Table of Contents
Release Notes for Cisco Video Surveillance High Definition IP Cameras, Release 2.9.3
Minimum Installation Requirements
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
Release Notes for Cisco Video Surveillance High Definition IP Cameras, Release 2.9.3
These release notes provide important information for the Cisco Video Surveillance High Definition IP camera, Release 2.9.3, which applies to the following Cisco IP camera models:
For information about firmware compatibility and Cisco VSM releases that new cameras require, see the current Cisco VSM Release Notes at the following URL:
What’s New
On July 18th, 2017, exploitation details about a buffer overflow vulnerability in the gSOAP library by Genivia were disclosed. This vulnerability is also knowns as “Devil's Ivy” and is identified by the CVE ID CVE-2017-9765. Exploitation of this vulnerability may result in a denial of service condition or arbitrary remote code execution. Cisco has confirmed that the Cisco Video Surveillance IP Camera models that are listed at the beginning of these release notes can be affected by this vulnerability. We recommend that you upgrade your cameras to release 2.9.3. This release provides security upgrades that address this issue.
Upgrading to Release 2.9.3
If your IP camera has an earlier firmware release, you can upgrade it to firmware release 2.9.3 by using the Camera Firmware Upgrade feature in the VSM Management Console. For instructions, see the “Using the VSM Management Console” chapter in Cisco Video Surveillance Manager User Guide .
Alternatively, you can upgrade your IP camera to firmware release 2.9.3 by performing the following steps.
Note Upgrading from Release 2.0.0 and earlier to Release 2.9.3 formats the IP camera SD or MicroSD card, which permanently removes any data that the card contains.
Step 1 Take these actions to obtain the release 2.9.3 firmware:
b. In the Downloads Home area, Product > Connected Safety and Security > Video Surveillance IP Cameras , and then navigate to your camera model.
c. In the Select a Software type area, click Video Surveillance model Series IP Camera Firmware, where model is the series model of your camera.
d. From the navigation pane on the left, choose the 2.9.3 release.
e. Download the 2.9.3 firmware with the file name that applies to your IP camera:
- For 2830 and 2835 PTZ IP cameras: CIVS-IPC-283x-V2.9.3- xx .bin
- For 3000 series IP cameras: CIVS-IPC-3xxx-V2.9.3- xx .bin
- For 3050 IP cameras: CIVS-IPC-3050-V2.9.3- xx .bin
- For 3535 IP camera: CIVS-IPC-3535-V2.9.3- xx .bin
- For 3600 series IP camera: CIVS-IPC-36xx-V2.9.3- xx .bin
- For 6000 series IP cameras: CIVS-IPC-6xxx-V2.9.3- xx .bin
- For 6600 series IP camera: CIVS-IPC-66xx-V2.9.3- xx .bin
- For 6930 PTZ IP camera: CIVS-IPC-6930-V2.9.3- xx .bin
- For 7000 series IP cameras: CIVS-IPC-7xxx-V2.9.3- xx .bin
- For 7070 IP camera: CIVS-IPC-7070-V2.9.3- xx .bin
- For 6500PD IP camera: CIVS-IPC-65xx-V2.9.3- xx .bin
- For 7530PD IP camera: CIVS-IPC-75xx-V2.9.3- xx .bin
f. Log in and follow the on-screen prompts to download it to your PC.
Step 2 Take these actions to display the Firmware window in the web interface for your IP camera:
a. Start Internet Explorer and enter the following in the address field:
protocol :// ip_address : port_number
– protocol is the connection that you use for your IP camera (either HTTPS or HTTP).
– ip_address is the IP address of your IP camera.
– port_number is the port number that is used for HTTPS or HTTP connections to the IP camera. You do not need to enter a port number if you are connecting through the default HTTPS port 443 or the default HTTP port 80.
b. Enter your IP camera user name and password when prompted, then click OK .
The IP Camera Main window appears.
c. Click the Setup link to access configuration menus for the camera.
d. Click Administration , then click Firmware .
Step 3 In the Firmware Maintenance area, click Browse , choose the upgrade file, and then click Open .
The upgrade file may be stored on another PC.
Do not power down the IP camera during the upgrade procedure.
After upgrading to the 2.9.3 firmware, clear the browser cache, close and reopen the browser to ensure the changes from the new firmware are reflected correctly.
After you upgrade the firmware, the IP camera automatically restarts. It retains all configuration information.
Installing ActiveX Client
The following sections provide information about installing the ActiveX client:
Installation Procedure
If you go to the View Video window or the Local Storage window in the IP camera web-based interface and ActiveX is not installed, the window indicates that ActiveX is required provides instructions that explain how to download and install ActiveX.
To download and install ActiveX, follow these steps:
Step 1 From the window IP camera web-based interface that instructs you to install the Cisco Camera UI Control, click Install in the yellow banner.
Step 2 If a Security Warning dialog box appears, click Install .
The following sections provide information about bugs in this IP camera release:
Using the Bug Search Tool
You can use the Bug Search Tool to find information about bugs for this release, including a description of the problems and available workarounds. The Bug Search Tool lists both open and resolved bugs.
Note Bug Search Tool is the successor to the Bug Toolkit.
To use the Bug Search Tool, follow these steps:
Step 1 Go to .
Step 2 Log in with your user ID and password.
Step 3 To look for information about a specific problem, enter the bug ID number in the Search For field, then press Enter .
Step 4 To look for information if you do not know the bug ID number, enter keywords which search for text matches in the following sections of a bug:
For more information about the Bug Search Tool, click Help on the main Bug Search Tool page:
Known Bugs
Table 1 describes the known bugs in this release.
Resolved Bugs
Table 2 describes the bugs that are resolved in this release.
Related Documentation
For additional information about the Cisco Video Surveillance IP camera, see the Installation Guide and Configuration Guide for your IP camera, which is available at .
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
For information about obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, gathering additional information and new and revised Cisco technical documentation, see the monthly What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation :
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