default value is negotiate.

          Step 8controller ipv4 ip-address [ port tcp-port ][ vrf vrf-name ] security{ none | tls }

          Controller in default VRF:
          Switch(config-ofa-switch)# controller ipv4 security none
          Controller in management VRF:
          Switch(config-ofa-switch)# controller ipv4 vrf mgmtVrf security none
          Specifies the IPv4 address, port number used by the controller to connect to the logical switch and the VRF of the controller. Observe these guidelines:
          • Repeat this step if you need to configure additional controllers. You can configure up to eight controllers.

          • If TLS is used in this step, configure TLS trustpoints in the next step.

          • You can use the clear openflow switch 1 controller all command to clear controller connections. This command can reset a connection after Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates and keys are updated. This is not required for TCP connections.

          If unspecified, the default VRF is used; Controllers use TCP port 6653 by default.

          A connection to a controller is initiated by the logical switch.

          Step 9default-miss action-for-unmatched-flows

          Switch(config-ofa-switch)# default-miss continue-controller
          Configures the action to be taken for packets that do not match any of the flow defined. Supported values are:
          • continue-drop

          • continue-controller

          • drop

          • controller

          The default action for both tables or pipeline 1 is drop. This can be overridden by this configuration or the controller.

          Step 10datapath-id datapath-id

          Switch(config-ofa-switch)# datapath-id 0x222

          Configures a unique datapath ID for the switch.

          This step is mandatory for a logical switch configuration. Enter a 64-bit hexadecimal value.

          Step 11tls trust-point local local-trust-point remote remote-trust-point

          Specifies the local and remote TLS trustpoints to be used for the controller connection.

          For more information about configuring trustpoints, see chapter PKI Trustpool Management in the Public Key Infrastructure Configuration Guide.

          Step 12logging flow-mod

          Enables logging of flow changes, including addition, deletion, and modification of flows.

          Logging of flow changes is a CPU intensive activity and should not be enabled for a large number of flows.

          Logging of flow changes is disabled by default.

          Flow changes are logged in syslog and can be viewed using the show logging command.

          Step 13probe-interval probe-interval

          Switch(config-ofa-switch)# probe-interval 7

          Configures the interval (in seconds) at which the controller is probed.

          After the configured interval of time passes, if the switch has not received any messages from the controller, the switch sends an echo request (echo_request) to the controller. It should normally receive an echo reply (echo_reply). If no message is seen for the duration of another probe interval, the switch presumes that the controller is down and disconnects the controller connection. The switch tries to reconnect periodically.

          The default value is 5 seconds; the range is from 5 to 65535 seconds.

          Step 14rate-limit packet_in controllet-packet-rate burst maximum-packets-to-controller

          Switch(config-ofa-switch)# rate-limit packet_in 300 burst 50

          Configures the maximum packet rate sent to the controller and the maximum packets burst sent to the controller in a second.

          The default value is zero, that is, an indefinite packet rate and packet burst is permitted.

          This rate limit is for Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow. It is not related to the rate limit of the device (data plane) configured by COPP.

          Step 15max-backoff backoff-timer

          Switch(config-ofa-switch)# max-backoff 8

          Configures the duration (in seconds) for which the device must wait before attempting to initiate a connection with the controller.

          The device initially tries to initiate connection frequently, as the number of unsuccessful attempts increases, the device tries less frequently, that is, the waiting period between attempts also increases. The backoff timer configures the maximum period that the device waits in-between each retry.

          The default value is 8 seconds; the range is from 1 to 65535 seconds.

          Step 16statistics collection-interval interval

          Switch(config-ofa-switch)# statistics collection-interval 0
          Configures the statistics collection interval (in seconds) for all configured flows of Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow. Observe these guidelines:
          • The default interval value is 7 seconds.

          • The minimum interval is 7 seconds; the maximum is 82 seconds.

          • You can also specify a value of 0, this disables statistics collection.

          • Flows with an idle timeout value less than 2 * interval are rejected.

          Configured interval value is displayed in the output of the show openflow switch 1 command.

          Step 17end

          Switch(config-ofa-switch)# end

          Step 18copy running-config startup-config

          Switch# copy running-config startup-config 

          (Optional) Saves your entries in the configuration file.

          What to Do Next

          Verify Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow.

