Product Overview

Supervisor Engine 720-10GE Flash Memory Devices

Supervisor Engine 720-10GE Ports

Supervisor Engine 720 Flash Memory Devices

Supervisor Engine 720 Ports

Determining System Hardware Capacity

Module Status Monitoring

User Interfaces

Software Features Supported in Hardware by the PFC and DFC

NoteFor complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this chapter, see these publications:

Cisco IOS Release 15.1SY supports only Ethernet interfaces. Cisco IOS Release 15.1SY does not support any WAN features or commands.

For complete information about the supported chassis, modules, and software features, see the Release Notes for Cisco IOS Release 15.1SY:

Tip For additional information about Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches (including configuration examples and troubleshooting information), see the documents listed on this page:

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Supervisor Engine 720-10GE Flash Memory Devices

The Supervisor Engine 720-10GE has these flash memory devices:

disk0: (active) and slavedisk0: (standby):

External CompactFlash Type II slots

For CompactFlash Type II flash PC cards sold by Cisco Systems, Inc.

sup-bootdisk: (active) and slavesup-bootdisk: (standby):

Switch processor (SP) 1-GB internal CompactFlash flash memory

From SP ROMMON, it is bootdisk:

Not accessible from route processor (RP) ROMMON

bootflash: (active) and slave-bootflash: (standby):

RP 64-MB internal flash memory

Not accessible from SP ROMMON

Supervisor Engine 720-10GE Ports

The Supervisor Engine 720-10GE has these ports:

Console port—EIA/TIA-232 (RS-232) port

Note With Release 15.1(1)SY, be aware of the console disconnect feature, which is enabled by default.

Ports 1 and 2

Gigabit Ethernet SFP (fiber or 10/100/1000 Mbps RJ-45)

Fast Ethernet SFP

Port 3—10/100/1000 Mbps RJ-45

Ports 4 and 5—10-Gigabit Ethernet X2

Note The 1-Gigabit Ethernet ports and the 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports have the same QoS port architecture (2q4t/1p3q4t) unless you disable the 1-Gigabit Ethernet ports with the mls qos 10g-only global configuration command. With the 1-Gigabit Ethernet ports disabled, the QoS port architecture of the 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports is 8q4t/1p7q4t.

See the "How to Configure Optional Interface Features" section for information about configuring the ports.

Supervisor Engine 720 Flash Memory Devices

The Supervisor Engine 720 has these flash memory devices:

disk0: and disk1: (active) and slavedisk0: and slavedisk1: (standby):

External CompactFlash Type II slots

For CompactFlash Type II flash PC cards sold by Cisco Systems, Inc.

sup-bootflash: (active) and slavesup-bootflash: (standby):

Switch processor (SP) 64-MB internal flash memory

From SP ROMMON, it is bootflash:

Not accessible from route processor (RP) ROMMON

With WS-CF-UPG=, sup-bootdisk: (active) and slavesup-bootflash: (standby):

SP 512-MB internal CompactFlash flash memory

From SP ROMMON, it is bootdisk:

Not accessible from RP ROMMON

See this publication for more information:

bootflash: (active) and slave-bootflash: (standby):

RP 64-MB internal flash memory

Not accessible from SP ROMMON

Supervisor Engine 720 Ports

The Supervisor Engine 720 has these ports:

Console port—EIA/TIA-232 (RS-232) port

Note With Release 15.1(1)SY, be aware of the console disconnect feature, which is enabled by default.

Port 1—Small form-factor pluggable (SFP); no unique configuration options.

Port 2— RJ-45 connector and an SFP connector (default). To use the RJ-45 connector, you must change the configuration.

To configure Supervisor Engine 720 port 2 to use either the RJ-45 connector or the SFP connector, perform this task:


Step 1 

Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet slot/2

Selects the Ethernet port to be configured.

Step 2 

Router(config-if)# media-type {rj45 | sfp}

Selects the connector to use.

