- Bulk Content Downloader (BCDL) Commands
- Call Home Commands
- Boot Commands
- CDP Commands
- Clock Commands
- Configuration Management Commands
- Distributed Route Processor Commands
- File System Commands
- Hardware Redundancy and Node Administration Commands
- Manageability Commands
- NTP Commands
- Object Tracking Commands
- Process and Memory Management Commands
- Secure Domain Router Commands
- SNMP Server Commands
- Software Entitlement Commands
- Software Package Management Commands
- Terminal Services Commands
- Utility Commands
- Index
Process and Memory
Management Commands
This chapter describes the Cisco IOS XR software commands used to manage processes and memory.
For more information about using the process and memory management commands to perform troubleshooting tasks, see Cisco IOS XR Getting Started Guide for the Cisco CRS Router.
- clear context
- dumpcore
- exception coresize
- exception filepath
- exception pakmem
- exception sparse
- exception sprsize
- follow
- monitor threads
- process
- process core
- process mandatory
- show context
- show dll
- show exception
- show memory
- show memory compare
- show memory heap
- show processes
clear context
To clear core dump context information, use the clear context command in the appropriate mode.
clear context location { node-id | all }
Syntax Description
location{node-id | all} |
(Optional) Clears core dump context information for a specified node. The node-id argument is expressed in the rack/slot/module notation. Use the all keyword to indicate all nodes. |
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Administration EXEC
EXEC mode
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Release 2.0 |
This command was introduced. |
Release 3.2 |
The command was made available in administration EXEC mode. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.
Use the clear context command to clear core dump context information. If you do not specify a node with the location node-id keyword and argument, this command clears core dump context information for all nodes.
Use the show context command to display core dump context information.
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
diag |
execute |
The following example shows how to clear core dump context information:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# clear context
Related Commands
Command | Description |
Displays core dump context information. |
To manually generate a core dump, use the dumpcore command in EXEC mode Admin EXEC mode.
dumpcore { running | suspended } job-id location node-id
Syntax Description
running |
Generates a core dump for a running process. |
suspended |
Suspends a process, generates a core dump for the process, and resumes the process. |
job-id |
Process instance identifier. |
location node-id |
Generates a core dump for a process running on the specified node. The node-id argument is expressed in the rack/slot/module notation. |
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Admin EXEC mode
EXEC mode
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Release 2.0 |
This command was introduced. |
Release 3.2 |
The command was made available in administration EXEC mode. |
Usage Guidelines
When a process crashes on the Cisco IOS XR software, a core dump file of the event is written to a designated destination without bringing down the router. Upon receiving notification that a process has terminated abnormally, the Cisco IOS XR software then respawns the crashed process. Core dump files are used by Cisco Technical Support Center engineers and development engineers to debug the Cisco IOS XR software.
Core dumps can be generated manually for a process, even when a process has not crashed. Two modes exist to generate a core dump manually:
running —Generates a core dump for a running process. This mode can be used to generate a core dump on a critical process (a process whose suspension could have a negative impact on the performance of the router) because the core dump file is generated independently, that is, the process continues to run as the core dump file is being generated.
suspended —Suspends a process, generates a core dump for the process, and resumes the process. Whenever the process is suspended, this mode ensures data consistency in the core dump file.
Core dump files contain the following information about a crashed process:
Without the exception sparse configuration or exception sparse OFF, and default core size (4095 MB), a full core is created till the core size. Beyond this, only stack trace is collected.
With non-default core size and without the exception sparse configuration, or exception sparse OFF , a full core is created until the core size limit is reached. Beyond the core size limit, only the stack trace is collected.
With the exception sparse ON and default core size (4095 MB), a full core is created until the sparse size limit is reached, and a sparse core is created thereafter till the core size. Beyond this, only stack trace is collected.
With non-default core size and with the exception sparse ON, a full core is created until the sparse size limit is reached. Beyond the sparse size limit, only the stack trace is collected.
![]() Note | By default, full core dumps are created irrespective of the exception sparse configuration. If there is not enough free shared memory available, then the core dump process fails. |
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
diag |
read, write |
The following example shows how to generate a core dump in suspended mode for the process instance 52:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# dumpcore suspended 52
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Sep 22 01:40:26.982 : sysmgr[71]: process in stop/continue state 4104
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:26.989 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-4-CORE_INFO : Core for pid = 4104
(pkg/bin/devc-conaux) requested by pkg/bin/dumper_gen@node0_RP0_CPU0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:26.993 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-6-SPARSE_CORE_DUMP :
Sparse core dump as configured dump sparse for all
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:26.995 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO_HEAD : DLL path
Text addr. Text size Data addr. Data size Version
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:26.996 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libplatform.dll 0xfc0d5000 0x0000a914 0xfc0e0000 0x00002000 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:26.996 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libsysmgr.dll 0xfc0e2000 0x0000ab48 0xfc0c295c 0x00000368 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:26.997 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libinfra.dll 0xfc0ed000 0x00032de0 0xfc120000 0x00000c90 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:26.997 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libios.dll 0xfc121000 0x0002c4bc 0xfc14e000 0x00002000 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:26.997 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libc.dll 0xfc150000 0x00077ae0 0xfc1c8000 0x00002000 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:26.998 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libsyslog.dll 0xfc1d2000 0x0000530c 0xfc120c90 0x00000308 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:26.998 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libbackplane.dll 0xfc1d8000 0x0000134c 0xfc0c2e4c 0x000000a8 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:26.999 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libnodeid.dll 0xfc1e5000 0x00009114 0xfc1e41a8 0x00000208 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:26.999 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libttyserver.dll 0xfc1f1000 0x0003dfcc 0xfc22f000 0x00002000 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.000 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libttytrace.dll 0xfc236000 0x00004024 0xfc1e44b8 0x000001c8 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.000 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libdebug.dll 0xfc23b000 0x0000ef64 0xfc1e4680 0x00000550 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.001 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/lib_procfs_util.dll 0xfc24a000 0x00004e2c 0xfc1e4bd0 0x000002a8 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.001 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libsysdb.dll 0xfc24f000 0x000452e0 0xfc295000 0x00000758 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.001 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libsysdbutils.dll 0xfc296000 0x0000ae08 0xfc295758 0x000003ec 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.002 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/lib_tty_svr_error.dll 0xfc2a1000 0x0000172c 0xfc1e4e78 0x00000088 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.002 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/lib_tty_error.dll 0xfc2a3000 0x00001610 0xfc1e4f00 0x00000088 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.003 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libwd_evm.dll 0xfc2a5000 0x0000481c 0xfc295b44 0x00000188 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.003 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libttydb.dll 0xfc2aa000 0x000051dc 0xfc295ccc 0x00000188 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.004 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libttydb_error.dll 0xfc23a024 0x00000f0c 0xfc295e54 0x00000088 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.004 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/librs232.dll 0xfc2b0000 0x00009c28 0xfc2ba000 0x00000470 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.005 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/lib_rs232_error.dll 0xfc2bb000 0x00000f8c 0xfc295edc 0x00000088 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.005 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libst16550.dll 0xfc2bc000 0x00008ed4 0xfc2ba470 0x00000430 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.006 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libconaux.dll 0xfc2c5000 0x00001dc0 0xfc2ba8a0 0x000001a8 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.006 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/lib_conaux_error.dll 0xfc1ee114 0x00000e78 0xfc295f64 0x00000088 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.007 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libttyutil.dll 0xfc2c7000 0x00003078 0xfc2baa48 0x00000168 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.007 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libbag.dll 0xfc431000 0x0000ee98 0xfc40cc94 0x00000368 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.008 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libchkpt.dll 0xfc474000 0x0002ecf8 0xfc4a3000 0x00000950 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.008 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libsysdbbackend.dll 0xfc8ed000 0x0000997c 0xfc8d3aa8 0x0000028c 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.008 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libttymgmtconnection.dll 0xfce85000 0x00004208 0xfce8a000 0x00000468 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.009 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libttymgmt.dll 0xfcea4000 0x0000e944 0xfce8abf0 0x000003c8 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:27.009 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-7-DLL_INFO :
/pkg/lib/libttynmspc.dll 0xfcec7000 0x00004a70 0xfcec6644 0x000002c8 0
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:28.396 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-5-CORE_FILE_NAME :
Core for process pkg/bin/devc-conaux at harddisk:/coredump/devc-conaux.by.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0Sep 22 01:40:32.309 : dumper[54]: %DUMPER-5-DUMP_SUCCESS : Core dump success
exception coresize
Halts the creation of the core file beyond the configured core file size limit.
exception coresize size
no exception coresize
Syntax Description
coresize size |
Defines the maximum limit of the core file size beyond which the core file creation is halted and only the stack trace output is printed on the screen. The core file size limit can range from 1 to 4095 MB. |
Command Default
This command has no default behavior.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
Release | Modification |
Release 5.1.1 |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.
Without the exception sparse configuration or exception sparse OFF, and default core size (4095 MB), a full core is created till the core size. Beyond this, only stack trace is collected.
With non-default core size and without the exception sparse configuration, or exception sparse OFF , a full core is created until the core size limit is reached. Beyond the core size limit, only the stack trace is collected.
With the exception sparse ON and default core size (4095 MB), a full core is created until the sparse size limit is reached, and a sparse core is created thereafter till the core size. Beyond this, only stack trace is collected.
With non-default core size and with the exception sparse ON, a full core is created until the sparse size limit is reached. Beyond the sparse size limit, only the stack trace is collected.
![]() Note | By default, full core dumps are created irrespective of the exception sparse configuration. If there is not enough free shared memory available, then the core dump process fails. |
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
diag |
read, write |
The following example shows how you can disable the creation of core dump files by specifying the limit for core file size.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# exception coresize 1024 RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# commit
exception filepath
To modify core dump settings, use the exception filepath command in the appropriate configuration mode. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.
exception [ choice preference ] [ compress { on | off } ] filename filename lower-limit-higher-limit filepath filepath-name
no exception [ choice preference ] [ compress { on | off } ] filename filename lower-limit-higher-limit filepath filepath-name
Syntax Description
choice preference |
(Optional) Configures the order of preference for the destination of core dump files. Up to the three destinations can be defined. Valid values are 1 to 3. |
compress {on | off} |
(Optional) Specifies whether or not the core dump file should be sent compressed. By default, core dump files are sent compressed. If you specify the compress keyword, you must specify one of the following required keywords: |
filename filename lower-limit-higher-limit |
(Optional) Specifies the filename to be appended to core dump files and the lower and higher limit range of core dump files to be sent to a specified destination before being recycled by the circular buffer. filename filename lower-limit-higher-limit See Table 1 for a description of the default core dump file naming convention. Vali filename filename lower-limit-higher-limit d values for the lower-limit argument are 0 to 4. Valid values for the higher-limit argument are 5 to 64. A hyphen ( - ) must immediately follow the lower-limit argument.
filepath-name |
Local file system or network protocol, followed by the directory path. All local file systems are supported. The following network protocols are supported: TFTP and FTP. |
Command Default
If you do not specify the order of preference for the destination of core dump files using the choice preference keyword and argument, the default preference is the primary location or 1.
