- Overview to Prime Performance Manager
- Managing Gateways and Units Using the CLI
- Managing the Web Interface
- Importing Devices From Other Cisco Prime Applications
- Discovering Devices With Prime Performance Manager
- Managing Users and Security
- Managing Reports, Dashboards, and Views
- Setting Up Reports for Specialized Technologies
- Managing Devices
- Managing Network Alarms and Events
- Creating and Managing Thresholds
- Displaying System Properties, Statuses, Messages, and Logs
- Managing Gateways and Units
- Managing High Availability
- Configuring Prime Performance Manager for Firewalls
- Managing Multi-Tenant Services
- Pushing Prime Performance Manager Data to Other Applications
- Backing Up and Restoring Prime Performance Manager
- Prime Performance Manager and IPv6
- Prime Performance Manager Commands
- Predefined Thresholds
- Compliance
- Setting Up User Access and Security
- Managing Users and User Security
- Adding New Users
- Displaying User Information
- Editing User Information
- Creating User Groups
- Filtering Reports Assigned to User Groups
- Filtering Reports Assigned to Individual Users
- Changing User Passwords
- Editing User Security Settings
- Manually Disabling Users and Passwords
- Enabling User Accounts and Passwords Using the CLI
- Creating Messages of the Day
- Sending Announcements to Online Users
- Display ing Active Sessions
- Listing Currently Defined Users
- Displaying the System Security Log
Managing Users and Security
Before you set up the Prime Performance Manager gateway and begin discovering and monitoring your network, you need to decide the user security levels, that is, which users will be allowed to which Prime Performance Manager functions.
Prime Performance Manager allows you to decide how users are authenticated, what actions they can perform, and which client IP addresses can access Prime Performance Manager gateways and units.
The following topics provide information about setting up user access and security, configuring user passwords, and managing Prime Performance Manager users:

Tip If you have a collocated single server and only want to enable user access, you can use the ppm uaenable command. This command does everything for you except create the first admin level user. The command will set up everything else including configuring the SSL keys, and swapping the keys between the gateway and unit, and prompting you to enter the first admin level user. For more information, see ppm uaenable.

Note If you integrate Prime Performance Manager with Cisco Prime Central, all user management functions are handled by Prime Central, and the user and security options are not displayed in Prime Performance Manager. After integration, users access all Cisco Prime domain managers, such as Prime Performance Manager, Prime Network, and others, using a single login. Information provided in these topics are useful, however, particularly user roles, which will be assigned in Prime Central. An understanding of user password configuration is also helpful. For more information about integrating Prime Performance Manager with Prime Central, see Chapter4, “Importing Devices From Other Cisco Prime Applications”
Setting Up User Access and Security
Enabling user access allows you to control what users can view and perform in Prime Performance Manager. User access provides multilevel, password-protected access to Prime Performance Manager functions. Five access roles are available, and you can assign these roles to users to allow or restrict their access to Prime Performance Manager features and functions.
Table 6-1 lists the user access task flow and topics providing the steps or additional information.
Enable Secure Sockets Layer on gateways and units. This task is required. |
Enabling SSL on Gateways and Units
To enable user access SSL must be enabled on Prime Performance Manager gateways and units. To enable SSL, you generate the SSL key and certificate for the gateway and each connected unit, then import corresponding keys and certificates to the gateway and units. In other words, units must have the SSL certificate of the gateway to which it is assigned; the gateway must have the SSL certificate for each unit connected to it.
Enabling SSL on gateways and units is performed using the ppm ssl enable command. For the gateway and collocated unit, the SSL key and certificate generation and certificate imports are performed automatically. If you have remote units, you must copy the gateway SSL certificate to the unit and perform a number of steps manually.

Note Enabling SSL requires the gateway and unit(s) to be stopped and restarted.

Note If you are purchasing an SSL certificate from a third-party Certificate Authority vendor, complete the Enabling Third Party CA Certificates for Cisco Prime Performance Manager, before you enable SSL on the gateway and unit.
To enable SSL, complete one or both of the following procedures:
Enabling SSL on a Gateway or Collocated Gateway and Unit
To enable SSL on the Prime Performance Manager gateway or collocated gateway and unit:
Step 1 Log into the gateway as the root user.
Step 2 Enter the ssl enable command:
– server.key—The gateway private key. Keep this key protected from unauthorized personnel.
– server.crt—The self-signed SSL certificate.
– server.csr—The certificate signing request (CSR). (The CSR is not used if you are using a self-signed SSL certificate.)
Step 3 You are prompted to restart the gateway and unit:
Enter y if you want to restart the gateway and collocated unit now, or n if you want to restart them later.

