Configuring the Software Using the GUI

This chapter describes how to use the GUI application to complete the Cisco Nexus 1000V configuration, and includes the following sections.

GUI Software Configuration Process

Guidelines and Limitations

Setting Up a Primary or Standalone VSM VM Using the GUI

Setting Up a Secondary VSM

Setting Up a VSM with a Copy of a Configuration File

Information About the GUI Application

You can use the GUI application, after the software is installed, to complete the following Cisco Nexus 1000V configuration for a standalone, or primary and secondary VSM. The GUI application uses the options you chose during VSM installation to determine which configuration steps are required.

Create port profiles for the Control, Management, and Packet port groups:

Create uplink port profiles.

Create port profiles for VMware kernel NICs.

Specify a VLAN to be used for system login and configuration, and control and packet traffic.

Note You can use the same VLAN for control, packet, and management, but if needed for flexibility, you can use separate VLANs. If you use the same VLAN, make sure that the network segment where it resides has adequate bandwidth and latency.

Enable Telnet and SSH and configure an SSH connection.

Create a Cisco Nexus 1000V plug-in and register it on the vCenter server.

Migrate each VMware port group or kernel NIC to the correct port-profile.

Migrate each PNIC from the VMware vSwitch to the correct uplink on the DVS.

Add the host to the DVS.

Note If you install the Cisco Nexus 1000 in a VMware cluster with DRS enabled, all ESX hosts must be migrated to the Cisco Nexus 1000 DVS. If only some hosts are migrated it is possible that VMs could be installed or moved to hosts in which the vSwitch is missing VLANs, physical adapters, or both.

Save the configuration to a file as a backup or for use as a template in creating subsequent VSMs.

GUI Software Configuration Process

The following section will guide you through this process. After completing each procedure, return to this section to make sure you complete all required procedures in the correct sequence.

Step 1 Set up the primary or standalone VSM virtual machine using the "Setting Up a Primary or Standalone VSM VM Using the GUI" procedure.

Step 2 Set up the secondary VSM virtual machine using the "Setting Up a Secondary VSM" procedure.

Step 3 Do one of the following:

If you have purchased licenses, add them to the Cisco Nexus 1000V using the following document:

Cisco Nexus 1000V License Configuration Guide, Release 4.2(1)SV1(4)

If you are using the temporary licenses provided in the software, then continue with the next step. No action is required.

Note The software provides licenses for 16 CPU sockets for a period of 60 days. These licenses are used only if there are no permanent licenses installed on the VSM. The evaluation period of 60 days starts when you install the software.

Step 4 Set up the additional VSM virtual machines using the "Setting Up a VSM with a Copy of a Configuration File" section.

Step 5 You have completed this process. Return to the "Software Configuration Process" section on page 2-7 to continue setting up your VSM software.

Guidelines and Limitations

This configuration process has the following guidelines and limitations:

To prevent a disruption in connectivity, all port profiles are created with a system VLAN. You can change this after migration if needed.

For a complete list of port profile guidelines and limitations, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Port Profile Configuration Guide, Release 4.2(1)SV1(4).

The host and adapter migration process moves all PNICs used by the VSM from the vSwitches to the Cisco Nexus 1000V DVS.

The following must be in place if you migrate the host and adapters:

The host must have one or more physical NICs on each vSwitch in use.

The vSwitch does not have any active VMs.

To prevent a disruption in connectivity during migration, any VMs that share a vSwitch with port groups used by the VSM must be powered off.

The host must use a VUM-enabled vCenter server.

You must also configure the VSM connection to the vCenter server datacenter where the host resides.

The migration process supports Layer 2 and Layer 3.

No VEMs were previously installed on the host where the VSM resides.

Caution Host management connectivity may be interrupted if VMware kernel 0, vSwitch interface 0 are migrated and the native VLAN is not correctly specified in the setup process.

The following modification is required to the uplink port profile created by the GUI application if you are installing Cisco Nexus 1000V in an environment where the upstream switch does not support static port channels, such as UCS. The GUI application creates the uplink port profile with channel group auto mode on which must be changed to:

channel group auto mode on mac-pinning

This change is required before adding VMNICs in the DVS using this profile.

Setting Up a Primary or Standalone VSM VM Using the GUI

You can use this section and the software GUI to configure the following:


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

You have the following domain information:

Control VLAN ID

Packet VLAN ID

Domain ID


Step 1 In your local browser address field, enter the VSM IP address.

The Cisco Nexus 1000V home page opens.

Step 2 Click Launch Installer Application.

The application is downloaded and a security screen opens asking if you want to run it.

Step 3 Click Run.

The Enter VSM Credentials screen opens.

Step 4 Enter a password for the Administrator and then click Next.

The vCenter Credentials screen opens.

Step 5 Enter the following vCenter credentials.

vCenter IP address

Secure HTTP port

Port 443 is configured by default, but you can change this if needed.

vCenter User ID (for a vCenter user with administrator-level privileges)

vCenter Password (for a vCenter user with administrator-level privileges)

Step 6 In the Use a configuration file field, choose No and then click Next.

The VSM Host screen opens.

