
About Window

Setting Description


The About dialog box contains the Cisco Prime License Manager version number, license definition version, and Registration ID number.

Note    This information can be used for re-hosting. Re-hosting is the process that customers must follow to move licenses from one instance of Cisco Prime License Manager to another. Licenses that have already been issued and fulfilled in one instance of Cisco Prime License Manager are moved to a new or different instance of Cisco Prime License Manager through the re-hosting process. As part of this process, it is suggested that the version number and Registration ID number be recorded in some fashion following any installation of Cisco Prime License Manager.

Dashboard View Settings

Setting Description

Overview section

Product Instances

The total number of product instances managed by Cisco Prime License Manager. Clicking Product Instances takes you to the Product Instances page.

Last License Update

The date of the last license update. Clicking Last License Update takes you to the Licenses > License Fulfillment page.

Last Synchronization

The date of the last successful synchronization. Clicking Last Synchronization takes you to the Product Instances page where you can view the Synchronization Status and Last Successful Synchronization for each product instance. You can also perform a synchronization from this page by clicking the Synchronize Now button.


Synchronization occurs when Cisco Prime License Manager collects up-to-date licensing information for all license types in the system.

License Alerts section


License types that are non-compliant


Provides information about the alert (for example, insufficient licenses or when a license is due to expire)

License Usage section


Specifies the product type


The number of licenses allocated to each of those product types

Product Instance Alerts section


Specifies the product name


Provides information about the product

Last Synchronization

The date and time of the last successful synchronization

Licenses View Settings

The Licenses view contains three pages that allow you to view licensing information and configure product licenses:

License Usage Page Settings

The License Usage page provides three distinct views of how licenses are being used:

  • Table View

  • Chart View

  • History


In both Table and Chart views, you have the option of synchronizing the licenses by clicking the Synchronize Now button.

Setting Description

Table View tab


The name of the license types supported within the product scope. For more information, click on a particular license type in the Type column to open a detailed license type page.

Product Type

The product type


The number of licenses required by the product instances in order to deliver the services you have provisioned on those servers.


The number of licenses currently installed


The difference between the number of Required and Installed licenses. The numbers in this column are color-coded to represent the state of unused licenses for a particular license type.

If the number is red, the number of licenses is considered insufficient. If the number is black, the number of licenses is considered to be in compliance.


The license status (ex: “Temp Licenses Nearing Expiration”, “In Compliance”)

Synchronize Now button

Synchronizes Cisco Prime License Manager with the product instances to obtain the most up-to-date licensing information for all license types in the system

Chart View tab

License Type

The License Type drop down menu allows you to select the type of license you wish to view.


The Installed/Borrowed licenses are categorized as:

  • Installed

  • Borrowed from Upper Tier


Not all products support tiering


The Required/Loaned licenses are categorized as:

  • Requested

  • Loaned to Lower Tier


Moving your mouse over the bars in the chart reveals the number of licenses installed/borrowed or required/loaned

Synchronize Now button

Synchronizes Cisco Prime License Manager with the product instances to obtain the most up-to-date licensing information for all license types in the system

History tab

History tab

You can download the usage history for your licenses into a csv file that can be opened in a spreadsheet application. Usage data is collected at every synchronization with product instance and with each action that changes license usage.

Date Range

Allows you to select the start and end date for the period of time you wish to cover.

Product Type

Specifies the type of product instance

Generate File button

Clicking the Generate File button creates a usage history file for the product type selected. A link to the file appears at the bottom of the screen. When you click on the link, you have the option of opening the file or saving it to your computer.

License Usage details page

Note    Clicking on a license in the Table View in the License Usage page opens this License Usage details page

License Description section

The License Description section provides a description of that license type. There is also a link provided to view descriptions of all license types on

Usage Chart section

The Usage Chart section provides a graphical representation of how many of that particular license type are available, and of those, how many are installed or borrowed from the upper tier.

