Use this command to define the operator-provided values for ARP-PL, ARP-PCI, ARP-PVI, MBR, GBR, and QCI, as well as pgw-upgrade capping.
Exec > Global Configuration > Bearer Control Profile Configuration
configure > bearer-control-profile profile_name
Entering the above command sequence results in the following prompt:
dedicated-bearer { arp { preemption-capability | preemption-vulnerability | priority-level } pgw-upgrade { local | minimum | rej-if-exceed } | gbr gbr-up gbr_up_value gbr-down gbr_down_value pgw-upgrade { local | minimum | rej-if-exceed } | mbr mbr-up mbr_up_value mbr-down mbr_down_value pgw-upgrade | qci { remap | pgw-upgrade { local | minimum | rej-if-exceed } } }
remove dedicated-bearer { arp | gbr | mbr | qci }
Including this command prefix causes the MME to delete the dedicated-bearer configuration for the named bearer control profile.
- preemption-capability - Enter an integer, either 0 (may) to specify that this bearer may pre-empt other lower priority bearers if required, or 1 (shall-not) to specify that this bearer shall not pre-empt other lower priority bearers.
- preemption-vulnerability - Enter an integer, either 0 (pre-emptible) to specify that this bearer is preemptible by other high priority bearers, or 1 (not-pre-emptible) to specify that this bearer is not pre-emptible by other high priority bearers.
- priority-level - Enter an integer 1 through 15, with 1 as the highest priority, to specify the allocation/retention priority level.
- gbr-up - Enter an integer from 1 though 256000 to identify the desired uplink data rate in kbps.
For 21.10 and later releases
gbr-up gbr_up : Defines the guaranteed bit rate for uplink traffic. gbr_up must be an integer from 1 to 4000000000000 (4 Tbps).
- gbr-down - Enter an integer from 1 though 256000 to identify the desired downlink data rate in kbps.
For 21.10 and later releases
gbr-down gbr_down : Defines the guaranteed bit rate for downlink traffic. gbr_down must be an integer from 1 to 4000000000000 (4 Tbps).
- mbr-up - Enter an integer from 1 though 256000 to identify the desired uplink data rate in kbps.
For 21.10 and later releases
mbr-up mbr_up : Defines the maximum bit rate for uplink traffic. mbr_up must be an integer from 1 to 4000000000000 (4 Tbps).
- mbr-down - Enter an integer from 1 though 256000 to identify the desired downlink data rate in kbps.
For 21.10 and later releases
mbr-down mbr_down : Defines the maximum bit rate for downlink traffic. mbr_down must be an integer from 1 to 4000000000000 (4 Tbps).
qci remap
The qci remap keyword sets the locally configured QCI. Enter an integer from 1 through 9. The QCI remap mechanism maps an incoming QCI or a range of QCI to the configured QCI or range of QCI. QCI remap is the first configuration that is applied, from the bearer control profile configuration, and it is applicable only during Create Session Request and Create Bearer Request procedures. The Bearer Control profile associated to the remapped QCI value is used for capping the remaining QoS parameters.
- local - Instructs the MME to select locally configured values for QoS capping.
- minimum - Instructs the MME to select the lower value, of the two values locally configured or received value, to use as the QoS capping value.
- rej-if-exceed - Instructs the MME to reject the call if the received value exceeds the locally configured value.
Usage Guidelines
Repeat the dedicated-bearer command as needed to configure all parameters of interest.
- Every standard GBR/non-GBR QCI is associated with a priority
level as per 3GPP TS 23.203 v12.10.0, Table 6.1.7.
QCI Resource Type Priority 1 GBR 2 2 GBR 4 3 GBR 3 4 GBR 5 5 non-GBR 1 6 non-GBR 6 7 non-GBR 7 8 non-GBR 8 9 non-GBR 9 - Priority Level 1 has the highest priority and in case of congestion lowest priority level traffic would be the first to be discarded.
- minimum : The QCI with lower priority level will be used.
- rej-if-exceed : If the received QCI has higher priority level than the configured local QCI, then the procedure will be rejected.
- Every standard GBR/non-GBR QCI is associated with a priority
level as per 3GPP TS 23.203 v12.10.0, Table 6.1.7.
- ARP Priority Level
- ARP Priority level decreases on increasing value (1 to 15). ARP Priority level 1 has the highest priority value.
- minimum : The lower ARP Priority level (i.e. higher value) will be used.
- rej-if-exceed : If the received ARP Priority level is higher (i.e. value is lesser) than the CLI configured local ARP Priority level, then the procedure will be rejected.
- Preemption capability indicator can have either of the
following two values, where may (0) > shall-not (1)
- may - specifies that this bearer may preempt other lower priority bearers, if required
- shall-not - specifies that this bearer shall-not pre-empt other lower priority bearers.
- Following table indicates the resultant pre-emption capability
for the
minimum pgw-upgrade
Received value Configured local value Resultant value to be used may may may may shall-not shall-not shall-not may shall-not shall-not shall-not shall-not - rej-if-exceed: If the received ARP-PCI value is may and the configured local value is shall-not, then the procedure will be rejected.
- Default value set by MME if not provided by HSS/PGW : shall-not
- Preemption capability indicator can have either of the
following two values, where may (0) > shall-not (1)
- Preemption vulnerability indicator can have either of the
following two values, where
not-pre-emptible (1) >
pre-emptible (0)
- pre-emptible - specifies that this bearer is pre-emptible by other high priority bearers
- not-pre-emptible - specifies that this bearer is NOT pre-emptible by other high priority bearers
- Following table indicates the resultant pre-emption
vulnerability for the
minimum pgw-upgrade:
Received value Configured local value Resultant value to be used pre-emptible pre-emptible pre-emptible pre-emptible not-pre-emptible pre-emptible not-pre-emptible pre-emptible pre-emptible not-pre-emptible not-pre-emptible not-pre-emptible - rej-if-exceed: If the received ARP-PVI value is not-pre-emptible and the configured local value is pre-emptible, then the procedure will be rejected.
- Default value set by the MME if not provided by the HSS/PGW : pre-emptible
- Preemption vulnerability indicator can have either of the
following two values, where
not-pre-emptible (1) >
pre-emptible (0)
- minimum:
- Uplink - The lower of the values, comparing the received values and the configured local value, will be used for APN-AMBR/MBR/GBR.
- Downlink - The lower value of the received value and configured local value will be used for APN-AMBR/MBR/GBR.
- rej-if-exceed: If the received Uplink value is greater than the configured local Uplink value or the received Downlink value is greater than the configured local Downlink value, then the procedure will be rejected.
- minimum:
dedicated-bearer arp priority 1 pgw-upgrade local
dedicated-bearer mbr max-ul 20000 max-dl 20000 pgw-upgrade minimum