Discovery Automation Tool

You can use the Discovery Automation tool to discover DCNM-SAN, DCNM-LAN, and vCenter. After Cisco DCNM is installed, this tool requires the IP address and user credentials of the seed switch in DCNM-SAN, DCNM-LAN, and vCenter.

Installing Discovery Automation

After you install Cisco DCNM, you can find the Discovery Automation tool installation informaiton here:

  • Batch files exeute the Discover Fabric tool are located:

blank.gif On Windows at<DCNM install dir>/dcm/fm/bin/DiscoverFabric.bat

blank.gif On Linux at

  • The jars are available at <DCNM install dir>dcm/fm/lib/.

The webservices used are:

blank.gif SAN discovery— SANWS to discoverFabricWithServer

blank.gif LAN discovery— SANWS to discoverLan

blank.gif vCenter discovery— SANWS to addVirtualCenter

Using the Discovery Automation Tool

To use the discovery automation tool, enter the following command:

DiscoverFabric <FMServerIP> <FMUserName> <FMPassword> <Fabric-info file name- absolute path> [FM Server Port] (Optional-Default value is 80).

The fabric-info filename contains the DCNM-SAN, DCNM-LAN, and vCenter information and should be in the following format:

  • For SAN SNMP v2— SeedSwitch IP, Community String, FM Server IP/Hostname
  • For SAN SNMP v3— SeedSwitch IP, UserName,Password, Protocol, FM Server IP/Hostname
  • For LAN SNMP v2— SeedSwitch IP, Community String, FM Server IP/Hostname
  • For LAN SNMP v3— SeedSwitch IP, Snmp Version, UserName, Password, maxHop, enablePwd, groupDbId, Protocol, FM Server IP/Hostname
  • For VCENTER—VirtualCenter IP, UserName, Password
  • For deepDiscover— between protcol and serverIP.