Table Of Contents
Release Notes for Catalyst 6500 Series and Cisco 7600 Series Internet Router DFC3A ROMMON Software
Resolved Caveats in DFC3A ROMMON Software Release 12.1(18r)S1
Storing More Than One ROMMON Image
Selecting a Stored ROMMON Image
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
Release Notes for Catalyst 6500 Series and Cisco 7600 Series Internet Router DFC3A ROMMON Software
Current Release: 12.2(18r)S1—May 28, 2004
This publication describes how to upgrade the ROMMON on your Catalyst 6500 series or Cisco 7600 series Internet Router field upgradeable DFC3A daughter card (WS-F6K-DFC3A).
You should consider the 12.2(18r)S1 ROMMON software upgrade if you need the bug fixes documented in the "Caveats" section.
With this procedure, you can upgrade the ROMMON image similar to the way that you upgrade the Cisco IOS operating system software.
ROMMON software release 12.2(18r)S1 is supported in Catalyst 6500 series and Cisco 7600 series systems that are running Cisco IOS software on the Supervisor Engine 720.
This publication consists of these sections:
Storing More Than One ROMMON Image
System Software Requirements
The DFC3A ROMMON software upgrade requires Cisco IOS Release 12.1(17d)SXB on the Supervisor Engine and MSFC.
Software Images
Table 1 lists the software releases for the DFC3A module ROMMON software.
Table 1 Upgradable Modules
DFC3A ROMMON Software Releases Filenames12.2(18r)S1 upgradable module ROMMON image
ROMMON Image Overview
The DFC3A ROMMON consists of two modules:
A resident module that is not changed during the upgrade procedure.
An upgradable module that is updated during the upgrade procedure. This is the only module that you will download from
New and Changed Information
DFC3A ROMMON software release 12.1(18r)S1 contains bug fixes; no new feature support is added.
The following section contains resolved caveat information:
Resolved Caveats in DFC3A ROMMON Software Release 12.1(18r)S1
Resolved Caveats in DFC3A ROMMON Software Release 12.1(18r)S1
ROMMON is not able to boot a compressed offline diagnostics image from bootflash. This problem is resolved in ROMMON software release 12.2(18r)S1. (CSCdy65817)
After an RPR+ switchover, some modules to not come back online. This problem is resolved in ROMMON software release 12.2(18r)S1. (CSCeb23191)
Upgrading the DFC3A ROMMON
Before performing this procedure, you must download the new ROMMON image from The download procedure is the same as downloading Catalyst software images.
To upgrade the ROMMON version on your DFC3A, perform these steps (in this example, the module is in slot 4):
Step 1
Check the active ROMMON information:
Router# show rom-monitor slot 4Region F1:APPROVED, preferredRegion F2:INVALIDCurrently running ROMMON from F1 regionRouter#The display indicates that the active ROMMON is running in region1.
Step 2
Program the new ROMMON image to the Flash device on the module (in this example, the image is stored in the route processor bootflash):
Router# upgrade rom-monitor slot 4 file bootflash:c6dfc3-rm2.srec.122-18r.S1Copying bootflash:c6dfc3-rm2.srec.122-18r.S1 onto bootflash of dfc#4 CCCCCCCCC
CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCRouter#19:40:08: DFC4: ROMMON image upgrade in progress19:40:08: DFC4: Erasing flash19:40:11: DFC4: Programming flash19:40:13: DFC4: Verifying new image19:40:13: DFC4: ROMMON image upgrade completeThe card must be reset for this to take effectRouter#Step 3
Check the new active ROMMON information:
Router# show rom-monitor slot 4Region F1:APPROVEDRegion F2:FIRST_RUN, preferredCurrently running ROMMON from F1 regionRouter#Step 4
Reload the module for the change to take effect:
Router# hw-module module 4 resetProceed with reload of module? [confirm]% reset issued for module 4<output truncated>Step 5
After the system comes up, check the ROMMON information again:
Router# show rom-monitor slot 4Region F1:APPROVEDRegion F2:APPROVED, preferredCurrently running ROMMON from F2 regionRouter#The "Region2" field should show "APPROVED, preferred." The ROMMON stored in the Region2 is now the active ROMMON.
Storing More Than One ROMMON Image
The procedure in this section is optional and should be used only if you have multiple versions of the upgraded ROMMON image stored on the module. These procedures describe how to select a particular ROMMON image for booting and how to disqualify a particular ROMMON region.
Selecting a Stored ROMMON Image
There are three regions (including the Gold region) where versions of the ROMMON image can be stored. You can use the upgrade rom-monitor slot preference command to switch between regions.
The ROMMON software upgrade feature allows you to have two upgraded ROMMON images (one in region F1, the second in region F2) in addition to the "Gold" ROMMON stored on the one-time programmable (OTP) EPROM section of the ROMMON. Use the upgrade rom-monitor slot preference command to select which ROMMON will be the preferred ROMMON the next time the system is booted. You can change the preference as often as you like. The changes do not take effect until you reset the system.
To select a particular ROMMON image, perform these steps:
Step 1
Change the ROMMON preference:
Router# show rom-monitor slot 4
Region F1:FIRST_RUNRegion F2:FIRST_RUN, preferredCurrently running ROMMON from F2 regionRouter# upgrade rom-monitor slot 4 preference region1
You are about to mark F1 region of DFC ROMMON in slot 4 as the boot preference region, proceed[n]? y
Router#Step 2
Reload the module for the change to take effect:
Router# hw-module module 4 resetProceed with reload of module? [confirm]% reset issued for module 4<output truncated>Step 3
Verify the change:
Router# show rom-monitor slot 4
Region F1:APPROVED, preferredRegion F2:APPROVEDCurrently running ROMMON from F1 region
You can also disqualify a specific region of ROMMON and use the other region or go back to using the "Gold" ROMMON stored in the OTP EPROM section by using the upgrade rom-monitor slot invalidate command.
To disqualify a specific ROMMON region, perform these steps:
Step 1
Disqualify a specific ROMMON region:
Router# show rom-monitor slot 4
Region F1:FIRST_RUNRegion F2:FIRST_RUN, preferredCurrently running ROMMON from F2 regionRouter# upgrade rom-monitor slot 4 invalidate region2
You are about to mark F2 region of DFC ROMMON in slot 4 as an invalid region, proceed[n]? y
Router#Step 2
Reload the DFC for the change to take effect:
Router# hw-module module 4 resetProceed with reload? [confirm]<output truncated>Step 3
Verify the change:
Router# show rom-monitor slot 4
Region F1:FIRST_RUNRegion F2:INVALIDCurrently running ROMMON from S (Gold) region
Additional Documentation
The following Cisco IOS software documents are available for the Catalyst 6500 series switches:
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS Command Reference
Catalyst 6500 Series Switch Cisco IOS System Message Guide
The following Cisco IOS software documents are available for the Cisco 7600 series routers:
Cisco 7600 Series Switch Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide
Cisco 7600 Series Switch Cisco IOS Command Reference
Cisco 7600 Series Switch Cisco IOS System Message Guide
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see the monthly What's New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at:
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