It also indicates how many of that license type are being used, and of those, how many are requested or loaned to the lower tier.

Usage by Instance section

The Usage by Instance section lists the systems that are using that particular license type, and identifies the product type of the system, release version, and the number of licenses required for each of those systems.

Installed Licenses by Type section

The Installed Licenses by Type section distinguishes between Permanent and Temporary licenses, the number of licenses that each is limited to, and the expiry date for the temporary licenses.

License Planning Page Settings

Setting Description

License Planning page


Specifies the name of the license plan

Selecting a license plan name from the list in the History table opens the Details window for that license plan. This window contains the following information:

  • Name (editable)

  • Description (editable)

  • Type

  • Created Date

  • Summary (includes a View Summary link that provides summary information for that license plan)


Provides a brief description of the license plan


Specifies the license plan type: Migration or Add

Creation Date

Specifies the license plan creation date


The Action column provides a Delete button to delete a license plan

Create an Add Licenses Plan button

Clicking the Create an Add Licenses Plan button opens the Create an Add Licenses Plan wizard. For instructions on how to complete the Create an Add Licenses Plan wizard, see the Cisco Prime License Manager User Guide.

Create an Add Licenses Plan page

Choose Product section

From the Choose Product section of the Create an Add Licenses Plan window, you can select (from the drop-down menus) the Product Type and the License Version to which you want to add licenses.

Specify License Counts section

From the Specify License Counts section of the Create an Add Licenses Plan window, you can adjust the number of licenses to be allocated to each type of license and save your changes for that license type.

You may also choose to run a compliance check by clicking the Run Compliance Check button, or reset the license values by clicking the Reset Values button.

Summary and Next Steps

From the Summary and Next Steps section of the Create an Add Licenses Plan window, you can view and save a summary of the changes you made in the Choose Product and Specify License Counts sections.

The Save Summary in Cisco Prime License Manager option is selected by default. A default name for the summary also appears in the Name field using the format <product-type>-add-<date-time-stamp> format.

License Fulfillment Page Settings

Table 1 License Fulfillment Page
Setting Description
Enable button Allows you to enable e-Fulfillment. This is the default state.
Disable button Allows you to disable e-Fulfillment. If e-Fulfillment is disabled, by selecting the Disable button, only Manual Fulfillment options are visible.

e-Migration is disabled if e-Fulfillment is disabled.

Fulfill Licenses from PAK button (e-Fulfillment) Opens the Add/Install Licenses wizard (e-Fulfillment)
Other Fulfillment options (e-Fulfillment)
Clicking the Other Fulfillment Options drop-down menu, visible when e-Fulfillment is enabled, allows you to select:
  • Fulfill Licenses from File

  • Generate License Request

  • Migrate Licenses
  • Retrieve Fulfilled Licenses

Note    Only the Generate License Request and Migrate License options are available under Manual fulfillment.

The Fulfill Licenses from File option opens the Install License File dialog box.

The Generate License Request option opens the License Request and Next Steps dialog box.

The Migrate License option opens the Migrate Licenses to Cisco Prime License Manager page.

Fulfill Licenses from File button (Manual Fulfillment) Opens the Install License File page
Other Fulfillment options (Manual Fulfillment)
Drop-down menu, visible when e-Fulfillment is disabled, that allows you to:
  • Generate License Request

  • Migrate Licenses

The Generate License Request opens the License Request and Next Steps dialog box

Fulfillment Date Specifies the date of license fulfillment
Description The description, specified by the user in the wizard, of the license fulfillment
Method Specifies the type of license fulfillment used (e-Fulfillment or File Install)
PAK Specifies the PAK ID (in e-Fulfillment mode, the PAK IDs are clickable links that open the PAK detail window which allows you to adjust PAK fulfillment for that particular PAK)
Table 2 Migrate Licenses to Cisco Prime License Manager



Choose New License Version

From the Choose New License Version section of the Migrate Licenses to Cisco Prime License Manager window, you can select the Product Type and New License Version from the drop-down menus.

