Managing Cisco Services

This chapter contains the following sections:

Displaying the Status of Your Services

The Display Services option displays all executed services. The Display Services option also displays the status of any associated databases and disks.

  • Broker - An ActiveMQ JMS broker used for inter-process communication using JMS messages. All infra services use the broker to communicate between them.

  • Controller

  • Eventmgr

  • Client

  • Idaccessmgr - Provides authentication service for Cisco UCS Director users (local, AD imported through LDAP). When you log in through the GUI, tomcat receives the login request and queries idaccessmgr to authenticate the user.

  • Inframgr - The back-end server that proves APIs over JMS and REST. Tomcat (GUI) uses these back-end APIs.

  • Websock - VNC proxy. Cisco UCS Director provides browser-based VNC access to the VM console. The websock service acts as a VNC proxy to the VM console.

  • Tomcat - Hosts Cisco UCS Director GUI web app.

  • Flashpolicyd


Ensure that all of the above services are up and operating. If a service is not executed on Cisco UCS Director, restart the service through the shell client.

From the Cisco UCS Director Shell menu, choose the Display Service Status option.

The following list of services appears:

                         Cisco UCS Director Shell Menu
Node:Standalone | Version: Build:65811 | UpTime:  09:23:10 up 2 min,  2 u                                                                                                                     sers

1)  Change ShellAdmin Password
2)  Display Services Status
3)  Stop Services
4)  Start Services
5)  Stop Database
6)  Start Database
7)  Backup Database
8)  Restore Database
9)  Time Sync
10) Ping Hostname/IP Address
11) Show Version
12) Generate Self-Signed Certificate and Certificate Signing Request
13) Import CA/Self-Signed Certificate
14) Configure Network Interface
15) Display Network Details
16) Enable Database for Cisco UCS Director Baremetal Agent
17) Add Cisco UCS Director Baremetal Agent Hostname/IP
18) Tail Inframgr Logs
19) Apply Patch
20) Shutdown Appliance
21) Reboot Appliance
22) Manage Root Access
23) Login as Root
24) Configure Multi Node Setup (Advanced Deployment)
25) Clean-up Patch Files
26) Collect logs from a Node
27) Collect Diagnostics
28) Enable HTTP/HTTPS
29) Configure default UI
30) Reset MySQL User password
31) Apply Signed Patch
32) Terminate active GUI session(s) for user
33) Quit                Cisco UCS Director Shell Menu
Node:Standalone | Version: Build:65811 | UpTime:  09:23:10 up 2 min,  2 u                                                                                                                     sers

1)  Change ShellAdmin Password
2)  Display Services Status
3)  Stop Services
4)  Start Services
5)  Stop Database
6)  Start Database
7)  Backup Database
8)  Restore Database
9)  Time Sync
10) Ping Hostname/IP Address
11) Show Version
12) Generate Self-Signed Certificate and Certificate Signing Request
13) Import CA/Self-Signed Certificate
14) Configure Network Interface
15) Display Network Details
16) Enable Database for Cisco UCS Director Baremetal Agent
17) Add Cisco UCS Director Baremetal Agent Hostname/IP
18) Tail Inframgr Logs
19) Apply Patch
20) Shutdown Appliance
21) Reboot Appliance
22) Manage Root Access
23) Login as Root
24) Configure Multi Node Setup (Advanced Deployment)
25) Clean-up Patch Files
26) Collect logs from a Node
27) Collect Diagnostics
28) Enable HTTP/HTTPS
29) Configure default UI
30) Reset MySQL User password
31) Apply Signed Patch
32) Terminate active GUI session(s) for user
33) Quit


Service      State        PID      %CPU %MEM   tELAPSED #Threads     
-----------  -------      -------  ---------------------------------
broker       UP           12358    0.5  0.8       06:11 32
controller   UP           12385    1.7  1.3       06:06 45
eventmgr     UP           12391   29.4  6.0       06:02 41
client       UP           12398   28.8  5.9       05:57 40
idaccessmgr  UP           12404   30.7  6.0       05:52 41
inframgr     UP           12415   69.1 24.4       05:47 121
websock      UP           12588    0.0  0.0       05:42 1
tomcat       UP           12461   12.8 11.6       05:37 34
flashpolicyd UP           12227    0.0  0.0       05:36 1

Database      IP Address            State    Client          Connections
-----------   -----------           -------  ----------      -----------
infra             UP       localhost       17 

Disk          Size         Used     Available      %Use    Usage
-----------   -------      ------   -----------    -----   ----------
/dev/sda1     477M         111M     341M           25%     NORMAL
/dev/sdb      50G          28G      20G            59%     NORMAL
Press return to continue ...

The corresponding status and process ID (PID) of each service is also displayed in the menu. In a multi-node setup, the status is also displayed for any inventory databases or monitoring databases.

Stopping Cisco Services

You can stop all Cisco services that are part of the Cisco UCS Director appliance by choosing Stop Services. You can verify that all services are stopped by choosing Display Service Status.

    Step 1   From the Cisco UCS Director Shell menu, choose Stop Services.
    Step 2   Press Enter.
    The following information displays:
    Do you want to stop services [y/n]? : y
    Stopping service broker...                   [ OK ]
    Stopping service controller...               [ OK ]
    Stopping service eventmgr...                 [ OK ]
    Stopping service client...                   [ OK ]
    Stopping service idaccessmgr...              [ OK ]
    Stopping service inframgr...                 [ OK ]
    Stopping service websock...                  [ OK ]
    Stopping service tomcat...                   [ OK ]
    Stopping service flashpolicyd...             [ OK ]
    Press return to continue ...
    Step 3   Press Enter to complete the procedure.

    Starting Cisco Services

    You can execute all services that are part of Cisco UCS Director by choosing Start Services.

    After using this option, you can choose Display Service Status to verify that all services are executed.


    Services started in the background are not displayed.

      Step 1   From the Cisco UCS Director Shell menu, choose Start Services.
      The following information is displayed:
      Services are being started. Use "Display Services Status" option to check the status
      Press return to continue ...
      Step 2   Press Enter to complete the process.
      Step 3   Choose Display Service Status to verify that the services are executed.