A-law Codec

Configure Gateway

Configure Ingress Gateway


Step 1

Add the voice class codec 1 to set the codec preference in dial-peer:


voice class codec 1
     codec preference 1 g729r8
     codec preference 2 g711alaw
     codec preference 3 g711ulaw
dial-peer voice 70021 voip
     description Used for Switch leg SIP Direct
     preference 1
     max-conn 225 
     destination-pattern xxxx...... # Customer specific destination
     session protocol sipv2
     session target ipv4:###.###.###.### # IP Address for Unified CVP
     session transport tcp
     voice class codec 1
     voice-class sip options-keepalive up-interval 12 down-interval 65 retry 2
     dtmf-relay rtp-nte
     no vad

Step 2

Modify the dial-peer to specify the codec explicitly for a dial-peer:

dial-peer voice 9 voip 
     description For Outbound Call for Customer
     destination-pattern <Customer Phone Number Pattern>
     session protocol sipv2
     session target ipv4:<Customer SIP Cloud IP Address>
     session transport tcp
     voice-class sip rel1xx supported "100rel"
     voice-class sip options-keepalive up-interval 12 down-interval 65 retry 2
     dtmf-relay rtp-nte
     codec g711alaw
     no vad

dial-peer voice 10 voip 
     description ***To CUCM Agent Extension For Outbound***
     destination-pattern <Agent Extension Pattern to CUCM>
     session protocol sipv2
     session target ipv4:<CUCM IP Address>
     voice-class sip rel1xx supported "100rel"
     dtmf-relay rtp-nte
     codec g711alaw

Configure VXML Gateway


Modify the following dial-peer to specify the codec explicitly for a dial-peer:

dial-peer voice 919191 voip
     description Unified CVP SIP ringtone dial-peer
     service ringtone
     incoming called-number 9191T
     voice-class sip rel1xx disable
     dtmf-relay rtp-nte
     codec g711alaw
     no vad

dial-peer voice 929292 voip
     description CVP SIP error dial-peer
     service cvperror
     incoming called-number 9292T
     voice-class sip rel1xx disable
     dtmf-relay rtp-nte
     codec g711alaw
     no vad

dial-peer voice 7777 voip
     description Used for VRU leg #Configure VXML leg where the incoming called
     service bootstrap
     incoming called-number 7777T
     dtmf-relay rtp-nte
     codec g711alaw
     no vad

dial-peer voice 5 voip
     description for SIP TTS Media Call
     preference 1
     session protocol sipv2
     session target ipv4: <ASR primary server IP>
     destination uri tts
     voice-class sip options-keepalive up-interval 12 down-interval 65 retry 2
     dtmf-relay rtp-nte
     codec g711alaw
     no vad

dial-peer voice 6 voip
     description for SIP ASR Media Call
     preference 1
     session protocol sipv2
     session target ipv4: <TTS primary server IP>
     destination uri asr
     voice-class sip options-keepalive up-interval 12 down-interval 65 retry 2
     dtmf-relay rtp-nte
     codec g711alaw
     no vad

dial-peer voice 7 voip
     description for SIP TTS Media Call
     preference 2
     session protocol sipv2
     session target ipv4: <ASR secondary server IP>
     destination uri tts
     voice-class sip options-keepalive up-interval 12 down-interval 65 retry 2
     dtmf-relay rtp-nte
     codec g711alaw
     no vad

dial-peer voice 8 voip
     description for SIP ASR Media Call
     preference 2
     session protocol sipv2
     session target ipv4: <TTS secondary server IP>
     destination uri asr
     voice-class sip options-keepalive up-interval 12 down-interval 65 retry 2
     dtmf-relay rtp-nte
     codec g711alaw
     no vad

Configure Unified CVP

Unified CVP does not require any specific configuration in OAMP.

You must convert the following files to A-law:

  1. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\en-us\app
  2. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\en-us\app\ag_gr
  3. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\en-us\sys
  4. C:\Cisco\CVP\OPSConsoleServer\GWDownloads in OAMP server
  5. C:\Cisco\CVP\VXMLServer\Tomcat\webapps\CVP\audio


  • After converting the files in the OAMP server, access the Unified CVP OAMP page to upload the newly converted A-law files to the gateway.

  • If gateways are previously used for u-law, then restart the gateway to clear the u-law files in the gateway cache.

Complete the following procedure to convert mu-law audio files to a-law format:


Step 1

Copy the wav file from Unified CVP to your local desktop.

Step 2

Go to All programs > Accessories > Entertainment.

Step 3

Open the Sound Recorder.

Step 4

Select File and click Open.

Step 5

Browse for the mu-law audio file and click Open.

Step 6

Go to Properties.

Step 7

Click Convert Now.

Step 8

Select CCITT A-Law from Format.

Step 9

Click OK.

Step 10

Select Files > Save As and provide a filename.

Step 11

Copy the new a-law format file into the following directory of media server:


Enable Recording for Agent Greeting and Courtesy Callback

Complete the following procedure to enable recording for Agent Greeting and Courtesy Callback.


Step 1

Open the call studio and go to the callback entry application.

Step 2

Double-click app.callflow.

Step 3

Go to Record Name element settings and change the File Type to other (default is wav).

Step 4

Set the MIME type to audio/x-alaw-basic.

Step 5

Set the File extension as wav

Step 6

Validate, save, and deploy the application.

Step 7

Restart the Unified CVP services.

Configure Unified Communication Manager

Complete the following procedure to provision a-Law through Cisco Unified Communications Manager:


Step 1

Login to the Cisco Unified Communication Manager Administration page.

Step 2

Navigate to System > Service Parameter.

Step 3

Choose publisher server from Server drop-down list.

Step 4

Choose Cisco CallManager (Active) from Service drop-down list.

Step 5

In ClusterWide Parameters (System - Location and region), choose Enabled for All Devices from G.711 A-law Codec Enabled drop-down list.

Step 6

Choose Disable from following drop-down lists:

  • G.711 mu-law Codec Enabled

  • G.722 Codec Enabled

  • iLBC Codec Enabled

  • iSAC Codec Enabled

Step 7

Click Save.