          Related Information
          Verifying Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow
          Configuration Examples for Cisco Plug-In for OpenFlow

          Verifying Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow


            1.    show openflow copyright

            2.    show openflow switch switch-id

            3.    show openflow switch switch-id controllers [ stats ]

            4.    show openflow switch switch ports

            5.    show openflow switch-id flows [ configured | controller | default | fixed | pending | pending-del ] [ brief | summary]

            6.    show openflow switch switch-id stats

            7.    show interfaces type number counter

            8.    show running-config | section openflow

            9.    show openflow hardware capabilities

            Step 1   show openflow copyright

            Displays copyright information related to Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow.

            Switch# show openflow copyright
             Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow
             TAC support:
             Copyright (c) 2013-2015 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
             The copyrights to certain works contained in this software are
             owned by other third parties and used and distributed under
             license. Certain components of this software are licensed under
             the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0, the GNU
             Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.1, or or the GNU
             Library General Public License (LGPL) Version 2. A copy of each
             such license is available at
            Step 2   show openflow switch switch-id

            Displays information related to Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch.

            Switch# show openflow switch 1
            Logical Switch Context
              Id: 1
              Switch type: Forwarding
              Pipeline id: 1
              Data plane: secure
              Table-Miss default: continue-controller
              Configured protocol version: Negotiate
              Config state: no-shutdown
              Working state: enabled	
              Rate limit (packet per second): 300
              Burst limit: 50
              Max backoff (sec): 8
              Probe interval (sec): 7
              TLS local trustpoint name: not configured
              TLS remote trustpoint name: not configured
              Logging flow changes: Disabled
              Stats collect interval (sec): 0
              Stats collect Max flows: 0
              Stats collect period (sec): disabled
              Minimum flow idle timeout (sec): disabled
              OFA Description:
                Manufacturer: Cisco Systems, Inc.
                Hardware: WS-C3650-24TS V01
                Software: Cisco IOS Software, IOS-XE Software, Catalyst L3 Switch Software (CAT3K_CAA-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 03.07.03.E3.369 EARLY DEPLOYMENT PROD BUILD ENGINEERING NOVA_WEEKLY BUILD, synced to  FLO_DSGS7_BENI_MR2_SYNC| of_agent 1.1.64148n
                Serial Num: FDO1909E0XX
                DP Description: ott-of-c3k-118:sw1
              OF Features:
                Number of tables:1
                Number of buffers:256
                Capabilities: FLOW_STATS TABLE_STATS PORT_STATS
      , Protocol: TCP, VRF: default
            Step 3   show openflow switch switch-id controllers [ stats ]

            Displays information related to the connection status between an Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch and connected controllers.

            Switch# show openflow switch 1 controllers stats
            Logical Switch Id: 1
            Total Controllers: 1
              Controller: 1
                address                         :  tcp:
                connection attempts             :  2
                successful connection attempts  :  1
                flow adds                       :  0
                flow mods                       :  0
                flow deletes                    :  0
                flow removals                   :  0
                flow errors                     :  0
                flow unencodable errors         :  0
                total errors                    :  0
                echo requests                   :  rx: 0, tx: 0
                echo reply                      :  rx: 0, tx: 0
                flow stats                      :  rx: 0, tx: 0
                barrier                         :  rx: 1, tx: 1
                packet-in/packet-out            :  rx: 0, tx: 16
            Switch# show openflow switch 1 controllers
            Logical Switch Id: 1
            Total Controllers: 1
              Controller: 1
                Protocol: tcp
                VRF: default
                Connected: Yes
                Role: Master
                Negotiated Protocol Version: OpenFlow 1.0
                Last Alive Ping: 11/17/2015 01:35:51
                last_error:Connection timed out
            Step 4   show openflow switch switch ports

            Displays the mapping between physical device interfaces and ports of an Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch.

            Switch# show openflow switch 1 ports
            Logical Switch Id: 1
            Port  Interface Name    Config-State   Link-State     Features
            5097  Gi1/0/3           PORT_UP        LINK_UP        1GB-FD
            5098  Gi1/0/1           PORT_UP        LINK_UP        1GB-FD
            Step 5   show openflow switch-id flows [ configured | controller | default | fixed | pending | pending-del ] [ brief | summary]

            Displays flows defined for the device by controllers.

