When a vEdge Cloud router virtual machine (VM) instance starts, it has a factory-default configuration, which allows the router
to boot. However, the router is unable to join the overlay network. For the router to be able to join the overlay network,
you must install a signed certificate on the router. The signed certificates are generated based on the router's serial number,
and they are used to authorize the router to participate in the overlay network.
Starting from Releases 17.1, the Cisco SD-WAN Manager can act as a Certificate Authority (CA), and in this role it can automatically generate and install signed certificates on
vEdge Cloud routers. You can also use another CA and then install the signed certificate manually. For Releases 16.3 and earlier,
you manually install signed Symantec certificates on vEdge Cloud routers.
To install signed certificates:
Retrieve the vEdge authorized serial number file. This file contains the serial numbers of all the vEdge routers that are
allowed to join the overlay network.
Upload the vEdge authorized serial number file to Cisco SD-WAN Manager.
Install a signed certificate on each vEdge Cloud router.
Retrieve vEdge Authorized Serial Number File
Go to http://viptela.com/support/ and log in.
Click Downloads.
Click My Serial Number Files. The screen displays the serial number files. Starting from Releases 17.1, the filename extension is .viptela. For Releases
16.3 and earlier, the filename extension is .txt.
Click the most recent serial number file to download it.
Upload vEdge Authorized Serial Number File
From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, select .
Click vEdge List, and select Upload vEdge List.
In the Upload vEdge window:
Click Choose File, and select the vEdge authorized serial number file you downloaded from Cisco.
To automatically validate the vEdge routers and send their serial numbers to the controllers, click and select the checkbox
Validate the Uploaded vEdge List and Send to Controllers. If you do not select this option, you must individually validate each router in the page.
Click Upload.
During the process of uploading the vEdge authorized serial number file, the Cisco SD-WAN Manager generates a token for each vEdge Cloud router listed in the file. This token is used as a one-time password for the router.
The Cisco SD-WAN Manager sends the token to the Cisco SD-WAN Validator and the Cisco SD-WAN Controller.
After the vEdge authorized serial number file has been uploaded, a list of vEdge routers in the network is displayed in the
vEdge Routers Table in the page, with details about each router, including the router's chassis number and its token.
Install Signed Certificates in Releases 17.1 and Later
Starting from Releases 17.1, to install a signed certificates on a vEdge Cloud router, you first generate and download a bootstrap
configuration file for the router. This file contains all the information necessary to allow the Cisco SD-WAN Manager to generate a signed certificate for the vEdge Cloud router. You then copy the contents of this file into the configuration
for the router's VM instance. For this method to work, the router and the Cisco SD-WAN Manager must both be running Release 17.1 or later. Finally, you download the signed certificate to the router. You can configure
the Cisco SD-WAN Manager to do this automatically or manually.
The bootstrap configuration file contains the following information:
UUID, which is used as the router's chassis number.
Token, which is a randomly generated one-time password that the router uses to authenticate itself with the Cisco SD-WAN Validator and the Cisco SD-WAN Manager.
IP address or DNS name of the Cisco SD-WAN Validator.
Organization name.
Starting from Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Manager Release 20.12.1 you cannot include a comma in the Organization Name field of the bootstrap configuration file.
If you have already created a device configuration template and attached it to the vEdge Cloud router, the bootstrap configuration
file contains this configuration. For information about creating and attaching a configuration template, see Create Configuration
Templates for a vEdge Router .
You can generate a bootstrap configuration file that contains information for an individual router or for multiple routers.
Starting from Releases 17.1, you can also have Symantec generate signed certificates that you install manually on each router,
as described later in this article, but this method is not recommended.
Configure the Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Validator and Organization Name
Before you can generate a bootstrap configuration file, you must configure the Cisco SD-WAN Validator DNS name or address and your organization name:
From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, select .
Click Validator. ( click Edit.)
In the DNS/IP Address: Port field, enter the DNS name or IP address of the Cisco SD-WAN Validator.
Click Save.