Step 7 Choose a host or cluster where the VSM resides and click Next.

The VSM VM and Port Groups screen opens.

Step 8 Choose your VSM from the selection list.

Step 9 Click one of the following configuration options:

To use the default Layer 2 configuration, click Next, and go to Step 13.

This configures one VLAN (the management VLAN) for use in the control, management, and packet port profiles.

To configure a different vSwitch port group for each VSM network adapter, click Advanced L2 and then continue with the next step.

To configure Layer 3 connectivity, click Advanced L3 and go to Step 11.

Step 10 In the Advanced Layer 2 configuration screen, do the following:

Choose your port groups from the selection lists.


Click Next, and then go to Step 13.

Step 11 In the Advanced Layer 3 port group configuration screen, add the following information:

Control port group configuration.

Management port group configuration.

Step 12 For Layer 3 connectivity, choose either mgmt0 or control0 and then do one the following:

If you chose mgmt0, add the following information and then click Next.

Layer 3 mgmt0 interface port profile VLAN ID.

If you chose control0, add the following information and then click Next.

Layer 3 interface control0 IP address, subnet mask, and gateway

Layer 3 control0 interface port profile VLAN ID

Note Control and management IP addresses must be in different subnets. This command will fail if the control and management IP addresses are not in different subnets.

Step 13 In the VSM Configuration Options screen, add the following for your VSM and then click Next.

Switch name

Administrator user name and password

Management IP address, subnet mask, and gateway IP address

The VSM VM must be run on the same IP subnet as the ESX 4.0 hosts that it manages.

System Redundancy Role

Domain ID

Datacenter name

vSwitch native VLAN

Caution Host management connectivity may be interrupted if VMware kernel 0, vSwitch interface 0 are migrated and the native VLAN is not correctly specified here.

Whether to enable Telnet

Step 14 Click Next.

The complete configuration for your VSM displays.

Step 15 Review the configuration.


Step 16 Do one of the following:

To make corrections, click Prev, go back to the previous screens, and make corrections.

If the configuration is correct, continue with the next step.

Step 17 Do one of the following:

To save the configuration to a file as a back up (recommended) or for use in creating another VSM later, click Save Configuration to File, and specify a filename and location.

If not, continue with the next step.

Step 18 Click Next.

As the configuration is applied to the VSM, a summary screen displays the progress.

The completed VSM configuration is displayed and you are then prompted to migrate the host and networks to the new DVS.

Step 19 Do one of the following:

To continue without migrating the host and networks, click No. Then click Finish and go to Step 22.

If you do not migrate the host now, you can migrate it later manually.

To have the host and networks automatically migrated to the new DVS, click Yes and then click Next.

When you click Yes, one of the following is configured on the uplink port profile during migration:

Port Channel created during migration
For vSwitch Teaming policy in use:

A static port channel
channel-group auto mode on

Route based on IP Hash or
Route based on the originating virtual port ID

A vPC host mode port channel with mac-pinning
channel-group auto mode on mac-pinning

MAC Hash

A summary screen displays the details of the proposed migration.

Step 20 Click Finish.

The migration starts and progress is displayed.

Step 21 A summary of the configuration displays with the migration details.

Step 22 A summary of the complete installed configuration displays.

Step 23 Click Close.

You have completed the setup of the Cisco Nexus 1000Vsoftware.
Return to the GUI Software Configuration Process.

Setting Up a Secondary VSM

You can use this procedure to set up the secondary VSM in an HA pair.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

You have already created the primary VSM in the HA pair using the "Setting Up a Primary or Standalone VSM VM Using the GUI" procedure.

If you have not saved a backup copy of your primary VSM configuration file, do so now, using the following command:

copy system:running-config [destination filesystem:] filename

n1000v# copy system:running-config tftp:// 

You have the following information available. This is the same information used for the primary VSM:

Domain ID

Password for the Admin user


Step 1 In your browser address field, enter the VSM IP address.

The Cisco Nexus 1000V home page opens.

Step 2 Click Deployment Configuration.

The Deploy OVF Template screen opens.

Step 3 From the Configuration list, choose Nexus 1000V HA Pair (Secondary VSM).

Step 4 Click Next.

The Secondary Properties screen opens.

Step 5 Add the following information for the secondary VSM. Use the same values used for the primary VSM.

Domain ID

Password for the Admin user

Note If you add information in other fields, it will be ignored.

Step 6 Click Next.

The secondary VSM synchronizes with the primary VSM and the dual supervisors form an HA pair.

Step 7 You have completed the setup of the secondary VSM.
Return to the GUI Software Configuration Process.

Setting Up a VSM with a Copy of a Configuration File

You can use this section and a configuration file to set up a VSM.This section includes the following procedures:

"Preparing a Configuration File" procedure

"Example Configuration File" section

"Applying the Configuration File" procedure

Preparing a Configuration File

You can use this procedure to create a new VSM by editing a copy of the configuration file exported while creating another VSM.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

You have saved a previous VSM configuration to file and you know the location of this file.

You have the following information about the new VSM you are creating:

Datacenter name

Virtual Machine name

Virtual switch port group name(s)

You can use the same port group for management, control, and packet; or you can specify separate port groups.