            Switch# show openflow switch 1 flows
            Logical Switch Id: 1
            Total flows: 3
            Flow: 1
              Match:             in_port=5098
              Actions:           CONTROLLER:65535
              Priority:          32768
              Table:             0
              Cookie:            0x0
              Duration:          21.477s
              Number of packets: 0
              Number of bytes:   0
            Flow: 2
              Match:             in_port=5097
              Actions:           output:5098
              Priority:          32768
              Table:             0
              Cookie:            0x0
              Duration:          7.834s
              Number of packets: 0
              Number of bytes:   0
            Flow: 3
              Match:             any
              Actions:           CONTROLLER:0
              Priority:          0
              Table:             0
              Cookie:            0x0
              Duration:          299.759s
              Number of packets: 0
              Number of bytes:   0

            Switch# show openflow switch 1 flows configured
            Logical Switch Id: 1
            Total flows: 1
            Flow: 1
              Match:             any
              Actions:           CONTROLLER:0
              Priority:          0
              Table:             0
              Cookie:            0x0
              Duration:          370.903s
              Number of packets: 0
              Number of bytes:   0

            Switch# show openflow switch 1 flows controller
            Logical Switch Id: 1
            Total flows: 2
            Flow: 1
              Match:             in_port=5098
              Actions:           CONTROLLER:65535
              Priority:          32768
              Table:             0
              Cookie:            0x0
              Duration:          124.211s
              Number of packets: 0
              Number of bytes:   0
            Flow: 2
              Match:             in_port=5097
              Actions:           output:5098
              Priority:          32768
              Table:             0
              Cookie:            0x0
              Duration:          110.568s
              Number of packets: 0
              Number of bytes:   0
            Step 6   show openflow switch switch-id stats

            Displays send and receive statistics for each port defined for a Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch.

            Switch# show openflow switch 1 stats
            Logical Switch Id: 1
            Total ports: 2
              Port 5098: rx pkts=38, bytes=4810, drop=0, errs=0,
                       tx pkts=195, bytes=12652, drop=0, errs=0,
              Port 5097: rx pkts=0, bytes=0, drop=0, errs=0,
                       tx pkts=195, bytes=12652, drop=0, errs=0,
            Total tables: 1
              Table 0: Openflow SIN
              Wildcards = 0x00000
              Max entries =   1000
              Active entries = 2
              Number of lookups = 0
              Number of matches = 0
            Step 7   show interfaces type number counter

            Displays send and receive statistics for the specified port defined for an Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow logical switch.

            Switch# show interfaces gigabitethernet 1/0/1 counters
            Port            InOctets    InUcastPkts    InMcastPkts    InBcastPkts
            Gi1/0/1             4810              0             24             14
            Port           OutOctets   OutUcastPkts   OutMcastPkts   OutBcastPkts
            Gi1/0/1            13292            102            103              0
            Step 8   show running-config | section openflow

            Displays configurations made for Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow.

            Switch# show running-config | section ^openflow
              switch 1
               pipeline 1
               controller ipv4 port 6233 security none
               of-port interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
               of-port interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3
               default-miss continue-controller
               probe-interval 7
               statistics collection-interval 0
               rate-limit packet_in 300 burst 50
               datapath-id 0x222
            Step 9   show openflow hardware capabilities

            Displays Cisco Plug-in for OpenFlow configurations.

