About Frequency Synchronization
Next generation networks must provide the ability to distribute precision frequency around the network. This is known as frequency synchronization. Precision frequency is required for applications such as circuit emulation and cell tower frequency referring. To achieve compliance to ITU specifications for TDM, differential method circuit emulation must be used, which requires a known, common precision frequency reference at each end of the emulated circuit.
It is also often desirable to precisely synchronize the time-of-day between different network devices, for example in order to accurately calculate the packet delay between two nodes in the network.
As, increasingly, SDH and SONET equipment is replaced by Ethernet equipment, this frequency synchronization ability is required over Ethernet ports. Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE) provides this PHY-level frequency distribution of known common precision frequency references.
To maintain SyncE links, a set of operations messages are required. These messages ensure a node is always deriving timing from the most reliable source, and transfer information about the quality of the timing source being used to clock the SyncE link. A simple protocol providing a transport channel for Synchronization Status Messages (SSMs) over Ethernet is documented in the ITU standard G.8264 and its related recommendations.
Each timing source has a Quality Level (QL) associated with it which gives the accuracy of the clock. This QL information is transmitted across the network via SSMs over the Ethernet Synchronization Messaging Channel (ESMC) so that devices can know the best available source to use for synchronization. In order to define a preferred network synchronization flow, and to help prevent timing loops, priority values can be assigned to particular timing sources on each switch. The combination of QL information and user-assigned priority levels allows each switch to choose a timing source to use to clock its SyncE as described in the ITU standard G.781.
SyncE does not carry time-of-day information. Time-of-day synchronization is achieved using packet-based technologies, such as PTP. Clock sources such as GNSS/GPS can be used to inject accurate time-of-day, as well as frequency, into the network. Each switch in the network can select a source for time-of-day as well as a source for frequency (or select the same source for both, if possible and desirable), and pass its time-of-day information to its peers using a packet-based protocol. There is no equivalent to QL for time-of-day information, so selection between different sources for time-of-day is achieved using configuration.
Hybrid SyncE-PTP with External PRC Source
Beginning with Cisco NX-OS Release 9.3(5), a hybrid SyncE-PTP topology is supported to achieve the end-to-end network precision frequency required for circuit emulation and cell tower frequency referring.
The following figure shows the external timing source as the Grandmaster/Primary Reference Time Clock (GM/PRTC) providing the timing source for the Telecom Boundary Clocks (T-BCs).

Timing Sources
There are various timing sources that input timing clock signals into the system/network, and outputs of timing clock signals from the system as described below.
Timing Inputs
Input clock signals can be received from the platform hardware either via inputs from timing sources like GPS/GNSS, from internal oscillators, recovered from the line of a SyncE enabled interface, or from timing over packet such as the Precision Time Protocol (PTP).
Platform independent (PI) software keeps a database of all these inputs, including a Quality Level (QL) and priority level associated with each. The priority level is configuration controlled, and the QL values can be obtained in a number of manners:
SyncE enabled interfaces receive SSMs via an Ethernet slow protocol (ESMC).
GPS and GNSS have fixed QL maintained by platform dependent (PD) software and notified to PI function.
PTP communicates its QL to the Frequency Synchronization PI software through the platform APIs.
A default QL value may be defined in the PD layer for the timing connectors, and internal oscillators.
Configuration may be set defining the QLs of timing sources.
Possible input sources:
Internal Oscillator
Recovered SyncE Clock
External Clock 1588/PTP
External Clock (GPS)
Internal Clock (GNSS)
Timing Outputs
The platform hardware can have a number of outputs for clock signals like timing clock outputs from SyncE and enabled interfaces for GPS (currently not supported).
The software keeps all these outputs in a database, including QL information associated with the clock signal being used to drive these outputs that may be explicitly configured. The QL information includes a QL value along with steps removed counters, the originator clock ID and a series of flags containing information about the path from the originator clock to the current clock. The QL values are transmitted in the same manners as described for the inputs (i.e. SyncE interfaces send ESMC SSMs).
Possible output sources:
1588/PTP: packet output is handled separately, in the PTP software.
Timing Source Selection Points
At various stages in syncing timing clocks around the system, the platform has the potential to make a choice over which of the available timing clocks it is to use for further processing. These selection points define the flow of timing clock signals through the system, and eventually lead to the overall decision on which input timing source is to be used for timing outputs.
How these selection points are setup on each platform is hardware dependent, but the platform independent (PI) layer defines a generic selection point abstraction that can flexibly represent any platform selection point hardware, and allows each platform to define which selection points it has, and how they are wired together. The PI code can then control these selection points, tracking and distributing required information about the timing sources, and interacting with the platform dependent (PD) layer to discover what the result of the PD selection is at each stage.
PI timing source selection points:
Available Timing Inputs: A number of timing clock inputs are available for the platform selection point hardware to choose between. The availability and associated QL information and priorities are tracked by PI software, which informs the PD layer which inputs are available, ranked in overall order along with their associated quality levels and priorities.
Platform Specific Selection: The platform layer makes a decision as to which of the inputs it is using based on the information obtained from PI, and other platform layer decisions (e.g. hardware level qualification of the clock-signals). The actual decision may be made in PD software (and programmed into the hardware), or the decision may be made by the hardware itself and communicated back to the PD software.
Selected Timing Source Outputs: The platform passes the selected clock signal(s) through as output(s) from the selection point. The PD layer informs the PI software the status of the available inputs, and which input(s) have been selected.
The platform layer defines what the selection points are, and how they are connected to potential inputs, and to each other, and to potential outputs. At each of the PD defined selection points, the platform can choose how to interact with the PI software to represent its particular hardware to the PI software. The hardware doesnāt have to perform clocking qualification at each selection point. Each selection point simply represents any place where the hardware selects between multiple inputs, passing the clock from one or many inputs forward.
Only one selection point type for SyncE on the switch supervisor is supported. This is named T0 and 1588 selection points. The T0 selection point represents the sources and its selection for the SyncE DPLL. The 1588 selection point represents the sources and its selection for the Assist DPLL for 1588 PLL.