To view the system level statistics for the client that has undergone successful SAE authentication, SAE authentication failures,
SAE ongoing sessions, SAE commit and confirm message exchanges, use the following show command:
Device# show wireless stats client detail
Total Number of Clients : 0
client global statistics:
Total association requests received : 0
Total association attempts : 0
Total FT/LocalAuth requests : 0
Total association failures : 0
Total association response accepts : 0
Total association response rejects : 0
Total association response errors : 0
Total association failures due to blacklist : 0
Total association drops due to multicast mac : 0
Total association drops due to throttling : 0
Total association drops due to unknown bssid : 0
Total association drops due to parse failure : 0
Total association drops due to other reasons : 0
Total association requests wired clients : 0
Total association drops wired clients : 0
Total association success wired clients : 0
Total peer association requests wired clients : 0
Total peer association drops wired clients : 0
Total peer association success wired clients : 0
Total 11r ft authentication requests received : 0
Total 11r ft authentication response success : 0
Total 11r ft authentication response failure : 0
Total 11r ft action requests received : 0
Total 11r ft action response success : 0
Total 11r ft action response failure : 0
Total AID allocation failures : 0
Total AID free failures : 0
Total roam attempts : 0
Total CCKM roam attempts : 0
Total 11r roam attempts : 0
Total 11i fast roam attempts : 0
Total 11i slow roam attempts : 0
Total other roam type attempts : 0
Total roam failures in dot11 : 0
Total WPA3 SAE attempts : 0
Total WPA3 SAE successful authentications : 0
Total WPA3 SAE authentication failures : 0
Total incomplete protocol failures : 0
Total WPA3 SAE commit messages received : 0
Total WPA3 SAE commit messages rejected : 0
Total unsupported group rejections : 0
Total WPA3 SAE commit messages sent : 0
Total WPA3 SAE confirm messages received : 0
Total WPA3 SAE confirm messages rejected : 0
Total WPA3 SAE confirm messgae field mismatch : 0
Total WPA3 SAE confirm message invalid length : 0
Total WPA3 SAE confirm messages sent : 0
Total WPA3 SAE Open Sessions : 0
Total SAE Message drops due to throttling : 0
Total Flexconnect local-auth roam attempts : 0
Total AP 11i fast roam attempts : 0
Total 11i slow roam attempts : 0
Total client state starts : 0
Total client state associated : 0
Total client state l2auth success : 0
Total client state l2auth failures : 0
Total blacklisted clients on dot1xauth failure : 0
Total client state mab attempts : 0
Total client state mab failed : 0
Total client state ip learn attempts : 0
Total client state ip learn failed : 0
Total client state l3 auth attempts : 0
Total client state l3 auth failed : 0
Total client state session push attempts : 0
Total client state session push failed : 0
Total client state run : 0
Total client deleted : 0
To view the WLAN summary details, use the following command.
Device# show wlan summary
Number of WLANs: 3
ID Profile Name SSID Status Security
1 wlan-demo ssid-demo DOWN [WPA3][SAE][AES]
3 CR1_SSID_mab-ext-radius CR1_SSID_mab-ext-radius DOWN [WPA2][802.1x][AES]
109 guest-wlan1 docssid DOWN [WPA2][802.1x][AES],[Web Auth]
To view the WLAN properties (WPA2 and WPA3 mode) based on the WLAN ID, use the following command.
Device# show wlan id 1
WLAN Profile Name : wlan-demo
Identifier : 1
802.11 Authentication : Open System
Static WEP Keys : Disabled
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA/WPA2/WPA3) : Enabled
WPA (SSN IE) : Disabled
WPA2 (RSN IE) : Disabled
WPA3 (WPA3 IE) : Enabled
AES Cipher : Enabled
CCMP256 Cipher : Disabled
GCMP128 Cipher : Disabled
GCMP256 Cipher : Disabled
Auth Key Management
802.1x : Disabled
PSK : Disabled
CCKM : Disabled
FT dot1x : Disabled
FT PSK : Disabled
Dot1x-SHA256 : Disabled
PSK-SHA256 : Disabled
SAE : Enabled
OWE : Disabled
SUITEB-1X : Disabled
SUITEB192-1X : Disabled
CCKM TSF Tolerance : 1000
OSEN : Disabled
FT Support : Adaptive
FT Reassociation Timeout : 20
FT Over-The-DS mode : Enabled
PMF Support : Required
PMF Association Comeback Timeout : 1
PMF SA Query Time : 200
Web Based Authentication : Disabled
Conditional Web Redirect : Disabled
Splash-Page Web Redirect : Disabled
Webauth On-mac-filter Failure : Disabled
Webauth Authentication List Name : Disabled
Webauth Authorization List Name : Disabled
Webauth Parameter Map : Disabled
To view the correct AKM for the client that has undergone SAE authentication, use the following command.
Device# show wireless client mac-address <e0ca.94c9.6be0> detail
Client MAC Address : e0ca.94c9.6be0
Wireless LAN Name: WPA3
Policy Type : WPA3
Encryption Cipher : CCMP (AES)
Authentication Key Management : SAE
To view the correct AKM for the client that has undergone OWE authentication, use the following command.
Device# show wireless client mac-address <e0ca.94c9.6be0> detail
Client MAC Address : e0ca.94c9.6be0
Wireless LAN Name: WPA3
Policy Type : WPA3
Encryption Cipher : CCMP (AES)
Authentication Key Management : OWE
To view the list of PMK cache stored locally, use the following command.
Device# show wireless pmk-cache
Number of PMK caches in total : 0
Type Station Entry Lifetime VLAN Override IP Override Audit-Session-Id Username