Managing Root Access

This chapter contains the following sections:

Accessing Root Privileges

This section describes how to access root. Tasks that require root privileges include moving directories or files into other directories, providing or revoking user privileges, general system repairs, and occasionally installing applications.


Compiling software as root is not recommended for security reasons.

Configuring Root Access

You can enable root privileges by choosing Manage Root Access.

    Step 1   From the Cisco UCS Director Shell menu, choose Manage Root Access and press Enter.
    The following information is displayed:
     Enable/Disable/Configure (root privilege) [e/d/c]:
    Step 2   Enter c and press Enter. The following information is displayed:
    Do you want to Configure/Set Root Privilege/Password [y/n]? :
    Step 3   Enter y and press Enter. The following information is displayed:
    Changing root password...
             Changing password for user root.
             New UNIX password: 

    Step 4   Enter a new UNIX password and press Enter. The following information is displayed:
     Retype new UNIX password:
    Step 5   Enter your new UNIX password and press Enter. The following information displays:
    passswd: all authentication tokens updated successfully. 
             Root passwd changed successfully
             Press return to continue...
    Step 6   Press Enter to complete the process.

    Enabling Root Access

    You can enable root privileges by choosing Manage Root Access.

      Step 1   From the Cisco UCS Director Shell menu, choose the Manage Root Access option and press Enter.
      The following information displays:
       Enable/Disable/Configure (root privalege) [e/d/c]:
      Step 2   Enter e and press Enter. The following information is displayed:
      Do you want to Enable Root Access [y/n]? :
      Step 3   Enter y and press Enter. The following information is displayed:
      Enabling root access...
              Unlocking password for user root.
              passwd: Success.
              Root access enabled successfully
              Press return to continue

      Step 4   Press Enter to return to compete the process.

      Disabling Root Access

      Choose this option to disable root privileges.

        Step 1   From the Cisco UCS Director Shell menu, choose the Manage Root Access option and press the Enter key.
        The following information displays:
         Enable/Disable/Configure (root privalege) [e/d/c]:
        Step 2   Enter d and press the Enter key. The following information displays:
        Do you want to Disable Root Access [y/n]? :
        Step 3   Enter y and press the Enter key. The following information is displayed:
        disabling root access...
                 Locking password for user root.
                 Passwd: Success
                 Root access disabled sucessfully
                 Press return to continue...
        Step 4   Press the Enter key to return to the main menu.

        Logging in as Root

        You can log in as root by choosing the Login As Root option.

          Step 1   From the Cisco UCS Director Shell menu, choose the Login As Root option and press Enter.
          The following information is displayed:
           Do you want to  Login As Root [y/n]? :
          Step 2   Enter y and press Enter. The following information is displayed:
          Logging in as root
          Step 3   Enter your root password and press Enter. The following information is displayed:
           Logging as root
          [root@localhost shelladmin]# 
          Step 4   Enter your password and press Enter.
          Step 5   Enter exit to return to the shelladmin. Information similar to the following is displayed:
          [root@localhost shelladmin]# cd /opt
          [root@localhost opt]# exit
          Sucessful login
          Press return to continue ...