Core dump files are sent compressed.
The default file naming convention used for core dump files is described in Table 1.
Command Modes
Administration configuration
Global configuration
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Release 2.0 |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.
Use the exception filepath command to modify core dump settings, such as the destination file path to store core dump files, file compression, and the filename appended to core dumps.
Up to three user-defined locations may be configured as the preferred destinations for core dump files:
Primary location—The primary destination for core dump files. Enter the choice keyword and a value of 1 (that is, choice 1 ) for the preference argument to specify a destination as the primary location for core dump files.
Secondary location—The secondary fallback choice for the destination for core dump files, if the primary location is unavailable (for example, if the hard disk is set as the primary location and the hard disk fails). Enter the choice keyword and a value of 2 (that is, choice 2 ) for the preference argument to specify a destination as the secondary location for core dump files.
Tertiary location—The tertiary fallback choice as the destination for core dump files, if the primary and secondary locations fail. Enter the choice keyword and a value of 3 (that is, choice 3 ) for the preference argument to specify a destination as the tertiary location for core dump files.
When specifying a destination for a core dump file, you can specify an absolute file path on a local file system or on a network server. The following network protocols are supported: TFTP and FTP.
![]() Note | We recommend that you specify a location on the hard disk as the primary location. |
In addition to the three preferred destinations that can be configured, Cisco IOS XR software provides three default fallback destinations for core dump files in the event that user-defined locations are unavailable.
The default fallback destinations are:
![]() Note | If a default destination is a boot device, the core dump file is not sent to that destination. |
We recommend that you configure at least one preferred destination for core dump files as a preventive measure if the default fallback paths are unavailable. Configuring at least one preferred destination also ensures that core dump files are archived because the default fallback destinations store only the first and last core dump files for a crashed process.
![]() Note | Cisco IOS XR software does not save a core file on a local storage device if the size of the core dump file creates a low-memory condition. |
By default, Cisco IOS XR software assigns filenames to core dump files according to the following format:
process [.by. requester |.abort][.sparse]. date-time . node . processor-type [.Z]
For example:
Table 1 describes the default core dump file naming convention.
Field |
Description |
process |
Name of the process that generated the core dump. |
.by. requester | .abort |
If the core dump was generated because of a request by a process (requester), the core filename contains the string “.by.requester” where the requester variable is the name or process ID (PID) of the process that requested the core dump. If the core dump was due to a self-generated abort call request, the core filename contains the string “.abort” instead of the name of the requester. |
.sparse |
If a sparse core dump was generated instead of a full core dump, “sparse” appears in the core dump filename. |
.date-time |
Date and time the dumper process was called by the process manager to generate the core dump. The .date-time time-stamp variable is expressed in the yyyy.mm.dd-hh.mm.ss format. Including the time stamp in the filename uniquely identifies the core dump filename. |
. node |
Node ID, expressed in the rack/slot/module notation, where the process that generated the core dump was running. |
.processor-type |
Type of processor (mips or ppc). |
.Z |
If the core dump was sent compressed, the filename contains the .Z suffix. |
You can modify the default naming convention by specifying a filename to be appended to core dump files with the optional filename filename keyword and argument and by specifying a lower and higher limit ranges of values to be appended to core dump filenames with the lower-limit and higher-limit arguments, respectively. The filename that you specify for the filename argument is appended to the core dump file and the lower and higher limit ranges of core dump files to be sent to a specified destination before the filenames are recycled. Valid values for the lower-limit argument are 0 to 4. Valid values for the higher-limit argument are 5 to 64. A hyphen ( - ) must immediately follow the lower-limit argument. In addition, to uniquely identify each core dump file, a value is appended to each core dump file, beginning with the lower-limit value specified with the lower-limit argument and continuing until the higher-limit value specified with the higher-limit argument has been reached. When the configured higher-limit value has been reached, Cisco IOS XR software begins to recycle the values appended to core dump files, beginning with the lower-limit value.
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
diag |
read, write |
The following example shows how to configure the core dump setting for the primary user-defined preferred location. In this example, core files are configured to be sent uncompressed; the filename of core dump files is set to “core” (that is, all core filenames will be named core); the range value is set from 0 to 5 (that is, the values 0 to 5 are appended to the filename for the first five generated core dump files, respectively, before being recycled); and the destination is set to a directory on the hard disk.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# exception choice 1 compress off filename core 0-5 filepath /harddisk:/corefile
Related Commands
Command | Description |
Configures the collection of packet memory information in core dump files. | |
Enables or disables sparse core dumps. | |
Specifies the maximum file size for core dumps. | |
Displays the configured core dump settings. |
exception pakmem
To configure the collection of packet memory information in core dump files, use the exception pakmem command in administration configuration mode or in global configuration mode. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.
exception pakmem { on | off }
no exception pakmem { on | off }
Syntax Description
on |
Enables the collection of packet memory information in core dump files. |
off |
Disables the collection of packet memory information in core dump files. |
Command Default
Packet memory information is not included in core dump files.
Command Modes
Administration configuration
Global configuration
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Release 2.0 |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.
Use the exception pakmem command with the on keyword to configure the collection of packet memory information in core dump files. Cisco Technical Support Center engineers and development engineers use packet memory information to debug packet memory issues related to a process.
![]() Caution | Including packet memory information in core dump files significantly increases the amount of data generated in the core dump file, which may delay the restart time for the process. |
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
diag |
read, write |
The following example shows how to configure core dumps to include packet memory information:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# exception pakmem on
Related Commands
Command | Description |
Modifies core dump settings. | |
Enables or disables sparse core dumps. | |
Specifies the maximum file size for core dumps. | |
Displays the configured core dump settings. |
exception sparse
To enable or disable sparse core dumps, use the exception sparse command in administration configuration mode or in global configuration mode. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.
exception sparse { on | off }
no exception sparse
Syntax Description
on |
Enables sparse core dumps. |
off |
Disables sparse core dumps |
Command Default
Sparse core dumps are disabled.
Command Modes
Administration configuration
Global configuration
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Release 2.0 |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.
Use the exception sparse command to reduce the amount of data generated in the core dump file. Sparse core dumps reduce the amount of time required to generate the core dump file because only referenced data is generated in the core file (at the cost of lost information in the core file). Reducing the time required to generate core dump files corresponds to faster process restart times.
![]() Note | Use the exception sparse off command in administration configuration mode to get a complete coredump of the transient processes on the RP. |
Sparse core dumps contain the following information about crashed processes:
Register information for all threads, and any memory pages referenced in these register values
Stack information for all threads, and any memory pages referenced in these threads
All memory pages referenced by a loaded dynamic loadable library (DLL) data section, if the final program counter falls in a DLL data section
Any user-specified marker pages from the lib_dumper_marker DLL
The exception sparse command dumps memory pages based on trigger addresses found in the previously listed dump information, according to the following criteria:
If the trigger address in the memory page is in the beginning 128 bytes of the memory page, the previous memory page in the continuous address region is dumped also.
If the trigger address in the memory page is in the final 128 bytes of the memory page, the next memory page in the continuous address region is dumped also.
In all other instances, only the memory page that includes the trigger address is dumped.
Without the exception sparse configuration or exception sparse OFF, and default core size (4095 MB), a full core is created till the core size. Beyond this, only stack trace is collected.
With non-default core size and without the exception sparse configuration, or exception sparse OFF , a full core is created until the core size limit is reached. Beyond the core size limit, only the stack trace is collected.
With the exception sparse ON and default core size (4095 MB), a full core is created until the sparse size limit is reached, and a sparse core is created thereafter till the core size. Beyond this, only stack trace is collected.
With non-default core size and with the exception sparse ON, a full core is created until the sparse size limit is reached. Beyond the sparse size limit, only the stack trace is collected.
![]() Note | By default, full core dumps are created irrespective of the exception sparse configuration. If there is not enough free shared memory available, then the core dump process fails. |
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
diag |
read, write |
The following example shows how to enable sparse core dumps:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# exception sparse on
Related Commands
Command | Description |
Modifies core dump settings. | |
Configures the collection of packet memory information in core dump files. | |
Specifies the maximum file size for core dumps. | |
Displays the configured core dump settings. |
exception sprsize
To specify the maximum file size for core dumps, use the exception sprsize command in administration configuration mode or in global configuration mode. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.
exception sprsize megabytes
no exception sprsize
Syntax Description
megabytes |
Size in megabytes (MB). |
Command Default
megabytes : 192
Command Modes
Administration configuration
Global configuration
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Release 2.0 |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.
Use the exception sprsize command to specify the maximum file size for core dumps. The maximum file size configured for the megabytes argument is used with the configuration set for the exception sparse command to determine whether or not to generate a sparse core dump file. If sparse core dumps are disabled and a core dump file is predicted to exceed the default value (192 MB) uncompressed or the value specified for the megabytes argument uncompressed, a sparse core dump file is generated. If sparse core dumps are enabled, a sparse core dump file is generated, regardless of the size of the core dump file.
The following scenarios are applicable for creating full or sparse core dumps:
Without the exception sparse configuration or exception sparse OFF, and default core size (4095 MB), a full core is created till the core size. Beyond this, only stack trace is collected.
With non-default core size and without the exception sparse configuration, or exception sparse OFF , a full core is created until the core size limit is reached. Beyond the core size limit, only the stack trace is collected.
With the exception sparse ON and default core size (4095 MB), a full core is created until the sparse size limit is reached, and a sparse core is created thereafter till the core size. Beyond this, only stack trace is collected.
With non-default core size and with the exception sparse ON, a full core is created until the sparse size limit is reached. Beyond the sparse size limit, only the stack trace is collected.