Note If you will enable SSL on remote units, choose n and continue with the Enabling SSL on Remote Units. You will restart the gateway after you enable SSL on the remote units.

Note You can restart the gateway and collocated unit at any later time using the command: /opt/CSCOppm-gw/bin/ppm restart
Enabling SSL on Remote Units
To enable SSL on remote units:
Step 1 Log into the remote unit.
Step 2 Enable SSL on the unit:
Step 3 When prompted, enter the SSL distinguishing information for the unit:
Prime Performance Manager generates the server.key, server.crt, and server.csr on the unit /opt/CSCOppm-unit/etc/ssl directory:
Step 5 Execute the autoExchangeSSL.sh script to exchange SSL certificates between the gateway and remote unit:
Step 6 Enter the path to the gateway certificate:
Step 7 Enter the remote unit IP address:
Step 8 Enter the remote unit username and password:
Step 9 Enter the path to the unit certificate:
The gateway imports the certificate file for each unit that connects to it. Each unit then imports the gateway certificate file for the gateway that it connects to:
Step 11 Restart the remote unit:
Exporting SSL Certificates
If you implemented SSL in Prime Performance Manager, you can export SSL certificates that have been imported to Prime Performance Manager gateways or units.
To export a SSL certificate, enter the following command:
where alias is the alias used when the certificate was imported and filename is the output file for the certificate.
To view detailed information about an SSL certificate, click the locked padlock icon in the lower-left corner of any Prime Performance Manager web interface window.
Displaying SSL Status
Printing SSL Certificates
To print the gateway SSL certificate in X.509 format:
Displaying the SSL Key and Certificate
List the gateway SSL key/certificate pair.
Disabling SSL
Complete the following steps to disable and remove SSL keys and certificates from Prime Performance Manager gateways and units:
Step 1 Log into the gateway as the root or Prime Performance Manager administrator user.
Step 2 Stop the gateway and local unit:
Step 3 If remote units are connected to the gateway, log into each unit server and stop the unit:
Step 4 Disable SSL support on the gateway and local unit:
Step 5 Disable SSL on the remote units:
Step 6 Remove SSL keys and certificates on the gateway and local unit:
Step 7 Remove SSL keys and certificates on the remote units:
Step 8 Start the gateway and local unit:
Enabling Third Party CA Certificates for Cisco Prime Performance Manager
To enable third-party Certificate Authority (CA) SSL certificates for your website, you must purchase certificates issued by a third-party CA vendor such as Symantec (previously VeriSign), DigiCert, GoDaddy or other third party vendor. When you order the certificate, the vendors might ask you to enter the number of servers that will be secured with the certificate. This is the number of licenses you want to purchase for the certificate, or the number of web servers on which you're going to install the certificate.
To generate a self-signed key and certificate for Prime Performance Manager:
Step 1 From the Prime Performance Manager gateway, enter the following command:
The command generates the following files:
where server.csr is the certificate signing request file (CSR).
Step 2 Purchase the third-party CA certificate:
a. Log into the third-party CA website and register an account to purchase your SSL certificate.
b. During the order, open the server.csr file listed above in a text editor and copy the entire content including the BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST lines.
c. Paste the content in the form that asks you to enter the CSR on the third-party CA website.
d. Enter any additional required information, then submit the purchase order.

Note When you enable SSL in Prime Performance Manager, the ppm ssl enable command also generates the above key/certificate files. However, the default CSR file is generated with a few items left empty such as: Country Name, State or Province Name, Locality Name, Organization Name. and other fields. If you request a third-party CA signed certificate, do not use the default CSR file during the purchase because it will not pass the CA validation and an SSL certificate will not be issued.
Step 3 Download the signed, third-party CA certificate:
After your SSL certificate purchase request is validated, the CA company issues you a signed SSL certificate. Depending on the vendor, you can have the signed SSL certificate sent to you by email or you can download the certificate from the vendor’s website. Usually the signed SSL certificate is named <your-domain-name>.crt. (The certificate file can also have the extension DER, PEM, or CER). Save the signed SSL certificate file locally for later import into Prime Performance Manager.