Choose Product Instances

From the Choose Product Instances section of the Migrate Licenses to Cisco Prime License Manager window, you can upgrade a product instance by selecting it in the Available Product Instances window and click the arrow to move it to the Product Instances to Upgrade window.

License Counts (Unified CM)

From the License Counts section of the Migrate Licenses to Cisco Prime License Manager window, you can view a summary of pre-upgrade product instance data. This table cannot be edited.

If you selected Unified CM as your product type, the following options appear:

  • Public Space Phones - An estimate of the number of public space phones. Public space phones do not have users assigned and are typically placed in shared workspaces, lobbies and meeting rooms. These phones generally require lower level licenses, so providing an estimate of the number of these phones in your deployment will help Cisco more accurately determine your license requirements.

  • Case Numbers (Optional) - A case number assigned if the report was sent to Cisco Licensing Support

  • License Usage Reports - Allows you to upload a License Usage Reports from a local drive.

  • MAC addresses - The MAC addresses from the original servers that were upgraded. These MAC addresses can be used to look up the licenses that were registered on those product instances.

    Note    The MAC Addresses field is only displayed if pre-upgrade license usage information is not available. For more information, see Alternate Cisco Unified Communications Manager Migrations Path.

License Counts (Unity Connection)

The content of the License Counts section of the Migrate Licenses to Enterprise License Manager window depends entirely upon the options you have selected in previous sections.

If you selected Unity Connection, the following options appear:

  • I have CUWL licenses to be migrated

  • I do not have CUWL licenses to be migrated

License Counts (standard product)

From the License Counts section of the Migrate Licenses to Cisco Prime License Manager window, you can view a table of the licenses available to migrate. This table is editable. From the table, you can reduce (but not increase) license counts in the Licenses to Migrate column. You can also run a compliance check by clicking the Run Compliance Check button, or reset the license values by clicking the Reset Values button.

Summary and Next Steps (Unified CM or Unity Connection > I have CUWL licenses to be migrated)

The content of the Summary and Next Steps section of the Migrate Licenses to Enterprise License Manager window depends entirely upon the options you have selected in previous sections.

If you selected Unified CM as your product type, or Unity Connection > I have CUWL licenses to be migrated, the following options appear:

In this section you must indicate how the upgrade was ordered:

  • Upgraded using one or more service contracts

  • Purchased the upgrade

If you select Upgraded using one or more service contracts, enter the UCSS/ESW Contract Numbers.

If you select Purchased the upgrade, enter the Sales Order Numbers.

The (CCO) User ID field.

Company Name and the field used to capture additional information are optional. However; if you enter the company name, it is used in the subject line of the email and is included in the name of the zip file.

A default name for the summary also appears in the Name field using the format <productname>-migrate-<date-time-stamp> format. Instructions for placing your order and fulfilling your licenses also appear in this section. Click Finish & Generate Request.

The License Migration Request and Next Steps window appears. Download the License Migration Request zip file to your PC.

Email the License Migration Request to Cisco licensing support using the link provided.

Click Close to return to the License Fulfillment page.

Summary and Next Steps (Unity Connection > I do not have CUWL licenses to be migrated) when e-Fulfillment/e-Migration is enabled

The content of the Summary and Next Steps section of the Migrate Licenses to Enterprise License Manager window depends entirely upon the options you have selected in previous sections.

If e-Fulfillment is enabled, and you selected Unity Connection > I do not have CUWL license to be migrated, the following options appear: In this section, you can optionally enter a description of the e-Migration transaction.

Read the End User License Agreement and select the checkbox to acknowledge the agreement.

Summary and Next Steps (Unity Connection > I do not have CUWL licenses to be migrated) when e-Fulfillment/e-Migration is disabled

The content of the Summary and Next Steps section of the Migrate Licenses to Enterprise License Manager window depends entirely upon the options you have selected in previous sections.

