Using Shell Commands

This chapter contains the following sections:

General Administration

This section describes how to execute common administration tasks such as changing your password, stopping and starting services, generating log and report data, as well as other common system administration tasks.

Examining the Version Information

You can verify the Cisco UCS Director version and build number by choosing Show Version. This information is required for debugging purposes.

    Step 1   From the Cisco UCS Director Shell menu choose Show Version and press Enter.
    Information similar to the following is displayed:
    Cisco UCS Director Platform
    Version      :
    Build Number : 22
    Press return to continue ...
    Step 2   Press Enter to complete the process.

    Changing Your Password

    You can change your Cisco UCS Director shell password by choosing Change ShellAdmin password.

      Step 1   From the Cisco UCS Director Shell menu, choose Change ShellAdmin password and press Enter. The following information is displayed:
      Changing password for user shelladmin.
      New UNIX password:
      Step 2   Enter your new UNIX password and press the Enter key.
      Step 3   Enter your new UNIX password once again and press the Enter key. The following information is displayed:
      passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. Press return to continue...

      Synchronizing the System Time

      You can synchronize the system time to the hardware time and the NTP server by choosing Time Sync.

        Step 1   From the Cisco UCS Director Shell menu, choose Time Sync.
        Step 2   Press Enter.
        The following information is displayed:
        Time Sync......
        System time is Tue Oct 27 11:26:44 UTC 2015
        Hardware time is Tue Oct 27 11:26:44 2015 -0.345445 seconds
        Do you want to sync systemtime [y/n]? n
        Do you want to sync to NTP [y/n]? y
        Enter NTP server to sync time with:
        Step 3   Enter the NTP server hostname or IP address, and press Enter to synchronize to the NTP server.
        The following information is displayed:
        ntpd (pid 2893) is running...
        Shutting down ntpd: [ OK ]
        27 Oct 11:17:25 ntpdate[1476]: step time server offset -605.971324 sec
        Synchronized time with NTP server ''
        Added NTP server '' to /etc/ntp.conf
        Starting ntpd: [ OK ]
        synchronised to NTP server ( at stratum 3
        time correct to within 8145 ms
        polling server every 64 s
        Press return to continue ...
        Once you have entered an NTP server hostname or IP address, it is added to the list of available NTP servers for future synchronization.
        Step 4   Press the Enter key to complete the process.

        Applying a Patch to Cisco UCS Director

        Choose this option to apply a patch to the appliance.


        The patch file (zip file) is provided by Cisco UCS Director. Before applying a patch:

        • Review the patch release notes and the Readme file.

        • Take a snapshot of your VM.

        • Take a backup of your database prior to applying the patch. The Apply Patch option allows you to take a backup as part of the Apply Patch procedure; but the best practice is to take a backup immediately before using the Apply Patch option.

        • Stop the appliance services.

        Before You Begin

        • Download the patch file

        • Place the file in a web server or FTP, SFTP, or SCP server

        • Choose Apply Patch from the Cisco UCS Director Shell menu

        • Provide patch URL (http://WebServer/

          Step 1   From the Cisco UCS Director Shell menu, choose Apply Patch and press Enter.
          The following information is displayed:
          Applying Patch...
          Services will be stopped before upgrade. Do you want to continue? [y/N]:
          Step 2   Enter y, and press Enter, the services are stopped.
          Stopping services...
          Do you want to take database backup before applying patch? [Y/n]:
          Step 3   If you entered n, enter the mode of transfer and press Enter and provide the required information, as follows:
          • SFTP—Enter the SFTP server IP address, server login name and password, and the path to the location where you have stored the upgrade file.
          • SCP—Enter the SCP server IP address, server login name and password, and the path to the location where you have stored the upgrade file.
          • FTP—Enter the FTP server IP address, server login name and password, and the path to the location where you have stored the upgrade file. For example, ftp://username:password@hostname\IP_address/software_location_and_name.
          • HTTP—Enter the URL for the location where you stored the upgrade file.
          • FILE—Enter the path to the local directory where you have stored the upgrade file.
          User selected option not to take backup, proceeding with applying patch
          Specify the Transfer mode [SFTP/SCP/FTP/HTTP/FILE]: SFTP
          Server IP Address: XXX.XX.XXX.XXX
          Server Username: XXXXX
          Server Password:
          SFTP Path to Patch Zip file:
          Apply the patch ''? [y/N]:

          Refer to the ReadMe file for information about the patches.


          Only from Release 6.5, the mode of transfer such as SFTP, SCP, HTTP, and File are supported. This step is applicable only from Release 6.5.

          Step 4   If you entered Y and press Enter the backup process starts. Enter the transfer mode and press Enter, and provide the required information.
          The backup process creates a <filename>.tar.gz file on the system running Cisco UCS Director.
          You can copy the file to another server using SFTP/SCP/FTP/HTTP/FILE mode.
          Specify the Transfer mode [SFTP/SCP/FTP/HTTP/FILE]: SFTP
          Server IP Address: XXX.XX.XXX.XXX
          Server Username: XXXXX
          Server Password:
          SFTP Path to Patch Zip file:
          Apply the patch ''? [y/N]: 

          Refer to the ReadMe file for information about the patches.


          Only from Release 6.5, the mode of transfer such as SFTP, SCP, HTTP, and File are supported. Hence, for earlier versions, only FTP transfer mode details are displayed.

          Step 5   If you are prompted to confirm that you want to apply the patch, enter y, then press Enter.
          The following information is displayed:
          Checking if the database is running... yes
          Downloading the patch...
          Sucessfully Connected to XXX.XX.XXX.XXX
          Completed downloading the patch.