Note Some CA vendors might also send you an intermediate certificate file. If so, download it and save locally.
Step 4 In Prime Performance Manager, enter the following command to import the signed third-party CA certificate:
where the <cert_filename> is the signed CA certificate from the CA vendor.

Note If you received an intermediate certificate file from the CA vendor, import it before you import the above signed certificate. Contact the CA vendor for any technical support and service.
After the import, the old self-signed certificate is replaced with the imported one.
Step 5 Complete the Enabling SSL on a Gateway or Collocated Gateway and Unit to configure SSL for the gateway.
The web interface is now be secured by the signed CA certificate.

Note Gateway and unit communication uses Java RMI. After SSL is enabled, the gateway and unit also uses SSL to secure the communication. However, because the unit is not open to end users, a signed CA SSL certificate is not required for gateway and unit communication. Therefore, you can still use the default Prime Performance Manager self-signed certificate for the unit servers. For details, see Enabling SSL on Remote Units.
User Authentication
After you implement user access for Prime Performance Manager, users must log into the system to access the Prime Performance Manager web interface and CLI commands. Security authentications include:
- Cisco Prime Central single signon (SSO) authentication. Prime Central SSO is enabled after you integrate Prime Performance Manager with Prime Network.
- Local authentication:
You can create user accounts and passwords that are local to Prime Performance Manager system. With this method, you can use Prime Performance Manager user access commands to manage usernames, passwords, and access levels.
Uses standard Solaris- or Linux-based user accounts and passwords, as specified in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file.
You can provide authentication using the local /etc/passwd file; a distributed Network Information Services (NIS) system. You can use all Prime Performance Manager user access commands except:
– /opt/CSCOppm-gw/bin/ppm disablepass
Authentication Through PAM, TACACS+, and LDAP
Prime Performance Manager can use authentication through Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) for Remote Authentication Dial in User Service (RADIUS), Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System (TACACS+), Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), and Microsoft Active Directory authentication.
Instructions for configuring these authentication modules are provided in the following files:
These files are located in the Prime Performance Manager gateway installation directory (/opt/CSCOppm-gw/install by default). Cisco provides the configuration information only as general guidance. Any specific PAM deployment issues are beyond the scope of Cisco support.
Configuring User Passwords
The method that you use for setting user passwords depends on the type of authentication that you configure on Prime Performance Manager system (local, Solaris/Linux, or Prime).
If the ppm authtype command is set to local, Prime Performance Manager prompts you to:
- Enter the user password. When setting the password, follow the rules and considerations in Modifying the Password Policy.
- Force the user to change the password at the next login. The default is to not force the user to change the password.
If the user needs to change a password, Prime Performance Manager displays an appropriate message, and prompts for the username and new password.
If the ppm authtype command is set to Solaris or Linux, users cannot change their passwords by using Prime Performance Manager client. Instead, they must manage their passwords on the external authentication servers by using Solaris or Linux commands, such as passwd.
All new passwords take effect the next time Prime Performance Manager automatically synchronizes local Prime Performance Manager passwords with Solaris or Linux commands.
Modifying the Password Policy
By default, Prime Performance Manager enables password requirements that ensure the security of your system. Although not recommended, you can disable any or all of these requirements by completing the following steps:
Step 1 Log into Prime Performance Manager as a System Administrator user.
Step 2 From the Administration menu, choose Users/Tenants/Security.
Step 3 On the Users screen, click Password Policy.
Step 4 By default, all password security options are enabled. Disable any that you do not want enforced:
The default is 8. You can set a value ranging from 0 through 127.
The default is 80. You can set a value ranging from 0 through 127.
- Password cannot be a username or the reverse of a username.
- Password cannot contain “cisco” or any variations including “ocsic”, any capitalized letter variant therein, or by substituting '1', '|', or '!' for i, '0' for 'o', or '$' for 's'.
- No character can be repeated more than two consecutive times in the password.
- Password must contain at least one character from the three character classes:
– digits and special characters
By default, the Prime Performance Manager gateway uses the system dictionary at /usr/share/lib/dict/words (Solaris) or /usr/share/dict/words (Linux) to determine whether a word is a commonly used word. To use your own dictionary, add a line to the System.properties file:
where new-dictionary is the path and filename of the custom dictionary file, such as /users/usr11/words. Each line in the custom dictionary must contain a single word, with no leading or trailing spaces.
Step 5 When finished, click Save.
User Security Levels
Prime Performance Manager provides five default user roles and two user roles that you can customize. The account level that includes an action is the lowest level with access to that action. The action is also available to all higher account levels. For example, a System Administrator user also has access to all Network Operator user actions.
Account levels are based on the action to be performed, not on the target network element. Therefore, if a user can perform an action on one Prime Performance Manager network element (such as deleting a node), the user can perform the same action on all similar Prime Performance Manager network elements.