If you selected Unity Connection > I do not have CUWL licenses to be migrated, the following options appear:

In this section, you can view and save a summary of the changes you made. To view the summary, click View Summary. A default name for the summary also appears in the Name field using the format <productname>-migrate-<date-time-stamp> format. Instructions for placing your order and fulfilling your licenses also appear in this section. Click Finish & Generate Request.

The License Migration Request and Next Steps window appears. Copy the selected text to your clipboard or click Save it to a file on your computer.

Select License Migration Portal under Step 2 and paste the copied text in the designated field or select the saved file from your computer.

Click Close to return to the Add or Upgrade Licenses page.

License Migration Request and Next Steps when e-Fulfillment/e-Migration is enabled

Clicking Finish & Generate Request in the Summary and Next Steps section of the Migrate License Manager window initiates the e-Migration. Enter your Cisco user ID and password. The request is electronically submitted, and processed immediately. Your licenses are installed automatically.

License Migration Request and Next Steps when e-Fulfillment/e-Migration is disabled

Clicking the Finish & Generate Request button in the Summary and Next Steps section of the Migrate Licenses to Cisco Prime License Manager window opens the License Migration Request and Next Steps.

You have the option of copying the selected text or clicking the Save it to a file on your computer link.

Table 3 Add/Install Licenses Wizard
Setting Description

Specify PAK

From the Specify PAK section of the Fulfill Licenses from PAK wizard, you can add licenses from:
  • A new PAK

  • An already-installed PAK that supports partial fulfillment

Only PAKs that support partial fulfillment are displayed in the drop-down menu.

Fulfill Licenses

From the Fulfill Licenses section you can choose the licenses in the PAK that you want to fulfill.

The Fulfill option, under the Actions column, allows you to fulfill a particular license. Clicking the Fulfill option opens the Fulfill Licenses window. From that window, you can adjust the number of licenses you wish to fulfill for a particular license type.

You can also perform a compliance check of your licenses by clicking the Run Compliance Check button.

To reset the values you have entered, click the Reset Values button.

Review Contents

From the Review Contents section of the Fulfill Licenses from PAK wizard, you can review the contents of the PAK. If the PAK supports partial fulfillment, you can adjust the license installation counts.

Transaction Options and License Agreement

From the License Options section of the Fulfill Licenses from PAK wizard, you can add a description to the transaction or associate it with a previously generated add or upgrade plan.

Table 4 Install License File Dialog Box
Setting Description

Browse button

Allows you to select a license file from your computer.


The Options section of the Install License File dialog box allows you to add a description and associate your transaction with a saved add/migration license summary. This step is optional.

Install button

When the license file has been selected (using the Browse button), it appears in the License File field. The Install button is then used to install that license file.

Table 5 License Request and Next Steps Dialog Box
Setting Description

Copy the selected text

The first step in the License Request and Next Steps dialog box provides the following options: copy the text in the text box to your clipboard or click the link to save the license request file to your computer.

Register your Licenses

The second step instructs you to register your licenses by clicking the link provided.

Install your Licenses

The third step advises you to return to Cisco Prime License Manager and install your licenses once you have received them. License files are generally obtained via email or downloaded from the Cisco portal.

Clicking the Install button returns you to the Licenses page.

Table 6 PAK Details Page
Setting Description
Adjust PAK Fulfillment option Clicking the Adjust PAK Fulfillment link at the top of the PAK Details page retrieves the latest PAK details, changes the table from read-only to editable, and allows you to adjust the PAK fulfillment for Cisco Prime License Manager.
PAK Contents table
The PAK Contents table contains the following columns:
SKU Name

specifies the name of a license contained in the file


specifies the license type (ex: Permanent, Time-limited)


specifies the expiry date of time-limited licenses


specifies the total number of that license type in the PAK

If you select the Adjust PAK Fulfillment option, the following additional columns appear in the table:
  • Before Fulfillment
    • Purchased
    • Fulfilled
    • Remaining
  • Fulfill
  • Remaining
  • Actions
Table 7 View <File ID> Page
Setting Description