![]() Note | By default, full core dumps are created irrespective of the exception sparse configuration. If there is not enough free shared memory available, then the core dump process fails. |
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
diag |
read, write |
The following example shows how to set the file size of sparse core dumps to 300 MB:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config)# exception sprsize 300
Related Commands
Command | Description |
Enables or disables sparse core dumps. |
To unobtrusively debug a live process or a live thread in a process, use the follow command in EXEC modeAdmin EXEC mode.
follow { job job-id | process pid | location node-id } [all] [blocked] [ debug level ] [ delay seconds ] [ dump address size ] [ iteration count ] [ priority level ] [stackonly] [ thread tid ] [verbose]
Syntax Description
job job-id |
Follows a process by job ID. |
process pid |
Follows the process with the process ID (PID) specified for the pid argument. |
location node-id |
Follows the target process on the designated node. The node-id argument is expressed in the rack/slot/module notation. |
all |
(Optional) Follows all threads. |
blocked |
(Optional) Follows the chain of thread IDs (TIDs) or PIDs that are blocking the target process. |
debug level |
(Optional) Sets the debug level for the following operation. Valid values for the level argument are 0 to 10. |
delay seconds |
(Optional) Sets the delay interval between each iteration. Valid values for the seconds argument are 0 to 255 seconds. |
dump address size |
(Optional) Dumps the memory segment starting with the specified memory address and size specified for the address and size arguments. |
iteration count |
(Optional) Specifies the number of times to display information. Valid values for the count argument are 0 to 255 iterations. |
priority level |
(Optional) Sets the priority level for the following operation. Valid values for the level argument are 1 to 63. |
stackonly |
(Optional) Displays only stack trace information. |
thread tid |
(Optional) Follows the TID of a process or job ID specified for the tid argument. |
verbose |
(Optional) Displays register and status information pertaining to the target process. |
Command Default
Entering the follow command without any optional keywords or arguments performs the operation for five iterations from the local node with a delay of 5 seconds between each iteration. The output includes information about all live threads. This command uses the default scheduling priority from where the command is being run.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Admin EXEC mode
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Release 3.2 |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to unintrusively debug a live process or a live thread in a process. This command is particularly useful for debugging deadlock and livelock conditions, for examining the contents of a memory location or a variable in a process to determine the cause of a corruption issue, or in investigating issues where a thread is stuck spinning in a loop. A livelock condition is one that occurs when two or more processes continually change their state in response to changes in the other processes.
The following actions can be specified with this command:
Follow all live threads of a given process or a given thread of a process and print stack trace in a format similar to core dump output.
Follow a process in a loop for a given number of iterations.
Set a delay between two iterations while invoking the command.
Set the priority at which this process should run while this command is being run.
Dump memory from a given virtual memory location for a given size.
Display register values and status information of the target process.
Take a snapshot of the execution path of a thread asynchronously to investigate performance-related issues by specifying a high number of iterations with a zero delay.
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
basic-services |
read |
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# follow job 257 iteration 1
Attaching to process pid = 28703 (pkg/bin/packet)
No tid specified, following all threads
DLL Loaded by this process
DLL path Text addr. Text size Data addr. Data size Version
/pkg/lib/libovl.dll 0xfc0c9000 0x0000c398 0xfc0c31f0 0x0000076c 0
/pkg/lib/libplatform.dll 0xfc0d6000 0x0000aa88 0xfc0e1000 0x00002000 0
/pkg/lib/libsysmgr.dll 0xfc0e3000 0x0000aeac 0xfc0c395c 0x00000388 0
/pkg/lib/libinfra.dll 0xfc0ee000 0x000332ec 0xfc122000 0x00000c70 0
/pkg/lib/libios.dll 0xfc123000 0x0002c4bc 0xfc150000 0x00002000 0
/pkg/lib/libc.dll 0xfc152000 0x00077ae0 0xfc1ca000 0x00002000 0
/pkg/lib/libsyslog.dll 0xfc1d4000 0x0000530c 0xfc122c70 0x00000308 0
/pkg/lib/libbackplane.dll 0xfc1da000 0x0000134c 0xfc0c3e6c 0x000000a8 0
/pkg/lib/libnodeid.dll 0xfc1e7000 0x000091fc 0xfc1e61a8 0x00000208 0
/pkg/lib/libdebug.dll 0xfc23e000 0x0000ef64 0xfc1e6680 0x00000550 0
/pkg/lib/lib_procfs_util.dll 0xfc24d000 0x00004e2c 0xfc1e6bd0 0x000002a8 0
/pkg/lib/libsysdb.dll 0xfc252000 0x00046224 0xfc299000 0x0000079c 0
/pkg/lib/libsysdbutils.dll 0xfc29a000 0x0000ae04 0xfc29979c 0x000003ec 0
/pkg/lib/libwd_evm.dll 0xfc2a9000 0x0000481c 0xfc299b88 0x00000188 0
/pkg/lib/lib_mutex_monitor.dll 0xfc35e000 0x00002414 0xfc340850 0x00000128 0
/pkg/lib/libchkpt.dll 0xfc477000 0x0002ee04 0xfc474388 0x00000950 0
/pkg/lib/libpacket_common.dll 0xfc617000 0x000130f0 0xfc6056a0 0x000007b0 0
Iteration 1 of 1
Current process = "pkg/bin/packet", PID = 28703 TID = 1
trace_back: #0 0xfc1106dc [MsgReceivev]
trace_back: #1 0xfc0fc840 [msg_receivev]
trace_back: #2 0xfc0fc64c [msg_receive]
trace_back: #3 0xfc0ffa70 [event_dispatch]
trace_back: #4 0xfc0ffc2c [event_block]
trace_back: #5 0x48204410 [<N/A>]
Current process = "pkg/bin/packet", PID = 28703 TID = 2
trace_back: #0 0xfc1106dc [MsgReceivev]
trace_back: #1 0xfc0fc840 [msg_receivev]
trace_back: #2 0xfc0fc64c [msg_receive]
trace_back: #3 0xfc0ffa70 [event_dispatch]
trace_back: #4 0xfc0ffc2c [event_block]
trace_back: #5 0xfc48d848 [chk_evm_thread]
Current process = "pkg/bin/packet", PID = 28703 TID = 3
trace_back: #0 0xfc17d54c [SignalWaitinfo]
trace_back: #1 0xfc161c64 [sigwaitinfo]
trace_back: #2 0xfc10302c [event_signal_thread]
Current process = "pkg/bin/packet", PID = 28703 TID = 4
trace_back: #0 0xfc1106c4 [MsgReceivePulse]
trace_back: #1 0xfc0fc604 [msg_receive_async]
trace_back: #2 0xfc0ffa70 [event_dispatch]
trace_back: #3 0xfc0ffc5c [event_block_async]
trace_back: #4 0xfc35e36c [receive_events]
Current process = "pkg/bin/packet", PID = 28703 TID = 5
trace_back: #0 0xfc17d564 [SignalWaitinfo_r]
trace_back: #1 0xfc161c28 [sigwait]
trace_back: #2 0x48203928 [<N/A>]
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# follow job 257 iteration 1 thread 5
Attaching to process pid = 28703 (pkg/bin/packet)
DLL Loaded by this process
DLL path Text addr. Text size Data addr. Data size Version
/pkg/lib/libovl.dll 0xfc0c9000 0x0000c398 0xfc0c31f0 0x0000076c 0
/pkg/lib/libplatform.dll 0xfc0d6000 0x0000aa88 0xfc0e1000 0x00002000 0
/pkg/lib/libsysmgr.dll 0xfc0e3000 0x0000aeac 0xfc0c395c 0x00000388 0
/pkg/lib/libinfra.dll 0xfc0ee000 0x000332ec 0xfc122000 0x00000c70 0
/pkg/lib/libios.dll 0xfc123000 0x0002c4bc 0xfc150000 0x00002000 0
/pkg/lib/libc.dll 0xfc152000 0x00077ae0 0xfc1ca000 0x00002000 0
/pkg/lib/libsyslog.dll 0xfc1d4000 0x0000530c 0xfc122c70 0x00000308 0
/pkg/lib/libbackplane.dll 0xfc1da000 0x0000134c 0xfc0c3e6c 0x000000a8 0
/pkg/lib/libnodeid.dll 0xfc1e7000 0x000091fc 0xfc1e61a8 0x00000208 0
/pkg/lib/libdebug.dll 0xfc23e000 0x0000ef64 0xfc1e6680 0x00000550 0
/pkg/lib/lib_procfs_util.dll 0xfc24d000 0x00004e2c 0xfc1e6bd0 0x000002a8 0
/pkg/lib/libsysdb.dll 0xfc252000 0x00046224 0xfc299000 0x0000079c 0
/pkg/lib/libsysdbutils.dll 0xfc29a000 0x0000ae04 0xfc29979c 0x000003ec 0
/pkg/lib/libwd_evm.dll 0xfc2a9000 0x0000481c 0xfc299b88 0x00000188 0
/pkg/lib/lib_mutex_monitor.dll 0xfc35e000 0x00002414 0xfc340850 0x00000128 0
/pkg/lib/libchkpt.dll 0xfc477000 0x0002ee04 0xfc474388 0x00000950 0
/pkg/lib/libpacket_common.dll 0xfc617000 0x000130f0 0xfc6056a0 0x000007b0 0
Iteration 1 of 1