          What to Do Next

          After the patch is applied, start the services on the appliance using the Start Services option.

          Applying a Signed Patch to Cisco UCS Director

            Step 1   From the Cisco UCS Director Shell menu, choose Apply Signed Patch and press Enter.
            The following information is displayed:
            Applying Patch...
            Services will be stopped before upgrade. Do you want to continue? [y/N]: 
            Step 2   Enter y and press Enter.
            The following information is displayed:
            Stopping services...
            Do you want to take database backup before applying patch? [Y/n]: 
            Step 3   If you entered Y and press Enter the backup process starts. Enter the transfer mode and press Enter.
            The backup process creates a <filename>.tar.gz file on the system running Cisco UCS Director.
            You can copy this file to another server using the FTP/SFTP/SCP mode.
            Specify the transfer mode and login credentials
            Specify the transfer mode [FTP/SFTP/SCP]:

            Refer to the ReadMe file for information about the patches.

            Step 4   If you entered n, enter the desired patch file download protocol and press Enter and provide the required information, as follows:
            • SFTP—Enter the SFTP server IP address, server login name and password, and the path to the location where you have stored the signed zip file.
            • SCP—Enter the SCP server IP address, server login name and password, and the path to the location where you have stored the signed zip file.
            • FTP—Enter the FTP server IP address, server login name and password, and the path to the location where you have stored the signed zip file. For example, ftp://username:password@hostname\IP_address/software_location_and_name.
            • HTTP—Enter the URL for the location where you stored the signed zip file.
            • FILE—Enter the path to the local directory where you have stored the signed zip file.
            User selected option not to take backup, proceeding with applying patch.
            Enter patch file download protocol [SFTP/SCP/FTP/HTTP/FILE]: SCP
            Server IP Address:
            Server Username: root
            Server Password:
            Full Patch to Patch Zip File: /opt/mytest123/
            Apply the patch '/opt/mytest123/ [y/N]:
            Step 5   If you are prompted to confirm that you want to apply the patch, enter y, then press Enter.
            The following information is displayed:
            Checking if database is running ...yes
            Downloading the patch...
            Successfully Connected to
            Completed downloading the patch.
            Verifying patch signature...
            Successfully verified the signature of patch file /opt/mytest123/
            Proceeding with patch installation

            From this release, you can use the Apply Signed Patch option in the Shell menu to apply signed patch. If you want to upgrade to release 6.5, you should download the signed zip files, extract the files and follow the instructions available in the ReadMe file to manually verify the signature of the patch. Once the image is verified, you can apply the patch zip file using the Apply Patch option.

            Shutting Down the Appliance

            Choose this option to shut down a Cisco UCS Director appliance.

              Step 1   From the Cisco UCS Director Shell menu, choose the Shutdown Appliance option and press the Enter key.
              The following information displays:
               Do you want to Shutdown appliance [y/n] ?:  
              Step 2   Enter y to shut down the appliance. The following information is displayed:
              Broadcast message from root (pts/0) (Thu Sep 15 13:34:33 2013)
              The system is shutting down NOW!
              Step 3   Press the Enter key to return to the main menu.

              Rebooting an Appliance

              Choose this option to reboot a Cisco UCS Director appliance.

                Step 1   From the Cisco UCS Director Shell menu, choose the Reboot Appliance option and press the Enter key.
                The following information displays:
                 Do you want to Reboot appliance [y/n] ?:  
                Step 2   Enter y to reboot the appliance. The following information is displayed:
                Rebooting the Cisco UCS Director Appliance...
                Broadcast message from root (pts/5) (Wed Sep 18 13:12:06 2013):
                The system is going down for reboot NOW!
                Rebooting sucessful
                Press return to continue...
                Step 3   Press the Enter key to return to the main menu.

                Using a Multi-Node Setup

                The multi-node setup is supported for Cisco UCS Director on VMware vSphere only. With a multi-node setup, you can scale Cisco UCS Director to support a larger number of VMs than is supported by a single installation of Cisco UCS Director. This setup has the following nodes:
                • One primary node
                • One or more service nodes
                • One monitoring database
                • One inventory database


                For a multi-node setup, you have to install the license on the primary node only.

                A multi-node setup improves scalability by offloading the processing of system tasks, such as inventory data collection, form the primary node to one or more service nodes. You can assign certain systems tasks to one or more service nodes. The number of nodes determines how the processing of system tasks is scaled.

                Node pools group service nodes and enable you to assign system tasks to more than one service node. If one service node is busy when a system task needs to be run, Cisco UCS Director uses a round-robin assignment to determine which service node should process the system task. If all, service nodes are busy, you can have the primary node run the system task.

                For more information about how to configure the primary node and service nodes, and how to assign system tasks, see the Cisco UCS Director Multi-Node Installation and Configuration Guide

                Terminating Active GUI Sessions

                  Step 1   From the Cisco UCS Director Shell menu, choose Terminate active GUI session(s) for user and press Enter.
                  The following information is displayed:
                  On a subsequent login, all active session(s) for the user will be terminated.
                  This utility is for terminating the GUI sessions after the specified maximum concurrent sessions for a user is reached.
                  Do you want to proceed [y/n]? :
                  Step 2   Enter y and press Enter.
                  The following information is displayed:
                  Specify the user name of the user session(s) that needs to be terminated : 
                  Step 3   Enter the user name and press Enter.
                  Specify the user session(s) that need to be terminated [a) Oldest, b) All] a/b :
                  Step 4   Enter a or b based on the requirement and press Enter. On Subsequent login, the user GUI session(s) will be terminated, and you are allowed to log in.