Note Port group names must match those in the vSwitch of the ESX host where the VSM is installed.

Layer 3 interface and VLAN ID

This information is only needed if you are configuring Layer 3 connectivity.

Host name

Management IP, subnet mask, gateway IP

Domain ID

SVS connection datacenter name

HA role

Native VLAN ID

This is the upstream switch native VLAN for the physical NIC which will be added to the DVS. The native VLAN is used only if you are migrating your configuration.


Step 1 In a text editor, open the configuration file you intend to use as a template.

This will be a file you exported from a previous VSM configuration. You will edit this file using the following steps.

Step 2 Add the name of the datacenter where your VSM resides.

# The datacenter name

Step 3 Add the name of the VM for your VSM.

# The virtual machine name

Step 4 Do one of the following:

Go to Step 5 to configure one VLAN (the management VLAN) for use in the control, management, and packet port profiles.

Go to Step 6 to configure a VLAN for each port profile separately.

Go to Step 7 to configure Layer 3 connectivity.

Step 5 Specify that you are using the basic configuration.

In this case, you are configuring the management VLAN for use in the control, management, and packet vSwitch port groups.

# Basic: All on preconfigured Management Port Group. No other config necessary

The port group assigned to the VSM mgmt interface is now also assigned for control and packet and the VSM VM is reconfigured to use the same port group for mgmt, control, and packet.

Go to Step 9.

Step 6 Specify that you are configuring a VLAN for each port profile separately; and then add the VLAN IDs for this VSM.

# Advanced: Must specify Control/Management/Packet

# Port group names (names must match the name in the VC)

Go to Step 9.

Step 7 Specify that you are configuring Layer 3 connectivity.

# L3: Must specify L3Interface/Control/Management

Step 8 Do one of the following:

Specify VSM to VEM communication over the VSM control interface and control port group. Then add the port groups and IP addresses.

Note Control and management IP addresses must be in different subnets. This command will fail if the control and management IP addresses are not in different subnets.

# L3Interface (2 options): control0/mgmt0

Specify VSM to VEM communication over the management interface. The control portgroup will still be used for VSM HA. Then add the port groups and VLAN ID.

# L3Interface (2 options): control0/mgmt0

Step 9 Add the following information for this VSM:

Host name

Management IP, subnet mask, Gateway IP

Domain ID

SVS connection datacenter name

Whether to enable Telnet.

#  VSM Config  #
#EnableTelnet: True/False

Step 10 Add the HA role (standalone or primary) for this VSM.

#HARole: standalone/primary

Step 11 Add the native VLAN for this VSM.

#NativeVlan: native vlan ID

Step 12 Save the configuration file.

You have completed this procedure.

Example Configuration File

The following example shows a configuration file for a VSM with the following options:

Datacenter is named AutomationDC

Virtual Machine is named upgrade1.

One VLAN (the management VLAN) is used for control, management, and packet port profiles.

This VSM has the primary HA role.

# The datacenter name
# The virtual machine name
# Basic: All on preconfigured Management Port Group. No other config necessary
#  VSM Config  #
#EnableTelnet: True/False
#HARole: standalone/primary
#NativeVlan: native vlan ID

Applying the Configuration File

You can use this procedure to create a VSM using a prepared configuration file and the GUI application.


Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

You have prepared the configuration file and you know its location.

To prepare a configuration file, see the "Preparing a Configuration File" procedure.


Step 1 In your local browser address field, enter the VSM IP address.

The Cisco Nexus 1000V home page opens.

Step 2 Click Launch Application.

The application is downloaded and a security screen opens asking if you want to run it.

Step 3 Click Run.

The Enter VSM Credentials screen opens.

Step 4 Enter a password for the Administrator and then click Next.

The vCenter Credentials screen opens.

Step 5 In the Use Configuration file field, click Yes and then click Next.

The Choose Configuration File screen opens.

Step 6 Click Open, browse to the configuration file you want to use as a template, and click Next.

The configuration is loaded from your configuration file.

Step 7 Review the configuration and do one of the following:

If the configuration is correct, continue with the next step.

If not, click Previous to revise the contents.

Step 8 Do one of the following:

To save the new configuration to a file, click Save Configuration to File.
This saves the configuration you have just created to a file.

Otherwise, continue with the next step.

Step 9 Click Next.

The configuration is applied to the VSM.

A summary screen displays the progress as the VSM configuration completes.

The completed VSM configuration is displayed and you are prompted to migrate the host and networks to the new DVS.

Step 10 Do one of the following:

To continue without migrating the host and networks, click No. Then click Finish and go to Step 12.

If you do not migrate the host now, you can migrate it later manually.

To have the host automatically migrated to the new DVS, click Yes and then click Next.

A summary screen displays the details of the proposed migration.

Step 11 Click Finish.

The migration starts and progress is displayed, followed by a summary of the configuration.

Step 12 A summary of the configuration displays.

Step 13 Click Close.

You have completed the setup of the Cisco Nexus 1000Vsoftware.
Return to the GUI Software Configuration Process.