Current process = "pkg/bin/packet", PID = 28703 TID = 5
trace_back: #0 0xfc17d564 [SignalWaitinfo_r]
trace_back: #1 0xfc161c28 [sigwait]
trace_back: #2 0x48203928 [<N/A>]
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# follow process 139406 blocked iteration 1 thread 2
Attaching to process pid = 139406 (pkg/bin/lpts_fm)
DLL Loaded by this process
DLL path Text addr. Text size Data addr. Data size Version
/pkg/lib/libplatform.dll 0xfc0d6000 0x0000aa88 0xfc0e1000 0x00002000 0
/pkg/lib/libsysmgr.dll 0xfc0e3000 0x0000aeac 0xfc0c395c 0x00000388 0
/pkg/lib/libinfra.dll 0xfc0ee000 0x000332ec 0xfc122000 0x00000c70 0
/pkg/lib/libios.dll 0xfc123000 0x0002c4bc 0xfc150000 0x00002000 0
/pkg/lib/libc.dll 0xfc152000 0x00077ae0 0xfc1ca000 0x00002000 0
/pkg/lib/libltrace.dll 0xfc1cc000 0x00007f5c 0xfc0c3ce4 0x00000188 0
/pkg/lib/libsyslog.dll 0xfc1d4000 0x0000530c 0xfc122c70 0x00000308 0
/pkg/lib/libbackplane.dll 0xfc1da000 0x0000134c 0xfc0c3e6c 0x000000a8 0
/pkg/lib/libnodeid.dll 0xfc1e7000 0x000091fc 0xfc1e61a8 0x00000208 0
/pkg/lib/libdebug.dll 0xfc23e000 0x0000ef64 0xfc1e6680 0x00000550 0
/pkg/lib/lib_procfs_util.dll 0xfc24d000 0x00004e2c 0xfc1e6bd0 0x000002a8 0
/pkg/lib/libsysdb.dll 0xfc252000 0x00046224 0xfc299000 0x0000079c 0
/pkg/lib/libsysdbutils.dll 0xfc29a000 0x0000ae04 0xfc29979c 0x000003ec 0
/pkg/lib/libwd_evm.dll 0xfc2a9000 0x0000481c 0xfc299b88 0x00000188 0
/pkg/lib/libbag.dll 0xfc40c000 0x0000ee98 0xfc41b000 0x00000368 0
/pkg/lib/libwd_notif.dll 0xfc4f8000 0x00005000 0xfc4fd000 0x00001000 0
/pkg/lib/libifmgr.dll 0xfc665000 0x00029780 0xfc68f000 0x00003000 0
/pkg/lib/libnetio_client.dll 0xfca6a000 0x000065c8 0xfca2c4f8 0x000001b4 0
/pkg/lib/libpa_client.dll 0xfcec5000 0x00006e9c 0xfcecc000 0x00003000 0
/pkg/lib/libltimes.dll 0xfcecf000 0x00002964 0xfcdc4f20 0x000000a8 0
Iteration 1 of 1
Current process = "pkg/bin/lpts_fm", PID = 139406 TID = 2
trace_back: #0 0xfc110744 [MsgSendv]
trace_back: #1 0xfc0fbf04 [msg_sendv]
trace_back: #2 0xfc0fbbd8 [msg_send]
trace_back: #3 0xfcec7580 [pa_fm_close]
trace_back: #4 0xfcec78b0 [pa_fm_process_0]
REPLY (node node0_RP1_CPU0, pid 57433)
No specific TID, following all threads of 57433 (pkg/bin/lpts_pa)
DLL Loaded by this process
DLL path Text addr. Text size Data addr. Data size Version
/pkg/lib/libplatform.dll 0xfc0d6000 0x0000aa88 0xfc0e1000 0x00002000 0
/pkg/lib/libsysmgr.dll 0xfc0e3000 0x0000aeac 0xfc0c395c 0x00000388 0
/pkg/lib/libinfra.dll 0xfc0ee000 0x000332ec 0xfc122000 0x00000c70 0
/pkg/lib/libios.dll 0xfc123000 0x0002c4bc 0xfc150000 0x00002000 0
/pkg/lib/libc.dll 0xfc152000 0x00077ae0 0xfc1ca000 0x00002000 0
/pkg/lib/libltrace.dll 0xfc1cc000 0x00007f5c 0xfc0c3ce4 0x00000188 0
/pkg/lib/libsyslog.dll 0xfc1d4000 0x0000530c 0xfc122c70 0x00000308 0
/pkg/lib/libbackplane.dll 0xfc1da000 0x0000134c 0xfc0c3e6c 0x000000a8 0
/pkg/lib/libnodeid.dll 0xfc1e7000 0x000091fc 0xfc1e61a8 0x00000208 0
/pkg/lib/libdebug.dll 0xfc23e000 0x0000ef64 0xfc1e6680 0x00000550 0
/pkg/lib/lib_procfs_util.dll 0xfc24d000 0x00004e2c 0xfc1e6bd0 0x000002a8 0
/pkg/lib/libsysdb.dll 0xfc252000 0x00046224 0xfc299000 0x0000079c 0
/pkg/lib/libsysdbutils.dll 0xfc29a000 0x0000ae04 0xfc29979c 0x000003ec 0
/pkg/lib/libwd_evm.dll 0xfc2a9000 0x0000481c 0xfc299b88 0x00000188 0
/pkg/lib/lrdlib.dll 0xfc2f6000 0x0000a900 0xfc2f551c 0x00000610 0
/pkg/lib/liblrfuncs.dll 0xfc30e000 0x00001998 0xfc2ebd80 0x000001ec 0
/pkg/lib/libdscapi.dll 0xfc310000 0x0000457c 0xfc2f5b2c 0x0000035c 0
/pkg/lib/liblrdshared.dll 0xfc315000 0x00005fec 0xfc31b000 0x00002000 0
/pkg/lib/libbag.dll 0xfc40c000 0x0000ee98 0xfc41b000 0x00000368 0
/pkg/lib/libchkpt.dll 0xfc477000 0x0002ee04 0xfc474388 0x00000950 0
/pkg/lib/libwd_notif.dll 0xfc4f8000 0x00005000 0xfc4fd000 0x00001000 0
/pkg/lib/libltrace_sdt.dll 0xfc65c000 0x000034fc 0xfc65b73c 0x00000568 0
/pkg/lib/libfabhandle.dll 0xfc6be000 0x00003354 0xfc65bca4 0x00000248 0
/pkg/lib/libfsdb_ltrace_util_rt.dll 0xfc6ea000 0x00001b74 0xfc605e50 0x00000108 0
/pkg/lib/libbcdl.dll 0xfc6fb000 0x0000f220 0xfc6fa6e8 0x0000045c 0
/pkg/lib/liblpts_pa_fgid.dll 0xfc8d7000 0x00006640 0xfc7acd5c 0x00000208 0
/pkg/lib/libfgid.dll 0xfc910000 0x0001529c 0xfc926000 0x00002000 0
/pkg/lib/libltimes.dll 0xfcecf000 0x00002964 0xfcdc4f20 0x000000a8 0
Current process = "pkg/bin/lpts_pa", PID = 57433 TID = 1
trace_back: #0 0xfc1106dc [MsgReceivev]
trace_back: #1 0xfc0fc840 [msg_receivev]
trace_back: #2 0xfc0fc64c [msg_receive]
trace_back: #3 0xfc0ffa70 [event_dispatch]
trace_back: #4 0xfc0ffc2c [event_block]
trace_back: #5 0x48201904 [<N/A>]
trace_back: #6 0x48201e3c [<N/A>]
Current process = "pkg/bin/lpts_pa", PID = 57433 TID = 2
trace_back: #0 0xfc1106dc [MsgReceivev]
trace_back: #1 0xfc0fc840 [msg_receivev]
trace_back: #2 0xfc0fc64c [msg_receive]
trace_back: #3 0xfc0ffa70 [event_dispatch]
trace_back: #4 0xfc0ffc2c [event_block]
trace_back: #5 0x4821e978 [<N/A>]
Current process = "pkg/bin/lpts_pa", PID = 57433 TID = 3
trace_back: #0 0xfc1106dc [MsgReceivev]
trace_back: #1 0xfc0fc840 [msg_receivev]
trace_back: #2 0xfc0fc64c [msg_receive]
trace_back: #3 0xfc0ffa70 [event_dispatch]
trace_back: #4 0xfc0ffc2c [event_block]
trace_back: #5 0x482064c4 [<N/A>]
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# follow process 139406 blocked iteration 1 stackonly thread 2
Attaching to process pid = 139406 (pkg/bin/lpts_fm)
Iteration 1 of 1
Current process = "pkg/bin/lpts_fm", PID = 139406 TID = 2
trace_back: #0 0xfc110744 [MsgSendv]
trace_back: #1 0xfc0fbf04 [msg_sendv]
trace_back: #2 0xfc0fbbd8 [msg_send]
trace_back: #3 0xfcec7580 [pa_fm_close]
trace_back: #4 0xfcec78b0 [pa_fm_process_0]
REPLY (node node0_RP1_CPU0, pid 57433)
No specific TID, following all threads of 57433 (pkg/bin/lpts_pa)
Current process = "pkg/bin/lpts_pa", PID = 57433 TID = 1
trace_back: #0 0xfc1106dc [MsgReceivev]
trace_back: #1 0xfc0fc840 [msg_receivev]
trace_back: #2 0xfc0fc64c [msg_receive]
trace_back: #3 0xfc0ffa70 [event_dispatch]
trace_back: #4 0xfc0ffc2c [event_block]
trace_back: #5 0x48201904 [<N/A>]
trace_back: #6 0x48201e3c [<N/A>]
Current process = "pkg/bin/lpts_pa", PID = 57433 TID = 2
trace_back: #0 0xfc1106dc [MsgReceivev]
trace_back: #1 0xfc0fc840 [msg_receivev]
trace_back: #2 0xfc0fc64c [msg_receive]
trace_back: #3 0xfc0ffa70 [event_dispatch]
trace_back: #4 0xfc0ffc2c [event_block]
trace_back: #5 0x4821e978 [<N/A>]
Current process = "pkg/bin/lpts_pa", PID = 57433 TID = 3
trace_back: #0 0xfc1106dc [MsgReceivev]
trace_back: #1 0xfc0fc840 [msg_receivev]
trace_back: #2 0xfc0fc64c [msg_receive]
trace_back: #3 0xfc0ffa70 [event_dispatch]
trace_back: #4 0xfc0ffc2c [event_block]
trace_back: #5 0x482064c4 [<N/A>]
Related Commands
Command | Description |
Displays auto-updating statistics on threads in a full-screen mode. | |
Displays information about active processes. |
monitor threads
administration EXEC mode or in EXEC
mode.monitor threads [dumbtty] [ iteration number ] [ location node-id ]
Syntax Description
dumbtty |
(Optional) Displays the output of the command as if on a dumb terminal (the screen is not refreshed). |
iteration number |
(Optional) Number of times the statistics display is to be updated, in the range from 0 to 4294967295. |
location node-id |
(Optional) Displays the output from the command from the designated node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation. |
Command Default
When all keywords are omitted, the monitor threads command displays the first ten threads for the local node, sorted in descending order by the time used. The display is cleared and updated every 5 seconds until you quit the command.
Command Modes
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Release 2.0 |
This command was introduced. |
Release 3.2 |
The command was made available in administration EXEC mode. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.
Use the monitor threads command to show the top ten threads based on CPU usage. The display refreshes every 10 seconds.
To change the parameters displayed by the monitor threads command, enter one of the key commands described in Table 1.
To terminate the display and return to the system prompt, enter the q key.
To list the interactive commands, type ? during the display.
Table 1 describes the available interactive display commands.