Verify the orgnization name. This name must be identical to that configured on the Cisco SD-WAN Validator. (If your are using Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Manager Release 20.12.1 or earlier, to verify Organization Name, click View.
Starting from Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Manager Release 20.12.1, the system Organization Name cannot contain a comma. Comma is not allowed during the device configuration.
Click Save.
Configure Automatic or Manual vEdge Cloud Authorization
Signed certificates must be installed on each vEdge cloud router so that the router is authorized to participate in the overlay
network. You can use the Cisco SD-WAN Manager as the CA to generate and install the signed certificate, or you can use an enterprise CA to install the signed certificate.
It is recommended that you use the Cisco SD-WAN Manager as a CA. In this role, Cisco SD-WAN Manager automatically generates and installs a signed certificate on the vEdge Cloud router. Having Cisco SD-WAN Manager act as a CA is the default setting. You can view this setting in the WAN vEdge Cloud Certificate Authorization, on the Cisco SD-WAN Manager
To use an enterprise CA for generating signed certificates for vEdge Cloud routers:
From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, select .
Click WAN Edge Cloud Certificate Authorization and select Manual.
Click Save.
Generate a Bootstrap Configuration File

In Cisco SD-WAN Release 20.5.1, the cloud-init bootstrap configuration that you generate for the Cisco vEdge Cloud router cannot be used for deploying Cisco vEdge Cloud router 20.5.1. However, you can use the bootstrap configuration for deploying Cisco vEdge Cloud router 20.4.1 and the earlier versions.
To generate a bootstrap configuration file for a vEdge Cloud router:
From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, select .
To generate a bootstrap configuration file for one or multiple vEdge Cloud routers:
Click WAN Edge List, select Export Bootstrap Configuration.
In the Generate Bootstrap Configuration field, select the file format:
For a vEdge Cloud router on a KVM hypervisor or on an AWS server, select Cloud-Init to generate a token, Cisco SD-WAN Validator IP address, vEdge Cloud router UUID, and organization name.
Starting from Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Manager Release 20.12.1, the system Organization Name cannot contain a comma. Comma is not allowed during the device configuration.
For a vEdge Cloud router on a VMware hypervisor, select Encoded String to generate an encoded string.
From the Available Devices column, select one or more routers.
Click the arrow pointing to right to move the selected routers to Selected Devices column.
Click Generate Generic Configuration. The bootstrap configuration is downloaded in a .zip file, which contains one .cfg file for each router.
To generate a bootstrap configuration file individually for each vEdge Cloud router:
Click WAN Edge List, select the desired vEdge Cloud router.
For the desired vEdge Cloud router, click ..., and select Generate Bootstrap Configuration.
In the Generate Bootstrap Configuration window, select the file format:
For a vEdge Cloud router on a KVM hypervisor or on an AWS server, select Cloud-Init to generate a token, Cisco SD-WAN Validator IP address, vEdge Cloud router UUID, and organization name.
For a vEdge Cloud router on a VMware hypervisor, select Encoded String to generate an encoded string.

Beginning with Cisco vManage Release 20.7.1, there is an option available when generating a bootstrap configuration file for a Cisco vEdge device, enabling you generate two different forms of the bootstrap configuration file.
If you are generating a bootstrap configuration file for a Cisco vEdge device that is using Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN Release 20.4.x or earlier, then check the The version of this device is 20.4.x or earlier check box.
If you are generating a bootstrap configuration for a Cisco vEdge device that is using Cisco SD-WAN Release 20.5.1 or later, then do not use the check box.
Click Download to download the bootstrap configuration. The bootstrap configuration is downloaded in a .cfg file.
Then use the contents of the bootstrap configuration file to configure the vEdge Cloud router instance in AWS, ESXi, or KVM.
For example, to configure a router instance in AWS, paste the text of the Cloud-Init configuration into the User data field:
By default, the ge0/0 interface is the router's tunnel interface, and it is configured as a DHCP client. To use a different interface or to use
a static IP address, and if you did not attach a device configuration template to the router, change the vEdge Cloud router's
configuration from the CLI. See Configuring Network Interfaces.
