Command Line Storage Dumps Tool

Command Line storage dumps tool is used get Dumps of Storage arrays by passing details through command line arguments. These dumps are further used to analyze for required purpose.

This appendix contains the following sections:

Installing Command Line Storage Dumps Tool

The Command Line Storage Dumps Tool is integrated into DCNM. Also it can be installed as a standalone application. Follow below steps to run the tool in both the ways.

Installing with DCNM

Step 1blank.gif After installation of Cisco DCNM, the Command Line Storage Dumps Tool can be found in <DCNM install dir>/dcnm/smis/client/bin.

Step 2blank.gif Batch files to execute the Command Line Storage Dumps Tool are located:

    • On Windows at <DCNM install dir>/dcm/smis/client/bin/StorageDiscovery.bat.
    • On Linux at


Installing as Standalone Tool

Step 1blank.gif After installation of Cisco DCNM, the standalone Command Line Storage Dumps Tool can be found in <DCNM install dir>/dcm/smis/client/standaloneTools.

Step 2blank.gif Zip files to execute the Command Line Storage Dumps Tool are located:

    • On Windows at<DCNM install dir>/dcm/smis/client/standaloneTools/

Contents of can be extracted to any directory and StorageDiscovery.bat/ can be run from the extracted bin directory.


Noteblank.gif Standalone tool requires JAVA_HOME to be set to 1.7 version to execute successfully.


Using Command Line Storage Dumps Tool

To use the Command Line Storage Dumps Tool, enter the following commands:


<DCNM install dir>/dcm/smis/client/bin>StorageDiscovery.bat -u username -p password -v vendorName

-u: username

-p: password

-v: vendor name(emc or netapp or hds or others)


<DCNM install dir>/dcm/smis/client/bin> -u username -p password -v vendorName

-u: username

-p: password

-v: vendor name(emc or netapp or hds or others)

Once dumps are collected, the dumps are stored under <DCNM install dir>/dcm/smis/client/bin /results or <DCNM install dir>/dcm/smis/client/bin /results directory. The related logs can also be found under the results directory.