Command |
Description |
? |
Displays the available interactive commands. |
d |
Changes the delay interval between updates. |
k |
Kills a process. |
l |
Refreshes the screen. |
n |
Changes the number of threads to be displayed. |
q |
Quits the interactive display and returns the prompt to EXEC mode. |
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
basic-services |
execute |
The following example shows sample output from the monitor threads command:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# monitor threads
195 processes; 628 threads;
CPU states: 98.2% idle, 0.9% user, 0.7% kernel
Memory: 2048M total, 1576M avail, page size 4K
1 12 1 10 Rcv 0:00:09 0.42% procnto-600-smp-cisco-instr
1 25 1 10 Run 0:00:30 0.36% procnto-600-smp-cisco-instr
342 1 1 19 Rcv 0:00:07 0.20% wdsysmon
52 5 0 21 Rcv 0:00:03 0.15% devc-conaux
52 3 1 18 Rcv 0:00:02 0.07% devc-conaux
532670 1 0 10 Rply 0:00:00 0.07% top
293 6 0 55 Rcv 0:00:06 0.03% shelfmgr
55 8 0 10 Rcv 0:00:02 0.03% eth_server
315 3 0 10 Rcv 0:00:11 0.03% sysdb_svr_local
55 7 0 55 Rcv 0:00:11 0.02% eth_server
The following example shows sample output from the monitor threads command using the optional location keyword:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# monitor threads location 0/RP0/CPU0
Computing times...195 processes; 628 threads;
CPU states: 95.1% idle, 2.7% user, 2.0% kernel
Memory: 2048M total, 1576M avail, page size 4K
1 25 0 10 Run 0:00:32 2.08% procnto-600-smp-cisco-instr
265 5 0 10 SigW 0:00:09 0.89% packet
279 1 1 10 Rcv 0:00:00 0.65% qsm
557246 1 0 10 Rply 0:00:00 0.51% top
293 5 1 55 Rcv 0:00:01 0.07% shelfmgr
180 13 1 10 Rcv 0:00:02 0.07% gsp
315 3 0 10 Rcv 0:00:12 0.07% sysdb_svr_local
55 7 1 55 Rcv 0:00:12 0.04% eth_server
180 1 0 10 Rcv 0:00:01 0.04% gsp
298 9 0 10 Rcv 0:00:01 0.04% snmpd
Table 2 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Field |
Description |
Job ID. |
Thread ID. |
Number of open channels. |
Priority level of the thread. |
State of the thread. |
Run time of process since last restart. |
Percentage of CPU used by process thread. |
Process name. |
When the n or d interactive command is used, the monitor threads command prompts for a number appropriate to the specific interactive command. The following example shows sample output from the monitor threads command using the interactive n command after the first display cycle to change the number of threads:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# monitor threads
Computing times... 87 processes; 249 threads;
CPU states: 84.8% idle, 4.2% user, 10.9% kernel
Memory: 256M total, 175M avail, page size 4K
1 6 10 Run 0:00:10 10.92% kernel
553049 1 10 Rply 0:00:00 4.20% top
58 3 10 Rcv 0:00:24 0.00% sysdbsvr
1 3 10 Rcv 0:00:21 0.00% kernel
69 1 10 Rcv 0:00:20 0.00% wdsysmon
1 5 10 Rcv 0:00:20 0.00% kernel
159 2 10 Rcv 0:00:05 0.00% qnet
160 1 10 Rcv 0:00:05 0.00% netio
157 1 10 NSlp 0:00:04 0.00% envmon_periodic
160 9 10 Intr 0:00:04 0.00% netio
Enter number of threads to display: 3
Please enter a number between 5 and 40
Enter number of threads to display: 8
87 processes; 249 threads;
CPU states: 95.3% idle, 2.9% user, 1.7% kernel
Memory: 256M total, 175M avail, page size 4K
1 6 10 Run 0:00:11 1.76% kernel
69 1 10 Rcv 0:00:20 1.11% wdsysmon
58 3 10 Rcv 0:00:24 0.40% sysdbsvr
157 1 10 NSlp 0:00:04 0.23% envmon_periodic
159 19 10 Rcv 0:00:02 0.20% qnet
553049 1 10 Rply 0:00:00 0.20% top
159 12 10 Rcv 0:00:03 0.13% qnet
160 1 10 Rcv 0:00:05 0.10% netio
When a number outside the acceptable range is entered, the acceptable range is displayed:
Please enter a number between 5 and 40 Enter number of threads to display:
Related Commands
Command | Description |
monitor processes | Displays auto-updating statistics on processes in a full-screen mode. |
To start, terminate, or restart a process, use the process command in admin EXEC mode.
process { crash | restart | shutdown | start } { executable-name | job-id } location { node-id | all }
Syntax Description
crash |
Crashes a process. |
restart |
Restarts a process. |
shutdown |
Stops a process. The process is not restarted (even if considered “mandatory�?). |
start |
Starts a process. |
executable-name |
Executable name of the process to be started, terminated, or restarted. Supplying an executable name for the executable-name argument performs the action for all the simultaneously running instances of the process, if applicable. |
job-id |
Job ID of the process instance to be started, terminated, or restarted. Supplying a job ID for the job-id argument performs the action for only the process instance associated with the job ID. |
location { node-id | all} |
Starts, terminates, or restarts a process on the designated node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation. The all keyword specifies all nodes. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Admin EXEC
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Release 2.0 |
This command was introduced. |
Release 3.2 |
The shutdown keyword was introduced to replace the kill keyword. Support for the crash keyword was added to crash a process. |
Release 3.5.0 |
This command was removed from EXEC mode. |
Release 3.8.0 |
The blocked keyword was not supported. |
Usage Guidelines
Under normal circumstances, processes are started and restarted automatically by the operating system as required. If a process crashes, it is automatically restarted.
Use this command to manually start, stop, or restart individual processes.
![]() Caution | Manually stopping or restarting a process can seriously impact the operation of a router. Use these commands only under the direction of a Cisco Technical Support representative. |
process shutdown
The process shutdown command shuts down (terminates) the specified process and copies associated with the specified process. The process is not restarted, even if considered “mandatory.�? Use the show processes command to display a list of executable processes running on the system.
![]() Caution | Stopping a process can result in an RP switchover, system failure or both. This command is intended for use only under the direct supervision of a Cisco Technical Support representative. |
process restart
The process restart command restarts a process, such as a process that is not functioning optimally.
process start
The process start command starts a process that is not currently running, such as a process that was terminated using the process kill command. If multiple copies are on the system, all instances of the process are started simultaneously.
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
root-lr |
execute |
The following example shows how to restart a process. In this example, the IS-IS process is restarted:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# process restart isis RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router#RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Mar 30 15:24:41 : isis[343]: %ISIS-6-INFO_ST RTUP_START : Cisco NSF controlled start beginning RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router#RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Mar 30 15:24:52 : isis[352]: %ISIS-6-INFO_ST RTUP_FINISH : Cold controlled start completed
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# process shutdown isis RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router#
The following example shows how to start a process. In this example, the IS-IS process is started:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# process start isis RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router#RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Mar 30 15:27:19 : isis[227]: %ISIS-6-INFO_STARTUP_START : Cold controlled start beginning RP/0/RP0/CPU0:Mar 30 15:27:31 : isis[352]: %ISIS-6-INFO_STARTUP_FINISH : Cold controlled start completed
This example shows how to restart a process:
Related Commands
Command | Description |
Sets the mandatory reboot options for a process. | |
Displays information about active processes. |
process core
To modify the core dump options for a process, use the process core command in administration EXEC mode.
process { executable-name | job-id } core { context | copy | fallback | iomem | mainmem | off | sharedmem | sparse | sync | text } [ maxcore value ] location node-id
Syntax Description
executable-name |
Executable name of the process for which you want to change core dump options. Specifying a value for the executable-name argument changes the core dump option for multiple instances of a running process. |
job-id |
Job ID associated with the process instance. Specifying a job-id value changes the core dump option for only a single instance of a running process. |
context |
Dumps only context information for a process. |
copy |
Copies a core dump locally before performing the core dump. |
fallback |
Sets the core dump options to use the fallback options (if needed). |
iomem |
Dumps the I/O memory of a process. |
mainmem |
Dumps the main memory of a process. |
off |
Indicates that a core dump is not taken on the termination of the specified process. |
sharedmem |
Dumps the shared memory of a process. |
sparse |
Enables sparse core dumps of a process. |
sync |
Enables only synchronous core dumping. |
text |
Dumps the text of a process. |
maxcore value |
(Optional) Specifies the maximum number of core dumps allowed for the specified process on its creation. |
location node-id |
Sets the core dump options for a process on a designated node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation. |
Command Default
By default, processes are configured to dump shared memory, text area, stack, data section, and heap information.
Command Modes
Administration EXEC
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Release 2.0 |
This command was introduced. |
Release 3.2 |
The command was made available in administration EXEC mode. The mainmem-sharedmem , mainmem-text , and mainmem-text-sharedmem keywords were removed. The context , fallback , iomem , sync , and text keywords were introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.
The modular architecture of Cisco IOS XR software allows core dumps for individual processes. By default, processes are configured to dump shared memory, text area, stack, data section, and heap information.
Specifying an executable name for the executable-name job-id argument changes the core dump option for all instances of the process. Specifying a job ID for the value changes the core dump option for a single instance of a running process.
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
root-lr |
execute |
The following example shows how to enable the collection of shared memory of a process:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# process ospf core sharedmem
The following example shows how to turn off core dumping for a process:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# process media_ether_config_di core off
Related Commands
Command | Description |
Displays information about active processes. |
process mandatory
To set the mandatory reboot options for a process, use the process mandatory command in the appropriate mode.
process mandatory
process mandatory { on | off } { executable-name | job-id } location node-id
process mandatory reboot
process mandatory reboot { enable | disable }
process mandatory toggle
process mandatory toggle { executable-name | job-id } location node-id
Syntax Description
on |
Turns on mandatory process attribute. |
off |
Turns off the mandatory process attribute. The process is not considered mandatory. |
reboot { enable | disable} |
Enables or disables the reboot action when a mandatory process fails. |
toggle |
Toggles a mandatory process attribute. |
executable-name |
Executable name of the process to be terminated. Specifying an executable name for the executable-name argument terminates the process and all the simultaneously running copies, if applicable. |
job-id |
Job ID associated with the process to be terminated. Terminates only the process associated with the job ID. |
location node-id |
Sets the mandatory settings for a process on a designated node. The node-id argument is expressed in the rack/slot/module notation. |
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Administration EXEC
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Release 2.0 |
This command was introduced. |
Release 3.2 |
The command was made available in administration EXEC mode. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.
If a process unexpectedly goes down, the following action occurs based on whether the process is considered mandatory.
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
root-lr |
execute |
The following example shows how to turn on a mandatory attribute. In this example, the mandatory attribute is turned on for the media_ether_config_di process.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# process mandatory on media_ether_config_di
The following example shows how to turn the reboot option on. In this example, the router is set to reboot the node if a mandatory process goes down and cannot be restarted.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# process mandatory reboot enable RP/0/RP00/CPU0:Mar 19 19:28:10 : sysmgr[71]: %SYSMGR-4-MANDATORY_REBOOT_ENABLE : mandatory reboot option enabled by request
The following example shows how to turn off the reboot option. In this example, the router is set not to reboot the node if a mandatory process goes down and cannot be restarted. In this case, the mandatory process is restarted, but the node is not rebooted.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# process mandatory reboot disable RP/0/RP00/CPU0:Mar 19 19:31:20 : sysmgr[71]: %SYSMGR-4-MANDATORY_REBOOT_OVERRIDE : mandatory reboot option overridden by request
Related Commands
Command | Description |
Displays information about active processes. |
show context
administration EXEC mode or in EXEC
mode.show context [ coredump-occurrence | clear ] [ location { node-id | all } ]
Syntax Description
coredump-occurrence |
(Optional) Core dump context information to be displayed based on the occurrence of the core dump. Valid values are 1 to 10. |
clear |
(Optional) Clears the current context information. |
location { node-id | all} |
Displays core dump information that occurred on the designated node. The node-id argument is expressed in the rack/slot/module notation. The all keyword specifies to display information for all nodes. |
Command Default
If no coredump-occurrence value is specified, core dump context information for all core dumps is displayed.