            Switch# show openflow hardware capabilities
              Max Flow Batch Size: 250
              Statistics Max Polling Rate (flows/sec): 1024
              Max Interfaces: 1000
              Aggregated Statistics: YES
              Pipeline ID: 1
                Pipeline Max Flows: 1000
                Pipeline Default Statistics Collect Interval: 7
                Flow table ID: 0
                Max Flow Batch Size: 250
                Max Flows: 1000
                Bind Subintfs: FALSE
                Primary Table: TRUE
                Table Programmable: TRUE
                Miss Programmable: TRUE
                Number of goto tables: 0
                goto table id:
                Stats collection time for full table (sec): 1
                Match Capabilities                  Match Types
                ------------------                  -----------
                ethernet mac destination            optional
                ethernet mac source                 optional
                ethernet type                       optional
                VLAN ID                             optional
                VLAN priority code point            optional
                IP DSCP                             optional
                IP protocol                         optional
                IPv4 source address                 lengthmask
                IPv4 destination address            lengthmask
                ipv6 source addresss                lengthmask
                ipv6 destination address            lengthmask
                source port                         optional
                destination port                    optional
                icmpv4 type                         optional
                icmpv4 code                         optional
                icmpv6 type                         optional
                icmpv6 code                         optional
                in port (virtual or physical)       optional
                Actions                     Count Limit             Order
                specified interface                 1               100
                controller                          1               100
                divert a copy of pkt to application 1               100
                set eth source mac                  1               10
                set eth destination mac             1               10
                set vlan id                         1               10
                set vlan priority (cos)             1               10
                set IPv4 source address             1               10
                set IPv4 destination address        1               10
                set IP dscp                         1               10
                set TCP source port                 1               10
                set TCP destination port            1               10
                set UDP source port                 1               10
                set UDP destination port            1               10
                set qos group                       1               10
                pop vlan tag                        1               10
                drop packet                         1               100
                Miss actions                        Count Limit             Order
                controller                          1               100
                drop packet                         1               100

            Related Information
            Collecting Troubleshooting Information

            Configuration Examples for Cisco Plug-In for OpenFlow

            Example: Specifying a Route to a Controller Using a Physical Interface

            Switch> enable
            Switch# configure terminal
            Switch(config)# interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
            Switch(config-if)# no switchport
            Switch(config-if)# ip address
            Switch(config-if)# exit
            Switch(config)# ip route
            Switch# copy running-config startup-config
            Switch(config)# exit

            Example: Specifying a Route to a Controller Using a Management Interface

            Device> enable
            Switch# configure terminal
            Switch(config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/0
            Switch(config-if)# no switchport
            Switch(config-if)# ip address
            Switch(config-if)# exit
            Switch(config)# ip route vrf mgmtVrf
            Switch# copy running-config startup-config
            Switch(config)# exit

            Example: Cisco Plug-In for OpenFlow Logical Switch Configuration (Default VRF)

            Switch> enable
            Switch# configure terminal
            Switch(config)# onep
            Switch(config-onep)# exit
            Switch(config)# openflow
            Switch(config-ofa)# switch 1
            ! Specifies the pipeline that enables the IP Forwarding Table.
            Switch(config-ofa-switch)# pipeline 1
            Switch(config-ofa-switch)# tls trust-point local local-trustpoint-name remote remote-trustpoint-name
            Switch(config-ofa-switch)# max-backoff 5
            Switch(config-ofa-switch)# probe-interval 5
            Switch(config-ofa-switch)# rate-limit packet-in 300 burst 50
            Switch(config-ofa-switch)# controller ipv4 port 6323 security none
            Switch(config-ofa-switch)# datapath-id 0x222
            ! Adding an interface to the Cisco Plug-In for OpenFlow logical switch.
            Switch(config-ofa-switch)# of-port interface GigabitEthernet1/0/23
            Switch# copy running-config startup-config

            Example: Configuring a Cisco Plug-In for OpenFlow Logical Switch (Management VRF)

            Switch> enable
            Switch# configure terminal
            Switch(config)# onep
            Switch(config-onep)# exit
            Switch(config)# openflow
            Switch(config-ofa)# switch 1
            Switch(config-ofa-switch)# pipeline 1
            ! Specifying a controller that is part of a VRF.
            Switch(config-ofa-switch)# controller ipv4 port 6323 vrf mgmtVrf security none
            ! Adding an interface to the Cisco Plug-In for OpenFlow logical switch.
            Switch(config-ofa-switch)# of-port interface GigabitEthernet1/0/23
            Switch(config-ofa-switch)# end
            Switch# copy running-config startup-config

            Additional Information for Cisco Plug-In for OpenFlow

            Related Documents

            Related Topic

            Document Title

            Cisco commands

            Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

            Standards and RFCs



            OpenFlow 1.3

            OpenFlow Switch Specification Version 1.3.0 (Wire Protocol 0x04).

            OpenFlow 1.0

            OpenFlow Switch Specification Version 1.0.1 (Wire Protocol 0x01).

            Technical Assistance



            The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation and tools. Use these resources to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a user ID and password.