Transaction Details

The File Details section contains the following information:
  • Fulfillment Date

  • Description

  • Associated Summary

  • Method (File Install, e-Fulfillment, or Retrieve Fulfilled Licenses)

  • Username

  • PAK

  • PAK Partial Fulfillment

License Details

The Licenses Fulfilled section contains a table that lists license files under the following categories:
  • Type

  • Product Type

  • Total on System (the number of that particular license type)

  • Expiration date

Table 8 Edit Transaction Details Dialog Box
Setting Description
Edit Transaction Details
Clicking the Edit Transaction Details button in the View <File ID> window opens the Edit Transaction Details dialog box, which contains the following information:
  • Fulfillment Date

  • Description

  • Associated Summary

  • Method (File Install, e-Fulfillment, or Retrieve Fulfilled Licenses)

  • Username

  • PAK

  • PAK Partial Fulfillment

The Description and Associated Summary fields can be edited.

Product Instances View Settings

The Product Instances page allows you to view product license information. From this page, you can add, delete, or synchronize product instances.

Setting Description

Product Instances


Specifies the name of the product instance

Hostname/IP Address

Specifies the hostname or IP address of the product instance

Product Type

Specifies the type of product instance


Specifies the product release of the product instance


Specifies the status of the product instance synchronization (for example, “Success”, “Registration Conflict”, “Invalid Server Type”, “Insufficient Licenses”)

Last Successful Synchronization

Specifies the date and time of the last successful synchronization.

Add button

Clicking the Add button on the Product Instances page opens the Product Add dialog box. From this dialog box, you can enter the following information:

  • Name

  • Description (optional)

  • Product Type

  • Hostname/IP Address

  • Username

  • Password

Note    Once you have added your new product instance, be sure to click the Synchronize Now button to extract current licensing information from the product. If you do not synchronize, current product instance information may not appear in Cisco Prime License Manager.

Test Connection button

From the Product Add dialog box, you can click the Test Connection button to test the connection to the product instance prior to adding it.

If the connection cannot be established, either through the connection test or by clicking OK to add a product instance, you may receive one of the following error messages:

  • Instance Unreachable

  • Login Failed

  • Certificate Mismatch

  • Registration Conflict

  • Invalid Server Type

  • Product Type Mismatch

  • Duplicate Product Instance

Note    You may also skip the Test Connection button and click OK on the Add Product Instance dialog box.

Delete button

You can delete a product instance by clicking the Delete link under the Action column for the product instance.

Launch Admin GUI button

You can open the administration GUI for a particular product instance by selecting the check box next to the product instance and clicking Launch Admin GUI.

Synchronize Now button

Synchronizes Cisco Prime License Manager with the product instances to obtain the most up-to-date licensing information for all license types in the system

Product Instance details page

Note    Clicking on a product instance in the Product Instance table opens the following details page

General tab

The General tab is divided into two sections:

  • Product

  • Administrator Account

The Product section contains the following information:

  • Name

  • Description

  • Hostname/IP Address

  • Product Type

  • Product Version

The Administrator Account section contains the following fields:

  • Username

  • Password

Clicking the Save button saves your changes.

Note    Prior to clicking the Save button, you have the option of clicking the Test Connection button to ensure that the connection is established.

License Usage tab

The License Usage tab contains a graphical representation of the license requests and a table illustrating the number of licenses requested by license type.

Administration View Settings

In a standalone deployment, the Administration view allows you to configure the following Cisco Prime License Manager settings:

  • Administrator Accounts

  • Backup/Restore

  • Install/Upgrade

  • License Definitions

  • Diagnostic Logs

  • Restart

A coresident deployment has similar settings but backup/restore and install/upgrade options must be configured using Cisco Unified Communications Manager:

  • Administrator Accounts

  • OS Administration

  • Disaster Recovery

  • License Definitions

  • Diagnostic Logs

  • Restart


For information about OS Administration or Disaster Recovery, see the Cisco Unified Communications Operating System Administration Guide or Disaster Recovery System Administration Guide for Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

Setting Description

Administrator Accounts

Add Administrator button

Selecting the Add Administrator button in the Administrator Accounts window opens the Add Administrator Account window.