Command Modes
EXEC, Administration EXEC
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Release 2.0 |
This command was introduced. |
Release 3.2 |
The command was made available in administration EXEC mode. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.
Use the show context command to display core dump context information. This command displays context information for the last ten core dumps. Cisco Technical Support Center engineers and development engineers use this command for post-analysis in the debugging of processes.
Use the clear context command to clear core dump context information.
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
diag |
read |
The following example shows sample output from the show context command:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show context
Crashed pid = 20502 (pkg/bin/mbi-hello)
Crash time: Thu Mar 25, 2004: 19:34:14
Core for process at disk0:/mbi-hello.20040325-193414.node0_RP0_CPU0
Stack Trace
#0 0xfc117c9c
#1 0xfc104348
#2 0xfc104154
#3 0xfc107578
#4 0xfc107734
#5 0x482009e4
Registers info
r0 r1 r2 r3
R0 0000000e 481ffa80 4820c0b8 00000003
r4 r5 r6 r7
R4 481ffb18 00000001 481ffa88 48200434
r8 r9 r10 r11
R8 00000000 00000001 00000000 fc17ac58
r12 r13 r14 r15
R12 481ffb08 4820c080 481ffc10 00000001
r16 r17 r18 r19
R16 481ffc24 481ffc2c 481ffcb4 00000000
r20 r21 r22 r23
R20 00398020 00000000 481ffb6c 4820a484
r24 r25 r26 r27
R24 00000000 00000001 4820efe0 481ffb88
r28 r29 r30 r31
R28 00000001 481ffb18 4820ef08 00000001
cnt lr msr pc
R32 fc168d58 fc104348 0000d932 fc117c9c
cnd xer
R36 24000022 00000004
DLL Info
DLL path Text addr. Text size Data addr. Data size Version
/pkg/lib/libinfra.dll 0xfc0f6000 0x00032698 0xfc0f5268 0x00000cb4
The following example shows sample output from the show context command. The output displays information about a core dump from a process that has not crashed.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show context
node: node0_RP0_CPU0
Crashed pid = 28703 (pkg/bin/packet)
Crash time: Tue Sep 21, 2004: 02:48:00
Core for process at harddisk:/packet.by.dumper_gen.20040921-024800.node0_RP0_CPU0.ppc.Z
Table 1 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Field |
Description |
Crashed pid |
Process ID (PID) of the crashed process followed by the executable path. |
Crash time |
Time and date the crash occurred. |
Core for process at |
File path to the core dump file. |
Stack Trace |
Stack trace information. |
Registers Info |
Register information related to crashed threads. |
DLL Info |
Dynamically loadable library (DLL) information used to decode the stack trace. |
Related Commands
Command | Description |
Clears core dump context information. |
show dll
administration EXEC mode or in EXEC
mode.show dll [ jobid job-id [virtual] | [symbol] address virtual-address | dllname dll-virtual-path | memory | virtual ] [ location node-id ]
Syntax Description
jobid job-id |
(Optional) Displays DLL information for the specified job identifier. |
virtual |
(Optional) Displays the virtual path of DLLs. The virtual path is expressed in the /pkg/lib/library-name.dll format where the library name is the name of the DLL followed by the .dll suffix. |
symbol |
(Optional) Displays the symbol at the virtual address specified for the virtual-address argument. |
address virtual-address |
(Optional) Displays the DLL that is mapped at the virtual address specified for the virtual-address argument. |
dllname dll-virtual-path |
(Optional) Displays the process IDs (PIDs) of the process that have downloaded the DLL specified for the dll-virtual-path argument. |
memory |
(Optional) Displays a summary of DLL memory usage. |
location node-id |
(Optional) Displays DLLs for the specified node. The node-id argument is expressed in the rack/slot/module notation. |
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
EXEC, Administration EXEC
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Release 2.0 |
This command was introduced. |
Release 3.2 |
The command was made available in administration EXEC mode. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
basic-services |
read |
The following example shows sample output from the show dll command. In this example, the output displays all the DLLs loaded on the router.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show dll DLL path Text VA Text Sz Data VA Data Sz Refcount ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /lib/libui.dll 0xfc000000 0x00007000 0xfc007000 0x00001000 1 /disk0/hfr-base-0.48.0/lib/liblogin.dll 0xfc008000 0x00006000 0xfc00e000 0x00001000 1 /mbi/lib/libbanner.dll 0xfc00f000 0x00003000 0xfc012000 0x00001000 1 /disk0/hfr-base-0.48.0/lib/libaaav2.dll 0xfc013000 0x0000f000 0xfc022000 0x00001000 1 /disk0/hfr-base-0.48.0/lib/libaaatty.dll 0xfc023000 0x00004000 0xfc027000 0x00001000 1 /mbi/lib/libtermcap.dll 0xfc028000 0x00003000 0xfc02b000 0x00001000 1 /mbi/lib/lib_show_dll.dll 0xfc02c000 0x00004000 0xfc030000 0x00001000 1 /mbi/lib/libihplatform.dll 0xfc0bf2d4 0x00000c18 0xfc1e4f88 0x00000068 1 /lib/libovl.dll 0xfc0c8000 0x0000c3b0 0xfc0c21f0 0x0000076c 23 /disk0/hfr-admin-0.48.0/lib/libfqm_ltrace_util_common.dll 0xfc0d43b0 0x00000bfc 0xfc391f7c 0x00000068 1 /lib/libplatform.dll 0xfc0d5000 0x0000aa88 0xfc0e0000 0x00002000 165 /lib/libsysmgr.dll 0xfc0e2000 0x0000ab48 0xfc0c295c 0x00000368 166 /lib/libinfra.dll 0xfc0ed000 0x0003284c 0xfc120000 0x00000c70 169 /lib/libios.dll 0xfc121000 0x0002c4bc 0xfc14e000 0x00002000 166 /lib/libc.dll 0xfc150000 0x00077ae0 0xfc1c8000 0x00002000 175 /mbi/lib/libltrace.dll 0xfc1ca000 0x00007f5c 0xfc0c2cc4 0x00000188 96 /lib/libsyslog.dll 0xfc1d2000 0x0000530c 0xfc120c70 0x00000308 129 /disk0/hfr-base-0.48.0/lib/liblpts_ifib_platform.dll 0xfc1d730c 0x00000cc8 0xfcef4000 0x00000068 1 /lib/libbackplane.dll 0xfc1d8000 0x0000134c 0xfc0c2e4c 0x000000a8 163 /disk0/hfr-base-0.48.0/lib/libipv6_platform_client.dll 0xfc1d934c 0x00000c48 0xfcef4f8c 0x00000068 1 /mbi/lib/libpkgfs_node.dll 0xfc1da000 0x000092d4 0xfc1e4000 0x000001a8 3
The following example shows sample output from the show dll command with the optional jobid job-id keyword and argument:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show dll jobid 186
DLLs mapped by PID 86111
DLL path Text VA Text Sz Data VA Data Sz Refcount
/lib/libovl.dll 0xfc0c8000 0x0000c3b0 0xfc0c21f0 0x0000076c 23
/lib/libplatform.dll 0xfc0d5000 0x0000aa88 0xfc0e0000 0x00002000 165
/lib/libsysmgr.dll 0xfc0e2000 0x0000ab48 0xfc0c295c 0x00000368 167
/lib/libinfra.dll 0xfc0ed000 0x0003284c 0xfc120000 0x00000c70 169
/lib/libios.dll 0xfc121000 0x0002c4bc 0xfc14e000 0x00002000 166
/lib/libc.dll 0xfc150000 0x00077ae0 0xfc1c8000 0x00002000 175
/mbi/lib/libltrace.dll 0xfc1ca000 0x00007f5c 0xfc0c2cc4 0x00000188 96
/lib/libsyslog.dll 0xfc1d2000 0x0000530c 0xfc120c70 0x00000308 129
/lib/libbackplane.dll 0xfc1d8000 0x0000134c 0xfc0c2e4c 0x000000a8 163
/lib/libnodeid.dll 0xfc1e5000 0x000091fc 0xfc1e41a8 0x00000208 163
/mbi/lib/libinst_mem.dll 0xfc232000 0x000044f8 0xfc1e43b0 0x00000108 4
/lib/libdebug.dll 0xfc23c000 0x0000ef64 0xfc1e4680 0x00000550 159
Table 1 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Field |
Description |
DLL path |
Physical path of the DLL on the router. |
Text VA |
Virtual address of the text segment of the DLL. |
Text Sz |
Size of the text segment of the DLL. |
Data VA |
Virtual address of the data segment of the DLL. |
Data Sz |
Size of the data segment of the DLL. |
Refcount |
Number of clients using the DLL. |
The following example shows sample output from the show dll command with the optional dllname dll-virtual-path keyword and optional argument:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show dll dllname /pkg/lib/libinst_mem.dll
PID: 4102 Refcount: 1
PID: 4105 Refcount: 1
PID: 24600 Refcount: 1
PID: 86111 Refcount: 1
Table 2 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Field |
Description |
PID: |
Process ID of the process. |
Refcount |
Number of references to the DLL by the process. |
The following example shows sample show dll output from the command with the optional memory keyword:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show dll memory
Total DLL Text - 14778896 bytes Total DLL Data - 12688500 bytes
Total DLL Memory - 27467396 bytes
show exception
administration EXEC mode or in EXEC
mode.show exception [ core-options [ process process-name ] location node-id ]
Syntax Description
core-options |
(Optional) Displays process core option values. |
process process-name |
(Optional) Specifies the process for which to display the information. |
location node-id |
(Optional) Displays configured settings for a specified node. The node-id argument is expressed in the rack/slot/module notation. |
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC, Administration EXEC
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Release 2.0 |
This command was introduced. |
Release 3.9.0 |
Support for the core-options keyword was added. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.
Use the show exception command to display the configured core dump settings. The output from this command displays the core dump settings configured with the following commands:
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
diag |
read |
The following example shows sample output from the show exception command with the location keyword. All processes for the specified node are displayed.