Install the Certificate on the vEdge Cloud Router
If you are using automated vEdge Cloud certificate authorization, which is the default, after you configure the vEdge Cloud
router instance, Cisco SD-WAN Manager automatically installs a certificate on the router and the router's token changes to its serial number. You can view the
router's serial number in the page. After the router's control connections to the Cisco SD-WAN Manager come up, any templates attached to the router are automatically pushed to the router.
If you are using manual vEdge Cloud certificate authorization, after you configure the vEdge Cloud router instance, follow
this procedure to install a certificate on the router:
Install the enterprise root certificate chain on the router:
vEdge# request root-cert-chain install filename [vpn vpn-id]
Then, Cisco SD-WAN Manager generates a CSR.
Download the CSR:
From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, select .
For the selected vEdge Cloud router for which to sign a certificate, click ... and select View CSR.
To download the CSR, click Download.
Send the certificate to a third-party signing authority, to have them sign it.
Import the certificate into the device:
From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, select .
Click Controllers, and select Install Certificate.
In the Install Certificate page, paste the certificate into the Certificate Text field, or click Select a File to upload the certificate in a file.
Click Install.
Issue the following REST API call, specifying the IP address of your Cisco SD-WAN Manager:
Create the vEdge Cloud Router Bootstrap Configuration from the CLI
It is recommended that you generate the vEdge Cloud router's bootstrap configuration using Cisco SD-WAN Manager. If, for some reason, you do not want to do this, you can create the bootstrap configuration using the CLI. With this process,
you must still, however, use Cisco SD-WAN Manager. You collect some of this information for the bootstrap configuration from Cisco SD-WAN Manager, and after you have created the bootstrap configuration, you use Cisco SD-WAN Manager to install the signed certificate on the router.
Installing signed certificates by creating a bootstrap configuration from the CLI is a three-step process:
Edit the router's configuration file to add the DNS name or IP address of the Cisco SD-WAN Validator and your organization name.
Send the router's chassis and token numbers to Cisco SD-WAN Manager.
Have Cisco SD-WAN Manager authenticate the vEdge Cloud router and install the signed certificate on the router.
To edit the vEdge Cloud router's configuration file from the CLI:
Open a CLI session to the vEdge Cloud router via SSH. To do this in Cisco SD-WAN Manager, select page, and select the desired router.
Log in as the user admin, using the default password, admin. The CLI prompt is displayed.
Enter configuration mode:
vEdge# config
Configure the IP address of the Cisco SD-WAN Validator or a DNS name that points to the Cisco SD-WAN Validator. The Cisco SD-WAN Validator's IP address must be a public IP address:
vEdge(config)# system vbond (dns-name | ip-address)
Configure the organization name:
vEdge(config-system)# organization-name name
Commit the configuration:
vEdge(config)# commit and-quit
To send the vEdge Cloud router's chassis and token numbers to Cisco SD-WAN Manager:
Locate the vEdge Cloud router's token and chassis number:
From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, select .
Click WAN Edge List, locate the vEdge Cloud router.
Make a note of the values in the vEdge Cloud router's Serial No./Token and Chassis Number columns.
Send the router's bootstrap configuration information to Cisco SD-WAN Manager:
vEdge# request vedge-cloud activate chassis-number chassis-number token token-number
Issue the show control local-properties command on the router to verify the Cisco SD-WAN Validator IP address, the organization name the chassis number, and the token. You can also verify whether the certificate is valid.
Finally, have Cisco SD-WAN Manager authenticate the vEdge Cloud router and install the signed certificate on the router.
If you are using automated vEdge Cloud certificate authorization, which is the default, the Cisco SD-WAN Manager uses the chassis and token numbers to authenticate the router. Then, Cisco SD-WAN Manager automatically installs a certificate on the router and the router's token changes to a serial number. You can display the
router's serial number in the page. After the router's control connections to Cisco SD-WAN Manager come up, any templates attached to the router are automatically pushed to the router.