Note Access to Prime Performance Manager information and downloads on Cisco.com is already protected by Cisco.com, and is not protected by Prime Performance Manager.
To configure the account level for a user, you can use the ppm adduser command, as described in User Authentication, or ppm updateuser or ppm newlevel commands, as described in Enabling User Accounts and Passwords Using the CLI.
Enabling Secure User Access
Secure user access to Prime Performance Manager can be enabled by integrating with Prime Central and managing users through Prime Central, or by enabling secure user access from Prime Performance Manager. For information about integrating Prime Performance Manager with Prime Central, see Chapter4, “Importing Devices From Other Cisco Prime Applications”
To enable secure user access for Prime Performance Manager that is not integrated with Prime Central:
Step 1 Log into Prime Performance Manager gateway as the root user. See Logging In as the Root User.
Step 2 If SSL is not enabled, complete the Enabling SSL on Gateways and Units.
Step 3 Run the ppm useraccess enable command:
After enabling user access, the ppm useraccess command calls up the authentication type and add user commands:
Step 4 To activate your security changes on the client, restart the Prime Performance Manager gateway:
Step 5 To activate the security changes on Prime Performance Manager web interface, clear the browser cache and restart the browser.
Step 6 See Modifying the Password Policy, to further customize your Prime Performance Manager security.
Disabling Secure User Access
Should you wish to disable Prime Performance Manager secure user access, complete the following steps:
Step 1 Log into Prime Performance Manager gateway as the root user. See Logging In as the Root User.
Step 2 Change to the /bin directory:
Step 3 Disable user-based access:
Prime Performance Manager user access is disabled the next time you restart Prime Performance Manager gateway (using the ppm restart command).
Configuring Microsoft Active Directory Authentication
You can configure Prime Performance Manager to use Microsoft Active Directory for authenticating users using PAM and LDAP.
To configure Prime Performance Manager to use Microsoft Active Directory for authenticating users:
Step 1 Log into the Active Directory server.
Step 2 Launch Active Directory and display the New Users and Computers window.
Step 3 Create a PPM Bind bind user directly under the domain, ppm.local.

Note This procedure uses ppm.local as an example domain. The domain can have any name of your choosing. The user should not belong to any groups.
Step 4 In the New Object - User wizard, enter the following:
Step 6 In the next wizard panel, enter the following:
Do not check the other options.
Step 7 At the command prompt, enter dsquery to verify the user is configured properly. The following response should appear:

Note The dsquery command was executed on Window 2003. You might need to install users separately on other Windows versions, and the command format or syntax might differ. See the Microsoft Windows documentation for details.
Step 8 Complete the following steps to edit the ldap.conf:
c. Add the bind user details. This must match the dsquery results.
e. Update the PAM details in the # RFC 2307 (AD) mappings section:
f. Verify that /etc/ldap.conf has the following:
Step 9 Edit the ppm-jpam file based on your OS type:
Step 10 If Prime Performance Manager user access is not enabled, enable it:
When you create the default user, enter y for the following confirmation:
Step 11 Add the Prime Performance Manager users:
#/opt/CSCOppm-gw/bin/ppm adduser
When you create the default user, enter y for the following confirmation:
Users created on the MS AD server but not added to Prime Performance Manager can still log into Prime Performance Manager but only with the basic access level.
a. Connect to https://servername:4440.
b. Test the user login using any username/password configured on the MS-AD server.
Managing Users and User Security
Prime Performance Manager allows you to add and manage users through the web interface. Before you can do this, however, user access must be enabled. A System Administrator user must be created during installation or post-installation, using Prime Performance Manager CLI as root.
A web user with System Administrator permissions can add or delete users, modify user passwords and roles and access levels. In addition, report policies can be assigned to users specifying what reports they are allowed to see.
These actions are covered in the following topics:
- Adding New Users
- Displaying User Information
- Editing User Information
- Creating User Groups
- Filtering Reports Assigned to User Groups
- Filtering Reports Assigned to Individual Users
- Changing User Passwords
- Editing User Security Settings
- Manually Disabling Users and Passwords
- Enabling User Accounts and Passwords Using the CLI
- Creating Messages of the Day
- Listing Currently Defined Users
- Displaying the System Security Log
- Disabling Secure User Access
Adding New Users
Administrator users can add new users to Prime Performance Manager. To add a new user:
Step 1 Log into Prime Performance Manager as a System Administrator user.
Step 2 From the Administration menu, choose Users/Tenants/Security.
Step 3 In the Users window, click the Add User tool.
Step 4 Complete the new user information. The options that appear depend on whether you enabled local authentication or use another type of user authentication. (See User Authentication.)

Note A star “*” character is not permitted in the user names.

Note For a description of security levels, see User Security Levels.
- User Group—Allows you to assign a user to a user group. To do this, you must create a user group. See Creating User Groups.
- Home View—Allows you to assign a home view to the user. Views created in the Prime Performance Manager gateway appear in the Home View drop down list. The view you assign is the one the user sees when he or she logs into Prime Performance Manager,
- Password (local authentication only)—Enter the user password.
- Confirm Password (local authentication only)—Retype the password to confirm the new password.
- Email—(optional) Enter the user’s e-mail address.
- Phone—(optional) Enter the user’s phone number.
- Customer—(optional) Enter the user’s customer name.
- Account Number—(optional) Enter the user’s account number.
- Tenant Name—If multi-tenancy is implemented, allows you to associated the user to a tenant account.
- Force user to reset password at login? (local authentication only)—If selected, the user will be required to change the password the next time they log in.
Displaying User Information
After you add users, you can display the user information at any later point:
Step 1 Log into Prime Performance Manager as a System Administrator user.
Step 2 From the Administration menu, choose Users/Tenants/Security.
The Users table displays the following information:

Note A star “*” character is not permitted in the user names.
- User Group—The user group assigned to the user, if any.
- Home View—The home view assigned to the user, if assigned,
- Report Filter—Allows you filter reports by user. See Filtering Reports Assigned to Individual Users.
- Login Time—The date and time the user last logged into Prime Performance Manager.
- Role—Authentication level and number for the user. You can modify the user access level. Valid access levels and numbers include:
See Table 6-2, for a description of actions each user can perform.
– A System Administrator disabled the account. See “Manually Disabling Users and Passwords” section for more information.
– Prime Performance Manager disabled the account because of too many failed attempts to log in. See the “Editing User Security Settings” section for more information.
– Prime Performance Manager disabled the account because it was inactive for too many days. See the “Editing User Security Settings” section for more information.
– Expired Password—Indicates the user’s password has expired.
– Temporary Password—Indicates the user has a temporary password.
Editing User Information
Step 1 Log into Prime Performance Manager as a System Administrator user.
Step 2 From the Administration menu, choose Users/Tenants/Security.
Step 3 In the Users window, check the box next to user whose information you want to edit.
Step 4 Click Edit on the Users toolbar.
Step 5 In the Edit User Information dialog box, revise any of the following information:
Creating User Groups
You can create user groups and assign users to them. You can then customize the reports that are available to the user group. For example, if you have an external customer with many individuals who want to look at the same reports, you can assign those individuals to a user group and customize the reports available to the user group.