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show excep core-options location 0/rp0/cpu0
Mon Nov 30 01:31:31.391 PST
The following example shows sample output from the show exception command for a specific process:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show excep core-options process upgrade_daemon location 0/6/cpu0
Mon Nov 30 01:32:20.207 PST
Related Commands
Command | Description |
Modifies core dump settings. | |
Configures the collection of packet memory information in core dump files. | |
Enables or disables sparse core dumps. | |
Specifies the maximum file size for core dumps. |
show memory
To display the available physical memory and memory usage information of processes on the router, use the show memory command in EXEC or administration EXEC mode.
show memory [ jobid | summary [ bytes | detail ] ] location node-id
Syntax Description
job id |
(Optional) Job ID associated with a process instance. Specifying a job ID for the job-id argument displays the memory available and memory usage information for only the process associated with the specified job ID. If the job-id argument is not specified, this command displays information for all running processes. |
summary |
(Optional) Displays a summary of the physical memory and memory usage information. |
bytes |
(Optional) Displays numbers in bytes for an exact count. |
detail |
(Optional) Displays numbers in the format “nnn.dddM” for more detail. |
location node-id |
Displays the available physical memory from the designated node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Administration EXEC
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Release 2.0 |
This command was introduced. |
Release 3.2 |
The command was made available in administration EXEC mode. |
Usage Guidelines
To display detailed memory information for the entire router, enter the show memory command without any parameters.
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
basic-services |
read |
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show memory
Physical Memory:2048M total
Application Memory :1802M (1636M available)
Image:116M (bootram:116M)
Reserved:128M, IOMem:0, flashfsys:0
Total shared window:0
kernel:jid 1
Address Bytes What
0008f000 12288 Program Stack
000b2000 12288 Program Stack
Total Allocated Memory:0
Total Shared Memory:0
sbin/devc-pty:jid 68
Address Bytes What
4817f000 4096 Program Stack (pages not allocated)
48180000 516096 Program Stack (pages not allocated)
481fe000 8192 Program Stack
48200000 28672 Physical Mapped Memory
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show memory 7
Physical Memory: 256M total
Application Memory : 249M (217M available)
Image: 2M (bootram: 2M)
Reserved: 4M, IOMem: 0, flashfsys: 0
sbin/pipe: jid 7
Address Bytes What
07f7c000 126976 Program Stack (pages not allocated)
07f9b000 4096 Program Stack
07f9d000 126976 Program Stack (pages not allocated)
07fbc000 4096 Program Stack
07fbe000 126976 Program Stack (pages not allocated)
07fdd000 4096 Program Stack
07fdf000 126976 Program Stack (pages not allocated)
07ffe000 4096 Program Stack
08000000 122880 Program Stack (pages not allocated)
0801e000 8192 Program Stack
08020000 12288 Physical Mapped Memory
08023000 4096 Program Text or Data
08024000 4096 Program Text or Data
08025000 16384 Allocated Memory
08029000 16384 Allocated Memory
7c001000 319488 DLL Text libc.dll
7e000000 8192 DLL Data libc.dll
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show memory summary detail
Physical Memory: 256.000M total
Application Memory : 140.178M (15.003M available)
Image: 95.739M (bootram: 95.739M)
Reserved: 20.000M, IOMem: 0, flashfsys: 0
Shared window fibv6: 257.980K
Shared window PFI_IFH: 207.925K
Shared window aib: 8.972M
Shared window infra_statsd: 3.980K
Shared window ipv4_fib: 1.300M
Shared window atc_cache: 35.937K
Shared window qad: 39.621K
Total shared window: 10.805M
Allocated Memory: 49.933M
Program Text: 6.578M
Program Data: 636.000K
Program Stack: 4.781M
Field |
Description |
Physical Memory |
Available physical memory on the router. |
Application Memory |
Current memory usage of all the processes on the router. |
Image |
Memory that is currently used by the image and available memory. |
Reserved |
Total reserved memory. |
IOMem |
Available I/O memory. |
flashfsys |
Total flash memory. |
Shared window fibv6 |
Internal shared window information. |
Shared window PFI_IFH |
Internal shared window information. |
Shared window aib |
Internal shared window information. |
Shared window infra_statsd |
Internal shared window information. |
Shared window ipv4_fib |
Internal shared window information. |
Shared window atc_cache |
Internal shared window information. |
Shared window qad |
Internal shared window information. |
Total shared window |
Internal shared window information. |
Allocated Memory |
Amount of memory allocated for the specified node. |
Program Text |
Internal program test information. |
Program Data |
Internal program data information. |
Program Stack |
Internal program stack information. |
Related Commands
Command | Description |
Displays information about the heap space for a process. | |
Displays information about active processes. |
show memory compare
To display details about heap memory usage for all processes on the router at different moments in time and compare the results, use the show memory compare command in EXEC or administration EXEC mode.
show memory compare { start | end | report }
Syntax Description
start |
Takes the initial snapshot of heap memory usage for all processes on the router and sends the report to a temporary file named /tmp/memcmp_start.out. |
end |
Takes the second snapshot of heap memory usage for all processes on the router and sends the report to a temporary file named /tmp/memcmp_end.out. This snapshot is compared with the initial snapshot when displaying the heap memory usage comparison report. |
report |
Displays the heap memory comparison report, comparing heap memory usage between the two snapshots of heap memory usage. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Administration EXEC
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Release 2.0 |
This command was introduced. |
Release 3.2 |
The command was made available in administration EXEC mode. |
Usage Guidelines
Use the show memory compare command to display details about the heap memory usage of all processes on the router at different moments in time and compare the results. This command is useful for detecting patterns of memory usage during events such as restarting processes or configuring interfaces.
Use the following steps to create and compare memory snapshots:
Enter the show memory compare command with the start keyword to take the initial snapshot of heap memory usage for all processes on the router.
The snapshot is similar to that resulting from entry of the show memory heap command with the optional summary keyword.
Perform the test you want to analyze.
Enter the show memory compare command with the end keyword to take the snapshot of heap memory usage to be compared with the initial snapshot.
Enter the show memory compare command with the report keyword to display the heap memory usage comparison report.
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
basic-services |
read |
This example shows sample output from the show memory compare command with the report keyword:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show memory compare report
JID name mem before mem after difference mallocs restarted
--- ---- ---------- --------- ---------- ------- ---------
84 driver_infra_partner 577828 661492 83664 65
279 gsp 268092 335060 66968 396
236 snap_transport 39816 80816 41000 5
237 mpls_lsd_agent 36340 77340 41000 5
268 fint_partner 24704 65704 41000 5
90 null_caps_partner 25676 66676 41000 5
208 aib 55320 96320 41000 5
209 ipv4_io 119724 160724 41000 5
103 loopback_caps_partne 33000 74000 41000 5
190 ipv4_arm 41432 82432 41000 5
191 ipv6_arm 33452 74452 41000 5
104 sysldr 152164 193164 41000 5
85 nd_partner 37200 78200 41000 5
221 clns 61520 102520 41000 5
196 parser_server 1295440 1336440 41000 5
75 bundlemgr_distrib 57424 98424 41000 5
200 arp 83720 124720 41000 5
201 cdp 56524 97524 41000 5
204 ether_caps_partner 39620 80620 41000 5
206 qosmgr 55624 96624 41000 5
240 imd_server 92880 104680 11800 28
260 improxy 77508 88644 11136 10
111 nrssvr 29152 37232 8080 60
275 sysdb_svr_local 1575532 1579056 3524 30
205 cfgmgr 31724 33548 1824 25
99 sysdb_svr_shared 1131188 1132868 1680 14
51 mbus-rp 26712 27864 1152 4
66 wdsysmon 298068 299216 1148 15
168 netio 1010912 1012060 1148 6
283 itrace_manager 17408 17928 520 3
59 devc-conaux 109868 110300 432 4
67 syslogd_helper 289200 289416 216 2
117 fctl 41596 41656 60 2
54 sysmgr 171772 171076 -696 -5
269 ifmgr 539308 530652 -8656 -196 *
Field |
Description |
Process job ID. |
name |
Process name. |
mem before |
Heap memory usage at start (in bytes). |
mem after |
Heap memory usage at end (in bytes). |
difference |
Difference in heap memory usage (in bytes). |
mallocs |
Number of unfreed allocations made during the test period. |
restarted |
Indicates if the process was restarted during the test period. |
Related Commands
Command | Description |
Displays information about the heap space for a process. | |
Displays information about active processes. |
show memory heap
To display information about the heap space for a process, use the show memory heap command in EXEC or administration EXEC mode.
show memory heap [allocated] [dllname] [failure] [free] { jobid | all }
Syntax Description
allocated |
(Optional) Displays a list of all allocated heap blocks. |
dllname |
(Optional) Displays heaps with dynamic link library (DLL) names. |
failure |
(Optional) Displays a summary of heap failures. |
free |
(Optional) Displays a list of all free heap blocks. |
summary |
(Optional) Displays a summary of the information about the heap space. |
job-id |
Job ID associated with the process instance. |
all |
(Optional) Displays information about the heap space for all processes. The all keyword is only available when the failure or summary keywords are used. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Administration EXEC
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Release 2.0 |
This command was introduced. |
Release 3.2 |
The command was made available in administration EXEC mode. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes appropriate task IDs. If the user group assignment is preventing you from using a command, contact your AAA administrator for assistance.
