Terms and Conditions

When submitting a Customer Recycling Solution request through Cisco’s Customer Recycling Solution program, customers accept the following terms and conditions:

  • The returned products may not be contaminated with substances that were not integral to the products in their original, new condition or otherwise associated with normal environments in which the products are used. Customer is responsible for erasing, deleting or removing any sensitive data contained in or on products being returned to Cisco. Cisco is not responsible for any data that remains on the products.
  • Prior to pick-up, all products must be packaged according to the Program's packing guidelines including boxing, labeling of boxes with the CTB Number and the Case Number, and palletizing. Customer is responsible for generating applicable shipping documentation.
  • Cisco will pay freight costs and Customer will pay customs fees, duties and taxes, if any, to return product through the Program. Cisco is responsible for the costs of recycling and environmentally sound disposal of products returned through the Program.
  • Customer assigns all rights in the title, treatment, recovery, recycling and environmentally sound disposal of the returned products free and clear of any future encumbrances and warrants that the title to the products is clear and merchantable.
  • Customer will provide a representative on site the day of the pick-up to direct the logistics provider to the appropriate products. Customer will be responsible for any costs incurred if incorrect products are included in the shipment.
  • Cisco is not responsible for any products shipped in error and makes no guarantees that such products can be returned to Customer. If such products can be identified and returned, Customer will pay all transportation costs and may be liable for additional administrative fees.
  • The Program may not be available in some locations.