Note Users can only be assigned to one user group.
Step 1 Log into Prime Performance Manager as a System Administrator user.
Step 2 From the Administration menu, choose Users/Tenants/Security.
Step 3 On the Users window, click User Groups.
Step 4 In the User Groups window, click Add.
Step 5 In the Add User Group dialog box, enter the use group name. The name cannot have spaces or special characters, except hyphens and underscores.
Step 6 Enter a description in the User Group Description field.
The new group appears in the User Groups list.
Step 8 To assign users to user groups, complete one of the following procedures:
Filtering Reports Assigned to User Groups
To assign specific reports to user groups:
Step 1 Log into Prime Performance Manager as a System Administrator user.
Step 2 From the Administration menu, choose Users/Tenants/Security.
Step 3 On the Users window, click User Groups.
Step 4 In the User Groups window, choose the user groups for which you want to filter reports.
Step 5 On the User Groups toolbar, click Filter Reports.
Step 6 In the Filter User Reports dialog box, expand the report trees and deselect the reports you do not want the user to access.
Step 7 If you want to provide additional report filtering:
a. Expand the report tree to the end report view. In this view, report names have a Filter icon next to the report name.
b. Click the Filter icon next to the report you want to filter,
c. In the Filter [report name] dialog box, choose one of the following:
– Filter Using a Group—If you choose this option, choose the group name in the Group Name list. (Processing Name is always set to default.)
– Filter Using a Report Column—If you choose this option, complete the following:
Column Name—Choose the report data item that you want to base the filter on. The items displayed depend on the report.
Operator—Enter the operator value: equals, not equal, greater than, and others.
Filter Value—Enter the filter value. For example, filter the parameter to listed in Column Name by the operation in the Operator field to the number entered here.
Filtering Reports Assigned to Individual Users
By default, all users can access all reports available on the gateway. To limit the reports that a user can access:
Step 1 Log into Prime Performance Manager as a System Administrator user.
Step 2 From the Administration menu, choose Users/Tenants/Security.
Step 3 In the Users window, choose the users for which you want to filter reports.
Step 4 On the Users toolbar, click Filter Reports.
Step 5 In the Edit User Reports dialog box, expand the report trees and deselect the reports you do not want the user to access.
Step 6 If you want to provide additional report filtering:
a. Expand the report tree to the end report view. In this view, report names have a Filter icon next to the report name.
b. Click the Filter icon next to the report you want to filter,
c. In the Filter [report name] dialog box, choose one of the following:
– Filter Using a Group—If you choose this option, choose the group name in the Group Name list. (Processing Name is always set to default.)
– Filter Using a Report Column—If you choose this option, complete the following:
– Column Name—Choose the report data item that you want to base the filter on. The items displayed depend on the report.
– Operator—Enter the operator value: equals, not equal, greater than, and others.
– Filter Value—Enter the filter value. For example, filter the parameter to listed in Column Name by the operation in the Operator field to the number entered here.

Note If you are member of a group and that group has reports filtered, your individual report filtering settings take priority over the group settings.

Tip To quickly clear all user report filters, click Reset to Default.
Changing User Passwords
Administrators can change any user password; individual users can change their own passwords.
If you want to change your own password:
Step 1 Log into Prime Performance Manager.
Step 2 From the user ID on the top right corner of the Prime Performance Manager window, choose Change Password.
Step 3 In the Change Password dialog box, enter the new password, then enter it again in the Confirm Password field.
If you are an administrator and want to change a user password:
Step 1 Log into Prime Performance Manager as a System Administrator user.
Step 2 From the Administration menu, choose Users/Tenants/Security.
Step 3 In the Users window, select a user whose password you want to change, then click the Reset Password tool.
Step 4 In the Update User window, complete the following information.

Note You can also change user passwords using the ppm userpass command. See ppm userpass.
Editing User Security Settings
You can edit user security settings that to automatically disable users and passwords when certain conditions are met, for example, control the number of failed logins before an alarm is issued, the number of failed logins before a user disabled, and other security parameters.
To edit user security settings:
Step 1 Log into the Prime Performance Manager gateway as a System Administrator user.
Step 2 From the Administration menu, choose Users/ Tenants/ Security.
Step 3 On the Users screen, click Security Settings.
Step 4 In the Security Settings window, edit any of the following:
- Number of Failed Logins Before Alarm—Sets the number of failed logins before an alarm is raised. The default is 5. The range is 1-10. Entering 0 disables this setting. (To provision this parameter using the CLI, see ppm badloginalarm.)
- Number of Failed Logins Before Account Disabled—Sets the number of failed logins before the user’s account is disabled. The default is 10. The range is 1-10. Entering 0 disables this setting. (To provision this parameter using the CLI, see ppm badlogindisable.)