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
basic-services |
read |
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show memory heap 111
Malloc summary for pid 16433:
Heapsize 16384: allocd 6328, free 8820, overhead 1236
Calls: mallocs 144; reallocs 73; frees 5; [core-allocs 1; core-frees 0]
Block Allocated List
Total Total Block Name/ID/Caller
Usize Size Count
0x000008c1 0x000008cc 0x00000001 0x7c018a10
0x000005ac 0x00000974 0x00000079 0x7c02b9e0
0x000004f0 0x000004f8 0x00000001 0x7c02b6fc
0x00000080 0x00000088 0x00000001 0x7c01936c
0x00000034 0x00000048 0x00000001 0x7c018954
0x00000024 0x00000030 0x00000001 0x7c019278
0x00000018 0x00000020 0x00000001 0x7c019b2c
0x00000008 0x00000010 0x00000001 0x7c017178
0x00000008 0x00000010 0x00000001 0x7c00fb54
0x00000008 0x00000010 0x00000001 0x7c00fb80
0x00000008 0x00000010 0x00000001 0x7c00fbb8
Field |
Description |
Malloc summary for pid |
System-defined process ID (PID). |
Heapsize |
Size of the heap as allocated from the system by the malloc library. |
allocd |
Bytes allocated to the process. |
free |
Bytes available in the heap. |
overhead |
Malloc library overhead in bytes. |
mallocs |
Number of malloc calls. |
reallocs |
Number of realloc calls. |
frees |
Number of invocations to the caller interface provided in the malloc library for deallocating the memory. |
[core-allocs 1; core-frees 0] |
Number of core memory units, the memory units in the malloc library allocated by the system for the heap, allocated, and freed. |
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show memory heap summary 65
Malloc summary for pid 20495 process pcmciad:
Heapsize 65536: allocd 40332, free 16568, overhead 8636
Calls: mallocs 883; reallocs 3; frees 671; [core-allocs 4; core-frees 0]
Band size 16, element per block 48, nbuint 1
Completely free blocks: 0
Block alloced: 2, Block freed: 0
allocs: 85, frees: 20
allocmem: 1040, freemem: 496, overhead: 448
blocks: 2, blknodes: 96
Band size 24, element per block 34, nbuint 1
Completely free blocks: 0
Block alloced: 1, Block freed: 0
allocs: 243, frees: 223
allocmem: 480, freemem: 336, overhead: 168
blocks: 1, blknodes: 34
Band size 32, element per block 26, nbuint 1
Completely free blocks: 0
Block alloced: 1, Block freed: 0
allocs: 107, frees: 97
allocmem: 320, freemem: 512, overhead: 136
blocks: 1, blknodes: 26
Band size 40, element per block 22, nbuint 1
Completely free blocks: 0
Block alloced: 2, Block freed: 0
allocs: 98, frees: 74
allocmem: 960, freemem: 800, overhead: 240
blocks: 2, blknodes: 44
Band size 48, element per block 18, nbuint 1
Completely free blocks: 0
Block alloced: 1, Block freed: 0
allocs: 53, frees: 42
allocmem: 528, freemem: 336, overhead: 104
blocks: 1, blknodes: 18
Band size 56, element per block 16, nbuint 1
Completely free blocks: 0
Block alloced: 1, Block freed: 0
allocs: 8, frees: 4
allocmem: 224, freemem: 672, overhead: 96
blocks: 1, blknodes: 16
Band size 64, element per block 14, nbuint 1
Completely free blocks: 0
Block alloced: 1, Block freed: 0
allocs: 6, frees: 2
allocmem: 256, freemem: 640, overhead: 88
blocks: 1, blknodes: 14
Band size 72, element per block 12, nbuint 1
Completely free blocks: 0
Block alloced: 1, Block freed: 0
allocs: 1, frees: 0
allocmem: 72, freemem: 792, overhead: 80
blocks: 1, blknodes: 12
Field |
Description |
Malloc summary for pid |
System-defined process ID (pid). |
Heapsize |
Size of the heap as allocated from the system by the malloc library. |
allocd |
Bytes allocated to the process. |
free |
Bytes available in the heap. |
overhead |
Malloc library overhead in bytes. |
mallocs |
Number of malloc calls. |
reallocs |
Number of realloc calls. |
frees |
Number of invocations to the caller interface provided in the malloc library for deallocating the memory. |
[core-allocs 1; core-frees 0] |
Number of core memory units, the memory units in the malloc library allocated by the system for the heap, allocated and freed. |
Band size |
Small memory elements are arranged in bands. The band size specifies the size of elements within the band. |
element per block |
Number of elements per block in the band. |
nbunit |
Number of memory unit one block consists of. Any block in any band should be of a size that is an integer multiple of this basic unit. |
Completely free blocks |
Number of blocks in the band completely free (available for allocation). |
Block alloced |
Number of blocks currently allocated for the band. |
allocs |
Number of allocations currently performed from the band. |
frees |
Number of free calls that resulted in memory being returned to the band. |
allocmem |
Amount of memory currently allocated from the band. |
overhead |
Amount of memory in bytes as overhead for managing the band. |
blocks |
Number of blocks currently in the band. |
blknodes |
Number of nodes (elements) in all the blocks in the band. |
Related Commands
Command | Description |
Displays the available physical memory and memory usage information of processes on the router. |
show processes
To display information about active processes, use the show processes command in EXEC or administration EXEC mode.
show processes { job-id | process-name | aborts | all | blocked | boot | cpu | distribution process-name | dynamic | failover | family | files | location node-id | log | mandatory | memory | pidin | searchpath | signal | startup | threadname } [ location node-id ] [detail] [run]
Syntax Description
job-id |
Job identifier for which information for only the process instance associated with the job-id argument is displayed. |
process-name |
Process name for which all simultaneously running instances are displayed, if applicable. |
aborts |
Displays process abort information. |
all |
Displays summary process information for all processes. |
blocked |
Displays details about reply, send, and mutex blocked processes. |
boot |
Displays process boot information. |
cpu |
Displays CPU usage for each process. |
distribution |
Displays the distribution of processes. |
dynamic |
Displays process data for dynamically created processes. |
failover |
Displays process switchover information. |
family |
Displays the process session and family information. |
files |
Displays information about open files and open communication channels. |
location node-id |
Displays information about the active processes from a designated node. The node-id argument is entered in the rack/slot/module notation. |
log |
Displays process log. |
mandatory |
Displays process data for mandatory processes. |
memory |
Displays information about the text, data, and stack usage for processes. |
pidin |
Displays all processes using the QNX command. |
searchpath |
Displays the search path. |
signal |
Displays the signal options for blocked, pending, ignored, and queued signals. |
startup |
Displays process data for processes created at startup. |
threadname |
Displays thread names. |
detail |
(Optional) Displays more detail. This option is available only with the process-name argument. |
run |
(Optional) Displays information for only running processes. This option is available only with the process-name argument. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Administration EXEC
Command History
Release |
Modification |
Release 2.0 |
This command was introduced. |
Release 3.2 |
The command was made available in administration EXEC mode. |
Release 3.5.0 |
The use of this command with no keywords or arguments was not supported. |
Usage Guidelines
Use the show processes command to display general information about the active processes. To display more detailed information for a process, specify a job ID or process for the job-id argument or process-name argument, respectively.
You can also use the monitor processes command to determine the top processes and threads based on CPU usage.
Task ID
Task ID |
Operations |
basic-services |
read |
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show processes ospf Job Id: 261 PID: 139453 Executable path: /crs-rout-0.44.0/bin/ospf Instance #: 1 Version ID: 00.00.0000 Respawn: ON Respawn count: 1 Max. spawns per minute: 12 Last started: Wed Mar 17 07:46:26 2004 Process state: Run Package state: Normal Started on config: cfg/gl/ipv4-ospf/proc/100/ord_a/routerid core: TEXT SHAREDMEM MAINMEM Max. core: 0 Mandatory: ON Placement: ON startup_path: /pkg/startup/ospf.startup Process cpu time: 0.410 user, 0.183 kernel, 0.593 total JID TID LastCPU Stack pri state HR:MM:SS:MSEC NAME 261 1 0 40K 10 Receive 0:00:00:0397 ospf 261 2 1 40K 10 Receive 0:00:00:0003 ospf 261 3 0 40K 10 Receive 0:00:00:0007 ospf 261 4 1 40K 10 Condvar 0:00:00:0000 ospf --More--
Field |
Description |
Job id |
Job ID. This field remains constant over process restarts. |
Process ID. This field changes when process is restarted. |
Executable path |
Path for the process executable. |
Instance |
There may be more than one instance of a process running at a given time (each instance may have more than one thread). |
Version ID |
API version. |
Respawn |
ON or OFF. The field indicates if this process restarts automatically in case of failure. |
Respawn count |
Number of times this process has been started or restarted (that is, the first start makes this count 1). |
Max. spawns per minute |
Number of respawns not to be exceeded in 1 minute. If this number is exceeded, the process stops restarting. |
Last started |
Date and time the process was last started. |
Process state |
Current state of the process. |
Started on config |
Configuration command that started (or would start) this process. |
core |
Memory segments to include in core file. |
Max. core |
Number of times to dump a core file. 0 = infinity. |
The show processes command with the memory keyword displays details of memory usage for a given process or for all processes, as shown in the following example:
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show processes memory
JID Text Data Stack Dynamic Process
55 28672 4096 69632 17072128 eth_server
317 167936 4096 45056 10526720 syslogd
122 512000 4096 77824 9797632 bgp
265 57344 4096 57344 5877760 parser_server
254 40960 4096 143360 3084288 netio
63 8192 4096 24576 2314240 nvram
314 4096 4096 36864 1699840 sysdb_svr_local
341 495616 4096 40960 1576960 wdsysmon
259 53248 4096 28672 1490944 nvgen_server
189 32768 4096 32768 1425408 hd_drv
69 77824 4096 110592 1421312 qnet
348 323584 4096 40960 1392640 ospf
347 323584 4096 40960 1392640 ospf
346 323584 4096 40960 1392640 ospf
345 323584 4096 40960 1392640 ospf
344 323584 4096 40960 1392640 ospf
261 323584 4096 40960 1392640 ospf
Field |
Description |
Text |
Size of text region (process executable). |
Data |
Size of data region (initialized and uninitialized variables). |
Stack |
Size of process stack. |
Dynamic |
Size of dynamically allocated memory. |
Process |
Process name. |
RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router# show processes all
82 03/16/2007 14:54:52.488 Run 1 M Y wd-mbi(1)
58 03/16/2007 14:54:52.488 Run 1 M Y dllmgr(1)-r 60 -u 30
74 03/16/2007 14:54:52.488 Run 1 M Y pkgfs(1)
57 03/16/2007 14:54:52.488 Run 1 Y devc-conaux(1) -h -d
librs232.dll -m
libconaux.dll -u
76 03/16/2007 14:54:52.488 Run 1 Y devc-pty(1) -n 32
56 Not configured None 0 Y clock_chip(1) -r -b
Field |
Description |
Job ID. |
Last Started |
Date when the process was last started. |
State |
State of the process. |
Restart |
Number of times the process has restarted since the node was booted. If a node is reloaded, the restart count for all processes is reset. Normally, this value is 1, because usually processes do not restart. However, if you restart a process using the process restart command, the restart count for the process increases by one. |
Placement |
Indicates whether the process is a placeable process or not. Most processes are not placeable, so the value is blank. ISIS, OSPF, and BGP are examples of placeable processes. |
Mandatory |
M indicates that the process is mandatory. A mandatory process must be running. If a mandatory process cannot be started (for example, sysmgr starts it but it keeps crashing), after five attempts the sysmgr causes the node to reload in an attempt to correct the problem. A node cannot function properly if a mandatory process is not running. |
Maint Mode |
Indicates processes that should be running when a node is in maintenance mode. Maintenance mode is intended to run as few processes as possible to perform diagnostics on a card when a problem is suspected. However, even the diagnostics require some services running. |
Name (IID) |
Name of the process followed by the instance ID. A process can have multiple instances running, so the IID is the instance ID. |
Args |
Command-line arguments to the process. |
Related Commands
Command | Description |
monitor processes | Displays auto-updating statistics on processes in a full-screen mode. |
Displays auto-updating statistics on threads in a full-screen mode. |