Accelerated Wi-Fi Adoption

What’s happening

The share of Wi-Fi 6 device adoption among Meraki customers' active wireless APs has been steadily rising since launch. Now, over 20% of all active Meraki access points are Wi-Fi 6 and, 95% of all wireless hardware bookings are Wi-Fi 6 devices.

The impact

Organizations are committed to scaling their network to prepare for future device and connection needs. More people are using more devices to connect remotely to networks, requiring more capacity and faster speeds of access. This is in line with increased adoption of IoT devices and the associated impact on network capacity. Wi-Fi 6 will be well-suited for the numerous IoT devices, video calls and inclusion of metaverse.

What you can do

  • Understand the device growth patterns and needs of employees to stay productive and secure.
  • Make the right technology investments to support employees’ hybrid work experiences regardless of where they are working.