New and Changed Information

New and Changed for Firmware Release 11.3(7)


New and Changed

Added the task about how to support Spam indication for incoming calls

Spam Indication for Incoming Webex Calls

Updated the topic to add a reference to the topic to "Spam Indication for Incoming Webex Calls"

Spam Indication for Incoming Calls

Added the task about how to enable support for LDAP unified search

Enable LDAP Unified Search

Updated the topic to mention the general call records that the users can view

Display Call Statistics Screen

Updated the topic to update the table

Call Statistics Fields

Updated the topic to add more steps

Set the User Password

Added the task about how to set up a proxy server in the phone web page

Set Up a Proxy Server

Added the topic for the feature HTTP Proxy Support

Parameters for HTTP Proxy Settings

Updated the topic to add the feature HTTP Proxy

Telephony Features

Updated the topic to add the shortcut string of the phone menu HTTP proxy settings

Menu Shortcuts Mapping on PSK

Updated the topic to add new fields of the feature HTTP Proxy

Network Configuration Fields

Updated the topics to mention the HTTP proxy settings

Onboard Your Phone with the Activation Code

Use DNS SRV for HTTP Provisioning

Enable Auto Provisioning with Short Activation Code

Set Up Your Phones for Activation Code Onboarding

Added the topic to troubleshoot an issue about the phone onboarding to Webex

Failed to Onboard the Phone to Webex

New and Changed for Firmware Release 11.3(6)


New and Changed

Updated the task to add the situations in which the focus moves to the incoming call

Keep Focus on the Active Call

Updated the description of Call Forward

Telephony Features

Updated the topic to add the new parameter Forward Softkey

Parameters for Enable Call Forward on User Tab

Updated the softkey in the topic for the new feature

Enable Feature Activation Code Synchronization for Forward All Calls

Updated the topic to add the support for French (Canada) language.

Setup for Latin and Cyrillic Languages

Supported Languages for the Phone Display

Set Up Dictionaries and Fonts

Updated the description of the parameter Display Attrs

Parameters for LDAP Directory

Added the new topic for Webex cloud onboarding

Phone Onboarding to Webex Cloud

Enable a Phone to Onboarding to Webex Cloud

Added the new topic for PRT generation from Cisco Webex Control Hub

Report Phone Issues from Webex Control Hub

Added the new topic to reboot from Cisco Webex Control Hub

Reboot the Phone from the Webex Control Hub

Added the new topic for Webex contact support

Enable Webex Contacts on the Phone

Added the new topic for Webex contact support on a line key

Configure Webex Contacts on a Line Key

Added the new topic for Webex contact support on a softkey

Add a Softkey for Webex Contacts

Updated the topic for Webex contact on PSK and PLK

Menu Shortcuts Mapping on PSK

Added the new topic for Webex call log support

Enable Webex Call Logs on the Phone

Added the new topic about how to resolve a downgrade issue

Saved Passwords Become Invalid after Downgrade

New and Changed for Firmware Release 11.3(5)


New and Changed

Updated the topic to remove a duplicated sentence

Configure Voicemail

Rewrote the topic

Configure Voicemail for An Extension

Updated the topic to add new parameters

Parameters for Voicemail Server

Added the task about how to enable the feature

Keep Focus on the Active Call

Updated the topic to add MIC Cert Refresh Status

View Download Status

Added the task about how to renew the MIC certificate

Renew the MIC Certificate

Added the topic for the feature MIC Certificate Renewal by SUDI Service

Parameters for MIC Certificate Renewal by SUDI Service

Added the topic to support STIR/SHAKEN

Spam Indication for Incoming Calls

Added the task for dialog-based shared line

Add Dialog-Based Shared Line Appearance

Added the task to support single step migration of MPP phones to enterprise phone

Migrate Your Phone to Enterprise Phone Directly

New and Changed for Firmware Release 11.3(4)


New and Changed

Added a new topic for RTL language support

Setup for RTL Languages

Updated the existing topic with RTL language entries

Supported Languages for the Phone Display

Updated the existing topic with RTL language entries

Set Up Dictionaries and Fonts

Added the task about how to enable SSRC reset to avoid a call transfer error

Enable SSRC Reset for the New RTP and SRTP Sessions

Updated the topic to add the new parameter SSRC Reset on RE-INVITE

RTP Parameters

Updated the number of the DNS SRV records

SIP Proxy Redundancy

Added the task about how to disable or enable the Don't Fragment Bit feature

Disable or Enable DF Bit

New and Changed for Firmware Release 11.3(3)


New and Changed

Updated the topic to add the new parameter Add Contacts to Directory Personal

Parameters for XSI Phone Service

Added the topics for the Synchronization of Call Waiting and Anonymous Call Rejection feature

Enable Synchronization of Anonymous Call Rejection via XSI Service

Set Feature Activation Code for Anonymous Call Rejection

Enable Synchronization of Call Waiting via XSI Service

Set Feature Activation Code for Call Waiting

Added the task topic on how to display or hide the Unavailability menu text box of agent status on the phone

Display or Hide Unavailable Menu Text Box of Agent Status on the Phone

Added the task topic on how to configure softkeys for different types of calls history list

Enable Softkeys to Calls History List Menu

Updated the topic to add new parameters PRT HTTP Header and PRT HTTP Header Value

Parameters for Configure Problem Report Tool

Updated the topic to add the parameter Precondition Support and update the parameter SIP 100REL Enable