This example shows how to configure port 2 on a Supervisor Engine 720 in slot 5 to use the RJ-45 connector:

Router(config)# interface gigabitethernet 5/2
Router(config-if)# media-type rj45

See the "How to Configure Optional Interface Features" section for more information about configuring the ports.

Determining System Hardware Capacity

You can determine the system hardware capacity by entering the show platform hardware capacity command. This command displays the current system utilization of the hardware resources and displays a list of the currently available hardware capacities, including the following:

Hardware forwarding table utilization

Switch fabric utilization

CPU(s) utilization

Memory device (flash, DRAM, NVRAM) utilization

This example shows how to display CPU capacity and utilization information for the route processor, the switch processor, and a switching module:

Router# show platform hardware capacity cpu 
CPU Resources
  CPU utilization: Module             5 seconds       1 minute       5 minutes
                   3                   0% /  0%             1%              1%
                   7  RP               2% /  0%             1%              1%
  Processor memory: Module   Bytes:       Total           Used           %Used
                    3                1612928756      164136704             10%
                    7  RP            1569347520      242739196             15%
  I/O memory: Module         Bytes:       Total           Used           %Used
              3                       268435456       21163672              8%
              7  RP                   268435456      110324056             41%

This example shows how to display EOBC-related statistics for the route processor, the switch processor, and the DFCs:

Router# show platform hardware capacity eobc 
EOBC Resources
  Module                     Packets/sec     Total packets     Dropped packets
  3          Rx:                      25             57626                   0
             Tx:                      19             45490                   0
  7  RP      Rx:                36456689392          54747                   0
             Tx:                      25             66898                   0

This example shows how to display the current and peak switching utilization:

Router# show platform hardware capacity fabric 
  Bus utilization: current is 100%, peak was 100% at 12:34 12mar45
  Fabric utilization:      ingress                     egress
      Module channel speed current peak                current peak
       1      0        20G   100%  100% 12:34 12mar45  100%    100% 12:34 12mar45
       1      1        20G   12%    80% 12:34 12mar45   12%     80% 12:34 12mar45
       4      0        20G   12%    80% 12:34 12mar45   12%     80% 12:34 12mar45
      13      0         8G   12%    80% 12:34 12mar45   12%     80% 12:34 12mar45

This example shows how to display information about the total capacity, the bytes used, and the percentage that is used for the flash and NVRAM resources present in the system:

Router# show platform hardware capacity flash 
Flash/NVRAM Resources
  Usage: Module Device               Bytes:      Total          Used     %Used
         3      dfc#3-bootflash:              15990784             0        0%
         7  RP  nvram:                         2552192         40640        2%
         7  RP  const_nvram:                   1048556           676        1%
         7  RP  bootdisk:                   1024196608      99713024       10%
         7  RP  disk0:                      1024655360      77824000        8%

This example shows how to display the capacity and utilization of the PFC and DFCs present in the system:

Router# show platform hardware capacity forwarding
L2 Forwarding Resources
           MAC Table usage:   Module  Collisions  Total       Used     %Used
                              6                0  65536         11        1%
             VPN CAM usage:                       Total       Used     %Used
                                                    512          0        0%
L3 Forwarding Resources
             FIB TCAM usage:                     Total        Used     %Used
                  72 bits (IPv4, MPLS, EoM)     196608          36        1%
                 144 bits (IP mcast, IPv6)       32768           7        1%
                     detail:      Protocol                    Used     %Used
                                  IPv4                          36        1%
                                  MPLS                           0        0%
                                  EoM                            0        0%
                                  IPv6                           4        1%
                                  IPv4 mcast                     3        1%
                                  IPv6 mcast                     0        0%
            Adjacency usage:                     Total        Used     %Used
                                               1048576         175        1%
     Forwarding engine load:
                     Module       pps   peak-pps  peak-time
                     6              8       1972  02:02:17 UTC Thu Apr 21 2005
Netflow Resources
          TCAM utilization:       Module       Created      Failed     %Used
                                  6                  1           0        0%
          ICAM utilization:       Module       Created      Failed     %Used
                                  6                  0           0        0%
                 Flowmasks:   Mask#   Type        Features
                        IPv4:     0   reserved    none
                        IPv4:     1   Intf FulNAT_INGRESS NAT_EGRESS FM_GUARDIAN 
                        IPv4:     2   unused      none
                        IPv4:     3   reserved    none
                        IPv6:     0   reserved    none
                        IPv6:     1   unused      none
                        IPv6:     2   unused      none
                        IPv6:     3   reserved    none
CPU Rate Limiters Resources
             Rate limiters:       Total         Used      Reserved     %Used
                    Layer 3           9            4             1       44%
                    Layer 2           4            2             2       50%
ACL/QoS TCAM Resources
  Key: ACLent - ACL TCAM entries, ACLmsk - ACL TCAM masks, AND - ANDOR,
       QoSent - QoS TCAM entries, QOSmsk - QoS TCAM masks, OR - ORAND,
       Lbl-in - ingress label, Lbl-eg - egress label, LOUsrc - LOU source,
       LOUdst - LOU destination, ADJ - ACL adjacency
  Module ACLent ACLmsk QoSent QoSmsk Lbl-in Lbl-eg LOUsrc LOUdst  AND OR  ADJ
  6          1%     1%     1%     1%     1%     1%     0%     0%   0% 0%   1%

This example shows how to display the interface resources:

Router# show platform hardware capacity interface 
  Interface drops:
    Module    Total drops:    Tx            Rx      Highest drop port: Tx  Rx
    9                          0             2                          0  48
  Interface buffer sizes:
    Module                            Bytes:     Tx buffer           Rx buffer
         1                                           12345               12345
         5                                           12345               12345

This example shows how to display SPAN information:

Router# show platform hardware capacity monitor 
  Source sessions: 2 maximum, 0 used
    Type                                    Used
    Local                                      0
    RSPAN source                               0
    ERSPAN source                              0
    Service module                             0
  Destination sessions: 64 maximum, 0 used
    Type                                    Used
    RSPAN destination                          0
    ERSPAN destination (max  24)               0

This example shows how to display the capacity and utilization of resources for Layer 3 multicast functionality:

Router# show platform hardware capacity multicast 
L3 Multicast Resources
  IPv4 replication mode: ingress
  IPv6 replication mode: ingress
  Bi-directional PIM Designated Forwarder Table usage: 4 total, 0 (0%) used
  Replication capability: Module                              IPv4     IPv6
                          5                                 egress   egress
                          9                                ingress  ingress
  MET table Entries: Module                             Total    Used    %Used
                     5                                  65526       6       0%

This example shows how to display information about the system power capacities and utilizations:

Router# show platform hardware capacity power 
Power Resources
  Power supply redundancy mode: administratively redundant
                                operationally non-redundant (single power supply)
  System power: 3795W, 0W (0%) inline, 865W (23%) total allocated
  Powered devices: 0 total, 0 Class3, 0 Class2, 0 Class1, 0 Class0, 0 Cisco

This example shows how to display the capacity and utilization of QoS policer resources for each PFC and DFC:

Router# show platform hardware capacity qos 
QoS Policer Resources
  Aggregate policers: Module                      Total         Used     %Used
                      6                           16384           16        1%
  Microflow policer configurations: Module        Total         Used     %Used
                                    6               128            1        1%

This example shows how to display information about the key system resources:

Router# show platform hardware capacity system 
System Resources
  PFC operating mode: PFC3BXL
  Supervisor redundancy mode: administratively rpr-plus, operationally rpr-plus
  Switching Resources: Module   Part number               Series       CEF mode
                       5        WS-SUP720-BASE        supervisor            CEF

This example shows how to display VLAN information:

Router# show platform hardware capacity vlan 
  VLANs: 4094 total, 10 VTP, 0 extended, 0 internal, 4084 free 

Module Status Monitoring

The supervisor engine polls the installed modules with Switch Communication Protocol (SCP) messages to monitor module status.