Note Prime Performance Manager restricts users who attempt to log in from different IP addresses within ten-minute period. A threshold is calculated based upon the number of IP addresses that made unsuccessful login attempts. Prime Performance Manager calculates the maximum number of login attempt number for a given user from those IP Addresses.
- Number of Days Before Disabling Inactive Users—Sets the number of days of inactivity before a user is disabled. The valid range is 1-365. The default is 0; inactive users will never be disabled. (To provision this parameter using the CLI, see ppm inactiveuserdays.)
- Number of Days Before Forcing a Password Change—Sets the number of days before the user must change their password. The valid range is 1-365. The default is 0; users will never be forced to change their password. (To provision this parameter using the CLI, see ppm passwordage.)
- Number of Minutes Before Disabling Inactive Clients—Sets the number of minutes before disabling an inactive client. The valid range is 1-120. The default is 0; inactive clients are never disabled. (To provision this parameter using the CLI, see ppm clitimeout.)
- Password Notification Early Notification Days—Sets the number of days before password expiration when a notification is sent to the user. The default is 15 days. The range is 0-30.
- Single Session—Defines the number of active sessions a user can create:
– Enable—Only a single session is allowed per user. If a user logs into a second web interface session, the first session is ended.
– Disable—(Default) Disables the single session per user restriction. The user can log in as the same user from multiple web interfaces.
– Block—Only a single session is allowed per user. If a user attempts to log into a second web interface session, they are blocked until they close the first session.
– Password Change Interval—Specifies with time interval, between 1 and 745 hours, within which the password change restriction applies. 48 hours is the default.
– Number of Password Changes per Interval—Specifies the permissible number of password changes, between 1 and 10, allowed within the time interval specified in Password Change Interval. Two is the default.
Step 5 Click Save to save your security settings.

Note For information about creating login messages, see Creating Messages of the Day.
Manually Disabling Users and Passwords
As described in the Editing User Security Settings, you can customize Prime Performance Manager to automatically disable users and passwords when certain conditions are met. However, you can also manually disable Prime Performance Manager users and passwords whenever you suspect that a security breech has occurred.

Note You can add new user and password from Prime Performance Manager web interface, see Managing Users and User Security for more details.
To disable Prime Performance Manager users and passwords:
Step 1 Log into Prime Performance Manager gateway as the root user. See Logging In as the Root User.
Step 3 To delete a user entirely from Prime Performance Manager user access account list, enter:
where username is the name of the user.
If you later decide to add the user back to the account list, you must use ppm adduser command.
Step 4 If ppm authtype is set to local, you can disable a user’s password. To disable a user’s password, enter:
where username is the name of the user. Prime Performance Manager does not delete the user from the account list, Prime Performance Manager only disables the user’s password.

Note If ppm authtype is set to Solaris or Linux, you cannot use the ppm disablepass command. Instead, you must manage passwords on the external authentication servers. This also applies to authentication performed by Prime Central single signon.
The user must change the password the next time they log in.
Step 5 To disable a user account but not the user’s password, enter:
where username is the name of the user.

Note If ppm authtype is set to Solaris or Linux, you must be logged in as the root user, to enter this command.
Prime Performance Manager does not delete the user from the account list; Prime Performance Manager only disables the user’s account. The user cannot log in until you re-enable the user’s account.
Step 6 To re-enable the user account:
Enabling User Accounts and Passwords Using the CLI
Prime Performance Manager also enables you to re-enable users and passwords, and change user accounts.
To enable and change users and passwords:
Step 1 Log into Prime Performance Manager gateway as the root user. See Logging In as the Root User.
Step 2 Enter the following command:
Step 3 To re-enable a user’s account, which had been disabled either automatically by Prime Performance Manager, enter the following command:
where username is the name of the user. Prime Performance Manager re-enables the user’s account with the same password as before.

Note If ppm authtype is set to Solaris or Linux, you must be logged in as the root user, to enter this command.
Step 4 If ppm authtype is set to local, you can change a user’s password, or re-enable the user’s account with a new password, if the user’s account had been disabled automatically by Prime Performance Manager. To change a password or to re-enable a user’s account with a new password, enter:
where username is the name of the user.
Prime Performance Manager prompts you for the new password. When setting the password, follow the rules and considerations in the Modifying the Password Policy.
If the user’s account has also been disabled, Prime Performance Manager re-enables the user’s account with the new password.