Parameters for SIP Settings on Extensions

Updated the topic for the Product information screen on the phone

Display the Phone Information Window

Added the topic on how to customize the product configuration version

Customize the Product Configuration Version

New and Changed for Firmware Release 11.3(2)


New and Changed

Added the tasks about the menu shortcuts of features on PSK

Menu Shortcuts Mapping on PSK

Add a Menu Shortcut to a Programmable Softkey

Added the topics for the user authentication control feature

Control the Authentication Requirement to Access the Phone Menus

Parameters for User Authentication Control

Updated the topics about features on PLK and PSK with menu shortcuts

Parameters for Programmable Softkeys

Added the topics for the Feature Activation Code Synchronization feature

Enable Feature Activation Code Synchronization for Forward All Calls

Set Feature Activation Code for the Call Forward All Service

Added the topics introducing the SIP Proxy Redundancy enhancements

SIP Proxy Redundancy

SIP Proxy Failover

SIP Proxy Fallback

Updated the task context to support the SIP proxy redundancy enhancement

Configure the SIP Transport

Updated the description for the feature of Show Caller Name and Caller Number

Telephony Features

Added the task about configuring the caller name and number display in incoming call alerts

Display Caller Number Instead of Unresolved Caller Name

Added the task about how to disable contact search in all directories

Disable Contact Search in All Directories

Added the task about how to disable the personal directory

Disable Personal Directory

Added the task about how to hide menu items on the phone screen

Hide a Menu Item from Being Displayed on the Phone Screen

Add the reference topic about the menu visibility function

Parameters for Menu Visibility

Added the task about how to configure the directory services on the phone web page

Configure Directory Services

Added the reference topic about the directory services

Parameters for Directory Services

Updated the reference topic to add the new parameters for the directory enhancement feature

Parameters for XSI Phone Service

Updated the reference topic for the directory enhancement feature

Feature Buttons and Softkeys

Added the reference topic about a troubleshooting case for the directory enhancement feature

Phone Doesn't Show Contacts

Updated the task to add more information about how to enable call forward setting on user tab

Enable Call Forward on User Tab

Added the reference topic about the parameters for call forward settings on user tab

Parameters for Enable Call Forward on User Tab

Updated the reference topic to add new features

Feature Buttons and Softkeys

Updated the topic to support the automatic RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) transport selection

Set up a Secure Extension

Updated the Client DN, User Name, Password, and Auth Method parameters for LDAP directory

Parameters for LDAP Directory

Added the topic to show the logic of the LDAP directory access

Overview of LDAP Directory Access

Updated the firmware version (SWVER) format

Macro Expansion Variables

Macro Variables

Conditional Expressions

Updated the topic to add prerequisites and updated the short description

Enable Hoteling on a Phone

Added the topic to describe the Flexible Seating feature of BroadWorks and how to enable it

Enable Flexible Seating on a Phone

Added the topic on how to enable EM for the user

Enable Extension Mobility on a Phone

Updated the topic to support the reverse name lookup against local contacts for BroadWorks server call logs

Enable Viewing BroadWorks XSI Call Logs on a Line

Added the task on how to configure StartTLS

Configure StartTLS

Updated the topic to add "StartTLS"

Enable Hostname Verification for SIP over TLS

Updated the topic to add the new parameter of the feature

Configure the Cipher List

Updated the topic for "StartTLS"

Parameters for LDAP Directory

Updated the topic for "StartTLS"

XML and TR-069 Parameter Comparison

Updated the topic to support the reverse name lookup

Enable Reverse Name Lookup

Updated the topic to add the new parameter of the feature

Parameters for Call Center Agent Setup

Added the task for the ACD feature sync

Restore the ACD Status

New and Changed for Firmware Release 11.3(1)


New and Changed

Added a new task to support the feature Auto Provisioning with Short Activation Code.

Enable Auto Provisioning with Short Activation Code

Added topics to support HTTP provisioning with DNS servers

DNS SRV for HTTP Provisioning

Add tasks to support MPP OS Hardening

Enable the Firewall

Configure Your Firewall with Additional Options

Added a new task about how to configure a cipher list

Configure the Cipher List

Added a task and the relevant parameters to support client-initiated mode for media plane security negotiations

Enable Client-Initiated Mode for Media Plane Security Negotiations

Added a task about how to enable hostname verification for a line that uses SIP over TLS

Enable Hostname Verification for SIP over TLS

Added a task to support One-Button Call Park.

Configure One-Button Call Park

Added a task and the parameter about multicast paging

Configure Multicast Paging

Parameters for Multiple Paging Group

Added a task and the relevant parameters to support the remote SDK feature

Set Up a Phone for Remote SDK

WebSocket API Parameters

Add Task for configuring a programmable softkey (PSK) with DTMF support.

Configure a PSK with DTMF Support

Added a task about how to enable call statistics report in SIP BYE messages

Enable End-of-Call Statistics Reports in SIP Messages

Added a task to support the new feature VQM SIP Publish Message New Fields

Configure Voice Quality Reporting

Added new topics to support the SIP Session ID feature

SIP Session ID

Enable SIP Session ID

Session ID Parameters

Added description for the new field RTP Before ACK

RTP Parameters

Updated the task on how to configure the SDP Payload Types

Configure the SDP Payload Types

Added a task to support OPUS Codec Narrowband.

Set Up Your Phone to Use OPUS Codec Narrowband

New and Changed for Firmware Release 11.2(3)SR1


New and Changed

Added a new task to support Activation Code Onboarding

Activation Code Onboarding