The SCP sends a message every two seconds to each module. Module nonresponse after 3 messages (6 seconds) is classified as a failure. CPU_MONITOR system messages are sent every 30 seconds. After 25 sequential failures (150 seconds), the supervisor engine power cycles the module and sends a CPU_MONITOR TIMED_OUT system message and OIR PWRCYCLE system messages.

User Interfaces

CLI—See Chapter 2 "Command-Line Interfaces."

SNMP—See the SNMP Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15.1SY, at this URL:

Cisco IOS web browser interface—See the HTTP Services Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 15.1SY, at this URL:

Software Features Supported in Hardware by the PFC and DFC

Access Control Lists (ACLs) for Layer 3 ports and VLAN interfaces:

Permit and deny actions of input and output standard and extended ACLs

Note Flows that require ACL logging are processed in software on the route processor (RP).

Except on MPLS interfaces, reflexive ACL flows after the first packet in a session is processed in software on the RP

Dynamic ACL flows

Note Idle timeout is processed in software on the RP.

For more information about PFC and DFC support for ACLs, see Chapter 62 "Cisco IOS ACL Support."

Bidirectional Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) in hardware—See "Information about IPv4 Bidirectional PIM" section.

Multiple-path Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) Check—To configure Unicast RPF Check, see the "Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (uRPF) Check" section.

Except on MPLS interfaces, Network Address Translation (NAT) for IPv4 unicast and multicast traffic.

Note the following information about hardware-assisted NAT:

The PFC and any DFCs do not support NAT of multicast traffic. (CSCtd18777)

The PFC and any DFCs do not support NAT configured with a route-map that specifies length.

When you configure NAT and NDE on an interface, the RP processes all traffic in fragmented packets in software.

To prevent a significant volume of NAT traffic from being sent to the RP, due to either a DoS attack or a misconfiguration, enter the mls rate-limit unicast acl {ingress | egress} command.

NetFlow— See the following:

Chapter 48 "NetFlow Data Collection"

Chapter 49 "Configuring NetFlow Data Export (NDE)"

Policy-based routing (PBR)—See Chapter 33 "Policy-Based Routing (PBR)."

Note The PFC and DFC do not provide hardware acceleration for tunnels configured with the tunnel key command.

IPv4 Multicast over point-to-point generic route encapsulation (GRE) Tunnels.

GRE Tunneling and IP in IP Tunneling—The PFC and DFC support the following tunnel commands:

tunnel destination

tunnel mode gre

tunnel mode ipip

tunnel source

tunnel ttl

tunnel tos

Other supported types of tunneling run in software.

The tunnel ttl command (default 255) sets the TTL of encapsulated packets.

The tunnel tos command, if present, sets the ToS byte of a packet when it is encapsulated. If the tunnel tos command is not present and QoS is not enabled, the ToS byte of a packet sets the ToS byte of the packet when it is encapsulated. If the tunnel tos command is not present and QoS is enabled, the ToS byte of a packet as modified by PFC QoS sets the ToS byte of the packet when it is encapsulated.

To configure GRE Tunneling and IP in IP Tunneling, see these publications:

To configure the tunnel tos and tunnel ttl commands, see this publication for more information:

Note the following information about tunnels:

Each hardware-assisted tunnel must have a unique source. Hardware-assisted tunnels cannot share a source even if the destinations are different. Use secondary addresses on loopback interfaces or create multiple loopback interfaces. (CSCdy72539)

Each tunnel interface uses one internal VLAN.

Each tunnel interface uses one additional router MAC address entry per router MAC address.

The PFC and DFC support PFC QoS features on tunnel interfaces.

Tunnels configured with egress features on the tunnel interface are supported in software. Examples of egress features are output Cisco IOS ACLs, NAT (for inside to outside translation), TCP intercept, and encryption.

VLAN ACLs (VACLs)—To configure VACLs, see Chapter 67 "VLAN ACLs (VACLs)."

Tip For additional information about Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches (including configuration examples and troubleshooting information), see the documents listed on this page:

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