Note If ppm authtype is set to Solaris or Linux, you cannot use the ppm userpass command. Instead, you must manage passwords on the external authentication servers.
Step 5 To change a user’s account level and password, enter the following command:
where username is the name of the user.

Note If ppm authtype is set to Solaris or Linux, you must be logged in as the root user, to enter this command.
Prime Performance Manager prompts you for the new account level.
If ppm authtype is set to local, Prime Performance Manager also prompts you for the user’s new password. When setting the password, follow the rules and considerations in Modifying the Password Policy.
Step 6 To change a user’s account level, but not the user’s password, enter the following command:
where username is the name of the user.
Prime Performance Manager prompts you for the new account level.
Creating Messages of the Day
You can provision Prime Performance Manager to display a user-defined system message of the day to appear before and after users log in. User s must accept the message before they are allowed to proceed. You can use the message of the day to communicate important system changes or events to users.
To display the message of the day, launch Prime Performance Manager. If a pre-login message of the day is enabled, it is displayed and requires you to accept the message before the login window is displayed. If a post-login message is enabled, it appears right after you log in and requires you to accept it before the Prime Performance Manager window is displayed.
To create or edit the message of the day:
Step 1 Log into the Prime Performance Manager gateway as a System Administrator user.
Step 2 From the Administration menu, choose Users/Tenants/Security
Step 3 On the Users screen, click Security Settings.
Step 4 Complete one or both of the following messages:
The messages will appear at the next user login.

Note Messages of the day can also be configured using the ppm motd and ppm premotd commands. For information, see ppm motd and ppm premotd.
Sending Announcements to Online Users
Administrator users can send announcement messages to all online Prime Performance Manager users. Announcements are displayed in a message window and require users to acknowledge to close the window.
To send an announcement to online users:
Step 1 Log into the Prime Performance Manager gateway as a System Administrator user.
Step 2 From the menu bar at the top right window corner, choose Send Announcement, shown in Figure 6-1.

Note The Send Announcement tool is only displayed to Administrator users.
Figure 6-1 Send Announcement Tool

Step 3 In the Send an Announcement to All Online Users window, type the message you want to send.

Note If user access is enabled, the message window contains a From field populated with your username.
Step 4 When finished, click Send Announcement.
The announcement appears in a popup window on the screens of all online users, Users must click OK to dismiss the message.
Displaying Active Sessions
To see a list of users who are actively logged into the server:
Step 1 Log into the Prime Performance Manager gateway as a System Administrator user.
Step 2 From the Administration menu, choose Users/Tenants/Security.
Step 3 On the Users screen, click Active Sessions.
Step 4 On the Active Sessions as of [current date] screen, the following user information is displayed:
Listing Currently Defined Users
To list all currently defined users in Prime Performance Manager user-based access account list using the CLI:

Note You can also view user account information on Prime Performance Manager User Management page, see Managing Users and User Security for more details.
Step 1 Log into Prime Performance Manager gateway as the root user. See Logging In as the Root User.
Step 2 Change to the /bin directory:
Prime Performance Manager displays the following information for each user:
To list information for a specific user, enter:
where username is the name of the user.
Displaying the System Security Log
To display the contents of the system security log with PAGER:
Step 1 Log into Prime Performance Manager gateway as the root user. See Logging In as the Root User.
Step 2 Change to the /bin directory:
Step 3 Display the security log contents:
The following security events are recorded in the log:
- All changes to system security, including adding users
- Login attempts, whether successful or unsuccessful, and logoffs
- Attempts to switch to another user's account, whether successful or unsuccessful
- Attempts to access files or resources of higher account level
- Access to all privileged files and processes
- Operating system configuration changes and program changes
- Prime Performance Manager restarts
- Failures of computers, programs, communications, and operations, at the Solaris level
Step 4 Clear the log, by entering:
The default path and filename for the system security log file is /opt/CSCOppm-gw/logs/sgmSecurityLog.txt. If you installed Prime Performance Manager in a directory other than /opt, then the system security log file is located in that directory.
You can also view the system security log on Prime Performance Manager System Security Log web page. For more information, see Displaying the Security Audit Log.