From this window, you can add an administrator account. You are prompted for the following information:

  • Name/Description

  • Username

  • Password

  • Re-enter Password

Change Password

Selecting the Change Password link in the Administrators table opens the Change Password page. From this page you can change the password of an existing administrator account. You are prompted for the following information:

  • New Password

  • Re-enter New Password


Backup Server

The Backup Server section contains the following fields:

  • IP Address/Hostname

  • Username

  • Password

  • Directory

The IP Address/Hostname specifies the IP Address/Hostname of the server to be backed up or restored. Enter your username and passport to connect to the server. The Directory field specifies the location of the backed up server (for example: /ws/user1-rcd/backup2)

The Backup/Restore page also indicates when the last backup was performed.

Run Backup button

The Run Backup button initiates a backup of the server specified in the IP Address/Hostname field.

Run Restore button

The Run Restore button initiates a restore of the server specified in the Directory field.

Test Connection

The Test Connection button allows you test the connection to the product instance prior to performing a backup or restore.


Install/Upgrade page

Use this page to upgrade your Cisco Prime License Manager software or to add options such as language packs to your system.

System Software

Lists the active and inactive system software versions

Install/Upgrade Software wizard

Clicking on the Install/Upgrade Software button opens the Install/Upgrade Software wizard. This is a two-step wizard:

  1. Specify File Location

  2. Select File

The Specify File Location page provides two options:

  • Install/Upgrade from Network

  • Install/Upgrade from DVD/CD drive on Cisco Prime License Manager server

The Install/Upgrade from Network option requires the following information:

  • IP Address/Hostname

  • Username

  • Password

  • Directory

  • Transfer Protocol

The IP Address/Hostname field specifies the location of the file to be installed or used for the upgrade . Enter your username and password to connect to the server. The Directory field specifies the location where the install or upgrade will be saved.

The Transfer Protocol specifies the method: SFTP or FTP

All valid upgrades are listed in the table. Select the appropriate (valid) upgrade file from the list and click the Start Installation/Upgrade button to begin the upgrade.

License Definitions

License Definitions

The License Definitions page contains information about the license types managed by Cisco Prime License Manager. The License Definition file should be updated prior to upgrading any of your product instances to a new version or before adding a product instance of a new type.

Check for Latest Version

Clicking Check for Latest Version opens the Cisco Prime License Manager Dashboard, which provides an overview of the license types currently in use.

View Release Notes

Clicking View Release Notes opens the License Definitions Release Notes page, which lists:

  • Changes Since Previous Version

  • Supported Products

Install New License Definition File button

Clicking the Install New License Definition File button opens the Install License Definitions window. Click the Browse button to locate the License Definitions File and then click Fulfill to install the file.

Diagnostic Logs

Log Settings tab

The Log Settings tab lists the diagnostics categories and log levels. The diagnostic categories include:

  • Cisco Prime License Manager core services

  • Communication with product instances

The Log Level drop-down list for each diagnostic category can be set to one of the following:

  • Error

  • Warning

  • Info

  • Debug

Once the log level has been set for each diagnostic category, you can save your changes by clicking the Save button. You may also opt to reset your log settings by clicking the Reset button.

Download Logs tab

The Download Logs tab allows you to generate a log file, using the date and time range of your choice to include in the log file. The default range is from 12 AM of the current day until the current time. You can then generate the file by clicking the Generate Log File button. The log file is generated and downloaded to your computer.



Pressing the Restart button below restarts all Cisco Prime License Manager services. This generally takes less than a minute and you will automatically be taken to the login screen when the restart is complete.