If you are using manual vEdge Cloud certificate authorization, after you configure the vEdge Cloud router instance, follow
this procedure to install a certificate on the router:
Install the enterprise root certificate chain on the router:
vEdge# request root-cert-chain install filename [vpn vpn-id]
After you install the root chain certificate on the router, and after Cisco SD-WAN Manager receives the chassis and token numbers, Cisco SD-WAN Manager generates a CSR.
Download the CSR:
From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, select .
For the selected vEdge Cloud router for which to sign a certificate, click ... and select View CSR.
To download the CSR, click Download.
Send the certificate to a third-party signing authority, to have them sign it.
Import the certificate into the device:
From the Cisco SD-WAN Manager menu, select .
Click Controllers and select Install Certificate.
In the Install Certificate page, paste the certificate into the Certificate Text field, or click Select a File to upload the certificate in a file.
Click Install.
Issue the following REST API call, specifying the IP address of your Cisco SD-WAN Manager:
Install Signed Certificates in Releases 16.3 and Earlier
For vEdge Cloud router virtual machine (VM) instances running Releases 16.3 and earlier, when the vEdge Cloud router VM starts,
it has a factory-default configuration, but is unable to join the overlay network because no signed certificate is installed.
You must install a signed Symantec certificate on the vEdge Cloud router so that it can participate in the overlay network.
To generate a certificate signing request (CSR) and install the signed certificate on the vEdge Cloud router:
Log in to the vEdge Cloud router as the user admin, using the default password, admin. If the vEdge Cloud router is provided through AWS, use your AWS key pair to log in. The CLI prompt is displayed.
Generate a CSR for the vEdge Cloud router:
vEdge# request csr upload path
path is the full path and filename where you want to upload the CSR. The path can be in a directory on the local device or on
a remote device reachable through FTP, HTTP, SCP, or TFTP. If you are using SCP, you are prompted for the directory name and
filename; no file path name is provided. When prompted, enter and then confirm your organization name. For example:
vEdge# request csr upload home/admin/vm9.csr
Uploading CSR via VPN 0
Enter organization name : Cisco
Re-enter organization name : Cisco
Generating CSR for this vEdge device
Copying ... /home/admin/vm9.csr via VPN 0
CSR upload successful
Log in to the Symantec Certificate Enrollment portal:
In the Select Certificate Type drop-down, select Standard Intranet SSL and click Go. The Certificate Enrollment page is displayed. Cisco Catalyst SD-WAN uses the information you provide on this form to confirm the identity of the certificate requestor and to approve your certificate
request. To complete the Certificate Enrollment form:
In the Your Contact Information section, specify the First Name, Last Name, and Email Address of the requestor.
In the Server Platform and Certificate Signing section, select Apache from the Select Server Platform drop-down. In the Enter
Certificate Signing Request (CSR) box, upload the generated CSR file, or copy and paste the contents of the CSR file. (For
details about how to do this, log in to support.viptela.com. Click Certificate, and read the Symantec certificate instructions.)
In the Certificate Options section, enter the validity period for the certificate.
In the Challenge Phrase section, enter and then re-enter a challenge phrase. You use the challenge phrase to renew, and, if
necessary, to revoke a certificate on the Symantec Customer Portal. It is recommended that you specify a different challenge
phrase for each CSR.
Accept the Subscriber Agreement. The system generates a confirmation message and sends an email to the requestor confirming
the certificate request. It also sends an email to the Cisco to approve the CSR.
After Cisco approves the CSR, Symantec sends the signed certificate to the requestor. The signed certificate is also available
through the Symantec Enrollment portal.
Install the certificate on the vEdge Cloud router:
vEdge# request certificate install filename [vpn vpn-id]
The file can be in your home directory on the local device, or it can be on a remote device reachable through FTP, HTTP, SCP,
or TFTP. If you are using SCP, you are prompted for the directory name and filename; no file path name is provided.
Verify that the certificate is installed and valid:
vEdge# show certificate validity
After you have installed the certificate on the vEdge Cloud router, the Cisco SD-WAN Validator is able to validate and authenticate the router, and the router is able to join the overlay network.
What's Next
See Send vEdge Serial Numbers to the Controller Devices.