Searching for Access Point Radios

Information About Searching for Access Point Radios

You can search for specific access point radios in the list of radios on the 802.11a/n Radios page or the 802.11b/g/n Radios page. You can access these pages from the Monitor tab on the menu bar when viewing access point radios or from the Wireless tab on the menu bar when configuring access point radios. To search for specific access point radios, you create a filter to display only radios that meet certain criteria (such as radio MAC address, access point name, or CleanAir status). This feature is especially useful if your list of access point radios spans multiple pages, which prevents you from viewing them all at once.

Searching for Access Point Radios (GUI)


Step 1

Perform either of the following:

  • Choose Monitor > Access Points Summary > 802.11a/n (or 802.11b/g/n) > Radios > Details to open the 802.11a/n (or 802.11b/g/n) Radios page.

  • Choose Wireless > Access Points > Radios > 802.11a/n (or 802.11b/g/n) to open the 802.11a/n (or 802.11b/g/n) Radios page.

    These pages show all of the 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n access point radios that are joined to the controller and their current settings.

    The total number of access point radios appears in the upper right-hand corner of the page. If the list of radios spans multiple pages, you can access these pages by clicking the page number links. Each page shows up to 25 access point radios.


    In a Cisco Unified Wireless Network environment, the 802.11a/n and 802.11b/g/n radios should not be differentiated based on their Base Radio MAC addresses, as they may have the same addresses. Instead, the radios should be differentiated based on their physical addresses.

Step 2

Click Change Filter to open the Search AP dialog box.

Step 3

Select one of the following check boxes to specify the criteria used when displaying access point radios:

  • MAC Address—Base radio MAC address of an access point radio.

  • AP Name—Access point name.


    When you enable the MAC address filter, the other filters are disabled automatically. When you enable any of the other filters, the MAC address filter is disabled automatically.

  • CleanAir Status—Select one or more of the following check boxes to specify the operating status of the access points:

    • UP—The spectrum sensor for the access point radio is currently operational.

    • DOWN—The spectrum sensor for the access point radio is currently not operational because an error has occurred. The most likely reason for the error is that the access point radio is disabled.

    • ERROR—The spectrum sensor for the access point radio has crashed, making CleanAir monitoring nonoperational for this radio. We recommend rebooting the access point or disabling CleanAir functionality on the radio.

    • N/A—The access point radio is not capable of supporting CleanAir functionality. Currently, only Cisco Aironet 3500 series access point radios can be configured for Cisco CleanAir.

Step 4

Click Find to commit your changes. Only the access point radios that match your search criteria appear on the 802.11a/n Radios page or the 802.11b/g/n Radios page, and the Current Filter parameter at the top of the page specifies the filter used to generate the list (for example, MAC Address:00:1e:f7:75:0a:a0 or AP Name:pmsk-ap).


If you want to remove the filter and display the entire access point radio list, click Clear Filter.